VisionIAS Daily Current Affairs 30 November 2024
VisionIAS Daily Current Affairs 30 November 2024
VisionIAS Daily Current Affairs 30 November 2024
World Food Programme (WFP) Released ‘Global Outlook for 2025’ Report
It provides updates on global food security & highlights solutions WFP can offer to respond to crises, and tackle root causes of
Key Highlights
Global Hunger Crisis: An estimated 343 million people across 74 countries are acutely food insecure, with 1.9 million people
on the brink of hunger.
Key Factors: Armed violence is a key driver in 14 out of 16 hunger hotspots like Sudan, Gaza, etc. Other factors includes food
Inflation, extreme weather events etc.
65 % of acutely food-insecure people live in fragile/conflict-affected situations.
Funding Requirement: WFP requires US$16.9 billion to provide critical assistance to 123 million of most vulnerable people
facing food insecurity worldwide.
India Specific:
India is home to a quarter of all undernourished people worldwide.
♦ Around 21.25% of population lives on less than
About WFP (HQ: Rome)
US$1.90 a day.
38% of children aged 6-59 months grappling with chronic The WFP is the largest humanitarian agency saving lives in
malnutrition. emergencies & using assistance to help communities become
self-sufficient and resilient to shocks.
WFP’s Approach to Combating Hunger
WFP was established in 1961 by United Nations General
Investing in local nutritious food solutions, fortification & Assembly & Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
social protection systems, to reduce needs in long term.
It has a presence in over 120 countries.
Empowering vulnerable communities to withstand shocks
Funding: Voluntary donations from governments, corporates
through improved livelihoods, climate protection etc. and private donors.
Other: Increasing institutional capacity at local level, WFP is awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2020.
address gender inequalities affecting food insecurities etc.
India and the ADB signed a $98 million loan agreement for developing regulatory framework and institutional systems to effectively
implement the CPP for horticulture.
About CPP
Genesis: Approved under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH).
MIDH is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for the holistic growth of the horticulture sector covering fruits, vegetables, root &
tuber crops, etc.
Purpose: Provide farmers access to virus-free, high-quality planting material, leading to increased crop yields.
Key Components
9 world class state-of-the-art Clean Plant Centers (CPCs) equipped with advanced diagnostic therapeutics and tissue
culture labs.
Certification Framework, supported by a regulatory framework under the Seeds Act 1966.
Support for large-scale nurseries for the development of infrastructure.
Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare through the National Horticulture Board (NHB) and the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
It will be implemented from 2024 to 2030 with 50% assistance from ADB.
Other Key Initiatives for Horticulture Sector
Coordinated programme on Horticulture Assessment and
Management using geoinformatics (CHAMAN), develop India’s horticulture sector at a glance
and firm up scientific methodology for estimation of area Contributes about 33% of the gross value to the agricultural
GDP and covers 18% of agricultural land.
and production under horticulture crops.
Contributes over Rs. 4 lakh crore annually in agricultural
Kisan Rail services, for transporting perishables including exports.
fruits and vegetables. India is the second-largest producer of vegetables and fruits in
the world (Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO))
Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme by NHB, etc.
Low judge-to-population ratio leads to the huge work stress All India Judicial Service (AIJS): A centralized recruitment
process for district and subordinate courts, similar to the civil
on judicial officers, making them prone to making mistakes.
services, could attract more talent and ensure uniformity.
In 2002, a direction was passed in All India Judges Article 312 of the Constitution deals with the creation of All-
Association case that by 2007, judge-to-population ratio India Services.
in trial judiciary should be 50 per million. Other: Streamlining appointment process, Conducting periodic
♦ However, even in 2024, this ratio is not even 25 per assessments of judicial strength etc.
Centre Approves 3,296 crore under SASCI Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Scheme for Boosting Tourist Infrastructure highlighted achievement of Ethanol
40 projects across 23 states have been identified under Special Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme
Assistance to States/Union Territories for Capital Investment
(SASCI) scheme, to develop iconic tourist centers to global Ministry informed that Ethanol blending rate has increased
standards. from 1.53% in 2013-14 to an estimated 14.60% in 2023-24.
About SASCI Scheme About EBP Programme
Aim: To infuse long term interest free loans for a period Objective: Launched in 2003 to promote blending of
of 50 years to States for comprehensively develop iconic ethanol in petrol.
tourist centers in the country, branding, and marketing them Target: 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025-26,
at global scale. advanced from the initial timeline of 2030.
Initiatives facilitating EBP Programme
It envisages the local economy growth and creates
National Policy on Biofuels (2018)
employment opportunities through sustainable tourism
Ethanol Interest Subvention Schemes (EISS) launched
to foster the establishment of Dedicated Ethanol Plants
India’s Tourism Sector (DEPs).
Status: India ranked 39th among 119 countries according Reduction in GST on ethanol meant for EBP Programme
to Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 from 18% to 5%.
report published by World Economic Forum (WEF). Re-introduction of Administered Price Mechanism.
Amendment to Industries (Development & Regulation)
India recorded 9.52 million Foreign Tourist Arrivals in Act, 1951 for smooth movement of ethanol across
2023, reflecting a 47.9% increase compared to 2022. country.
Significance: Key Benefits of the EB
Contribution in GDP: It contributed 5% to India’s gross Foreign Exchange Savings: Rs 1.08 trillion saved since
domestic product (GDP) during 2022-23. 2014 due to reduced reliance on imported crude oil with
Employment: In 2022-23, 76.17 million direct & indirect 18.5 million tonnes of crude oil substituted with ethanol.
jobs were created due to tourism. Environment Sustainability: 55.7 million metric tonnes of
Foreign Exchange Earnings: India earned over ₹2.3 lakh carbon emissions reduced.
crore in 2023 through tourism. Resolving Key Issues of Sugar Industries: Ethanol
Future Outlook: By 2028, India's tourism and hospitality production helped sugar factories to reduce its surplus
industry is projected to generate revenue of over $59 Bn. sugar inventory and generate revenue early to clear the
dues of cane farmers.
Initiatives taken to promote tourism in India
What is Ethanol?
National Heritage City Development and Augmentation
Yojana (HRIDAY): A central sector scheme launched in 2015, Ethanol (C2H5OH), considered a renewable fuel, is an
to preserve & rejuvenate rich cultural heritage of the country. anhydrous ethyl alcohol produced from sugarcane, maize,
wheat, and other crops with high starch content.
National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual,
Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD): Aims to Ethanol can be mixed with Petrol to form different blends,
reducing emissions and improving engine performance.
integrate pilgrimage destinations in a prioritized,
E.g. E20 (petrol blended with 20 per cent ethanol), E100
planned and sustainable manner to provide a complete (93-93.5 per cent ethanol blended with 5 per cent petrol
religious tourism experience. and 1.5 per cent co-solvent)
Dekho Apna Desh initiative (2020): To encourage domestic Flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) are designed to operate on
tourism. different blends of ethanol, up to E100.
Also in News
Ministry of health and family welfare (MoHFW) has designated India has been re-elected to U.N. Peacebuilding Commission for
snakebite cases and deaths as a 'notifiable disease'. 2025–2026.
Earlier, Ministry launched the National Action Plan for Prevention About U.N. Peacebuilding Commission
and Control of Snakebite Envenoming (NAPSE) to halve Genesis: Established in 2005, it is an intergovernmental advisory
snakebite-related deaths and disabilities by 2030 body that supports peace efforts in conflict-affected countries.
What are notifiable diseases? Composition: 31 Member States, elected from General Assembly,
It is any disease that is required by law to be reported to Security Council, & Economic and Social Council.
government authorities. Top financial contributing countries & troop-contributing
Responsibility of notifying any disease and the implementation countries to United Nations system are also members.
lies with the state government. Mandate: To bring together all relevant actors to marshal
The collation of information allows the authorities to monitor resources, advise on strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding &
the disease, and provides early warning of possible outbreaks. ensure recovery from conflict.
Other notified diseases: AIDS, hepatitis, dengue, etc. India is among largest contributor of uniformed personnel to
WHO’s International Health Regulations, require disease reporting to
UN Peacekeeping.
the WHO.
Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) Axiom Mission 4 (Ax-4)
The Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) increased by 3.1% in October Indian astronauts who have been selected for the upcoming Axiom-4
2024 compared to October 2023. mission to the International Space Station (ISS) have completed the
About ICI initial phase of training.
The ICI measures combined & individual performance of Axiom Mission 4 (Ax-4)
production of eight core industries viz. Coal, Crude Oil, Natural
Gas, Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement & Electricity. Ax-4 is the fourth private astronaut mission to the International
The Eight Core Industries comprise 40.27% of the weight of Space Station.
items included in Index of Industrial Production (IIP). It will launch to the orbiting laboratory on a Dragon spacecraft
The Office of Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is responsible for Compiling
and releasing monthly ICI. Axiom Mission is jointly co-ordinated by the NASA and a private
US company Axiom Space.
Ax-1 was the first all-private mission, launched in 2022.
Cascais Declaration
The 10th Global Forum of United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Ramappa Temple
(UNAOC) adopted Cascais Declaration in Portugal.
UNOAC was established in 2005 to serve as a soft-power political Centre approves loans for development of Ramappa Circuit under the
tool of UNs Secretary-General for conflict prevention & conflict SASCI scheme.
resolution. About Ramappa Temple
Key Highlights
Also known as Kakatiya Rudreshwara Temple, it is located in
Objective: To promote principles of tolerance and peaceful
Telangana. It is an UNESCO World Heritage Site.
existence and build bridges between cultures.
Key Highlights: It is the main Shiva temple in a walled complex built during the
Recognized potential of artificial intelligence as a tool to Kakatiya period (1123–1323 CE) under rulers Rudradeva and
promote intercultural & interreligious dialogue. Recharla Rudra.
♦ E.g., combat misinformation, hate speech etc. The temple is constructed with sandstone, featuring decorated
Acknowledged the central role of inclusive, quality & beams and pillars made of carved granite and dolerite.
transformative education in promoting dialogue, peace &
human rights. It has a distinctive, pyramidal Vimana (horizontally stepped tower)
made of lightweight, porous ‘floating bricks,’ which reduces the
Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, weight of the roof.
1991 Kakatiyas adopted Chalukyan Style of Vesara Architecture.