Quiz BEE Reviewer

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1. What does Trinity mean?

a) three gods
b) three individual people
c) three in one: one God existing in three persons
d) three spirits

2. Which person is the Trinity?

a) God the Holy Spirit
b) God the Father
c) God the Son
d) all of the above

3. How did the Son show submission to the Father?

a) He disobeyed Him
b) He made the choice to obey the Father even to death on a cross
c) He decided that being God was too
important to become human
d) He was forced to do whatever the Father
4. Choose all of the following statements that are TRUE
a) the Father is God
b) the Son is the Holy Spirit
c) the Holy Spirit is God
d) the Father is the Son
e) the Son is God
5. Which person of the Trinity was present at Creation?
a) Father
b) Holy Spirit
c) Son
d) all of these

6. Which person of the Trinity do the following words describe?

Father, God, Father of Glory
a) Son
b) Holy Spirit
c) Father

7. Which person of the Trinity do the following words describe?

Lord, Messiah, Jesus Christ
a) Son
b) Holy Spirit
c) Father
8. Which person of the Trinity do the following words describe?
Advocate, Sanctifier, Spirit of Truth
a) Son
b) Holy Spirit
c) Father

9. What form did the Holy Spirit take at Jesus' baptism?

a) cloud
b) tongue of fire
c) dove
d) branch

10. What are the main color of Trinity Sunday?

a) White
b) Blue
c) Green
d) Yellow
11.  Trinity Sunday Is After Which Sunday?
a) Easter
b) Christmas
c) Pentecost
12. Who Do We Honor During Trinity Sunday?
a) God/ The father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
b) Bird
c) Lamb


1. Which town had Jesus entered?

a) Jerusalem
b) London
c) Capernaum
d) Jericho

2. Who came to speak to Jesus?

a) Simon Peter
b) Centurion
c) Servant
d) Disciple

3. What was the matter with the Centurion's servant?

a) He was asleep
b) He was paralyzed suffering greatly
c) He had concussion

4. What was Jesus' first question to the Centurion?

a) Shall I come and heal him?
b) Does he need a doctor?
c) Do you want me to find him

5. How did the Centurion reply to Jesus' first question?

a) Yes, please
b) Bring your friends
c) Lord don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof
6. When Jesus heard the response of the Centurion what did he felt?
a) He was shocked
b) He was upset
c) He was amazed

7. What did Jesus say about the Centurion's faith?

a) Truly I tell you, you should have more faith
b) Truly I tell you I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith
c) Truly I tell you are the second person I have found in Israel with such great faith

PROPER 5 (LUKE 7:11-14 and Galatians 1) JESUS RAISES WIDOWS SON

1. What was the town that Jesus went to?

a) Nae Nae
b) Nain
c) Bethlehem
2. What was the woman?
a) A woman that had a husband
b) A widow
c) A wife
3. Who was with Jesus when he was walking into Nain?
a) It was just Jesus 
b) Just his disciples
c) His disciples and a large crowd
4. What was being carried out of the city when Jesus was going into the city?
a) A dead person
b) One of Jesus's disciples
c) An alive person
d) The food that the disciples were going to eat
5. When the Lord saw the mom of the dead person how did Jesus feel?
a) He felt like she deserved to suffer
b) He ignores her and her dead son
c) His heart went out to her
6.  What did Jesus touch on the thing that they were carrying the dead man on?
a) Bier
b) He didn't touch nothing at all
c) The footstool of the coffin
7. What did Jesus say to the Man?
a) "Father please heal this man"
b) "Young Man, I say to you, get up"
c) “Young Man, Wake up”
8. After Jesus healed the man what did the man do?
a) Laid there still dead 
b) Woke up and ran away
c) Sat up and began to talk
9. Who was the apostle Paul not sent from? (Gal 1:1)
a) Other Apostles
b) Men
c) Jesus Christ
10. Who else besides Paul is addressing the churches of Galatia in the Galatian letter? (Gal 1:2)
a) All the brothers and sisters with him (Paul)
b) All of the apostles
c) All the churches in Judah
11. What did Paul tell the churches of Galatia was sent to them from “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ?(Gal 1:3)
a) Truth
b) Blessings
c) Grace and Peace
12. How long will there be glory to our God and Father?(Gal 1:5)
a) Forever and ever
b) For one hundred years
c) For generations to come
13. What report did the churches of Judea hear about Paul?(Gal 1:23)
a) “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy”
b) “That Paul is not a true apostle”
c) “The man who formerly persecuted us is on his way to try to destroy us”
14. Where did Paul travel to after leaving Jerusalem?(Gal 1:21)
a) Cilicia and Damascus
b) Damascus and Syria
c) Syria and Cilicia


1. When the woman who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house and came with an alabaster
jar, what was in the jar?
a) Perfume
b) Wine
c) Water

2. Who invited Jesus to dinner?

a) Pharisee
b) Sinful woman
c) Tax collector

3. What did the woman use to wet the feet of Jesus?

a) Water
b) Her tears
c) Perfume

4. What did the woman used to wipe the feet of Jesus?

a) A cloth
b) Her clothes
c) Her hair

5. What did the woman do after wiping the feet of Jesus?

a) Kissed them and poured perfume on them
b) Massaged them and poured oil on them
c) Kissed them and poured water

6. What did the Pharisee say about what the woman did?
a) “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is- she is a bad
b) “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is- she is a
c) “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is- she is a
7. What did Jesus say to the woman?
a) “Your faith has saved you; go in peace”
b) “Go in peace”
c) “You have been forgiven”
1. Who went out to meet Jesus at Gerasenes?
a) A demon
b) A possessed man
c) A Pharisee
d) A pig
2. Which one is NOT TRUE about the possessed man?
a) He was living in the tombs
b) He was cutting himself with stones
c) He was bound in chains
d) He was not wearing any clothes
3. What was the possessed man's first statement to Jesus?
a) That they were wrong to possess the man
b) That the people of Gadarenes attacked them first
c) That the storm was caused by them
d) That Jesus was the Son of God
4. What was the name of the demon?
a) Beelzebub
b) Legion
c) Larry
d) Steve
5. What did the demon ask to go into?
a) Cows
b) Pigs
c) Sheep
d) Jesus
6. What happened to the pigs?
a) They swam away
b) They went to the mountain
c) They drowned
d) They disappeared
7. Where did the man go after Jesus had healed him?
a) Judea
b) Gerasenes
c) Tilted Towers
d) Bethlehem
8. What book(s) is this story found in?
a) Genesis
b) Luke
c) Mark
d) John
9. What did Jesus tell the man to do when Jesus left?
a) Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.
b) Go become a priest.
c) Go and be baptized
d) jump in a well
1. What did one of the followers tell Jesus?
a) I will follow you wherever you go.
b) I will lead the people.
c) Teach me how to fish for men.
d) I do not want to follow you.
2. What did one of the followers want to do before following Jesus?
a) Try to ask Jesus to stay.
b) Bury his father.
c) Sell all his belongings.
d) Leave everything behind.
3. What would someone be willing to give up in order to follow Jesus? (2 answers)
a) Their family.
b) Their faith.
c) Their lives.
d) Their religion.
4. Jesus told His followers to love Him more than Himself. Is this True or False?
a) True
b) False
5. What does following Jesus and having true life mean? (2 answers)
a) You must give up everything in your life.
b) Giving Him complete control of your life.
c) A blessed life for eternity.
d) Life of fun and happiness.


1. How many did the Lord appointed and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to
a) 50
b) 72
c) 60
d) 82
2. In Luke 10:2, Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the are few.” What is the missing word?
a) Tax collectors
b) Workers
c) Farmers
3. What was the warning that Jesus said to the Seventy-two?
a) Do not take bag or clothes or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.
b) Do not take a water or bag or wine; and do not greet anyone on the road.
c) Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.
4. What did Jesus say to the Seventy-two, when they enter a house first they must say
a) “Peace to this house”
b) “Blessings to this house”
c) “Let the Lord be in this house”
5. “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them,” The
kingdom of God has come near to you””. Is this true or false?
a) True
b) False


1. Where in the bible is the parable of the Good Samaritan found?
a) Matthew 10:25
b) Numbers 10:3
c) John 10:25
d) Luke 10:25
2. In the story, who is asking Jesus the original question?
a) A Soldier
b) A Shepard
c) An expert in the law
d) A Pharisee
3. Where is the man travelling from on his journey?
a) Jerusalem
b) Jericho
c) Judeah
d) The red sea
4. Where is the man travelling to?
a) Jerusalem
b) Jourdainia
c) Jordan
d) Jericho
5. What happens to the man in the story?
a) He has a heart-attack
b) He is attacked by robbers and left for dead
c) He falls off his horse and breaks his leg
d) He attacks some robbers and steals their horses
6. Who was the first person who passed by the man that was left for dead?
a) A priest
b) A Samaritan
c) A Levite
d) A Roman Soldier
7. Who was the Second person who passed by the man that was left for dead?
a) A priest
b) A Samaritan
c) A Levite
d) A Roman Soldier
8. Who was the person that stopped to help the man that was left for dead?
a) A priest
b) A Samaritan
c) A Levite
d) A Roman Soldier

9. What did the Samaritan do for the victim in the story?

a) Treated his wounds and bandaged them
b) Transported him safely to a inn
c) Paid for a local innkeeper to take care of him
d) All of these answers


1. What is the name of the town Jesus and His disciples visited?
a) Bethany
b) Bethlehem
c) Jerusalem
d) Jericho
2. What are the names of the two sisters?
a) Hannah and Mackenna
b) Mary and Martha
c) Mary and Madelyn
d) Martha and Meagan
3. Who listened and focused on Jesus?
a) Martha
b) Meagan
c) Mary
d) Madelyn
4. Who was distracted?
a) Martha
b) Mary
c) Madelyn
d) Meagan
5. What did Jesus want?
a) For the sisters to serve him supper.
b) For the sisters to clean their house.
c) For the sisters to sit and listen.
d) For the sisters to leave their home.
6. What did Mary choose that was better than Martha?
a) Mary chose to get gold and silver from Jesus.
b) Mari chose to listen to Jesus' teaching
c) Mary chose to listen to Jesus' teaching
d) Mari chose to get gold and silver from Jesus.
7. "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the _ _ _ _ myself? Tell her to help me!"
a) Work
b) Cooking
c) Cleaning
d) Preparing
8. “Mary has chosen what is _ _ _ _ _ _ and it will not be taken away from her.”
a) worse
b) good
c) awful
d) better
9. Martha honored Jesus as a...
a) Guest
b) Teacher
c) Friend
10. Martha was busy and did important things.
a) True
b) False


1. What did one of the disciples asked him to teach them just as John taught his disciples?
a) Teach them to sing
b) Teach them to preach
c) Teach them to pray
2. ___ is talking and listening to God.
a) singing
b) prayer
c) conversation
d) communication
3. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to call God ___.
a) the Creator
b) Great One
c) Our Father
d) Our Lord
4. When we pray for our ___, we ask God for only what we need today.
a) family
b) happiness
c) daily bread
d) health
5. ___ gave us the Lord's Prayer.
a) Mary
b) The Apostles
c) Jesus
d) Joseph
6. To whom did Jesus first communicate the perfect prayer to?
a) The disciples
b) The poor
c) The Pharisees
1. A man came and asked Jesus to tell his brother to share their father's crops. Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?
2.  In Jesus' Parable of the Rich Fool a wealthy farmer finds that his land has produced an exceptionally good crop. What
does he decide to do with his bountiful harvest?
a) Invite the Levites, widows and orphans to share in his bounty
b) Tear down his barns and build bigger ones to hold all the crops
c) Sell his excess harvest and become even wealthier
d) Give a double tithe for the year
3. What did the farmer decide to do in the future?
a) Eat, drink and be merry
b) Use his wealth to travel abroad
c) Use his wealth to buy more land
d) Answer God's call to be a prophet
4. What did God say to the farmer?
a) "Well done, my servant."
b) "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased."
c) "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you”
d) "You fool! Your wealth will not save you."
5. "Fool! This night your soul will be required of you." Luke 12:20 Who is the speaker?
a) Rich Man
b) God
c) The Brother


1. What is the home where we will live forever with God?
a) The church
b) Heaven
c) hell
2 “Do not be afraid, little ______, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”
a) Flock
b) Children
c) Shepherds


1. Who did Jesus heal in the story?
a) The crippled woman
b) The man with dropsy
c) The paralyzed man
2.  In which day did this story happened?
a) Sunday
b) Friday
c) Saturday
3. According to Jesus, is it wrong to heal on Sabbath?
a) Yes, it is wrong. Because Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.
b) No, it is not wrong. Because we must help anyone who needs it.
4. “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie your ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it
water?” Who was Jesus pertaining to as Hypocrites?
a) Pharisees
b) Disciples
c) Tax collectors

5. How is the Parable of the Mustard seed like the Kingdom of Heaven?

a) There are lots of Mustard seeds in Heaven

b) Mustard seed comes from a tree and Kingdom of Heaven also comes from a tree
c) Beginning is very small but it spreads and becomes big and fruitful like a tree
d) None of the above
6. What was the first thing that Jesus compared the kingdom of God to?
a) Mustard Seed
b) Sunflower Seed
c) Watermelon Seed
7. What was the Second thing that Jesus compared the kingdom of God to?
a) Flour
b) Dough
c) Yeast
8. Did Jesus made this statement” Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to
enter and will not be able to.” TRUE or FALSE
a) True
b) false

9. Is the statement TRUE or FALSE: “Indeed there are those who are last who will be last and first who will be
a) True
b) False
(false because it was said that there are those who are last who will be first and first who will be


1.  In Luke 14:3-4, when Jesus was dining in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees, He asked the lawyers and
Pharisees, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” How did they reply?
a) They said it was not lawful
b) They said to come another day to be healed
c) They pondered it in their hearts
d) They kept silent
2. In Luke 14:7, when Jesus was dining with one of the rulers of the Pharisees, what did He note about those who were
a) They chose the best places
b) They dressed in fine clothes
c) They ate with unclean hands
d) They chose seats nearest to Jesus

3. According to Luke 14:10, in Jesus’ parable of the wedding feast, what did He advise guests to do?
a) Sit down in the highest place
b) Wait till he who invited you tells you where to sit
c) Sit down in the lowest place
d) Wait outside the door
4. In Luke 14:11, Jesus said, “he who humbles himself will be” what?
a) Content
b) Exalted
c) Called children of God
d) Peacemakers
5. In Luke 14:13, whom did Jesus tell the one who invited Him to invite when giving a feast?
a) Friends and family
b) Tax collectors and sinners
c) The poor, crippled, lame, and blind
d) Your neighbor
6. In Luke 14:15, when Jesus was eating in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees, one of the guests said, “Blessed is
he who shall eat bread” where?
a) In the Kingdom of God
b) In the year of Jubilee
c) In the kingdom of David
d) In the temple of the Lord
7. According to Luke 14:18-20, in the parable of the great supper, how did the guests respond to their invitations?
a) They all hurried to the banquet
b) They all chose places of honor to sit
c) They all showed gratitude
d) They all made excuses
8. According to Luke 14:21, in the parable of the great supper, what did the master of the house do when the invited
guests said that they could not come?
a) He told his servant to bring in the poor, crippled, lame, and blind
b) He invited them another time
c) He gave the banquet for his servants
d) He forgave them


1. In Luke 14:28, Jesus said “which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and ___________?
a) Consider the matter carefully
b) Make a plan
c) Pray to God for success
d) Count the cost
2. According to Luke 14:29, what happens if a man lays a foundation for a building and is not able to finish it?
a) All who see it will ridicule him
b) He will be ashamed
c) He will lose all that he has
d) All who see it will reprove him

3. According to Luke 14:31, what does a king consider before going to make war?
a) Whether he has enough money for war
b) Whether God is with him
c) Whether he is able to meet him who comes against him
d) Whether his men are strong and of good courage
4. According to Luke 14:31-32, if a king determines that he cannot win a war, what does he do?
a) Retreats
b) Tries to make peace
c) Surrenders
d) Asks God for guidance
5. According to Luke 14:34-35, what do men do with salt that has lost its flavor?
a) Throw it to the dogs
b) Cast it into the fire
c) Cast it into the lake
d) Throw it out


1. How many sheep did the shepherd have in his flock?
a) 99
b) 100
c) 1000
d) 10
2. How many of the sheep were lost?
a) All of them.
b) 5
c) 1
d) None.
3. The shepherd left ______ to go search for the lost sheep.
a) 99
b) 9
c) 90
d) 900
4. In the parable of the lost sheep, which group of men thought that they were better than everybody else?
a) Tax collectors
b) Pharisees
c) Doctors
d) Fishermen
1. According to Luke 16:1, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, what accusation
was brought to the rich man about the steward?
a) He was persecuting people
b) He was wasting his goods
c) He was saving the master’s money
d) He was digging ditches
2. According to Luke 16:3, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, what did his steward
say he was ashamed to do when he heard that his master was taking the stewardship away from him?
a) Beg
b) Cry
c) Sleep
d) Dig ditches

3. According to Luke 16:4-5, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, why did the
steward call the master’s debtors to him one by one?
a) So they would give him money when he was in need
b) So they would forgive his debts when he was poor
c) So they would receive him into their houses
d) So they would serve him when he was destitute
4. According to Luke 16:5-6, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who called his
master’s debtors to him that owed nine hundred measures of oil, what was the new bill?
a) 600
b) 500
c) 450
d) 700
5.  According to Luke 16:7, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who called his
master’s debtors to him that owed a thousand measures of wheat, what was the new bill?
a) 900
b) 800
c) 700
d) 950
6. According to Luke 16:8, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who reduced the
debt of the master’s debtors, how did the master react to the unjust steward for his shrewdness?
a) Commended
b) Condemned
c) Criticized
d) Chastised
1. What was the name of the beggar?
a) Jeremy
b) Leslie
c) Lazarus
d) Jessica
2. What was the color of the rich man's clothing?
a) Green
b) Purple
c) Red
d) Yellow
3. Where did Lazarus live?
a) In a small house
b) In front of the rich man's house
c) Beside the temple
4. Where did Lazarus go after he died?
a) To the mountains
b) To the beach
c) To the playground
d) To Abraham's side

5. When he was suffering after death, who did the rich man see across the pit?
a) Jesus
b) Moses
c) Abraham and Lazarus
6. Lazarus' body was covered with __ and he ___ at the rich man's gate.
a) sores, begged
b) congestion, janitor
c) bleeding and begged
d) pain, asked for food
7. The rich man begged Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his __ with some water and cool his __.
a) thumb, body
b) fingers, ears
c) nails, eyes
d) finger, tongue
8. After the rich man died, he begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers and __ them, so they would not also come to
this __ place.
a) complain, painful
b) report, perish
c) warn, tormenting
d) poetry, terrible
1. The apostles asked our Lord Jesus to increase their faith:
a) So that they could move mountains
b) So that they can forgive themselves and forgive others an unlimited number of times
c) So that they can perform more miracles
d) So that they can perform more miracles
2.  In Luke 17:6, our Lord Jesus links faith to the ability to pull up mulberry tree by the roots and plant it in the sea. This
proves that:
a) Through faith we can do everything
b) Through faith we can eliminate sin from our life
c) Faith means our dependence is on God and not on our own abilities
d) All of the above
3. Under what condition should we forgive a brother who sins against us?
a) If he is remorseful about what he did.
b) If he regrets what he did.
c) If he shows love to all.
d) If he repents of what he did.
4. How many times in a day should we forgive anyone who offends us and seeks our forgiveness?
a) Up to the fifth time.
b) Up to the third time.
c) Unlimited
d) Up to the seventh time.

1. What area did Jesus reach the border of? 
a) Galilee and Samaria
b) Island of Cyprus
c) Rome
d) Egypt
2. How many lepers stood at a distance? 
a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 12
3. What did the lepers cry out? 
a) "Jesus fix us now."
b) "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"
c) "Jesus forgive our sins."
d) "Jesus, we will follow you."
4. Jesus looked at them and said, "Go show yourselves to the ______."
a) poor
b) doctors
c) jailers
d) priest
5. And as they went, they were cleansed of their ________.
a) Leprosy
b) Broken Bones
c) Blindness
d) Demon possession
6. One of them that was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, "________   _________."
a) Hallelujah Hallelujah 
b) I'm cured
c) Praise God
d) I'm superman
7. The man that fell to the ground at Jesus' feet was a 
a) Hebrews
b) Samaritan
c) Israelite
d) Gentiles
8. Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal 10 men?  Where are other ______?"
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
9. Jesus said, "Has no one returned to give glory to God except this ___________?"
a) criminal
b) foreigner
c) carpenter
d) local
10. And Jesus said to the man, "Stand up and go.  Your _____ has healed you."
a) mindset
b) faith
c) food
d) city
Level 1: Multiple Choice
1. What was the disease of the ten men who ask Jesus to heal them?
a. Influenza b. Leprosy c. Measles
2. Who help the man that was bitten up and left half dead on the road?
a. Levite b. Priest c. Samaritan
3. In Luke 9:17, how many baskets of leftover fragments were taken after feeding the multitude following
a. 9 b. 12 c. 15

Level 2: Modified True of False

1. When Jesus healed the 10 lepers, four of them came back to say their praises towards Him. (one)

2. The parable of the mustard seed teaches us that we should always prays and not to give up. (Persistent

3. In Luke 10: 1-12, God sent seventy-two laborers by pair to every town he intended to visit. (true)

Level 3: Identification
1. A man was going down from Jerusalem to _______ when he fell into the hands of robbers. (Jericho)

2. God told a parable of a persistent widow. This woman kept coming to a judge with a plea. What was the
plea? (Justice against her adversary)

3. In the parable of Pharisee and tax collector, what did the Pharisee say that he did? (Fasting and tithes)

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