Mei 2024
Mei 2024
Mei 2024
a. C5-C6
b. C6-C7-C8
c. C7-C8-T1
d. C5-C6-C7
e. All of the above
4. What type of nerve fibers are found in anterior (ventral) nerve roots?
a. M. rectus femoris
b. M. biceps femoris
c. M. vastus lateral
d. M. vastus medial
e. M. vastus lateral
10. Yg tidak dpt diukur dgn spirometri dasar dan stopwatch adalah
a. TLC
b. Residual volume
c. Total ventilation
d. Force lung capacity
e. Lupa 1 lagi dok
a. Alfa receptor
b. Alfa and C
c. Alfa and gamma
d. Gamma receptor
a. postural hypotension
b. weakness
c. environmental hazard
e. vertigo
a. A alpha fiber
b. A beta fiber
c. A gamma fiber
e. C fiber
21. Di bawah ini adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan penurunan kadar triglyceride, kecuali :
a. aerobic exercise
b. loss weight
c. Low sodium intake
d. Low alcohol intake
e. None all above
23. A 22 year old female student at a university, came with complaints of pain in the lower extremity
after weight training on the lower extremities. Complain appeared 2 days afer weight lifting training. On
physical examination, tenderness was found in the hip thigh and leg. Quadriceps and hamstring MMT
5/5, physiological reflexes of the patellar tendon +2 symmetrical, there were no abnormalities in the
dermatome. The straight leg raise test are negative at two sides. The possible diagnosis is :
25. Mode berikut yang tidak menaikkan level aerobic fitness secara signifikan :
a. Running
b. Bicycle
c. Cross country skiing
d. Weighlifting
e. None above
27. Prolonged bed rest may lead to deconditioning syndromes that may have several adverse effect like
orthostatic hypotension. One of the statement below are true for deconditioning syndrome.
a. As blood pools in the legs venous return increase, stroke volume increase
b. There may be reduced flexibility in joints that lead to joint contractures
c. With prolonged bed rest, it may lead to diuresis and increase in blood and plasma volume
d. Cardiac output is increased
e. All of the above
a. Impairment
b. Disability
c. Handicap
31. Ability to maintain Body orientation and/or posture in relation to surrounding environment at rest or
A. Apraxia
B spacial orientation
C stereognosis
D body perseption
E. Vertibular
32. The ability to identify the shape and form of the objects with tactile sensation is …
A vibration
B apraxia
C stereognosis
D visual agnosis
36. a rheumatoid artritis (RA) will never affect the following joint
a. facet joint
b. von Luscha joints
c. Atlanto-occipital joint
d. Atlanto-axial joint
e. None of the above
a. A neutral arch
b. Always need surgery
c. Acute injury
d. Pain reduced by plantarflexion of the toe
e. Inflammation in the plantar fascia anterior from calcaneus
b. Eventhough a person is younger and healthier. a 35 yo, she/he ages slower than 75 yo
39. Male/76tahun, post stroke about 2 months ago, he came to Rehabilitation Clinic to follow-up his
condition. He has left hemiparese, left homonymous hemianopsia. He has difficulty in grooming, eating,
and ambulation with tripod cane with one assistance. He couldn’t go to work because of his condition.
the impairment of this patient except :
A. Disability in eating
B. Disability in grooming
C. Disability in socializing
D. Disability in ambulate
I. Swan neck
II. boutonerie
a. ankle mortis
b. subtalar
c. talocalcaneal
1. no visible movement
3. slight movement
1. Mechanoreceptor
2. Temprature receptor
3. Pain receptor
4. Propitoception
Sesi writing II
(dikasi laporan kasus lengkap banget, anak, laki-laki usia 1 tahun 8 bulan dengan down syndrome, KU :
kesulitan menelan ec laryngomalacia, makan via NGT, lip sealed lemah. underweight, muscle hipotoni,
belum bisa duduk tegak, komunikasi : nangis/ dengan gesture tubuh jika menginginkan sesuatu.
Soal :
Sesi writing IV
1. Gambar fraktur, sebutkan gambar apa yang tampak pada xray
2. Gambar otot, sebutkan nama, origo dan insersi (gastrocnemius)
3. Gambar sendi (ankle joint), sebutkan gerakan yang dihasilkan oleh sendi tersebut.
4. Gambar vertebrae, sebutkan nama struktur yang ditunjuk dan fungsinya
5. Video orang lagi squat, sebutkan otot-otot yang bekerja.
6. Gambar saraf area wajah, sebutkan nama saraf tersebut dan fungsinya
7. Gambar tulang humerus (area tuberositas mayor), sebutkan otot yang berinsersi disana
8. Gambar sendi lutut, sebutkan struktur yang ditunjuk (ACL)
9. Gambar (seperti ilustrasi di bawah ini), sebutkan nama posturnya dan otot apa yang mengalami
10. Video orang lagi bersuara/nyanyi, struktur yang terlibat saat produksi suara?
Triad virchou
Actin A
False join
Sudut ulna 30
Plantar fascitis