Voyager at Neptune 1989

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Voyager 2 will fly ',_astNeptune and its

large mo_mTrit.n on August 2.t, 19X_) l!I'
Pacific Daylight Time (PI)Th flashing
over tht planet's n.rth pole at an altitude
of about i,850 kil.meters _,,000 miles).
Five hours later, the spacecraft will pass
about _8,()00 kilometers (23,600 milcs)
from Triton.

The close flyby of Neptune will bend

Voyager 2's flight path sharply sending it
below the ecliptic plant, at an angle of
about 48 degrees.
Both spacecraft are expected to return
valuable data well into the twenty-first
century: By about the year 2020, the elec-
trical power supplied to the \h_yagers by
their nuclear power sources is expected to
have dwindled sufficiently to end the lives
of the spacecraft. Eventuall); the Voyagers
will pass out of the solar system and
cruise silently toward the stars.

actual m,,m_.nt,!I ,l,,mt ,tpp,,,l,h
u ill/,, ,,n Atcgmt 24. 1989 ,a 9 t'.._f. PI)7_
Tht q_,tcr,y,tft'.t radio tignaZ_,tt d,m.._tap-
pm,t,h u'dl not _zacl_Earth mml ,.Uigmt .;5,
1.'o6 A.._t. PI)'I_ ._imeradio .ttgndl.tI tr,ttdolg
dl the .iprr,/,_]li._t;t) Ut// t,tb_"4 tS,J/O:_
6 mtpltltv.,
to o_J._._
the tit._t di._t,tntz../i_m;,X't/_tumt,,
l',o'th. ,_,l,tn) o/tbr ohu.rtati,m.t c,mdt¢:t,l
about thi., time u'ill ht I,.,mkd on tbt .,p,t..-

UI_II_II_I/'_I- • r,.a.- • ORIGINAL

_. PAGE '_" !1

,,,,sthefirstpla,,eth,,..'d TheOO_O_i_t4OTOCS_lFhl,,,h
". /"!
through nlathelnatical preditlh)lis rather nlatllcnlatithzn l]rbain Jeall Joseph Le \_r- •
than tim)ugh systcmatic observations of rier published his own w()rk on the topic.
' ' tht"sky. \_'hen,Sir
that Lc Vcrrier's

In the )'ears
_X"il]iarn wor].:
closelymatched thalof young ..............
discovery(X Uranus in I_81. Adams, he direcr,.,l
James Chal-
astronomers noted that Uranus was n()t lis ot (_ambridge Observatory to begin a
faithfully fi)lh)wing its predicted path. search ()f the heavens fi)r this object. Chal-
Uranus seemed to accelerate in its orbit ]is was hindered, however, by the lack of
boil)re 1822 and to sh)w after that. One up-to-date star maps of the area to b(:

possible explanation _s that the gravity searched and, without these, it was diffi-
_)f'an undiscovered planet was affecting cult to quickly discern new bodies from
the orbit of Uranus. known ones. His only course was to

Two )'()ung mathematicians, each work- tediously scan and re-scan the sky over a
ing independentiy and with no knowledge period ()f weeks, watching fi)r planet-like
of the other, were iorrigued by the rays- motion. He missed recognizing Neptune l,I. O. J. I.e Vorrler

tery and set out to solve it. several times. (From tho
In England, John Couch Adams began Illulltr&tdl_ London
NIIWlI, Feb. _', 1841).)

work ()n the problem in 1811 and pursued ! )

it sporadically. By the rid] ot 1845, hc ft,'it - - ,
confklent enough in his calculations to
2 present them to the Astronomer Royal,
Sir George Air); at the (.;ree,lwich ()bser-
vatory. It was. perhaps. Adams' y()uth and
the fhct that he was an unknown astron,)-

met that caused the older mall tt) giV(: lit-

tic attention to Adams' work at the time.

,,_ ,

i.._. .,j ..;" .. _,.-,).

.I" ..-4F
_ .- -" a.c. +,_sms 't

I) London° 'IIIIilL )

.r6" ] m_

//_, ,, - _,>_,/ /__J_ - 0.,94 /_, s'_ -/. r.,+
4/".,#,'- ..@ F).


in Sc.ptember 18 i6. Lc VL.rrier. ullablc with those of i.c Vcrrlcr lbr retognltlo,, ot ()bscrvatory ,11 FI,L_srafl. Ar,z_m,L0 hir_.l
to h'lterest l'rench, sent his their (,halllpi()l}. In keep I,t; with thc cs- astronomcr (;lydc "l_,lnbau_ht- begin ;,n
calculations to an assistant at the lk.rlin tablishcd prat ti_c of namin_ plancts for cxhatlstivv scareh ti,r this ninth planet Ill
Observator); .Johann Gottfried Galk.. ant lent Roman or Greek g.ds, however, 19_,(), X t years alter Neptune's discovcr.v,
Galk' received the letter on September 2_ the new planet was _allc'd NcptunL., after "ll,nbaugh discovered the planet Plut..
'." and bcgan a search f,r thc object that tilt" Roman god ot tilt" sca. Plut, is now known to bc hir too _mall to
nib_ht. (;alle, too. might have missed the Seventy-five years earlier or later, tilt" have taused thc apparent dittt-rences bc-

. discovery had not a student, Hcinrich probk.m would hax.e bccn mathematic;ally tv,'ccn Neptune s prcdicted and obscrvcd
Louis d'Arrest, provided him with the insolublc. At the time of tilt" discovery, orbits, however, and the source (it tiles(-
latest star map of the area. Antl there, Neptune was in the one part of its orbit dili_:rences remains unrcsolvcd.
within a degrec of Le Vcrricr's predictions that alh)wcd solution.
(and only a fi.'w dcgrees fi'om Adams' pre- The orbit calculated by Adams and
dictions) was an unidentified disk. \\'hcn, Lc Verrier is not precisely Neptune's orbit.
by the next night, the object had a new l)iftercnces between tile actual and prc-
position, the discovcry could be claimed dictcd orbits ton,inucd to bc noted by
--an eighth planethad been found, astron()mcrs.
In It)IS,American Percival i
An international brouhaha tblh)wed, Lowell prcditted a ninth planet, based
with supporters of Adams contending on the ditt_.'ren_es between calculated and I

x • ()bscrved orbits of Neptune and othcr

x !
_ planets. Motivated by l.owvll's idcas,
_ V M. Sliphcr, the director of l.()_vcll

_i • I I



Fi Berlin Observato_If -) '_

•_ " ill It wee at about ._ _,i "41

"_' Wee dleooverod In

_ 1846. (From VerlaI

O. Groplue, Berlin,

! 1833, MIrklichei



tlranus and Neptune are often thought of mtJspheric rotation rate is between 17 and /
as a pair, because of their great distance 18 huurs. Rotation fate's of plancts tan bc

from the Sun and their similarities ill size measured in two ways: by tratking cloud I
and color. But already scientists expect k'arures in the atmosphere or by monitor- ..
that Neptune will bc vastly different from ing the radio emissions generated by dec-
any of the other planets yet studied, irons spiraling into the planet's magnetit
Ahhough Neptune is the fi)urth largest ticld. Radio emissions give the rota.ion Oioud structure on _,
Neptune is sl_=nam

planet, it is invisiblc to the nakcd eye be- rate t)f tilt" bulk t)f tilt" planct because inan imagetllken ]

cause it orbits in the outer regions of the the magnetic field is generated in the in Jenuent
from about
st)lar system, -i!..3 billion kih:mt.ters planet's interior, millionkilometers
(nearly 3 billion miles) from the Sun. (In 0an mii,o, mii_), t
fact, Neptune is currently the farthest |

planet from the Sun--since the early

197Os, Pluto has to the Sun I
than Neptune has, and it will remain so , ;:ii
until the end of ".his century.) I

At this distance, Neptune receives !

nearly l,O(l() times less sunlight than
Earth, and about two anti one-half times

!ess than isLlranus,
about the
but sam_" as that tern-
its overall of r
,4 Uranus. Therefore, scientists believe that
Voyager ;I olllpture¢l
Neptune must have SOlnCinternal heat,,f thisinbound view
its own, ;isdo Jupiter and ._aturn. ofNeptune ondTri-
tonon May Ii, 1988
Ncptune'sseasonslast inorc than from685million
40 years. Its rotational axis is tilted about kilometers (426 mil-
lion miles).
_)0degrees to tilt" plane of its orbit around
tile Sun (Earth's axis tilts 2_.5 degrees).
At this phasc in Neptune's sojourn art)trod
the Sun, it is rummer in the southern

hemisphere and there is cuntinuous

daylight ;it the south pole, while the i/
north pole is cluakcd in darkness, mmmmam ..........
Both phinets rotate ;it about the same ,==
rate--Uranus' internal rotation rate is • "

17 hours Ii minutes, while Neptune's at-




L:c :_Ii.
"_ ur,,,,,,_


:= Neptune looms
" el)ova the aurfai=e
of Triton° where
Shallow pools of
liquid nitrogen
may form beneath
a thin almoepherlo
haze. (Reprinted.
With permiaaion
from National
Oaographlo M4ig.
azine lind artist
Paul Hudson,)
r!: t


i: t%k.,lsurclucllts tibtamcd by trat king t huld If thcrt, arc mcthanc ch)uds .n Ncp- / /
I tcaturcs includc tilt..idditi.nal ctk.cts .f tunc, thcy i_rd_;ibly ¢.ndcnsc at a prcssurc
i.;;!' .ltlnuspilcrit _inds. As Vll)'agcr 2 ilt-,il',.i lif abllut 2 biirs (twkc tilt. atnllisphcrit
l Nt.ptunc, tilt" pldnctiir.I, ' radi, ,lttrillllinl%' pressure lit sca level ,in liarth) and ii tt'lll-

iiilll, cxpcrinlcnt will dt.tcrlrlinc flit. nit,,tinn pcr;lturc _)fabout N5 kcMns ( - tll<i°l:).

of tile
;in pl;lnt.t's
cquattirial.ntcri(ir. V(i.wl_cr 2's
of 4signals can so
di;unctcr (it about prcssurc t() 5 bars, theret,_is;i a

-t9, it)l) kilomc,'crs (),(),'qll) miles), Ncp- glltld thence (if detecting the basc c_i the

,_, t'unc is only slightly smallcr than [_ranus. methane tlouds, wlmh will indicatc the
But :',_ptunc is denser, indkatinu that it allltlunt of nacthanc in Neptune's atm.-
_; must contain ;t.l;trgcr quantity ill hcavicr spl,,t-rc. Altlit)ti/41i i)th,.r cloud layers, in-
' materials than does Unlnus. tluding watcr-kt _l:'uds, ;ire expected
LikcUranus, Neptune is believed t. bc dccpcr in the atmt_spl',c'rc, \41yagcr 2 will
tOlnl_t)scd prinlarilv .f ruck and melted imt bc able to dctctt thcnl. \Vhilc the
if'c, mixed with hydrligcn and hclium, spacctraft is in Neptune's sllado_._; it will :"
_." Thc combinatitin.f infrarcdand ra<.li,
d_- m-lncuvcrto prcciscl.v
trackthe mlrcr
:" scrvations will priividc a inc,lsurcmcnt of cd.tzc ill" the planet to cnablc Vo$'agcr's ra-
the relative amounts uf helium and hydro- dill signal tll pr.bc Neptune's aun.sphcrc.
r gcn ill Nci_tunc ;is ulnlparcd with the Thcrc is evidence tiler Neptune lilts ;1 Neptune'a interior
Is believed to con- t
!" ;lnliitlRt,% ill tilt" litJlcr <l_;15tOtlS Otltt'r piiill- nl;l_rit, tit field. ,iS du Mcrcur); Earth, Ilat of e mixture of

cts illld tilt" _un. Jupiter, _,lttll'FI, and [_rilntls. \4)va_cr 2 is melted lees and
• ' rook.

6 Dcspitc Ncptunc's rcm¢itcnc,s, ;istr_mo- nut likely t. pcnctratc the phlnct's n'hlg-

i mcrs havc bccn able t() learn a t_..w things nct_lsphcrc until flu: last day bcfbrc the
_,, ;lbout the phulct's atinil.Slq_crc. (Light spacctraft's th)scst aplmlach to flit' phulct.
crnittvd lind reflected from an attar)sphere
Giiltilln.% illfilrnlatitill abilut tilt. ;ltlllO-

spJlcrc's tJlcnlistry itnd toinpositilin. ) At i "

I- times,
i}• high-rcsiilutiiln
Eitrth-bascd tulcscupcs images
indkatc taken
the t'n)n-i II
: cxistcntt' nf till. atlnuspJlcrit ila;,:cs ()vcr

i major ptirtiilns
_vilich (.'11111(.',% tit" _Ut'S
;Lilt{ tilt."phinct. Thc haze,
in a Ilhlttt'r ill" days " _ 4'_
or weeks, Iilily tiill.'iist el" nlt'tJhlilt' iCC
• "!i

trvstills. " '

i °

•" Voyager ll bide

_1_ AS Voyager i dips farewell to i otis.

-_ behind Neptune. • gent Neptune .....
' :. the ultravloJet In- =
Itrument will atudy
the etmoaphere as
=unllght =treeml
through It.



Neptun_ has two known satellites, Triton If Triton is small--perhaps about area.
may be
of ,
, *


of the planet's equator--Triton's.orbital ter--scientists expect to find only a low wit ot Iiqula _-"" " .
nitrogen on Trlton'e " ,
i and Nereid. Neither traveh in the plane 2,200 kilometers ( l,iO0 miles) in diame- diuo=ved In eheI- .°

...:... plane is at equator,
Neptune's an angle white
of about 20 degrees
Nereid's to
is at an very thin
hand, atmosphere.
Triton If', on the about
is larger--perhaps other ,.,eoe. ..=¢,_,P
_'" angle of about 30 degrees. 4,000 kih)meters (2,500 miles) in diam-
,' Triton completes one rotation nn its eter--then it is expected tohave a lower
_ axis in the same amount of time that it surface temperature and could have a
takes to circle Neptune, 5.88 Earth days. thicker atmosphere (which otherwise
Because the rotation rate is synchronized would have escaped to space long ago),
with its orbital period, the same hemi- and Voyager's cameras may not be able to %,"
sphere alg,ays faces Neptune. (Similarly, see the surface.
Larth's Moon is also in synchronous rota- Because Triton's size is uncertain, the
tion, keeping the same face toward Earth.) Voyager flight team has prepared primary
At an average distance of 354,600 kilo- and alternative designs for some observa-
meters (220,300 miles) from the center of tions. This strategy will allow a critical
its planer, Triton is nearly as far from decision just a few days before the en-
Neptune as the Moon is from Earth. Tri- counter, based on the latest information
ton is the only large moon in the solar available: if Triton is large and has a thick
system with a retrograde orbit; that is, atmosphere, observations will be concen- ,
it travels in the direction opposite the trated on the atmosphere; if Triton is
planet's rotation. Because of its retro- smaller and the atmosphere thin, observa-
grade orbit, Triton is spiraling slowly tions instead will be concentrated on the
toward Neptune. surface. The best Voyager images of Tri-
Triton is roughly the size of Earth's ton are expected to show fi:atures smaller
Moon. Estimates of'Triton's diameter than one mile.
range from 2,200 to 4,000 kilometers
(1,400 to 2,500 miles).

An hour before

Voyager 2'S oloSest

opproaoh to Triton,
the field of view of

the narrow-angle
oamere will oover

an area about
700 kllometere

(400 miles) square.

• _lP • •
""-_ --.


[ N .l, ,%,.g., .¢,.': ,_' ORIGINAL PAGE

Scientists hope that Voyager2's cam- V_yager2 is shitcd tl_ pass tim)ugh a Ncreid, whkh is Ix.t_vccn ";(10and
eras will be able to see the)ugh Trit.n's narrow area behind "l'rit.n where both the I, I00 kihmwters ( 190 and _')xOmik.s) in

i[ atmospilere to tile surface, where there is Sun and Earth will be hidden from view diameter, travels ar,_und Ncptullc in a I
methane frost or ice and solid or liquid fbr about .l minutes. During this time, highly elliptical orbit that ranges
ql[ nitrogen. Small quantities of methane tile ultraviolet spectr.nletcr on b,)ard from I,_90,()00 t() 9,(,_,5,0()0 kil.metcr._
":I may also be dissolved in ponds of liquid the spacecraft will study the satellite's (86IL()()0 t_) 5,990,000 miles>. V.y- i
!_ nitrogen. On the dark side of Triton, atln.sphere by viewing the Sun shining ager 2's cl.sest flyby distance to
":i Voyager 2 will look fbr temperature dif through Triton's atmosphere while, at the Nereid will be about .'i,655,000 kilo-

liquid bodies. (Since liquids cool more will probe the atmosphere to determine range, Voyager inay discern bright and
slowly than. fine-grained solids, warmer temperature and pressure levels. Just days dark areas on Nereid's surface.
i ferences
areas on that may side
the dark indicate
liquid.) of same
betbrc time,
spacecraft's radio beams
navigators will meters (2,890,000 miles). Even at that

Triton's seasonal cycle is complex and instruct Voyager 2 to fine-tune its flight
extreme because of the combined effects path to target fi)r this area of Triton's
of its orbit and its rotation. Each of shadow; this adjustment will be based on
Triton's poles spends hmg periods in the best estimates of the location and size
darkness, where temperatures are ex- of Triton and on the gravitational effects
tremely low and most molecules are of Neptune on the flight path.
fi'ozen. Where the Sun is directly over-
head on Triton, the temperature is near Hea_ngbelowthe
_'" the freezing point of liquid nitrogen e_-Iipti¢.
will, look VoyagerZ
baok at

10 (63 kelvins or - 346°F) The southern me oreacemsof

hemisphere of Triton is now approaching Neptuneena Triton.
summer, and sunlit_ht currently strikes
directly at about 40 degrees south lati-
tude. As this hemisphere warms, some
liquids and solids vaporize quickly. How-
ever, as Triton rotates, this hemisphere is
plunged alternately into darkness and
daylight, and this too afli:cts the freezing,
melting, and vaporization _t the nitrogen
and methane.

Five hours after

Neptune, Voyager I1
will swing peet the
large moon Triton.
TtfE VO YA _;fl_ SPA C f CllAF T

Both Voyager sl_accctaf'_have survivcd ill is s. weak thai lilt" s.Jar palwls IIVCdud Narrow-Angle / j
i spacef.ralmost12 yearsand,alth.ugh t.paver spacutrai_ w-uld be t..large Camera
some hardware t.launch."l'herefi)rc,
ingood healthand p.wercdby threenuclear
Wide -Angle

I capable of returning valuable scientific there.electric O-rnera

datawellinto tl,e nextcentury: Thesegenerators

Each spacecraft carries instruments through the c.nversi.n of hcat f'r.m the i_lairne
e. . , _ter

. for ten scientific im.cstigations, in addi- natural radioacti_'e decay ot'plut,nium-258 I

tion, the spacecrafrs radio is used as an Because Voyager 2's main radio receiver
l t
instrument fbr an eleventh scientific failed eight months after hmnch, the ooeml_ _ax

Four of the mvestigations use optical whicla now can receive only a limited
._.i investigation, spacecraft relies on a backup receiver, In-trument

form at the end of a short boom. These ager 2's me'able instrument platf_rm is speotr_meter
end Radlon_ter y

instruments are the imaging cameras used conservatively because of problems

: (both wide- and

instruments narrow-angle),
mounted the ultra-
on a movable plat- that
rangeoccurred in 1981In
of frequencies. shortly after Voy-
addition, the Infrared

infrared interlbrometer spat-
the photopolarimetcr, lees,
Saturn Voyager 2 has peril)reed
flyby. Despite these prob- onerQea Pertlala
_,.: trometer and radiometer. The fields of successfully at Jupiter, F.xperlment
view of these optical instruments are Saturn, and Uranus.
=:, aligned to view nearly the same scene
simultaneously and "heretbre to acquire ll
::" complementary data. High-Gain Antenna ....

Six more investigations ar_' desiyned to

measure the magnetic fields, charged par-
tides, and plasmas in space and in the
vicinity Of phmcts. (Plasmas arc extremely
hot ions that flow like it liqukt and, be-
cause they are charged, react with mag- ....

netic fields, ) These investigations are the MagnetometerI "J ':

magnetic field, plasma, plasma wavc, ./"12 of 41
planetary radiu _tstr(mumy, low-energy ["
charged particle, and cosmic-ray / ., .'"
invest igat ions.
Each V_yager spacecraft has a - ..-
3.66-meter ( 12-tb()t) diamc- Pllinetl_ry
tar dish itlltenlli| ._. Pllimma Wive Antannell (l)

"" through _ _
whkh it re- _ ]
ccives c()mnlands from Earth and trans-
Rlidlolsotope ]
mils data back. The spacecratt's r,tdi_ Thi_moeleot_o
Sigllal is als(_ used its it scientific t..l t. ._ --
ii1,,,,,,_1_ _ , OtnlrltorI 131

study atmospheres, rings, and gray t -

ti()na[ cfli.,tts, = _ - -- [
14cvond {he _)rbit _q Mars, sunlight

,_ The c.mlaunicati.ns link with the .space- 19_(), the largest antc.,nas halt all bccn Parkcs _ill .mc ,,#,till Iw hnkcd _ilh (,m i
_ . craft is I_rovidcd by a systt.m of'dlrcc enlarged from 6.1 t. 70 mt.tcrs (210 t() bcrnL whilr the VI.A _vlll lit' art.trod _vlth ,
- r _
r:Mi.-tclcsc()pc complexes h)catcd arm.nd 2_,0 It.ut) ill dianwter. Als. sintc 198(_, a (h&, I_ars_w, (i,llih_rma 'llw
_i the w_rld; this system is NASA's new _4-metcr (I 12-ti).t) diamt.ter al_teillla t Istida alllt•l_ hi will pr,_vidt • addltl_)lhd

Deep Space Netw.rk (I)SN), inana,_,t,t'd by Jlas been built at the Madrid staff.n, tratkJHg lbr lilt' t rititill r.tdlq, st it.lilt, ii]_-
JPL. These complexes arc Stnltegically 1o- matching the c.nfiguratiol) rhat exists at scrvati()ns durlllg t .tpl_roitth.
: . i cated near 1'_rstow (Jalifi)rnia; Madrid, the Califbrnian and Australian t()mplcxcs. The. Parkcs Riidi_) ()bscrvat.rv ix ,.i,t•r-
i_ Spain; and (Janberra, Australia, so that at The DSN can ;lisa increase the data atcd by tile (.(,nm_lnwcalth ht icmltlt' ,_l_d

all times, as the Earth rotates, at least one return by combining the spacecraft sag- Industrial Rcscarth ()rganlzati.n I(.._IR()).

e station can communicate

craft• Bccausc of Voyager with the space-
2'_ h)cation nals receivedforming
effectively at several
one antennas, thereby
giant antenna. The Vcry
National l.art_c
RatiO. Array is part
Astr.n,mly ,if tilt'
in the sky, antennas in the southern During the Uranus encounter, the Aus- which is operated by Associated i!nivcr-
hemisphere (Australia) will have the best tralian government's 6.'l-meter Parkas sitics, int. t}_rthe Nati.naI St ionic
' "view" of Voyager 2 during the Neptune Radio Astronl)my Telescope was arrayed F()undati(m.
encounter, with tile Canberra DSN complex to assure The Institute .f Sp;ltC and Astr()-
The radio signals from the Vuyager better data capture from Uranus. nautical Scicncc (ISAS).t•Japan opcr, lrCS
transmitters (which have about the same For the Ncplune encounter, prcpara- the 6.t-mctcr (2 I()-fi)ot) ,tntcnna at I._stJda
wattage as the light bulb in a refrigerator) dons are bein_ made fi,)r use of the .n the island _)t H()nshu. Japan.
get progressively fainter as the two space- twenty-seven 25-meter (82-foot) anion-
craft speed away from Earth• "Ib track nas of the Very Largc Array (VLA) near
these faint signals, larger antennas anti Socorro. New Mexico; the Parkcs Ratio()
_2 more sensitive receivers are needed on Observatory near Canberra, Australia: slonamreceived
t_a _ama. R-_ioat
Earth; in additiun, more power is needed and tilt, Usuda Observat.ry in .lapar_. o_=_ato_ near
._-," to transmit commands to the spacecraft Tidbinblila,
will beAua-
Italia, ¢om-

_'_ across the vast distance, blned with Illiinala

re(;alva_l at the
I_ "1%meet these needs, all of the DSN
antc_nnas hitvc been upgraded c.nsider- atatlon•

i ably since the V.yager sp_:cccraft were .a_r_ OSN

_:,...:•:hed in 1977. Alth()ugh Voyager 2 " -'* "
_,!i be i.6 billion kih)meters (1 billion

miles;/;,rther away, the communicati.n _ i

rates at r_'eptune will be about tile same _
as they were at Uranus tit.:.. ,_, these ira- '_"

_1 provemcnts and new techniques, kach

may be used to communicate with the


_i" I)gN ,:on_plex

V.yagers. Sincehas tlranus
thethree antennas
that ill .....,.:.;

:- • The 111 antonnal of

• the Very Largo


' New Mexico, form

> >d .,.,.°,o,,o,...,. %

_'," "'__ al _" _ _ '_h_ll''j_ o.. ,.,0. ,,.,,, to
. S""

;: :.


Tile first spacecraft encounter with the THEIMAa=S I_
eighth planet in tile solar system presents At Neptune, where light levels are nearly
a number of challenges and special 1,000 times dimmer than those at Earth '
circumstances, and 33 times dimmer than thusc at
DAtA I_,ve Jupiter, camera shutters must be ()pen '_

i As spacecraft travel farther from Earth, longer to gather more light. Combined
i the rate at which the DSN antennas can with the motion of both the spacecraft
l reliably receive the data decreases. For and the target billy this can result in
example, during Voyager 2's Jupiter en- badly smeared images.
counter, when the spacecraft was over Several methods to reduce image smear
900 million kilometers (about 560 have been developed: image-motion corn-
million miles) from Earth, the highest pensation, steadying the spacecraft, and
data rate was 115,200 bits per second. At new procedures on the ground and on
Neptune, nearly 4V2 billion kilometers the spacecraft.
(3 billion miles) from Earth, the highest Three techniques have been developed ':'
data rate will be 21,600 bits per second, to compensate for the motion of the
To increase the amount of data that can spacecraft and its targets during imaging. Image-motion
peneatlon taoh-

be reliably returned, flight engineers They include continuously turning the en- nlquei rasultedlna
have devised ways to reduce the number tire spacecraft to track the target during a dramatl=Improva- '

of bits required to transmit images. These series of exposures, "nodding" the space- meritIn
luUon thereao-
obtained of

include changing the way tile spacecraft craft to track the target only during each theUranlanmoon
_,_ encodes the data betbre it is edited, exposure, or slowly moving tilt* instru-
compressed, and transmitted, ment platform during an exposure.

A major task will be to deliver Voyager 2 '1

to the right place at the right time. Any
deviation could mean loss of irreplaceable
observations--Neptune and Triton
will not be visited again fi)r a very
hmg time. ,_
To provide Voyager 2 with the P'
latest possible pointing and timing
knowledge, the flight team at JPL

must pertorm
very late in tilea encounter
number ofactivities
period, often F_arthattdStotsl_adOt_

sending updates to the spacecraft after it ,l_it_.,s Orbit

has begun I_etfi)rming the current set _)t"
instructions. These updates will provide
the spacet'ra|t with the latest and best VOYAGI_R
possible intbrmatitm t)n precisely whert, to \

find the targets at predetermined times. _11 i_artha"tl5"

S_ n and l_a'P,h Voyager I will dive
over the north pole

altitude of about

4,1180 kllometero

(3,000 mllee).

of Neptune at an _ l,:!
............... _............ _ ....... -.......... _ Jr

i ), _eW., ' .
I • .t_I

Voyager 2 is also being steadied as an Qround-based
Images of Neptune, -.s ,
observing platform. Normally, tilL"space takenovera P." I

._ craft is steadied by short (lO-millisecond) hour paced InJuly ,

provide evl-
bursts of hydrazine propellant from its at- dance of aloud
iiI titude control thrusters. For the Uranus structure and a
haze at the north
, _(,,)_
" "
encounter, flight engineersreduced the pole.
thruster bursts to 5 milliseconds, and for Wkenat MgOang-
-- ' Neptune the bursts will be shortened to wavelengthae roy- _'-
_" 4 milli: :conds, reducing the spacecraft re- ogor'owide-angle ._llP
== ¢omerb's m_ne- ' '+r'_"
" tational rates by an additional 20 percent, band Right:
flll_ O.

--. A third effort to gain the best images Images. taken at %_,
8900 angstrome.

from Neptune invoh,es changes in soft- (CourteSyof H. ,, ,:::';

ware on the ground and on the space= Hammer,Jf_.l ,: ,_,,_
Moune Kea .... ,
• 7- craft. Previously; exposures longer than Ob_rvatOry.)
_-:i 15 seconds had to be recorded on the
_. spacecraft's digital tape recorder fi)r
Z_ later playback to Earth. While exposures _v
_ .: at Neptune will typically be 15 seconds, .. "_'.: .... "_ _%'"
-= the software changes will allow the space- _"': ":' '' " f
_, craft to obtain nonrecorded images with
hmger exposures, greatly increasing imag- :. .''_"
,,, ,.,
-:.... ing flexibility in the dim Neptune > "
% '
_ environment. ,' .,._._.
_w,_1_7._" . _ -_)-'."

ORIGINAL PAG_ ,:¢", ' • _ . ,_'_

:'' " "' '
'.- ...... ..,,
, ,_ .....
,.. .\.% . .; "t.
_- . ' ,,,',

• ,e/ ffllq'

"r "._I - --

t_. 7.T,;_ ,%: , , . ,

t!V ,.,
: '. w
Oloude orl Neptune
were eeen in
ground*based _
images In liE3,

(R. Terrlle, JPL,
I. Smith, Univ. ,,_
' !
E of krl,,ona.)

_:',""'.,,,_ .........
! r


After Neptune, the Voyager spacecraft superbolts of lightning slice the air, and partially brought about by the breath-
planetary encounters will be over. Only auroras light up the horizota for thousands taking views of other worlds sent back by
one planet in the solar system remains of miles. Worlds vastly different from the Voyagers, of Earth as a planet, and a
," unvisited_ Pluto_and neither of the our own. very fragile one.
Voyagers can change its course to visit And yet, our planet has much in corn- Perhaps this is the legacy of Voyager, so

! that planet, mon with these others. We receive energy well expressed by the poet T.S. Eliot:
But the Voyager missions will continue from the same Sun. Physical processes_
_: as the two spacecraft hurtle onward gravity, chemistry, and geology _ obey We shall not ,'easefirm/ exploration
through space, one above the ecliptic and the same laws. But in comparison with
And the end of all oar exploring
one below, searching for the edge of the these other worlds, Earth is uniq.ue: it
heliosphere--the heliopause, which is the supports life. Will be to arrire u'h_: u'e started
outer boundary of the Sun's energy influ- Much has happened on Earth since the A.nd knou' the place for the first time.
ence. Crossing the heliopause, perhaps Voyagers left--social change, political
early in the next century, they will enter uprisings, technological advances, natural
true interstellar space. These spacecraft disasters. But possibly the most important
may give us the first direct measurements change has been our growing
of the environment outside our solar sys- awareness,
tern, including interstellar magnetic fields
and charged particles.

Go out some night, away I

from the lights.
m Gaze up at the can-
opy of stars. Among
them you will see P
other worlds: worlds of t
freezing temperatures t
and crushing pressures, ? • • [t
._ noxious gases and precip-
itous cliffs. Worlds where
several mt_ons rise and set
every day. Worlds v here rings
cast shadows on the surthce
and cut an icy swath across the
sky. Worlds where



Their planetary ad-

ventures behind
them. the Voyeoere
will 'mallQn toward
the item, returning
valuable date well
into the twenty.flrIt


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