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Ver-13 : 28.06.2021

SALES ENGINEER : PRASHANT TRIVEDI Purlin Spacing: 1.5 m C/C Girt Spacing: 1.5 m C/C DATE : 19-Apr-2024


SUBJECT DFQ NO : 204-0551 PCT NO- 14635 REV- 0




REVISION DATE : 12-Apr-2024


Area. Steel QTY. Weight / Area Accessories Insulation Buyouts
Sq.m MT Kg/m2 MT MT MT

A 1 1620 107.01 66.10 2.01 0.00 0.76

Total 1 1620 107.01 66.10

Design Considerations: Notes:

4 Design Code : AISC-360-2016

4 Serviceability
: MBMA-2012
4 Wind Code : IS 875 (Part 3) : 2015
4 Seismic Code : IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016
4 Cold Form Code : IS 801-1975 275 GSM

4 Load
: MBMA-2012
4 Welding : SSW (Note: Crane Beams will be DSW by default and the Crane Columns supporting 20MT and above will be DSW)
4 Roof bracing : Rod Bracing
4 Wall bracing : Tube bracing Wall bracing Note:

4 Main Frame Col

: Pinned Interior Col Bases : Pinned Wind Columns : Pinned

4 Standard Accessories details are as per DFQ which are shown below.
Bldg-A Remarks
Standard Accessories Specification weight (MT) Requirement
Qty-No's (Uno)
For wall
Cover Wall light (1m x 3m) - PR-250 PC 10.00 81
As Per DFQ

Ridge Vents(0.6m X 3.0 m ) Full Length 13 Ridge vent to Ridge vent GAP Min. 300MM
(note: turbovents calculated based on 10mph & temperature difference of 5 degress celcius for different stack heights)

4 Actual Areas Covered**

UNIT : Sqm Bldg-A

~Roof Area 1620

~Wall Area 1306

~Fascia 483

**Note: Above areas are the actual covered areas . NO sheeting over laps considered.

4 INSULATION: Air Bubble type insulation with Both side Alu. Foil - 8mm thk - Aerolam make
Area factor 1.04 BUYOUTS
INSULATION Bldg Unit (Kg/m2) Total Weight Area (m2) PLEASE GET WEIGHT FROM SCM/PMG
Roof A 0.0 0.0 1685
0.0 1685

4 BUY - OUTS :-

SA2.5 for Primary Members

MT 63.19


Paint Type 2-Coats of Synthetic Enamel Paint

Primer Type N/A

Primary Bldg-A
Tonnage 63.19
Area 2844

Secondary Bldg-A
Tonnage 19.96
Area 2495

WELD MESH: Area Factor 1.04

WELD MESH Bldg WELD MESH SIZE Unit (Kg/m2) Total Qty(MT) Area (m2)
Roof AREA 0.45 0.76 1685
A 75x75x1.6
0.76 1685

Exp. Bolts
Dia x Length Bldg-A
M12X120 16 #For Framed Openings

Lifeline System: Standard Life line System

Length of Life line rope required 264 M Material of rope is according to the requirement.

4 Serviceability criteria (deflection check) - MBMA -2012

Minimum Thickness Criteria : Primary Web 5.0 mm, Flange 6.0mm , Secondary 1.6 mm.
Note : The applicable load cases for the below deflection limits shall be as per MBMA-2012
Crane Beam
Main Frame -Vertical Purlins (Vertical) Girts (Horizontal) Main Frame
(Vertical) With Crane W/O Crane
Lateral H/100 H/60
Deflection Limits L/180 L/150 L/90 L/600

4 As per Phenix Standard 3mm thick MS gutter is considered.
4 Kindly note that the Wind load is considered as per IS 875 (Part -3) :2015 and Secondaries are designed as Per IS 801 : 1975. Please get confimation from the client before quoting.

SUBJECT 204-0551 DATE : 19-Apr-2024

Design Code : AISC-360-2016


WIDTH : 40 meter C/C of Col
LENGTH : 38 meter C/C of Col
HEIGHT : 7.5 meter Clr Ht.
COLUMN STARTS FROM : 0.2 meter Below FFL.
BAY SPACING : [email protected]
END WALL COL SPACING : [email protected]
ROOF COVER SHEETING : SSR 0.55mm thk Color
WALL COVER SHEETING : PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch
WALL CONDITION. : 1M Brick wall above sheeted all around the building.

LOADING : DL (kN /m2) LL (kN /m2) AUX : KN /m2 Wind speed Seismic Zone Rain fall Intensity
0.15 0.57 Refer Below 44 m/s III 150 mm/hr

Additional Loading Location Load Value Unit Wind Parameters Seismic parameters
Solar Panel Load On entire Roof 0.20 kN/m2 Partially Enclosed (+/-0.5) Zone III
Cable Tray Load On Peripheral Cols. 1.5 & 2.5 kN/m Terrain Cat. 2 Zone Factor 0.16
Sprinkl;er Load On entire Roof 0.15 kN/m2 K4 1.15 Importance Factor 1.00
Response Recuction 4.00
Type of Frame OMRF
Damping Factor 0.05
Soil Type Type II (Medium Soil)

Cage Ladders Y Header System. N Portal Bracing N

Canopy N Industrial Louvers N Roof Ext. N

Chequered Plt. N Life Line Y Roof Liner N

Crane N Lean TO N Roof Monitor N

Deck sheet N Mezzanine N Sheeted Louvers N

False ceiling N MS Downspouts N Stair Cases N

Fascia Y MS Gutter Y Wall Liner N

GI Gutter N Partitions N

Hand Rails N Pipe Rack / CT N


NO.S Width (m) Height (m) Area(m2) NO.S Location Width (m) Length (m)
2 6.00 5.00 60.00 0 SW 3.00 7.50
2 1.80 2.40 8.64 0 SW 3.00 7.50
22 2.40 1.20 63.36 0 EW 3.00 7.50
0 EW 3.00 7.50
0 SW 2.00 38.00
0 EW 1.50 40.00
TOTAL AREA 132.00 (Note: For exact location of canopy refer proposal sketches)
Primary Builtup 50ksi : SSW 1 44.44
Builtup 50ksi : DSW 2 0.00
Hot Rolled, UB & UC 11 0.00

Flange Bracing Galvanised Angles 4 0.99

Hot Rolled Angles 6 0.00

Sag Rod 12.5 Dia. Electroplated 3 2.17

Hot Rolled Rods 5 1.90

Angles up to 250 mm 6 0.00
RHS / SHS/ CHS -100 to 200 mm 7 5.55
RHS / SHS/ CHS - 250mm to 300 mm 8 0.00
HR channels up to 250 mm 9 0.00
HR channels 300 to 400 mm 10 0.00
HR -Beams up to 250mm & UB,UC Sec 11 0.00
HR Beams 300mm to 400 mm 12 0.00

Secondary 275 GSM 13 15.72

Sub Purlins - Z 50x1 .75thk. 13 0.00

Roof sheeting SSR 0.55mm thk Color 14 8.26

Wall sheeting PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 15 6.13

Anchor Bolts - MS 4.6 Grade 18 0.62

Fascia Flush Builtup 1 2.22 Location & Height

Hot Rolled, UB & UC 11 0.00
Sag rods 3 0.04
Tubes upto 200mm 7 0.00
Secondary 13 3.00
Sheeting 15 2.64

Cage Ladders - Painted Angles upto 250mm 6 0.65 Location & height #1No. For Roof Access
Hot Rolled, UB & UC 11 0.00

Standard Life line System 7 0.68 No.of Posts Total Length req #Alround the Periphery & Both side of ridge
38 264

Framed openings …..................... Secondary members 13 1.25

Channels 9 0.00
Tubes 7 1.85

3.0 mm thk MS GUTTER 24 2.69 Required Length 79 Meter

# to be considered for Valley lines of Multi gable and Flush Fascia.
H.S.BOLTS Gr 8.8 27 1.62

SSR Clips 28 0.99

SSR Skylight Supporting Structure 29 3.60

TOTAL 107.01 OK
BLDG: A Width (m) o/o Length(m) o/o Area(Sqm)
MAIN BLDG AREA 41.00 39.50 1619.50
L.TO-01 0.00 35.00 0.00
L.TO-02 0.00 45.00 0.00
Roof cutout -1.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL BLDG AREA(Sqm) 1619.50

Roof Slope 1 20

Location GL-1 GL-x GL-x GL-x GL-x GL-x

Eave height (M) 8.7 8.7

Block work ht. (M) 1 1

Sheet lap over B/W (M) 0.15 0.15

Sheeting height (M) 7.85 7.85

1 Frame sections BU/HR 42.42 Connection factor 1.15 For Indian Code with CH-12
Total No'of Frames 6 0.00

91.952054795 Main Frame 4 5370 1 1.15 1 26702.00 STAAD WEIGHT

Main Frame- half bay 2 4565 1 1.15 1 10498.35

Wind Col 5 46.7 2 1.15 9.73 5223.65

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

1a Purlin & Girt Clips 2.02

CLIPS FOR PURLINS 6 1.25 1 1.10 32.00 264.00

CLIPS FOR SW GIRTS 6 9.72 2 1.10 7.00 898.13

CLIPS FOR EW GIRTS 5 9.72 2 1.10 8.00 855.36

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

1b Splice Plates 0.00

2 Flange Braces 0.99

Description NO of frames Wt(Kg) sides No of sec LENGTH TOTAL QTY

GI GI 50x50x2 5 1.54 2 30 1.20 556.11 Rafter

GI GI 50x50x2 5 1.54 2 14 1.07 229.54 Frame Col
GI GI 50x50x2 10 1.54 2 8 0.83 203.90 Wind Col
HR HR 65x65x6 10 5.84 0 10 0.83 0.00
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL Flange Brace (MT) 989.55 1.0


Galvanised (GI) 1.0

Hot rolled (HR) 0.0

3 MS SAG ROD 2.17

12.5 Dia. Description No of bays Wt(Kg/m) F1 No of Rods Length Total QTY
Roof End 2 1.04 1.1 6 41.00 563.62
Roof Int 3 1.04 1.1 6 41.00 845.42

Axis-x Side wall End 2 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 53.96

Axis-x Side wall Int 3 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 80.93
Axis-x Side wall End 2 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 53.96
Axis-x Side wall Int 3 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 80.93

GL-x End Walls End 2 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 53.96

GL-x End Walls Int 4 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 107.91

GL-x End Walls End 2 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 53.96

GL-x End Walls Int 4 1.04 1.1 3 7.85 107.91

Gable 12 1.04 1.1 3 1.03 42.27
Diagonal sag rod for SW 22 1.04 1.1 2 2.5 126.01
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL MS Sag Rod (MT) 2170.84 2.2

4 Bracing members 7.44

Number of braced bays 2 Nos B.Force 51 kN

Bay Spacing 7.6

Types No of Bays Wt(Kg/m) Nos Length F1 Total QTY

Rod #2- 24 dia 6 7.10 2 10.11 1.1 1895.07 Roof Bracing

Tube SHS 132x132x4 7 16.10 1 7.60 1.1 1884.34 STRUT TUBE AT WC LINE

Tube SHS 150x150x4 4 18.01 2 11.55 1.1 3661.72

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL bracing (MT) 7441.14 OK

Total Rod Bracing weight 1895.07 1.90

Total Angle(upto 250mm) Bracing weight 0.00 0.00

Total Pipe(upto 200mm) Bracing weight 0.00 0.00

Total Tube(upto 200mm) Bracing weight 5546.07 5.55

5 Tubes/Pipes from 250mm 0.00

6 Channels 0.00

7 HR beams 0.00

8 Portal Bracings 0.00

9 Secondaries 15.71
9a Secondaries Nos Wt(Kg/m) Sides Bays/Fact Length Total QTY

1.5 m Roof (end) -200 z 2.5 15 6.80 2 1.08 16.70 3694.58

1.5 m Roof (int) -200 z 1.75 15 4.76 2 1.19 22.80 3883.02
1.5 m Eave Purlin (int) -200 z 2.5 1 6.80 2 1.19 39.50 640.68

EAVE FLANGE 1 3.30 2 1.10 39.50 286.51

1.5 m Side wall (end) -200 z 2.5 7 6.80 1 1.08 16.70 862.07 Ax-xx
1.5 m Side wall (int) -200 z 1.75 7 4.76 1 1.19 22.80 906.04 Ax-xx
1.5 m Side wall (end) -200 z 2.5 7 6.80 1 1.08 16.70 862.07 Ax-xx
1.5 m Side wall (int) -200 z 1.75 7 4.76 1 1.19 22.80 906.04 Ax-xx

1.5 m End wall (end) -200 z 1.75 8 4.76 1 1.10 14.34 598.63 GL-xx
1.5 m End wall (int) -200 z 1.75 8 4.76 1 1.22 26.66 1238.04 GL-xx
1.5 m End wall (end) -200 z 1.75 8 4.76 1 1.10 14.34 598.63 GL-xx
1.5 m End wall (int) -200 z 1.75 8 4.76 1 1.22 26.66 1238.04 GL-xx

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL Secondary (MT) 15714.35 15.7

9b SUB PURLINS ON ROOF Nos Wt(Kg/m) Sides Bays/Fact Length Total QTY
ROOF AREA(end) - 50x50x50 z 1.75 0 2.06 2 1.000 39.50 0.00

TOTAL Sub purlin weight (MT) 0.00 0.0

10 Roof Sheeting 8.26

ROOF SHEETING: Roof Qty 8257.46 Kgs Roof Area 1620 Sqm
SSR 0.55mm thk Color Nos Wt(Kg/m2) Fact Width Length Total QTY
SSR 0.55mm thk Color 1 5.10 1.00 41.00 39.50 8257.46

ROOF MONITOR 1 5.10 1 0.00 -0.8 0.00
Sky lights 0 5.10 1 1 -0.8 0.00
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

Total Roof Sheeting(MT) 8257.46 8.3

11 ROOF Liner 0.00

12 Wall sheeting 6.13

Wall Sheeting Wall Qty 6660.08 Kgs Wall Area 1306 Sqm 1112.675 Sqm
PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch Nos Wt(Kg/m2) F1 Width Height Total QTY
SW1 PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 1 4.55 1.12 39.50 7.85 1581.41 310.075
SW2 PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 1 4.55 1.12 39.50 7.85 1581.41 310.075
EW1 PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 1 4.55 1.12 41.00 7.85 1641.46 321.85
EW2 PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 1 4.55 1.12 41.00 7.85 1641.46 321.85
Gable PWP 0.50mm thk TCT.Color - 250 Pitch 1 4.55 1.12 41.00 1.03 214.33 42.025

Eave Gutter COLOR 1 2.55 1.10 2 39.50 0.00

Down Spout COLOR 6 2.5 1.10 2 10.70 353.10

Wall Lights 81 4.55 1.00 3 -0.8 -879.77 -193.2
Framed Openings 0 4.55 1.00 132.00 -0.5 0.00
Sheeted Louvers 1 4.55 1.00 0.00 -0.8 0.00
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed
Total Wall Sheeting(MT) 6133.41 6.1

13 Wall Liner 0.00

14 Puff Panels 0.00

15 Anchor Bolts 0.62 4.6 Grade

Description No of Fra Cols Wt(Kg) nos DIA Total QTY
Main Frames 6 2 4 8 24 384.00
Wind Cols 5 2 4 6 24 240.00
Mezz Cols
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

Total Anchor bolts(MT) 624.00 0.6

16 MS Down Spouts 0.00

17 Header Pipe 0.00

18 Crane Beams 0.00

19 Canopy 0.00

21 FACIA 7.90
Grid/Axis Description Type NO'S HEIGHT(M) LENGTH(M) No of bays A(SQM)

Facia Area EW Flush 2 1.50 41.00 6 123.00

Facia Area SW Cantilever 2 1.50 39.50 5 118.50


Facia NOS Wt(Kg) F1 F2 LENGTH Total QTY
End Wall

BU Frame 7 25.4 2 1.15 1.50 613.41

BU EP 7 14.4 2 1 2 404.44
SR Sag Rods 6 1.2 2 1.1 1.50 23.76
PBR NB100L,114.3OD,3.6thk 2 9.75 1.1 1 8.08 0.00 back stay
SEC Girts 2 6.80 2 1.10 41.00 1226.72
SH SHEETING 4 4.55 1.20 1.50 41.00 1344.24
Side Wall

BU Frame 6 25.4 2 1.15 2.00 701.04

BU EP 6 20.7 2 1 2 497.38
SR Sag Rods 5 1.2 2 1.1 1.50 19.80
PBR NB100L,114.3OD,3.6thk 2 9.75 1.1 1 8.08 0.00 back stay
SEC Girts 3 6.80 2 1.10 39.50 1772.76
SH SHEETING 4 4.55 1.20 1.50 39.50 1295.06
Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed
7898.61 7.9

Builtup (BU) 2.2

HR,UB,UC (HR) 0.0

OK Sag Rods (SR) 0.0

Pipe bracing (PBR) 0.0

Secondaries(SEC) 3.0

Total FASCIA (MT) Area 483.0008161951 Sheeting (SH) 2.6

22 Mezzanine 0.00

23 Deck sheet 0.00

24 Chequred Plate 0.00

25 Cable Trays / Pipe racks 0.00

26 Roof Monitor 0.00

27 Partition Walls 0.00

28 Framed Openings 3.10

Location No's Width(m) Height(m) Area

2.00 6.00 5.00 60.00

2.00 1.80 2.40 8.64

22.00 2.40 1.20 63.36

Total 132.00

Items NOS Weight F1 F2 length (M) Total QTY

TBR SHS 150x150x6 2.00 26.64 1.1 1 31.6 1852.01

SEC 200 z 2.5 2.00 6.8 1.1 1 8.6 128.66

SEC 200 z 2.5 22.00 6.8 1.1 1 6.8 1119.01

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL Weight (MT) 3099.68 3.1


Total Rod Secondaries weight (SEC) 1247.66 1.2

Total Channels weight (ISMC) 0.00 0.0

Total Tubes weight (TBR) 1852.01 1.9

29 Sheeted Louvers Box type 0.00

30 Industrial Louvers- Triangular 0.00

31 Stair Cases 0.00 With Concrete thread

32 Hand rails 0.00

33 Cage Ladders 0.65

No.of Landings per
With Landing Description No's Weight Height Ladder Qty Landing Qty

No Cage Ladder -1 1 75 8.7 2 652.5 0.00

No Cage Ladder -2 0 75 10 1 0 0.00

No Cage Ladder -2 0 75 10 1 0 0.00

Leave this row blank, insert rows above if needed

TOTAL 652.50 0.00 0.7

Total Angles 652.50 0.7

Total UB/UC (HR) 0.00 0.0

34 False ceiling 0.00

35 Lean to 0.00

36 HSB 1.62
Percentage Description NOS Area F1 F2 F3 Total QTY

1.93 % SMALL BUILDINGS UPTO 1000 sqm 1 1620 1.00 1 1 1619.50

#DIV/0! MEZZ NORMAL LOADS: 5 kN/Sqm 1 0 1.20 1 1 0.00

1619.50 1.6

SUBJECT 204-0551 DATE : 19-Apr-2024


Design Code : AISC-360-2016


A Total % age
(MT) (MT)

Primary Builtup 50ksi : SSW (Note: Crane Beams will be DSW by defaul 46.66 46.66 43.60

Primary Builtup 50ksi : DSW 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary Sag Rod 12.5 Dia. 2.22 2.22 2.07

Secondary Flange Bracing 0.99 0.99 0.93

Primary Rods 1.90 1.90 1.77

Primary Angles up to 250 mm 0.65 0.65 0.61

Primary RHS / SHS/ CHS -100 to 200 mm 8.08 8.08 7.55

Primary RHS / SHS/ CHS - 250mm to 300 mm 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary HR channels up to 250 mm 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary HR channels 300 to 400 mm 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary HR -Beams up to 250mm & UB,UC Sec 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary HR Beams 300mm to 400 mm 0.00 0.00 0.00

Secondary Secondary 19.96 19.96 18.65

Sheeting Roof sheeting 8.26 8.26 7.72

Sheeting Wall sheeting 8.77 8.77 8.20

Sheeting Roof Liner -PRP 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sheeting Wall Liner -PWP 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary Anchor Bolt GR 4.6 0.62 0.62 0.58

Primary Crane Beams 50 ksi DSW 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary Chequered plate 0.00 0.00 0.00

Deck Sheet Deck sheet 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary Std Hand Rail 0.00 0.00 0.00

Secondary 1.75mm thk G.I V.GUTTER 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary 3.0 mm thk MS GUTTER 2.69 2.69 2.51

Sheeting PR - Trims and flashings for Puff Panels only - 345Mpa 0.00 0.00 0.00

Secondary Sheeting angle for Puff panels (CF) 0.00 0.00 0.00

Primary H.S.Bolts Gr 8.8 1.62 1.62 1.51

Primary SSR Clips 0.99 0.99 0.93

Secondary SSR Skylight Supporting Structure 3.60 3.60 3.36

Total 107.01 107.01 100.00


Up to 24mm thk Plate ( % ) 100

Beyond 24mm thk pl ( % ) 0

Description (Approximate Qty ) A Remarks

Box Column Weight Quantities given for Box

Star Column Weight column and Truss rafter/column are
included in the above breakup for
Truss rafter /Columns Weight pricing only given seperately.
Primary Builtup 50ksi : SSW (Note: Crane Beams will be DSW by default a 44.66
Primary Builtup 50ksi : DSW 0.00
Primary Sag Rod 12.5 Dia. 2.22
Secondary Flange Bracing 0.99
Primary Rods 1.90
Primary Angles up to 250 mm 0.65
Primary RHS / SHS/ CHS -100 to 200 mm 8.08
Primary RHS / SHS/ CHS - 250mm to 300 mm 0.00
Primary HR channels up to 250 mm 0.00
Primary HR channels 300 to 400 mm 0.00
Primary HR -Beams up to 250mm & UB,UC Sec 0.00
Primary HR Beams 300mm to 400 mm 0.00
Secondary Secondary 19.96
Sheeting Roof sheeting 8.26
Sheeting Wall sheeting 8.77
Sheeting Roof Liner -PRP 0.00
Sheeting Wall Liner -PWP 0.00
Primary Anchor Bolt GR 4.6 0.62
Primary Crane Beams 50 ksi DSW 0.00
Primary Chequered plate 0.00
Deck Sheet Deck sheet 0.00
Primary Std Hand Rail 0.00
Secondary 1.75mm thk G.I V.GUTTER 0.00
Primary 3.0 mm thk MS GUTTER 2.69
Sheeting PR - Trims and flashings for Puff Panels only - 345Mpa 0.00
Secondary Sheeting angle for Puff panels (CF) 0.00
Primary H.S.Bolts Gr 8.8 1.62
Primary SSR Clips 0.99
Secondary SSR Skylight Supporting Structure 3.60
Total 105.01

Primary 63.43
Secondary 24.55
Sheeting 17.03
Deck Sheet 0
44.66 42.53
0.00 0.00
2.22 2.11
0.99 0.94
1.90 1.81
0.65 0.62
8.08 7.70
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
19.96 19.01
8.26 7.86
8.77 8.36
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.62 0.59
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
2.69 2.56
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
1.62 1.54
0.99 0.94
3.60 3.43
105.01 100.00
PHENIX - Building Complexity Estimate - Quotation
DQ No. 0 Customer Name: 0
JOB NO. BLDG NO. A Rev. No. 0 Date: 30/Dec/99
Sr No Complexity Item Qty Rate Total
1 Number of Different Frame Geometries (Including Portal Bracings) 2 2.0 4.0
2 Number of Different Roof Planes 1 1.0 1.0
3 Unsymmetrical Ridge Condition 0 0.2 -
4 Number of Different Jack beams 0 1.0 -
5 No of Different Jack Beam Spans 0 0.5 -
6 Kicker 0 0.5 -
7 No. of different Angle Bracing 0 1.0 -
8 Existing Building attachment 0 1.0 -
9 Curved Rafters 0 2.0 -
1 Roof panel -PR 0 1.0 -
2 Roof panel -SSR 1 2.0 2.0
3 Puff Panel- Roof 0 1.0 -
4 Puff Panel- Wall 0 1.0 -
5 Number of Walls (Including Partitions) 4 0.5 2.0
6 Shifting of side wall girts of existing bldg to present bldg 0 1.0 -
7 Shifting of end wall girts and columnsof existing bldg to present b 0 1.0 -
8 Hip and valley 0 3.0 -
9 Roof framed openings 0 1.0 -
10 Skewed Wall 0 2.0 -
Canopy,Roof extension& Fascia
1 Number of Different Canopies 2 0.5 1.0
2 Number of Different Roof Extensions 0 0.5 -
3 Number of Different Shape Fascias 2 0.5 1.0
1 Number of Different Crane Runways (EOT& underslung) 0 0.5 -
2 Jib Cranes 0 1.0 -
3 Crane Tower or Independent Crane Columns 0 1.0 -
4 Crane walkways 0 0.5 -
5 Wall mounted cranes 0 0.5 -
6 Monorail beams 0 0.5 -
Supporting structures
1 Cable tray /pipe rack supporting structure/Cleats in rafter 0 1.0 -
2 Special Gutter arranegement structure 0 1.0 -
1 Number of Different Bay Spacing's for main frames 0 1.0 -
2 Number of Different Bay Spacing's for mezzanine frames 0 0.5 -
3 Number of Different Bay Spacing's for joists 0 0.5 -
4 Number of Different Bay Spacing's for Brickwork supporting beam 0 0.5 -
5 Number of Rectangular Mezzanine Areas/Mezzanine Levels 0 1.0 -
6 Number of Different Staircases. 0 1.0 -
7 Number of Different Walkways/ Platforms 0 1.0 -
8 Number of Handrail Lines (Not Including Handrails for staircases) 0 0.5 -
9 No of external staircases 0 2.0 -
10 Mezzanine with shear studs 0 0.5 -
11 Mezzanine beam connecting to RCC column 0 0.5 -
Roof, wall Liners and weld mesh
1 Roof liner/insulation 0 0.5 -
2 Wall liner/insulation 0 0.5 -
3 Weld mesh for roof insulation 0 0.5 -
4 Flange Bracing covering either weldmesh or sheeting 0 0.5 -
Roof Monitor & Gravity vent
1 Gravity vent 0 1.0 -
2 Roof Monitors 0 2.0 -
1 No of Different Cage Ladders 0 0.3 -
2 No. of Non. Std Sliding doors 0 0.5 -
3 No. of Header Systems 0 0.5 -
4 Industrial Louver 0 2.0 -
5 Galvalume Louvers(0.5 per wall) 0 0.5 -
6 Life line post (0.5 per wall) 0 0.5 -
7 Skylight Fall protection 0 0.5 -
Special Items
Special Items - (Girts/purlins Connecting to RCC
members/Expansion bolts/FM Global/Logo/hording Supporting
1 1.0 -
struture/Wall sheeting in horizontal pattern/AHU supporting from
Total Rate: 50.0
Total Complexity: 11.0
A- 0 to 10 : Standard, B- 10 to 30 : Medium Complexit MEDIUM
C- 30 to 50 : Complex, D- Above 50: Very Complex y

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