Interpretation of Radiographs by Digital Image Processing
Interpretation of Radiographs by Digital Image Processing
Interpretation of Radiographs by Digital Image Processing
Radiographs by Digital
Image Processing TABLE OF CONTENTS
T. Just*, W. Thale, R. Clausen, TÜV Nord, Introduction
Hamburg Concept
*[email protected] The CHIME Technique
Theoretical Modelling
Defect Detection
Defect Characterisation
1. Introduction Discussion and Conclusions
At in-service inspections in
German nuclear power plants
radiographic testing (RT) using X-ray and double wall technique has been
applied at a larger scale after cracks had been detected at the media
affected inner surface of austenitic stainless pipe welds. The pipings
concerned were mainly thin-walled having wall thicknesses between 5 mm
and 15 mm and inner diameters between 100 mm and 250 mm. The
material is a Ti- or Nb-stabilized chromium-nickel steel. The defects are
caused by intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) /1/. The cracks
start from the inner surface with nearly vertical orientation, either in
ground material next to the weld or in many cases from shrinkage grooves
(fig. 1). The defects which follow the heat affected zone are difficult to
interprete in radiographs due to their low contrast and the presence of
undercut and large density differences which occur as a result of
mismatches and excess penetration.
The scanning system has the following features /3/: CCD-film digitizer
with 35 (m spatial resolution (pixel size) and a grey scale resolution of 12
bit (4096 grey values), fast digital image aquisition and enhancement
software for on-line interpretation on the monitor (magni-fication of image
details, contrast and brightness adjustment, image processing algorithms
like filtering, measurement of indications' size, fast storing and retrieving
of radiographs). Because of the large density differences which occur, the
equipment used must have adequately wide dynamic ranges. With the film
digitization system we have installed, it is possible to usefully digitize
films up to a maximum film density of D = 4.5 with a contrast resolution
better than D = 0.01 applying the maximum light level and a prolonged
integration time.
3. Evaluation procedure
In order to make evaluation of grey-scale profile plots more objective and faster,
we developed an algorithm for a computer-based evaluation of crack-like
indications /4/. The automatic evaluation is conducted in four steps: to suppress
noise, an averaging routine is performed of a number of scan lines, for example 5
lines or 175 (m, predetermined by a parameter data set. In the second step,
the search phase, the scan lines are searched for relative minima above a
contrast threshold D = 0.01. To suppress signals with little or no linear
coherence in the direction of the expected defect orientation (longitudinal
or vertical to the weld axis), all indications are deleted in the next step
whose length is less than a pre-set value. Fig. 3 shows the result of
automatic evaluation with a length threshold of 10 mm. In the digitized
radiograph the areas of indications which meet the pre-set criteria remain
(minimum contrast D greater than 0.01 and minimum length 10 mm).
The last step is to print the remaining indications with their half width and
their contrast.
The printed out indications are evaluated with regard to their pattern and
the parameters (maximum contrast, width and length) derived from the
grey scale values. They are classified as
5. References