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AgOpenGPS Main Screen

1.- Main menu

2.- Screen options
3.- General Configuration
4.- Utilities
5.- Field Menu
6.- AgIO Shortcut
7.- Steer Configuration
8.- Steer Mode
9.- Section Display
10.- Simulator Control
11.- Steer Indicator
12.- Zoom Buttons
13.- GPS Mode
14.- Speedometer
15.- Virtual button direction reset (restarts forward direction at double push)
16.- Field and Vehicle Information
17.- Heading information
18.- Distance counter
19.- Error frames
20.- Age of RTK messages
21.- Clock
22.- Roll display
1.- Main Menu
AgOpenGps general configuration.

Language: Available Translations for AgOpenGPS

Directories: Folders used in AgOpenGPS

Colors: Color configuration for all

You can configure the colors for the day and night version, the color of the field, the letter and
the windows.

Top Field View:

Small window with the aerial view of the field.

Enter Sim Coordinates: Possibility of modifying the simulation coordinates.

Simulator On: Turn on/off simulator.
Reset All: Reset all configuration to default.
About: Information about AgOpenGPS, Developer Team and License
2.- Screen Options

1 Pitch view down 6 Pitch view up

2 2D view 7 3D view

3 2D view North 8 3D view North

4 Zoon in 9 Zoom out

5 Day/Night 10 Performance Monitor

11 Brightness down 12 Brightness up
3.-General Configuration


1 Vehicle configuration 8 Saved vehicles 16 Sky view in 3D
2 Implement configuration 9 Load selected vehicle 17 View grid in field
3 Sources configuration 10 Save actual vehicle as 18 View speedometer
4 Uturn configuration 11 Delete selected 19 Day/Night auto cycle
5 Arduino configuration 12 Vehicle information 20 Start full screen
6 Trams configuration 13 Done and exit 21 View extra guides
7 Icons configuration 14 Save vehicle 22 View lightbar
15 Name new vehicle 23 Open keyboard
24 Polygons in mapping
25 Log NMEA
26 Units selection
3.1.- Vehicle configuration

3.1.1 Vehicle type 3.1.1.- Vehicle type

3.1.2 Vehicle dimensions 5 Vehicle type
3.1.3 Antenna Configuration 6 Brand
3.1.4 Steer options 7 Triangle image icon
8 Preview box
9 Opacity

3.1.2.- Vehicle dimensions

Wheel Base Horizontal distance between centres of the front and rear wheels in cm/in

Distance measured across an axle from the centre line of one tyre tread to the
Track centre line of the opposite tyre tread in cm/in

Radius Minimum turn radius in cm/in

3.1.3.- Antenna configuration

Antenna distance Antenna distance to pivot point in cm/in

Antenna height Distance between antenna and ground in cm/in

Distance between the antenna and the central axis of the

Offset antenna vehicle, positive to the right, negative to the left in cm/in

3.1.4.- Steer options

Distance in cm/in for
1 Lightbar each frame
2 Lines width In pixels
In meters distance A to
3 AB Line Distance B
Default distance to
4 Snap Distance snap
Button to let the software button follow the steer Default snap distance in
5 cm/in
switch/button status
6 Look Ahead to line acquire Time in sec

7 Constant Contour Recording

3.2.- Implement configuration

3.2.1 Attachment style

3.2.2 Attachment dimensions 3.2.1.- Attachment style
3.2.3 Attachment sections Rear fix
3.2.4 Attachment options Doubled trailed
3.2.5 Work switch Front
3.2.6 Attachment selected Trailed

3.2.2.- Attachment dimensions

Distance from tractor pivot point to attachment,
different distances for each type of attachment
3.2.3.-Attachment sections
1 Length for each section in cm/in

2 Speed below which sections are deactivated

3 Length of default section, if you change number of sections, all new

sections have this length, in cm/in for each section

4 % Coverage all sections

5 Number of sections, and total length for attachment, in cm/in

3.2.4.-Attachment options

1 Time in seconds for activate disactivate, and delay

Offset attachment
Distance between the central axis of attachment and the central axis of the vehicle,
positive to the right, negative to the left in cm/in

Overlap distance in positive (cm/in)
Gap distance in negative (cm/in)
3.2.5.- Work Switch

Work Switch Steer Switch

Enable Work Switch Enable Steer Switch

Work switch enable manual sections Steer switch enable manual sections

Work switch enable auto sections Steer switch enable auto sections

How switch works

3.3.- Sources configuration

3.3.1.- Heading

Single: Fix or VTG

1 Antenna Type Dual

2 RTK alarm Screen message when RTK lost

3 Kill Autosteer When RTK lost, program desactivate autosteer

Fix tigger distance: Distance in meters to start recognizing movement

Start speed: Minimum speed to start recognizing movement
4 Single antenna settings Forward: Distance to start recognizing forward movement
Reverse: Distance to start recognizing reverse movement

5 Heading filter Fusion heading filter, more GPS or more IMU

6 Reverse detection Program detect reverse movement

Offset in degrees for dual heading. The slight variation between what
7 Dual Heading offset the antennas say are 90 degrees but may be slightly off - like 89.6. So
the offset would be 0.4

Enable for using the heading from the dual antenna as an IMU. Will
8 Dual as IMU only work with FixToFix
3.3.2.- Roll

1 Remove offset

2 Roll zero

3 Reset IMU Reset IMU to default settings

4 Roll Filter For PANDA messages set value in 0 or 1

5 Invert Roll Positive for tilt to the right, negative for tilt to the left
3.4.-Uturn configuration
1 U-Turn Radius

2 Distance Uturn legs

3 Distance to boundary

4 Smooth entry and exit

3.5.2- Arduino lift configuration

1 Enable lift control

Time in seconds that the program looks forward to operate

2 Hydraulic lift look ahead hydraulic lift

3 Raise time Time in seconds that the raise of the hydraulic lift advances

4 Lower time Time in seconds that the lowering of the hydraulic lift advances

5 Invert relays

6 Send and save Mandatory for any change in this menu

7 User Pins These are 4 user generated values that the machine module can
use. They are just bytes sent
3.5.3- Sections configuration

Pin configuration for each section

3.6.- Tram Lines configuration

1 Enable Tram line

2 Tram width Distance between two tram lines in cm/in
3.7.- Icons configuration

Show or hide icons and alert sound

4.1-Wizards (Steer wizard)

Steer Setup Wizard, follow the steps to the end.

4.2.- Charts

Steering chart Comparative graph of the real heading with the calculated one

Heading Chart Comparative graph of the fix2fix and IMU heading

XTE Chart Graph that shows the XTE (cross track error), and compares the
ideal line with the actual route
4.3.- Smooth AB Curve

1 Activate AB Curve

2 Use arrows to modify AB Curve

3 Save only for now (this use), Or save to file, or

cancel operation

4.4.- Delete contour paths

1 Delete all contour paths created

4.5.- Delete applied area

1 Delete all sections and contours (cleans all painted

4.6.- Webcam

1 Small window for webcam output


4.7.- Offset fix

1 Shift GPS Position in cm/in

2 North/South

3 West/East

4 Reset
5.1.a- Field menu (none field opened)
This window appears if you don’t have any field opened

1 Drive in Drive to create new field

2 From KML Import KML file created with Google Earth

3 New Create a new field file, add name, date…

Resume work in last field opened (last field displayed in top right
4 Resume corner)

5 Open Open field previously saved

6 Cancel
5.1.b.- Field Menu

5.1.1.- Field Close

5.1.2- Boundary

1 Delete selected boundary

2 Delete all boundary list

3 Import Google Earth file Import KML file created with Google Earth

4 Import from Bing Maps


5 Add new boundary You can add new boundary driving in or with KML file

6 Done

7 Boundary List
5.1.3.a- Headland (make)

1 Field Map

2 Boundary

3 Headland

Headland distance calculated by the number of passes multiplied

4 Number of passes by the width of the implement

5 Extra Width You can add extra width in metres

6 Reset all

7 Cancel

8 Done

When the headland is active new buttons appear at the bottom edge of the window, see point
5.1.3.b- Headland (modification)

1 Modified Headland

2 Headland selected ready Selection by touching two points in map

to modification
Distance in meters for modification, positive for inward direction,
3 Distance negative for outward direction

4 Validate modification

5 Cancel Modification

6 Cancel

7 Done

Arrows for modifying the

1 starting line of the tram Distance in meters, half of attachment
Arrows for modifying the
2 starting line of the tram Distance in cm
Tram spacing configurated in General configuration of Tram lines
3 Tram lines information (3.6)
Track configurated in General configuration of vehicle (3.1.2)

4 Change direction the

starting line

Only tram lines

5 Type of tram lines All tram lines with headland
Only headland tram lines
Cancel tram lines

6 Number of passes

7 Shut Off Turn Off Tramlines

8 Done
5.1.5.-Boundary Contours

1 Number of
Distance in cm
2 Spacing between boundary
and first passe

3 Cancel

4 Done

5.1.6.-Recorded Path

1 Play

Three styles: Start at

2 Style beginning, Closest point, Last
stopped position

Once pressed, it changes to

2 REC stop, to be able to stop

3 Cancel

This function allows you to register any route

to execute it
6.- AgIO

Program that controls communications between AgOpenGPS and all components:

Tablet with AgOpenGPS
AutoSteer (PCB, DC Motor, Hydraulic valves)
Machine modules
IMU module

1 Coordinates information
It is also a virtual button that opens a window that opens a
2 UDP icon window for UDP configuration, when UDP it’s active the icon
turns green

3 UDP network Shows network status, OFF or IP of active network

4 Ports information Active COM ports

5 Turn Off

6 Extra configuration

7 NTRIP configuration

8 AgOpenGPS icon Shows AgOpenGPS or start it if it’s closed

9 Component icons It is also a virtual button that opens a window for the
configuration and connection of the components

10 Expand arrow Expands window to show more information

In/Out information for It is also a virtual button that opens a window with information on
11 each component GPS, speed, height, satellites, ...

12 Close Arrow Close expanded window

13 Hide/Show component

14 Timer Countdown to hide expanded window

15 Log Creates a log file named zAgIO_log.txt with all NMEA messages on
program folder

16 NTRIP info box Shows info about NTRIP, type of NMEA messages, length and
number of each message

17 Extra UDP info Only available if you are using UDP, show info about relays, CDP,

18 Shutdown Button to shutdown Windows

6.2.-UDP configuration

Press the UDP On button and Send to enable UDP, accepting configuration restarts AgIO

Standard sketches use 192.168.5 network address

6.9-AgIO Components

1 GPS Port

2 Bit Rate connection

3 Connect

4 Disconnect

5 RTCM Port If you use a different port for RTCM messages

6 GPS Information Box shows information about GPS messages (NMEA string)

7 IMU Module Port If you connect IMU directly to PCB don’t have port for IMU

8 Steer Port

9 Machine Module Port

10 Scan Ports

11 Done
6.6.-AgIO Extra configuration

1 Save Save AgIO config

2 Load Load AgIO config

3 GPS Data Shows GPS information, same as related in point 6. (11)

4 Device Manager Opens Windows Device Manager


1 Client NTRIP NTRIP in same port of GPS

2 Radio NTRIP NTRIP using Radio Link

3 Serial NTRIP NTRIP using Serial Port Configuration (Source tab)

1 Source Tab
2 Position Tab
3 Advanced Tab
4 Host
5 IP address
6 Broadcaster Enter Caster URL or IP

7 Confirm IP

8 Caster IP When confirmed shows IP

9 Username Enter your Username for caster, (o) shows password

10 Password Enter your password for caster, (o) shows password

11 Get source table Shows all mounts available from your caster

12 Mount Shows selected mount

13 Caster port
14 NTRIP On Turns on/off NTRIP

15 Cancel
16 Done configuration (Position tab)

1 Latitude for manual fix

2 Longitude for manual fix
Use GPS Fix
3 Select fix type
Use Manual Fix
4 Latitude current GPS fix
5 Longitude current GPS fix
6 Send GPS fix to Manual fix

7 Serial Send to GPS using Serial (USB. RS232)

8 UDP Send to GPS using UDP

9 UDP Port Port number for UDP

Some providers like VRS Systems (Maschinenring, Sapos…) need
your position, without your position they are not able to send you
10 GGA interval data. Here you can set the time how often you send back your
position in seconds, 0 for turn off

12 Cancel
13 Done configuration (Position tab)

HTTP Protocol
Only TCP Port
UDP Packets Default 256
6.7.2.- Radio NTRIP

1 Port
2 Baudrate
3 Connect
4 Disconnect
5 Channels Channel identification and information

6 Command Line

7 Response Shows response of radio channel

8 Send Sends the frequency to the radio modem

9 Add Channel
10 Edit Channel
11 Erase Channel Turns NTRIP ON/OFF

12 Scan Ports
13 Enable Radio
14 Cancel
15 Done
6.7.3.- Serial NTRIP

1 ScanPorts
2 Port
3 Baudrate
4 Connect
5 Disconnect
USB or RS232
6 Serial Mode

7 UDP Mode Shows response of radio channel

8 Port UDP Default 2233

9 Serial Pass ON Enable Serial RTCM

10 Cancel
11 Done
7.-Steer Configuration

Icon that shows the current angle and the setpoint angle, and is the button to open the steer


7.1.-Steer configuration (Steer Tab)

1 Steer Tab
2 Power Tab
3 Stanley Tab
4 Pure Pursuit Tab Also known as PP

5 WAS Angle indicator WAS: Wheel Angle Sensor

Allows the steering angle to be zero degrees when driving
forward. This setting must be done and be zero degrees when
driving straight ahead in order to be properly set. Wheel Angle
6 WAS Zero
Sensor (WAS) zero allows you to remove that non-zero steering
angle so it is zero degrees. This is a very important setting and
must be accurately set.

7 WAS Zero slider For manual calibration, or tweak calibration

Also known as CPD

The A/D converter puts out -4000 to +4000 (8000 in total) levels
as the Wheel Angle Sensor puts out 0 to 5v. To convert that into
8 Counts per Degree steer angle degrees - because we don’t visualize counts very well,
we now divide those levels by counts per degree. So, when the
CPD is increased, the wheels turn farther for each degree needed.
When lowered, the wheels don’t turn as far.

Ackermann steering geometry is a geometric arrangement of

linkages in the steering of a vehicle designed to solve the problem
9 Ackermann of wheels on the inside and outside of a turn needing to trace out
circles of different radius.
10 Maximum steer angle
11 Steer angle setpoint Steer angle requested by AgOpenGPS

12 Actual steer angle Read by WAS

13 Error Angle Error between setpoint angle and actual angle

Virtual Button (double push) shows Drive function in Steer

14 Expand Steer Config
7.2.-Power configuration

The proportional gain are multiplied by the error then added to

the minimum PWM value to generate the final output value. The
higher this value the faster the motor will correct the steering.
1 Proportional gain However, if it is too high, the steering will overshoot the line and
then oversteer the other way again. Too low of a value and it will
either take too long or never get to the guidance line

2 Maximum PWN power The maximum PWM value to generate the final output value

Minimum PWM value is used to apply a minimum amount of

3 Minimum PWN power
power to overcome friction of the valve/motor
7.3.- Steer Configuration (Stanley Tab)

Stanley method use the front axle as its

reference point. Meanwhile, it looks at
both the heading error and cross-track
error. In this method, the cross-track
error is defined as the distance between
the closest point on the path with the
front axle of the vehicle.

7.3.-Stanley configuration

The aggressiveness works with distance. The more aggressive the

1 Aggressiveness faster it tries to steer towards the line with the risk of crossing
over the line

The overshoot affects how much opposition to aggressiveness

there is by keeping the vehicle turning away from the line.

2 Overshoot reduction It’s the winner of the two, heading and distance away that
determines the length of time to get to the line. Ideal is to
balance them so you get quickly to the line without going too far
over the line or oscillating back and forth (too aggressive).

Uses 2nd order derivatives (non-linear steering methods) to bring

the vehicle back to the line. As in, as they approach the line it
needs to start steering away from the line to prevent crossing
3 Integral
back and forth over the line and never getting on course, like an
icy road. the opposite is taking way too long to get back on the
7.4.-Steer configuration (Pure Pursuit Tab)

Pure Pursuit mode uses a look-ahead

point which is a fixed distance on the
reference path ahead of the vehicle as
follows. The vehicle needs to proceed
to that point using a steering angle
which we need to compute.
In this method, the centre of the rear
axle is used as the reference point on
the vehicle.

7.4.-PP configuration

1 Look Ahead Distance in meters how far is reference point

2 Look Ahead Speed Gain How far the look ahead goes ahead based on speed

3 Sidehill degrees Sidehill compensation in degrees for each degree in roll

Uses 2nd order derivatives (non-linear steering methods) to bring

the vehicle back to the line. As in, as they approach the line it
needs to start steering away from the line to prevent crossing
4 Integral
back and forth over the line and never getting on course, like an
icy road. the opposite is taking way too long to get back on the
7.5.-Drive and test
If you touch the lower edge (double touch), the drive and test function appears

Connect the autosteer even if we don't have a line, drive straight.

1 Drive We can change the angle with the arrows.

2 Snap Left/Right Increases by one degree in the selected direction

3 Zero Set angle to zero, or if the is zero to +5

4 PWN Shows PWM used to run motor/valves

Function to calculate the real steering angle, drive steady and

5 REC show the angle when finished.

6 Diameter Shows calculated diameter for REC function

7 Steer Angle Shows Steer angle Shows that is used to calculate the diameter, is
very important to keep it steady

Virtual Button (double push) shows all options in Steer

8 Expand Steer Config configuration

With all these functions they help us to correctly configure the parameters of the Steer
tab (7.1), WAS Zero, CPD, Akerman and Maximum Steer angle
3.5.1- Arduino steer configuration

1 Danfoss Activate special configuration for Danfoss

2 Invert WAS Turn right positive value/ Turn left negative value

3 Turn Sensor When activated, box appears for counts selection

4 Invert Motor
5 Pressure Turn Sensor When activated, slider appears for pressure selection

6 Invert relays
7 Current Turn Sensor When activated, slider appears for amps selection

8 Panic Stop Speed Stop autosteer at value, in Km/h

9 Selection Motor driver Cytron or IBT2

10 A2D Convertor Single or differential modes

11 Steer enable None, switch or button

12 Reset Reset to default values

11 Send and save Mandatory for any change in this menu

8.- Steer Mode

By pressing the button, you can change the steering

mode, the active mode is the one shown, P for Pure
Pursuit and S for Stanley.
The small numbers above the icon are the integral
correction calculations

11.-Steer Indicator

The direction indicator gives you information about the direction module. It also rotates like
the wheels of the vehicle do.
There are four colors to know the status of the autosteer.

Purple No steer module connected

Red Steer module connected, not


Orange Steer Module connected and

enabled; steer switch off

Green All connected and enabled

AgOpenGPS Main Screen (Field Opened)

17.- Flags
18.-Version/Paint color Mapping

19.-AB line

22.-Automatic sections
23.-Manual sections
24.-Cycle AB line

25.-AB line

26.- AB curve

AgOpenGPS Main Screen (Field Opened AB Line selected)

Once an AB Line has been selected, new icons appear on the lower edge with new
functions, all of them can be hidden from the General configuration, Icons submenu (3.7)

28.- Snap to pivot

29.- AB Line Edit
30.- Your Skip

31.- Uturn skip

7.5.-Drive and test
AgOpenGPS allows you to flag anything you want to mark

Browse through the available flags.

1 Navigation arrows

2 Flags list

3 Flag information

4 Delete Flag

5 Done
18.-Version/Paint color Mapping

Icon that shows the current version, and is the button to

open the color picker for mapping.

In AgOpenGPS you can choose anything color for mapping

1.-Day mode

2.-Night mode

3.- Lock/Unlock colors


5.-Preset colors
19.-AB Line
In the field map you can create all AB lines, existing ones are also

To create a new line, you only have to select two points on the
1 Field Map boundary (the points can be deleted with the icon 2 “Point
delete”). The line between the two points is created using the icon
7 “Curve” or the icon 11 “Line”.

2 Delete Point
3 Attachment width information
4 Distance to boundary By default, is half the width of the attachment

5 AB Line Swap direction

6 Boundary curve Create a curve line following the boundary limit

7 Curve For manual calibration, or tweak calibration

8 Cycle Curve Lines

9 Delete selected curve
10 Heading direction and time.
Curve information
11 Line
12 Cycle Lines
13 Delete selected line
14 Heading direction and time.
Line Information
15 Shows in map paint sections.
16 Done

This icon is a button to activate the autosteer module (in green), if it is disconnected or
deactivated, it is shown in red.

The letter refers to the option in general configuration 3.1.4, M for Manual and R for remote Button to let the software button follow the steer switch / button status







Uturn configuration in 3.4

22.-Automatic sections


This button allows control sections with machine module.

You can see sections on or off in section display (9)

23.-Manual sections


This button allows you to control sections manually

You can see and operate individual sections (on or off) in section display (9)

25/26.-AB Line/Curve

1 Line list
2 Delete selected line
3 Cancel
4 Duplicate line
5 Edit Line
6 Change direction line
New window appears, point 9 and following
7 Add AB line

8 Done
This new window allows you to make a new AB Line driving between two points (A to B)

In Line

9 A Point

10 B Point

11 Heading direction

12 Cancel

13 Done

This new window allows you to make a new path driving between two points (A to B)
In Curve

14 Status

15 A Point

16 B Point

17 REC/Pause

18 Cancel
This button change line to contour line

When activated a new button appears.

Locks or unlocks the line tracking, forcing to follow the line once it is
1 Lock/Unlock locked, if it is in the locked position an intermittent message
appears on the screen

28.-Snap to pivot

This button sets the line at the pivot point

29.-AB Line Edit
1 Half Snap
2 Snap

3 Change direction line

4 Snap to pivot
5 Heading direction You can manually edit heading direction

6 Presets heading direction 0/90/180/270 Degrees

7 Cancel and return

8 Done but don’t save

9 Save and done
30.-Your Skip

Automatic skips in uturn like picture in icon



31.- Uturn Skips

Drop-down list with skip options in U Turn (0 to 10)

32.- Headland (active)

1 Headland ON/OFF

2 Lift Control ON/OFF

3 Arrow lift control UP/DOWN info

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