Business Plan Sumaiya

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Industry analysis


PEST analysis measures the political, economical, social and

technological factors that impact a business. PEST analysis provides
an understanding of the wider business environment, may raise
consciousness of potential threats to our business’s running
profitability and can help to forecast future difficulties.

Political factors Economical factors

 Government tax policies such as  Rise in interest rates on loan.

increasing tax on food products, sales tax.  Economic recession or downturn that
 Labor rate such as government might will affect the profitability of the
increase minimum wages which will consumers.
impact the running costs of the business.  Rise in inflation will increase our raw
 New regulations and standards such as materials cost.
new law by the government.

Social factors
Technological factors
 Because of the effects of industrial
waste mismanagement people of this  Innovation and automatic.
 Technological advancement in social
era have become conscious towards
media promotion can improve
choosing and buying the right
advertising strategies to reach more
products, which makes it a tough people.
challenge for the companies like ours  Better equipment can improve our
to thrive for undertaking better production.
Bangladeshi Paper market is large and growing but the pace of growth is declining
because of increase in cost of production due to rapid increase in Fuel and Energy
prices. Despite of the constraints, the market will grow because of the increase in
demand of paper products forthcoming years. Per capita paper consumption is
showing increasing trend over the years. In the period 2001-02, the consumption
took huge jump showing the increase in need of paper in daily life. Bangladesh’s
share in World consumption, although very minute, is increasing over time. From
almost 0 percent in 1961, this share increased to 0.02% in 2010. The information
stated above shows that there is huge potential in Paper Market as the per capita
consumption is increasing over the years

The information stated above shows that there is huge potential in Paper
Market as the per capita consumption is increasing over the years.

Competitive analysis:
Competitive analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of
the strength and weakness of current and potential competitors. These analysis
provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify
opportunities and threats.
Our competitors will be the paper manufacturers, bag producers (paper,
polythene etc), paper raw material related industries etc. Our business is
not restricted to paper making or raw material generation; we want to be
more diversified in order to be in sustainable position. In this way, majority
of the industries that directly related with paper manufacturing will be our
list of our competitors are:

No: Particulars

1. Holy Trading Corporation

Address: 24/A Bijoynagar (Ground floor)
City: Dhaka
country: Bangladesh.
Telephone: +880-2-9342458, 8312275.
Fax: +880-2-9881963, 8319703.

Reliance Corporation
24, Kamal Ataturk Avenue,
A-R tower (5th floor), Banani
City Dhaka - 1213
Country Bangladesh
Telephone +880-2-9887626, 9886084
Fax +880-2-8829367

Market Segmentation:

Considering the use of paper products, our target customers could be an

individual, a corporation or government. In addition, existing paper
manufacturing companies can also use our recycled pulp for their paper
manufacturing, in this way we can also be the raw material provider for
the industry.
Industry & Market Forecast:

Despite minor fluctuations in the consumption of paper over the years, it is

showing an increasing trend. From the data of 50 Years, we can predict
that in future this demand will be increasing, as a result of production
capacities will be needed to be increased to meet the world demand.

Mission, vision and corporate goal:

Our mission is: “Save the environment by saving the trees”

Our vision is: “To save the environment by reducing deforestation to produce
paper products and also to make the paper-packaging industry self-dependant by
eliminating the need for imported raw materials.”

Our corporate goal: Adapting latest international technology to math paper

requirement. Accelerate growth through brand building. Continuous research and
product development. To utilize the maximum production 

Target Customers: We would be focusing on two segments of customers:

Business Buyers: Individual Customers:

Food shops that need one-time-use Customers with green preference

food packages lifestyle, concerned about pollution,
(box/glass/plate/serving tray) aware of environment and eager to
support green movement and who
Branded apparel or other store that
are willing to pay for quality product
use good-quality paper bags with
over low price.
their own logo. Any company that is
enthusiastic about green marketing
or can be drawn to green marketing.
Marketing plan


Normal market price will be charged for paper pulps to paper making
industry with some credit facilities.
Normal market price will be charged for paper products to wholesale
dealers with some extra credit facilities & discount according to purchase

Distribution strategy:

Considering the use of paper products, our target customers could be an

individual, a corporation or government. In addition, existing paper manufacturing
companies can also use our recycled pulp for their paper manufacturing, in this
way we can also be the raw material provider for the industry. So we will
distribute our pulps by ourselves & paper products by wholesale & retail seller.

Promotion strategy:

Customers are not waiting for our product to be launched instead we are
providing them a substitute to a more expensive product. In order to be
successful, we need to introduce ourselves to the market. For this purpose,
the strategy we follow is we will be communicating our product through
the following ways:

 Website: Ours will have its own website designed with sample paper made products
and related prices. All the necessary details required to customize products will be
provided. Besides, we will also give pop-up advertisements in famous and regular web
pages like, facebook, twitter, yahoo etc.
 Newspapers and magazine: We will give advertisements monthly with its sample
products mainly highlighting its environment-friendly features. Newspapers will include
the most popular Bangla and English newspapers.

 Billboards: Billboards will be set up in strategically important points emphasizing the

features and exclusive environmental attributes of the tree-free products.

Organizational plan

Form of Ownership:

The business will be operated as a private limited company under the business
name of ZAS Paper Recycling Plant for All. The business will include ashraful islam,
sumaiya aktar, Hatem ibrahim, arbi rahman and shahriar rahi as partners each
owning 20% shares of the business.

Authority of principals: ………………………………………………………………….?

Managerial team: …………………………………………………………………………..?

Assessment of risks:
evaluating strength and weakness of business, SWOT analysis:
Strength Weakness

 Low price  Low availability of Machineries

 Environment friendly  Lack of Human expertise in
 Low resource consumption recycling industry.
 Less garbage in the society  People may not accept this
product if we don’t market it
 Lack of market for collected
 Lack of funding for recycling

Opportunity Threats

 Employment opportunities  Firms may react negatively on the

 Demand supple gap creates a room embellishment, and it may
for our business negatively affect our profitability
 Purchasing power of the people will and sustainability.
be increased so that they will favour
our products

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