Interpretation of Radiographs by Digital Image Processing

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Interpretation of

Radiographs by Digital
Image Processing TABLE OF CONTENTS
 Abstract
T. Just*, W. Thale, R. Clausen, TÜV Nord,  Introduction
Hamburg  Concept
*[email protected]  The CHIME Technique
 Theoretical Modelling
 Defect Detection
 Defect Characterisation
1. Introduction  Discussion and Conclusions
 Acknowledgements
 References
At in-service inspections in
German nuclear power plants
radiographic testing (RT) using X-ray and double wall technique has been
applied at a larger scale after cracks had been detected at the media
affected inner surface of austenitic stainless pipe welds. The pipings
concerned were mainly thin-walled having wall thicknesses between 5 mm
and 15 mm and inner diameters between 100 mm and 250 mm. The
material is a Ti- or Nb-stabilized chromium-nickel steel. The defects are
caused by intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) /1/. The cracks
start from the inner surface with nearly vertical orientation, either in
ground material next to the weld or in many cases from shrinkage grooves
(fig. 1). The defects which follow the heat affected zone are difficult to
interprete in radiographs due to their low contrast and the presence of
undercut and large density differences which occur as a result of
mismatches and excess penetration.

The conventional examination of radiographs in these welds

revealed in many cases cracks or suspicion of cracks.
Thereupon these welds were cut out and the inner surfaces
were examined by penetrant testing. The areas with
indications were examined by metallography. The result
was that only 25% of welds cut out because of RT
fig. 1 Corrosion cracking
in an austenitic weld
indications contained really cracks /2/. In several cases fine
grooves in the root were found at the position of assumed
crack indications. The radiographs were evaluated by us employing digital image
processing and the RT indications were analyzed and compared with the results
of destructive examination. For the interpretation of crack-like indications,
criteria and a procedure have been developed which evaluate significant
parameters (maximum contrast, halfwidth, length above a defined contrast
threshold) from the digitized radiographs. These are detailed in the following
chapters. In addition to weld testing the evaluation procedure can be applied to
analyse linear indications in radiographs of cast e.g. hot tears, filamentary

2. Characteristics of the film digitizer

The scanning system has the following features /3/: CCD-film digitizer
with 35 (m spatial resolution (pixel size) and a grey scale resolution of 12
bit (4096 grey values), fast digital image aquisition and enhancement
software for on-line interpretation on the monitor (magni-fication of image
details, contrast and brightness adjustment, image processing algorithms
like filtering, measurement of indications' size, fast storing and retrieving
of radiographs). Because of the large density differences which occur, the
equipment used must have adequately wide dynamic ranges. With the film
digitization system we have installed, it is possible to usefully digitize
films up to a maximum film density of D = 4.5 with a contrast resolution
better than D = 0.01 applying the maximum light level and a prolonged
integration time.

3. Evaluation procedure

Digitized radiographs are first qualitatively interpreted on the monitor. By

optimising brightness, contrast and magnification as well as by applying image
processing algorithms, defect indications are enhanced and their extent can be
more easily examined and printed. In the second stage a
quantitative analysis is performed using the grey-scale
profile plot vertically to the indication (fig. 2). These
profile plots are taken from unprocessed digitized data and
at a position with the most distinct indication and the
highest signal-to-noise-ratio. The severity of a defect fig. 2 Contrast, halfwidth
indication is described in terms of its contrast D, of its and noise level of a RT
halfwidth HWB and of its length above a defined contrast
theshold (for the definition of these parameters see fig. 2). The contrast threshold
is to be determined with regard to the existent noise level. The noise level
depends on the applied RT technique (X-rays or Gamma-rays) and on the surface
contour of the weld. Typical values lie between DN = 0.01 (isotope radiation)
and (DN = 0.04 (RT of welds with X-rays).

In order to make evaluation of grey-scale profile plots more objective and faster,
we developed an algorithm for a computer-based evaluation of crack-like
indications /4/. The automatic evaluation is conducted in four steps: to suppress
noise, an averaging routine is performed of a number of scan lines, for example 5
lines or 175 (m, predetermined by a parameter data set. In the second step,
the search phase, the scan lines are searched for relative minima above a
contrast threshold D = 0.01. To suppress signals with little or no linear
coherence in the direction of the expected defect orientation (longitudinal
or vertical to the weld axis), all indications are deleted in the next step
whose length is less than a pre-set value. Fig. 3 shows the result of
automatic evaluation with a length threshold of 10 mm. In the digitized
radiograph the areas of indications which meet the pre-set criteria remain
(minimum contrast D greater than 0.01 and minimum length 10 mm).
The last step is to print the remaining indications with their half width and
their contrast.

1. indication search 2. noise suppression 3. density profile

fig. 3 Computer based evaluation of digitized RT indications

The printed out indications are evaluated with regard to their pattern and
the parameters (maximum contrast, width and length) derived from the
grey scale values. They are classified as

 form indications like root grooves, misalignment

 indications of defects like pores, inclusions or lack of fusion which
definitely originate from manufacture
 indications of defects which may have developed or grown during
plant operation like cracks or wall thickness degradation.

In the case of defect indications found at in-service inspections the

available radiographs of preceding inspections have to be analysed in the
same manner and indications have to be compared with respect to an
increase during plant operation.
4. Criteria for discrimination of crack and form
indications at weld inspections

The before mentioned overestimation by the conventional

examination employing a film illuminator i.e. the
interpretation of form indications in many cases as cracks fig. 4 Contrast
has several reasons: after some cracks undoubtedly were distribution of crack and
present in pipe welds, the films were examined more non-crack indications
sensitively by the radiographers. The evaluation is
performed on the basis of pattern recognition without a well
defined registration threshold. Most of the crack indications
are of very low contrast (see fig. 4). The width and the
contrast of RT indications are assessed qualitatively only.

The values of these can be quantified in digital radiographs

very easily. By comparing RT indications with the results
of the destructive examination, the following criteria have fig. 5 Max. contrast and
been found by us to discriminate the relevant indications halfwidth of crack and
e.g. cracks and lack of root fusion against non-relevant non-crack indications

indications as superficial shrinkage grooves:

 Indications with high contrast D ( 0.08 are

generally interpreted correctly by
conventional examination. RT indications
from cracks which were not detected or from
indications which were misinterpreted as
cracks possessed a contrast lower than that.
Indications with a contrast below D = 0.04
fig. 6 Max. contrast vs.
(approximately the noise level) could wall thickness of crack
generally not be interpreted correctly. and non-crack
 The half width of RT indications of corrosion
cracks is between 100 (m and 300 (m (fig. 5).
Low contrast indications with a half width fig.
greater than 300 (m refer to smooth undercut. 7C
 RT indications in radiographs of lower film par
density are underestimated compared with iso
those indications in radiographs of higher film n
density which have the same contrast. Since
the indication contrast D is proportional to
optical density the actual contrast at a given
film density D is converted and normalised to interpretation results
between conventional
film viewing and
digitized radiographs
applying the proposed
the reference value D = 3.0 by multiplying with a factor 3.0/D in
order to have comparable conditions.
 At the same contrast level RT indications are overestimated in the
case of lower wall thickness. This is the case for RT indications
caused by fine shrinkage grooves with a depth of about 0.1 mm. For
taking into account this parameter, a contrast threshold is introduced
which is dependant on the wall thickness to characterize the
relevant RT indications (fig. 6). This curve takes into account the
contrast increase of a defect (slit) of the same depth with lower wall
thickness due to less scattered radiation. Diffuse indications having
a lower contrast than the threshold curve are to be classified as form

The interpretation results from conventional film viewing and from

digitization applying the discussed criteria are shown in fig. 7. Even with
digital image processing only those indications can be interpreted as
defects which differ from the noise level. Therefore, the radiographic
testing parameters have to be optimised when generating a radiograph in
order to reach a flaw detection sensitivity as high as possible. With the
proposed evaluation criteria a more reliable interpretation of defect
indications can be achieved with the help of digital image processing of

5. References

1. M. Erve et al. Rißbildung in Rohrleitungen aus stabilisierten

austenitischen Stählen von SWR-Anlagen - Schadensbefunde und
Schadensursache - 20. MPA-Seminar, Stuttgart, 6.-7.10.1994,
Conference proceedings vol. II, 29
2. G. Csapo, T. Just, H. Eggers, E. Hein, R. Nimtz Flaw Detectability
of NDT in Thin-walled Austenitic Pipe Welds 6th Europ. Conf. on
NDT, Nice, 24.-28.10.1994, Conf.proceed. p.995-999
3. Du Pont NDT Scan Manager User Handbook, June 1993
4. W. Thale, R. Clausen, T. Just Digital Image Processing for the
Interpretation of Radiographs used for Condition Monitoring
Insight vol 38 no. 9, September 1996, p.632-635

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