Passavant Surface Aerator Mammutrotor: Benefits

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Surface Aerator Mammutrotor®

Reliable and efficient oxygen enrichment with effective
matter distribution and activated sludge circulation – as a
basis for the optimal activity of microorganisms and thus a
particularly good extraction of pollutants in biological waste-
water treatment systems.

With the Passavant ® Surface

Aerator Mammutrotor ®,
Aqseptence Group offers you
an universal solution which
has been especially developed
for aeration, circulation and stir
mixing processes. More than
8,500 installations with a total
length of approximately 52 km
have meanwhile been deplo-
yed worldwide and the
Mammutrotor ® has become the
byword for economic and relia-
ble surface aeration.

Benefits · · Particularly robust operation · · Flexible fields of application

and long service life with regard to possible con-
· · Constant oxygen input trol strategies and treatment
throughout the entire goals
service life · · No negative influence
· · Trouble-free maintenance on oxygen input through
and low maintenance re- wastewater content –
quirements – all relevant α-factor is 1
parts above the surface of
the water

Page 1
Function Oxygen transfer occurs during of up to 3.5 m. In deeper tanks
the operation of the Mammut- of up to 8 m, the mixing pro-
rotor ® by means of an inten- cess is supported by additional
sive turbulence of the phase agitators which allow an in-
boundary between the air and termittent mode of operation,
the wastewater / activated in addition to the continuous
sludge mixture, directly at the mode. The oxygen enrichment
aeration rotor. The flow energy efficiency and the cost effecti-
which is simultaneously intro- veness of the system are further
duced ensures the requisite enhanced by the optional ins-
blending of the activated slud- tallation of guide baffles moun-
ge, wastewater and oxygen. ted transversely to the outflow
of the aeration rotors.
This ensures sedimentation-free
operation in tanks with a depth

Example of the flow velocity [m/s] in a

circulation tank (near the base, depth
7.5 m) during operation with agitators
and Mammutrotor ®s. 0.0 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75

Product variants The Passavant ® Surface Aerator Mammutrotor ® is available in the

following standard lengths and motorisation:
& design sizes
Product Variants Mammutrotor ®
3.0 m 4.5 m 6.0 m 7.5 m 9.0 m

15kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW

As a standard, we recommend
installation under a concrete
bridge, provided on site by the
customer. On request, the Up to the
Mammutrotor ® can also be sup- nominal lenght
plied as a ready-to-install unit of 9,0 m

with a steel bridge or as a flo-

ating construction for aerati-
on ponds. The Mammutrotor ®
MR700 can be employed, as an
alternative, for small oxidation
ditches with low oxygen requi-

Page 2
Design features The core of the system is the
actual aeration rotor, a central
shaft with clamped star moun-
tings made of glass-fibre rein-
forced plastic. Their slightly
spiralled arrangement ensures
low-noise, shock-free operati-

The drive unit and the end

bearing are equally import-
ant for the provision of stable
low-maintenance operations
over the course of many ye-
ars. The system is, therefore,
driven by a straight bevel
gear with a three phase mo-
tor. The gear unit – just as
the end bearing – have been
tailor-made by Passavant ® for
this particularly challenging
field of application and suc-
cessfully employed in conjun-
ction with the Mammutrotor ®
for many years.

Performance The oxygen input of the The level of oxygen input can
Mammutrotor ® largely de- be adjusted to the given requi-
pends on the immersion depth rements by changing the rota-
and the rotational speed. In tional speed e.g. by means of
the case of a maximum im- a frequency converter. In lar-
mersion depth of 30 cm and a ger tanks with several units it
rotational speed of 72 r/min., is advisable to adjust oxygen
there is approx. 9 kg O2/h (cf. input levels by connecting
graph) in the activated slud- and disconnecting individual
ge, when the rotor length is aerators.
one metre.

MAMMUTROTOR® ∅ 1,000 MM; 72 U / MIN.

•9 Sauerstoffeintrag und
••• •
Leistungsaufnahme pro m Rotorlän
(mit Leitschild bezogen auf die
•8 Eintauchtiefe):
P [kW]; OC [kg O2 /h] in relation to 1 m rotor length

• •• •
Sauerstoffeintrag OC
Leistungsaufnahme P
••• •

• •• •

• •• •

• •• •

Oxygenation and Power consumption •2 ••• •

per m shaft length (with guide baffle
depending on immersion depth): • •• •
•10• •15
• • •20 • •25 ••
Oxygenation OC
  Power consumption P Immersion depth [cm]

Page 3
Options In order to achieve optimum efficiency, we recommend the
installation of guide baffles. Our product range also includes:
· · Safety bars · · Noise protection hoods
· · Splash and aerosol guards · · Cover plates


70 Mammutrotor ®
without noise

sound pressure level [dB(A)]




Mammutrotor ®
with noise protection

Noise level with
and without
sound emission 0 100 [m] ••••
protection. distance apart [m]

Noise level with and without sound emission protection.

The Passavant ® Surface complex operational and con-

Applications & Aerator Mammutrotor ® is trol strategies. The individual
fields of operation usually deployed in municipal aerator is selectively controlled
wastewater treatment plants. according to the aeration inten-
The scope of its applications sity required.
range from small oxidation · · In the case of simple con-
ditches to large-scale waste- trol operation, the desired
water treatment plants, as well control parameter, i.e. the
in Sequence-Batch-Reactor or intensity of the aeration, is
as floating units for lagoons. But generally determined by the
also in industrial plants from the most important operational
often more uniform composition parameter e.g. the content
of wastewater e.g. in the food of ammonium.
industry to the more compli- · · In case of more complex con-
cated wastewater of the phar- trol strategies, several dif-
maceutical and petrochemical ferent measurable variables
industries. In case of special contribute to the evaluation
wastewater with lime, solids of the status of the system –
or higher temperature the Mam- such as e.g. oxygen content,
mutrotor ® are quite better than ammonium and nitrate
other systems. concentration or the redox
It has found successful applica-
tions with both simple and very

Aqseptence Group GmbH

Water Treatment Systems
Passavant-Geiger-Strasse 1
65326 Aarbergen ∙ Germany
Phone +49 6120 28-0
Fax +49 6120 28 2182
[email protected]
Version 1.1
The technical data stated in this brochure are indicative only and have to be determined for each individual case.
Reserve technical changes.

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