Mythweaver 2nd Edition
Mythweaver 2nd Edition
Mythweaver 2nd Edition
ISBN 978-0-557-00911-4
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................2 Chapter Five: Running the
A Brief History Game as Mythweaver ............. 55 Chapter Seven: Campaigns .... 111
of the Splintered Realm...................... 3 Designing Adventures...................... 66 Economies of the Game World .......115
Treasure............................................ 69 Followers..........................................117
Chapter One: Starting a Campaign........................119
The Game System .....................4 Chapter Six: Bestiary ............. 79 Gryphon Watch Keep ..................... 120
Beast Listings by Type ..................... 83 Important Personages of Gryphon
Chapter Two: Characters .......... 7 Animals............................................. 84 Watch Keep..................................... 122
The Classes.........................................11 Animus ............................................. 84 The Crags of Chaos ......................... 124
Hero Points ....................................... 16 Darken Beasts .................................. 86 The Dungeons of Adlig Tor ............ 129
Darkened Flora & Fauna ................. 87 Campaign Guide: A Primer to
Chapter Three: Time & Demons ............................................ 88 Del Anon’s Eastern Reaches .......... 132
the Combat System ................. 18 Dread Insects ................................... 89 Key to the Map of
Elementals.........................................91 the Eastern Reaches ....................... 135
Chapter Four: Talents............. 25 Elemental Quick Reference ............. 92 Religion in Del Anon .......................141
Arms Talents.....................................26 Fay .................................................... 92 Running a Campaign
Magic Talents.................................... 33 Fell Beasts ........................................ 94 in Del Anon ..................................... 142
Arcanum (Arcane Magic) ................. 37 Fell Creatures ................................... 95 Villains of Del Anon........................ 142
Darkness Magic ................................ 39 Humanoids....................................... 96 Heroes of Del Anon ........................ 149
Deeping Magic ..................................40 Lycanthropes.................................... 98
Elemental Magic...............................42 Mythical Creatures........................... 99 Character Sheet .............................. 153
Light Magic .......................................44 Mythical Serpents ........................... 101 Combat Matrix................................ 154
Psionic Magic.................................... 45 Prehistoric Beasts ...........................103 Beast Template ............................... 155
Wilding Magic................................... 47 Sea Creatures ..................................103 Quick Reference Tables.................. 156
Optional Spell Talent: Illusion.........49 Trolls................................................105 Index ............................................... 160
Skills Talents.....................................50 The Undead .....................................106
Weren ............................................. 108
Dressing Up Beast Encounters .......109
This die roll is linked directly to the rank (relative power) of a character, creature, situation or item.
• Rank is used in many ways. You have a character use the applicable complex difficulty target. The
rank (based on your level), and each of your talents complex difficulty in any situation is double the
(learned abilities) has a rank. You might be an standard difficulty.
expert rank level 8 character with adept rank armor • The D6 alternative column is included for players
talent. who prefer to use D6 for all rolls, instead of the
• D16 is rolled using a D8 and a D6 together. If the progressive dice system. If you choose to use the
result of the D6 is 1, 2 or 3, take the D8 result at face alternate D6 system, a result of all 1’s on an action
value. If the D6 result is 4, 5 or 6, add 8 points to the roll is a critical failure. The minimum result of any
D8 result. Use the same process to roll D24; use a roll is 1, even if the modified result would be lower.
D12 in place of the D8, adding 12 to the D12 result if For example, if you roll D6–2 and get a 2 on the die
the D6 result is 4 or better. (a total of 0), the result is 1.
• The rank modifier (RM) is a bonus or multiplier to
various results. Any ability or talent based on or A creature, encounter or location of a given rank
limited by the RM uses this value. may have specific abilities, elements or features that
• Rating range includes the levels of creatures and vary from the base rank. For example, if the characters
objects of that rank. At levels 3-5, you are an adept are exploring an expert rank dungeon complex, most of
rank character. When you improve to level 6, you the traps, creatures, items and challenges will be
become an expert rank character. normal, meaning they are of expert rank. However,
• When the specific level of an object or item is some of these will be of lesser rank, which means they
unknown, it defaults to the benchmark rating (level) are set one rank lower (adept rank in this case). On the
for that rank. The typical master rank beast other hand, a small number of these will be of greater
encountered will be level 10. rank, meaning that they are set at one rank higher
• The standard and complex difficulty targets (DTs) (master rank in this case). This has several important
are the target numbers for rolls made to complete an implications throughout these rules. A creature of
action at that rating. Standard difficulties are paragon rank with a lesser poison attack will have the
assigned to situations where a normal trait roll is effective poison attack of a creature of master rank. A
made. For example, a stamina roll to resist a poison wall in an adept rank dungeon that poses a greater
and an intuition roll to notice a secret door are both difficulty to climb is assigned an expert rank difficulty
made as standard DT rolls. Complex difficulties are target (20 in this case). The concepts of lesser, normal
assigned to situations where special skills (referred and greater abilities and difficulties are used throughout
to in the game as skill talents) would apply. If a these rules.
character wants to pick the lock on a door or climb a
stone cliff facing, these are both complex tasks, and
As a dwarf, you are a member of a proud race.
For many centuries, your people were the slaves of
giants, forced to dig gold for your cruel overseers and
mine gems for their pleasure. No more. Now the palaces
you build are for dwarven masters, and the gold you dig
fills dwarven coffers. Now, you can experience the life of
freedom that your forefathers could only dream of. You A Brownie Defender,
will drink deeply, eat heartily, and immerse yourself in Gnome Mystic and Dwarf Myrmidon
the full, rich life that you deserve.
• Dwarves average 4’ tall and 150 lbs. Elf of Shadow
• Dwarves live 250 years on average. As a shadow elf, you have been raised to believe
• Dwarves have a base move of 11. that you are inherently better than all other creatures in
the realm. You are born not only into honor, rank and
• Dwarves have night vision to 6 units.
privilege, but also into a world of intrigue and betrayal.
• Dwarves speak dwarven, humanoid and the trade You have accepted this and sought to gain personal
tongue. power through name and reputation, or you have cast
• Dwarves are especially hardy. As a dwarf, you add this intricate system aside, setting off on your own to
your RM to the health roll every time you advance a find your own place in the realm. Regardless, the
character level. shadow of your birthright hangs over you, and danger
follows wherever you may tread.
Dwarf Base Traits: • Shadow elves average 5’ tall and 100 lbs.
DEX 1; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 6
• Shadow elves live 1,000 years on average.
ASP 0; INT 1; REA 2; WIL 3
• Shadow elves have a base move of 10.
• Shadow elves have night vision to 6 units.
Elf of Morning
• Shadow elves speak fay, humanoid and the trade
As a morning elf, you were born into the oldest
and wisest culture in the entire realm. You know both
from your learning and from experience that all things • Shadow elves react quickly. As a shadow elf, you add
must one day pass. Already, you have lived the lifetime your RM to all initiative rolls.
of several generations of man, and yet the greater
questions of life continue to elude you. True, you were Shadow Elf Base Traits:
born into timeless beauty and natural grace, but there is DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 2
ASP –1; INT 5; REA 3; WIL 2
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 8
Gnome Narglyn
As a gnome, you prize comfort, family, home As a narglyn, mongrel, mutt and runt are some
and tradition. You love to collect things, be these rare of the nicer terms that have been used to describe you.
coins, cultural artifacts, monster skulls, lost knowledge, You are the child of parents of different worlds. One of
or unique experiences. You are loyal to your close your parents was human while the other was goblin. You
friends and allies, but suspicious of other creatures until have received the mental characteristics of your human
they prove their merit. You have inherited the good parent: a greater intellect, a sense of good and evil, and a
fortune of your people, as things always seem to turn out vision of your place in the world. From your goblin
well for you. parent, you have inherited many of your physical
• Gnomes average 3’6” tall and 65 lbs. qualities. Your ears and eyes give you away as goblin-
• Gnomes live 170 years on average. born, and your earthy skin and natural quickness are
• Gnomes have a base move of 10. consequences of your goblin blood. Sometimes, you
• Gnomes have night vision to 3 units. have trouble overcoming your goblin instincts that pull
• Gnomes speak fay and the trade tongue. you towards selfishness and greed. You struggle to fit in,
as you are not truly a member of either race, not
• Gnomes are exceptionally lucky. As a gnome, you
welcome in either culture.
may re-roll a number of rolls (action, resist or
result) equal to your RM every turn. This includes • Narglyn average 4’ tall and 70 lbs.
critical failures. At expert rank, you may re-roll up to • Narglyn live 50 years on average.
3 different rolls each turn. You may not re-roll the • Narglyn have a base move of 10.
same roll more than once, and you must accept the • Narglyn have night vision to 6 units.
result of the second die (if you roll 2 for damage, • Narglyn speak humanoid and the trade tongue.
decide to use your gnome ability to re-roll and get 1 • As a narglyn, you may take the racial ability of either
on the re-roll, 1 is the result). A hero point may also orks or humans. You may take the ork armor rating
be re-rolled using this ability. bonus or the human hero point bonus.
As a hero, you have one trait in which you excel above all
others. Whenever you make action, resist or result rolls
using this trait (including all physical combat, spell and
skill rolls), you shift up one rank die. For example, if you
select PWS as your favored trait, at level 1 you make all
For my dwarf character, I roll D6 and get 1. My PWS attack rolls (with both melee and thrown weapons)
character is a defender. I write down that my character using D8, and you roll D8 whenever attempting to resist
starts with a suit of padded armor +1 and a club +1. I the melee or thrown weapon attacks of others. Only one
must also modify my character traits based on the of the eight core traits may be selected.
bonuses for a defender. I get to choose the two mental
traits, so I put a point each in INT and REA, since these D8 results for rolling traits:
are the lowest. 1- DEX 2-MGT 3-PWS 4-STA
DEX 1; PWS 4; MGT 4; STA 7 5-ASP 6-INT 7-REA 8-WIL
ASP 0; INT 2; REA 3; WIL 3
Note: you may not elect any of the derived traits (for
example, initiative) as your favored trait. If you elect
4. Allocate Trait Points DEX or INT as your favored trait, you do not receive the
die shift when rolling initiative.
Your character is built on 25 trait points +1 additional
point per level attained. This means at level 1, your
For my dwarf character, I will take PWS as my favored
character is built on 26 trait points. If your character is
trait. While he is a caster, I want him to be better at
not human, you have 2 discretionary points to place
physical combat, and this will help him when wielding
wherever you would like at level 1 (since 24 points are
melee weapons.
already assigned based on race and class). If your
character is human, you have 8 discretionary points to
place where desired (since 18 points are already
assigned based on race and class). If non-human, you Thought Process
may place your 2 points wherever you’d like; if human, Favored traits are included as a
you may not place more than 4 points into any one trait way to distinguish two heroic characters
at level 1. from one another. Two myrmidons may
If you are rolling randomly, roll D8 for each trait be identical in every other way; however,
point, and assign the point where the die indicates. if one takes PWS as his favored trait, he
When you have filled all available slots for that trait (for will excel at wielding melee weapons; if
example, as a human you roll PWS four times in a row) the other takes MGT as his favored trait,
ignore that result if it comes up again. he will be better at using his great
strength to his advantage, and will deal
D8 results for rolling traits: more damage when melee attacks land.
1- DEX 2-MGT 3-PWS 4-STA
6. Select a Perk
Note that for ASP, it is not possible to ‘buy out of’
negative ASP until level 3. Thereafter, you must use a You also receive one perk. This ability is an extra
trait point to bring negative ASP (for evil races) to 0. advantage you get that distinguishes you from other
If your character has ASP 0, you receive a bonus characters of the same race and class. You may select a
of +RM to resist rolls made using ASP. For example, if perk or roll randomly using D12.
you are level 10 (RM 4) but have ASP 0, your character
is granted an automatic +4 bonus to resist rolls against
For my perk, I roll D12 and get 7, magic ward. I subtract my character’s RM from all magical damage he sustains.
I roll and get a total of 7 (4 on the die +3). I make a I want my character to carry a shield (since I can get a
note that my dwarf defender starts with 7 gold coins in shield as an adept of armor- see the rules for arms
addition to the basic armor and melee weapon that talents) and also to get better armor. A small shield +1
come with the class. costs 1 gold and a suit of leather armor +2 costs 6 gold.
This is all I can afford.
Adventuring Equipment
Costs are listed in silver (s), gold (g) or mithril (m). 100 silver = 10 gold = 1 mithril.
Item Cost Description
Ammo Case/Quiver 5s Holds 30 pieces of ammunition (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Ammunition 1s 10 pieces of ammunition for a missile weapon (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Backpack 5s Holds up to 10,000 coins or comparable gear.
Belt Pouch 2s Holds up to 1,000 coins or comparable gear.
Climbing Spikes 3g Grant +5 to climbing skill rolls. Take 1 turn to put on or take off.
Cloak, Common 1s A simple, homespun woolen cloak.
Cloak, Good 1g A quality cloak of everyday materials made by a tailor or seamstress.
Cloak, Fine 1m A high quality cloak of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Clothing, Common 2s Simple, homespun woolen clothes.
Clothing, Good 2g Quality clothing of everyday material made by a tailor or seamstress.
Clothing, Fine 2m High quality clothing of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Crowbar 5s Allows you to double your MGT rating when making athletics MGT skill rolls to
force doors or locks.
Flint and Steel 3s Allows you to start a fire without making a nature skill roll.
Grappling Hook 1g Allows you to affix a rope to a remote hook point. Thrown as a weapon.
Instrument Var. An instrument may cost as little as 1 silver (a wood flute) to as much as 100 mithril
(a jeweled harp).
Iron Spike 1s Used to wedge doors open or traps closed.
Lantern 1g A lantern burns for up to 8 hours, casting light in a U+1 AOE or up to 3 units in a
focused beam (takes one standard action to change focus).
Lantern Oil 1s Sufficient oil for a torch to burn for 24 hours (3 full applications of oil).
Meal, Common 1s A simple tavern meal, for example bread and cheese.
Meal, Good 3s A good tavern meal, for example stew and bread.
Meal, Fine 1g A fine tavern meal, for example roast pheasant and salted potatoes.
Mirror 1g A metal, hand-sized mirror.
Rope, Common 3s This 50’ length of rope can support up to 600 lbs.
Rope, Good 1g This 50’ length of rope can support up to 2,000 lbs.
Provisions, 2s Simple dry rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Provisions, Good 1g Quality rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Saddle 3g A leather saddle for a mount.
Tool Kit, Lesser 1g A simple set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 16.
Tool Kit, Normal 3g An expanded set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 24.
Tool Kit, Greater 10 g A complete set of picks and tools. Allows all burglary skill talent checks.
Torch 1s Burns for up to 1 hour, casting light in a U+1 AOE. Torches come bundled in sets of
10 torches for 1 silver.
Vial, Glass 5s Holds 1 dose of a potion, poison or holy/unholy water.
Water Skin 3s Holds 1 gallon of fluid (typically wine or water).
The heroes may come upon a group of creatures without Unprepared Targets
using stealth to prepare for an encounter. The number
of units between the heroes and the targets is equal to A target that is not ready for combat (it doesn’t know an
the RM +2 of the creature in the group of greatest rank. attack is coming, it was looking the other way, it’s been
If the heroes come upon a group of bugbears and gnolls distracted by something else) is unprepared. An
in a campsite, the heroes may come up to 5 units away unprepared target does not make a resist roll, but
(RM 3 for the bugbears, +2) without using stealth. At instead receives its base trait rating as the resist result
this distance, the bugbears are allowed an INT roll (see automatically. If your character has a PWS of 6 and a
surprise below) to notice the heroes coming upon them. hunter leaps from the shadows and surprises you, the
Staying at a distance equal to or more than double this DT for the hunter’s attack is 6, and you do not roll the
amount (10 units away in this case) allows no roll, and level die to resist. Attacks are more likely to hit and to
the targets will not notice the heroes. If creatures are score a critical success against unprepared targets.
attempting to sneak up on the heroes, the same rules A target that is currently engaged in combat
apply, and the RM of the heroes is used to determine the cannot be caught unprepared. However, if you are in the
maximum distance creatures can approach without middle of negotiating with a potential enemy and decide
using stealth. A squad of hobgoblins archers could to strike (for example), you may be able to catch your
surround a group of level 4 heroes (RM 2) at a distance opponent unprepared. An unprepared target may not
of 8 units away without making any action rolls. use points from a shield or parry to resist.
Note that this assumes some cover or means of
camouflage. Underground caverns offer shadows and Defenseless Targets
crevices to hide in, and most outdoor environments offer
trees, brush, rocks and other natural barriers that make A target that cannot defend itself (because it is
it possible to get this close unnoticed. If there is no way unconscious, bound or completely impaired) may not
for those approaching to do so unnoticed, the INT check make a resist roll. An action made against a defenseless
should be made at the (RM+2) x2 distance. target automatically hits and automatically scores
critical damage unless a critical failure is rolled on the
action. If the heroes encounter a sleeping dragon, they
are going to be able to deal incredible damage to the
beast before it awakens and enters combat.
All characters and creatures involved in combat roll About Ongoing Effects
initiative, once surprise has been resolved. The total of
your initiative roll is the first segment (counting • Spells and other effects dealing damage over time
backwards from 30) that you act. If you roll 14 for (where damage carries over from round to round)
initiative, your first action occurs at segment 14. If no deal damage at the end of each round (at segment
one rolls higher than 14 that round, you will take the 0). A spell or effect dealing damage at the end of the
first action. If two or more combatants act on the same round that is canceled during a round is not
segment, actions are resolved based on initiative trait effective for that round, and no damage is dealt at
rank, going from highest to lowest. If combatants acting the end of the round. This rule is true for beast
on the same segment also have the same initiative trait abilities and other effects as well (such as bleeding
rank, their actions occur simultaneously. For example, if caused by signature moves or poisons from beasts).
you and your opponent both act on segment 12 and you • Spells and other effects dealing damage over time
have initiative of +5, but your opponent has initiative of (where damage carries over from round to round)
+3, you act first. If both the segment and total initiative render the target immune to additional effects of the
rank are identical, the actions occur simultaneously. same type until the current effect expires. A
This is true any time during the round where multiple character suffering from a poison bite cannot suffer
actions occur in the same segment. Since there are 30 another poison effect until the current one ends (it
segments in a round, an initiative result of better than either runs its course or is magically canceled). This
30 is impossible. If you roll 32 for initiative, the 2 is also true for signature move effects such as a
additional points are discarded, and you take your first bleed that happens over time.
action at 30. • Ongoing effects from spells, critical styles and
special beast abilities will continue even if the caster
During the Round: Combat & Delay or creature that caused the effect is knocked
unconscious, killed, or otherwise removed from
For combat actions (including physical and magical combat. Although the heroes have defeated the gnoll
attacks), if you choose to intentionally delay your next shaman, his echo of decay will continue to affect the
action, you receive a bonus to the action roll equal to the group’s myrmidon for 2 more rounds.
number of segments you delayed, up to a maximum • An effect that lasts for 1 full round continues until
bonus equal to your level. If you are allowed to take your the same segment of the following round. A creature
first action at segment 14, but you spend 4 segments who is stunned for one round at segment 12 of
aiming your bow at your target, you receive +4 to the round 3 will remain stunned until segment 12 of
subsequent action (attack) roll, which is made at round 4, and will then resume actions exactly where
segment 10. For your final action in a combat round, it is he left off. In situations like this, the creature does
often worth taking this delay to act at segment 1 in order not roll initiative in the subsequent round, but
to take the maximum benefit to the attack roll. defaults to the initiative result from the previous
• You cannot carry over an intentional delay into a round.
subsequent combat round. You must resolve an • An effect that lasts for 1 full turn continues until the
intentional delay during the same round in which same round and segment of the following turn, as
you announce it. above.
Melee Weapons
Rank Base Rating Delay* Common Weapons of this Rating
Apprentice 1-3 10 Hand axe, light javelin, short sword
Adept 4-6 11 Medium axe, mace, light flail, short spear, long sword
Expert 7-10 12 Battle axe, war hammer, horseman’s flail, broad sword
Master 11-15 13 War axe, morning star, war spear, war sword
Paragon 16-20 14 Great axe, maul, great spear, great sword
*Only foils do not have increased delay at higher ranks (see foils, below)
Signature Moves
Move What It Does Usable Limitations
Armor Reduces the armor rating of the target by a number of points equal Axes Does not affect
Piercing to your RM. Natural armor is ripped or rent, while worn armor has Foils creatures with 0
straps cut or bindings severed. Repairing broken armor takes 1 armor rating; will
turn. Natural armors recover at the end of 1 full turn. not reduce armor
below 0.
Blood Continues to deal damage after your initial strike. The target takes Blades Only affects
Letter bleeding damage equal to your level every round, for a number of Piercing blooded living
rounds equal to your RM. targets.
Disarm Forces the target to drop a weapon, shield, wand, or other held Flails Only affects targets
item, casting the item D4 units away. Determine direction rolling Foils holding an item
D12 and visualizing a clock (12 is directly ahead of you, 6 directly (weapon, shield,
behind you). wand, etc.).
Focused You add your level x2 to the subsequent damage roll. (for example, Any None.
Strike a level 9 character adds +18 to the damage roll if this is a normal
or greater rank move).
Impair Gives all creatures fighting the target a bonus to resist rolls against Axes Does not affect
Attack physical attacks made by that target. The bonus is equal to your Piercing magical attacks.
RM, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your RM.
Impede Slows the target, imposing a penalty to all action delays (including Missile None.
Reaction move) equal to your RM for a number of rounds equal to your Blunt
Stunning The target is stunned by your attack, suffering a delay (in total Blunt None.
Strike segments) to its next action equal to your level. This will carry over Flails
between rounds.
Weaken Gives all attackers a bonus equal to your RM with all physical Blades Does not affect
Defenses attack actions against this target, for a number of rounds equal to Missile magical attacks.
your RM.
Magic Talents
Talent Trait Notes
Arcanum REA Arcanum magic deals with the manipulation of pure magical forces. A study of arcanum is
widely considered the foundation of ‘true’ wizardry.
Darkness ASP The forces of evil use darkness magic for malevolent purposes. Only characters of negative
ASP have access to darkness magic.
Deeping WIL Deeping is old magic forgotten by men, but remembered by the creatures living within the
earth. Of the heroic races, only dwarves, narglyn and orks have access to deeping magic.
Elemental INT Elemental magic is the oldest of magic, used to manipulate the primal elements of creation.
Characters are able to manipulate 1 of the following 3 elements as options in this spell talent:
cold, fire or lightning. The player must select which of the 3 the character has access to; a
character taking both cold and fire elemental magic must purchase these as separate talents.
Light ASP Light magic is the magic of the church of Yahalla and of the demigods who remain faithful to
her work and service. Only characters of positive ASP have access to light magic.
Psionics WIL Psionic magic is the magic of the mind, used to manipulate the physical world as well as the
thoughts and actions of other living creatures.
Wilding INT Wilding magic is concerned with the natural world. Of the heroic races, 0nly brownies,
humans, elves (both types), half elves, gnomes and trolls have access to wilding magic.
Illusion REA Illusion is an optional magic talent. Ask your Mythweaver if heroes are allowed to use illusion.
Quick Spell
Once you have purchased expert rank or better in any In Del Anon
magic talent, you may spend 1 talent rank to purchase Three distinct levels of spell proficiency exist
quick spell. Quick spell allows you to reduce the delay among the casters of Del Anon. As a dabbler, you
for all casting actions by a rating equal to your RM. If may learn apprentice and adept rank spells. You
you are level 7, you reduce all casting delays by 3. For may dabble in magic without any particular
example, a spell with a delay of 11 will have a delay of 8 affiliation or special requirement. However, once
when you cast it. You apply the bonus from quick spell you seek access to expert-rank magic, you must join
to all spells cast, including baseline and spontaneous an order specializing in that spell field, passing a
spells. You do not apply this bonus to spell effects cast test or undergoing an initiation to earn the right to
using objects or items you wield (like a wand or staff). wield the more powerful magic. For example, the Ice
Wizards of the Vale grant both arcanum and
elemental cold magic, and if you join this order and
Types of Spells
complete its initiation tests, you will be allowed to
access expert and master magic in both arcanum
As a caster, you have two types of spells available to you:
and elemental cold talents. Once you seek paragon
baseline spells/buffs and spontaneous spells (including
rank in a spell field, you must undertake a personal
counter spells). With each spell talent, the baseline spell
quest to earn the right to access this magic. For
and the baseline buff are listed at the top of the talent
example, druids who seek paragon of wilding must
description and spontaneous applications are listed
spend 40 days alone in the wilderness, facing a great
challenge alone. The specific challenge is a closely
guarded secret, likely including the defeat of a
powerful foe.
In Play
As a level 10 mystic, you have the following
magic talents (having spent 1 of your bonus talent
ranks in magic, for a total of 6 ranks): elemental
cold (expert); psionics (adept); wilding (apprentice).
You have the following spontaneous spells available
to you every turn:
• 3 spontaneous elemental cold spells at expert
rank (or lower, if you so choose).
• 2 spontaneous psionics spells at adept rank (or
lower, if you so choose).
• 1 spontaneous wilding spell at apprentice rank.
• You may use any of these spells to attempt a
counter spell.
Deeping Magic
Deeping is old magic, forgotten by most races, but remembered by the creatures living within the earth. Deeping
magic uses WIL as the linked trait, and actions made with deeping magic are made against the target’s WIL. Only
dwarves, narglyn and orks (of the heroic races) have access to deeping magic. An elf caster is unable to access deeping
Baseline Spell: Life Tap You may use deeping magic to:
You emit a wave of primal energy dealing level • Manipulate and shape earth and stone.
die +RM damage to 1 living target on a successful action • Draw power from enemies or from the earth itself.
roll. You recover half of this value (rounded up) to your
current health (with a maximum limit equal to your full Limitations of deeping magic:
normal health). Targets roll level die +WIL to resist. • Deeping magic may only affect living creatures when
Non-living targets are not affected by this spell. used to deal damage.
Baseline Buff: Armor Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
You have a pool of bonus armor points equal to +WIL to resist.
your level to distribute among allies.
Elemental Cold Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
+INT to resist.
Baseline Spell: Bolt of Cold
You emit a bolt of cold dealing level die +level Elemental Spontaneous Spells
cold damage to 1 target on a successful action roll.
Targets may roll level die +INT to resist this effect. As an apprentice of elemental magic, you receive 1
Elemental bolts have a better range than other baseline spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to:
spells, and your base range is improved by +RM (limited • Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor
by talent). for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike
against the target to automatically return 1 point of
Baseline Buff: MGT damage back upon the attacker as elemental
You have a pool of bonus points of MGT equal to damage. The target still suffers damage normally.
your level to distribute among allies. • Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in
the same unit as you, dealing level die +1 damage. *
Elemental Fire • Imbue a target you touch with elemental warding for
1 turn. The target reduces all elemental damage of
Baseline Spell: Bolt of Flame the appropriate type by your level (up to 3 points).
You emit a bolt of flame dealing level die +level • Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to
fire damage to 1 target on a successful action roll. damage (maximum +2), dealt as elemental damage
Targets may roll level die +INT to resist this effect. for 1 turn.
Elemental bolts have a better range than other baseline • Create or diminish a small amount of elemental
spells, and your base range is improved by +RM (limited energy instantly (equal in intensity to a torch).
by talent). • Summon a level 1 elemental to serve you for 1 turn
(see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
Baseline Buff: PWS • Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with an elemental
You have a pool of bonus points of PWS equal to wall that lasts for 1 turn or until destroyed. This wall
your level to distribute among allies. has a durability of level/level x3 (maximum of 3/9).
Baseline Spell: Word of Light As an adept of light magic, you receive 2 spontaneous
You emit a shard of light energy at a target on a spells per turn, and could use these to:
successful action roll. This spell either heals good and • Fill a U+1 AOE around you with normal light for 1
neutral targets or deals damage to evil targets. The spell turn.
either heals or deals level die +level damage. No action • Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures
roll is required if used to heal the caster or an ally, but and objects in a U+1 AOE.
those allies must be within the baseline range. Unwilling • Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 10
targets may roll level die +ASP to resist this effect. or lower affecting a creature within 3 units.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
Baseline Buff: Health by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn, temporarily
You have a pool of bonus points of health equal turning that weapon into a holy weapon.
to your level x4 to distribute among allies. Only good • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
and neutral allies may receive this benefit. touch by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn,
temporarily turning that armor or shield into a holy
You may use light magic to: item.
• Emit bolts of pure light energy, dealing damage to • Create enough water to sustain 1 person for 1 day.
evil creatures.
• Drive off all undead targets in the same unit as you
• Heal and revive wounded or afflicted allies and for 1 turn. *
creatures of good or neutral, or aid such creatures.
• Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
• Impede, drive off or destroy the undead and unholy with light energy dealing level die +level (up to +3)
creatures from other realms. damage to all evil targets, and restoring this as
health to all good and neutral targets. *
Limitations of light magic:
• Light magic cannot damage or hinder good or As an expert of light magic, you receive 3 spontaneous
neutral creatures. Since many beasts are of 0 ASP, spells per turn, and could use these to:
light magic may not be effective as the only offensive • Fill a U+2 AOE around you with normal light for 1
spell talent for a primary caster. turn.
• Light magic cannot heal or benefit creatures of evil. • Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures
and objects in a U+2 AOE.
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
• Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 16
+ASP to resist.
or lower affecting a creature within 3 units.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
Light Spontaneous Spells by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn, temporarily
turning that weapon into a holy weapon.
As an apprentice of light magic, you receive 1 • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to: touch by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn,
• Fill the unit you are in with normal light for 1 turn. temporarily turning that armor or shield into a holy
• Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures item.
and objects in the same unit. • Turn the unit you are in into a holy area for 1 turn. If
• Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 6 the area is currently an unholy area, its power is
or lower affecting a creature within 3 units. neutralized.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch • Create enough food to sustain 1 person for 1 day.
by your RM (maximum +2) for 1 turn, temporarily • Drive off all undead targets in a U+1 AOE around
turning that weapon into a holy weapon. you for 1 turn. *
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you • Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
touch by RM (maximum +2) for 1 turn, temporarily with light energy dealing level die +level (up to +6)
turning that armor or shield into a holy item. damage to all evil targets, and restoring this as
• Drive off 1 undead target within 3 units for 1 turn. * health to all good and neutral targets. *
• Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
with light energy dealing level die +1 damage to all
evil targets, and restoring this as health to all good
and neutral targets. *
Psionic Magic
Psionic magic is the magic of the mind, used to manipulate the physical world and the thoughts and actions of other
living creatures. Psionic magic uses WIL as the linked trait.
Baseline Spell: Mind Strike influence to control the character’s actions. This bonus
You emit an invisible pulse of mental energy applies only to resist rolls, and not to actions or results
dealing level die +level damage to a thinking target with mental traits.
(REA 1+) within range on a successful action roll.
Targets roll level die +WIL to resist. In addition to You may use psionic magic to:
damage, the target is partially stunned, suffering a • Read the thoughts and emotions of another living
penalty to its next action equal to your RM (limited by creature.
talent). This bonus effect only affects any one target a • Emit bolts of pure mental energy to wound another
number of times equal to your RM before the target living creature.
becomes immune to it for one full turn. For example, as • Control the thoughts and actions of living, thinking
a level 10 caster with expert psionics, you could force 4 creatures.
delays of 4 segments each with your mind strike before • Manipulate the physical world without actually
that target was no longer affected by this. Another touching it.
psionic caster could still affect this target, however.
Limitations of psionic magic:
Baseline Buff: Mental Trait Resist Buff • Psionic magic has no effect on the unthinking or
You have a pool of resists for all four mental non-living; Psionic magic cannot affect the lesser
traits equal to your level to distribute among allies. undead (undead of apprentice, adept or expert rank)
These bonus resist points apply against all actions or wild beasts (REA 0), although some powerful
requiring a resist roll for a mental trait. This includes undead may be able to wield psionic magic on the
such situations as ASP, INT, REA and WIL rolls to living, and psionic magic will affect the greater
prevent a spell effect, morale checks, or the use of undead (master rank or higher).
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 45
• If a mesmerized creature is attacked (even if the As an expert of psionics magic, you receive 3
attack misses), that creature is allowed to re-enter spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
combat, taking its next action as if revived. (note: a • Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making
wise opponent will use an action to awaken allies in that target unable to act for 1 turn.*
order to allow them to re-enter combat, requiring a • Mesmerize all living targets in a 1 unit AOE to 6
standard action). units distant, making targets unable to act for a
number of rounds equal to your RM. *
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die • Force a living target within 3 units to obey even
+WIL to resist. unreasonable commands for a number of rounds
equal to your RM. *
Note: A mesmerized creature is a defenseless target (see • Manipulate an object up to 3 units away for a
page 19). number of rounds equal to your RM, using your
WIL in place of MGT. You could use this to wield a
Psionic Spontaneous Spells melee weapon, attacking with PWS but dealing
damage as level die +weapon rating +WIL.
As an apprentice of psionic magic, • Allow 1 creature you touch to
you receive 1 spontaneous spell per fly (at move 10) for 1 turn.
turn, and could use this to:
• Mesmerize a living creature As a master of psionics magic,
within 3 units, making that you receive 4 spontaneous spells
target unable to act for a per turn, and could use these to:
number of rounds equal to your • Mesmerize a living creature
RM. * within 6 units, making that
• Implant a suggestion on a living target unable to act for 1 hour.
target within 3 units to do *
something that the creature • Mesmerize all living targets in
would consider reasonable, for a a U+1 AOE up to 6 units
number of rounds equal to your distant, making targets
RM. * unable to act for a number of
• Manipulate an object in the rounds equal to your RM. *
same unit without touching it, • Make a living target within 3
exerting only minor force units into your puppet,
(rolling level die unmodified for forcing the target to do
any actions using this kinetic anything you command for a
control), for a number of rounds number of rounds equal to
equal to your RM. your RM. *
• Minimize the effects of gravity • Manipulate an object up to 3
on 1 creature you touch for 1 units away for 1 turn, using
turn (allowing that creature to your WIL in place of MGT.
fall for no damage). You could use this to wield a
melee weapon, attacking with
As an adept of psionics magic, you level die +PWS, but dealing
receive 2 spontaneous spells per turn, and could use damage as level die +weapon rating +WIL.
these to:
• Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making As a paragon of psionics magic, you receive 5
that target unable to act for a number of rounds spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
equal to your RM. * • Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making
• Issue a command to a living target within 3 units, that target unable to act for 1 day. *
forcing the target to obey you as if you were a • Mesmerize all living targets in a U+2 AOE up to 6
respected superior, for a number of rounds equal to units distant, making targets unable to act for a
your RM. * number of rounds equal to your RM. *
• Manipulate an object within 3 units without • Make a living target within 3 units into your puppet,
touching it, exerting only minor force (rolling level forcing the target to do anything you command
die unmodified for any actions using this kinetic (including attacking an ally) for 1 turn. *
control), for a number of rounds equal to your RM. • Manipulate an object up to 6 units away for 1 turn,
For example, you could wield a sword against a foe using your WIL in place of MGT. You could use this
up to 3 units distant, but the sword would attack at to wield a melee weapon, attacking with level die
your base rank die, and would deal damage at your +PWS, but dealing damage as level die +weapon
base rank die + the sword’s damage rating. rating +WIL.
• Allow 1 creature you touch to levitate (becoming
effectively weightless) for 1 turn.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 46
Wilding Magic
Wilding magic is concerned with the natural world and manipulation of it. Wilding uses INT as the linked trait.
Illusion is a field of magic that operates under any spell from any magic talent (except for psionics)
different principles from other magic. Unlike other of expert rank or lower.
talents, you receive no baseline spells or buffs in illusion • Creatures with no brain (including all anime and
magic; every spell you cast is a spontaneous spell. Since elementals) are immune to the effects of illusions.
illusions are completely unreal, they are not able to Non-living creatures such as the undead or
actually do anything. Illusions simply convince those creatures of animal intellect may be affected by
witnessing or being affected by the spell that whatever illusions normally.
effect the caster has created is real. Illusions are bound • In addition to mimicking spells from other fields,
by the following restrictions: you may use illusions to create effects with a variety
• If your Mythweaver allows heroes to take illusion, of sensory components unrelated to other spells,
you may not take illusion until you have first using the same rules for spell ranks on pages 35-36.
purchased another magic talent. You may not • REA is the linked trait for illusions. Illusions use
purchase illusion at a better rank than your primary REA for all action and resistance rolls, regardless of
magic talent. To take expert of illusion, you must the linked trait used by the magic talent being
first have expert of one other magic talent. (This rule mimicked.
does not apply to beasts or secondary characters
controlled by the Mythweaver). Becoming an illusionist is a risky endeavor. As
• While there are no baseline spells in the field of an illusionist, you have considerable versatility, but your
illusions, there are also no limits to an illusionist’s power is greatly diminished once a target has seen
use of spontaneous spells; an illusionist never runs through the source of your power.
out of spontaneous spells. The counter to this is that
every illusion spell you cast has a DT based on the Illusion Magic Effects
spell rank (as with any spontaneous spell), and this Effect Type Examples/Effects
DT must be met or the spell automatically fails. In Lesser 1 sense (typically sight or sound)
addition, since all illusions are spontaneous spells, Minor 2 senses (typically sight and sound)
illusions take longer to cast, since they never receive Intermediate 3 senses (sight, sound and touch)
the delay bonus for baseline spells that other casters Major Full sensory experience (sight, sound,
receive. touch, taste, smell)
• Illusion spontaneous spells cannot be used for
counter spells. Examples of Illusions in Play
• Illusions cannot be used to give bonuses to allies.
Illusions cannot mimic baseline buffs granted to • As an illusionist, you want a rock to seem to speak.
allies or healing/ regenerative effects. The rock is 2 units away (no modifier), affects 1
• Illusions that ‘kill’ a creature simply cause that sense (just sound, a lesser effect, so +1 rank), and
creature to fall down ‘dead’ for 1 turn. Tabulate the rock will speak for 1 turn (+1 rank). This is an
damage from illusions separately from other adept rank illusion.
damage, since this damage could be disbelieved, and • You cast an illusionary wall of ice. Creatures
isn’t truly being dealt to the target. A target ‘killed’ encountering it think it is truly a wall of ice, and will
by an illusion is a defenseless target. If the target is attack it until they ‘break through’ it normally. The
attacked, it is automatically allowed a disbelieve roll durability is determined normally as if using an
with the RM bonus as a free action (see below), elemental spell, and those encountering the wall
since the target now knows that its death was not truly believe it is there. This wall will remain (for
real. those who believe it) until sufficient damage has
• Illusions may mimic spells of any field except for been dealt to ‘destroy’ the wall.
psionics, and may also mimic other abilities that the • You cast an illusionary word of light (light baseline
Mythweaver deems appropriate (the illusionist spell) at a creature of darkness. The caster rolls the
could obscure himself like a brownie or breathe fire attack and damage normally (using INT instead of
like a dragon, based on the rank of illusion). ASP, and the target uses INT instead of ASP for the
• The illusory version of the spell is bound by the resist), and the target truly believes that this damage
same restrictions and limitations as the original has been dealt, and can be ‘killed’.
spell. If the spell lasts for 1 turn, the illusion also • You use your illusion to mimic a wilding spell
lasts for 1 turn. summoning a creature to fight for you. The creature
• You are limited to casting spells that mimic the appears to be of the appropriate rank, but it is not
same or lower rank as your current talent in illusion. real and any damage it deals is illusory.
If you have illusion of expert rank, you could mimic
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 49
Skills Talents
This section provides an overview of the basic rules regarding talents in skills, and the way that these facets of
character work in play.
• When a skill is used, only one roll is made: either an Since Mythweaver is a role-playing game, the way in
action roll by the creature using the skill against a which the players interact with the imaginary world, or
static situational DT, or a resist roll made by the with each other, can and should be a factor in
target attempting to prevent the use of the skill, with determining success. This is especially true for skills,
a DT set based on the rank of the skill. since these are often character based rather than combat
• The first set of skills includes actions made against based. The more that a player contributes either to the
fixed targets. If you are trying to pick a lock, you are fun of the game or to the collective impression of the
making an action against a physical object that moment in time, the more of a bonus the Mythweaver
prevents you from doing it. In this case, the DT is set should give, up to a maximum bonus of +3 to the action
by how poorly or well made the lock is. Rolling equal roll or to the DT set.
to or greater than the DT means you were
successful. For skills where you make an action roll, Sample Skill Bonuses
the total action is made as level die +level (limited +1 Before attempting to pick a lock, Brinn's player
by skill training) +the linked trait. These rolls are cracks his knuckles and rolls his shoulders, telling
always made against a complex DT. the group that he is 'loosening up' for the lock he is
• Other skill applications force a target to make a about to pick. The Mythweaver gives him +1 to the
resist roll against a DT based on your skill rank; you action roll.
don’t roll an action, but instead the target rolls a
resist. If you are trying to use your influence skill to +2 Before attempting a lore roll, Arial's player says that
trick a merchant to do something, your actions sets she is going to carefully peel back the pages of the
a DT that the merchant must roll against. Any time text, being sure to use any diagrams or runes on the
you use a skill to set a DT, the DT is the total of your pages to help her make sense of the text as she
linked trait rating and your level (limited by your reads. She reminds the group that they had
talent rank). As a level 8 expert of influence with encountered a similar text several weeks ago (and
WIL 6, characters attempting to resist your refers to her notes about this). The Mythweaver
influence actions roll WIL DT 14. A target rolling 14 gives her +2 to the lore action roll to glean
or better against your skill successfully resists it. information she needs from the text.
+3 Before using influence to force a resist roll for a
Comparative Skills Talent Ranks basilisk, Drom's player gets up from the table,
Talent Action At this rank, you could holding his pencil overhead to demonstrate how
Rank DT reasonably do something… Drom now stands before the basilisk. He yells out,
Menial 8 That anyone without any “Foul beast, I am the heir of the lands of the stone
training could do. hands! You will FLEE before my axe or you will
Apprentice 12 Requiring some training, skill, FALL before my axe! Know this in your dark heart-
or experience. I ... must... needs... PASS!” After everyone at the
Adept 16 Requiring considerable table stops laughing, the Mythweaver gives +3 to
knowledge, skill, or the DT for the beast's WIL resist roll.
Expert 20 Requiring a great deal of Hero Points & Skills
knowledge and training.
Master 24 Only the truly gifted and When a skill is used as an action roll against a static DT,
highly trained would try. hero points are used normally; the use of 1 hero point
Paragon 32 Only the best in the world gives you an extra rank die to add to the total result of
would consider attempting. the roll. Hero points may also be used with skills to
increase the DT of a static result from your skill. If your
Using these rules, in an apprentice rank dungeon: DT for stealth is 12, but you really need to sneak past
• Most locked doors (normal) are DT 12 to force or this guard, you may choose to spend a hero point,
pick. adding the die result to your skill DT for this action.
• Poorly made locked doors (lesser) are DT 8 to force
or pick. The Skills
• Well-made locked doors (greater) are DT 16 to force
or pick. There are six skills that you may learn: athletics,
burglary, influence, lore, nature and stealth.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 50
Athletics (linked t0 DEX, MGT & STA) Burglary (linked to PWS & REA)
As someone who is naturally physically gifted, you find You have always had a way with mechanical devices.
physical feats easier to perform. You have always been You understand how they work, and have learned about
able to jump higher, run faster and lift more than others. the workings of locks, trapping devices and other
You use your athletics ability with various talents to mechanical constructs meant to either keep people out
perform incredible feats. When you climb, you have to or trap them in.
make a new climbing roll for every 30’ (3 unit) section
you attempt to climb. As someone trained in burglary, you can:
• Pick a lock (as an action, linked to PWS).
Athletics Skill Talent Applications • Find a trap (as an action, linked to REA).
Talent When adding your When adding • Disarm a trap (as an action, linked to PWS).
talent to MGT, you your talent to • Fashion your own traps and alarms (with a DT and
can: STA, you can: ratings based on your talent).
Menial Force menial rank Climb a 30’ tree
doors, bend menial or knotted rope Burglary in Play
rank bars As a level 7 adept of burglary with PWS 5 and
Apprentice Force apprentice rank Climb a 30' REA 4, you travel through an expert rank tomb and
doors, bend rough stone wall come to a closed door. You first check the door for traps.
apprentice rank bars or normal rope Since the Mythweaver has determined the door is lesser
Adept Force adept rank Climb a 30' brick difficulty, the DT of this check is 16. You roll D10 +REA
doors, bend adept wall +6 and get 16. This is barely successful. Just as you are
rank bars about to finish your check of the door, you see a thin
Expert Force expert rank Climb a 30' wall wire running between the top of the door and the frame,
doors, bend expert of ice and realize that the door is trapped. You now attempt to
rank bars disarm the trap. The Mythweaver tells you this is a lesser
Master Force master rank Climb a 30' trap, and therefore the DT is 16 as well. You roll burglary
doors, bend master sheer stone cliff again (D10 +PWS +6), this time getting 18, and easily
rank bars face disarm the trap. You now check to see if the door is
Paragon Force paragon rank Climb a 30' wall locked, and the Mythweaver tells you it is (no roll is
doors, bend paragon of iron required for this). The locking mechanism is relatively
rank bars complicated, meaning that as a greater lock, it has a DT
of 24. You roll again (D10 +PWS +6) and get 17. You fail
Leaping (linked to DEX) the roll. You tell the Mythweaver you are going to use a
You may leap a total number of feet equal to the hero point to increase it. You roll a second level die,
result of your level die +DEX +athletics roll. At every 10’ getting 8. Your total result is now 25, and you
threshold, you leap another unit. For instance, if you successfully unlock the door.
leap between 30’ and 39’, you leap 3 units. If you had failed either to find or disarm the trap
before checking the locking mechanism, you would have
Holding Breath (linked to STA) automatically set off the trap and suffered its effects.
You may use your athletics talent to hold your
breath for extended periods of time. You may hold your Burglary Supplies
breath for 1 turn without making an action roll. A set of picks and tools of the same (or higher)
Thereafter, you must make a level die +STA +athletics rank is required for all burglary checks or to set traps
roll every turn, with an escalating DT starting at 10, and and alarms. Having insufficient tools increases the DT of
increasing +2 every turn thereafter. If you have been burglary rolls to the next rank. For example, a DT 12
underwater for 10 turns (5 minutes), and you are check becomes DT 16 if you do not have the proper
moving into turn 11, holding your breath for an tools. A tool kit contains all of the supplies a burglar
additional turn is DT 30. If you are underwater and you needs to perform any burglary action at the appropriate
fail a roll to hold your breath, you drown. Casting a spell rank or lower. Tool kits are listed on page 14.
underwater forces an immediate STA roll each time a
spell is cast, at the same DT for that turn. About Setting Traps and Alarms
The traps you can improvise will not be
Unskilled Characters especially sophisticated, posing little threat to creatures
You don’t need to have a skill to attempt with some skill in burglary. For example, as a level 7
something, but having the skill will sure help! rake with expert rank burglary and PWS 8, you set traps
For example, any character can attempt to leap, that are DT 15 to find and disarm. While this trap is
rolling level die + DEX for distance. However, likely to be missed by a group of gnolls coming up the
having athletics skill talent allows characters to passage, a comparable rake with burglary talent is likely
add their level to rolls (limited by rank). to find it and disarm it.
There are four basic rules to being a good Mythweaver: • Use post-it notes or some other organizational
1. Be Fair. These rules give you considerable latitude in method to mark information on the important
assigning difficulties to actions, building enemies beasts and spells that will be used during that
and allies, structuring the narrative and controlling session, or create notes (3x5 cards are great for this)
the fates of the heroes. It doesn't matter how you for quick reference.
approach these elements of the game as much as it • Read through the adventure scenario so that you
does that you do so consistently. If the heroes are know what will be happening.
constantly faced with overwhelming challenges and • Review any notes from the previous session for
obstacles, their rewards should be commensurate. things that may still need to be resolved or for
2. Be Prepared. It is important that you have written lingering plot threads that you want to be sure to
notes for a scenario (if the session will be original) review with the players.
or you’ve read through the adventure (if running a • Prepare any other materials you may need. If you
published scenario) before playing. You need to be want to have a battle map and miniatures, special
familiar enough with the rules (and with the specific forms for keeping track of initiative and health,
rules that will apply to the scenario) in order for the handouts with treasure maps or item descriptions,
game to run smoothly. or special music you want to play during the game,
3. Be Flexible. Leave room for players to bring things make sure these are ready to go. You don’t want to
to the game. If the players veer off course and try get to the climactic fight and have to flip through
something you didn't expect, do your best to go 200 songs on your mp3 player to find the perfect
along with it. Allow the characters to dictate some of track for background music.
the story that you are building together. Flexibility
also includes being prepared for what to do if things
don't go as planned. What if the myrmidon in the
During the Game
group doesn't show up and you've planned a session
There are several things that you do during the game:
that relies on his talents? What if the first encounter
takes out half the hero group? Have a back-up plan. • Set the Stage. Let the heroes know where they've
4. Be Creative. This is listed as the final rule, but is the been, what they're doing, and what they are going to
most important. Mythweaver: The Splintered do early in the session. It may help to give written
Realm is a simple, open game system. The game is recaps of previous sessions. A good Mythweaver
designed to provide a framework within which you uses a wide range of sensory description to immerse
and your players can create an imaginary fantasy players in the game world. “The ancient inn, its
world. While these rules provide guidelines for walls bearing witness to stories from a hundred
handling situations as they arise, inevitably, it will adventuring companies, the assorted trophies from
be up to you to decide how something happens or successful expeditions covering its walls” is
why it works the way it does. Use the rules herein as preferable to “the old inn frequented by
a guide, and your own experience to make the adventurers.” Particularly important descriptions or
judgment call in the moment. Don’t stop playing to characters should be prepared ahead of time. You
haggle over whether the modifier should be +1 or can use music, artwork, or even food to help create
+2. Pick one, roll, and go on with the game. this sense of atmosphere.
• Role play. Play the parts of the supporting
characters populating the game world. Feel free to
Running the Game add voices, develop personalities and give vivid
descriptions. The more real your secondary
You have several responsibilities before, during and
characters are, the more the players will feel
after play.
involved in the game world. If the guard speaks in a
booming voice with a sarcastic tone, he’ll be much
Before the Game more memorable and specific to your players. Keep
notes about what important secondary characters
There are several things that you should do before the are like, so that when the heroes return and speak to
group actually sits down to play. that guard again two sessions later, you remember
• Look up lesser-used rules that may be important that he had a booming voice and a sarcastic tone,
during the game. If the heroes have to leap across a because this makes the whole game more consistent
pit during an important combat sequence, review and ‘alive.’
the rules for leaping before the session so you know
how this will be resolved.
When rolling for magical treasure: • For a potion, roll on the potion tables beginning on
• Roll first for the level of the magical treasure found. page 71, using the rank of the potion’s level.
This is a rank die roll. The result is the level of the • For armor, the level of the armor is the base rating.
magic treasure. See the special rules for armor on page 73.
• Roll for the treasure type above. • For shields, the level of the shield is the base rating.
• For an imbued item, roll on the item types column See the special rules for shields on page 73.
for the item type and on the imbued property • For weapons, the level of the weapon is the base
column for the property. You may have to roll on rating. See the special rules for weapons on page 73.
additional columns, depending on the property (as • For a wand or staff, roll on the magic energy column
noted). for the magic talent of the wand or staff. See the
special rules for wands and staffs on page 74.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 70
Weapons and Skills Talents (Roll D6) Adept Potions (Roll D10 for type)
Roll Melee Missile Skill Talent Roll Potion Type
Weapon Weapon Affected 1 Healing. You receive D8+level health if good or
Type Type neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
1 Axe Bow Athletics 2 Flask of Holy or Unholy water. See rules for holy
2 Blade Bow Burglary and unholy waters on page 61.
3 Blunt Bow Influence 3 Warding. You receive +level warding against 1
4 Flail Crossbow Lore magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type.
5 Foil Crossbow Nature 4 Talent. You receive +2 to rolls/DTs in one skill
6 Piercing Sling* Stealth talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column).
* At rank 11+, a sling result is a crossbow. 5 Trait. You receive +2 to one trait for 1 turn (roll
on trait affected column).
Imbued Items 6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 10) or
suffer level points of damage per round for 2
When an imbued item is found, roll for the type of item, rounds.
the imbued property, and the rank or rating of the 7 Dark Blessing. You receive D8+level health if
property. The rank or rating is based on the rank die. evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
For a rating, take the result of the rank die roll. For a 8 Antidote. You no longer suffer the effects of any
RM, convert the rating to its RM. For example, a roll of poison currently afflicting you. This potion does
11 becomes RM 4, since 11 is master rank (master not reverse the poison’s effects, but prevents any
includes ratings 10-14). further damage from being suffered.
9 Altered Appearance. This illusory potion allows
Potions you to look like any other creature of roughly the
same size and shape. Your voice changes as well.
Note: All +level bonuses are for the level of the potion, Targets make a DT 10 INT roll to realize that you
not the level of the drinker. are not the creature impersonated, and this roll
is only allowed if the target(s) have reason to
Apprentice Potions (Roll D10 for type) suspect the deception.
Roll Potion Type 10 Water Breathing. You may survive underwater
1 Healing. You receive D6+level health if good or for 1 hour.
neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
2 Vial of Holy or Unholy Water. See rules for holy Expert Potions (Roll D10 for type)
and unholy waters on page 61. Roll Potion Type
3 Warding. You receive +level warding against 1 1 Healing. You receive D10+level health if good or
magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type. neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
4 Talent. You receive +1 to rolls/DTs in one skill 2 Oil of Combustion. This thrown weapon deals
talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column). level x3 points of fire damage to all targets in the
5 Trait. You receive +1 to one trait for 1 turn (roll same unit where this oil lands. Targets may roll
on trait affected column). DEX (DT 10) for half damage.
6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 8) or 3 Warding. You receive +level warding against one
suffer level points of damage. magic energy type. Roll for magic type.
7 Dark Blessing. You receive D6+level health if 4 Talent. You receive +3 to rolls/DTs in one skill
evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral. talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column).
8 False Aspect. You appear to have an opposite 5 Trait. You receive +3 to one trait for 1 turn (roll
ASP for 1 turn. Neutral creatures are unaffected. on trait affected column).
For example, if you have ASP 3, you appear (via 6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 12) or
detection) to have ASP –3 for 1 turn. suffer level points of damage per round for 3
9 Swimming. You receive the lesser swim beast rounds.
ability for 1 turn, able to swim at your move –1. 7 Dark Blessing. You receive D10+level health if
10 Running. You improve your base move by –1 for evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
1 turn. 8 Free Movement. You are completely immune to
any spell effect that binds, holds or limits your
movement (including deeping roots) for 1 turn.
9 Oil of Morning Frost. This thrown weapon deals
level x3 points of cold damage to all targets in
the same unit where this oil lands. Targets may
roll DEX (DT 10) for half damage.
10 Lesser Regeneration. You automatically regain 6
health at the end of every round for 1 turn.
Health cannot exceed your maximum.
Requirements of the Rod of Jurris Powers and Abilities of the Rod of Jurris
• Master of melee talent or better • Has a damage rating of +25
• Level 10 or better • Increases the wielder’s maximum talent bonus by +5
• MGT of 6 or better • Acts has a holy weapon
• ASP of 3 or better • Has ASP 6; INT 6; REA 6; WIL 6; EGO 24
• Expenditure of 10 hero points to • Grants the wielder +2 to ASP
activate the rod • Grants the wielder +6 to PWS
• Casts 1 spontaneous paragon light spell per turn at DT 20/ D20+25
• Grants the wielder 10 points of full magic resistance
• Grants the wielder +25 health
• Forces any undead creature struck by the weapon to roll ASP (DT
20), or be instantly and irrevocably destroyed
Requirements of the Sword of Bael Powers and Abilities of the Sword of Bael
• Paragon of melee talent •Has a damage rating of +30
• Level 15 or better •Increases the wielder’s maximum talent bonus by +10
• MGT of 7 or better •Acts as an unholy weapon
• ASP of –6 or lower •Has ASP –8; INT 8; REA 8; WIL 8; EGO 32
• Expenditure of 25 hero (or villain) •Grants the wielder +6 to PWS, MGT and STA
points to activate the sword •Grants the wielder +4 to WIL
• Binding of one’s eternal soul to •Acts as a paragon item of spell turning
Bael’s service •Casts 1 spontaneous paragon darkness spell per turn at DT 24/
D24+30 effectiveness
• Grants the wielder +35 health
• Allows the wielder to teleport (as the paragon arcanum spontaneous
spell effect) once per turn
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 77
The Deck of Fate
The Deck of Fate is a magical device of unknown origin, but which many sages have suggested was placed into the
realm by the Fates as a way to either reward or punish those they saw as either following their commands or refusing
The Deck of Fate consists of twelve cards. When drawing from the deck, either roll D12 randomly to see which
card is drawn or you may take a standard deck of playing cards and use the appropriate cards for players to draw from
(using the playing card column).
There are several versions of the Deck of Fate in circulation. Any one character may only draw from any Deck
of Fate once per year. The effects of the Deck of Fate are immediate, permanent and irrevocable.
Beast Size
Size Space Reach Default Delay Move Increment Health Modifier
Small 1/8 unit Adjacent unit 9 (–1) 2 None
Medium ¼ unit Adjacent unit 10 3 None
Large ½ unit Adjacent unit 11 (+1) 4 +1
Huge 1 unit 2 units 12 (+2) 6 +2
• Reach is how far away targets may be for the beast • Health modifier is a bonus to health rolls every level
to land melee weapon strikes. that the creature receives due to its size.
• Default delay is the standard action delay for natural
attack forms such as claws and bites. The number in Small Creatures:
parenthesis is a modifier to weapon attacks made by • Are smaller than 3' tall or long.
the beast. A huge beast carrying an expert melee • Take up 1/8 of a unit, meaning that up to 8 small
weapon (delay 12) will have a delay of 13 with this creatures may fit in the same unit.
weapon due to its size. • May only make melee actions against any target in
• Move increment is the number of units the beast is the same or an adjacent unit.
able to travel as a single move action (with a delay
equal to the beast’s move rating).
Beast Abilities
Rank QP Cost Rating Resist DT Effectiveness
Lesser 1 1 RM lower As a lesser DT for that RM As a creature of –1 RM
Normal 2 Of same RM As a normal DT for that RM At the creature's RM
Greater 3 1 RM higher. As a greater DT for that RM As a creature of +1 RM
For example, a master beast of level 10 has a DT 10 for can also choose to ‘turn off’ an attack type (like
any lesser ability, DT 12 for any normal ability and DT petrification) when interacting with allies.
16 for any greater ability. Beast abilities forcing the
target to roll a skill talent instead of a trait resist roll use Bonus Attack
a complex DT, doubling the standard DT.
The beast has a second (or even more) attack type(s).
Timed Abilities Each bonus attack costs 1 QP, allowing the beast
additional combat actions every round with one (or
Several beasts have timed abilities. Things like paralysis, more) extra attack types; all attack types except the
drains and poisons include durations. The duration is primary use the next dice rank lower. For example, an
typically a number of rounds equal to the beast’s RM. An expert rank beast with three attacks, a bite, claw and
expert rank beast with a paralyzing attack will paralyze a gore, attacks with the bite using D8, with the claw using
foe for 3 full rounds beyond the current round. A hero D6, and with the gore using D6. This is the die used for
paralyzed by this creature at segment 17 of round 5 will initiative, attack and damage rolls with each attack form.
be paralyzed and unable to act until segment 17 of round A ten-headed paragon beast rolls attacks, damage and
8, resuming his initiative countdown exactly where he initiative at D16 with its primary head, and at D12 with
left off. Poisons take effect at the end of the round they each additional head. Each additional attack must be
are injected, and deal damage over subsequent rounds. purchased separately based on the rank of the attack
A hero inflicted with a poison during round 5 suffers the type. Regardless of the number of additional attacks,
effects of the poison at the end of round 5, and for each bonus attack costs 1 QP total. A beast with 3 normal claw
round thereafter until the poison runs its course. attacks would spend 2 points for each attack, and 1 point
for bonus attack (a total of 7 quality points to gain the
Armor & Attack Ratings three distinct attack forms).
These default bonuses are equal to the benchmark for Breath Weapon
the rank. An expert rank creature has a default normal
bonus of +6, since 6 is the benchmark for expert rank. The beast has a breath weapon that it may use once per
For example, a master beast has two melee turn. The level, size and damage of the breath weapon is
attack forms: a claw and a bite. The claw is a lesser based on its rating and the level of the beast. Breath
attack (costing 1 quality point), while the bite is a weapons deal a specific damage type. This will be listed
normal attack (costing 2 quality points). The claw deals in the beast description. Breath weapons have the
+6 damage, while the bite deals +10 damage (since a following characteristics:
master beast has a benchmark of +10). This beast also • Using a breath weapon takes a full round. Using a
has normal armor (costing 2 quality points). This armor breath weapon is the only action the beast may take
is rank 10. that round, taken as the first action.
Natural melee attacks by beasts are made using • A breath weapon may only be used once per turn.
the beast’s level die +PWS for the attack roll. Natural • Breath weapons fill a number of units equal to the
attacks use MGT as the linked trait added to damage. beast’s RM.
This is limited to a total bonus equal to the beast’s level. • Breath weapons that cause damage deal beast
An expert rank beast of level 6 with a normal bite attack benchmark rating x10 damage automatically.
(+6 damage) with a MGT of 5 deals D10+11 total damage • Breath weapons automatically force all creatures in
with its bite attack. If this beast had a MGT of 8, its MGT the area of effect to make a standard resist roll based
damage bonus is limited to +6, since it is a level 6 beast. on the rank of the breath. For breath weapons that
deal damage, a successful resist means that the
Immunity to Own Attacks breath weapon deals half damage. The resist roll
required depends on the shape of the breath
Note that beasts are immune to their own attacks. The weapon:
heroes cannot turn a medusa’s gaze back on itself, or • Clouds force targets to roll STA to resist.
cause a wyvern to sting itself with its own tail. Beasts • Streams force targets to roll DEX to resist.
Immunity Swimming
The beast is impervious to a particular attack type. The beast has special adaptations enabling it to move
Immunity costs 2 QPs. Common immunities include more quickly while in water.
fire, cold, lightning, and normal weapons. Magical Rank QP Cost Effectiveness
weapons may strike beasts immune to normal weapons, Lesser 1 At base move rate –1
and spells affect such beasts normally. Normal 2 At base move rate –2
Greater 3 At base move rate –3
Improved Move
The beast moves more quickly than comparable
creatures. Improved move is a bonus to the base move The beast is able to use its size to crush enemies. A
for the beast based on beast size. trample attack affects all creatures in the unit in which
Rank QP Cost Bonus to Move the attack takes place. A trample attack may only be
Lesser 1 –1 attempted once per turn and requires a full round.
Normal 2 –2 Trample is made as a melee attack against all creatures
Greater 3 –3 in the applicable unit. Success indicates that the
creature deals damage equal to the benchmark rating x5.
Night Vision Critical successes deal benchmark rating x10 damage.
All beasts are able to see in the dark up to a distance Examples of trampling:
based on the rank. Beasts get lesser night vision at no • A legendary creature with lesser trample deals 75
cost, and only normal or greater night visions are listed. damage on a successful trample attack (15 x 5).
Rank QP Cost Vision Distance • A legendary creature with normal trample deals 100
Lesser 0 RM+1 units damage on a successful trample attack (20 x 5).
Normal 1 RM+3 units • A legendary creature with greater trample deals 125
Greater 2 RM+6 units damage on a successful trample attack (25x5).
Warding The beasts listed here are archetypes of the beast. Beasts
are presented throughout at benchmark levels,
The beast has protection against specific attack forms, providing the most common sort of beast encountered of
automatically absorbing damage of that type. For beasts, the type. Most adult beasts of one type will be of the
total magic warding (effective against all magical same rank. An ogre brute is a master beast, so therefore
attacks) may be purchased instead of individual most ogre brutes the heroes encounter (unless these
warding, but at double the normal cost. Purchasing ogres are young or especially weak) will be at least level
greater total magic warding costs 6 quality points. A 10, and may be as high as level 14. While it is possible to
paragon rank beast with greater total magic warding encounter an ogre of higher rank than this (the level 20
reduces all magical damage sustained by 20 points Ogre High King), such a creature should be rare.
before deducting this from health.
Scaling Up
Water Breathing
The rules for beasts allow you as the Mythweaver to
The beast may survive indefinitely underwater. Water quickly adjust beast statistics by adding a level or two
breathing costs 1 QP. and granting the corresponding QPs. This system allows
you to create new and varied monsters with ease.
Weapon Access For example, I want my group of heroes to face
a challenge from a pack of spiders, but the heroes are
The beast is able to wield the weapons and wear the only level 5, and not quite ready for the expert level 6
armor of man. Rather than purchasing talent night crawlers. I decide instead to scale up three tomb
specialization in weapons as characters do, beasts learn creeper spiders to face them. Instead of level 3, my tomb
simple use of weapons, allowing them to wield more and creepers will be level 4. I add 3 trait points (since all
more powerful weapons. Beasts do not get the signature beasts receive +3 trait points per level), increasing the 3
moves available to heroes. Weapon access costs 1 QP, highest traits by 1 point each- in this case DEX, PWS
and allows the beast to wield any weapon effectively, and INT. I then add STA +4 to health (since 4 is the
and to wear armor. Generally speaking, the rating of static result for D8) and I’m ready to go with my level 4
armor or weapons carried by beasts will be comparable tomb creepers. Rules for additional ways to scale beasts
to the beast's benchmark rating. An expert rank beast is are presented in the next section, starting on page 109.
likely to wear +6 armor.
Be aware that the quality of armor and weapons Thought Process
used by beasts is typically inferior to that used by By using a simplified method for creating
heroes. While a suit of hide armor worn by a gnoll may beasts and placing beasts at rank benchmark
be effective armor, a hero will almost never wear such a levels, a clear distinction is made between
piece of armor, as it is rife with lice and other vermin, different beasts, making it easier for
constructed of inferior materials, and uncomfortable to Mythweavers to tailor beasts to their games. The
wear. The market value of such gear is typically ¼ the system presented gives a wide range of beast
value of comparable items used by heroes. abilities and levels while also keeping a unified
system in place for all creatures. This provides a
quick way to create an assortment of beasts with
a variety of talents and levels, as needed.
Animus are non-living physical objects that have been granted some sentience and awareness through magical means.
As non-living creatures, Animus do not sleep, breathe or eat, and are immune to psionic magic. Animus have a rank of
0 in all four mental traits, receiving the RM as a bonus to resist rolls when those traits are relevant.
Servant Broom
Medium Menial Animus 1 (D4)
DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 5
ASP 0; INT 0; REA 0; WIL 0
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +5; Move 10
Talents Cleaning (adept +2, see below)
Attacks Greater smack +1 (+1 total damage; delay 10)
Abilities None
Gear None
Treasure None
Servant brooms are made by mystics to help with household chores. A servant broom will obey simple
commands (such as to ‘sweep’, ‘dust’, ‘clean’) when within 6 units of their owners. Some mystics also prepare their
brooms to ‘attack’ on command, although such attacks are often futile, as smacking another creature upside the head
with a broom is rarely an effective combat tactic. Cleaning is a talent available only to servant brooms, and as such
they are much better at it than any other creature. Creating a servant broom requires 10 gold in supplies, a successful
adept rank lore talent roll and a spontaneous adept rank arcanum spell.
Strangler Vines swallowed in this way. If this attack hits, the flytrap has
Medium Adept Flora and Fauna 3 (D8) swallowed the target, in addition to dealing normal
DEX 7; MGT 7; PWS 5; STA 5 damage. A target swallowed whole is unable to attack
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 3 back, and must struggle to free itself from the flytrap’s
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 0 (rooted) grasp. Breaking free requires a DT 16 MGT + athletics
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 10) roll, and this may only be attempted once per round
Attacks Special (see below) (with the first action available). At the end of every
Abilities Normal constriction round spent in the digestive juices of the creature, the
Gear None target suffers D10+6 damage, ignoring all armor and
Treasure None other protection. Once a Venus flytrap has swallowed a
Strangler vines grow in evil wooded areas, target, it is unable to make any actions other than to
appearing as normal vines, but quickly wrapping around struggle to free itself.
and strangling targets unlucky enough to step into their
midst. A strangler vine will attempt to constrict any Ragewood Tree
creature walking through its leafy tendrils. It attacks Huge Master Flora and Fauna 10 (D12)
with a melee strike, forcing targets (on a successful hit) DEX 8; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 13
to roll MGT + athletics to break free of the grasp of the ASP –4; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 5
vines (DT 16). A creature held by such vines is required Armor 15; Health 174; Initiative +8; Move 0 (rooted)
to make escalating STA rolls every round, starting at DT Talents None
8 and increasing +2 every round thereafter; failing this Attacks Normal branch strike +10
roll means that the vines have killed the target. (+20 total damage; delay 11)
The choking of the vines deals damage every Abilities Greater armor; rage (see below)
round; a constricted target suffers 6 points of damage at Gear None
the end of every round, ignoring armor. The plant will Treasure Lesser
continue strangling its target until the target breaks free, Notes
or the target or plant dies. The target of this constriction A ragewood tree is an aggressive woodland
may only make one action roll each round, and that predator native to evil forests. The ragewood will attack
must be to break free of the vines; bound targets may a living creature with one of its larger branches, and can
not attack. All attacks made against a strangler vine that reach a target up to 3 units distant with a strike. A
miss the vine automatically strike the character being ragewood tree has the character perk of rage, and will
grappled by the plant. rage (as the heroic perk on page 13) if reduced to less
While a single strangler vine confines itself to an than half of its health. If attacked from a distance, a
area of roughly a unit in size, several strangler vines may ragewood will pick up rocks and sticks, hurling these as
group together, and a nest of several of these vines could thrown weapons dealing +13 total damage.
quickly kill a large number of creatures.
Bog Horror
Venus Flytrap, Giant Large Paragon Flora and Fauna 15 (D16)
Huge Expert Flora and Fauna 6 (D10) DEX 9; MGT 10; PWS 12; STA 12
DEX 6; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 9 ASP –6; INT 10; REA 0 (+5); WIL 10
ASP –3; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 5 Armor 15; Health 256; Initiative +10; Move 10
Armor 0; Health 83; Initiative +6; Move 0 (rooted) Talents Wilding (master)
Talents Stealth (adept DT 12) Attacks Normal strike +15
Attacks Normal bite attack +6 (+25 total damage; delay 11)
(+12 total damage; delay 11) Abilities Normal armor; normal full magic
Abilities Swallow whole (see below) warding; water breathing
Gear None Gear None
Treasure None Treasure None
A giant Venus flytrap is a 12’ tall (or larger) A 10’ tall hulking monstrosity arisen from the
carnivorous plant. Any creature that travels within 1 unit depths of the vilest of swamps, the bog horror hates all
of the flytrap may be attacked by it. Once per turn, a living things. Some think this to be some alternate form
giant Venus flytrap may attempt to swallow a target of undead, while others argue it is a spirit of the wild
whole. This is rolled as a melee attack, but with the warped by evil. Regardless, it is a threat to any creature
target receiving a possible bonus to the resist roll: small unlucky enough to come upon it. The bog horror is
targets receive no bonus; medium creatures receive +2; highly resistant to magic, ignoring the first 15 points of
large creatures receive +4; huge creatures cannot be damage it takes from any magical attack.
Quasit Gargoyle
Small Menial Demon (D4) Medium Expert Demon 6 (D10)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3 DEX 7; MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 8
ASP –3; INT 3; REA 3; WIL 1 ASP –6; INT 6; REA 2; WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +6; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 6; Health 71; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Darkness (apprentice); illusion Talents Quick strike (–3 delay);
(apprentice) stealth (adept DT 13)
Attacks Greater claw attack +1 Attacks Greater claw attack +10
(+1 total damage; delay 8) (+14 total damage; delay 7)
Abilities Lesser flight Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater
A quasit is a 2’ tall creature with elongated, A gargoyle is a monstrous winged demon of
demonic features including scaly skin and leathern roughly human size, but with stone-like skin and
wings. Quasits will attempt to manipulate creatures and exceptionally sharp claws. A gargoyle will appear as a
situations to cause the most pain and suffering. normal statue, and will use stealth to attempt surprise.
Wretchling Demon
Medium Apprentice Demon 1 (D6)
DEX 3; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 7
ASP –3; INT 2; REA 2; WIL 2
Armor 0; Health 10; Initiative +3; Move 10
Talents None
Attacks Normal claw attack +1
(+2 total damage, delay 10)
Abilities Normal regeneration
Gear None
Treasure None
These minor demons are horrific and pitiful in
the extreme. They inhabit the fields of Hades, moving in
droves across its landscape, suffering under the whips of
more powerful demons, forced to endure endless labor
and suffering.
Small Adept Demon 3 (D8)
DEX 8; MGT 1; PWS 3; STA 4
ASP –4; INT 4; REA 3; WIL 4
Armor 3; Health 22; Initiative +8; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Darkness (adept); psionics (adept);
influence (adept DT 7)
Attacks Normal claw attack +3
(+4 total damage; delay 9)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight
Gear None
Treasure Normal
Imps are 3’ tall minor demons, summoned from
Pandemonium to bring chaos and destruction into the
lands of Del Anon. Although tiny, imps are dangerous
for their persuasive nature and absolute disregard for
the health and safety of any living creature. Imps exist
only for chaos and destruction.
Dread Insects
Dread insects are common scavengers in all climates and areas that may grow to tremendous size and ferocity, making
them common and persistent adversaries for all who travel among wild and savage lands.
Ant, Worker
Small Menial Dread Insect (D4) Ant workers are 2’ long insects common in rural
DEX 5; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 5 areas, often plaguing farmlands and small communities.
ASP 0; INT 1; REA 0 (+0); WIL 1 While individuals or smaller numbers may be
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +4; Move 10 encountered away from the ant hill, as many as 100 or
Talents None more such creatures may be encountered in their lair,
Attacks Greater bite +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) along with a queen of level 3 or better.
Abilities Tunneling; wall crawling
Gear None
Treasure Normal
Earth Elementals
Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 2 4 3 3 3 6 +2 +2 total damage
Level 3 (+2) 3 7 5 5 6 25 +3 +6 total damage
Level 6 (+3) 4 10 7 7 10 65 +4 +12 total damage
Level 10 (+4) 5 13 9 9 15 144 +5 +20 total damage
Level 15 (+5) 6 16 11 11 20 256 +6 +30 total damage
Level 20 (+6) 7 19 13 13 25 348 +7 +39 total damage
Fire Elementals
Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 3 2 4 3 1 6 +3 +4 total damage
Level 3 (+2) 5 3 7 5 3 25 +5 +9 total damage
Level 6 (+3) 7 4 10 7 6 65 +7 +14 total damage
Level 10 (+4) 9 5 13 9 10 144 +9 +20 total damage
Level 15 (+5) 11 6 16 11 15 256 +11 +27 total damage
Level 20 (+6) 13 7 19 13 20 388 +13 +32 total damage
Fay creatures are native to Verdant Woodlands, although many have moved to other forested areas of Del Anon. Fay
creatures are generally friendly with elves and brownies, but tend to be cautious when encountering other races.
Pixie Sprite
Small Menial Fay (D4) Small Apprentice Fay 1 (D6)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 2 DEX 6; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3
ASP 1; INT 4; REA 2; WIL 1 ASP 1; INT 5; REA 3; WIL 2
Armor 0; Health 4; Initiative +4; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +6; Move 10 (fly 7)
Talents Weapon access; illusion (apprentice) Talents Weapon access; illusion (adept)
Attacks Dagger +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) Attacks Dagger +1 (+2 total damage; delay 9)
Abilities Lesser flight Abilities Normal flight
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Normal
Pixies are 1’ tall magical fairies with delicate Exceptionally magical creatures, sprites are 2’
wings that are fond of humans and the races of good, tall winged fairies that live in enchanted woodlands and
and they often ally with more powerful creatures. lands of good. They are close relatives of pixies, although
sprites are less likely to work with or help humans and
other non-fay races.
Medium Paragon Fay 15 (D16)
DEX 7; MGT 5; PWS 10; STA 9
ASP 6; INT 12; REA 4; WIL 10
Armor 21; Health 211; Initiative +12; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Weapon access; quick strike (-5 delay);
light (master)
Attacks Enchanted holy sword of flame
+15/+5/+5 flame (+30 total damage; +36
vs. evil creatures; delay 8)
Abilities Lesser flight
Gear Holy banded armor +15
Treasure Normal
These powerful winged spirits were the
guardians of the gates of Yahalla at the edges of
Arvandor. When Yahalla fell, most of the Deva were
destroyed. A handful of these creatures remain in the
lands of Del Anon, striving to fight against evil while
working for the restoration of the true goddess.
Cockatrice Manticore
Medium Adept Fell Beast 3 (D8) Large Master Fell Beast 10 (D12)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 5 DEX 10; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 10
ASP –1; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4 ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 6
Armor 3; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 10; Health 144; Initiative +10; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Attacks Normal tail barbs +10 (+10 total damage;
(+5 total damage; delay 10) delay 11; range 4; see below); normal bite
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight; normal attack +10 (+18 total damage @ D10;
petrification delay 11)
Gear None Abilities Normal armor; bonus attack; lesser flight;
Treasure Normal normal tail volley (see below)
A cockatrice appears as a monstrous hybrid of a Gear None
lizard, cock and bat. On a successful bite attack, a Treasure Greater
cockatrice forces the target to roll STA (DT 8) or be The manticore is a grotesque creature with a
turned to stone. This petrification is permanent until roughly lion-like body, great wings of bat and the face of
reversed with a spontaneous adept rank or better a disfigured and hideous man. The manticore may bite,
deeping spell. but its most feared attack is a volley of barbs from its
tail, which it may use as a missile attack. These barbs
Harpy may fly up to 3 units with no penalty, dealing damage to
Medium Expert Fell Beast 6 (D10) all creatures in a 1-unit square that are hit. This attack is
DEX 5; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 made as a missile weapon attack (using DEX) against all
ASP –3; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 8 targets in the affected unit.
Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +8; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Weapon access Chimera
Attacks Spiked club +6 Huge Paragon Fell Beast 15 (D16)
(+10 total damage; delay 12) DEX 7; MGT 10; PWS 10; STA 12
Abilities Lesser armor; lesser flight; greater song ASP –7; INT 12; REA 4; WIL 10
(see below) Armor 10; Health 256; Initiative +12; Move 10 (fly 9)
Gear None Talents None
Treasure Normal Attacks Greater dragon bite +20 (+30 total
Harpies are hideous creatures with the torso damage; delay 12); normal lion bite +15
and head of an exceptionally ugly woman, but the lower (+25 total damage @ D12; delay 12);
parts and wings of a vulture. They dwell in desolate and normal ram gore attack +15
forlorn lands. (+25 total damage @ D12; delay 12)
Once per turn a harpy may, as a simple action Abilities Bonus attack; normal armor; lesser flight;
taking one full round, emit a song affecting all creatures lesser breath weapon
in a U+3 AOE. Those in the area of effect must roll WIL Gear None
(DT 12) or be completely enamored of the song, and Treasure Greater
stand transfixed, unable to act other than to walk toward A chimera is a fearsome beast. It has the body of
the harpy. A creature so enamored will remain under the a lion, the wings of a massive bat, and three heads: one
harpy’s power as long as the singing continues, allowing dragon, one ram and one lion. Each had acts
the harpy to inflict damage with no additional WIL roll independently, able to attack different foes within the
allowed and no resist rolls made; such attacks made by a same or adjacent units.
harpy are on a defenseless target. Those who resist the The chimera’s draconic head is able to breathe a
song are immune to its effects for one full turn. jet of flame once per turn as a standard action. This
breath weapon fills a straight line 1 unit wide and 4 units
long in front of the creature’s face, dealing 100 fire
damage. All creatures in the area of effect roll DEX (DT
12). Those making this roll suffer half damage, or 50
Kobold Medusa
Medium Adept Fell Creature 3 Medium Master Fell Creature 10 (D12)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 5 DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 8
ASP –3; INT 7; REA 4; WIL 4 ASP –6; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 Armor 0; Health 124; Initiative +8; Move 10
Talents Illusion (adept); Talents Weapon access; stealth (adept DT 14)
stealth (apprentice DT 10) Attacks Bow +10 (+10 total damage; range 9;
Attacks Lesser claw attack +1 delay 9) -or- 6 lesser snakebites +6
(+3 total damage; delay 10) (+10 total damage @ D10; delay 10)
Abilities Normal night vision (5 units) Abilities Bonus attack; greater night vision (10
Gear None units); lesser poison; normal petrification
Treasure Normal Gear None
Kobolds are malicious and manipulative Treasure Normal
creatures, using their magic to deceive humans and The medusa is a roughly humanoid female with
demi-humans. Kobolds especially enjoy the taste of hideous features and living snakes for hair. The gaze of a
children, and kobolds are often (justifiably) the villains medusa is enough to force any creature within 4 units
in children’s bedtime stories. They dwell near the fringes that meets her gaze to roll WIL (DT 12) or be
of human settlements, where they lie in wait to lure permanently turned to stone. Medusa petrification may
unsuspecting children into their hidden woodland lairs. only be reversed with a master rank or better
spontaneous deeping spell.
Changeling In addition to her petrification, the medusa has
Medium Expert Fell Creature 6 (D10) a number of snakes covering her head in place of hair.
DEX 8; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 7 Up to six of these snakes may make a bite attack per
ASP –4; INT 8; REA 3; WIL 6 round, attacking any creature in melee range of the
Armor 0; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 10 medusa. Each of these snakeheads has a poisonous bite,
Talents Stealth (adept DT 14) forcing a DT 10 STA roll. Targets failing this roll suffer 6
Attacks Normal claw attack +6 points of damage per round for 3 rounds in addition to
(+9 total damage; delay 10) the bite damage. The medusa coats her arrows with this
Abilities Normal night vision (6 units); greater poison as well, and the first six arrows she uses every
shape change (see below) turn will be poisoned.
Gear None (or by character replaced)
Treasure Normal
Changelings are cruel spirits that enjoy the taste
of human flesh. They will select a target, and follow that
creature for days (or even weeks) learning its habits
before waylaying and devouring the creature, and then
will change shape into the form of its victim, and will
step into that creature’s life.
The DT of realizing that a changeling in another
creature’s form is not the actual creature is dependent
on how well the target in question knows the character
the changeling has replaced. Those who knew the
character well (a family member or close friend) roll INT
(DT 10), while all other creatures roll INT DT 12. A new
roll is allowed only if the creature in question has a good
reason for believing the changeling is not truly the
creature in question.
Changelings are desired by powerful villains for
their service as spies and assassins, as their shape
change abilities and cruel nature make them ideal
undercover agents in the societies of man.
Humanoids are bipedal creatures of some intelligence. Humanoids organize themselves in military units, and actively
fight in opposition to man and his allies. Orks (an option for heroes) are the primary race of humanoids that wars with
mankind, although the following lesser races all have proven to be ongoing threats to the safety and security of man.
Stone Giant
Huge Paragon Humanoid 15 (D16)
DEX 8; MGT 16; PWS 12; STA 15
ASP –5; INT 9; REA 2; WIL 10
Armor 18; Health 331; Initiative +9; Move 10
Talents Weapon access
Attacks Giant-sized great club +15 (+30 total
damage; delay 15); thrown rocks +10 (+25
total damage; delay 14)
Abilities Normal armor
Gear Animal skins +3
Treasure Normal
Truly malevolent, stone giants enjoy inflicting
suffering on other creatures. Stone giants average 16’
tall. They live in caves amidst mountainous and rocky
areas far from the lands of man.
Medium Expert Humanoid 6 (D10) Giant, Elemental
DEX 6; MGT 7; PWS 8; STA 9 Huge Legendary Humanoid 20 (D20)
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 2; WIL 6 DEX 10; MGT 20; PWS 15; STA 18
Armor 6; Health 83; Initiative +6; Move 10 ASP –9; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 11
Talents Weapon access Armor 30; Health 488; Initiative +10; Move 10
Attacks Spiked club +6 Talents Weapon access; elemental magic (expert)
(+12 total damage; delay 12) Attacks Huge weapon +20
Abilities Greater night vision (9 units) (+40 total damage; delay 16)
Gear Humanoid armor +6; Abilities Normal armor;
medium shield (protection 3) elemental immunity (1 element)
Treasure Normal Gear Giant banded armor +10
Bugbears are the largest of goblin-kind, cruel Treasure Greater
and malicious creatures, often enslaving other races There are three varieties of elemental giants: fire
including lesser cousins such as goblins and hobgoblins. giants, frost giants and storm (lightning) giants. All
Bugbears are, fortunately, less common than the weaker three races of giants are cruel, selfish and nearly
goblin races. Bugbears average 7’ tall. immortal, and as such consider themselves far above the
petty goals and desires of lesser creatures. These giants
average over 20’ tall, and will seek to subjugate all lesser
creatures, only viewing such beasts as true dragons and
the like as equals. Fire giants typically wield great two-
handed swords; frost giants typically carry massive
hammers into combat; storm giants typically heft huge
Mythical Creatures
Mythical creatures are beasts that were native to the realm of Arvandor that now live in the lands of the Splintered
Realm. These are creatures of good, although this doesn’t necessarily mean they will be helpful or even friendly
towards heroes. Mythic creatures are still beasts with a wild nature, and may prove difficult to tame or befriend.
Huge Paragon Mythical Serpent 15 (D16)
DEX 9; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 12
ASP –6; INT 9; REA 3; WIL 9
Armor 15; Health 256; Init. +9; Move 10 (fly 7)
Talents None
Attacks Normal bite attack +15 (+27 total
damage; delay 12); normal tail attack +15
(+27 total damage @D12; delay 12)
Abilities Bonus attack; normal armor; normal
flight; greater poison (tail)
Gear None
Treasure Greater
Wyverns are related to dragons, huge winged
serpents that live in wild and untamed lands. The
wyvern is less intelligent and cunning than its cousin,
and instead of a breath weapon uses a poisoned tail
spike in addition to powerful jaws to kill its prey.
Wyverns feast on cattle and livestock, and a single
wyvern can lay waste to the farms of an entire
community over a short period of time. Wyvern eggs are
valued at upwards of 100 gold, and D4 such eggs will be
found in a wyvern nest during spring. The poison from a
wyvern's tail forces the target to roll STA (DT 20) or
suffer 21 points of damage per round for 5 rounds.
Medium Adept Prehistoric Beast 3 (D8)
DEX 7; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 A stegosaurus is an armor-plated dinosaur that
ASP 0 (+2); INT 2; REA 0 (+2); WIL 4 moves on all fours. The stegosaurus has a nasty
Armor 3; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9) temperament and will invariably fight to the death.
Talents Nature (apprentice +3)
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Mammoth
(+6 total damage; delay 11) Huge Paragon Prehistoric Beast 15 (D16)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight DEX 8; MGT 13; PWS 12; STA 15
These winged dinosaurs live in mountainous ASP 0 (+5); INT 6; REA 0 (+5); WIL 10
areas and hunt in packs. Their broad, leathery wings and Armor 15; Health 331; Initiative +8; Move 10
their pointed beaks give these beasts a frightening Talents None
appearance. Attacks Normal tusk attack +15
(+28 total damage; delay 12)
Velociraptor Abilities Normal armor; normal trample
Large Expert Prehistoric Beast 6 (D10) Mammoths are huge, prehistoric ancestors of
DEX 6; MGT 7; PWS 8; STA 7 the elephant. These creatures will gore other creatures
ASP 0 (+3); INT 3; REA 0 (+3); WIL 5 with their tusks or will trample foes under beneath
Armor 6; Health 71; Initiative +6; Move 9 massive feet.
Talents Nature (apprentice +3)
Attacks Greater bite attack +10 Tyrannosaurus Rex
(+16 total damage; delay 11) Huge Legendary Prehistoric Beast 20 (D20)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move DEX 11; MGT 15; PWS 13; STA 15
The velociraptor is a relatively small (by ASP 0 (+6); INT 7; REA 0 (+6); WIL 12
dinosaur standards) but exceptionally cunning and Armor 20; Health 428; Initiative +11; Move 7
aggressive hunter. Velociraptors will work in packs, Talents Nature (expert +10)
willing to suffer large losses to take down larger quarry. Attacks Greater bite attack +25
(+40 total damage; delay 12)
Stegosaurus Abilities Normal armor; normal improved move;
Huge Master Prehistoric Beast 10 (D12) normal trample
DEX 7; MGT 9; PWS 9; STA 10 The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most feared of all
ASP 0 (+4); INT 4; REA 0 (+4); WIL 6 dinosaurs, and with good reason. It is over 20’ tall, and
Armor 15; Health 164; Initiative +7; Move 8 has a bite only rivaled by dragons. The only good thing
Talents Nature (adept +6) about the Tyrannosaurus Rex is that it typically hunts
Attacks Greater gore attack +15 alone, and two T-Rexes within even 20 miles will fight
(+24 total damage; delay 12) over control of the territory.
Abilities Greater armor; normal improved move
Sea Creatures
Sea creatures are native to the lands under the waves. These creatures live in and among the great seas of the known
(and unknown) world.
Garden Troll Ice trolls are thin and bony, averaging 7’ tall
Small Menial Troll (D4) with whitish skin and elongated features. They live in
DEX 2; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3 arctic climates, preferring to build cavernous fortresses
ASP –1; INT 2; REA 1; WIL 2 of ice and snow. Ice trolls are immune to damage from
Armor 0; Health 5; Initiative +2; Move 10 cold. Ice trolls regenerate 3 health at the end of every
Talents None round.
Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +0 (+0 total
damage; delay 9; second claw @ D3) Rock Troll
Abilities Bonus attack; greater regeneration Large Expert Troll 6 (D10)
Gear None DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 7
Treasure Normal ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 5
Pests in gardens and farmlands, these 2’ tall Armor 3; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 10
creatures burrow underground, stealing carrots, Talents Quick strike (delay –3)
radishes and potatoes. They are always hungry, and even Attacks 2 normal claws +6 (+10 total damage;
a small group of garden trolls can quickly destroy a large delay 8; second claw @ D8)
and prosperous garden. Garden trolls regenerate 1 Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; normal
health at the end of every round. regeneration
Gear None
Root Troll Treasure Normal
Small Apprentice Troll 1 (D6) Rock trolls are 8’ creatures commonly found in
DEX 4; MGT 2; PWS 5; STA 4 hills and mountains. They hate all creatures, and
ASP –2; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 3 especially hate wood trolls, whom they view as traitors
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +4; Move 10 to their own race. Rock trolls are thin and gaunt, with
Talents None elongated features and rubbery flesh. They dwell in all
Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +1 (+2 total wild lands, and all but the most extreme of climates.
damage; delay 9; second claw @ D4) Rock trolls regenerate 6 health at the end of every
Abilities Bonus attack; normal regeneration round.
Gear None
Treasure Normal Bog Troll
Nearly 3’ tall, root trolls dwell in burrows Large Master Troll 10 (D12)
beneath trees in woodlands, sneaking out at night to try DEX 11; MGT 6; PWS 9; STA 9
and steal pets and children. They are evil and malicious ASP –5; INT 8; REA 1; WIL 6
creatures, delighting in the suffering of others. They Armor 6; Health 134; Initiative +11; Move 10
especially hate gnomes. Root trolls regenerate 1 health Talents Quick strike (delay –4)
at the end of every round. Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +10 (+16 total
damage; delay 7; second claw @ D10)
Ice Troll Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; normal
Medium Adept Troll 3 (D8) regeneration; water breathing
DEX 5; MGT 3; PWS 6; STA 4 Gear None
ASP –3; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 3 Treasure Normal
Armor 1; Health 22; Initiative +5; Move 10 Bog trolls are 10’ tall monstrosities living in
Talents Quick strike (delay –2) marshes and fetid swamps, often lairing in caves at the
Attacks 2 normal claws +3 (+6 total damage; bottom of murky waters. They are equally at home above
delay 8; second claw @ D6) or below the water, and prefer to nest in places where
Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; immunity they can drag their victims. Bog trolls are exceptionally
(cold); normal regeneration cruel and cunning, and will establish elaborate traps to
Gear None lure their prey. Bog trolls regenerate 10 health at the end
Treasure Normal of every round.
Skeletal Minion
Medium Menial Undead (D4) Ghouls are undead creatures that inhabit ruins,
DEX 3; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 4 barrows, graveyards and catacombs, feasting on the
ASP –2; INT 2; REA 0; WIL 1 corpses of the dead. On a successful claw attack that
Armor 1; Health 6; Initiative +3; Move 10 deals damage, the ghoul forces its target to roll ASP (DT
Talents None 6) or lose 1 dice rank for 1 turn. This effect is cumulative,
Attacks Normal claw attack +0 and the same creature may be affected repeatedly. Those
(+0 total damage; delay 10) who are drained below D4 by a ghoul are killed, and will
Abilities Greater armor rise the next night as a ghoul. A spontaneous light spell
Gear None (DT 6) will reverse this effect. A ghoul exposed to direct
Treasure None sunlight suffers 3 points of damage per round.
Skeletal minions are the least of the undead: the
skeletons of common creatures animated to serve the Wight
purposes of evil. Skeletal minions are susceptible to Medium Expert Undead 6 (D10)
blunt weapons, and blunt weapons roll damage at one DEX 8; MGT 5; PWS 7; STA 7
dice rank higher. A skeletal minion exposed to direct ASP –5; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 6
sunlight suffers 1 point of damage per round. Armor 6; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 9
Talents Stealth (adept DT 14)
Zombie Attacks Normal claw attack +6
Medium Apprentice Undead 1 (D6) (+11 total damage; delay 10)
DEX 1; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 10 Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move;
ASP –2; INT 1; REA 0 (+1); WIL 5 normal undead drain
Armor 0; Health 13; Initiative +1; Move 11 Gear None
Talents None Treasure Normal
Attacks Greater claw attack +3 Wights are undead that roam cemeteries, tombs
(+4 total damage; delay 10) and catacombs. They hate living creatures, and will
Abilities Lesser impaired move (+1) attack them on sight. On a successful claw attack that
Gear None deals damage, the wight forces its target to roll ASP (DT
Treasure None 10) or lose 1 dice rank for 1 turn. This effect is
Zombies are animated corpses of dead human, cumulative, and the same creature may be affected
humanoid and demi-human creatures animated to serve repeatedly. Those who are drained below D4 by a wight
the purposes of evil. Zombies move slowly, but derive are killed, and will rise the next night as a wight. A
incredible strength and toughness from the unholy spontaneous light spell (DT 10) cast by an adept of light
energy that animates them. These automatons are only will reverse this effect. A wight exposed to direct
able to obey simple commands. A zombie exposed to sunlight suffers 6 points of damage per round.
direct sunlight suffers 1 point of damage per round.
Ghoul Medium Master Undead 10 (D12)
Medium Adept Undead 3 (D8) DEX 9; MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 9
DEX 6; MGT 3; PWS 6; STA 6 ASP –6; INT 7; REA 3; WIL 7
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 0 (+2); WIL 3 Armor 10; Health 134; Initiative +9; Move 10
Armor 3; Health 28; Initiative +6; Move 9 Talents Darkness (adept); stealth (expert DT 19)
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 9) Attacks Normal claw attack +10
Attacks Normal claw attack +3 (+14 total damage; delay 10)
(+6 total damage; delay 10) Abilities Normal armor; immunity (normal
Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move; weapons); lesser regeneration; normal
lesser undead drain undead drain
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater
A champion beast is the epitome of the physical
potential of the beast. To create a champion beast:
Add the RM to the base level given.
Add the RM to the beast’s PWS rating.
Add the RM to the beast’s STA rating.
Add the RM to the beast’s armor rating.
Add the RM to the beast’s base attack damage rating
with all physical attacks.
Increase health by a total equal to RM x (STA + RM
In addition, a champion beast receives RM free hero
points each turn to spend on arms talent action rolls.
A savant beast is born with an innate connection to
arcanum or psionics magic that makes it a dangerous
adversary. To create a savant beast:
• Add the RM to the base level given.
• Add the RM to the beast’s REA rating.
• Add the RM to the beast’s WIL rating.
• Take or increase existing arcanum -or- psionics
magic at a rank equal to the RM.
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA +
RM +2).
In addition, a savant beast receives RM free hero points
each turn to spend on resist rolls against any attack.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 109
Scout Gnoll Savant
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
A scout beast uses stealth and speed to hunt down foes DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
or surprise them from the shadows. ASP –3; INT 3; REA 3; WIL 6
• Add the RM to the beast’s DEX rating. Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +6; Move 10
• Add the RM to the beast’s INT rating. Talents Weapon access; psionics (adept)
• Take or increase existing stealth at a rank equal to Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
the RM. Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA + Gear Humanoid armor +3
RM +2). Treasure Normal
• Adjust initiative for the improved trait ratings. Gnoll savants are misunderstood and disliked
In addition, a scout beast receives RM free hero points by other gnolls, although wise leaders will find gnoll
each turn to spend on skill talent action rolls. savants within their tribes and place these creatures into
advisory positions. Gnoll savants have 2 hero points
available each turn to use to increase resist rolls made
Shaman against any attack.
A shaman beast uses a magical connection to nature or
unholy powers to support its allies and defeat its foes. Gnoll Scout
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
• Add the RM to the base level given.
DEX 8; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
• Add the RM to the beast’s INT and take wilding
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4
magic at a rank equal to the RM -or- add the RM to
Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +8; Move 10
the beast’s WIL and take deeping magic at a rank
Talents Weapon access; stealth (adept +5)
equal to the RM.
Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA + Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
RM). Gear Humanoid armor +3
• Adjust initiative for the improved trait ratings, as Treasure Normal
necessary. Gnolls scouts are used as assassins and hunters,
In addition, a shaman beast receives RM free hero even employed by gnoll chieftains against other gnolls
points each turn to spend on magic talent action rolls. that may seek to overthrow the current leader. Gnoll
scouts have 2 hero points available each turn to use to
Example: Gnoll Templates increase skill talent rolls.
While the citadel of the gnoll king is ruled over by a Gnoll Shaman
powerful gnoll of expert rank (since normal gnolls are Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
adept rank creatures), he is not the only beast of unusual DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
power. A handful of each of the following exceptional ASP –3; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4
creatures lives among the hundreds of normal gnolls: Armor 3; Health 31; Initiative +6; Move 10
Talents Weapon access; wilding (adept)
Gnoll Champion Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8) Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 8; STA 9 Gear Humanoid armor +3
ASP –3; INT 3; REA 1; WIL 4 Treasure Normal
Armor 5; Health 57; Initiative +6; Move 10 A gnoll shaman holds a place in gnoll society
Talents Weapon access second only to the chieftain, where often the word of the
Attacks Short spear +5 (+8 total damage; delay 11) shaman is law. A wise chieftain will make a strong ally of
Abilities Greater night vision (8 units) his shaman. Gnoll shamans have 2 hero points available
Gear Humanoid armor +3 each turn to use to increase magic talent action rolls.
Treasure Normal
Gnoll champions are especially respected, as
they exemplify prized gnoll qualities of toughness and
savagery. Gnoll champions have 2 hero points available
each turn to use to increase arms talent attack rolls.
Mass Combat
While the game primarily revolves around a small group of heroic characters taking on small or medium-sized bands
of foes, there may be times where the game world (or sections of it) becomes embroiled in a larger conflict, and the
heroes are pulled into this conflict. These rules allow Mythweavers to quickly resolve combat among larger forces.
Mass combat takes longer to complete than normal combat, with both time and distance measured differently.
• Total troops involved includes the total armies of both sides involved in the combat.
• Deployment size is the number of troops in a standard deployment for determining troop quality.
• Parcel size is the scale of the battlefield on which these forces meet.
• Phase length is the amount of time it takes to complete 1 full duration of mass combat. The more troops involved,
the longer it takes for combat to be resolved.
Steps to Mass Combat Resolution For example: a group of humanoids has met an army
1. Determine the mass combat rating of elves and gnomes on a field at the edge of the forest.
2. List all combatants by rank and type There are 425 humanoids and 200 elves/gnomes. The
3. Determine quality of each deployment total number of troops is 625, so this is a normal mass
4. Total the troop factors combat.
5. Consider other variables
6. Determine the actions of the heroes 2. List all combatants by rank and type
7. Make opposing influence rolls for the leaders
(including all modifiers) The humanoid force consists of:
8. Determine the results of the combat phase • 25 bugbears (.5 deployment)
9. Repeat previous steps as necessary • 50 gnolls (1 deployment)
10. Continue until one side is routed • 350 goblins (7 deployments)
The elf/gnome force consists of: The humanoid force (total bonus +14.5, rounded up to
• elf hunters receive +2 bonus (apprentices +1, good +15):
gear +1) • bugbears give a total of +3.5 (.5 x 7)
• gnome myrmidons receive +1 bonus (apprentices • gnolls give a total of +4 (1 x 4)
+1) • goblins give a total of +7 (7 x 1)
• elf defenders receive +7 (adepts +3, exceptional
gear +2, adept magic +2) The elf/gnome force (total bonus +12):
• elf hunters give a total of +3 (1 x 3)
• gnome myrmidons give a total of +5 (2.5 x 2)
• elf defenders give a total of +4 (.5 x 8)
Rank Burden Cost for Pack Animal Cost for Combat Animal Example
Menial 50 lbs. 1 gold 5 gold Dog/ War Dog
Apprentice 250 lbs. 3 gold 15 gold Mule or War Pony
Adept 500 lbs. 10 gold 50 gold Light Horse
Expert 1,00o lbs. 30 gold 150 gold Heavy Horse
Pack animals may be used to travel from place to place or to help carry gear, but will not enter combat or dangerous
conditions. Combat animals are trained for battle, and will allow the rider to carry them into a battle or dangerous
Type Cost Move Durability Notes
Cart 10 gold +2 10/20 Two-wheel vehicle pulled by a single steed.
Carries up t0 4 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Wagon 30 gold +2 15/30 Four-wheel vehicle pulled by two steeds.
Carries up 8 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Canoe 25 gold 10 10/20 Holds up to 4 medium-sized creatures or comparable gear.
Boat, River 1,000 8 10/100 Averages 20’ long.
gold Holds up to 10 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, Small 2,500 6 20/200 Averages 40’ long.
gold Holds up to 25 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, 5,000 6 25/250 Averages 60’ long.
Medium gold Holds up to 50 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, Large 10,000 6 30/300 Averages 100’ long.
gold Holds up to 100 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Move for carts and wagons is based on the move of the creature pulling +2. A creature with a move of 6 pulling a cart
has a move of 8.
Sample Construction
As a level 10 myrmidon, you decide to build a small fort
in the wilderness, and claim the area as its lord. You will
construct a small, squat tower of expert rank. It will
When Can Heroes Build Bases?
have the following attributes:
• The outer walls will be 5’ thick, and the inner walls The answer is whenever they can afford it. For example,
will be 1’ thick. The entire tower is 40’ wide on all an adept hunter may build a small wood-frame home as
sides, and is 20’ tall. an adept. This is constructed of adept rank materials,
• The entire exterior comprises 32 units (4 units wide consisting of a simple, one-room cabin in the wild, a
x 2 units tall x 4 for the number of sides). Each day’s travel from Gryphon Watch Keep at the fringes of
section of wall is 5’ thick, so the cost is 5x the listed Fangwood.
cost for 1’ thick walls, or 100 gold per unit, for a total By the time he advances to expert, he has saved
cost of 3,200 gold just for the outer walls, as they up enough gold to build a palisade wall (also of wood)
are so thick. around the cabin, leaving a large yard. He builds a
• There will be 10 units of interior wall. This is the wooden tower at the entrance, hiring four menial guards
normal cost for stone walls (as these are 1’ thick) for to keep watch over the area. After earning expert rank,
a total cost of 200 gold. he makes an alliance with Gryphon Watch Keep,
• There will be a total of 16 units of flooring (4 units x founding his own stronghold. He entices a merchant
4 units) separating the first and second floors. These from the keep to move here to oversee trading of animal
will be made of wood, and this will cost a total of skins from trappers frequenting the woods.
240 gold. As he progresses to master, he is given a
• There will be a total of 16 units of roofing (4 units x sanction by the allied guilds of the area to take the title
4 units) on top of the tower. This will be made of of High Sheriff of Fangwood. He is granted authority
stone, and will cost a total of 480 gold. over the whole wood and is asked to oversee all
• There will be a single wooden staircase between lumbering and trapping that happens anywhere in the
levels (ascending 10’) and this will be made of wood, entire forest. By this point, his keep has expanded to
costing 15 gold. include a second wall (this one sturdier and taller than
• There will be four interior doors, each normal. This the first), and his keep has a permanent population of
will cost 40 gold. 50 human traders and woodsmen, along with 25 full-
• The exterior door is reinforced, costing 25 gold. time guards under his command (see the next page for
Henchmen Loyalty
Henchmen are close confidants or lieutenants. A Henchmen have a loyalty rating, which is a bonus or
henchman is a heroic character (with hero points) who penalty applied to morale rolls made by the henchman.
is controlled by the player of the hero as an additional Loyalty starts at 0, but increases or decreases based on
character. The following rules govern henchmen: how the henchman is treated. Loyalty will rarely move
more than 1 point during any single adventure. Loyalty
• You must be at least level 3 (adept rank) to take on a will never be better than +10, and never lower than –10.
henchman, and have influence skill talent of • Loyalty increases +1 if you do any of the following:
apprentice or better. give your henchman a special reward beyond the
• To take on a henchman, you must spend hero usual 10% treasure; take a risk on behalf of your
points. For every hero point you spend, the henchman; go out of your way to protect or aid your
henchman starts with 10 hero points. For example, henchman.
if you spend 5 hero points to get a henchman, he • Loyalty decreases –1 if you do any of the following:
starts with 50 hero points (starting at level 3 with no put your henchman in the way of unnecessary harm;
banked hero points). You may spend no more hero are especially stingy in sharing your treasures; allow
points than your current level. If you are level 9, you your henchman to suffer or face danger with no
may spend up to 9 hero points to get a henchman, concern for his well being.
and he or she will start with up to 90 hero points
(beginning at level 4). Hirelings
• A henchman starts with gear worth a gold value
equal to his total hero points. A henchman built on Hirelings are secondary characters who are controlled
50 hero points also has 50 gold worth of gear when by the Mythweaver. These characters do not earn hero
you hire him (or her). points and will not go along with the hero on his
• A henchman earns half as many hero points as you adventures. Hirelings are typically employed by the hero
do. These points are not taken from the hero points to serve as part of the staff in a base of operations.
you earn, but for every hero point you earn, the Hirelings are competent and loyal, but will not take
henchman (assuming he or she took part in the exceptional risks on behalf of the hero. Hirelings are not
encounter) earns half of a hero point. Although your available of better than level 9, and in no case will a
henchman will always be several levels behind you, hireling work for a hero of lower level than the hireling.
by the time you achieve level 20, your henchman
will likely be level 13 or 14, and a capable combatant. Hireling Level Cost Per Month for Upkeep
• A henchman is built like a heroic character, using all Menial 1 gold
of the same rules and allowed to earn and spend 1 3 gold
hero points. 2 6 gold
• You may have no more henchmen at one time than 3 10 gold
the RM of your influence. If you are an expert of 4 15 gold
influence, you may have up to 3 henchmen. 5 20 gold
• A henchman must always have an ASP within 2 6 35 gold
points of your ASP. If you have an ASP of 1, your 7 50 gold
henchman’s ASP must be between –1 and 3. 8 75 gold
• If a henchman dies, he or she is not automatically 9 100 gold
replaced. You may take on a new henchman to
replace the fallen comrade, but you must spend hero Pupils
points again to do so.
• Your henchman expects you to share treasure you Once you establish a permanent base of operations (of
earn with him. You must give at least 10% of all any size), you may choose to attract a number of pupils
treasure you earn to each henchman you have. to study under you.
• The henchman has to roll morale (see rules for
morale on page 24) in especially dangerous The following rules govern pupils:
circumstances. This morale roll is made normally, • You must be at least expert rank (level 6+) to attract
adjusted by the henchman’s loyalty (see below). pupils.
Even if a henchman fails a WIL roll for morale, the • The number of pupils you attract is the result of an
henchman will return after 1 full turn, and continue influence roll (level die +WIL + influence bonus).
in your service.
Communities, like other objects in the game, have a rating. The rating of a community tells you several things about it.
Community Ranks
Rank Sample Typical Population Typical Nobles Typical Guards Maximum Value
Menial Settlement Up to 99 Apprentice Menial 10 gold
Apprentice Hamlet 100-299 Adept Level 1 50 gold
Adept Village 300-999 Expert Level 2 100 gold
Expert Town 1,000-2,999 Master Level 3 250 gold
Master City 3,000-9,999 Paragon Level 4 500 gold
Paragon Metropolis 10,000+ Legendary Level 5 1,000 gold
*Maximum value is the total amount of money that any one merchant may have to purchase things from the heroes, or
the total value of objects normally for sale in the community.
In addition, each community has a rank of lesser, The heroes stop in Jurris’ Crossing to rest and
normal or greater: recover between adventures. Jurris’ Crossing is a normal
town, an expert rank community. This means that
A lesser community: Jurris’ Crossing is ruled by a master rank character (the
• Has one guard for every 25 residents. lord mayor is level 10-14) as are important figures in the
• Has nobles/guards and makes rolls at one rank town (the high priest of the temple is also level 10-14).
lower. The typical guard here is level 3. Jurris’ Crossing has a
population of 1,500 and therefore has 75 active
A normal community: members of the militia. The heroes decide to sell some
• Has one guard for every 20 residents. of the loot they have recovered from their adventures.
They have no trouble selling their apprentice and adept
A greater community: rank gems and jewelry (since these are all far below the
• Has one guard for every 15 residents. rank of the town), but when they present the grand
• Has nobles/guards and makes rolls at rank higher. master rank diadem they recovered from the tomb of the
vampire they recently defeated, the jeweler does a
A DT roll is made any time the heroes attempt to do double take. The DT of this merchant having sufficient
something unusual in the community. The level die of money to purchase this from the heroes is 12 (the DT for
the appropriate rank is rolled against the DT of the a master rank action). Since this is a normal expert
action or situation. community, D10 is rolled to see if the jeweler has
sufficient money on hand to make a reasonable offer. A
Examples: 4 is rolled on the die, and he tells them to try back next
The heroes travel to Beldin Mere in search of a month. He’d love to have the jewel, but simply cannot
paragon sword for the party’s myrmidon. Beldin Mere is afford to purchase it from the heroes right now.
a greater metropolis, a paragon rank community. This
means that Beldin Mere is ruled by a legendary In Play:
character (level 20), and that the typical guard is level 6. • If you are looking for common supplies like torches
Beldin Mere has 17,000 residents. Since there is one and rope, the trading post in a settlement might be
guard for every 15 residents, Beldin Mere boasts an able to help you.
impressive standing militia of over 1,000 well-trained • If you want to purchase a new suit of leather armor
dwarven guards. For the heroes to find an enchanted +4, you might be able to find it in a hamlet.
great sword of +15 rating or better (a paragon magical • If you are looking for an adept potion, you might be
item) here, they may have some luck finding it. The DT able to track it down in a village, but you’ll have
of finding a paragon rank item is 16, but since this is a better odds in a town.
greater paragon city, the roll is made with a D20. On a • The blacksmith in a normal town is going to have a
roll of 16 or better, the heroes find a merchant who is in wide assortment of apprentice weapons and armor,
possession of a paragon rank enchanted great sword.
Designing a Cave Among guard has refused to help or report this to his superiors,
the Crags of Chaos and the boy fears that no one will help save his friend.
The Real Story:
Each cave among the Crags of Chaos has D10 chambers There is no friend. The boy is a young thief who
within. The majority of the caves are apprentice rank tried to steal from the hobgoblins of the gorge and was
areas, holding minor beasts and creatures. Some are caught. Rather than having him killed, the hobgoblin
adept rank areas while a handful are expert rank. Any chief made him an offer: find a way to wipe out the rat
threat of greater than expert rank is immediately weren that the hobgoblins are feuding with, and the
recognized by the local militia, and a team will be hobgoblins will pay him 5 gold coins. Since this is more
dispatched to deal with this threat. Threats of apprentice money than he has ever seen, he gladly took the offer,
and adept rank are considered beneath the notice of the fabricating this story to get the keep to send a force to
larger forces at work here, and the keep’s leaders are wipe out the rats. It didn’t work (obviously), and so he
quite willing to let bands of adventuring heroes plumb will try to get the heroes to do this for him.
the depths of these caves to help keep the populations of
evil creatures at bay. Note: Gim has the statistics of a goblin footling, but with
no night vision and +1 to DEX.
Into the Gorge:
An Introductory Adventure Getting There:
The gorge is one hour’s travel from the keep.
This adventure is included for new heroes first starting From the main road east, a narrow footpath winds down
on their way. It is designed for a group of 3-5 apprentice a stony embankment to arrive at the rocky bottom. From
rank (level 1) characters. By the time they complete this the top of the opposite bank, the heroes can see the
adventure, the heroes should be adept rank (level 3). expanse of the gorge to the east. Gim will take them as
This adventure ends with a hook to lead the heroes into far as to the top of the shallow gorge, pointing out the
an extended exploration of a lost dungeon, and the first location of the entrance to the rat cave (D). He will tell
level of this dungeon is included in the next section. This them not to waste time, and that the evil rats must have
adventure starts with the heroes perusing the goods in his friend. He will also warn them not to investigate the
the marketplace of Gryphon Watch Keep. other caves, as they could hold great danger.
1. Skeletal Guards
The entrance to the cave is watched over by 3
skeletal minions. They appear to be hanging inert on the
wall; any creature entering the cave (3 units from where
they hang) will cause them to animate and attack. They
have no treasure. The secret door on the northern wall
here requires a DT 8 INT roll to discover. It is not locked
or trapped. This is a lesser encounter worth 1 hero point.
2. Spider Chamber
The door to this chamber is locked (DT 8 to pick
or force). The floor of this chamber is covered in a thick
coating of dried blood. The chamber is the home of a
tomb creeper spider. This creature is hiding over the
northern doorway, and will drop on the first character to
enter the room (attempting to use its stealth to surprise,
taking a free action against an unprepared target). There
is nothing else of value in the room. This is a normal
encounter worth 5 hero points.
3. Hall of Excavation
The acolyte has his zombies working here to dig
up the floor. From either door, the sounds of picks and
shovels clang loudly in the chamber. As long as some
effort is made, the heroes will easily surprise the 5
zombies here. These zombies will drop their digging
implements and fight the heroes as soon as they are
aware of the heroes’ presence. If the heroes have not
defeated the acolyte already, he will hear fighting from
room 4, and will enter at the end of the second round of
This is a greater encounter worth 8 hero points. New Residents (Roll D10)
Roll New Residents of the Area
7. Secret Chamber 1-2 No new residents. The caves are as the heroes
The hobgoblin chief is the only one aware of the left them.
existence of this chamber. In the middle of the floor is a 3 A group of five gnolls has been sent by
10’ wide stone circle carved with all manner of runes and Amethyst Darkenhold to check on Pellin’s
sigils. Eight grooves run through the circle, dividing it progress, and found him dead (or at least the
into eight equal segments (like a pie). He has spent some remains of his camp). They were able to follow
time in here trying to figure out what these things mean a trail here, and are now at the circle, trying to
or what this could be for, but has been unsuccessful in open it. They haven’t reported their findings
solving the mystery. He has scribbled several journals of yet to Amethyst, but will if any survive a fight.
notes trying to unlock its secrets. 4 Jellosik Sillin of the Bloody Knuckles has been
doing some solo exploring, and finds this cave.
A successful lore roll (DT 10) will reveal that the He is making notes about what he’s found for
runes and sigils are all ancient symbols for the his group when the heroes return.
moon. 5 A great constrictor snake has wandered in.
A successful burglary +REA roll (DT 10) will reveal 6 A rock troll has decided this would make an
that the whole thing is a mechanical device, that the excellent home, and has begun to decorate with
‘pie pieces’ will pull away once activated, and that his collection of dwarven skulls.
there is something underneath this circle. 7 A disciplined and well-organized group of 20
goblins has set up a base of operations here,
Exploring the rough-hewn ceiling of the setting up new lures and traps, developing a
chamber will reveal on a successful INT roll (DT 10) that strong defensive strategy to repel attackers.
one of the stones in the ceiling is loose. This stone is a 8 A darken wolf has come from the neighboring
façade, constructed with a corkscrew at one end. forest and is scavenging for rats and small
Turning the stone counter-clockwise several rotations snakes to eat.
will allow it to be removed, revealing a narrow (1’ wide 9 A tomb creeper spider has come here to make
and 10’ high) shaft that goes out into the open air above. its nest… not only is mommy here (with 35
If this is left open (the stone kept out), the health), but she has twelve babies (statistics as
heroes will see something remarkable if they wait some ant workers) who will swarm upon the heroes.
time. At exactly midnight, the moon aligns directly over 10 2 cockatrices lair here. The heroes may be
this hole, casting a narrow beam of pure moonlight on warned of their presence by the new statues of
the center of the circle. This will activate the mechanism a goblin at the front of the cave, and the
to open it, and the whole grinds loudly as the eight collection of rat statues in the main hallway.
pieces recess to reveal a circular pit dropping into the
darkness. The process of opening the pit takes one full Of course, if the heroes were foolish enough to leave the
turn. When this opens, the heroes have only one turn to false rock out and allow moonlight in, anything could
go inside, since the pit remains open for only 1 turn. have escaped from or traveled into the halls below.
Once the moonlight ends, the pit will begin to close Lastly, if the heroes speak openly about what they have
again (taking another full turn). Any creatures or objects found, more than a few people in the keep will be
caught in the wedges of the circle as it comes together interested. Before long, there will be a line out the door
will be cut, crushed or severed. Ropes will snap, limbs trying to get into the halls below and gather their lost
will be cut off, and a creature halfway into the pit will be wealth…
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 128
The Dungeons of Adlig Tor
This dungeon adventure is included to give an example of an extended adventure, as well as to provide samples of
encounters, traps and treasures for you to develop your own adventures. This dungeon lies beneath the entryway
located in chamber 7 of the hobgoblins caves (Area F, above). Once the hero group discovers this entrance, they can
return again and again to plumb the depths of the newly-discovered dungeon complex, a sprawling series of levels
descending deep into the darkness.
The heroes enter this dungeon either to simply explore a new area, or specifically to destroy the darkness gate
in area 10. As the heroes explore, they may learn more about this gate and its function.
Dungeon Rank
The dungeon is designed for four characters of adept rank (level 3).
Area Encounters
The bulk of areas on the map are unmarked, left for you to fill in as desired. You may put specific encounters you
devise in an area, or you may roll to see what is in a particular area. Roll D10 for each area to see what it holds:
Random Encounter Types (roll D10 any time a beast encounter happens to determine beast type)
Roll Type Menial Apprentice Adept Master
1-2 Darken Beast Darkling Rats Darkling Jackals Darkling Badgers Darken Wolves
3-4 Dread Insect Ant Workers Hornets Tomb Creepers Night Hunters
5 Humanoid Goblins Hobgoblins Gnolls Bugbears
6 Mythical Serpent Mud Adders Fire Snakes Midnight Asps Great Constrictors
7-9 Undead Skeletal Minions Zombies Ghouls Wights
10 Weren Frog Weren Rat Weren Troglodytes Boar Weren
* Each of these encounters has the normal chances for treasure by creature type.
Special Areas & Features of Del Anon • Ephemeral forests dampen darkness magic,
imposing a +3 penalty to using darkness magic,
There are several specialized areas and features of the increasing the DT of all darkness magic rolls by 3
lands of Del Anon. These are outlined below. points.
Some areas are magically attuned to support or reinforce Only the thinnest tethers connect Del Anon to other
a specific type of magic. For example, a forest of ‘good’ lands, and some sages have suggested that, in the
may support light magic (giving a bonus to wielders of Splintered Realm as it now exists, Del Anon lies near the
light magic) of +1 to +3, depending on the comparative farthest edges of existence. Direct ties to other lands,
strength of the area. A woodland with a magical specifically gates into Pandemonium or Valhalla
attunement to light +2 grants all light casters a bonus of directly, are not likely to exist. However, there are
+2 to all action and result rolls when using light magic. several gates into the Ethereal Realm (the nexus
Often, a magically attuned area is also magic dampening connecting all realities, see below) and to several Pocket
against the opposite effect. Realms.
Some areas are magically energized to dampen the The ethereal is an amorphous, misted limbo: a place
effectiveness of a specific type of magic. For example, a with no true up or down, north or south. The ethereal
forest of good may inhibit the use of darkness magic exists beyond the reach of time or measurement (in
(providing a penalty to wielders of darkness magic in the terms of how humans understand such terms). The
form of increased DTs) of +1 to +3, depending on the ethereal acts as a limitless sea connecting all realms, but
comparative strength of the area. A woodland with also has native creatures and cities of its own, most
magical dampening to darkness +2 penalizes all notably of the City of the Messari (a race of evil psionic
darkness casters by increasing the DT of all action rolls creatures).
by +2 when using darkness magic. Often, a magic Navigating the ephemeral realm takes great
dampening area is also magically attuned against the willpower. A character entering the ethereal realm for
opposite effect. the first time must make a WIL roll (DT 10). Success
indicates that the character is able to navigate through
Ephemeral Forests the ethereal realm. Failure indicates that the character
becomes confused and disoriented, wandering aimlessly
An ephemeral forest is a woodland that was part of the for D4 hours, allowed another roll at the end of this
nearly limitless faerie realm of Arvandor, but during the time, but likely lost and unable to find his way back to
Great Reckoning the forest was ripped from its home the original starting point. If the character fails three
realm and merged with what is now Del Anon. The such rolls in a row, or if the character botches the
Grandwood (the ephemeral forest of the Eastern navigation roll, that character is hopelessly lost in the
Reaches) is a sentient creature, a collective ethereal realm and only the intervention of others will
consciousness that seeks to aid its native inhabitants prevent the character from wandering aimlessly forever.
and to impede those who stand in opposition. All Once this check is successful, that character may always
ephemeral forests share the following characteristics: navigate the ethereal.
• Ephemeral forests may only be successfully A character traveling in the ethereal realm need
navigated by creatures of fay blood, including elves, only focus on his or her desired destination and begin
brownies, gnomes, half elves, and related creatures traveling. Eventually, the character will arrive, although
(the fay, pixies, centaurs, fauns, dryads, unicorns). the distance between locations in the ethereal realm is
inconstant, and a journey that required several hours
• Creatures of fay blood receive +RM to all nature skill
one time may take a matter of minutes another time, but
talent rolls while within the forest. All other
may require several days of travel on a subsequent trek.
creatures (not of fay blood) make all nature rolls at
A creature’s movement rate is equal to 15–WIL. A
+20 to the DT while within the forest, and are likely
character with WIL 4 travels through the ethereal realm
to become hopelessly lost within its borders.
at move 11. A creature with WIL 12+ has a move of 3
• Ephemeral forests are magically attuned to light
while within the ethereal realm. Bonuses to move do not
magic, granting a +3 bonus to action and result rolls
apply in the ethereal realm.
when using light magic.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 132
Ethereal skiffs are boats constructed to traverse realms may be found anywhere, and the residents of
the ethereal realm. Such vessels are driven by a single such realms are often anxious to be freed from their
captain, who uses his or her WIL to determine the perceived prisons or to conquer new lands. Pocket
vessel’s move, at the same movement rates as individual realms are likely to be magically attuned, and are often
travel. composed entirely of a single elemental energy (for
example, fire), of darkness energy (known as a Shadow
Pocket Realms Land), of a particular creature (a pocket realm that is
composed of a massive maze ruled entirely by
Pocket realms are smaller splinters of reality created minotaurs), or of unusual creatures and situations. For
during the Great Reckoning. While hundreds of other example, a pocket realm may have a yellow brick road
lands comparable to Del Anon exist with their own leading to a powerful wizard who can provide transport
kingdoms, empires, regions and factions, a pocket realm home, but which is ruled by an evil witch subjugating all
is a small piece of a realm - a single castle, a mountain, a creatures, including an offshoot race of brownies,
patch of forest – that has been isolated and cast adrift animated scarecrows and talking humanoid lions.
from other realities. Such pocket realms often contain a Escaping from a pocket realm once trapped
single type of creature, and are often lorded over by a there is often as difficult as finding your way to the
single ruler. Pocket realms can pose a threat to the realm to begin with.
safety of the people of Del Anon, since gates to pocket
Judah’s Journal:
The dwarves of Beldin Mere are a hardy,
boisterous lot. They enjoy strong drink and loud song,
but value hard work and practical employ. They are
suspicious of the fay, which they consider both
untrustworthy and ‘soft’, but are open to trading with
humans. They bear great resentment against orks, and
an ork in their city will be eyed with suspicion, the
target of whispered insults if not open assault.
One of the more famous landmarks in Beldin
Mere is the Inn of the 99 Ears. This huge inn can
accommodate over 250 visitors a night. Its most
notable feature is the collection of ears of 99 bog trolls
that adorn the walls. Each night, these ears are singed
to keep them from regenerating (which they
eventually would, becoming bog trolls over the course
of several days). The smell of the burning ears wafts
for up to several miles around the city, and has proven Judah’s Journal:
to be an incredibly effective troll repellent, as the trolls I’ve never been to and never plan to enter the
of the region rarely travel within a league of the city. Citadel of Bronze. While some whisper of a Fire
Sorcerer stronghold deep within the citadel, I believe
Caligin Forest such rumors to be fact, and I am certain that Chandar
the Archmage spends his days in the heart of the
The Caligin Forest is sprawling and wild woodland, the citadel plotting against the other people of the realm.
most untamed of all such woodlands in Del Anon. The Less certain is the exact nature of the elemental fire
Caligin Forest is the home to several factions of druidic that consumes this citadel, although the most likely
orders, some very peaceful but others quite militant. explanation is that the citadel rests atop, or may in
fact be, a conduit into a realm of elemental flame.
Judah’s Journal:
The Caligin Forest is a pristine and virgin Dreadwood Mire
woodland, the most ancient such forest in all of Del
Anon. Before the Great Reckoning, it rested at the far This massive swamp of over 20,000 square miles is the
edges of the lands of man, and only in the last handful home to the most vile and nefarious of creatures. The
of centuries have civilized cultures sent campaigns entire bog is attuned to darkness magic, granting a +3
into the forest to explore. These have returned with bonus to action and result rolls of all creatures using
tales of ancient barbaric cultures and massive stone darkness magic, and is also enchanted to dampen light
temples deep in the heart of the forest, many magic, imposing a penalty of +3 to the DTs of all light
containing untold treasures. casting rolls.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 135
Dreadwood Mire teems with undead (and far Judah’s Journal:
worse) creatures, and is known to hold at least a dozen I spend a great deal of time in Fangwood, and I
magical gates to pocket realms of evil within its vast am constantly surprised by how thick the small
expanse. Some believe that a gateway into the heart of woodland is with malicious creatures; in the last two
Pandemonium itself lies within the mire, although such winters alone I have battled two tribes of werewolves,
a gate would be guarded by nearly immortal evil and a small bandit army, a clan of bugbears and dozens of
would be virtually unassailable by the forces of good. spiders. While I suspect (and continue to search for)
an evil gate of some kind hidden deep in the forest, I
Judah’s Journal: have yet to uncover one. I suspect that some larger
I am intimately familiar with Dreadwood Mire, force or object continues to draw these creatures into
having spent a decade imprisoned in one of the many the wood, but the source continues to elude me.
dens of evil within its margins. The mire is home to all
manner of evil entities, and I suspect its dark recesses Grandwood Forest
hold even more awful and powerful beasts than have
thus been encountered by the men of the realm. The Grandwood is an ephemeral forest, the largest such
Dreadwood Mire is certainly a conduit to many forest in the realm of Del Anon. The Grandwood Forest
shadow realms, and more expeditions of noble is considered by its residents a unique and independent
adventurers have disappeared within the dark horizon realm and rules itself as such. There are two major cities
of the mire than have returned. Those that do return within the Grandwood Forest: the City of the Moon, and
bring far more tales of woe and suffering than they do the City of Rahl Estra.
riches or wealth. The City of the Moon is also called the
It is likely that the strongholds of a number of “Forbidden City”, and fay creatures restrict entrance to
very powerful creatures lie within the mire, most pureblood fay only. Even half elves are restricted from
notably that of the Shadow Dragon King Darksihde. entering this city, which the creatures of this region
consider pure and untainted by outside influences. By
Evermist River contrast, the City of Rahl Estra serves as the means for
the fay to interact with the rest of the realm (see entry
The Evermist River starts in the northeastern corner of for Rahl Estra on page 138).
the continent (near the eastern edge of the Iron Ridge The Grandwood Forest is the home to a wide
Mountains) and runs into and through the Grandwood range of flora and fauna unique to this woodland and
Forest. found nowhere else in Del Anon, making this a favorite
place for alchemists and naturalists to gather raw
Judah’s Journal: materials for their potions, salves and ointments.
If ever a physical feature were appropriately
named, it is the Evermist River. This cold, slow- Judah’s Journal:
moving river is constantly shrouded in a thick fog that The entirety of the Grandwood has a dreamlike,
envelopes the river and also extends through the ethereal quality. The forest is strictly and tightly under
valley it has cut into the heart of the Iron Ridge the control of the fay, and few other creatures frequent
Mountains. The mountains loom greatly on both sides these woods. Travelers not of fay blood should be
of the narrow passage through the rock, but the banks wary, as even though the fay are generally good-
of the river teem with all manner of evil humanoid natured, those in the deeper parts of the wood will
creature. Travel along the river is exceedingly waylay travelers whom they see as a threat, and these
dangerous. The river averages nearly 30’ deep in most travelers may quickly meet a violent end or be
places, although sections of rapids and shallows magically (and unwillingly) bound to serve a fay
inhibit any regular traffic by larger boats. master.
The Evermist River is important as the point of
entry for visitors to the fay city of Rahl Estra, and only Gryphon Watch Keep
boat travel from the eastern edges of the wood to the
city are possible for any non-fay, as all other travel Gryphon Watch, although a small keep, has become an
into the forest is invariably doomed to leaving the important landmark along the trade routes through the
traveler hopelessly lost, his fate in the hands of the fay. east, as it sits at a pivotal point along the main trade
artery running from east to west. Gryphon Watch Keep
Fangwood is covered in detail on pages 120–123.
Divine Intervention
Each hero may choose a patron demigod or
demigoddess. This is the deity to whom the hero
declares allegiance, and to whom the hero gives
worship and offers sacrifices.
A hero may ask for divine intervention
once per week. Calling for divine intervention
requires the hero to use a hero point to make the
roll. The DT of the roll depends on how faithful
the hero has been to both the deity and to the
tenets of the faith, as determined by the
Mythweaver. A character may not attempt to roll
for divine intervention until at least adept rank
(level 3), as before this time his or her actions are
beneath the notice of the gods. Chosen humans
receive their racial bonus to this roll, as the gods
tend to be more interested in the affairs of
humans than of any other race. The way in which
the deity intervenes is up to the Mythweaver, but
could include such aid as casting a paragon spell
on behalf of the hero or sending a paragon
creature to help the hero for 1 turn.
Skills Talents Rank Linked Trait Total Bonus DT to Resist Other Abilities
Athletics DEX
Burglary PWS
Influence WIL
Lore REA
Nature INT
Stealth DEX
Ongoing Effects
Character/Creature Short-Term Effect Round Started Round Ending
Initiative Results
Character/Creature Round _____ Round _____ Round _____ Round _____
Beast Name:
Size Rank Type Level
Armor Health Initiative Move
Talent Progression
Rank Maximum Level Bonus
Apprentice +3
Adept +6
Expert +10
Master +15
Paragon No Limit
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 156
Adventuring Equipment
Costs are listed in silver (s), gold (g) or mithril (m). 100 silver = 10 gold = 1 mithril.
Item Cost Description
Ammo Case/Quiver 5s Holds 30 pieces of ammunition (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Ammunition 1s 10 pieces of ammunition for a missile weapon (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Backpack 5s Holds up to 10,000 coins or comparable gear.
Belt Pouch 2s Holds up to 1,000 coins or comparable gear.
Climbing Spikes 3g Grant +5 to climbing skill rolls. Take 1 turn to put on or take off.
Cloak, Common 1s A simple, homespun woolen cloak.
Cloak, Good 1g A quality cloak of everyday materials made by a tailor or seamstress.
Cloak, Fine 1m A high quality cloak of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Clothing, Common 2s Simple, homespun woolen clothes.
Clothing, Good 2g Quality clothing of everyday material made by a tailor or seamstress.
Clothing, Fine 2m High quality clothing of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Crowbar 5s Allows you to double your MGT rating when making athletics MGT skill rolls to
force doors or locks.
Flint and Steel 3s Allows you to start a fire without making a nature skill roll.
Grappling Hook 1g Allows you to affix a rope to a remote hook point. Thrown as a weapon.
Instrument Var. An instrument may cost as little as 1 silver (a wood flute) to as much as 100 mithril
(a jeweled harp).
Iron Spike 1s Used to wedge doors open or traps closed.
Lantern 1g A lantern burns for up to 8 hours, casting light in a U+1 AOE or up to 3 units in a
focused beam (takes one standard action to change focus).
Lantern Oil 1s Sufficient oil for a torch to burn for 24 hours (3 full applications of oil).
Meal, Common 1s A simple tavern meal, for example bread and cheese.
Meal, Good 3s A good tavern meal, for example stew and bread.
Meal, Fine 1g A fine tavern meal, for example roast pheasant and salted potatoes.
Mirror 1g A metal, hand-sized mirror.
Rope, Common 3s This 50’ length of rope can support up to 600 lbs.
Rope, Good 1g This 50’ length of rope can support up to 2,000 lbs.
Provisions, 2s Simple dry rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Provisions, Good 1g Quality rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Saddle 3g A leather saddle for a mount.
Tool Kit, Lesser 1g A simple set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 16.
Tool Kit, Normal 3g An expanded set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 24.
Tool Kit, Greater 10 g A complete set of picks and tools. Allows all burglary skill talent checks.
Torch 1s Burns for up to 1 hour, casting light in a U+1 AOE. Torches come bundled in sets of
10 torches for 1 silver.
Vial, Glass 5s Holds 1 dose of a potion, poison or holy/unholy water.
Water Skin 3s Holds 1 gallon of fluid (typically wine or water).
Melee Weapons
Rank Base Rating Delay Common Weapons of this Rating
Apprentice 1-3 10 Hand axe, light javelin, short sword
Adept 4-6 11 Medium axe, mace, light flail, short spear, long sword
Expert 7-10 12 Battle axe, war hammer, horseman’s flail, broad sword
Master 11-15 13 War axe, morning star, war spear, war sword
Paragon 16-20 14 Great axe, maul, great spear, great sword
Missile Weapons
Rank Rating Sling Range Bow Range Crossbow Range
Apprentice 1-3 2 units 3 units 4 units
Adept 4-6 3 units 4 units 5 units
Expert 7-10 4 units 5 units 6 units
Master 11-15 -- 6 units 7 units
Paragon 16-20 -- 7 units 8 units
Signature Moves
Move What It Does Usable Limitations
Armor Reduces the armor rating of the target by a number of points equal Axes Does not affect
Piercing to your RM. Natural armor is ripped or rent, while worn armor has Foils creatures with 0
straps cut or bindings severed. Repairing broken armor takes 1 armor rating; will
turn. Natural armors recover at the end of 1 full turn. not reduce armor
below 0.
Blood Continues to deal damage after your initial strike. The target takes Blades Only affects
Letter bleeding damage equal to your level every round, for a number of Piercing blooded living
rounds equal to your RM. targets.
Disarm Forces the target to drop a weapon, shield, wand, or other held Flails Only affects targets
item, casting the item D4 units away. Determine direction rolling Foils holding an item
D12 and visualizing a clock (12 is directly ahead of you, 6 directly (weapon, shield,
behind you). wand, etc.).
Focused You add your level x2 to the subsequent damage roll. (for example, Any None.
Strike a level 9 character adds +18 to the damage roll if this is a normal
or greater rank move).
Impair Gives all creatures fighting the target a bonus to resist rolls against Axes Does not affect
Attack physical attacks made by that target. The bonus is equal to your Piercing magical attacks.
RM, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your RM.
Impede Slows the target, imposing a penalty to all action delays (including Missile None.
Reaction move) equal to your RM for a number of rounds equal to your Blunt
Stunning The target is stunned by your attack, suffering a delay (in total Blunt None.
Strike segments) to its next action equal to your level. This will carry over Flails
between rounds.
Weaken Gives all attackers a bonus equal to your RM with all physical Blades Does not affect
Defenses attack actions against this target, for a number of rounds equal to Missile magical attacks.
your RM.