The determination of the metallic iron content in the reduced iron ore concentrates is essential
to evaluate the reduction efficiency in the process metallurgy field. In this study, a redox
microtitration method was developed to determine the metallic iron content in the reduced
micron-sized iron ore concentrate particles. The effects of the dissolving time, dissolving
temperature, and the concentration of the FeCl3 solution as a reagent were investigated to
achieve an optimized titration condition. The results showed that the temperature for the
maximum solubility of the metallic iron content needed to be controlled below 25 C. A
stable metallic iron content highly close to the standard value was measured when the
dissolution time exceeded 40 minutes. The FeCl3 concentration of more than 100 g/L was
suitable for dissolving the total metallic iron. Highly purified commercial standard iron powders
were used to validate the developed method with good agreements between the measured data
and standard value. Finally, this method was used to determine the metallic iron content in the
reduced iron ore concentrate particle compared to the conventional titration method (standard
test method). The relative error was lower than 3.0 pct, which proved that this method was
accurate and reliable.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2022
Standard Measurement Items Sample Mass (g) Dissolution Reagent Titration Reagent
ISO-5416 metallic iron 0.5 Br2-CH3OH K2Cr2O7
ISO-16878[20] metallic iron 0.2 FeCl3 K2Cr2O7
ASTM E246-2001[21] total iron 0.5 HCl, H2SO4 K2Cr2O7
JIS M8212-2005[22] total iron 0.4 Na2CO3, Na2O2 K2Cr2O7
GB/T 38812.2-2020[23] metallic iron 0.1 FeCl3 K2Cr2O7
A. Materials
Six materials, including three commercial iron pow-
ders (denoted as Sample A, Sample B, and Sample C),
Fe2O3 powder, Fe3O4 powder, and iron ore concentrate
(Sample D), were used in this study. The chemical
compositions of all samples used in this study are given
in Table II. The particle sizes for samples A, B, and C
are 150 lm, 48 lm, and 38 lm, respectively, manufac-
Fig. 1—The schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus for
tured by Shanghai Macklin Biochemical Co., Ltd., reduced iron sample preparation.
China. According to the information from the vendor,
the purities of three commercial iron powders were 99.9,
99, and 98 pct, respectively. Moreover, Sample A is an
analytical reagent. Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 powders (purity 99 degrees were denoted as Sample D1 to D4, respectively.
pct, Shanghai Macklin Biochemical Co., Ltd., China) After reduction, H2 was shifted to N2 to cool down the
were used to mix with sample A to simulate the partially sample and prevent re-oxidization. The reduced sample
reduced iron ore concentrates with different reduction was collected after the furnace was cooled down.
degrees. Sample D was hematite powder (provided by The developed redox microtitration method used
Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd, China) with a particle different reagents in this study. H2SO4 (> 96.0 vol pct
size range of 43 to 50 lm. Shanghai Hushi Chemical Co., Ltd) was mixed with
The real reduced or partially reduced iron ore H3PO4 (> 85.0 vol pct, Shanghai Macklin Biochemical
concentrate samples were prepared in the high-temper- Co., Ltd) to prepare the H2SO4–H3PO4 mixed acid. The
ature tube furnace. The experimental apparatus is volume mixing ratios of H2SO4, H3PO4, and water were
shown in Figure 1, including gas cylinders, controlling 15:15:70. FeCl3 solution reagent (100 g/L) was prepared
system, heating furnace, gas transportation system, and with dissolving 10 g FeCl3 powder (‡ 99.9 wt pct purity,
sample basket (u25mm 9 40mm). The heating furnace Meryer (Shanghai) Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.,
consists of a reaction tube (u48 mm 9 1100 mm), China) in the deionized water (100 mL). Fe(NH4)2Æ(-
heating elements, and insulation layer inside the metal SO4)2Æ6H2O solution reagent (40 g/L) was prepared with
shell. The reduction reaction is carried out at atmo- dissolving 40 g Fe(NH4)2Æ(SO4)2Æ6H2O (99.5 wt pct
spheric pressure. Sample D was placed in the basket purity, Shanghai Aladdin Biochemical Technology Co.,
with one particle thickness inside the tube furnace. The Ltd, China.) into sulfuric acid and diluted to 1000 mL
tube furnace was heated up to 850 C at a heating rate of with deionized water. K2Cr2O7 standard solution (con-
10 C/min. The flow rate of N2 was set to 600 mL/min centration c(1/6K2Cr2O7) = 0.1000 mol/L) was pre-
before the reduction experiment to remove air. Then, the pared with dissolving 4.9036 g K2Cr2O7 (‡ 99.8 wt pct,
sample basket was put down to the center of the tube Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China) in the
furnace. Meantime, H2 with a 600 mL/min flowrate was deionized water (1000 mL). Sodium dipheny-
introduced into the furnace after the temperature lamine-4-sulfonate (C12H10NNaO3S) indicator solution
stabilized. To get the reduced or partially reduced (4 g/L) was prepared with dissolving 0.4 g
samples, H2 was introduced within different time periods C12H10NNaO3S (‡ 97.0 pct, Shanghai Macklin Bio-
(e.g., 12, 15, 20, and 30 minutes). Four reduced or chemical Co., Ltd) in 100 mL of Na2CO3 solution (2 g/
partially reduced samples with different reduction L) into deionized water.
Fig. 2—The diagram of the procedure of the developed redox microtitration method in this study. (a) Redox microtitration method; (b) Blank
90 60 6
80 5
WFe (wt.%)
pH value
WFe (wt.%)
70 4
60 WFe of sample
45 pH of the solution
50 2
Sample A 40
Sample D3 1
35 0
30 50 75 100 125 150
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dissolving time (min) FeCl3 concentration(g/L)
Fig. 4—Effect of dissolving time on the determination of metallic Fig. 5—Effect of FeCl3 concentration and pH value on the metallic
iron content via redox microtitration method. iron content tested from the redox microtitration method.
100 3.0
This study
than 40 minutes, the determined metallic iron content Conventional method
98 97.70
was stable. Therefore, the minimum dissolving time for 2.5
the dissolution of all iron in a 1.00 mg solid sample was
99 99 99
Actual value
98.5 60
WFe (wt.%)
Error = ±5 %
98.0 40
98 98
97.5 20
97.0 0
A B C 0 20 40 60 80 100
Sample Fe/(Fe+M), M=Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 (wt.%)
Fig. 7—Comparison of the result of the microtitration method with Fig. 8—Comparison of the metallic iron content measured by the
the standard sample. microtitration method with actual iron content.
Table IV. Dosages (V) of the K2Cr2O7 Standard Solution for Both Microtitration Method and Conventional Titration Method
V (mL)
Average of V
Method Sample Weight(g) 1 2 3 4 5 SD (mL)
This Study D1 0.00100 2.5 9 10-3 2.5 9 10-3 2.4 9 10-3, 2.6 9 10-3 2.5 9 10-3 0.070 2.5 9 10-3
D2 0.00100 4.7 9 10-3 4.8 9 10-3 4.7 9 10-3 4.7 9 10-3 4.7 9 10-3 0.045 4.7 9 10-3
D3 0.00100 6.6 9 10-3 6.5 9 10-3 6.5 9 10-3 6.5 9 10-3 6.5 9 10-3 0.045 6.5 9 10-3
D4 0.00100 9.0 9 10-3 8.9 9 10-3 9.0 9 10-3 9.0 9 10-3 9.0 9 10-3 0.045 9.0 9 10-3
Conventional D1 0.1000 11.89 12.48 12.27 12.58 11.84 0.3364 12.21
Method D2 0.1000 23.41 24.11 23.68 23.04 24.43 0.5512 23.74
D3 0.1000 32.91 33.55 33.66 33.16 32.85 0.3671 33.23
D4 0.1000 43.96 44.22 44.04 43.84 42.90 0.5174 43.79
70 7
60 61.16
WFe (wt.%)
60 6
43 43.49
40 4 In this study, a redox microtitration method was
30 3 developed to determine the metallic iron content in the
22 22.04 micron-sized iron ore concentrate particles. Factors that
20 2
affect the accuracy of the determination of the metallic
10 1 iron content were considered and studied, including the
0 0 dissolving time, dissolving temperature, and FeCl3
D1 D2 D3 D4 solution concentration. The dissolving temperature
Sample below the room temperature (25 C) was found to be
suitable for the determination of the metallic iron
Fig. 9—The measured metallic iron content in the reduced iron ore content. When the dissolving time exceeds 40 min, a
concentrates with different reduction degrees by microtitration stable content of the metallic iron close to the standard
method and conventional titration method.
value was measured. For the FeCl3 solution concentra-
tion, more than 100 g/L was proved to be suitable for
the complete dissolution of the metallic iron. In addi-
22.04, 43.49, 61.16, and 80.82 pct, respectively. Accord- tion, the comparative experiment via testing commercial
ing to the relative error shown on the right y-axis, it can standard iron powders of high purity validated the
be seen that the relative error between the conventional developed method of this study, and the error was below
method and developed method of this study were less 3.0 pct. The measured data of the reduced or partially
than 3 pct. The error below 3 pct is the post-exper- reduced iron ore concentrates showed good agreement
imental statistics but not a critical error. This value was with the conventional titration method results. The
obtained by comparing the average experimental data relative error was lower than 5.0 pct, indicating that this
obtained from five repeated experiments with the method is reliable. This redox microtitration method