Rubrics For PT 1
Rubrics For PT 1
Rubrics For PT 1
5 average 3 average 1
4 2
Quality of Strong Strong Good Poor Poor
composition composition composition composition composition composition
and design and every and minor and some and several and almost
element is elements are elements are elements are nothing is
fully consistent not consistent not consistent not consistent consistent
with the text with the text with the text with the text with the text
Creativity and Very well Well drawn Clearly drawn Not creative Boring and/or
originality drawn, with a with an with an but neat and sloppy
unique point- interesting expected organized
of-view point-of-view point-of-view
Simplicity Simple and Simple but not A little too Complex and Impossible to
very easy to easy to tell complex and difficult to tell tell what part
understand what part of not easy to what scene is of the story is
what scene is the story is tell what part being being
being being of the story is illustrated illustrated
illustrated illustrated being
Grammar and Excellent Good Minor errors Some errors Major
spelling grammar and grammar & in grammar or in grammar grammar
spelling spelling spelling and/or and/or
spelling spelling
Explanation Point-of-view Point-of-view Point-of-view Point-of-view Facts are
Reasoning for fully presented presented and expressed but presented inaccurate
selecting the and supported supported limited use of without use of Point of view
scene: by many facts with some factual supporting not present
facts information facts/ opinion
Rubrics for Performance Task 1 in ELS
Name: _____________________________
Strand and Section : ____________________________