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M1 Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of

Media and Information (Part 1)

Social Media consists of web-based tools, platforms

which main focus is for the users to engage,
collaborate, create and share contents over the


Kaplan and Haenlein classify social media into:

1. social presence – the type of sensorial interaction

2. media richness – amount of data transmitted in a
time interval
3. self-presentation/self-disclosure – the degree of
freedom and control in creating one’s personal

The degree of social presence, media richness and

self-presentation/self-disclosure depends on the kind of
web-based tools and platforms used.

Opportunity is connected to advancement, progress

whereas challenges is associated to difficulty, problems

M2 Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of

Media and Information (Part 2)
Cybercrime - is one of the challenges people face
nowadays. It is the use of a computer as an instrument
to further illegal ends.


1. Age-inappropriate content - children should not
access websites, pages containing adult pornography.

2. Illegal content (i.e. racism and child pornography)

- Any contents deemed as illegal by national laws
should not be accessed by children and young people.

3. Lack of Verification of Content - Not everything

people read online is true. People have to keep an eagle
eye when checking information online
Adaptability: Getting the right information at the right
place for the right student.
4. Incitement of harm - There are websites promoting
harms such as bullying, anorexia, suicide, etc.
M4 Current and Future Trends of Media and
Information (Part 2)
5. Infringement of human rights / defamation -
These actions are harmful to children and young people Wearable technology - also known as wearables
which may arise to misleading information. connect people to their devices.

The earliest reported wearable technology was abacus

6. Inappropriate advertisement and marketing to ring embedded with a SILVER ABACUS, a relic from
children - Most of the children are not aware with the the Qing Dynasty in China
danger when they fill out private information (i.e. name,
age, gender, email address, etc.)

7. Privacy - Awareness is vital so that they exercise

proper judgment when posting, sharing and publishing
information publicly.

8. Copyright Infringement - refers to copying of one's

work without the permission of the owner

M3 Current and Future Trends of Media and

Information (Part 1)

Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) - An online

course that offers open access via the Internet for free
or at a low cost.

3D environment is also known as interactive 3D or

real-time 3D. it is widely used in entertainment, retail,
healthcare, manufacturing, design, and even in

M5 Media and Information Literate

Ubiquitous Learning - defined as learning at any Individual (Part 1)
time, at any place using computer or desktop and
literacy is defined as the ability to read and write and
develop numeracy skills.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization popularly - known as UNESCO
Permanency: Learning materials are always available established that literacy has evolved beyond reading,
unless purposely deleted writing, and counting. Aside from these skills, an
individual should have broader skills such as functional
Accessibility: Access from everywhere as personally literacy and a foundation for lifelong learning.

Immediacy: Wherever a student is, he/she can

immediately access learning materials.

Interactivity: Online collaboration with teachers

and/or peers (chat/blogs/forums)

Situated instructional Activities: Learning in context

factcheck media on their own or in collaboration with
M6-7 Media and Information Literate
3. Social Journalism - Journalists are using social
Individual (Part 2)
media to make their content available to more people

Aufderheide (1992 as cited in Koltay, 2011) describes a 4. Crowdsourcing - the practice of obtaining needed
media literate individual as a “person who can services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions
decode, evaluate, analyze and produce both print from a large group of people and especially from the
and electronic media. online community

1. Improved Quality of Life - People who are

media, information and technology literate are
believed to experience an improved quality of PEOPLE IN MEDIA
They are actually “media practitioners.” They provide
2. Greater Political Participation - This entails facts through their expertise or first-hand experience of
Filipinos should enjoy the freedom to speak out events. People in the media are those engaged in
with vigilance or awareness, take part in the media forms that are mainly involved in print,
political and electoral process and participate broadcast, film, new media and gaming.
fully in all aspects of government affairs

3. Better Economic Opportunities - We must

remember that innovation is dependent on TYPES OF JOURNALIST BY MEDIUM
skilled, knowledgeable and productive citizenry.
For e-commerce to flourish, people need to
Print Journalists - These are the people behind print
adapt on the present technology.
media. They are the ones who utilize knowledge, facts
and other information through text, specifically like
4. Improved Learning Environment - Media
books, newspapers and magazines.
literacy education promotes learning beyond
the books, the use of senses and application of
Photojournalists - Photojournalists are different from
critical thinking skills.
traditional photographers in that they are more
interested in capturing images that tell a story than
5. More Cohesive Social Units - Active and
ones that just look nice.
productive citizens who are media and
information literate make up a more cohesive
Broadcast Journalists - Broadcast journalism
social unit.
encompasses both television and radio news.

Multimedia Journalist - This is the newest field of

M8 People Media journalism and the fastest-growing.


People Media refers to persons that are involved in the M9 Text Information and Media (Part 1)
use, analysis, evaluation and production of media and
information. They are the sources of information and
a simple and flexible format of presenting information
responsible in disseminating that information.
or conveying ideas whether handwritten, printed or
displayed on-screen
- People in Media are media practitioners which
Formal text – based materials are created and
means they are media related professionals
distributed by established institutions (such as
publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and go
through a rigorous process of editing or evaluation and
- people as media are not media practitioners
are usually governed by censorship of the state.
but rather media users.
Informal text – comes from personal opinions or views
on different issues, processes, etc.

1. Opinion Leaders – They are highly exposed to and Types of Text and Common File Format
actively using media.

2. Citizen Journalism - People without professional Plaintext or Unformatted Text -fixed sized characters
journalism training can use the tools of modern having essentially the same type of appearance.
technology and internet to create, augment or
Formatted Text - appearance can be changed using THE COMMON FILE FORMAT
font parameters (bold, underline, italic, font size, font
color, etc.) TXT (text) - Unformatted text document by an editor
as notepad on Windows platform.
Hypertext - serve to link different electronic
documents and enable users to jump from one to other DOC (document) - A native format for storing
in a nonlinear way. documents created by MS Word package.

RTF (Rich Text Format) - Cross platform document

exchange; default format for Mac OS X’s default editor
Text Edit.

PDF (Portable Document Format) - Developed by

Adobe systems for cross platform exchange of
documents, supports image and graphics.

PS (PostScript) - A page description language used

mainly for desktop publishing.

M10 Text Information and Media (Part 2)
In the formatted text, we control the general
appearance of the characters, from the changing of
typeface or fonts such as bold, italics, underline, font Formal text-based materials - produced and
sizes and colors. published by existing organizations (such as publishing
firms, news agencies, etc.)

TYPES OF TYPEFACES Informal text-based materials - come from personal

thoughts or views on different topics, processes, etc.
1. SERIF - connotes formality and readability in large
amount of texts.
M11 Visual Information and Media (Part 1)
2. SANS SERIF - brings a clean or minimalist look to
the text.
3. SLAB SERIF - carries a solid or heavy look to text. Visual Media and Information - are materials,
4. Script - draws much attention to itself because of its program, applications and the like that teachers and
brush-like strokes. students use to formulate new information to aid
5. Decorative- caters to a wide variety of emotions learning through the use, analysis, evaluation, and
such as celebration, fear, horror, etc. production of visual images.

DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS Types of Visual Media - photography, video,

screenshots, infographics, data visualization (charts
and graphs), comic strips/cartoons, memes, visual note
1. Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given taking, etc.
to a part of the textbased content.
Purpose of visual Information – the primary purpose
2. Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable of visual information is to gain attention, create
the text is used for a specific audience, purpose or meaning and facilitate retention.

3. Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text

elements from each other. COMMON VISUAL MEDIA FORMAT

4. Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned in

the page.

5. Organization - refers to a conscious effort to

organize the different text elements in a page.

6. Repetition- concerns consistency of elements and

the unity of the entire design.

7. Contrast- creates visual interest to text elements. ELEMENTS OF DESIGN

Contrast is achieved when two elements are different
from each other.
Line - Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, straight,
curved, dotted, broken, thick & thi
ELEMENTS OF DESIGN Visual Message Design - Refers to design principles
and elements in the production of visual media and
information that take into consideration the visual
Space - 2D( two dimensionals)/flat Geometric (square, perception of the audience in regards with their prior
circle, oval, triangle Organic (All other shapes) knowledge, culture, etc.

Form - 3D(three dimensional) Geometric (cube, Selection Criteria - Refers to the set of standards for
sphere,cone) Organic(people,animals,tables, etc.) the analysis, design, development, implementation and
evaluation of media and information for effective and
Colour - Value or the Lightness/darkness, Intensity or efficient integration to the learning process.
Saturation /pigment, Temperature or warm/cool
Texture - The feel, appearance, thickness of a surface.
(Smooth, rough, silky, furry)
1). Defining the problem
Space - The are around, within or between images or 2). Providing structure
part of an image. Positive and negative space. 3) Providing clarity
4). Providing simplicity
Value - The darkness or lightness of a color. White 5) Providing emphasis
added to a color makes it a tint. Black added to color 6) Providing unity.
makes it a shade
Analysis in Visual Information and Media - It
involves keep observation that leads to deeper
understanding and art appreciation.

Pattern - A regular arrangements of alternated or

repeated elements
M13 Audio Information and Media
Contrast - The juxtaposition of different elements of
design( example: rought and smooth texture, dark and
Audio - sound, especially when recorded, transmitted,
light values)
or reproduced.
Emphasis - Special attention/importance given to one
Audio Media - media communication that uses audio
part of a work of art. (example: a dark shape in a light
or recordings to deliver and transfer information
through the means of sound.
Balance - A feeling of balance results when the
elements of design are arranged symmetrically or SOURCES AND TYPES
asymmetrically to create impression of equality in
weight or importance Radio Broadcast - live or recorded audio sent through
radio waves to reach a wide audience.
Proportion/Scale - The relationship between objects
with respect to size, number and so on, Including the Audio Book - an audiocassette or CD recording of a
relation between parte of a whole reading of a book.

Harmony - The arrangements of elements to give the Music - Vocal or instrumental sounds combined in a
viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece form a way as to create beauty of form, harmony, and
coherent whole. emotional expression.

Rhythm/Movement - The use of recurring elements to Sound Recording - recording of an interview, meeting,
direct the movement of the eye through the artwork. or any sound from the environment.

Sound Clips/Effects - any sound artificially

reproduced to create an effect in an audio
M12 Visual Information and Media (Part 2)

Formally and Informally Produced Visual Media Audio Podcast - digital audio or video file or
created by formal organizations including colleges, recording, usually part of a themed series that can be
government, and existing media / publishing firms are downloaded from a website.
considered to be formally created.
FORMATS M14 Motion Information and Media

Definition and Types - Motion Information and Media

MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) is a form of media that make use of video or animation
a common format for consumer audio, as well as a technology. Its purpose is to communicate information
standard of digital audio compression for the transfer by watching moving text or graphics.
and playback of music on most digital audio players.
Informally generated means of motion are mostly
M4A / AAC (MPEG4 Audio / Advanced Audio Coding) produced for personal use by individuals that can be
an audio coding standard for lousy digital audio for social media use
Formally generated means of motion are created by
WAV - is a Microsoft audio file format standard for media companies or professionals who follow industry
storing an audio bit stream on PCs. It has become a standards in creating, editing and producing motion
standard file format for game sounds, among others media.

WMA (Windows Media Audio) - is an audio data Different examples of "motion media" are:
compression technology developed by Microsoft and A. animations
used with Windows Media Player B. television motion pictures
C. interactive videos
ELEMENTS OF SOUND DESIGN D. films, short films, and documentary films.

Dialogue - speech, conversation, voice-over. Selection Criteria and Characteristics - Know your
purpose or intention and your target audience. Good
Sound Effects - any sound other than music or motion media captures and keep the audience’s
dialogue. attention.

Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) Digital Formats - Animations like GIFs (Graphic
combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, Interchange Format), Flash and Shockwave; Dynamic
harmony, and expression of emotion. HMTL; and Video formats/codecs like MP4, DivX, MPG,
3GP, AVI, MKV, etc.
Silence - absence of audio or sound.


Mixing - the combination, balance and control of Direction - indicates a movement from one direction to
multiple sound elements. another.

Pace - time control; editing; order of events: linear, Speed- the rate at which the moving images is able to
non-linear, or multi-linear. move. Don’t be too fast.

Transitions - How you get from one segment or Timing- the choice, judgment, or control of when
element to another. something should be done.

Sound – vibrations that travel through the air or

another medium and can be heard.

A. Segue - one element stops, the next begins Color - is the property possessed by an object of
("cut" in film). producing different sensations on the eye as a result of
B. Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next the way the object reflects or emits light.
fades in, and they overlap on the way.
C. V-Fade - First element fades to inaudible Blurring- to make some part become unclear or less
before the second element begins. distinct.
D. Fade to Black - V-Fade with some silence
between elements.
E. Waterfall - As first element fades out, the M15 Manipulative Information and Media
second element begins at full volume. Better
for voice transitions, than for effects
Selection Criteria, Formally and Informally
F. Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel
Production - The production of formally produced
for depth.
manipulative media involve specialists concentrating
on designing and creating the appropriate resources
for text, audio, video, graphics, and animation
Texts are characters that are used to create words,
Activism - the action of using vigorous campaigning to sentences, and paragraphs. It is used in headlines,
bring about political or social change. subtitles, and slogans.

Advertising - the activity of producing advertisements Graphics - Still/static pictures typically accompany
for commercial products or services. text to illustrate the point or ideas the text makes.

Hoaxing - a humorous or malicious deception. Animation - It can illustrate how things work or present
information in entertaining ways.
Propagandizing - information, especially of a biased
or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a
particular political cause or point of view.
M17 Multimedia Information and
Media (Part 2)
Sources, Format and Types -Traditional manipulative
media are abacus, jigsaw puzzles, Lego, Rubik’s cube. Multimedia Analysis - If you are designing a video,
animation, textbook, ebook, powerpoint presentation,
Advantages, Limitations and Value - Manipulative or online lesson applying these multimedia principles
media teaches the students some values and skills to will improve the learning experience.
make them feel more knowledgeable and competent
Media Effects Is one medium better than another? (i.e.
Design Principles and Elements - Interactivity is the video versus text)
prime attribute of manipulative media because the
main goal is to involve a user in the application use. Multimedia Effects Is multimedia instruction effective?
(i.e. Single versus multiple representations)

Interaction Effects For whom is multimedia effective

M16 Multimedia Information and
(i.e. low prior knowledge versus high prior knowledge
Media (Part 1)

Multimedia means that computer information can be DESIGN PRINCIPLES

represented through video, audio and animation in
1. Coherence – People learn better when they remove,
addition to traditional media through text, drawings,
rather than include extraneous words, images, and
and graphics

2. Signaling – People learn better by incorporating tips

SOURCES AND TYPES that illustrate the necessary material's organization.
Text information- This can either be in written or
printed form, and tends to convey or share ideas and 3. Redundancy – People learn from visuals and
information. description more than from images, narration, and text
on the screen.
Visual information - Illustrations found in magazines,
books, photos, films, videos, paintings, illustrations, 4. Spatial Contiguity – On the page or screen, people
cartoons, prints, designs, and 3D art such as sculptures learn better when the related words and pictures are
and architectures. shown near and not far from one another.

Audio information - Supports the blinds/visually 5. Temporary Contiguity – People learn better at
impaired for story lines that visual media viewers are presenting corresponding words and pictures
watching. simultaneously rather than successively.

Motion information - This is the use of moving texts, 6. Segmenting – In learner-controlled segments,
images, or graphics to provide information on display. people learn more from a multimedia lesson, rather
than as a continuous unit.
Multimedia information - a combination of different
media format such as text, graphics, drawings, audio, 7. Pre-training – People learn more from a multimedia
photos, and videos with the help of computers. lesson when students know terms and behaviors of
system components.
Manipulative information - This refers to books,
software and the like that people use programs to build 8. Modality – Some people learn better when words are
new information to assist in the use of alphanumeric presented as narration rather than as on-screen text.
characters and symbols study, evaluation, and
development. 9. Multimedia – People learn better from words and
images more than from words alone.
10. Personalization – People learn better from
multimedia lessons when words are conversational
rather than formal.

11. Voice – People learn more when the narration is

delivered in a familiar human voice in interactive
classes, rather than in a machine voice.

12. Image – People do not necessarily learn better from

a multimedia lesson when the speaker’s image is added
to the screen.

M18 Multimedia Information and

Media (Part 3)


• Entertainment and Fine Arts (movies and animation,

interactive multimedia, others)

• Education such as computer-based training

courses, edutainment (blend of education and
entertainment, others)

• Engineering, Mathematical and Scientific Research

(modeling, simulation, others)

• Industry (presentation for shareholders, superiors

and coworkers, employee training, advertising and
marketing, others)

• Medicine (virtual surgery, simulation, others)

• Multimedia in Public Places (stand-alone terminals

and kiosks in hotels, railway stations, shopping malls,
museums, and grocery stores; digital bulletin boards;

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