VisionIAS Daily Current Affairs 11 May 2024

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11th MAY, 2024

Air pollution poses threat to Sundarban Mangrove Ecosystem

This was highlighted in a study conducted by the Bose Institute, Kolkata, and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur.
Key Findings:
Key sources of Air pollution: Pollutants enriched with black carbon from Kolkata and the Indo-Gangetic Plain along with
localized sources such as biomass burning.
Rising Reactive Oxygenated Species (ROS): Acidic components of PM2.5 pollutants with heavy metals is fostering the
generation of ROS, posing a severe threat to mangrove cells.
ROS are oxygen-containing radicals that are capable of independent existence with one or more unpaired electrons.
About Sundarban Mangrove Ecosystem
World's largest mangrove ecosystem, named after the species Heritiera fomes, known as Sundri in Bengali.
Located on world’s largest delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal in India and Bangladesh.
Designated as a Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Declared as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.
Importance of Sundarban Mangrove Ecosystem
Extremely rich in biodiversity such as Bengal Tigers, Gangetic Recommendations to Reduce Air pollution
Dolphins etc.
Promote solar and wind energy, transitioning to electric
Mitigate climate change by sequestrating carbon. transportation and subsidising LPG.
Reduces the fury of cyclonic storms and prevent erosion due Regulate tourism and ban diesel generators.
to tidal action.
Restrictions on Carbon emitting industries, regulating brick
Millions of people depend on it for their livelihood and
kilns etc.
sustenance through fishing, etc.

Report on International Forest Governance (IFG) Released

International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), a non-profit organisation has released report titled International
Forest Governance: A Critical Review of Trends, Drawbacks, and New Approaches.
It is the first global synthesis report on IFG (refer to box) since 2010, summarises the most significant developments on IFG
after 2010.
Report has been released in the backdrop of the 19th session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF19).
Key Concerns related to IFG
IFG has had limited success in reducing deforestation.
Rate of deforestation is about 10 million hectares per year as of 2020 (Food and Agriculture Organization).
It is more crowded and fragmented than ever due to the proliferation of new actors and instruments.
Increasing urgency of the climate crisis has influenced the
commodification of forests for their carbon sequestration About IFG
IFG comprised of the policy, legal and institutional
This has led to the rise of new markets for carbon and frameworks for international decision-making on forests. Its
biodiversity that often focus on short-term economic stakeholders include-
gains over long-term sustainability and justice. Key Institutions: UNFF, a functional commission of the UN
Phenomenon is also referred to as climatisation of forests. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with universal
Role of Community-led and philanthropic financing
mechanisms is limited. ♦ Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) was formed
to support the work of UNFF.
Recommendations Forest-related international conventions: Convention on
Setting prices on environmental and social externalities, Biological Diversity (CBD), Convention on International
recognition and management of public goods, and establishing Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES), etc.
alternative funding schemes.
Regional Agreements: Amazon Cooperation Treaty
Adopting a Polycentric governance approach in an
interdependent system.
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) released 17 Dietary Guidelines for Indians (DGIs)

DGIs focus on a food-based approach for attaining optimal nutrition and represent the recommended amounts of nutrients that
should be consumed through food to ensure a balanced diet.
A balanced diet should provide not more than 45% calories from cereals, and millets and up to 15% of calories from pulses,
beans and meat and the rest from nuts, vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Need for DGIs
Dual burden of malnutrition: Significant proportion of children suffers from impaired nutritional status creating dual burden of
undernutrition and overweight/ obesity.
Disease burden: Estimates show that 56.4% of the total disease burden in India is due to unhealthy diets.
Changing Dietary preferences: Owing to aggressive advertising and marketing of unhealthy, highly processed, high-fat, sugar,
and salt (HFSS) which can contribute to long-term health issues, including an increase in non-communicable diseases.
Key highlights of the DGIs
Choose variety of oil seeds, nuts, nutricereals, and legumes
Initiatives for Nutritional Security in India
to meet daily needs of fats and essential fatty acids.
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, 1975.
Read information on food labels to make informed and
Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling)
healthy food choices.
Regulations, 2011 by Food Safety and Standards Authority of
Minimize the consumption of HFSS and ultra-processed India.
foods (UPFs). Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN) under
Along with balanced diet, be physically active and exercise the National Food Security Act, 2013.
regularly to keep one physically and mentally fit and promote ‘My Plate for the Day’ initiative by National Institution of
good health. Nutrition to provide dietary diversity.

New mRNA vaccine for brain cancer triggers a strong immune response

Vaccine, developed by scientists at University of Florida, in its first-ever human clinical trial quickly reprogrammed the immune
system to glioblastoma, most aggressive and lethal brain tumor.
Treatment of brain cancers are challenging due to poor chemotherapy response, debilitating side effects from radiotherapy
and surgery.
About mRNA Vaccines
mRNA (messenger Ribonucleic Acid) is a genetic molecule that contains instructions or recipe that directs cells to make a
protein using its natural machinery.
It delivers genetic material, encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, into body to prompt protein production that match up with
parts of pathogen called antigens.
Immune system sees these foreign antigens as invaders
dispatching defenders called antibodies and T-cells and
training immune system for potential future attacks.
Other Vaccine Technologies
Live-attenuated vaccines: Contain weakened live
pathogens from bacteria or viruses. e.g., the measles,
mumps, and rubella (MMR) Vaccine.
Inactivated vaccines: Uses deactivate live pathogens,
creating immunity without causing disease. e.g., Polio
Viral vector vaccines: Uses a harmless virus to deliver
genetic code to host cells. e.g., Ebola vaccine.
Subunit vaccines: Made from a pathogen piece, excluding
live pathogens, and can be produced from the original
pathogen or recombinantly. e.g., Pneumococcal vaccines.

Inter-services Organisations (Command, UNGA passes a Resolution calling Security
Control and Discipline) Act, 2023 Notified Council (SC) to admit Palestine as member
of UN
Act seeks to empower Commander-in-Chief (C-i-C) and Of-
ficer-in Command (O-i-C) of Inter-Services Organizations The Resolution does not give Palestinians full membership,
(ISOs) with all disciplinary and administrative powers over the but recognises it as qualified to join UN.
serving or attached personnel. India voted in favour of the resolution.
ISO is a body of troops including a Joint Services Command Process for admission of New Members to the UN
consisting of persons, subject to Air Force Act 1950, Army State accepts Charter commitments by submitting an
Act 1950, and Navy Act 1957, or any two of the said Acts. application to Secretary-General.
UNSC requiring affirmative votes from 9 out of 15 members
Presently, the C-i-Cs or O-i-Cs of ISOs are not empowered and no vetoes by 5 permanent members (China, France,
to exercise disciplinary or administrative powers over the Russia, UK, and the US).
personnel belonging to other services. If the SC recommends, then UN General Assembly’s
(UNGA) two-thirds majority vote is required for admission
Key highlights of the Act of new state.
ISO: Central government may constitute an ISO with Membership becomes effective upon adoption of the
personnel belonging to at least two of the three services: resolution.
Army, Navy and Air Force. India-Palestine relations:
Existing ISOs (Andaman & Nicobar Command, Defense India was the first non-Arab State to recognise the
Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole and
Space Agency, and National Defense Academy) shall be
legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in 1974.
deemed to be constituted under the Act.
India was also one of the first countries to recognise the
Commanding Officer (CO): Provides for CO to command a State of Palestine in 1988.
unit, ship, or establishment, who can initiate all disciplinary India and Palestine relations are influenced by India’s
or administrative actions over personnel. relations with Israel.
In the 2nd decade of 21st century, India began de-
Applicability: To all personnel of the Army, Navy, and Air hyphenation foreign policy (refer to box) while dealing
Force, and to persons of other forces as notified by the with both the countries.
Central Government. De-hyphenation foreign policy
Significance De-hyphenation means dealing with two countries, having
adversarial relationship between them, in an independent
Expeditious disposal of cases, avoiding multiple manner.
proceedings, reducing financial burdens, greater integration This would mean building relationship with one, ignoring the
complexities of its relations with the other.
and jointness among Armed Forces, etc.
India’s de-hyphenation has allowed it to leverage and capitalise
on its position in areas such as defence, energy security and

Also in News

Neural Processing Unit (NPU) Hermes-900

Global Tech-giant Apple has unveiled M4 chip which is a 16-core Indian Army and Navy will receive Hermes-900, also known as
Neural Engine, termed as NPU. Drishti-10 drones, to boost their surveillance capabilities.
About NPU About Hermes-900
It is a dedicated processor designed specifically for accelerating It is a next generation multi-role, Medium Altitude Long
neural network processes. Endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial system.
Neural network is a type of machine learning algorithm that Features over-the-horizon, persistent multi-mission, multi-
mimics human brain for data processing. payload capabilities with class leading payload carrying
NPUs are optimized for handling complex mathematical capacity of 350 kgs.
computations integral to artificial neural networks. Capable of performing missions for area dominance,
Other types of processing units persistent Intelligence, Surveillance, Target acquisition, and
Reconnaissance (ISTAR).
Graphic Processing Units (GPUs): Versatile and excel in
handling graphics rendering and parallel tasks, Can also perform ground support and maritime patrol missions,
Central Processing Units (CPUs): General-purpose brains of a and offers the capability for integrated multi-platform, multi-
computer, handling a wide range of tasks. sensor operation.

Deadbots Gulf of Aden

Researchers have highlighted concerns related to Deadbots. Pirates’ attack in the Gulf of Aden raises concern.
About Deadbots About Gulf of Aden:
Deadbots (also referred to as Griefbots) are AI chatbots that It is a deepwater basin that forms a natural sea link between the
simulate the language patterns and personality traits of the dead Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.
using the digital footprints they leave behind. It is named after the Port of Aden (a Yemeni port).
Concerns: It is situated between the coasts of Arabia and the Horn of
People might develop strong emotional bonds with such Africa.
simulations, which will make them particularly vulnerable to Main bordering countries: Somalia (South), Yemen (North),
manipulation. Arabian Sea (east), Djibouti (West).
It can cause lasting psychological harm and fundamentally
disrespect the rights of the deceased. The dominant relief feature of the gulf’s terrain is the Sheba
It could be used by companies to spam surviving family and
friends with unsolicited notifications, reminders, etc. It’s an extension of the Indian Ocean ridge system.

Launch Vehicle Mk III (LVM3)

New Space India Limited (NSIL) seeks participation of private part-
Malaysia plans to gift Orangutans to major palm oil-importing na- ners to manufacture rocket LVM3 (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch
tions with aim to boost its credentials as a conserver of biodiversity. Vehicle Mk III).
About Orangutan About LVM3
Orangutans are great apes native to Sumatra (Pongo abelii, Pongo LVM3 or Fat Boy is the new heavy lift launch vehicle of ISRO
tapanuliensis) and Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) in Southeast Asia. for achieving a 4000 kg spacecraft launching capability to GTO
(Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit).
Only great ape found outside of Africa.
It is a three stage launch vehicle.
Live in tropical forests and prefer forest in river valleys and It includes two solid propellant S200 strap-ons and L110
floodplains of their respective islands. liquid stage, C25 cryogenic stage.
Reproductive rate is extremely low which makes their populations Application:
highly vulnerable.
Used in Chandrayaan-2 and Chandrayaan-3.
Conservation status: All 3 species are Critically Endangered in To be used in Gaganyaan Mission as well.
IUCN Red List.

Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) Project

Oleander Flower
Japan and U.S are collaborating on a hypersonic missile-intercept-
ing system called GPI Project.
Kerala banned the use of oleander flowers in temple offerings after
death of two women due to accidental poisoning from the flower. About GPI Project
About Oleander Flowers (Nerium oleander/ rosebay) It launches modified missiles from the US Navy surface warships,
aimed at intercepting hypersonic weapons during their “most
It is a rapidly growing evergreen, rounded shrub or small tree
vulnerable” glide phase.
native to Europe and Asia. Hypersonic missiles can reach speeds faster than Mach 5,
Also known as arali and kanaveeram in Kerala. which is nearly 4,000 miles per hour.
It is heat, drought, wind, air pollution, salt, and poor soil tolerant. Glide Phase: During this phase hypersonic weapons separate
All parts of the plant are highly toxic as it contains cardiac from boosters after peak of their trajectory, use gravity to
glycosides (a type of chemical) including nerioside and accelerate towards Earth, and perform a pitch manoeuvre to enter
oleandroside. a flatter trajectory towards target.

Places in News Cambodia (Capital: Phnom Penh)

Cambodia formally accepted the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies.

Political features:
Located on the Indochinese mainland of South East Asia.
Land borders: Thailand (west and northwest), Laos (northeast) and Vietnam (southeast).
Maritime boundary: Gulf of Thailand (southwest).
Geographical features:
Major Mountain Range: Dangrek
Highest Point: Mount Aôral.
Major River: The Mekong River (the longest in South East Asia).
Lake: The Tonle Sap (the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia)


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