B Block Plattensaegen En
B Block Plattensaegen En
B Block Plattensaegen En
Cutting range
90° mm 210 / 240 x 160 / 200 x 200 250 / 280 x 180 / 230 x 230
+ 45° mm 150 / 150 x 100 / 145 x 145 180 / 170 x 200 / 170 x 170
mm 130 x 200 155 x 235
Cutting range
90° mm 280 / 280 x 160 / 240 x 240 400 / 400 x 240 / 320 x 320
+ 45° mm 180 / 180 x 170 / 170 x 170 250 / 250 x 250 / 250 x 250
mm 150 x 250 250 x 320
Cutting range
90° ( ) mm 220 / 160 / 310 x 260 / 260 x 260 / 160 x 160
+ 45° ( ) mm 220 / 200 x 200
+ 60° ( ) mm 140 / 140 x 140
- 45° ( ) mm 220 / 200 x 200
Cutting range
90° ( ) mm 260 / 160 / 310 x 260 / 260 x 260 / 160 x 160
+ 45° ( ) mm 230 / 200 x 260 / 200 x 200
+ 60° ( ) mm 150 / 140 x 160 / 140 x 140
- 45° ( ) mm 230 / 200 x 260 / 200 x 200
KASTOmicut E 4.6: The universal bandsaw for one-side mitre cutting.
Cutting range
90° ( ) mm 335 / 160 / 460 x 335 / 335 x 335 / 160 x 160
+ 45° ( ) mm 320 / 280 x 335 / 300 x 300
+ 60° ( ) mm 210 / 180 x 335 / 200 x 200
Cutting range
90° ( ) mm 335 / 335 / 520 x 335 / 520 x 335 / 335 x 335 /
+ 45° ( ) mm 335 / 390 x 335 / 335 x 335
+ 60° ( ) mm 280 / 260 x 335 / 260 x 260
Cutting range
90° ( ) mm 335 / 160 / 460 x 335 / 335 x 335 / 160 x 160
+ 45° ( ) mm 320 / 280 x 350 / 300 x 300
+ 60° ( ) mm 210 / 180 x 335 / 200 x 200
Cutting range
90° mm 260 / 320 x 260 / 260 x 260
Shortest cut-piece length mm 6
Smallest diameter to be cut mm 10
Shortest remnant length in single cut mm 15
Shortest remnant length in automatic mm 40
Material feed length in single stroke mm 850
Material support height mm 950
Space requirement without chip conv. mm 2.365 x 1.350 x 1.767
(L x W x H)
Total connected power / kW 2,5 / 1,5
saw motor capacity
Cutting speed, infinitely variable m/min 12 - 120
Saw blade dimensions mm 3.180 x 27 x 0,9
KASTOssb: Perfection in
bundle cutting.
Cutting range
Without bundle clamping device mm 260 / 260 x 260
Infeed roller conveyor, driven via Powered vibrating table with
With bundle clamping device mm 200 x 260 handwheel with fixed and adjust- cleaning device for mostly
Performance characteristics able side guide rollers (option). chip-free cut pieces (option).
KASTOwin: High-tech systems for mass production – improved performance, greater efficiency.
The new KASTOwin models combine solid engineering with innovative control technology. The
torsion-resistant upper part of the KASTOwin offers higher vibration absorption than conventional
cast iron constructions. And the heavy construction of the rest of the steel structure has a single
objective: to ensure operation of the bandsaw blade is as quiet as possible for high precision.
Technical Data
KASTOhba: Large bandsaws for a wide range
of material sizes.
Block and Plate Bandsaws for Longitudinal Cuts.
The specialist among longitudinal cutting saws. Price and performance are most important with
The movable material support table guarantees the KASTObloc and KASTOplate.
fast and safe material handling. Outstanding features of these machines include
Cutting speeds and feeds are infinitely variable; high dynamics and exemplary material handling.
the height of the band arm guide is adjusted The hydraulic, electronically monitored blade
hydraulically. tension and the digital measuring stop guarantee
the necessary accuracy.
KASTOcross U or A:
Effectiveness and economics in cross
cutting of plates.
Handling aid for heaviest work pieces: Easy handling of heavy blocks and plates
powered roller rails, hydraulically lifted through roller tables, hydraulically lifted Outside table extension to machine large
and lowered. and lowered. dimensioned work pieces.
Functionality and Effectiveness: KASTO Metal Circular Saws.
KASTOradial: The universal metal circular saw.
Technical Data
KASTOradial M4 M6 M/U7 M / U 10
Cutting range
90° mm 45 / 65 65 / 90 70 / 95 100 / 100
90° mm 80 x 55 120 x 70 135 x 75 170 x 90
90° mm - - - -
- 45° mm 40 / 60 60 / 70 70 / 95 100 / 100
- 45° mm 40 x 60 70 x 50 90 x 75 125 x 90
+ 45° mm 40 / 60 60 / 80 70 / 95 100 / 100
+ 45° mm 40 x 60 75 x 70 90 x 75 125 x 90
+ 60° mm - - 70 / 80 90 / 90
+ 60° mm - - 65 x 70 90 x 90
Cutting range
90° mm 150 / 350 x 25 / 140 x 140
+/- 45° mm 145 / 280 x 30 / 120 x 120
+/- 60° mm 140 / 170 x 50 / 110 x 110
90° mm 150 / 200 x 100 / 140 x 140
+/- 45° mm 145 / 160 x 80 / 120 x 120
+/- 60° mm 115 / 120 x 60 / 100 x 100
Significantly improves How do you increase the efficiency of storing and removing pro-
efficiency in all lines of cesses today? With products from KASTO! KASTO equipment is
business! strategically engineered to provide shorter access times, shorter
delivery times and higher readiness for shipment – and all this
with fewer personnel. Faster access, better space utilization
and a clear storage overview characterize all KASTO products.
Whether stacking cradle system, sawing center, commissioning
or production storage, whether bridge type storage systems or
Honeycomb design:KASTO‘s customers know their exact inven-
tories and profit from reduced capital commitment because of
minimized storage quantities. KASTO offers the complete sys-
tem as a one-source supplier and also ensures the best system
service available.
KASTO Storage Systems use Generally, this frees valuable production space. Today‘s trend
the third dimension – The full towards smaller order sizes and „just-in-time“ delivery has led
height of the storage building! to increased costs per order. Fortunately, this development can
be counteracted with effective storage and commissioning
systems. Additionally, the accident potential is greatly reduced
because automated material handling systems are safer than
working with traditional, cumbersome forklifts and cranes.
UNITOP: Bar storage system with a gantry crane moving on top. UNITOWER: Compact cassette storage system for bar stock,
Due to fast access, also ideal as commissioning system. boxes and pallets.
KASTOecostore: The compact and standardized storage system
for sheet metal.
More economic use of storage The more accurate a storage system fits the need, the more eco-
space. nomically it performs. This is why KASTO offers a wide variety
of different, customized storage systems, which can be adapted
to various architectural requirements. The spectrum goes from
an uncomplicated stacking cradle system to the fully automated
storage & retrieval system interfaced with the customer‘s IT sys-
tem. Many storage systems can be designed as self-supporting
structures with wall siding and roof.
KASTO Honeycomb Storage and tailor-made technologies
for smart material flow.
The KASTOcenter combines individual
bar storing, sawing machine and
sorting device for cut-off pieces.
KASTO – The Success Story of an Idea.
Step-by-step toward highly Karl Stolzer built the foundation in 1844 for today’s success-
advanced engineering. ful company with his carpentry shop. The step toward a
modern machine tool manufacturer took place in 1948:
The KASTO Metal Hacksaw with its arch-shaped cutting
movement was the start for a very fast development. More
innovative ideas and products followed – for example, Auto-
matic Bar Storage and Retrieval Systems or CNC-Sawing
Centers as flexible manufacturing centers.
Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestr. 14
DE 77855 Achern
Phone +49 7841 61-0
Fax +49 7841 61-300
E-Mail [email protected]
Internet www.kasto.com