1. EBITDA/Turnover 14.40% 9.12% 12.55% 13.90% 30.73% 32.23% 39.35% 31.19% 23.79%
2. PBT/Turnover 8.35% 1.78% 7.43% 7.65% 25.09% 27.20% 34.08% 24.27% 14.10%
3. Return on Avg. Capital Employed 13.98% 5.69% 15.57% 21.13% 23.31% 39.47% 48.31% 27.71% 16.12%
4. Return on Avg. Net Worth 29.88% 16
(8.01)% 16.19% 51.00% 34.19% 43.57% 62.02% 45.96% 35.60%
5. Asset Turnover 93.04% 98.12% 128.56% 108.27% 76.65% 120.89% 107.44% 100.15% 79.18%
6. Inventory Turnover (in days) 66.00 72.00 55.00 37.00 46.00 45.00 42.00 40.00 45.00
7. Debtors Turnover (in days) 40.00 44.00 39.00 28.00 21.00 23.00 24.00 30.00 47.00
8. Gross Block to Net Block 2.18 2.33 2.39 2.51 1.65 1.67 1.65 1.70 1.65
9. Net Debt to Equity 1.55 1.77 1.65 1.99 0.84 0.06 0.22 0.42 1.14
10. Current Ratio 1.77 1.46 1.78 1.87 2.45 1.35 1.11 1.07 1.39
11. Interest Cover ratio 4.58 1.60 4.32 3.46 16.38 35.21 28.52 21.89 5.09
12. Networth per share
(post CCPS conversion) 409.02 278.28 330.49 472.03 223.08 181.53 128.95 81.52 89.23
13. Earnings per share 99.03 16
(24.92) 66.07 176.81 64.66 67.62 65.27 32.40 28.00
14. Dividend Payout 15.00% 16
(45.00)% 30.00% 11.00% 26.00% 22.00% 23.00% 23.00% 32.00%
15. P/E Ratio 6.27 16
(25.36) 3.12 3.92 6.95 7.93 6.14 11.84 4.78
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Tata Steel Limited and its Subsidiaries
in case of certain associates having a carrying value of ` 2.47 Crores as at 31st March, 2011 after
accounting for the Company’s share of profit after tax of ` 9.91 Crores for the year ended on that date,
the figures used for the consolidation are based on the management’s estimates and are not audited
by their auditors.
(d) As stated in Note 1 of Schedule M, in case of two associates, having a carrying value of ` 2,427.56
Crores after accounting for the Company’s share of loss after tax of ` 18.77 Crores, the financial
statements as on 31st March, 2011 are not available and the figures used for consolidation are based
on the management’s estimates up to 31st December, 2010 and not audited by their auditors. Further,
in respect of investments in certain associates valued at ` 1 each in the Financial Statements of the
Company no adjustment have been made in the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31st March,
2011 as the financial statements from these associates were not available.
4. Subject to the matters referred to in paragraph 3(c) and (d) and read with our comments in paragraph 3(a)
(a) We report that the Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared by the Company in
accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standard 21 (Consolidated Financial Statements),
Accounting Standard 23 (Accounting for Investment in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements)
and Accounting Standard 27 (Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures) as notified under the
Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
(b) Based on our audit and on consideration of the separate audit reports on individual financial statements
of the Company and the aforesaid subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and to the best of our
information and according to the explanations given to us, in our opinion, the Consolidated Financial
Statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in
(i) in the case of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Group as at
31st March, 2011;
(ii) in the case of the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, of the profit of the Group for the year
ended on that date and
(iii) in the case of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows of the Group for the year
ended on that date.
Membership No.: 70928
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Tata Steel Limited and its Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2011
As at
Schedule Page 31-03-2010
FUNDS EMPLOYED : ` crores ` crores ` crores
A 192 1. a. SHARE CAPITAL................................................................................ 958.74 886.74
b. SHARE WARRANTS (See Note 10(b), Page 215)................................ 178.20 –
1,136.94 886.74
B 192 2. RESERVES AND SURPLUS...................................................................... 34,426.97 21,927.15
3. TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS............................................................ 35,563.91 22,813.89
4. HYBRID PERPETUAL SECURITIES (See Note 10(c), Page 215)................ 1,500.00 –
5. WARRANTS ISSUED BY A SUBSIDIARY COMPANY.............................. 17.46 17.46
6. Minority InterEst............................................................................... 888.90 884.07
C 193 a. Secured ............................................................................................. 28,604.40 28,059.33
D 193 b. Unsecured ......................................................................................... 32,079.94 25,041.02
c. Total Loans......................................................................................... 60,684.34 53,100.35
8. Deferred Tax Liability (See Note 19, Page 227)................................... 2,188.18 1,802.94
TRANSLATION DIFFERENCE (See Note 9(c), Page 214)........................... – 206.95
10. Provision for employee separation compensation
(See Note 9(a), Page 214)........................................................................... 879.37 963.67
11. TOTAL FUNDS EMPLOYED....................................................................... 1,01,722.16 79,789.33
a. Gross Block ....................................................................................... 1,13,985.55 1,06,608.43
b. Less — Impairment .......................................................................... 3,180.31 2,909.75
c. Less — Depreciation ......................................................................... 58,411.84 57,902.85
d. Net Block ........................................................................................... 52,393.40 45,795.83
F 195 13. INVESTMENTS.......................................................................................... 7,847.34 5,417.79
14. Goodwill on Consolidation............................................................ 15,298.20 14,541.82
15. DEFERRED TAX ASSET (See Note 19, Page 227)................................... 175.56 148.83
a. Stores and spare parts....................................................................... 1,841.58 1,715.11
G 195 b. Stock-in-trade..................................................................................... 22,213.66 16,971.53
H 196 c. Sundry debtors................................................................................... 14,816.28 11,512.44
d. Interest accrued on investments......................................................... 9.83 7.63
I 196 e. Cash and Bank balances.................................................................... 10,892.60 6,815.11
49,773.95 37,021.82
J 196 B. LOANS AND ADVANCES................................................................... 9,994.69 6,849.89
59,768.64 43,871.71
K 197 A. Current Liabilities................................................................................ 26,671.06 23,392.49
L 197 B. Provisions........................................................................................... 7,089.92 6,594.16
33,760.98 29,986.65
18. NET CURRENT ASSETS........................................................................... 26,007.66 13,885.06
19. TOTAL ASSETS (Net)................................................................................. 1,01,722.16 79,789.33
Contingent Liabilities (See Note 3, Page 210)
In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants, B MUTHURAMAN Vice Chairman
subodh bhargava
Karl-Ulrich Koehler
Mumbai, 25th May, 2011 Company Secretary H M NERURKAR Managing Director
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011
Previous Year
Schedule Page ` crores ` crores ` crores
1 190 1. SaleS AND OTHER OPERATING INCOME.................................................. 1,21,345.75 1,04,229.83
Less — Excise Duty.................................................................................... 2,592.63 1,836.71
1,18,753.12 1,02,393.12
2 190 2. OTHER INCOME............................................................................................. 980.98 1,185.85
1,19,734.10 1,03,578.97
4 191 3. Manufacturing and Other Expenses............................................... 1,03,445.86 95,177.56
4. DEPRECIATION.............................................................................................. 4,414.82 4,491.73
1,07,860.68 99,669.29
TRANSFERRED TO CAPITAL AND OTHER ACCOUNTS................... 688.36 827.10
1,07,172.32 98,842.19
3 190 6. NET FINANCE CHARGES.............................................................................. 2,770.04 3,022.06
7. TOTAL EXPENDITURE................................................................................... 1,09,942.36 1,01,864.25
PROFIT/(loss) BEFORE TAXES and Exceptional Items............................ 9,791.74 1,714.72
8. a. RESTRUCTURING, IMPAIRMENT AND DISPOSALS............................. 2,310.21 (1,683.72)
(See Note 9(e), Page 214)
PROFIT/(loss) BEFORE TAXES .......................................................................... 12,101.95 31.00
a. Current TAX . ...................................................................................... 2,910.34 2,162.53
b. Deferred TAX ..................................................................................... 335.56 (10.69)
3,245.90 2,151.84
PROFIT/(loss) AFTER TAXES . .......................................................................... 8,856.05 (2,120.84)
10. Minority Interest..................................................................................... 60.28 (15.24)
11. Share of profits of associates ....................................................... 66.36 126.86
126.64 111.62
Profit/(loss) after TAXES, Minority Interest and share of
profit of associates .................................................................................... 8,982.69 (2,009.22)
[net of tax of ` 2.25 crores (2009-10 : Nil)]...................................................... 4.54 –
8,978.15 (2,009.22)
13. BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD FROM LAST YEAR.................................. 7,010.48 10,961.96
AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS ................................................. 15,988.63 8,952.74
a. proposed dividends......................................................................... 1,150.25 709.23
c. Tax on Dividends................................................................................ 163.22 154.33
d. Special Reserve................................................................................. 5.32 48.55
e. STATUTORY RESERVE........................................................................... – 31.69
f. GENERAL RESERVE............................................................................... 703.42 552.58
g. debenture redemption reserve................................................. 1,007.26 400.00
3,029.47 1,942.26
BALANCE CARRIED TO BALANCE SHEET ....................................................... 12,959.16 7,010.48
Basic Earnings per Share (`) (See Note 18, Page 227) . ....................................... 99.03 (24.92)
Diluted Earnings per Share (`) (See Note 18, Page 227)....................................... 92.86 (24.92)
In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants, B MUTHURAMAN Vice Chairman
subodh bhargava
Karl-Ulrich Koehler
Mumbai, 25th May, 2011 Company Secretary H M NERURKAR Managing Director
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2011
Year Ended Year Ended
31-03-2011 31-03-2010
` crores ` crores
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities :
Profit before Taxes, Minority Interest &
Share of Profit of Associates 12,101.95 31.00
Adjustments for :
Depreciation 4,414.82 4,491.73
Income from other investments (87.30) (69.98)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of other investments (738.75) (1,036.07)
(Profit)/Loss on sale of assets/discarded assets written off (100.38) (109.00)
Restructuring, Impairment & Disposals (2,310.21) 1,683.72
Interest and income from current investments (437.00) (472.24)
Interest charged to profit and loss account 3,207.04 3,494.30
(Gain)/Loss on cancellation of forward covers/ swaps/options (54.55) 29.20
Exchange (Gain)/Loss on revaluation of foreign currency loans (288.79) (94.13)
Unrealised Foreign exchange on consolidation net (gain)/loss 388.20 (258.53)
Preliminary expenditure written off – 2.73
Provision for wealth tax 1.36 1.62
Other amortisation and non-cash expenditure 776.49 369.21
4,770.93 8,032.56
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 16,872.88 8,063.56
Adjustments for :
Trade and other receivables (4,718.97) 2,118.96
Inventories (4,888.51) 1,884.24
Trade payables and other liabilities 2,432.58 898.53
(7,174.90) 4,901.73
Cash Generated from Operations 9,697.98 12,965.29
Direct taxes paid (3,235.07) (2,463.10)
(3,235.07) (2,463.10)
Net Cash from Operating Activities 6,462.91 10,502.19
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2011
Year Ended Year Ended
31-03-2011 31-03-2010
` crores ` crores
In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants, B MUTHURAMAN Vice Chairman
subodh bhargava
Karl-Ulrich Koehler
Mumbai, 25th May, 2011 Company Secretary H M NERURKAR Managing Director
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated profit and loss account
(Item No. 1, Page 187)
` crores ` crores
(a) Sale of products..................................................................................................... 1,17,737.48 1,02,136.75
(b) Sale of power and water......................................................................................... 900.03 719.54
(c) Income from town, medical and other services ..................................................... 1,104.90 738.19
(d) Other operating income.......................................................................................... 1,603.34 635.35
1,21,345.75 1,04,229.83
` crores ` crores
(a) Income from other investments.............................................................................. 87.30 69.98
(b) Profit on sale/redemption of other investments.......................................................... 738.75 1,036.07
(c) Profit on sale of capital assets (net of loss on assets sold/scrapped/written off)......... 100.38 109.00
(d) Gain/(Loss) from cancellation of forward covers/swaps/options.......................... 54.55 (29.20)
980.98 1,185.85
` crores ` crores ` crores
1. Interest on
(i) Debentures and Fixed loans........................................................................ 3,248.86 3,519.52
(ii) Others.......................................................................................................... 177.81 140.25
3,426.67 3,659.77
Less — Interest capitalised................................................................................... 219.63 165.47
3,207.04 3,494.30
2. Less :
(i) Interest received on sundry advances, deposits, customers’ balances etc..... 274.20 208.40
(ii) Income from current investments.................................................................... 4.65 5.16
(iii) Profit/(loss) on sale of current investments..................................................... 158.15 258.68
437.00 472.24
2,770.04 3,022.06
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated profit and loss account
(Item No. 3, Page 187)
` crores ` crores ` crores
OTHER PRODUCTS.............................................................................................. 15,890.40 13,110.61
2. RAW MATERIALS CONSUMED .......................................................................... 38,044.12 31,004.49
(a) Wages and salaries, including bonus........................................................... 13,045.88 13,581.57
(b) Company’s contributions to provident and other funds................................ 2,241.04 2,893.55
15,286.92 16,475.12
(a) Stores and spares consumed...................................................................... 7,259.19 7,763.95
(b) Fuel oil consumed........................................................................................ 874.42 833.52
(c) Repairs to buildings...................................................................................... 415.36 357.85
(d) Repairs to machinery................................................................................... 4,860.12 4,689.55
(e) Relining expenses........................................................................................ 87.25 90.71
(f) Conversion charges..................................................................................... 1,124.43 1,082.53
(g) Purchase of power....................................................................................... 4,014.76 4,051.26
(h) Rent.............................................................................................................. 2,833.30 2,543.80
(i) Royalty......................................................................................................... 621.52 281.26
(j) Rates and taxes........................................................................................... 727.38 682.37
(k) Insurance charges........................................................................................ 311.25 265.63
(l) Commission, discounts and rebates............................................................ 229.09 262.41
(m) Provision for wealth tax................................................................................ 1.36 1.62
(n) Adjustments relating to previous years (net)................................................ (18.50) (14.72)
(o) Other expenses............................................................................. 5,566.88 5,290.73 *
28,907.81 28,182.47
5. FREIGHT AND HANDLING CHARGES................................................................. 6,389.61 5,553.65
6. PROVISION FOR DOUBTFUL DEBTS AND ADVANCES..................................... 189.18 103.89
7. EXCISE DUTY....................................................................................................... 93.80 87.29
1,04,801.84 94,517.52
(a) Opening Stock............................................................................................. 10,339.81 11,473.21#
(b) Foreign exchange movement...................................................................... 487.00 (473.36)
(c) Less – Closing Stock................................................................................... 12,182.79 10,339.81
(1,355.98) 660.04
1,03,445.86 95,177.56
# Includes ` 31.16 crores for Tata Steel Processing and Distribution Ltd., which became a subsidiary during the year.
* Includes goodwill written off ` 36.24 crores.
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated balance sheet
As at
` crores ` crores
32,079.94 25,041.02
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated balance sheet
(Item No. 12, Page 186)
` crores
Fixture and Develop- Live-
Fixed Assets Land and Lease- Railway Plant and Office ment of stock &
Roads Buildings hold Sidings Machinery Equipment Property Vehicles Intangibles Total
(4) (5)
Gross Block as at 1.04.2010 1,340.70 8,893.51 2,035.84 696.01 80,771.51 1,192.86 393.64 197.44 1,767.49 97,289.00
1,369.79 8,953.97 2,198.15 709.85 82,623.29 1,289.42 380.99 254.65 1,678.56 99,458.67
Assets of New Companies (1)
7.34 17.93 – – 14.97 0.27 10.32 0.05 231.95 282.83
0.83 37.28 1.86 – 79.73 4.46 – 0.53 0.17 124.86
Additions during the year (6) 104.89 127.66 244.91 37.29 2,955.22 43.11 195.01 71.80 363.10 4,142.99
107.86 650.05 20.59 5.31 5,411.76 43.19 13.61 29.94 270.13 6,552.44
Exchange Movement on translation 47.30 358.57 93.34 23.34 2,917.58 44.18 (0.02) 2.21 66.39 3,552.89
(74.27) (591.35) (125.50) (47.36) (4,290.00) (103.38) (0.96) (3.36) (122.51) (5,358.69)
Deductions during the year (3) 9.87 640.66 78.23 104.96 6,294.56 14.88 – 10.71 12.46 7,166.33
30.92 477.69 79.83 – 2,726.40 32.38 – 82.20 58.86 3,488.28
Transfer and Other Movements (2) – – – – – – – – – –
(32.59) 321.25 20.57 28.21 (326.87) (8.45) – (2.12) – –
Gross Block as at 31.03.2011 1,490.36 8,757.01 2,295.86 651.68 80,364.72 1,265.54 598.95 260.79 2,416.47 98,101.38
1,340.70 8,893.51 2,035.84 696.01 80,771.51 1,192.86 393.64 197.44 1,767.49 97,289.00
Capital work-in-progress [including advances for capital expenditure ` 2,204.67 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 1,465.32 crores)] 15,884.17
Impaired Assets as at 1.04.2010 171.58 89.69 90.21 13.00 2,475.17 – – – 21.31 2,860.96
173.78 134.82 93.25 13.82 2,744.32 0.40 – – 22.65 3,183.04
Impairment during the year 20.23 – – – 641.44 – – – – 661.67
5.60 – 2.74 – 9.11 0.20 – – – 17.65
Impairment reversed during the year – – – – 254.56 – – – – 254.56
– 39.96 – – – – – – – 39.96
Impairment on assets written off – 33.32 4.06 13.48 236.77 0.11 – – 0.04 287.78
0.92 – – – 120.06 0.29 – – – 121.27
Exchange Movement on translation 3.04 4.01 4.54 0.48 128.36 0.11 – – 1.08 141.62
(6.88) (5.17) (5.78) (0.82) (158.20) (0.31) – – (1.34) (178.50)
(1) Represents assets and accumulated depreciation of Sedibeng Iron Ore Pty. Ltd. and Stuwadoorsbedrijf Velserkom B.V. which became subsidiaries during the year.
(2) Represents adjustments for inter se transfers.
(3) Deductions include cost of assets scrapped/sold/surrendered during the year.
(4) Buildings include ` 2.32 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 2.32 crores) being cost of shares in Co-operative Housing Societies & Limited Companies.
(5) Development of property represents expenditure incurred on development of mines/collieries.
(6) Rupee Liability has increased by a net amount of ` 1.11 crores (2009-10 : decreased by ` 51.46 crores) arising out of realignment of the value of foreign currency loans for
procurement of fixed assets. The increase has been adjusted to the carrying cost of respective fixed assets and has been depreciated over their remaining depreciable life. The
depreciation for the current year is higher by ` 0.06 crores (2009-10 : lower by ` 2.30 crores) arising on account of this adjustment.
(7) Depreciation charge in the profit and loss account is net of ` 38.38 crores (2009-2010 : ` 39.61 crores) on account of assets against which specific grants have been
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated balance sheet
Schedule F : Investments :—
(Item No. 13, Page 186)
As at
` crores ` crores ` crores
A. Long Term Investments
(At Cost less provision for diminution in value)
1. In Associates (See Note 1, Page 206)
Cost of investment .................................................................................................. 2,830.86 1,566.37
(including ` 1,331.06 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 671.16 crores) of Goodwill net of
Capital Reserve arising on consolidation)
Add – Share of post acquisition profit (net of losses)............................................. 286.20 316.84
3,117.06 1,883.21
2. Others
(a) Shares (Quoted) ............................................................................................ 614.73 678.61
(b) Shares (Unquoted)......................................................................................... 847.77 823.23
B. Investment properties................................................................................. 108.50 101.50
C. Current Investments (at lower of cost and fair value)
1. Others...................................................................................................................... 2.69 2.49
2. Investment in Mutual Funds..................................................................................... 3,156.59 1,928.75
7,847.34 5,417.79
(Item No. 16A(b), Page 186)
As at
` crores ` crores
(a) Finished and semi-finished products produced and purchased by the
Company, at lower of cost and net realisable value (including purchased
goods-in-transit)....................................................................................................... 8,137.26 6,654.69
(b) Work-in-progress (at lower of cost and net realisable value)................................... 4,045.53 3,685.12
12,182.79 10,339.81
(c) Coal, iron ore and other raw materials produced and purchased by
the Company, at lower of cost and net realisable value (including purchased
raw materials-in-transit).......................................................................................... 10,030.87 6,631.72
22,213.66 16,971.53
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated balance sheet
(Item No. 16A(c), Page 186)
As at
` crores ` crores
(a) Over six months old................................................................................................. 777.01 781.90
(b) Others . ................................................................................................................... 14,654.92 11,246.69
15,431.93 12,028.59
Less — Provision for doubtful debts ..................................................................... 615.65 516.15
14,816.28 11,512.44
As at
` crores ` crores
Sundry debts, secured and considered good.......................................................... – 2,537.35
Sundry debts, unsecured and considered good...................................................... 14,816.28 8,975.09
Sundry debts, considered doubtful.......................................................................... 615.65 516.15
15,431.93 12,028.59
As at
` crores ` crores
Loans and Advances, unsecured and considered good................................................... 9,994.69 6,849.89
Loans and Advances, considered doubtful....................................................................... 185.44 169.89
10,180.13 7,019.78
Schedules forming part of the Consolidated balance sheet
(Item No. 17A, Page 186)
As at
` crores ` crores ` crores
(a) Sundry creditors :
(i) For supplies/services...................................................................................... 18,021.80 15,628.81
(ii) For accrued wages and salaries..................................................................... 2,419.27 2,419.06
(iii) For other liabilities........................................................................................... 4,874.60 3,976.01
25,315.67 22,023.88
(b) Interest accrued but not due.................................................................................... 772.28 771.20
(c) Advances received from customers......................................................................... 528.19 545.29
(d) Unpaid Dividend...................................................................................................... 54.92 52.12
26,671.06 23,392.49
(Item No. 17B, Page 186)
As at
` crores ` crores
(a) Provision for employee benefits............................................................................... 2,930.13 2,466.84
(b) Provision for taxation............................................................................................... 1,145.81 1,185.32
(c) Provision for fringe benefits tax............................................................................... 3.93 2.17
(d) Proposed dividends ................................................................................................ 1,150.25 709.23
(e) Others...................................................................................................................... 1,859.80 2,230.60
7,089.92 6,594.16
A to L and Notes on pages 198 to 227
For and on behalf of the Board
B MUTHURAMAN Vice Chairman
subodh bhargava
Karl-Ulrich Koehler
Mumbai, 25th May, 2011 Company Secretary H M NERURKAR Managing Director
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11
1. Principles of Consolidation :
The Consolidated Financial Statements relate to Tata Steel Limited (“the Company”) and its subsidiary companies. The Consolidated
Financial Statements have been prepared on the following basis :
— The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding
together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after fully eliminating intra-group balances and
intra-group transactions resulting in unrealised profits or losses as per Accounting Standard 21 – "Consolidated Financial Statements"
notified by Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
— In case of foreign subsidiaries, being non-integral operations, revenue items are consolidated at the average rate prevailing during
the year. All assets and liabilities are converted at the rates prevailing at the end of the year. Any exchange difference arising on
consolidation is recognised in the foreign currency translation reserve.
— The difference between the cost of investment in the subsidiaries and joint ventures, and the Company's share of net assets at the
time of acquisition of shares in the subsidiaries and joint ventures is recoginised in the financial statement as Goodwill or Capital
Reserve as the case may be.
— Minority Interest in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries is identified and presented in the consolidated balance sheet
separately from liabilities and equity of the company's shareholders.
Minority interest in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries consists of :
a) The amount of equity attributable to minority at the date on which investment in a subsidiary is made; and
b) The minority share of movements in equity since the date the parent subsidiary relationship came into existence.
— Minority interest’s share of net profit for the year of consolidated subsidiaries is identified and adjusted against the profit after tax of the group.
— Investment in associates where the company directly or indirectly through subsidiaries holds more than 20% of equity, are accounted
for using equity method as per Accounting Standard 23 – "Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial
Statements" notified by Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
— The company accounts for its share of post acquisition changes in net assets of associates, after eliminating unrealised profits
and losses resulting from transactions between the company and its associates to the extent of its share, through its profit and
loss account, to the extent such change is attributable to the associates' profit and loss account and through its reserves for the
balance based on available information.
— The difference between the cost of investment in the associates and the Company's share of net assets at the time of acquisition
of share in the associates is identified in the financial statements as Goodwill or Capital Reserve as the case may be.
— Interests in Joint Ventures have been accounted by using the proportionate consolidation method as per Accounting Standard
27 – "Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures" notified by Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
— The financial statements of the subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures used in the consolidation are drawn up to the same
reporting date as that of the Company i.e. 31st March, 2011, except for certain associates (indicated as # below) for which financial
statements as on reporting date are not available. These have been consolidated based on last available financial statements.
The list of subsidiary companies and joint ventures which are included in the consolidation and the Company’s holdings therein are as under :
i) Adityapur Toll Bridge Company Ltd. 73.63 86.34 India
ii) Centennial Steel Company Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
iii) Gopalpur Special Economic Zone Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
iv) Jamshedpur Utilities & Services Company Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
1. Haldia Water Management Limited 60.00 60.00 India
2. Naba Diganta Water Management Ltd. 74.00 74.00 India
3. SEZ Adityapur Ltd. 51.00 51.00 India
v) Kalimati Investment Company Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
1. Bangla Steel & Mining Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Bangladesh
vi) Lanka Special Steels Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Sri Lanka
vii) NatSteel Asia Pte. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Singapore
1. NatSteel Iranian Private Joint Stock Company * 100.00 100.00 Iran
2. NatSteel Middle East FZE * 100.00 100.00 UAE
3. Tata Steel Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Hong Kong
4. Tata Steel Resources Australia Pty. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Australia
viii) T S Alloys Limited 100.00 100.00 India
ix) Sila Eastern Ltd. 49.00 49.00 Thailand
x) Tata Incorporated 100.00 100.00 USA
xi) Tata Korf Engineering Services Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Name of the Company Ownership in % either directly Country of
or through Subsidiaries Incorporation
2010-11 2009-10
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
186. Richard Thomas And Baldwins (Australia) Pty Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Australia
187. Richard Thomas And Baldwins 1978. Limited 100.00 100.00 New Zealand
188. Round Oak Steelworks Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
189. Runblast Limited 100.00 100.00 UK
190. Runmega Limited 100.00 100.00 UK
191. S A B Profiel B.V. 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
192. S A B Profil GmbH 100.00 100.00 Germany
193. SA Intertubes* 100.00 100.00 Belgium
194. Sacra-Nord SAS 100.00 100.00 France
195. Scrap Processing Holding B.V. 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
196. Seamless Tubes Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
197. Service Center Gelsenkirchen GmbH 100.00 100.00 Germany
198. Sia Corus Building Systems 100.00 100.00 Latvia
199. Simiop Investments Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
200. Simiop Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
201. Skruv Erik AB 100.00 100.00 Sweden
202. Societe Europeenne De Galvanisation (Segal) Sa 100.00 100.00 Belgium
203. Staalverwerking En Handel B.V. 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
204. Steel Company (N.I.) Ltd.* 100.00 100.00 UK
205. Steel Stockholdings Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
206. Steelstock Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
207. Stewarts & Lloyds Of Ireland Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Ireland
208. Stewarts And Lloyds (Overseas) Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
209. Stocksbridge Cottage Trust 100.00 100.00 UK
210. Stuwadoorsbedrijf Velserkom B.V. * 100.00 – Netherlands
211. Surahammar Bruks AB 100.00 100.00 Sweden
212. Swinden Housing Association 100.00 100.00 UK
213. Tata Steel Belgium Packing Steels N.V. 100.00 100.00 Belgium
214. Tata Steel Belgium Services N.V. 100.00 100.00 Belgium
215. Tata Steel Europe Distribution BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
216. Tata Steel Europe Metals Trading BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
217. Tata Steel France Rail SA 100.00 100.00 France
218. Tata Steel Germany GmbH 100.00 100.00 Germany
219. Tata Steel Hungary LLC 100.00 100.00 Hungary
220. Tata Steel Ijmuiden BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
221. Tata Steel International (Americas) Holdings Inc 100.00 100.00 USA
222. Tata Steel International (Americas) Inc 100.00 100.00 USA
223. Tata Steel International (Australasia) Limited 100.00 100.00 New Zealand
224. Tata Steel International (Benelux) BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
225. Tata Steel International (Denmark) A/S 100.00 100.00 Denmark
226. Tata Steel International (Finland) OY 100.00 100.00 Finland
227. Tata Steel International (France) SAS 100.00 100.00 France
228. Tata Steel International (Germany) GmbH 100.00 100.00 Germany
229. Tata Steel International Hellas SA 100.00 100.00 Greece
230. Tata Steel International (Italia) SRL 100.00 100.00 Italy
231. Tata Steel International (Middle East) FZE 100.00 100.00 UAE
232. Tata Steel International (Nigeria) Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Nigeria
233. Tata Steel International (North America) Ltd. 100.00 100.00 USA
234. Tata Steel International (Poland) sp Zoo 100.00 100.00 Poland
235. Tata Steel International (Schweiz) AG 100.00 100.00 Switzerland
236. Tata Steel International (UK) Ltd. 100.00 100.00 UK
237. Tata Steel International (India) Pvt. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
238. Tata Steel Istanbul Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret AS 88.00 88.00 Turkey
239. Tata Steel Nederland BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
240. Tata Steel Nederland Consulting & Technical Services BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
241. Tata Steel Nederland Investment BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
242. Tata Steel Nederland Perfo BV 100.00 100.00 Netherlands
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
xix) The Indian Steel and Wire Products Ltd. 91.36 91.36 India
xx) The Tata Pigments Ltd. 100.00 100.00 India
xxi) T M Mining Company Limited * 74.00 – India
xxii) Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing and Processing Company Private Limited * 100.00 – India
B.Joint Venture of
i) Tata Steel Ltd.
1. Bhubaneswar Power Pvt. Ltd. 26.00 26.00 India
2. mjunction services ltd. 50.00 50.00 India
3. S & T Mining Co. Pvt. Ltd. 50.00 50.00 India
4. Tata Bluescope Steel Ltd. 50.00 50.00 India
5. Tata NYK Shipping Pte Ltd. 50.00 50.00 Singapore
6. The Dhamra Port Company Ltd. 50.00 50.00 India
7. Himalaya Steel Mills Services Pvt. Ltd.* 26.00 – India
ii) Tata Steel Holdings Pte. Ltd.
a) Tata Steel Global Holdings Pte Ltd.
I. Tata Steel Europe Ltd.
1. Afon Tinplate Company Limited 64.00 64.00 UK
2. Air Products Llanwern Limited 50.00 50.00 UK
3. B V Ijzerleew 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
4. Bsr Pipeline Services Limited 50.00 50.00 UK
5. Caparo Merchant Bar Plc 25.00 25.00 UK
6. Cindu Chemicals B.V. 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
7. Corus Celik Ticaret AS 50.00 50.00 Turkey
8. Corus Cogifer Switches And Crossings Limited 50.00 50.00 UK
9. Corus Kalpinis Simos Rom SRL. 50.00 50.00 Romania
10. Danieli Corus Technical Services B.V. 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
11. Hks Scrap Metals B.V. 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
12. Ijzerhandel Geertsema Staal B.V. 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
13. Industrial Rail Services Ijmond B.V. 50.00 50.00 Netherlands
14. Laura Metaal Holding B.V. 49.00 49.00 Netherlands
15. Norsk Stal AS 50.00 50.00 Norway
16. Norsk Stal Tynnplater AS 50.00 50.00 Norway
17. Ravenscraig Limited 100.00 100.00 UK
18. Tata Elastron SA 50.00 50.00 Greece
19. Tata Elastron SA Steel Service Center 50.00 50.00 Greece
20. Texturing Technology Limited 50.00 50.00 UK
21. Redcar Bulk Terminal Limited * 50.00 – UK
II. Tata Steel Global Minerals Holdings Pte. Ltd.
1. Riversdale Energy (Mauritius) Ltd 35.00 35.00 Mauritius
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
The Associates of the Company and the ownership interest are as follows :
Name of the Company
% Share Original Goodwill/ Accumulated Carrying
held Cost of (Capital Profit/(Loss) amount of
Investment Reserve) as at Investments
31.03.2011** as at 31.03.2011**
` crores ` crores ` crores ` crores
Ab Norskstal As 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Albi Profils SRL 30.00 – – – –
30.00 – – – –
Almora Magnesite Limited 39.00 0.78 – 0.36 1.14
39.00 0.78 – 0.21 0.99
Appleby Frodingham Cottage Trust Limited 33.30 – – – –
33.30 – – – –
Combulex B.V. 50.00 10.97 – 0.46 11.43
50.00 10.97 – (1.62) 9.35
Cv Gasexpansie Ijmond 50.00 0.26 – 0.03 0.29
50.00 0.26 – 0.02 0.28
Danieli Corus Canada Inc. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Asia B.V. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Braseq Ltda 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus B.V. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Construction Services B.V 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Construction Services Usa Inc. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Do Brasil Ltda 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Inc. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli Corus Services Usa Inc. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
Danieli India (Pvt.) Ltd. 50.00 – – – –
50.00 – – – –
European Profiles (Marketing) Sdn. Bhd. 10.20 – – – –
10.20 – – – –
European Profiles Malaysia (M) Sdn. Bhd. 20.00 6.35 – (0.62) 5.73
20.00 6.35 – (1.94) 4.41
Galvpro LP 45.50 – – – –
45.50 – – – –
Gietwalsonderhoudcombinatie B.V. 50.00 9.66 – 3.89 13.55
50.00 9.66 – 3.46 13.12
Hoogovens Court Roll Service 50.00 9.86 – 4.00 13.86
Technologies Vof 50.00 9.86 – 4.84 14.70
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
* Earlier an associate, became a subsidiary during the year. Carrying value of investment on the date of becoming a subsidiary ` 2.52 crores.
** Includes exchange fluctuation and other adjustments to carrying value routed through reserves.
(a) Investment in these associates have been reported at Nil value as the Company’s share of losses exceeds the carrying amount of investment.
(b) Part of the year.
$ Disposed off during the year.
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
2.Accounting Policies
(a) Basis for Accounting
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the
generally accepted accounting principles, Accounting Standards notified under Section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956 and
the relevant provisions thereof.
(b) Revenue Recognition
(i) Sales comprises sale of goods and services, net of trade discounts.
(ii) Export incentive under the Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme has been recognised on the basis of credits afforded in the
pass book.
(iii) In one of the subsidiaries, income from services are recognised upon completion of the relevant shipping activities and related
services. Income and expenses relating to incomplete voyages are carried forward as voyages-in-progress. Despatch earnings
are accounted for on receipt basis.
(c) Employee Benefits
(i) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the Profit and Loss Account of the
year in which the related service is rendered.
(ii) Post employment benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss Account for the year in which the employee has
rendered services. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amount payable towards contributions. The present
value is determined using the market yields of government bonds, at the balance sheet date, as the discounting rate. In some
of the foreign subsidiaries, the present value is determined using the AA rated corporate bonds.
(iii) Other long-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the Profit and Loss Account for the period in which
the employee has rendered services. Estimated liability on account of long-term benefits is discounted to the current value,
using the market yield on government bonds, as on the date of balance sheet, as the discounting rate. In some of the foreign
subsidiaries, the present value is determined using the AA rated corporate bonds.
(iv) Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long-term benefits are recognised in the Profit and Loss
Account. However in one of the subsidiary (Tata Steel Europe Limited) because of potential volatility caused by periodic
changes in the assumptions underlying the computation of the pension and other post retirement benefit liabilities, it is not
considered practicable to adopt a common accounting policy for accouting for these liabilities of the company and Tata Steel
Europe Limited. The actuarial gains and losses for these liabilities of Tata Steel Europe Limited have been accounted in
Reserves and Surplus.
(v) In respect of the Employee Separation Scheme (ESS), the increase in the net present value of the future liability for pension
payable to employees, who have opted for retirement under the Employee Separation Scheme of the Company, is charged to
the Profit and Loss Account.
(d) Fixed Assets
All fixed assets are valued at cost less depreciation. Pre-operating expenses including trial run expenses (net of revenue) are
capitalised. Borrowing costs during the period of construction is added to the cost of fixed assets.
Blast Furnace relining is capitalised. The written down value of the asset consisting of lining/relining expenditure embedded in the
cost of the furnace is written off in the year of fresh relining.
(e) Depreciation
(I) Capital assets whose ownership does not vest in the Company is depreciated over their estimated useful life or five years,
whichever is less.
(II) In respect of other assets, depreciation is provided on a straight line basis applying the rates specified in Schedule XIV to the
Companies Act, 1956 or based on estimated useful life whichever is higher. The details of estimated life for each category of
assets is as under :
(i) Buildings — 30 to 62 years.
(ii) Plant and Machinery — 4 to 21 years.
(iii) Railway Sidings — 21 years.
(iv) Vehicles and Aircraft — 5 to 18 years.
(v) Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment — 4 to 5 years.
(vi) Intangibles (Computer Software) — 5 to 10 years.
(vii) Development of property for development of mines and collieries are depreciated over the useful life of the mine or
lease period whichever is less, subject to maximum of 10 years.
(viii) Blast Furnace relining is depreciated over a period of 10 years (average expected life).
(ix) Freehold land is not depreciated.
(x) Leasehold land is amortised over the life of the lease.
(xi) Roads — 30 to 62 years.
In some of the subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates depreciation is calculated on written down value basis and
intangible assets are amortised over the period for which the rights are obtained. The depreciation charge in respect of
these entities is not significant in the context of the consolidated financial statements.
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
(f) Foreign Currency Transactions
Foreign Currency Transactions (FCT) and forward exchange contracts used to hedge FCT are initially recognised at the spot rate on
the date of the transaction/contract. Monetary assets and liabilities relating to foreign currency transactions and forward exchange
contracts remaining unsettled at the end of the year are translated at year end rates.
The company and some of its Indian subsidiaries and joint ventures have opted for accounting the exchange differences arising on
reporting of long-term foreign currency monetary items in line with Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2009
relating to Accounting Standard 11 (AS-11) notified by Government of India on 31st March, 2009. Accordingly the effect of exchange
differences on foreign currency loans of the company is accounted by addition or deduction to the cost of the assets so far it relates
to depreciable capital assets and in other cases by transfer to “Foreign Currency Monetary Items Translation Difference Account” to
be amortised over the balance period of the long-term monetary items or period upto 31st March, 2011 whichever is earlier.
The differences in translation of FCT and forward exchange contracts used to hedge FCT (excluding the long term foreign
currency monetary items accounted in line with Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2009 on Accounting
Standard 11 notified by Government of India on 31st March, 2009) and realised gains and losses, other than those relating to
fixed assets are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. The outstanding derivative contracts at the balance sheet date other
than forward exchange contracts used to hedge FCT are valued by marking them to market and losses, if any, are recognised in
the Profit and Loss Account.
Exchange difference relating to monetary items that are in substance forming part of the Company’s net investment in non integral
foreign operations are accumulated in Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Reserve Account.
In the absence of any operative Indian Accounting Standard on the subject, changes in fair value of outstanding derivative
instruments designated as cash flow hedges against firm commitments and highly probable forecast transactions are accounted
in “Reserves & Surplus”.
(g) Investments
Long term investments are carried at cost less provision for diminution other than temporary, if any, in value of such investments.
Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value. Stock in trade in case of one of the subsidiaries, being an investment
company, has been valued at cost or at market quotation whichever is lower scripwise.
(h) Inventories
Finished and semi-finished products produced and purchased by the Company are carried at lower of cost and net realisable
Work-in-progress is carried at lower of cost and net realisable value.
Coal, iron ore and other raw materials produced and purchased by the Company are carried at lower of cost and net realisable value.
Stores and spare parts are carried at cost. Necessary provision is made and charged to revenue in case of identified obsolete and
non-moving items.
Cost of inventories is generally ascertained on the ‘weighted average’ basis. Work-in-progress and finished and semi-finished
products are valued on full absorption cost basis.
(i) Relining Expenses
Relining expenses other than expenses on Blast Furnace relining are charged as an expense in the year in which they
are incurred.
(j) Research and Development
Research and Development costs (other than cost of fixed assets acquired) are charged as an expense in the year in which they
are incurred.
(k) Deferred Tax
Deferred Tax is accounted for by computing the tax effect of timing differences which arise during the year and reverse in
subsequent periods.
(l) Taxes on Income
i) Indian Companies :
Tax on income for the current period is determined on the basis of taxable income and tax credits computed in accordance with
the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961.
ii) Foreign Companies :
Foreign Companies recognise tax liabilities and assets in accordance with the applicable local laws.
3. Contingent Liabilities
(a) Guarantees
The Company has given guarantees aggregating ` 675.44 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 622.37 crores) to banks and financial
institutions on behalf of others. As at 31st March, 2011 the contingent liabilities under these guarantees amounted to ` 675.44 crores
(31.03.2010 : ` 622.37 crores).
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
(b) Claims not acknowledged by the Company :
As at As at
31.03.2011 31.03.2010
` crores ` crores
(i) Excise 439.44 465.06
(ii) Customs 13.68 13.88
(iii) Sales Tax and VAT 513.61 605.66
(iv) State Levies 202.18 186.24
(v) Suppliers and Service Contract 72.21 71.16
(vi) Labour Related 39.77 37.85
(vii) Income Tax 125.00 154.73
(viii) Others 631.65 623.19
(c) Claim by a party arising out of conversion arrangement - ` 195.82 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 195.82 crores). The Company has not
acknowledged this claim and has instead filed a claim of ` 139.65 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 139.65 crores) on the party. The matter is
pending before the Calcutta High Court.
(d) The Excise Department has raised a demand of ` 235.48 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 235.48 crores) denying the benefit of Notification
No. 13/2000 which provides for exemption to the integrated steel plant from payment of excise duty on the freight amount incurred
for transporting material from plant to stock yard and consignment agents. The Company filed an appeal with CESTAT, Kolkata and
the order of the department was set aside. The department has filed an appeal in Supreme Court where the matter is pending.
(e) TMT bars and rods in coil form are sent to external processing agents (EPA) for decoiling and cutting into specified lengths before
the products are despatched for sale. Excise department demanded duty from the EPA, holding the activity as manufacture and
ignoring the payment of duty made by Tata Steel. An appeal against the order of the Commissioner Central Excise, Jamshedpur
was filed in CESTAT, Kolkata and was allowed in favour of the EPA. The department has filed an appeal against CESTAT order with
Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi, which is still pending for hearing. Subsequent demands in this regard have not been adjudicated.
The liability till 31st March 2011, if materializes, will be to the tune of ` 298.87 crores (31.03.2010- : ` 291.22 crores). However, the
company has already paid duty amounting to ` 196.48 crores (31.03.2010: ` 189.52 crores) based on the final sale price of the
(f) The State Government of Odisha introduced “Orissa Rural Infrastructure and Socio Economic Development Act 2004” with effect
from February 2005 levying tax on mineral bearing land computed on the basis of value of minerals produced from the mineral
bearing land. The Company had filed a Writ Petition in the High Court of Odisha, challenging the validity of the Act. Odisha High
Court held in November 2005 that State does not have authority to levy tax on minerals. The State Government of Odisha moved the
Supreme Court against the order of Odisha High Court and the case is pending with Supreme Court. The liability, if it materialises,
as at 31.03.2011 would be ` 1,562.72 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 1,277.74 crores).
(g) In terms of the agreements entered into between Tata Teleservices Ltd. (TTSL), Tata Sons Ltd. (TSL)and NTT DoCoMo, Inc. of
Japan (Strategic Partner-SP), the Company was given by Tata Sons an option to sell 52,46,590 equity shares in TTSL to the SP, as
part of a secondary sale of 25,31,63,941 equity shares effected along with a primary issue of 84,38,79,801 shares by TTSL to the
SP. Accordingly, the company realised ` 60.91 crores on sale of these shares resulting in a profit of ` 49.77 crores during the year
ended March 31, 2009.
Pursuant to the Rights Issue made in 2010-11, SP’s shareholding in TTSL has increased from 1,09,70,43,742 equity shares of `10
each to 1,17,26,17,866 equity shares of ` 10 each as on March 31, 2011. The shareholding of SP represents 26.27% of the paid
up equity share capital of TTSL on a fully diluted basis as against 26.01% prior to the issuance and allotment of Rights Shares
to them.
If certain performance parameters and other conditions are not met, should the SP decide to divest its entire shareholding in TTSL,
acquired under the primary issue and the secondary sale, and should TSL be unable to find a buyer for such shares, the Company
is obligated to acquire the shareholding of the SP, at the higher of fair value or 50 percent of the subscription purchase price, in
proportion of the number of shares sold by the company to the aggregate of the secondary shares sold to the SP, or if the SP
divests the shares at a lower price pay a compensation representing the difference between such lower sale price and the price
referred to above.
Further, in the event of breach of the representations and warranties (other than title and tax) and covenants not capable of specific
performance, the Company is liable to reimburse TSL, on a pro rata basis, upto a maximum sum of ` 78.75 crores. The exercise of
the option by SP being contingent on several variables the liability, if any, is remote and indeterminable.
(h) The Company has been paying royalty on coal extracted from its quarries pursuant to the judgement and order dated 23.07.2002
passed by the Jharkhand High Court. However, the State Government demanded royalty on processed coal at rates applicable to
processed coal. Though the Company has contested the above demand, it has started paying, under protest, royalty on processed
coal from November 2008. The incremental royalty, paid under protest, during November 2008 to March 2011 of ` 54.22 crores has
been charged off to Profit and Loss Account. The incremental amount (including interest), if payable, for the period till October 2008
works out to ` 355.95 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 344.19 crores) and has been considered as a contingent liability.
(i) Uncalled liability on partly paid shares and debentures ` 0.01 crore (31.03.2010 : ` 0.01 crore).
(j) Bills discounted ` 286.00 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 332.03 crores).
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
4. The Indian Steel and Wire Products Limited (ISWPL), a subsidiary, was declared a sick industrial company within the meaning of
Section 3(i)(o) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (hereinafter referred to as 'SICA'). The Board for
Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) sanctioned a scheme vide its Order dated 22nd October, 2003, 21st November, 2003 and
18th December, 2003 for rehabilitation of the ISWPL by takeover of its management by Tata Steel Limited.
The significant notes appearing in the accounts of The Indian Steel and Wire Products Limited are given below :
As per clause 6.12 (xiii) of BIFR order dated 21st November, 2003, all liabilities not disclosed in the audited balance sheet for the
year ended 31st March, 2002 including notes on accounts as then would be the personal responsibility of the erstwhile promoters
to discharge. In view of the above, the following liabilities, which were not disclosed in the said balance sheet including the notes on
accounts, have not been provided for or recognised in the accounts for financial year 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09,
2009-10 as well as accounts for financial year 2010-11.
Particulars ` crores
Show cause notices/Demand raised by Central Excise Authorities (Under Appeal) 0.29
The Sales Tax Assessment is pending from the year 1998-99 onwards.
Additional liability, if any, for pending assessments has not been ascertained (Under Appeal) 4.73
Employee State Insurance demand (Under Appeal) 1.49
Leave liability for ex-employees 0.33
Labour court cases 0.01
Income tax demand (Under Appeal) –
Railway dues 0.04
Power dues 6.21
Liability for loan for Learjet Aircraft purchase 1.49
Wealth tax 3.90
Liability for Security Services 0.32
During the year, the Company has received the final order from the Income Tax Authorities for the assessment year 1998-99 for
` 2.70 crores against the contingent liability of ` 3.05 crores. Accordingly, this amount has been charged to the profit and loss account
for the year ended 31st March, 2011 as provision for income tax for prior years. The claim has already been lodged with the erstwhile
management for recovery.
The items indicated above are not exhaustive and any other liability, which may come to the notice of the present management also would
be the personal liability of the erstwhile promoters.
5. The Company has given undertakings to: (a) ICICI Bank Ltd. (formerly ICICI), IFCI and IIBI not to dispose of its investment in the
Indian Steel Rolling Mills Ltd. (ISRM). The ISRM is under liquidation. (b) IDBI not to dispose of its investment in Wellman Incandescent
India Ltd. (c) IDBI and ICICI Bank Ltd. (formerly ICICI) not to dispose of its investment in Standard Chrome Ltd. (d) Standard
Chartered Bank, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation not to dispose of majority stake in Tata Steel (KZN) (Pty) Ltd.
(e) Mizuho Corporate Bank Limited, not to dispose of its investments in Tata NYK Shipping Pte. Limited, (minimal stake required
to be able to provide a corporate guarantee towards long term debt). (f) Bank of America, NA and the Royal Bank of Scotland,
NV not to dispose of the management control (indirectly held) in Tata Steel Global Procurement Co. Pte Ltd. (g) State Bank and
others not to dispose of its investment in Centennial Steel Company Ltd. (CSCL) below 51% of CSCL’s paid up equity share capital.
(h) State Bank of India not to dispose of the management control (indirectly held) in Tata Steel UK Holdings Ltd. and Tata Steel Netherlands
Holding B V and other companies (the borrower group) (i) IL&FS Trust Company Ltd., not to transfer, dispose off, assign, charge or lien
or in any way encumber its holding in Taj Air Ltd., without the prior consent of the respective financial institutions/banks so long as any
part of the loans/facilities sanctioned by the institutions/banks to these companies remains outstanding.
The Company has furnished a Security Bond in respect of its immovable property to the extent of ` 20 crores in favour of the Registrar
of the Delhi High Court and has given an undertaking not to sell or otherwise dispose of the said property.
The Promoters of Tata BlueScope Limited (TBSL) (i.e. BlueScope Steel Limited, Australia and Tata Steel Ltd.) have given an undertaking
to IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd., Debenture Trustees, not to dispose of the management control in TBSL.
The Promoters’ (i.e. L & T Infrastructure Development Projects Ltd. and Tata Steel Ltd.) combined investments in The Dhamra Port
Company Ltd., (DPCL) representing 51% of DPCL’s paid-up equity share capital are pledged with IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd.
The Promoters’ (i.e. The Tata Power Company Limited. and Tata Steel Ltd.) combined investments in Industrial Energy Limited., (IEL)
representing 51% of IEL’s paid-up equity share capital are pledged with Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (IDFC).
Tata Steel Global Minerals Holdings Pte Ltd (TSGMH), a subsidiary and Riversdale Mining Limited (RML) an associate of the Company
have executed a deed of cross charge in favour of each other to secure the performance of obligation under Joint Venture agreement
and funding requirements of the Joint Venture Riversdale Energy (Mauritius) Limited (REML) upto a maximum amount of US$ 100 mn
on the Shares of REML and all of its present and future benefits and rights under the Joint Venture agreement.
6. The Company had, on 20th August, 2005, signed an agreement with the Government of Jharkhand to participate in a special health
insurance scheme to be formulated by the Government of Jharkhand for the purpose of providing medical facilities to the families of the
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
people below poverty line. The state government would develop a suitable scheme and the Company has agreed to contribute to such
scheme, when operational, a sum of ` 25 crores annually for a period of 30 years or upto the year of operation of the scheme whichever
is less. The scheme is yet to be formed and no contribution has been made till 31st March, 2011.
7. The notes to accounts of Tata Korf Engineering Services Limited (TKES), a subsidiary, state that : The accumulated losses of the Company
as at 31st March, 2011 exceed its paid up Share Capital. The Company has practically closed its operations. Pending the preparation of
a scheme, the financial statements have been prepared on a "going concern" basis. The report of the auditors to the members of TKES
contains an audit qualification on this account.
Tata Korf Engineering Services Ltd. has a negative net worth as on 31.03.2011 of ` 8.77 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 8.62 crores).
8. Fixed Assets
a) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on Capital Account and not provided for : ` 16,186.96 crores
(31.03.2010 : ` 16,834.15 crores).
b) The Company has taken on lease Plant and Machinery, having an aggregate cost of ` 3.79 crores (31.03.2010 : ` 3.79 crores). The
element of the lease rental applicable to the cost of the assets has been charged to the Profit and Loss Account over the estimated
life of the asset and financing cost has been allocated over the life of the lease on an appropriate basis. The total charge to the
Profit and Loss Account for the year is ` 0.26 crore (2009-10 : ` 0.62 crore). The break up of total minimal lease payments due as
at 31st March, 2011 and their corresponding present value are as follows :
` crores
As at 31.03.2011 As at 31.03.2010
Period Minimum Lease Present Value Minimum Lease Present Value
Payments Payments
Not later than one year – – 0.26 0.25
Later than one year but not later than five years – – – –
Later than five years – – – –
Total – – 0.26 0.25
The break-up of total minimum lease payments for operating lease due as on 31st March, 2011, entered into by the company, its
subsidiaries and joint ventures are as follows:
` crores
As at 31.03.2011 As at 31.03.2010
Period Minimum Lease Minimum Lease
Payments Payments
Not later than one year 1,345.01 1,167.40
Later than one year but not later than five years 3,373.16 3,053.45
Later than five years 2,317.81 2,127.23
Total 7,035.98 6,348.08
The total charge to the Profit and Loss Account for the year on account of operating lease is ` 1,005.65 crores (2009-10:
` 976.75 crores).
The company, its subsidiaries and joint venture have taken certain leaseholds on finance lease, having an aggregate cost of
` 1,507.08 crores (31.03.2010 : 1,434.84 crores). The break up of total minimum lease payments for finance lease due as on
31st March, 2011 and their corresponding present values, are as follows :
` crores
As at 31.03.2011 As at 31.03.2010
Period Minimum Lease Present Value Minimum Lease Present Value
Payments Payments
Not later than one year 159.87 101.74 129.51 95.35
Later than one year but not later than five years 521.33 338.50 456.42 306.46
Later than five years 685.41 503.90 517.07 379.03
Total 1,366.61 944.14 1,103.00 780.84
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
b) The Company has, on a preferential basis, issued the following securities to Tata Sons Limited, in accordance with the provisions
of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 (SEBI ICDR Regulations 2009).
i) 1,50,00,000 Ordinary Shares of ` 10 each at a price of ` 594 per share aggregating to ` 891 crores.
ii) 1,20,00,000 Warrants, where each Warrant would entitle Tata Sons Limited to subscribe to one Ordinary Share of the
Company at a price of ` 594 per share. As per the SEBI ICDR Regulations 2009, an amount equivalent to 25% of the price
i.e. ` 148.50 per Warrant aggregating to ` 178.20 crores has been received from Tata Sons Limited on allotment of the
c) The Company has raised ` 1,500 crores through the issue of Hybrid Perpetual Securities in March 2011. These securities are
perpetual in nature with no maturity or redemption and are callable only at the option of the Company. The Distribution on the
securities, which may be deferred at the option of the Company under certain circumstances, is set at 11.80% p.a., with a step up
provision if the securities are not called after 10 years. As these securities are perpetual in nature and ranked senior only to share
capital of the Company, these are not classified as ‘debt’ and the distribution on such securities amounting to ` 4.54 crores (net of
tax) not considered in ‘Net Finance Charges’.
The effect of acquisition of subsidiaries on the financial position and results as included in the consolidated financial statements for the
year ended 31st March, 2011 are given below :
` crores
Share Capital * –
Reserves and Surplus 3.67
Secured Loans 0.58
Unsecured Loans 192.84
Deferred Tax Liability 67.89
Current Liabilities 9.52
Net Block (including CWIP) 263.49
Deferred Tax Asset 1.59
Current Assets 9.16
Loans and Advances 0.26
Sales and other Operating Income 9.06
Manufacturing and other Expenses 7.74
Depreciation 1.41
Net Finance Charges 0.29
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
13. In one of the subsidiaries, in terms of the Licence Agreement dated 29.01.2002 with Board of Trustees for the Port of Kolkata, the
subsidiary is required to invest in equipment and infrastructure as follows :
Sl. No. Purpose of Investment Phasing of Investment (` crores)
Within 18 Within 24 Within 36 Total
months months months
1. For Procurement of Equipment for ship to
shore handling & vice versa and
horizontal transfer of cargo 23.06 2.85 – 25.91
2. Storage of cargo – 1.74 1.20 2.94
3. Office building, workshop etc. – 0.75 0.25 1.00
4. Utility Services – 0.22 – 0.22
Total 23.06 5.56 1.45 30.07
As at 31st March, 2011 the subsidiary's investments in equipments and infrastructure aggregate to ` 25.80 crores (31.03.2010 :
` 25.80 crores). The management of the subsidiary company has requested the Port Trust Authorities for suitable modification to the
investment obligation in view of the changes in the business and economic scenario. The Port Trust Authorities have, subject to sanction
of Central Government approved the changes proposed by the subsidiary in the specifications of the equipments and other required
14. In respect of joint ventures the contingent liabilities and capital commitment are as follows :
Name of the Joint Venture Company Country of Percentage Contingent Capital
Incorporation of Holding Liabilities Commitment
` crores ` crores
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
15. Employee Benefits
a) The Company has recognised, in the profit and loss account for the current year, an amount of ` 299.15 crores (2009-10:
` 270.70 crores) as expenses under the following defined contribution plans :
` crores
Benefit Contribution to 2010-11 2009-10
Provident Fund 169.71 148.10
Employees Pension Scheme/Coal Mines Pension Scheme 70.29 65.32
TISCO Employees Pension Scheme 13.37 14.98
Superannuation Fund 45.30 41.70
Employees State Insurance 0.48 0.60
Total 299.15 270.70
b) The Company operates post retirement defined benefit plans as follows :
a. Funded
i. Post Retirement Gratuity
ii. Post Retirement Pension Plan
b. Unfunded
i. Post Retirement Medical Benefits
ii. Pensions to Directors
iii. Farewell Gifts
iv. Packing and Transportation Expenses
c) Details of the post retirement gratuity plan are as follows: ` crores
Description 2010-11 2009-10
1. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of obligation
a. Obligation as at the beginning of the year 1,258.50 1,132.96
b. Current service cost 62.17 56.17
c. Interest cost 95.67 83.07
d. Plan Amendments 0.49 –
e. Obligation of new companies – 0.97
f. Actuarial (gain)/loss 325.22 79.37
g. Exchange rate variation 1.97 (0.88)
h. Benefits paid (101.28) (93.16)
i. Obligation as at the end of the year 1,642.74 1,258.50
The defined benefit obligation as at 31.03.2011 is funded except in the case of Tata BlueScope
Steel Ltd., NatSteel Asia Pte. Ltd., S & T Mining Co. Pvt. Ltd., NatSteel Holding Pte. Ltd.,
Tata Steel (Thailand) Public Company Ltd. and Lanka Special Steel Ltd.
2. Change in Plan Assets (Reconciliation of opening & closing balances)
a. Fair value of plan assets as at beginning of the year 1,092.87 845.12
b. Expected return on plan assets 89.35 74.52
c. Assets of new companies – 0.95
d. Actuarial gain/(loss) 6.90 5.35
e. Employers' contributions 137.94 256.96
f. Benefits paid (98.11) (90.03)
g. Fair value of plan assets as at end of the year 1,228.95 1,092.87
3. Reconciliation of fair value of assets and obligations
a. Fair value of plan assets as at end of the year 1,228.95 1,092.87
b. Present value of obligation as at end of the year 1,642,74 1,258.50
c. Unrecognised past service cost 0.13 –
d. Amount recognised in the balance sheet : 413.66 165.63
– Provisions 413.82 166.10
– Loans and advances (0.16) (0.47)
4. Expense recognised in the period
a. Current service cost 62.17 56.17
b. Interest cost 95.67 83.07
c. Expected return on plan assets (89.35) (74.52)
d. Actuarial (gain)/loss 318.32 74.02
e. Past service cost 0.28 –
f. Expense recognised during the year 387.09 138.74
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
` crores
Description 31.03.2011 31.03.2010
% invested % invested
5. Investment Details
a. GOI securities 10 12
b. Public sector unit bonds 28 27
c. State/Central Government guaranteed securities 5 13
d. Private sector unit bonds 7 8
e. Others (including bank balances) 50 40
100 100
6. Assumptions
a. Discount rate (per annum) 4.25-8.50% 1.65-8.5%
b. Estimated rate of return on plan assets (per annum) 4.25-9.25% 8-9.5%
c. Rate of escalation in salary (per annum) 4.00-10% 3.6-10%
7. Other Disclosures
a. Experience adjustment on plan liabilities – gain / (loss) (194.77) (104.84)
b. Experience adjustment on plan assets – gain / (loss) 6.72 5.35
The basis used to determine overall expected rate of return on assets and the effect on major categories of plan assets is as
The major portions of the assets are invested in PSU bonds and GOI securities. Based on the asset allocation and prevailing yield
rates on these asset classes, the long term estimate of the expected rate of return on the fund assets have been arrived at. Assumed
rate of return on assets is expected to vary from year to year reflecting the returns on matching Government bonds.
d) Details of Post Retirement Pension plans are as follows:
` crores
Description 2010-11 2009-10
1. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of obligation
a. Obligation as at beginning of the year 1,07,476.89 94,721.99
b. Current service cost 1,223.72 969.27
c. Interest cost 5,614.71 5,979.71
d. Obligation of new companies – –
e. Actuarial (gain)/loss 225.29 21,129.92
f. Exchange rate variation 5,184.75 (8,876.46)
g. Settlements and curtailments (310.52) (90.37)
h. Benefits paid (6,098.14) (6,884.43)
i. Employee contribution 445.52
j. Past service cost – –
k. Obligation as at end of the year 1,13,762.22 1,07,476.89
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
` crores
Description 2010-11 2009-10
4. Expense recognised in the period
a. Current service cost 1,223.72 969.27
b. Interest cost 5,614.71 5,979.71
c. Expected return on plan assets (6,385.90) (5,747.77)
d. Actuarial (gain)/loss 557.06* 3,576.27*
e. Settlements and curtailment (310.52) (30.12)
f. Expense recognised during the year 699.07 4,747.36
31.03.2011 31.03.2010
5. Investment details % invested % invested
a. Equities 29 27
b. Bonds 60 62
c. Property 7 6
d. Others (including bank balances) 4 5
100 100
6. Assumptions
a. Discount rate (per annum) 3-5.90% 2.5-6%
b. Estimated rate of return on plan assets (per annum) 2-9.60% 2.5-8.7%
c. Rate of escalation in salary (per annum) 1-4.6% 1-4.6%
7. Other disclosures
a. Experience adjustment on plan liabilities – gain/(loss) (106.07) (986.54)
b. Experience adjustment on plan assets – gain/(loss) 332.34 17,546.79
* An amount of ` 524.47 crores (2009-10: ` 3,626.76 crores) (gross of tax) has been accounted in Reserves and Surplus.
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
As at As at
31.03.2011 31.03.2010
` crores ` crores
Notes :
(i) The Company has disclosed Business Segment as the primary segment. Segments have been identified taking into account the nature
of the products, the differing risks and returns, the organisational structure and internal reporting system. The Company's operations
predominantly relate to manufacture of Steel. Other business segments comprises of Tubes, Bearings, Refractories, Pigments, Port
operations, town services and Investment activities.
(ii) Segment Revenue, Segment Results, Segment Assets and Segment Liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the
segments as also amounts allocated on a reasonable basis. The expenses, which are not directly relatable to the business segment, are
shown as unallocated corporate cost. Assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated between the segments are shown as unallocated
corporate assets and liabilities respectively.
(iii) Total Unallocable Assets exclude : As at As at
31.03.2011 31.03.2010
` crores ` crores
Investments............................................................................ 7,517.30 5,109.00
Goodwill on consolidation...................................................... 15,298.20 14,541.82
Deferred Tax Asset................................................................. 175.56 148.83
22,991.06 19,799.65
Total Unallocable Liabilities exclude :
Hybrid Perpetual Securities................................................... 1,500.00 –
Secured Loans....................................................................... 28,604.40 28,059.33
Unsecured Loans................................................................... 32,079.94 25,041.02
Provision for Employee Separation Compensation................ 879.37 963.67
Foreign Currency Monetary item Translation Difference Account – 206.95
Deferred Tax Liability ............................................................ 2,188.18 1,802.94
Share Warrants issued by a subsidiary company.................. 17.46 17.46
Minority Interest..................................................................... 888.90 884.07
66,158.25 56,975.44
(iv) Transactions between segments are primarily for materials which are transferred at market determined prices and common costs are
apportioned on a reasonable basis.
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
Party Relationship
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
17. (b) Related Party Transactions
` crores
Transactions Associates Key Relatives of Key Promoter Total
& JVs Management Management
# Personnel Personnel
Purchase of Goods
Wupperman Staal Nederland B.V. 128.31 – – – 128.31
12.82 – – – 12.82
Gietwalsonderhoudcombinatie B.V. 94.23 – – – 94.23
99.63 – – – 99.63
Caparo Merchant Bar Plc 87.78 – – – 87.78
63.84 – – – 63.84
Jamipol 72.99 – – – 72.99
84.00 – – – 84.00
Others 206.51 – – – 206.51
186.33 – – – 186.33
589.82 – – – 589.82
446.62 – – – 446.62
Sale of Goods
Wupperman Staal Nederland B.V. 417.05 – – – 417.05
468.40 – – – 468.40
Southern Steel, Berhard 270.46 – – – 270.46
735.22 – – – 735.22
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 212.33 – – – 212.33
245.61 – – – 245.61
Tata Sponge Iron Ltd. 203.28 – – – 203.28
147.64 – – – 147.64
Others 211.37 – – – 211.37
346.52 – – – 346.52
1,314.49 – – – 1,314.49
1,943.39 – – – 1,943.39
Receiving of Services
Tata NYK Shipping Pte Ltd. 305.33 – – – 305.33
310.74 – – – 310.74
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 321.51 – – – 321.51
370.03 – – – 370.03
Others 22.31 – – 3.40 25.71
45.21 – – 1.36 46.57
649.15 – – 3.40 652.55
725.98 – – 1.36 727.34
Rendering of Services
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 43.40 – – – 43.40
42.30 – – – 42.30
The Dharma Port Company Ltd. 22.63 – – – 22.63
– – – – –
Tata Blue Scope Steel Ltd. 19.56 – – – 19.56
26.55 – – – 26.55
Others 9.54 – – 0.19 9.73
8.85 – – 0.24 9.09
95.13 – – 0.19 95.32
77.70 – – 0.24 77.94
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
17. (b) Related Party Transactions
` crores
Transactions Associates Key Relatives of Key Promoter Total
& JVs Management Management
# Personnel Personnel
Dividend Expense
Tata Sons Ltd. – – – 206.74 206.74
– – – 408.42 408.42
Others 0.93 * – – 0.93
1.86 0.01 *** – 1.87
0.93 ** – 206.74 207.67
1.86 0.01 **** 408.42 410.29
Dividend Income
Norsk Stal AS 47.48 – – – 47.48
18.52 – – – 18.52
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 13.97 – – – 13.97
13.94 – – – 13.94
Others 41.66 – – – 41.66
33.56 – – – 33.56
103.11 – – – 103.11
66.02 – – – 66.02
Interest Income
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 5.17 – – – 5.17
15.20 – – – 15.20
Others – – – – –
1.26 – – – 1.26
5.17 – – – 5.17
16.46 – – – 16.46
Finance Provided
The Dharma Port Company Ltd. 77.50 – – – 77.50
87.94 – – – 87.94
Tata Blue Scope Steel Ltd. 60.00 – – – 60.00
– – – – –
Strategic Energy Technology Systems Limited 16.93 – – – 16.93
– – – – –
Others 7.75 – – – 7.75
283.15 – – – 283.15
162.18 – – – 162.18
371.09 – – – 371.09
Remuneration Paid
Mr. H. M. Nerurkar – – – – –
– 3.01 – – 3.01
– – – – –
– 3.01 – – 3.01
Hundred and fourth annual report 2010-11
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
17. (b) Related Party Transactions
` crores
Transactions Associates Key Relatives of Key Promoter Total
& JVs Management Management
# Personnel Personnel
Guarantees outstanding
Tata NYK Shipping Pte Ltd. 133.79 – – – 133.79
134.78 – – – 134.78
133.79 – – – 133.79
134.78 – – – 134.78
Outstanding Receivables
Caparo Merchant Bar Plc 109.40 – – – 109.40
86.00 – – – 86.00
Wupperman Staal Nederland B.V. 44.08 – – – 44.08
25.75 – – – 25.75
Others 49.27 – – 4.01 53.28
265.20 – – 4.01 269.21
202.75 – – 4.01 206.76
376.95 – – 4.01 380.96
Outstanding Payables
Tata Sons Ltd. – – – 50.76 50.76
– – – 56.10 56.10
TRF Ltd. 41.39 – – – 41.39
9.82 – – – 9.82
The Tinplate Company of India Ltd. 29.85 – – – 29.85
22.47 – – – 22.47
Bsr Pipeline Services Limited 26.92 – – – 26.92
8.80 – – – 8.80
Others 72.19 – – – 72.19
58.76 – – – 58.76
170.35 – – 50.76 221.11
99.85 – – 56.10 155.95
* ` 5,096.00
** ` 5,096.00
*** ` 23,891.15
**** ` 23,891.15
# Transactions with Joint Ventures have been disclosed at full value.
Schedule M : Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of The Company and its subsidiaries
for the financial year 2010-11 :– continued
18. Earnings per Share (EPS)
2010-11 2009-10
` crores ` crores
(i) Profit/(Loss) after Taxes, Minority Interest and Share of Profit of Associates....... 8,982.69 (2,009.22)
Less: Preference dividend including tax thereon.................................................. – 53.68
Distribution on Hybrid Perpetual Securities (net of tax)............................. 4.54 –
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders ......................................................... 8,978.15 (2,062.90)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders – for Diluted EPS.............................. 9,007.01 (2,062.90)
Nos. Nos.
(ii) Weighted Average No. of Ordinary Shares for Basic EPS................................... 90,65,81,117 82,78,79,356
Add : Adjustment for 3,820 (2009-10: Nil) Convertible Alternative Reference
Securities . ................................................................................................. 2,10,15,711 –
Adjustment for 5,469.35 (2009-10: 5,469.35) 4.5% Foreign Currency
Convertible Bonds .................................................................................... 4,19,60,304 –
Adjustment for Options relating to 1,20,00,000 (2009-10 : Nil)
Detachable Warrants................................................................................. 3,53,829 –
Weighted Average No. of Ordinary Shares for Diluted EPS . .................... 96,99,10,961 82,78,79,356
(iii) Nominal Value of Ordinary Shares....................................................................... ` 10.00 ` 10.00
(iv) Basic Earnings per Ordinary Share..................................................................... ` 99.03 ` (24.92)
(v) Diluted Earnings per Ordinary Share................................................................... ` 92.86 ` (24.92)
19. Deferred Tax Liability (Net)
Deferred Tax (Asset)/Liability as at
31-03-2011 31-03-2010
Deferred Tax Liabilities ` crores ` crores
(i) Difference between book and tax depreciation.................................................. 3,399.55 3,029.58
(ii) Prepaid expenses.............................................................................................. 106.08 73.46
(iii) Actuarial Gain / (Loss)....................................................................................... 595.36 360.40
(iv) Others................................................................................................................ 1,176.93 1,034.01
(A) 5,277.92 4,497.45
Deferred Tax Assets
(i) Employee Separation Compensation................................................................ (442.40) (491.84)
(ii) Wage Provision . ............................................................................................... (126.22) (128.63)
(iii) Provision for doubtful debts and advances........................................................ (46.41) (38.24)
(iv) Disallowance under Section 43B ..................................................................... (164.47) (168.29)
(v) Provision for Leave Salary................................................................................. (151.13) (148.95)
(vi) Provision for Employee Benefits........................................................................ (77.52) (78.83)
(vii) Differences in written down value of development of property.......................... (2.34) (3.20)
(viii) Other Provisions................................................................................................ (272.44) (194.10)
(ix) Unadjusted losses............................................................................................. (1,853.36) (1,458.68)
(x) Redemption premium on CARS........................................................................ (129.01) (132.58)
(B) (3,265.30) (2,843.34)
Deferred Tax Liability (Net) (A+B) 2,012.62 1,654.11
20. Figures pertaining to the subsidiary companies and joint ventures have been reclassified where necessary to bring them in line with the
Company’s financial statements.
21. Previous year’s figures have been recast/restated where necessary.
22. Figures in italics are in respect of the previous year.