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Solids Control

SWACO FPSE — The Systematic Approach


to Improved Solids Control

On-site processing maintenance
and precise control of drilling flu-
ids are essential for drilling effi-
ciency and value. In fact, proper
selection, arrangement and opera-
tion of solids-control equipment is
often the most critical factor in the
drilling program for reducing costs
and improving fluid efficiency.
Planning and executing an effec-
tive solids control plan is more dif-
ficult than ever. In many cases,
operators and drilling contractors
face limited access to water, restric-
tions on the sizes of sumps and
reserve pits, difficulty in transport-
ing drilling mud or water to loca-
tion, and environmental concerns
about spillage and waste-mud
disposal and cleanup.

Selection, arrangement
and operation of solids
control equipment is often
the most cost-critical part Typical rig-owned equipment is less
than 50% effective; the SWACO FPS
of a drilling program. achieves 80 to 90% efficiency.

Operating in the Arctic, the

desert, in swamps, offshore or in
metropolitan areas, the FPS has
To meet these needs, SWACO pio- repeatedly demonstrated its ability
neered the industry’s first totally to reduce costs, improve solids
integrated solids control system control efficiency and satisfy the
for weighted and unweighted drill- most demanding environmental
ing muds: the Fluids Processing requirements. Operators and con-
System (FPS). The FPS is a com- tractors report fewer fishing jobs,
plete solids-control solution — less time to well completion,
from shale shakers to centrifuges reduced instances of lost returns
to D-GASSERS T — strategically com- and improved well logging, mud
bined into a single, skid-mounted circulation and mud conditioning.
unit. Just as important, every FPS Why does the FPS outperform the various sources, the FPS is a field-
comes with a round-the-clock solids-control equipment normally proven network of solids control
SWACO service crew, backed by a used on the rig? components specifically designed
system supervisor and on-call System integration. Instead of to function as a single unit. Each
tech service engineers. a collection of equipment from component is carefully selected
completes liquid/solid separation. It FEATURES AND BENEFITS
returns clean fluid to the mud sys-
tem and discards reclaimed solids. Improved efficiency and processing rates
Experience proves that using • Typical rig-owned solids control equipment is less than 50% effective; the
the 202 MICROCLONE and 414 SWACO FPS achieves 80 to 90% efficiency in solids removal and drilling
CENTRIFUGE in tandem removes mud recapture
up to 21⁄ 2 times more solids than
centrifuging alone. It results in Improved drilling performance
an ultra-fine solids cut, without • Increased ROP of nearly 40%
sacrificing high processing rates. • 37% reduction in drill bit consumption
When drilling mud weight • An average of 33% faster in drilling days to TD
reaches a density of 10.8 to • Reduces circulation time to condition mud
• Helps prevent lost circulation
11.0 lb/gal, SWACO replaces the
• Reduces pump maintenance and downtime
MICROCLONE with a more effective • Reduces potential for stuck pipe and hole problems
414 CENTRIFUGE/518 CENTRIFUGE • Improves well logging, mud circulation and mud conditioning
combination. The dual-centrifuge
combination is 30% more effective Cost Savings
in recovering barite and other • Reduction in mud costs as much as 43%
additives from water-base drilling • Reduces costs of transporting make-up water, diesel and chemical
muds. It also consistently reduces make-up materials
discard volumes by up to 76%. • Significantly reduces site preparation and restoration costs
Compared to dilution/displace- • Reduces waste haul-off expense
ment methods, the dual centrifuge Environmental advantages
combination reduces disposal and • Reduces or entirely eliminates the need for reserve pits
cleanup costs on both water- and • Minimizes waste
oil-base mud systems by as much • Helps satisfy the most stringent environmental requirements
as 50%.
• Versatile enough for use with water-, oil- or synthetic-base fluids
gas-detection devices can be
• Single-unit design saves transport and assembly time
included on the FPS unit. A
D-GASSER removes virtually all
entrained gasses from drilling
mud, including hydrogen sulfide
and corrosive oxygen. This THE FPS DIFFERENCE
improves safety by reducing the
risk of dangerous and costly
blowouts caused by recirculating
gas-cut mud.
Pumps and Piping. All mud-
treating equipment piping and
tanks are mounted on a single,
heavy-duty oilfield skid. Piping
is engineered for optimum fluid
handling with the shortest prac-
tical suction and discharge lines.
Pumping units are sized according
to the needs of the system.
Vacuum Containment. An
optional SAFEGUARD/SWACO The advantages of SWACO’s
Vacuum Containment System Fluids Processing System are easy
provides complete capture — to see. The environmental and
and zero discharge — of disposed logistical problems of reserve pits
solids. Vacuum containment is the (above) are eliminated with FPS
cleanest, safest, most efficient and (right), reducing site preparation
cost-effective method for cuttings and restoration costs.
collection and containment.

Unweighted Mud
D-Sanding mud cleaner
linear shakers D-Silting mud cleaner

Solids discard Solids discard

Weighted Mud
Adjustable D-Silting
linear shakers mud cleaner


Solids discard Solids discard

and fine-tuned to function seam- shaker surface for the initial phase reduce mud viscosity, leading to
lessly and effectively. The results separation. The shaker’s vibratory increased effective drilling rates.
are dramatic: typical rig-owned motion conveys coarse cuttings MUD CLEANERS. For maximum
solids control equipment is less off the screen to the waste con- processing effectiveness, D-SANDERS
than 50% effective — the SWACO tainer. Liquids, still containing and D-SILTERS are sometimes com-
FPS achieves 80 to 90% efficiency fine solids, are sent to the mud bined with shale shakers to create
in solids removal and drilling tank for further processing. units called MUD CLEANERS. Using
mud recapture. Shakers are the only system a two-stage separation process,
Custom engineering. SWACO ana- components that separate solids MUD CLEANERS remove fine drilled
lyzes well parameters and drilling from liquids exclusively by parti- solids. The hydroclones are
objectives for each application cle size, typically removing parti- mounted above a shale shaker,
and tailors the right combination cles 75 microns and larger. For effectively removing drilled solids.
of equipment for optimal results. most applications, SWACO bal- Separated fluid is returned to the
anced elliptical motion BEM-3E active mud system or sent to cen-
The SWACO difference. Only
and linear motion ALS-IIE shakers trifuges for further processing.
SWACO can bring to each applica-
provide optimal performance. MUD CLEANERS effectively remove
tion the expertise of the industry
leader in solids-control technology. D-SANDER. A SWACO cyclone a broad range of drilled solids.
D-SANDER removes sand and abra- They significantly reduce water
TYPICAL CONFIGURATION sive cuttings from 75 to 40 microns requirements, improve drilling
in size. This minimizes sand- performance, reduce equipment
An FPS unit is comprised of
induced drilling problems and wear and help maintain desirable
two or more primary shale
limits repair and damage caused mud properties.
shakers, a D-SANDERE, a D-SILTERE ,
by abrasives-laden drilling fluids. MICROCLONE. To prepare material
As a result, effective drilling rates for centrifuging, a SWACO 202
Centrifuges, MUD D-GASSERS T and
increase while rig downtime MICROCLONE concentrates particles
pumping units. All equipment
decreases. greater than eight microns from
is fully interchangeable and con-
figured to meet specific rig-site D-SILTER. D-SILTERS effectively and 500 GPM of fluid into 100 GPM
or drilling requirements. Here is economically remove silt-sized of concentrated solids. This step
how each component functions particles down to 20 microns. improves centrifuge efficiency in
within the system. Used in combination with a the next stage of processing.
primary shaker and D-SANDER, Centrifuges. Concentrated solids
Primary shale shaker. Solids-
it can minimize pump wear and from the MICROCLONE are fed into
laden drilling mud recovered
from the well is directed over the a SWACO 414 CENTRIFUGE, which

Drying Liquid
Process Feed
zone zone
mud out

Mud in
return to
Beach Pool active 518 CENTRIFUGE
Liquid Feed
Solids/liquid to
holding tank
“Dry” solids liquid
discard returned Holding tank Solids Liquid return
Holding tank to active
discard to active
FPS Equipment Performance


10 – 11% Shakers

12 – 20% Drying Shaker

10 – 11% D-Sander

16 – 18% D-Silter

18 – 20% Centrifuge

15 – 17% Dewatering Unit

81 – 97% Overall Solids Control Equipment

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Percentage of Solids Removed


Scalping Shakers:

Linear Shakers: 74µ

D-Sander: 44µ

D-Silter: 25µ

Centrifuge: 2 – 3 µ

0 50 100 500 1,000

Particle size (µ)

For more details on the Fluids Processing System and other solids
control and waste management solutions from SWACO, call your
local representative.

©2000 SWACO, A Division of M-I L.L.C. A Smith/Schlumberger Company

All rights reserved.
™ Fluids Processing System, FPS, P.O. Box 42842
D-SANDER, D-SILTER, MUD CLEANERS Houston, Texas 77242-2842
MICROCLONE and BEM-3 are trade-
The data included herein is supplied for informational purposes and SWACO makes marks of M-I L.L.C. Tel: 713·308·9455
no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy
and use of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the
®SWACO, D-GASSERS, and MUD D-GASSERS 1·800·654·0660
are registered trademarks of M-I L.L.C.
Standard Terms of Sale and the Standard Terms of Equipment Rental. Order No. SW-8170 3.5M 4/00
Fax: 713·308·9463
Litho in U.S.A. www.swaco.midf.com

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