20th Century-WPS Office
20th Century-WPS Office
20th Century-WPS Office
Meanwhile the samba has a distinct look and feel because of In the early 1960s, Chubby Checker first performed and
its "samba bounce action," a light, effortless, and carefree introduced the twist on American Bandstand. The dance was
movement from the knees and ankles. accidentally invented while he was drying himself with a towel
after taking a shower. The twist was an expression of
In 1950, after World War II, there was a shift from dance bands individualism-there were no definite roles for men or women.
to concerts in nightclubs. Most of the movements of the The dancers danced apart, stood in one place and twisted their
hips from side to side, pivoting on their feet. The movements In the last two decades of the 20 th century, choreographers and
were free and provocative. dancers continued to explore new directions. Individual
statements, revised old themes, and stretching the medium
The British introduced the Mod dance and it was brought to through collaboration and technology were the main focus. In
America in 1963. The "cool" narcissistic teenagers who 1983 "King of Pop" Michael Jackson released his music
rebelled against the emotionalism of rock 'n' roll were among video of "Thriller," while Madonna had "Like a Virgin."
the first to perform this dance. It was a free-flowing and jerky
dance that required a partner. Some examples of Mod dances In the 1980s there was a continuous innovation in social
are the Pony, the Crow, the Monkey, the Boomerang, the dances, while western line dances gained their popularity
Saw, the Freddy, the Jump-Up, the Slop, the Skate, the Ski, throughout the 1990s. In 1983 the popularity of disco dance
the Jerk, the Kick, and the Let Kiss. slowly declined; but other dances were introduced, such as
pop-rock, rap, techno, and rhythm and blues. In 1990 disco
The psychedelic dance was introduced during the widespread came back to be a part of pop and hip-hop dances again and its
use of psychedelic drugs in 1967 at Haight Ashbury, San influence on the said dances can still be seen and heard today.
Francisco. The dance was experimental and freeform in
nature, affected by drug-induced exhibitionism. Psychedelic
culture and dance aimed at ecstasy and individual self-
absorption, representing the lifestyle of people who refuse and The funk music started in the late 60s by James Brown, Jimi
reject rules established by society. Hendrix, and Earth, Wind and Fire introduced the 1970s funk
rock. Lyrics became more explicit in music synthesizers in the
The 1970s marked the dance bang as the disco clubs early 80s and from the mid-80s to the 90s, funk rock and funk
progressed from Europe to the United States that featured metal were popular among rock artists. The era of funk
African American and Latino artists and Disco jocks created nostalgia began in the mid-90s.
music from jazz, soul, and rhythm and blues.
Popular fad dances emerged in the 80s and the 90s. Village
In 1975 a Cuban dance that originated in New York City People performed the song YMCA in 1978. The group used
called the hustle became popular and was used in the movie cheerleading arm positions to spell out the letters of the song.
Saturday Night Fever. Since then, it became part of the
American pop culture and kept its popularity for the last two Macarena hit the US 100 song charts for 60 weeks and
decades. became the dance craze among the youth with its arm
movements and hip swiveling.
Street dance began in California during the 70s and was
performed both in nightclubs and on the streets. It is associated
with funk, breakdancing, and hip-hop. Through the
improvisations in movements and style, the individual
expressions are very evidently performed. The vernacular style,
which is very common among the urban communities, became
the source of dance battles as a substitute for street fighting.
From this informal dance battle known as jamming, it
transformed into a global event, an annual breakdance
competition known as the Battle of the Year.