Evaluation of Indication Detected in High-Thickness Welds: Comparison Between Traditional Methods and New Technologies
Evaluation of Indication Detected in High-Thickness Welds: Comparison Between Traditional Methods and New Technologies
Evaluation of Indication Detected in High-Thickness Welds: Comparison Between Traditional Methods and New Technologies
Paper presented at the Italian Conference on Non Destructive Testing in Milan, 13-15 October, 2005.
we performed a longitudinal scan taking as 4 150 53 4 subsurface acceptable 25% 45 slag acceptable
reference the axis of the indication. The image 5 160 276 4 subsurface acceptable 70% 95+80 slag rejected (*) (*) for RT criteria
shows the presence of numerous volumetric 6 150 li<10 <4 subsurface acceptable <20% / / acceptable not visible with RT
inclusions in the forging from a depth of 90 mm 7 227 24+22+75 <4 subsurface acceptable <20% / / acceptable not visible with RT
As indicated in Table 2, this type of flaw is not easy to detect Figure 11. TOFD image of indication 6
using traditional ultrasonic inspection because the response level of
the signal amplitude is almost always lower than the recording level the half-height of the indication and the inspected thickness,
(50% DAC as shown in paragraph 3). Elongated slag inclusions in is very often lower than the minimum value indicated in the
high-thickness pressure vessels are very often acceptable according acceptability table (see Table 1). In these cases the importance of
to Code Case 2235 criteria because, as indicated in the example of new technologies is in sizing every small indication and recording
paragraph 4.2, the most critical parameter, ie the ratio a/t between of all data that could be used during subsequent inspections.
Enquiry No 601-11
34 Insight Vol 48 No 1 January 2006