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Aspects 0 0.5 1 2 Value

Cohesion and
structure are
Lack of Little cohesion Cohesion and accurate.
structure or and structure is structure are Good level of
cohesion. Poor not accurate. quite accurate, English. Extra
level of Some mistakes but mistakes information
English. Long in English. may be may be added
sentences. Some long spotted. Short and keywords
sentences. sentences/key are used
words. throughout.

The slides are The slides are The slides The slides are
quite simple, but include images nicely done
VISUAL poor/simple. some images are and seem and seem very
PRESENTATION No images. included. attractive. attractive. 2

Pronunciation Pronunciation is Pronunciation Pronunciation

is quite poor quite poor, but is not perfect, is nice and
ENGLISH and it’s understandable. but most of the clear and the 2
SPOKEN difficult to message is entire message
understand. understood. is understood.

Use of notes or Use of notes or Use of notes or Absence of

reading reading in some reading at notes or
throughout. I parts of the some point. I reading. I may
ORAL can’t presentation. I may be improvise and
PRESENTATION improvise and find it hard to capable of I feel 2
I might get improvise and improvising, confident in
blocked. might get stuck. but I can get a general.
bit lost.

A big part of Some points of A point of the All the

the information the information information information
INFORMATION required is are hard to spot required may seems to be
missing. or seem be missing or clear and easy
confusing. not clear. to spot.

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