Financial Ratios

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Tata Steel Standalone Tata Steel Group

2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12
1. EBITDA/Turnover 28.51% 24.18% 31.84% 30.62% 34.06% 9.65% 9.14% 11.02% 9.39% 10.18%
2. PBT/Turnover 20.18% 15.84% 23.63% 22.28% 27.54% 2.07% 1.84% 4.50% 2.64% 4.26%
3. Return on average capital 8.79% 8.41% 12.60% 11.94% 13.07% 5.17% 5.49% 8.83% 6.42% 8.47%
4. Return on average net worth 6.92% 9.73% 10.61% 9.04% 13.01% (9.47%) (10.27%) 9.07% (17.34%) 13.14%
5. Asset turnover 57.44% 66.67% 74.14% 77.84% 76.26% 74.88% 89.61% 89.23% 93.77% 93.05%
6. Inventory turnover (in days) 68 57 46.00 45.00 45.00 71 67 62 67 68
7. Debtors turnover (in days) 5 6 7.00 8.00 7.00 39 38 37 39 41
8. Gross block to net block 1.37 1.36 1.36 1.41 1.44 2.40 2.17 2.13 2.16 2.15
9. Net debt to equity 0.34 0.40 0.41 0.44 0.41 2.32 1.84 1.77 1.42 1.22
10. Current ratio 0.68 0.88 0.62 0.88 0.96 1.31 1.69 1.59 1.75 1.82
11. Interest cover ratio 10.23 6.35 8.54 7.24 10.65 1.72 1.65 2.81 2.07 2.74
12. Net worth per share (`) 749.08 709.82 653.03 591.88 566.69 317.24 346.42 440.96 375.49 467.27
13. Basic earnings per share (`) 48.67 64.49 64.21 50.28 67.84 (33.23) (42.24) 35.19 (74.54) 54.27
14. Dividend payout 19% 14% 16% 18% 20% (31%) (24%) 29% (14%) 25%
15. P/E ratio 6.57 4.91 6.13 6.21 6.93 (9.62) (7.50) 11.19 (4.19) 8.67

1. EBITDA/Turnover 7. Debtors Turnover: Average Debtors/Turnover in days

(EBITDA: PAT after minority and share of associates + Tax +/(-)
Exceptional Items + Net Finance Charges + Depreciation and 8. Gross Block to Net Block: Gross Block/Net Block
amortisation) (Gross Block: Cost of tangible assets + Capital work in progress +
(Net Finance Charges: Finance costs - Interest income - Dividend Cost of intangible assets + Intangible assets under development)
income from current investments - Net gain/(loss) on sale of  (Net Block: Gross Block - Accumulated depreciation and
current investments) amortisation - Accumulated impairment)
(Turnover: Revenue from Operations less Excise Duty)
9. Net Debt to Equity: Net Debt/Average Net Worth
2. PBT/Turnover (Net Debt: Long-term borrowings + Current maturities of long-
(PBT: PAT after minority and share of associates + Tax +/(-) term borrowings + Short-term borrowings - Current Investments
Exceptional Items) - Non-current balances with banks - Cash and Bank Balances)

3. Return on Average Capital Employed: EBIT/Average Capital 10. Current Ratio: Current Assets (excluding current investments)/
Employed Current Liabilities
(Capital Employed: Net worth + Minority interest + Long-term (Current liabilities: Trade Payables + Other current liabilities
Borrowings + Current maturities of long-term borrowings + + Short-term provisions - Current maturities of long-term
Short-term Borrowings + Deferred tax liabilities) borrowings)
(EBIT: PAT after minority and share of associates + Tax +/(-)
Exceptional Items + Net Finance Charges) 11. 
Interest Cover Ratio: EBIT/Net Finance Charges (excluding
interest on short term debts)
4. Return on Average Net worth: PAT after minority and share of
associates/Average Net worth 12. Net worth per share: Net Worth/Average Number of Equity
(Net worth: Shareholders’ funds + Preference Shares issued Shares
by subsidiary companies + Warrants issued by a subsidiary
company + Hybrid Perpetual Securities) 13. 
Basic Earnings per share: Profit attributable to Ordinary
Shareholders/Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares
5. Asset Turnover: Turnover/(Total Assets - Investments - Advance
Against Equity) 14. Dividend Payout: Dividend/Profit after tax

6. Inventory Turnover: Average Inventory/Sale of Products in days 15. P/E Ratio: Market Price per share/Basic Earnings per share


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