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T:oo!': A P: ·:.~: , ,): ~' I :;I:_~ J .


Ely ri a . Ohio
Oc tobe r 14. 1957

"' ., 2,500 Tour NACA

On 4-Day Inspection
James "Jimmy" Doolittle and Edv,:ard V. "Capt.
Earli er this month . in Clc\'cland, Eddie" Rickenba cker were among the 2,500 persOns who
Ohio, the National Ad"iwry COOl' Itoured the Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory (NACA) I
mittee for AeronlutiCtl pla)'ed b ost during the triennial four-d.ay inspection last week. I

to I ,roup of the N liion'8 leOidi ng Durin£ a ClOUte brule in tM nuclear fuel. One pound 01 JlU('- I
scienti, ' ,. ed uea to N an d wrhe N at morning lour. Doolittle COmtl'K'tlt- lear fuel will produC'l! appn»d­
their Le""i ~ Laboratory. ed that the Rum an's e~ drd- mately the Arne amount 0( .,..

One uf three NACA. labs which ~~te,I,I;;:d,ls:Use ~Id ~~ =~ 2-=~ ~lklnl of pre­
are opened fo r a .ek'(: l Aud ien ce on
a rotlltin g tri e nn ial h;u i,., Lewis Lab
~ ." ~ -.kt because Arner­
k::an $Icle,-,Illu we:re not tl.rst, but llhittn.led Led_...
Jood because It will .. ..,ake us Inc:luded in the toW" ~ Wut'
is concerned directly with e xperi. klo6e tram our complacency," trated lectures on alrcraft hobe
menta l propu lsion sy.tem&-turbo. DooUttle wpoke c:ompUmentar- reduction, p--opuls.ion research for
jet, ramjet. rocket, and nuclear, lly of NACA 5d.ntisU and en- hypersonle aJ.eht, high .rwl'g)'
rmeen deacrlblnr tht' .."ORd.~ rocket propcllanu, alrcraJt nuc­
Operational ahitudc$ o f ISO mile. of ~ resea.rdl on display. lear propulsion, ret:"arch nev.-.
and s pee d i in eXeCSs o( 25,000 m.p.h, "",ltb such .. theM, bow can reel 01 the elgh1 by w: foot .uPtr­
~'crc among future po ~-;c ibililie. di..
we mlu!" be said. sonlc wind tunnel, hlgh encfl)'
cu.. ~d d urill g th ~· to ur. Strangely DooUtUe is ehaInnan of the ~~tue~ :1~SI:et:~~~
e nou~h. contruy 10 the majority o f
jt'ational AdviSOrY Commlnee lor tempera.t~ 10 by 10 toot super­
AeronauOcs. uwl. lAbontory is sonic t~l .
",- prese nt da y opinion conecrnin c a
declining n~d Cor aircn:w8. lh ('~e ~Ii~= m~t::C~:C A $2.5 rnWlon addition to re­
NACA. Created by Conp-css In Mfareb equipment available to
figure\! w('re .odvanced for man(lcd 1915 NACA is the top a.rona.utlo- NACA aeronatudal 1Cientlst.a.
. paee .atdlit c~. al ~sea.rch orpnl.utlon of the the Ltwis Rocket Enc1ne Reo
Amon g top .Il llcn lion-p.cltcrs ...·a. federal eovernment. DoolIttle is search FuUlt', wu shown PJb­
cha1rman on NACA', boud of IIcly for the first time. Complet·
a detaill,:01 di :lcu nio n of hi gh ene r gy directors whoM 11 members are ed In August, the facUlty was
aircraft {ueI.s ra n ging (1'0'11\ horon­ appointed by the prnickont of the viewed by rep~ntat.I\"e1i of the
hydroge n COOl pound., re-p uted to UnIted State. and ael'Ve witbout ~t Industry, mllitar)' se.rv­
. .1:9. lO'o't:mml!n t and iClrentl rlc
potteM n ea rl y double Ihe thru. t pa~_ Needed :!.aniz&~ durina the lnSpe<:­
capahilit ic.. of pn:~ nt f ud:>, to ionic
Jrivc. Power . ourcet< i n c:l ud ed ..o lOlr
e ne r gy nnd n uclea r rc:..ction.
CIOIier to t h e rea lm o ( p rCi'cnt dsy
working h ardw. re w(tp t he t;llk cen­
w:=te:~:I::" t:'t~ ~ ~u!:~~~
plana U; guided miuUH, relTl&J"k· to utilize new hi;Ch-mtrlY. I'OCkt:t l
ed "It'. hard' to conccl\'e," he propellants_ n us wn&tiR ro-,
Mid. "but Jt alIU dept:nds on men. leaz?! t~ also aUC/W1 fCallz.alklfl
thc! new fadllty pc!rmJU 1CIen- ,

tering around turbojet enp: inCl!-. Pre­ can't do anythIng without them." of eeonol'l'ues ,ained throua:h .1lM
at~g2,~ ~~tc!~r~~: =~:-:S~~:;lsld:::f!t~~
,-iou8 conclUl.j om had pliH'cd thei r
top .peed ea p;tllilith:,,, ;) t Mac h 2.5.
Lewi,; ~ cicDti ~ h no,,' c:<p rcu con Ii.
dencc t h at tI M:lch ~ ( 2.600 m,p.h.
CA to sec the increued ope.... vestlpUons are made Wi th
lion efficiency, turbo-jet, rocket 1IC8.l'OI!, more expensIve fucls.
and ram-jet propelled aIrc...ft
at .hilud",,) po\o'c rpl:wt could :<u e­ ck-mon5trated by cut-away Me-
eeufully lie conslrUC1(:d .nd placed lions and modell of actual alI'­
craft, IX' .imulated te. ll­
in operation.
Tlu: Lc,,·i. flio;hl Pro puillion Ltlb.
n:nnc d fur thc l:lle: Or. Ceorge Lewi..,
5~oIt~s r:o: ::'~r:1I
lftSS.Ion procram a dial
finn din::ctor of NACA, w;) ~ ettab­ '''''"". . the ~m"" of <1«""', ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE JOURNA L
li$hcd i ll 194 1 utljaeent 10 Hopkin. =:tl~C;;~I:t~::~~1 Octobe r 12, 1957
Airport. 1\ b OU6h1 ;) ~ t;Jff of 2,700 n.e Importanee 01 1M results of -­

profc.." ion31 Bnd tec hnical c mplo y­ ~ l =~~rl~~a::aI:lb:, c;: NA.CA Scientists
CC$, ami is h e aded Ly Or_ Edward

R. Sh ar p, * Theoretical " hu-bojet. bNed OD a CQ"'~It~ or advanced Idu.. =

emment In.tallaUont 1be

Cite Mach 4 Speeds

Oclober 1957 23 lm1m1ty near an alrfield, elp«' HIa:h-O)lng t Ur bo)et-propettM alrerllft
laDy ... a "JOOd neighbor" policy. t ... ~ltllnli: lit lpeed~ up to four IL mH the
!he blcb-melttDl polnt metals. ,·eIO(."It)· of sound_bolll 2600 mph .t
CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER 10 Important to tNt aJrenaft of lItlttude-are envisioned by ~lenU.ts or
October 13. 1957 !~UW~ ~ot::: :tt:ero~aa~:f~~l ~~~50~llr:'tm;:!'~C:t.[:~
!wm be common, are allo belnc: l.a boratory lit CI~veland, Ohio. At the
IteJted tor durability Lad endur­ i:;'~;~SCT:~~~,~~fI~I$~~~~t~~~at~~~ w';,~~
an~ ne~Slity of Ulina heavy ~r;!~n l~:~~~I~t~:'~ tur bojc!t hu Mllch 4
, " =~!t!~ ...=~~~=
other problem to be CIIo'trcomc.
orF:;t"~~~n~~~I:~'t:~~eld!~~~:p~e~hte :/!
turllojct copnble of ne/ulna th l! hyper•
.Scientists an! !"lOW working on a :or. onlc JIMX'd realon, but Lewl:or. 5clenLlsts
llaht, but eUective shield thftt who hllve conducted cxtensln: reseArc h
l ....-W allow for a>1equate or Increas-' on alrcrnft proputllon Jyftcms lind their
ed fuel or p..y lood, on all' ear· ('Om poncnl. are conftdent t hat a Mach 4
riera, and )'ei. allO'ol' the lilt of turbojet ~n be built.
- - - _ . _ -­ Durlne the 15 years .In~ the turboJ~1
(In,Jlnlt was ftnt nown In lhe United
S Ul les, II,nlftcant proa:reu has been
mfld. in It. development. The United
S tatn hrls a nu mber of turbojet-powered
aircraft capnbt ~ of sustaIned flI,ht above
t .... lC)(! t he s peed o{ sound. Eve n faster al r­
pta nes POw('rt'd b)' tur bojet. arc In the
experlmental.tage. .
,\ \ar,e portion of the Lewis res~arch
U. S. NfWS ~ WOIIO IHon. Ocl. II . 199 effort hal been expended on the study or
turbojet en,l ne problems. I n compnrl son
...·tth lit"" turbine. In cxlst~nc. at the end
ot the Wil T. today. ~n, lne. have more
than three Itmes the power: nt least twice
Now Science Has a Way the ~mdency, and 11.1' more depe ndability.
An tmpo rta nl fflctor In the s ue<:eu of
To Cut Noise 01 Jets nny Mach 4 t ur bojet e nllne will be the
dcslan of l nt ~t and exhaust .ystem•. AI­
C U .--VELAND-E:uspliui ng noise may thou,h the ba.le turbojet may be capable
('C.ue 10 be :i feature of the jet plane If .l of producing more Iha n enouah thrust
IIL"'" dcvioe fulfills ils promi5C. to sattsfy flIaht ~utremcnts under Idea l
The noise sup pressor \\'3.5 d emonstratoc! cond ition.. t hrult ~n n be dtulpated by
on one of six jet engines of :i 8-47 In.ta lla tlon detail•. Thrust I ~ reduced
prlmarli y by pressure loun In nl r In·
bombeT Ia.~ week by the National Acl ­ take systems. dra¥ due to tnlet flow
visory Com mittee for Aerona ut ics. The condl tto n, a nd shock or o\'er-cxJ)8n.lon
I ;... device is a $011 of COfTUgated exh'-'ust loue. In the exhaust nonle. Further~
pipe with a special ~cjeetor" th." 510we more, variable Inlets a nd exhaust noztlell
will be! nf'Cfl.SaT)' on an cnglne of this
down the 8ov.- of ea::haullt gases. ­ speed capabi lity. evcn t houah th~M
" ~
NACA sckntirts at the Lewis F1ighr de,,'lcet add wel,hl and eomplt:xlty. A
Propulsion Laboratory Aid the 1Uppt'('S­ Mac h 4 en,l ne with ftxed Inhlt and ex­
haust nozzJe may be unable to 11y taster
lOr cut noise by 13 decibeis-or the dif. t han Mach 1.4. Takoo U itaclt ~' oul d be
ference ~ the nOOe made by ,1 maTS'lna&.
'" jet pL"\ne and the noise of a pTOfI('lkr·
d riven Corutcllation.
Consldel"lble Mach 4 Intet and exhaust
noale reM:a rcl'\ II In PrclCTHS at Lewis.
Includlna a lpeela' pfOITIm to tRter·

,< mine the best prlndplH for desl"nt n"
tnlets havlq hl&:h pressure reco\'ery and
low draa over a n~e of nig ht lpeed.
up to Mach 4. Several research mod t: ts
devoted to the study of the complex lnl. t
,~ . ' t problem ~'ere s how n d urlna: the Inlj>Cl<:.
t lon,
Today'. Sitting. Shape Tomonow'. R.alitiM

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