SSS 3 crs questions

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INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL the questions.

1. The living water Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria represents___ (a) Pure water
(b) Word of God (c) the Holy Spirit (d) the True Vine
2. To maintain a good relationship in the church, Christians must not be the following
except ______ (a) Foolish and Carless (b) Kind and wise (c) Wicked and selfish
(d) foolish and wise
3. A right relationship with God leads to ______ (a) Restoration (b) Salvation
(c) Promotion (d) faith
4. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. This statement
means that (a)by Christ’s death, Christians are cleansed (b)God would provide a lamb
of sacrifice (c)the world has become sinless (d)Jesus has replace the Passover lamb.
5. Which of the following signs of Jesus is a nature miracle? (a)restoring sight to a blind
man (b)curing the nobleman’s son (c)healing the paralytic (d)feeding the multitude
6. The good shepherd has all the following qualities except(a) Being a good example (b)
Being Trustworthy (c) Being arrogant (d)Being a Provider
7. The miracle of feeding the five thousand, Jesus showed Himself as a man who (a) like
to show his power (b) fed all who listened to his preaching (c) share people’s property
among their friends (d) could use what we have for the interest of others
8. Jesus’claim that he is the door of the sheep shows that (a) the sheep know their
master’s gate (b) Jesus is the good shepherd (c) all shepherds must enter through
Jesus’ gate (d) he is the way of salvation
9. When Jesus proclaimed himself as the bread of life, he meant that (a) he provided the
bread that fed the multitude (b) belief in him leads to eternal life (c) whoever works
for him would never be hungry (d) he gave manna to the people in the wilderness
10. Jesus taught his disciples to love one another, for by this all men would (a) respect
them (b) know that they were his disciples (c) inherit the kingdom of God (d) learn to
sacrifice their live for others
11. The living water Jesus offered to the women of Samaria represents (a) pure water (b)
word of God (c) The Holy Spirit (d) the true wine
12. The term “Bread of life”signifies (a) bread with which, he fed the five thousand
people (b) the manna given to the Israelites in the wilderness (c) the word of God that
quenches spiritual hunger (d) bread which presents physical death
13. The greatest evidence of God’s love for man is that He (a) made man in His own
image (b) created man to be in control of all other creation (c) gave His only begotten
son to ensure man’s salvation (d) forgave man all his sins
14. In the parable of the True Vine, Jesus is the stem from which disciples draw (a)
material assistance (b) physical energy (c) spiritual sustenance (d) their daily bread
15. The love of God for humanity especially for sinners, is clearly manifested in the
parable of the (a) sower (b) mustard seed (c) lost coin (d) good Samaritan
16. Abiding in Christ’s love demands that we (a) have hope for the future (b) keep His
commandment (c) imitate one another (d) manifest the peace of God
17. According to Jesus a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep but a hired hand
(a) sells them off for personal profits (b) abandons the sheep in the face of danger
(c) protects some of the sheep leaving others to danger (d) ask for better pay before
doing his work
18. _____ baptized Jesus (a) John the Baptist (b) John (c) James the Baptist (d) david
19. Jesus fed the multitudes with (a) Five loaves of bread and a fish (b) Agege bread and
Eja din din (c) Five loaves of bread and Two fishes (d) Five loaves of fishes and two
20. Jesus laying down His life, refers to (a) his gift to humanity (b) the death on the cross
(c) His persecution (d) his triumph over death
21. The Samaritan woman refused to give Jesus water because (a) she was angry at Jesus
(b) Samaritans have no dealings with Jews (c) she was startled by Jesus’ presence
22. Christians should base not base their belief on the following except (a) materials
possessions (b) signs and wonders (c) Jesus as their source of belief (d) financial gain
23. _____ is the only creature created by God in His own image (a) Ape (b) Man
(c) Rodents (d) Plants
24. God has _____ love for man (a) conditional (b) Partial (c) unconditional (d) limited
25. Jesus continually shows his love for men by providing for (a) physical and material
needs (b) making men angry (c) making jobs difficult to get (d) wreaking havoc
26. The Holy Spirit helps to achieve the following except (a) Strengthens our Spirit
(b) Give us boldness to preach the gospel (c) gives us super-natural power to bully
(d) guides our movements
27. A leader takes risks to help his followers in need (a) True (b) Not True (c) Maybe
(d) I don’t know oo
28. “I saw the spirit descend like a dove from heaven, and it remained on” this statement
was made by (a) John (b) James (c) Peter (d) Paul
29. Who made this statement “…and I have seen and bore witness that this is the son of
God” (a) James (b) John (c) Paul (d) Peter
30. “As long as it is day we must work the work of Him who sent me while it is day;
night comes when no one can work” this quote can be found in the book of ____ (a)
John 30vs5 (b) John 5vs9 (c) John 9vs4 (d) John 10vs2
1. (a) Identify Jesus as the True Vine
(b) Mention Three significance of Jesus as the Through Vine

2. Explain Gods love for man according to John 3:16-18

3. (a) How does Jesus describe Himself as the Living Bread

(b) List Four moral lessons learnt from Christ’s declaration of Himself as the Bread of

4. What is love?
(a) In what way did Jesus demonstrate his love for mankind?
(b) List five types of love

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