계열/학부/학과: 학번: 고유번호: 성명:
수업요일 및 담당교수명: ( , )요일 ( )교수 자필서명:
H He <주의 사항>
Li Be B C N O F Ne 1. 답은 지정된 자리에 반드시 영문(English)으로 기입할 것.
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 2. 시험 시간은 60분임. 400점 만점 (full score = 400 pt).
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 3. 문제지는 1장(2면)임. 연습지 및 영한사전 사용 불가.
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 4. 계산문제는 풀이과정을 반드시 밝힐 것.(단위, 유효숫자에 유의)
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 5. 계산기 사용 무방하나 빌려 쓰지는 못함.
Fr Ra Ac 6. gas constant R = 8.314 J/mol⦁K = 0.0821 L⦁atm/mol⦁K
3. A 1.0 L solution contains 0.010 M of Mn(NO3)2. NaOH(s) is 8. Write the name of the ligands or chemical formula of the
added until the pH of the solution is 8.50. Is this concentration followings. [5 pt each]
of NaOH enough to have Mn(OH)2(s)? (a) O ( oxo ) (b) CO ( carbonyl )
Ksp for Mn(OH)2 = 2.0 ´ 10–12. [15 pt] (c) Potassium hexachlorochromate(III) ( K3[Cr(Cl)6] )
E0=+0.80-(-0.76)=1.56 V n = 2
o o
5. Given the following data, calculate the normal boiling point for -nFE =-2☓96500☓1.56= -301 kJ/mol = -2.303 RT log K (= ΔG )
formic acid (HCOOH). [15 pt] ∴ o
log K = nFE /2.303RT = 301,000/(2.303☓8.314☓298)=52.753
DHf°(kJ/mol) S°(J/mol K) K= 5.66☓1052 (K = 1.0 x 1052 to 9.9 x 1053 is OK.)
HCOOH(l) –410.0 130.0
HCOOH(g) –363 251.1 (2) Calculate voltage of a whole cell made of Fe2+(aq, 0.0010
M)/Fe3+(aq, 1.0 M) half cell and Cu2+(aq, 0.10 M)/Cu(s) half cell.
2Fe3+(aq)+Cu(s) 2Fe2+(aq)+Cu2+(aq) E0=0.771-0.337=+0.434 V
= +0.44-0.0591/2☓log[0.0012☓0.1/12]=+0.44 + 0.207
= +0.65 V
6. Water gas, a commercial fuel, is made by the reaction of hot
coke carbon with steam. When equilibrium is established at
11. Draw the final products in [ ]. [15 pt each]
844°C the concentrations of CO, H2, and H2O are 4.00 ´ 10–2,
–2 –2
4.00 ´ 10 , and 1.00 ´ 10 mole/liter, respectively. Calculate the
value of DG° for this reaction at 844°C.
C(s) + H2O(g) → CO(g) + H2(g) [20 pt]
(1) CH3CO2H
12. Write the structures for all possible isomers of C6H4Cl2 that
contains a phenyl ring. [20 pt]
7. Fill up the electron configuration (in t2g and eg) for the
following complexes containing for Co3+ and Co2+ using crystal
field model. Indicate spin and magnetic properties. [10 pt each]
t2g eg
(a) [Co(NH3)6]3+ _ _ _⇅_ _⇅_ __ __ 13. Identify all chiral carbon atom(s) in the following structure
with an asterisk(*). [13 pt]
( low )-spin; ( dia )-magnetic