Lesson Plan Land Laws BA LLB

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Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies- Technical Campus

(Affiliated to: GGSIP University, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Bar Council of India)
Grade “A++” Accredited by NAAC, Accredited by NBA for MCA, Recognized under Section 2(f) by UGC
ISO 9001: 20015 Certified Institution

Academic Session: 2024-25 Name of Program: BA-LLB

Mr. Aash Mohammad aash.mohammadvips.edu
Dr. Payal Jain [email protected]
Dr. Avinash Kumar [email protected]
Name of Ms. Heena Mongia [email protected]
Faculty Mr. Vinayak Jhamb Email Id of Faculty [email protected]
Total No of
Semester: 9th Paper Code: LLB 505 Credits: 05 Lectures: 50

Course Name: Land and Real Estate Laws

No of hours allotted per week:5

Objectives of the Course
The objective of this course is divided into four parts where first part deals with the land reforms including land reforms in India, Agrarian
relations in pre independent India, Constitutional Imperatives relating to agrarian reforms. It also emphases upon Constitutional provisions
and amendments. Second objective mainly focuses upon issues and challenges relating to urban development and regulations including
Land Acquisition Act, 2013 and urban development institutions by referring recent case laws. Third objective stresses upon monitoring the
real estate sector and adjudicating disputes relating to Real Estate Projects. It also deals with the protection of buyers and helps investment
in Real Estate Sector through relevant case laws. Finally, the last objective deals with the balancing the rights of the landlord and the
obligations of the tenant toward each other. In addition, it stresses upon the protection of the tenant from paying more than a standard rent
and to protect the tenant from arbitrary eviction and safeguard the tenant from becoming vulnerable to exploitation by the landlords.

Teaching pedagogy (Case Based Discussions/Problem Based Learning/Projects/Presentations/ Readings from books, magazines,
research papers etc.):

▪ Lecture
▪ Flipped Classrooms
▪ Experiential Learning
▪ Problem solving Method
▪ Participative Method
▪ Develop skill for Competitive Exams
▪ Case Laws Study

PSDA: Research Paper (Written submission and Presentation)

Resources (Recommended Texts/Reference Books used, Recommended Resources):

Text Book:
Case Material, Land Laws (VIPS, New Delhi, 2019).

Reference Book:
Surendra Malik, Supreme Court on Tenancy and Land Laws (Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 2008).
G.C. Mathur (Revised), V.G. Ramachandran’s Law of Land Acquisition and Compensation (Eastern Book Company, 8th edn., Lucknow,
K. K. Ramani & N. C. Jain, RERA & Capital Gain: Law Relating to Immovable Property (Wolters Kluwer, Gurgaon, 2018).
Recommended Readings:

Astha Saxena, Land Law in India (Rouledge, New Delhi, 2020).

Judith-Anne MacKenzie and Aruna Nair, Textbook on Law Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018).
Emma Lees, Principles of Land Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020).

Course Outcomes:

CO1 - Understanding the objectives relating to agrarian relations in pre and post-Independent India.
CO2 - Enhancing the interpretation skills among the students in context of constitutional provisions and relevant amendments relating to
land reforms in India.
CO3 - Developing awareness about the issues and challenges of urbanization and provisions of Land Acquisition Act 2013.
CO4 - Creating awareness about the effectiveness of Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) by referring relevant case laws and how
they are necessary to be controlled under RERA Act, 2016.
CO5 - Examining the application of Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 and various disputes settlement mechanism.
CO6 - Examining the impact of Land and Real Estate laws on Agriculture and Indian Economy.

Assessment Method Course Outcome Achieved

Quiz CO1; CO2; CO3; & CO6
Class Tests CO1; CO2; CO3; CO4; CO5; & CO6
Presentations CO1; CO3; CO4; & CO6
Objective Type Tests CO2; CO3; CO4; & CO5
Viva CO1; CO2; CO3; CO4; CO5; & CO6
On the spot assessment with explanation CO1; CO3; & CO6
Take home assignments CO1; CO3; CO4; & CO6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO1: Develop enhanced clarity on evolution, significance and implications of legal concepts in substantive law, legal theory, and

PO2: Gain proficiency in the general approaches to the study of law and legal reasoning from a personal and social context;

PO3: Think critically on legal issues and learn models of planning and decision-making for a range of situations, including those in which
facts are currently unknown and not subject to confident prediction, and in which options involve differing and uncertain degrees of risk;

PO4: Adopt a research aptitude to identify core issues and collect, analyze and interpret data;

PO5: Gain proficiency in drafting that displays deep understanding on the interaction of legal analysis with human behavior, including
interpersonal dynamics;

PO6: Hone their core communication and presentation skills as interviewing, counseling, mooting, debating, negotiating and mediating;

PO7: Gain insights into the role of various institutions of law and experts in law and allied subjects;

PO8: Develop self-confidence and understand the demands, constraints, and methods of thinking in their role as lawyers;
PO9: Understand the interdisciplinary nature of law and the contributions that other disciplines can make to the study of law; and

PO10: Inculcate professional ethics and values and learn to collaborate effectively across diverse experiences, perspectives, and identities.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO1: Accurately assess and understand a problem’s situation and objectives;

PSO2: Develop a plan of action and also be attentive to the need to revise the plan of action, the allocation of responsibilities for its implementation,
and/or the timetable for its implementation;

PSO3: Plan a Factual Investigation critical scrutiny of the facts to assess: their accuracy and reliability; how they fit together; any inconsistencies
between the facts and the likely reasons for any such inconsistencies; the conclusions they support, and what courses of action are appropriate in light
of these conclusions;

PSO4: Collaborate effectively to diagnose address and solve a problem;

PSO5: Effectively express the legal issues through clear and articulate expression;

PSO6: Give advice on the options of litigation or alternative dispute resolution;

PSO7: Apply business management theories and practices in the field of law as a profession and as a service organisation; and

PSO8: Demonstrate a basic understanding of business fundamentals and be able to read and understand basic financial and project documents and
devise future strategies.

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
Program level Outcomes →

CO 1
Understanding the objectives
relating to agrarian relations in pre 1 1 3 3

and post-Independent India.

2 2 3 2 2

Enhancing the interpretation skills

among the students in context of
CO 2 constitutional provisions and
relevant amendments relating to
land reforms in India.

2 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 3

Developing awareness about the

issues and challenges of

CO 3 urbanization and provisions of

Land Acquisition Act 2013.

2 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 3

Creating awareness about the

CO 4 effectiveness of Real Estate

Regulatory Authority (RERA) by

2 2 2 2 3
referring relevant case laws and
how they are necessary to be
controlled under RERA Act, 2016.

3 2 3 3 2

Examining the application of

CO 5 Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 and
various disputes settlement
3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3

Examining the impact of Land and

Real Estate laws on Agriculture
CO 6 and Indian Economy.

3 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3

2.3 2 1.5 2.3 2.8 2.5 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.6

Week-wise Topic/ Contents Reading Material Course Outcome to Teaching Remarks

Details with be Achieved Pedagogy
subtopics (Above
pedagogy and
depends upon
topic, time and
Land Reforms
Land Law System Land Relations in Pre-British
in Ancient India India available at:
(Indian https://nowgongcollege.edu.i
Knowledge n/UploadFiles/Documents/Pr
System) ofileLgoin/Subtitle/NColge_
Land Reform: opment%20in%20India.pdf Lecture Method,
Introduction, CO1 CO3 Case Study and
Implementation & Discussion
Objectives Madhusudan Ghosh
Liberalization, Growth and
Regional Disparities in
India, Sringer, New Delhi, Lecture Method,
2013 (Introduction). Case Study
or Method, and
Also see D Bandyopadhyay, CO1; CO2; CO3; Discussion
Does Land Still Matter?, CO4; CO5 & CO6
Economic and Political
Weekly, Vol. 43 (2008);
Suma Scaria, Changes in
Land Relations: The Political
Economy of Land Reforms
in a Kerala Village,
Economic and Political
Weekly, Vol. 45 (2010) or
Research Papers
Land Reform in Manpreet Seth (2006) Land
India: Issues and Reform in India: Issues and
Challenges Challenges/ Research Papers

Land Revenue Study Material/ Research Lecture Method,

System: Jagirdars, Papers/ Notes Case Study
Zamindars, Method, Problem
Roytwari & solving method,
and Flipped
CO1; CO3; & CO6
Week-2 The Fundamental N. Maheshwara Swamy book
Right to Property on Land Law under
in the Indian Constitution of India, (2021)
Constitution EBC
Wahi, N. (2015). The
fundamental right to property
in the Indian Lecture method;
constitution. Available at Case Study
SSRN 2661212. Or M.P. Jain, Method and
Indian Constitutional Law, CO1; CO3; & CO6 Discussion
(8th edn.), LexisNexis,
Gurgaon, 2018 (Chapter 31
& 32).
Constitutional Research Papers/Study Lecture method,
Provisions on material/ Notes Case Study
Agrarian Reform Method, and
Legislation Discussion
CO1; CO3; & CO6
st nd th th rd
Week-3 Amendments to 1 , 42 , 44 , 77 , 103 ,
the Indian Amendments/ Study Lecture method,
Constitution material/ Notes Case Study
pertaining to land Method, and
reforms Discussion
CO1; CO3; & CO6
Ninth Schedule to Kihoto Hollohan v. Lecture method,
Indian Zachillhu AIR 1993 SC Case Study
Constitution 412./Study Method, and
material/Research Papers
Week-4 Abolition of Abolition of Zamindaris and
zamindari system the Supreme Court, Lecture method,
Shodhganga, available at: Case Study
https://shodhganga.inflibnet. Method, and
ac.in. or Research Papers or Discussion
Study material CO1; CO3; & CO6
Nature of Indian Preeti Sampat, Limits to
economy: Pre and Absolute Power: Eminent
post- Domain and Right to Land in Lecture method,
Independence Case Study
India, Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol. 48 Method, and
(2013). CO1; CO3; & CO6
Public Purpose Wahi, N. (2015). The CO1; CO2, CO3; &
fundamental right to property CO6 Lecture method,
Case Study
in the Indian Method, and
constitution. Available at Participative
SSRN 2661212 or Research
Papers/ Study material
Urbanisation: Issues and perspectives

Week-5 Urbanization in Available at: CO1; CO2, CO3 CO5 Lecture method,
India: Trends, https://shodhganga.inflibnet. & CO6 Case Study
Problems and ac.in/bitstream/10603/98888 Method, and
Development /10/10_chapter%203.pdf or Participative
Programmes study material/ Notes
Urbanization in Research Papers/ Study CO1; CO5 & CO6 Lecture method,
India: Issues and materials/ Notes Case Study
Challenges Method, and

Sustainable Jairam Ramesh, The Two CO1; CO3 CO5 & CO6 Lecture method,
development Cultures Revisited: The Case Study
Environment-Development Method, Problem
Debate in India, Economic solving method,
and Political Weekly, Vol. 45 and Discussion
(2010) or Research Papers or
Land ceiling Wolf Ladejinsky, Land CO1; CO3 Lecture method,
legislations and Ceiling and Land Reform, Case Study
consolidation of available at: Method, and
holdings https://charansingh.org/sites/ Discussion
default/files. or Research
Papers/ Notes
Week-6 Historical Bare Act/ Research Papers/ CO1; CO3 & CO4 Lecture method,
Background Of Study Material/ Notes Case Study
Land Acquisition Method, and
in India Discusssion

Concept of Research Papers/ Study CO3 Lecture method,

Eminent Domain Material/ Notes etc./ Case Case Study
Method, and

Week-7 The Right to Fair Bare Act/ Research Papers/ CO3 Lecture method,
Compensation Study Material etc. / Case Case Study
Method, Problem
and Transparency Laws
solving method
in Land Land Law book by Astha
Acquisition, Saxena, Routledge, 2020 Ist
Rehabilitation and edition
Resettlement Act,
Definitions under RFCTLARR Act, 2013 CO3 Lecture method,
RFCTLARR Act, (section 3). Case Study
2013 Method

Process of land RFCTLARR Act, 2013 CO3 Lecture method,

acquisition in (Chapter II). Case Study
Method, and
Transparency in Vagda Galhotra, A Case for CO1; & CO3 Lecture method,
land acquisitions Legislative Impact Case Study
Assessment, Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol. 54
(2019) or Research Papers/
Study Material
Week-8 Right to fair RFCTLARR Act, 2013 CO1; CO3; & CO6 Lecture method,
compensation (sections 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, Case Study
Method, and
and 41).

Criticism Kanchi Kohli & Debayan CO3 Lecture method,

regarding Gupta, Mapping Dilutions in Case Study
RFCTLARR Act, a Central Law (Centre for Method
Policy Research-Namati
Environmental Justice
Program) or Study Material
Urban Study Material/ Notes CO3 Lecture method,
development Case Study
Method, and
institutions: DDA,

Real Estate Development and Apartment ownership

Historical Study Material/ Notes/ CO1; & CO4 Lecture method

Background Research papers/ Case Laws and discussion
Real Estate Rajvanshi, G. (2016). The CO4 Lecture method,
Development and Real Estate (Regulation and Case Study
Development) Act, 2016: A Method and
Regulation Act,
Perspective Analysis. Days discussion
& Dates, 16. Or Research
Papers/ Study Material
Application of Neelkamal Realtors CO4 Lecture method,
Real Estate Suburban Pvt. Ltd. v. Union Case Study
of India, 2017 SCC Online Method, and
Development and
Bom 9302 participative
Regulation Act,
Rights and Duties Bare Act/ Study Material CO4 Lecture method,
of Allottes Case Study
Method and

Functions and Avinash Saraf, Neha Duggar CO4 Lecture method,

Duties of Saraf v. Runwal Homes Pvt. Case Study
Ltd, 2017 SCC OnLine Method
RERA (Mah) or Bare Act/
Study Material
Issues and Research Papers/ Study CO4 Lecture method,
Challenges Material/ Notes Case Study
relating to Real
Estate Sector
Delhi Apartment Bare Act/ Case Laws/ Study CO4 Lecture method,
Ownership Act Material Case Study
Criticism of Delhi Case Laws/ Study Material CO4 Lecture method,
Apartment and Discussion
Ownership Act,
Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958
Landlord-Tenant Information retrieved from CO1; CO5; & CO6 Lecture method
relationship: https://www.law.cornell.edu/ and Discussion
Types wex/landlord-tenant_law. /
Study Material/ Notes
Fixation of Fair Rent Dimensions and CO5 Lecture method,
standard rent Implication, Sodhganga, Case Study
available at: Method, and
https://shodhganga.inflibnet. Discsussion
Definitions under The Delhi Rent Control Act, CO5 Lecture method,
DRCA, 1958 1958 (section 2). Case Study

Objective and Preamble, The Delhi Rent CO5 Lecture method

scope of DRCA, Control Act, 1958. and Discussion
Limitation for The Delhi Rent Control Act, CO5 Lecture method,
application 1958 (section 12). Case Study
Method and
for fixation of
standard rent

Exceptions under Associated Hotels of India CO5 Lecture method,

DRCA, 1958 Ltd. v. R.N. Kapoor AIR Case Study
1959 SC 1262/Study Method, and
Material Discussion

Grounds of Bare Act/ Case Laws CO5 Lecture method,

Eviction and Case Study
Dispute Method, Problem
solving method,
Settlement and Discussion

Grounds of Bare Act/ Case Laws/ study CO5 Lecture method,

Eviction and Material/ Notes Case Study
Grounds of Bare Act/ Case Laws/ study CO5 Lecture method,
Eviction and Material/ Notes Case Study
Method, Problem
solving method,
Remedial/ Extra Discussion
Classes (If it

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