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University of Dhaka
Honours 1st Year Examination - 2023
Application form for Regular/Irregular/Grade Improvement Examinee
I Seek permission to sit for the 'Honours 1st Year Examination - 2023'. If any of information given in this application form
proves false or if I ever violate the examination regulation of Honours 1st Year Examination - 2023 , My application would
stand cancelled.I further promise that if any question arises about my legality as an examinee, I shall remain bound to
comply with the action/decision taken by the Syndicate or the relevant body empowerwd by the Syndicate.
( To be filled by the College authority )
This is to certify that the above mentioned examinee got admitted in session 2021-2022 in 1st year. I think he/she is
eligible to sit for the examination, considering his/her performance during the study period. All the information given by
the examinee is correct ,If any of these is proved false , his/her examination will be cancelled.