Lesson Plan - CPC BBA LLB - Aug 2020
Lesson Plan - CPC BBA LLB - Aug 2020
Lesson Plan - CPC BBA LLB - Aug 2020
(Affiliated to: GGSIP University, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Bar Council of India)
Grade “A” Accredited by NAAC, Accredited by NBA for MCA, Recognized under Section 2(f) by UGC
ISO 9001 : 20015 Certified Institution
Teaching pedagogy: Lecture, Case Based Discussions, Presentations and PSDA Activity – Drafting of Pleadings
Resources (Recommended Texts/Reference Books used, Recommended Resources):
Text Book:
1. Takwani, Civil Procedure with Limitation Act, Easter Book Co. (8th Ed., 2017)
2. Monika Srivastava, Code of Civil Procedure, Taxmann (2019)
Reference Book:
1. Mulla, Code of Civil Procedure, Lexis Nexis,( 19th Ed., 2017)
2. Sarkar. Code of Civil Procedure, Lexis Nexis (12th Ed. 2016)
Recommended Readings:
VIPS case study manual and latest relevant cases.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 – Apprise the students with the historical background and the structure of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
CO2 – Explain the fundamental terms of the Law of Civil Procedure such as Decree, Judgment, Caveat, Restitution etc.
CO3 – Make them understand the important concepts such as Res-Judicata, Res Sub-judice etc.
CO4 – Elucidate the concept of Execution and the modes thereof.
CO5 – Delineate the initial steps in a Civil suit including the decisions as to jurisdiction, joinder of parties, drafting of pleadings etc.
CO6 – Expound the interim measures including their importance, the conditions and the procedure for the grant thereof etc. and the
procedure followed in Special Suits
CO7 – To comprehend the use of interim measures like interlocutory injunctions and appointment of receiver.
CO8 – To appreciate the different proceedings for appeal, review and reference, their procedure, powers of different courts therein and
distinction between them.
CO9 – Evaluate the difference in procedure followed in suits, appeals and applications.
Assessment Method Course Outcome Achieved
Objective type Tests CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7, CO8, CO9
Class Tests CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7, CO8, CO9
Take home assignments – Judgment Presentations CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7, CO9
Take home assignments – Drafting of Pleadings CO5, CO4, CO5, CO6
Viva – Judgment Presentations CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6, CO7, CO9
Program Outcomes (PO) -
PO1: Develop enhanced clarity on evolution, significance and implications of legal concepts in substantive law, legal theory, and procedure.
PO2: Gain proficiency in the general approaches to the study of law and legal reasoning from a personal and social context.
PO3: Think critically on legal issues and learn models of planning and decision-making for a range of situations, including those in which facts
are currently unknown and not subject to confident prediction, and in which options involve differing and uncertain degrees of risk.
PO4: Adopt a research aptitude to identify core issues and collect, analyze and interpret data.
PO5: Gain proficiency in drafting that displays deep understanding on the interaction of legal analysis with human behavior, including interpersonal
PO6: Hone their core communication and presentation skills as interviewing, counseling, mooting, debating, negotiating and mediating.
PO7: Gain insights into the role of various institutions of law and experts in law and allied subjects.
PO8: Develop self confidence and understand the demands, constraints, and methods of thinking in their role as lawyers.
PO9: Understand the interdisciplinary nature of law and the contributions that other disciplines can make to the study of law.
PO10: Inculcate professional ethics and values and learn to collaborate effectively across diverse experiences, perspectives, and identities.
Map the COs with POs from 1 to 3 where – 1 implies Low, 2 implies Medium and 3 implies High
Apprise the
students with the
CO 1 background and
the structure of
the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Explain the
terms of the Law
of Civil
CO 2 Procedure such as
Caveat, 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 1
Restitution etc.
Make them
understand the
CO 3 important
concepts such as
Res-Judicata, Res 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 1
Sub-judice etc.
Elucidate the
CO 4 concept of
Execution and the 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 1
modes thereof.
Delineate the
initial steps in a
Civil suit
including the
CO 5 decisions as to
joinder of parties,
drafting of
pleadings etc. 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1
Expound the
interim measures
including their
importance, the
CO 6 conditions and the
procedure for the
grant thereof etc.
and the procedure
followed in 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2
Special Suits
To comprehend
CO 7 the use of interim
3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
measures like
injunctions and
appointment of
To appreciate the
proceedings for
appeal, review
and reference,
CO 8 their procedure,
powers of
different courts
therein and
between them. 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1
Evaluate the
difference in
CO 9
followed in suits,
appeals and
applications. 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
Lesson Plan
Lecture Topic/ Contents Details with Course Teaching Reading Material Remarks
No. subtopics Outcome to Pedagogy
Introduction to Code of Civil Procedure Takwani, Civil Procedure with
- Historical Background and Evolution Limitation Act, Easternn Book Co. (8th
1 - Structure of Code of Civil Procedure CO1 Lecture Ed., 2017)
Takwani, Civil Procedure with
Limitation Act, Easternn Book Co. (8th
Ed., 2017)
Part 1,Chapter 2, Part 2 Chapter 3
Part 5 Chapter 2,3
(For Reference)
Kailash v. Nanhku
- Ground of Revision VIPS, Case Study Manual, Code of
- Maintainability Civil Procedure (2019)
- Difference vis-à-vis Article 226
and 227 of the Constitution Lecture, Case Major S. S. Khanna v. Brig. F.J.
- Difference between Appeal, Based Dillon
40 Revision, Review and Reference CO8 Learning
Mahabir Prasan Singh v. M/s
Jacks Aviation Private Ltd