Mythweaver 2nd Edition

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Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm

Fantasy Role-Playing Game

Second Edition

All contents © 2008 Michael T. Desing

Play Tester Credits: Thanks to the following for their significant contributions to the work herein:
Raymond Belair, James Bogue, Mary Desing, Warren Henderson, David Kot, Heather Kot,
Michael Kotch, Serena Kotch, Zachary Kotch, Lev Lafayette, Nathan Morgan and Mike Towne

Permission is granted to copy pages 153-159 for personal use

Published by Teddy Bear Press
P.O. Box 866, West Seneca, New York 14224-0866
[email protected]

ISBN 978-0-557-00911-4

Table of Contents
Introduction.............................2 Chapter Five: Running the
A Brief History Game as Mythweaver ............. 55 Chapter Seven: Campaigns .... 111
of the Splintered Realm...................... 3 Designing Adventures...................... 66 Economies of the Game World .......115
Treasure............................................ 69 Followers..........................................117
Chapter One: Starting a Campaign........................119
The Game System .....................4 Chapter Six: Bestiary ............. 79 Gryphon Watch Keep ..................... 120
Beast Listings by Type ..................... 83 Important Personages of Gryphon
Chapter Two: Characters .......... 7 Animals............................................. 84 Watch Keep..................................... 122
The Classes.........................................11 Animus ............................................. 84 The Crags of Chaos ......................... 124
Hero Points ....................................... 16 Darken Beasts .................................. 86 The Dungeons of Adlig Tor ............ 129
Darkened Flora & Fauna ................. 87 Campaign Guide: A Primer to
Chapter Three: Time & Demons ............................................ 88 Del Anon’s Eastern Reaches .......... 132
the Combat System ................. 18 Dread Insects ................................... 89 Key to the Map of
Elementals.........................................91 the Eastern Reaches ....................... 135
Chapter Four: Talents............. 25 Elemental Quick Reference ............. 92 Religion in Del Anon .......................141
Arms Talents.....................................26 Fay .................................................... 92 Running a Campaign
Magic Talents.................................... 33 Fell Beasts ........................................ 94 in Del Anon ..................................... 142
Arcanum (Arcane Magic) ................. 37 Fell Creatures ................................... 95 Villains of Del Anon........................ 142
Darkness Magic ................................ 39 Humanoids....................................... 96 Heroes of Del Anon ........................ 149
Deeping Magic ..................................40 Lycanthropes.................................... 98
Elemental Magic...............................42 Mythical Creatures........................... 99 Character Sheet .............................. 153
Light Magic .......................................44 Mythical Serpents ........................... 101 Combat Matrix................................ 154
Psionic Magic.................................... 45 Prehistoric Beasts ...........................103 Beast Template ............................... 155
Wilding Magic................................... 47 Sea Creatures ..................................103 Quick Reference Tables.................. 156
Optional Spell Talent: Illusion.........49 Trolls................................................105 Index ............................................... 160
Skills Talents.....................................50 The Undead .....................................106
Weren ............................................. 108
Dressing Up Beast Encounters .......109

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 1

What is This? You use the rules presented herein and a variety
of many-sided dice (polyhedrons) to define the limits
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm is a fantasy role- and abilities of your heroic character. A role-playing
playing game in which the players work collaboratively game character has statistics showing his or her physical
to create a fantastic world of swords and sorcery, and mental characteristics as well as the wide range of
working together to tell a story. A role-playing game is learned abilities that make that character uniquely
part game of chance, part community-written novel, and suited to adventuring.
part improvisational theater. As a player, you take on This rulebook provides a specific setting for
one of two roles within the context of the game: the these adventures, the lands of the Splintered Realm, and
Mythweaver or a hero. provides guidelines for creating characters within the
As the Mythweaver, you serve as overseer of the context of this world. As with all role-playing games, it is
game. You have a similar function to a theatrical up to you and the other players to tailor these rules to
director, a sports referee and a novel editor. You are your group and its needs. You may decide to use these
responsible for laying out the basic groundwork for how rules entirely as written without modifications; you may
the story may progress, and under what circumstances elect to create unique races and classes to add to your
the heroes become involved in, and contribute to, the campaigns; or, you may use these rules as a springboard
narrative. The basic questions you must answer include for developing your own rules and settings. There is no
‘what is the world like’; ‘what opportunities are there for right or wrong way to play. As long as all participants are
adventure in this world’; and (the key question for a having fun and feel as if they are contributing to the
Mythweaver) ‘what happens in this world if the heroes greater story, you are playing the game ‘correctly’.
do nothing’? Your goal is to set up the basic rules of the Mythweaver’s goal is simple: to be the game that
world, and then allow the heroes to move around in this you and your friends choose to play when you want to
world and affect what happens. Since this world take part in fantastic adventures in magical lands.
operates under the rules of fate (that the future is
predetermined by higher forces), you should know what What’s Different About This Edition?
happens if the heroes do nothing. Most creatures in this
world operate based on the whims of the universe, Over the last two years, as Mythweaver has continued to
having no say over their own existence. grow, the community has asked for a more and more
If you are not the Mythweaver, you will play one detailed, fully-developed system. While for some time,
of the heroes. As a hero, you are chosen by fate to this was done through a series of sourcebooks and
determine your own destiny. You band together in a expansion articles in the PDF Mythweaver Magazine,
fellowship with other heroes to battle powerful evils, to the time has come for a new, updated core rule set.
complete difficult quests, to investigate lost lands, and to The process has led to this: the Second Edition
explore underground complexes. of Mythweaver. If this is another addition to your
Ideally, all participants in the game work Mythweaver collection and you’ve been playing for the
together to pull together epic tales that none could last year, I thank you for your support of this system
create independently: tales that spring out of the during its early days and for your feedback and
collective imaginations of everyone collaborating. responses. If this is your first foray into the world of
Mythweaver, then I thank you for taking a chance
on a new game system.
The goal with this edition of the game was
not to be different for the sake of being different,
but instead to take all of the published rules,
incorporate all of the great suggestions from
players like you, and combine these into a single,
unified and well-rounded system. Some of the
major changes include:
• A clarification of the nomenclature. The
previous edition had some redundancy (for
example, melee was both a character trait and
an arms talent). This has been cleaned up.
• A balancing of the various abilities among
classes and races.
• An expansion and simplification of the talent
system. This was a big change based on rules
developed in Mythweaver Magazine.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 2

A Brief History of the Splintered Realm
At the beginning of time, the consciousness of the humanoids invaded the Halls of Valhalla, assaulting the
universe separated into two beings. The first to emerge throne of Yahalla herself.
was Yahalla the Creator, the Bringer of Light. She sang Here, chaos scored its ultimate victory. When
the universe into creation, separating the air from the Yahalla fell, her energy washed over the multi-verse,
ground, the sea from the land. Her twin brother was unmaking its borders and fragmenting its order.
Bael the Destroyer, the Dweller in Darkness. For each Continents were ripped asunder, massive earthquakes
thing that Yahalla created, Bael set events in motion to cleaving cities in half, tidal waves burying nations in the
lead to its eventual decay and destruction. deep. Yahalla was destroyed, her dying breath seemingly
Over the course of eons, creation distilled into undoing all of creation. The five realms splintered into
five different realms. At the highest point of creation sat countless fragments, careening into one another in
the throne of Yahalla, the holy palace of Valhalla. Here, patchwork pieces. Ultimately, the highest halls of
the Bringer of Light could watch as creation unfolded Valhalla had been sealed off permanently, while the
before her. At the furthest depths of creation lay the basest and most vile parts of Pandemonium settled
dark land of Pandemonium, the realm of absolute chaos. beyond reach. Between, thousands of fragmented lands
Here, Bael seethed in the darkness, plotting the formed as parts of all realms coalesced.
destruction of all of creation and the overthrow of his But in her destruction, Yahalla had set the stage
twin sister. Below Valhalla was the Faerie Realm of for her ultimate victory. Now, good was no longer
Arvandor, where creatures of light defended the realm centered in one place, light no longer radiating from a
above from the forces of chaos, all single source; instead, it now
the while resolutely spreading spread throughout the multi-
light to the lands below. This land verse. The divine essence of
of elves, pixies and unicorns creation now proved untouchable
boasted bountiful forests, by any single offensive chaos
crystalline rivers and fertile could launch. In each of these
valleys. Above Pandemonium lay realms, demigods arose with
the Barrens, a realm of razor- fragments of Yahalla’s power.
tipped mountains, boiling rivers, Some of these demigods set out
rotting forests and acidic lakes. to restore a single universe, while
This land, home to the giants, others grew corrupted by chaos
trolls and goblins, exemplified and swore fealty to Bael, setting
suffering and hardship. out to offset this same work.
In Aeroth, a realm fixed Lastly, a portion of
between those of Arvandor and Yahalla’s power settled into the
the Barrens, the races of man hearts of men. From the
battled both amongst themselves descendants of the ancient races
and within their hearts, order and of mankind, a handful were
chaos in unending conflict. For a chosen. Some of these
hundred ages, the nations of man individuals have been given a
made war. With the intervention destiny: to work against chaos in
of the lords of the elves, however, all of its forms. Others are
these nations signed a peace destined to undo this work as
accord, ending war for all time direct servants of Bael. Still
among mankind, and scoring the another group has been chosen to
final victory of order over chaos. oversee the balance of this
With this turn, the Golden Empire conflict, watching, recording and
of Cavaria came to power, helping to maintain this balance.
spreading light over all the lands of man through its All three factions have found allies among the races of
Knights of the Sun. The eternal war between order and the demi-humans and humanoids of the realm.
chaos had seemingly drawn to a close. But chaos was The immortal battle now takes place in a
not finished yet. thousand realms, on countless battlefields. One of these
While the elves had brokered peace among lands, the realm of Del Anon, is typical of such
mankind, the forces of chaos had lain in wait. Subtly, splintered realms. Del Anon was once a smaller
they had perverted humanity from within, breeding continent in the world of Aeroth- now it is a world unto
contempt, jealousy and distrust under the surface as itself, split in twain: the lands of man (the strongholds of
truces were declared. With the races of man united, good), now interspersed among and within parts of the
chaos crept into its collective heart, providing a new Lands of Shadow, swearing fealty to a mysterious
objective - control over all of creation. Many men sided creature called the Raven Queen, a demigoddess of evil
with chaos, marching upon the upper realms. An who carries on Bael’s work in this realm.
unprecedented army of men, giants, trolls and
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 3
Chapter One: The Game System
Mythweaver uses the progressive die system. In this system a single polyhedron die (or a pair of dice used to get a
single result; see below) is rolled to determine all random results in the game. The ‘size’ of this die increases with
character experience. While low-level characters will roll a 6- or 8-sided die to determine how successful an action is, a
character of more experience uses a 12-sided or even a 20-sided die to determine success. Hereafter, dice are
abbreviated as D#. For example, D6 means to roll a single 6-sided die, while D12 means to roll a single 12-sided die.
The dice you will need for this game are found at most hobby, book and craft stores.

This die roll is linked directly to the rank (relative power) of a character, creature, situation or item.

Ranks, Ratings & Dice

Rank Rating Rank Rank Benchmark Standard Complex D6
Range Die Modifier Rating or Level Difficulty Difficulty Alternative
Target Target
Menial 0 D4 0 0 4 8 D6–2
Apprentice 1-2 D6 1 1 6 12 D6
Adept 3-5 D8 2 3 8 16 D6+2
Expert 6-9 D10 3 6 10 20 (D6x2) –2
Master 10-14 D12 4 10 12 24 D6x2
Paragon 15-19 D16 5 15 16 32 (D6x2) +4
Legend 20-24 D20 6 20 20 40 (D6x3) +2
Demigod 25+ D24 7 25 24 48 D6x4

• Rank is used in many ways. You have a character use the applicable complex difficulty target. The
rank (based on your level), and each of your talents complex difficulty in any situation is double the
(learned abilities) has a rank. You might be an standard difficulty.
expert rank level 8 character with adept rank armor • The D6 alternative column is included for players
talent. who prefer to use D6 for all rolls, instead of the
• D16 is rolled using a D8 and a D6 together. If the progressive dice system. If you choose to use the
result of the D6 is 1, 2 or 3, take the D8 result at face alternate D6 system, a result of all 1’s on an action
value. If the D6 result is 4, 5 or 6, add 8 points to the roll is a critical failure. The minimum result of any
D8 result. Use the same process to roll D24; use a roll is 1, even if the modified result would be lower.
D12 in place of the D8, adding 12 to the D12 result if For example, if you roll D6–2 and get a 2 on the die
the D6 result is 4 or better. (a total of 0), the result is 1.
• The rank modifier (RM) is a bonus or multiplier to
various results. Any ability or talent based on or A creature, encounter or location of a given rank
limited by the RM uses this value. may have specific abilities, elements or features that
• Rating range includes the levels of creatures and vary from the base rank. For example, if the characters
objects of that rank. At levels 3-5, you are an adept are exploring an expert rank dungeon complex, most of
rank character. When you improve to level 6, you the traps, creatures, items and challenges will be
become an expert rank character. normal, meaning they are of expert rank. However,
• When the specific level of an object or item is some of these will be of lesser rank, which means they
unknown, it defaults to the benchmark rating (level) are set one rank lower (adept rank in this case). On the
for that rank. The typical master rank beast other hand, a small number of these will be of greater
encountered will be level 10. rank, meaning that they are set at one rank higher
• The standard and complex difficulty targets (DTs) (master rank in this case). This has several important
are the target numbers for rolls made to complete an implications throughout these rules. A creature of
action at that rating. Standard difficulties are paragon rank with a lesser poison attack will have the
assigned to situations where a normal trait roll is effective poison attack of a creature of master rank. A
made. For example, a stamina roll to resist a poison wall in an adept rank dungeon that poses a greater
and an intuition roll to notice a secret door are both difficulty to climb is assigned an expert rank difficulty
made as standard DT rolls. Complex difficulties are target (20 in this case). The concepts of lesser, normal
assigned to situations where special skills (referred and greater abilities and difficulties are used throughout
to in the game as skill talents) would apply. If a these rules.
character wants to pick the lock on a door or climb a
stone cliff facing, these are both complex tasks, and

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 4

Other Key Terms
Action An action is any activity where you roll a die to make something happen. If you want to swing a sword,
cast a spell, pick a lock or climb a wall, you are making an action roll. Action rolls are made using the
applicable rank die.
Resist A resist is any activity where you roll a die to prevent something from happening. If you want to avoid an
enemy’s sword strike, dodge a spell cast by an opponent, endure the effects of a poison, or prevent the
fast-talking merchant from swindling you, you are making a resist roll. Resist rolls are made using the
applicable rank die.
Result A result is any roll where the action has already been deemed successful, but now you are rolling to
determine how successful it was. If you are trying to see how much damage your sword deals, how much
time it will take your opponent to shake off the effects of your spell, or how much gold is in the lair of the
beast you just defeated, you are making a result roll.
Target This is who or what you are using an attack or ability against. The target may be another character, a
beast, or an object.

How DTs Work Static DTs

The DT is the total roll result needed to complete an Static DT rolls are always made against a predetermined
action. There are two types of DTs: dynamic and static. DT rating. An action or resist roll against a static DT
always succeeds as long as the total roll result is equal to
Dynamic DTs or greater than the DT rating. If the DT to pick a lock,
cast a spontaneous spell, resist the effects of a poison or
Dynamic DT rolls always involve an action roll made climb a wall is 12, a total roll result of 12 or better
against a resist roll. If the action roll is greater than the indicates success.
resist roll, the action succeeds. If the action roll is equal
to or less than the resist roll, the action fails. Ties are The Building Blocks of Characters
given to the resist in dynamic DT situations. Any time
you roll to strike an enemy with a weapon or spell Characters are built on a set of core traits and talents
attack, you are making a dynamic DT roll, and you have that quantify and define what that character is capable
to beat the target’s resist roll to succeed at the action. If of doing.
you roll a 9 to hit a darken wolf, and the wolf rolls 9 on • A trait is a basic physical or mental attribute of a
the resist, your attack misses. character. There are eight core traits possessed by
all creatures. Four of these are physical traits, and
four of these are mental traits. Each trait is rated
from 0 (menial) to as high as 20 (paragon). Most
heroes will have traits of 10 or lower.
• A talent is a learned ability. The talents fall into
three categories: arms talents (those related to
armor and weapons); magic talents (those related to
learning and casting spells); and skills talents (those
related to non-combat abilities). Talents are fully
covered in chapter four (starting page 25).

Rolling the Dice

You usually roll your rank die whenever you make an
action, resist or result roll, although some special class
abilities allow you to roll at one die better, or some
beasts or magical effects can cause you to roll at one or
more dice lower. When you are to make a roll, the rules
will say to “roll” your trait. This means to roll the level
die and add your trait rating to the roll. For example, as
a level 7 character, you have a rank die of D10. If you
have a might of 7, and are told to “roll your might”, you
roll D10 and add 7 to the result. This may be
abbreviated as D10+7, which gives you a random result
between 8 and 17.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 5

The Physical Traits
About ASP
The four physical traits are dexterity (DEX), might • The absolute value of negative ASP is used as the
(MGT), prowess (PWS), and stamina (STA). modifier. A creature with ASP –5 receives a bonus
of +5 to all action, resist and result rolls using ASP,
DEX (dexterity) is a measure of a character’s hand-eye not a –5 penalty.
coordination and agility. DEX is: • Negative ASP gives bonus trait points that may be
• Added to action rolls made with missile weapons. used elsewhere to build a character. A character
• Added to action rolls made with skills related to built on 30 points with a –2 ASP has 32 total points
agility. to spend on the other traits, making this character
• Added to resist rolls made against being hit by slightly more powerful than other characters of the
missile weapon attacks. same level. Evil is an easier path to tread.
• Possibly added to initiative rolls (see initiative, page • A heroic character is limited in negative ASP to the
15). The better of DEX or INT is used. RM. A level 4 character (RM 2) could have no lower
than a –2 ASP. Be aware that while negative ASP
MGT (might) is a measure of a character’s physical gives you bonus points to use elsewhere, there are
strength. MGT is: several drawbacks to negative ASP: you cannot be
• Added to damage rolls with heavier, strength-based healed using light magic; you cannot receive the
melee weapon attacks. benefits of light magic and objects of good; and you
are susceptible to temptation, meaning that you
• Added to damage rolls with thrown weapon attacks.
may act against your will in especially stressful
• The primary factor in determining the maximum
situations, doing despicable or cowardly things that
range of a thrown weapon attack.
you may later regret.
• Added to resist rolls to prevent being bound, held or
• Your Mythweaver has more information on the
impact of ASP on game play.
PWS (prowess) is a measure of a character’s aptitude in
INT (intuition) is a measure of a character’s affinity
combat and accuracy. PWS is:
with the natural world and development of the five
• Added to action rolls with all melee and thrown senses. INT is:
weapon attacks.
• Added to action and result rolls made to sense,
• Added to resist rolls against all melee and thrown notice, listen or perceive.
weapon attacks.
• Added to action rolls with any spell with the magic
• Added to action rolls made with skills related to talents of elemental and wilding.
precision and accuracy.
• Added to resist rolls to stave off the effects of any
spell from the magic talents of elemental and
STA (stamina) is a measure of a character’s fortitude
and endurance. STA is:
• Possibly added to initiative rolls (see initiative, page
• Added to resist rolls made to withstand the effects
15). The better of DEX or INT is used.
of poisons, diseases and gases.
• Added to resist rolls to survive at negative health. REA (reason) is a measure of a character’s innate
• The primary factor in determining a character’s intelligence and capacity for learning. REA is:
health. • Added to action and result rolls with any spell with
the magic talents of arcanum and illusion.
The Mental Traits • Added to resist rolls to stave off the effects of any
spell from the magic talents of arcanum and
The four mental traits are aspect (ASP), intuition (INT), illusion.
reason (REA), and willpower (WIL). • Added to skill rolls to use logic or intellect.
ASP (aspect) is a measure of how good or evil a WIL (willpower) is a measure of a character’s mental
character is. An ASP rating of 0 indicates that the toughness and resolve. WIL is:
character is neutral, neither good nor evil. A positive
• Added to action and result rolls with any spell with
ASP (1 or higher) indicates that a character is good. A
the magic talents of deeping and psionics.
negative ASP (–1 or lower) indicates that a character is
• Added to resist rolls to stave off the effects of any
evil. ASP is:
spell from the magic talents of deeping and
• Added to action rolls with the talents of light magic
(for ASP 1 or higher characters) or as an absolute
• Added to resist rolls to overcome the effects of fear
value with darkness magic (ASP –1 or lower
or intimidation.
• Added to rolls to maintain morale in a difficult or
• Added to resist rolls against light or darkness spells
dangerous situation.
cast against the character.
• Used to intimidate, influence or coerce others.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 6

Chapter Two: Characters
As a player, you take on the role of a hero in the game
world, banding together with other heroes to undertake Heroic Races (Roll D10)
adventures and fight against evil. Alternately, you play Roll Race
an anti-hero, a character driven by selfishness or a 1 Brownie
desire for power, working with others to further 2 Chosen Human
personal ends. Regardless of which path you choose, you 3 Dwarf
complete the following steps to create a character: 4 Elf of Morning
5 Elf of Shadow
6 Gnome
1. Develop a character concept 7 Half Elf
2. Select a heroic race or roll randomly 8 Narglyn
3. Select a heroic class or roll randomly 9 Ork
4. Allocate trait points 10 Wood Troll
5. Select a favored trait
6. Select a perk Each race listing includes a perspective on what it is like
7. Allocate talent ranks to be a member of that race along with the bonuses
8. Determine starting money granted to, and basic statistics for, members of that race.
9. Purchase weapons and equipment Each race comes with starting ratings in the eight traits.
10. Determine derived trait ratings
11. Determine physical characteristics Brownie
12. Name your character As a brownie, you are inquisitive, inventive and
13. Develop a background independent. You love all things mysterious. Tales of
14. Calculate bonuses for talents secret treasures or hidden temples give you goose
pimples. You find yourself daydreaming about
supernatural creatures and lost worlds. Your faerie
As you build your character, you will use scrap paper to blood has given you long life and magical powers,
keep track of results, and record your character’s serving you well as you’ve set out into the world in
statistics on your character sheet. The character sheet is search of knowledge and wealth.
printed on page 153, and additional copies may be • Brownies average 3’ tall and 50 lbs.
downloaded from the Mythweaver web site, • Brownies live 500 years on average. • Brownies have a base move of 11.
• Brownies have night vision to 3 units.
1. Develop a Character Concept • Brownies speak fay and the trade tongue.
• Brownies may obscure themselves, blending into
What is your character like? Are you a capable warrior
their surroundings and, at higher levels (10+),
from a noble line of knights, or a stealthy scout who
turning completely invisible. As a brownie, you may
wields a bow with deadly accuracy? Would you prefer
use this ability at will and as a free action, up to a
your character be a loner who pores over ancient texts to
number of times per turn equal to your RM. When
glean their magical power, or a devoted follower of a
obscured, you receive a bonus equal to your RM to
religion, seeking to spread the word to the people of the
resist rolls against attacks directly targeted against
realm? The first decision you should make is what kind
you (but not against area of effect attacks). In
of character you want to make. This will help to inform
addition, while obscured you receive a bonus to
all of your other choices, and give you a way to sift
stealth equal to your RM. At level 10, you get +4 to
through the options available to you.
physical resist rolls and +4 to stealth when
Alternately, you can roll randomly for a
obscured, and are able to use this ability up to 4
character, and allow the dice to make decisions for you,
times per turn, activated at will as a free action. You
filling in the blanks as you go.
remain obscured until you are struck by or attempt
an attack, or until you choose to end this effect
For my first character, I don’t know what I want to (which you may do at any time as a free action). You
make, so I’ll roll randomly and see where that takes must wait at least 1 segment to re-activate this
me. ability once it has been dropped. If you attack in
segment 11, you may obscure yourself again in
2. Select a Race segment 10 (and if your initiative is better, before an
opponent may attack you in that same segment).
You may select any of the ten heroic races you wish.
However, if you’d rather generate your character Brownie Base Traits:
randomly, roll D10. DEX 6; MGT 1; PWS 1; STA 1
ASP 1; INT 6; REA 3; WIL 1

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 7

Chosen Human more you seek. You have set out into the world, beyond
As a chosen human, you were born into the the safety and unchanging security of your homeland, to
dominant race of Del Anon. Your people have infiltrated see what you can learn from creatures of lesser birth.
into every part of the realm, forging mighty nations and • Morning elves average 5’ tall and 100 lbs.
building huge cities that dot the landscape. Though you • Morning elves live 1,000 years on average.
were born into this great lineage, you know something is • Morning elves have a base move of 10.
different about you. You were not born to simply work • Morning elves have night vision to 3 units.
leather or smith metal goods. No. You know that fate has • Morning elves speak fay and the trade tongue.
set some greater task before you. Some purpose lies • Morning elves react quickly. As a morning elf, you
ahead, yet to be revealed. add your RM to all initiative rolls.
• Chosen humans average 5’6” tall and 150 lbs.
• Chosen humans live 75 years on average. Morning Elf Base Traits:
• Chosen humans have a base move of 10. DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 2
• Chosen humans are specially watched over by the ASP 1; INT 4; REA 2; WIL 2
fates. As a chosen human, you add your RM to hero
point rolls. (see Hero Points, page 16).
• Chosen humans speak only the trade tongue.
• Since chosen humans begin with lower starting
traits than other races, they have more discretionary
points to spend as desired. Chosen humans receive
8 discretionary points to spend at level 1, although
no more than 4 of these points may be placed in any
single trait (beyond those allocated by class).

Chosen Human Base Traits:

DEX 2; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 2
ASP 0; INT 2; REA 2; WIL 2

As a dwarf, you are a member of a proud race.
For many centuries, your people were the slaves of
giants, forced to dig gold for your cruel overseers and
mine gems for their pleasure. No more. Now the palaces
you build are for dwarven masters, and the gold you dig
fills dwarven coffers. Now, you can experience the life of
freedom that your forefathers could only dream of. You A Brownie Defender,
will drink deeply, eat heartily, and immerse yourself in Gnome Mystic and Dwarf Myrmidon
the full, rich life that you deserve.
• Dwarves average 4’ tall and 150 lbs. Elf of Shadow
• Dwarves live 250 years on average. As a shadow elf, you have been raised to believe
• Dwarves have a base move of 11. that you are inherently better than all other creatures in
the realm. You are born not only into honor, rank and
• Dwarves have night vision to 6 units.
privilege, but also into a world of intrigue and betrayal.
• Dwarves speak dwarven, humanoid and the trade You have accepted this and sought to gain personal
tongue. power through name and reputation, or you have cast
• Dwarves are especially hardy. As a dwarf, you add this intricate system aside, setting off on your own to
your RM to the health roll every time you advance a find your own place in the realm. Regardless, the
character level. shadow of your birthright hangs over you, and danger
follows wherever you may tread.
Dwarf Base Traits: • Shadow elves average 5’ tall and 100 lbs.
DEX 1; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 6
• Shadow elves live 1,000 years on average.
ASP 0; INT 1; REA 2; WIL 3
• Shadow elves have a base move of 10.
• Shadow elves have night vision to 6 units.
Elf of Morning
• Shadow elves speak fay, humanoid and the trade
As a morning elf, you were born into the oldest
and wisest culture in the entire realm. You know both
from your learning and from experience that all things • Shadow elves react quickly. As a shadow elf, you add
must one day pass. Already, you have lived the lifetime your RM to all initiative rolls.
of several generations of man, and yet the greater
questions of life continue to elude you. True, you were Shadow Elf Base Traits:
born into timeless beauty and natural grace, but there is DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 2
ASP –1; INT 5; REA 3; WIL 2
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 8
Gnome Narglyn
As a gnome, you prize comfort, family, home As a narglyn, mongrel, mutt and runt are some
and tradition. You love to collect things, be these rare of the nicer terms that have been used to describe you.
coins, cultural artifacts, monster skulls, lost knowledge, You are the child of parents of different worlds. One of
or unique experiences. You are loyal to your close your parents was human while the other was goblin. You
friends and allies, but suspicious of other creatures until have received the mental characteristics of your human
they prove their merit. You have inherited the good parent: a greater intellect, a sense of good and evil, and a
fortune of your people, as things always seem to turn out vision of your place in the world. From your goblin
well for you. parent, you have inherited many of your physical
• Gnomes average 3’6” tall and 65 lbs. qualities. Your ears and eyes give you away as goblin-
• Gnomes live 170 years on average. born, and your earthy skin and natural quickness are
• Gnomes have a base move of 10. consequences of your goblin blood. Sometimes, you
• Gnomes have night vision to 3 units. have trouble overcoming your goblin instincts that pull
• Gnomes speak fay and the trade tongue. you towards selfishness and greed. You struggle to fit in,
as you are not truly a member of either race, not
• Gnomes are exceptionally lucky. As a gnome, you
welcome in either culture.
may re-roll a number of rolls (action, resist or
result) equal to your RM every turn. This includes • Narglyn average 4’ tall and 70 lbs.
critical failures. At expert rank, you may re-roll up to • Narglyn live 50 years on average.
3 different rolls each turn. You may not re-roll the • Narglyn have a base move of 10.
same roll more than once, and you must accept the • Narglyn have night vision to 6 units.
result of the second die (if you roll 2 for damage, • Narglyn speak humanoid and the trade tongue.
decide to use your gnome ability to re-roll and get 1 • As a narglyn, you may take the racial ability of either
on the re-roll, 1 is the result). A hero point may also orks or humans. You may take the ork armor rating
be re-rolled using this ability. bonus or the human hero point bonus.

Gnome Base Traits: Narglyn Base Traits:

DEX 3; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 3 DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 4
ASP 1; INT 4; REA 3; WIL 2 ASP –1; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 2

Half Elf Ork

As a half elf, you are a noble child of two worlds. As an ork, you were born into a culture of war
Your elf blood gives you long life and a sense of legacy, and death. From your first memories, you have known
while your human soul gives you a keen understanding only destruction, chaos and pain. Early on, you realized
of the role of fate in your life. You feel more alone than that only the fittest will survive, and you have driven
anyone can understand, and although you are granted yourself to be one of the survivors. True, you may not be
some measure of acceptance in both human and elf especially attractive (except to other orks), and your
societies, you know that your true place is in neither. leathery skin and angular features are a testament to
Whether your elf parent is a morning or shadow elf, you your humanoid legacy. Where other races see scars as
face the same challenges. imperfections or flaws, you wear yours as a testament to
• Half elves average 5’4” tall and 130 lbs. the trials you have already overcome.
• Half elves live 300 years on average. • Orks average 6’ tall and 200 lbs.
• Half elves have a base move of 10. • Orks live 70 years on average (assuming that they
• Half elves have night vision to 3 units. survive to old age).
• Half elves speak fay and the trade tongue. • Orks have a base move of 10.
• As a half elf, you may take the racial ability of either • Orks have night vision to 6 units.
your elf or human parent. You may take the elf • Orks speak humanoid and the trade tongue.
initiative bonus, or the human hero point bonus. • Orks are especially resilient. As an ork, you receive a
bonus to your total armor rating equal to your RM,
Half Elf Base Traits: in addition to all armor worn and all magical
DEX 4; MGT 3; PWS 2; STA 3 protection.
ASP 0; INT 3; REA 2; WIL 3
Ork Base Traits:
DEX 3; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 4
ASP –1; INT 3; REA 2; WIL 2

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 9

3. Select a Class
Each class provides a template
that determines your character’s
talents and abilities. The class
gives the general shape of the
character. However, each class is
customizable, especially as you
progress and get more powerful,
allowing you to tailor the class to
suit your specific needs and the
way you envision your character.
You may select any of the
six classes you wish. However, if
you’d rather generate your
character randomly, roll D6.

Heroic Classes (Roll D6)

Roll Class
1 Defender
2 Delver
A Narglyn Hunter, Wood Troll Delver 3 Hunter
and Ork Myrmidon 4 Myrmidon
5 Mystic
6 Rake
Wood Troll Starting Traits
As a wood troll, you were born into a tribe of
wandering barbarians, into a race deeply connected to Each class is allotted 4 preset points in starting traits.
the natural world. You have either accepted a place in Add these to the racial base trait ratings given under the
your tribe’s traditions as a warrior or shaman, or you race descriptions.
have rejected the teachings of your elders and set out to
make your own place in the world. Regardless of the
path you choose, your troll blood is a great boon Talents Earned
allowing you to heal quickly, and your tremendous
strength will serve you well. One of the primary functions of class is to determine
your character’s progression in the three talents: arms
• Wood trolls average 7’ tall and 300 lbs.
talents (those based on combat), magic talents (those
• Wood trolls live 75 years on average. based on the use and control of magical energies) and
• Wood trolls have a base move of 9. skills talents (those based on the use of learned
• Wood trolls have night vision to 3 units. abilities).
• Wood Trolls speak troll and the trade tongue. Each class also receives bonus talent ranks at
• Wood trolls regenerate their RM at the end of every three levels to allow for customization of your character
round. As a level 10 wood troll, you regenerate 4 to suit your concept. Even if you decide to play a
health at the end of every round, unless this myrmidon (the main fighting class), you may still choose
regeneration is disrupted (see regeneration under at level 3, 7 and/or 13 to take a talent rank in magic,
expanded combat). gaining the ability to cast spells. Or, you can choose to
put your bonus ranks into arms talents, growing even
Wood Troll Base Traits: more capable in the use of armor and weapons.
DEX 2; MGT 6; PWS 3; STA 3 Alternately, you can choose to put bonus ranks into
ASP 0; INT 3; REA 1; WIL 2 skills talents, becoming better at learned abilities. Any
choice is possible, and all allow you to let your character
For my first character, I roll D10 and get 3. My grow as you see it. Talents are fully explained beginning
character will be a dwarf. I write down the eight trait on page 25.
ranks for a dwarf on a scrap sheet of paper. I don’t put
these on the character sheet yet, since they are going to
change before my character is ready to play.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 10

The Classes
Defender Myrmidon
As a defender, you see a cause, belief or people as bigger As a myrmidon, you have devoted your life to combat
than yourself. You are dedicated to some greater service. and the art of warfare. You may have been born into a
It may be that you have devoted yourself to a particular tribe of warriors, knowing the path of combat as the only
religious belief or to a particular place. It may be that way of life. It may be that you have chosen to become a
you have dedicated your life to protecting nature, or to knight, wielding sword and wearing armor in service to
the service of an unholy power. Or, you may have taken king and country. Possibly you have seen your innate
up arms to defend your homeland from those who combat talent as a way to make money, becoming a
would seek its destruction. Defenders: professional mercenary. Or, you could have had the path
• Receive +1 to PWS, STA, and two different mental of the myrmidon forced upon you, enslaved as a
traits (player choice). gladiator and forced to fight others just to survive.
• Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a club +1 Myrmidons:
-or- a sling +1. • Receive +2 to PWS, +1 to MGT and STA.
• Earn arms talents at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 & 19. • Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a club +1.
• Earn magic talents at levels 1, 5, 9, 14 & 18. • Earn arms talents at levels 1 (x2), 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15,
• Earn skills talents at levels 2, 6, 11 & 17. 16, 18 & 19.
• Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13. • Earn skills talents at levels 2, 6, 11 & 17.
• Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13.
As a delver, you have always had a gift for many things.
Whenever there was new knowledge to learn or new As a mystic, you have dedicated your life to pursuing the
tasks to master, you’ve found learning easy. You may power and influence that lies in the secrets of the
have focused this to becoming expert in a set of magical world. You may have found this magic in nature
mundane skills, or you may have decided to embark on a or in ancient texts, through internal reflection or
study of the magical arts. You may have used these outward searching. You may derive magical power from
abilities to travel from place to place sharing stories of your strong spiritual beliefs or from ancient rites.
adventure, or you may have become a professional Regardless, you have embarked upon a path of insight
adventurer yourself, wielding your wide range of and knowledge of powers that most creatures will never
abilities to overcome the many challenges faced in the understand. Mystics:
ruins and dungeons that permeate the realm. Delvers: • Receive +2 to two different mental traits (player
• Receive +1 to DEX and three different mental traits choice).
(player choice). • Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a
• Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a quarterstaff +1.
quarterstaff +1. • Earn magic talents at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17
• Earn arms talents at levels 2, 6, 11 & 17. & 19.
• Earn magic talents at levels 1, 5, 9, 14 & 18. • Earn skills talents at levels 1, 5, 9, 14 & 18.
• Earn skills talents at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 & 19. • Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13.
• Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13.
As a rake, you have been called many things: miscreant,
As a hunter, you have an innate ability to slay other scoundrel, vagabond. You, however, know that you are
creatures. Maybe you have used this gift in service to something far better. Possibly you consider yourself a
others, becoming a hunter and destroyer of evil. Possibly swashbuckler, using the sword to defeat your foes and
you have looked for ways to use this gift for financial your tongue to attract your fans. Maybe you consider
gain, becoming a bounty hunter or assassin. It is also yourself a professional thief, using your abilities to get
possible that you use your gifts in spite of your desires to into places that others cannot access. Rakes:
the contrary, and your aptitude in combat and • Receive +2 to DEX, +1 to PWS and INT.
remarkable skill has made you an invaluable asset. • Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a club +1
Hunters: -or- a sling +1.
• Receive +1 to DEX, PWS, STA, and INT. • Earn arms talents at levels 1, 5, 9, 14 & 18.
• Begin with a suit of padded armor +1 and a sling +1. • Earn skills talents at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17
• Earn arms talents at levels 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16 & 18. & 19.
• Earn skills talents at levels 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 & 19. • Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13.
• Earn bonus talents at levels 3, 7 & 13.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 11
ASP-based attacks, such as attacks made by wielders of
darkness magic.

For my dwarf defender, I roll D8 twice, and I roll 6

both times. I put my two bonus points in INT, so that
my starting traits are:
DEX 1; MGT 4; PWS 4; STA 7
ASP 0 (+1); INT 4; REA 3; WIL 3
I put +1 in parenthesis after ASP to remind myself that
when I make ASP resist rolls, I add +1 (my RM) to the

5. Select a Favored Trait

As a hero, you have one trait in which you excel above all
others. Whenever you make action, resist or result rolls
using this trait (including all physical combat, spell and
skill rolls), you shift up one rank die. For example, if you
select PWS as your favored trait, at level 1 you make all
For my dwarf character, I roll D6 and get 1. My PWS attack rolls (with both melee and thrown weapons)
character is a defender. I write down that my character using D8, and you roll D8 whenever attempting to resist
starts with a suit of padded armor +1 and a club +1. I the melee or thrown weapon attacks of others. Only one
must also modify my character traits based on the of the eight core traits may be selected.
bonuses for a defender. I get to choose the two mental
traits, so I put a point each in INT and REA, since these D8 results for rolling traits:
are the lowest. 1- DEX 2-MGT 3-PWS 4-STA
DEX 1; PWS 4; MGT 4; STA 7 5-ASP 6-INT 7-REA 8-WIL
ASP 0; INT 2; REA 3; WIL 3
Note: you may not elect any of the derived traits (for
example, initiative) as your favored trait. If you elect
4. Allocate Trait Points DEX or INT as your favored trait, you do not receive the
die shift when rolling initiative.
Your character is built on 25 trait points +1 additional
point per level attained. This means at level 1, your
For my dwarf character, I will take PWS as my favored
character is built on 26 trait points. If your character is
trait. While he is a caster, I want him to be better at
not human, you have 2 discretionary points to place
physical combat, and this will help him when wielding
wherever you would like at level 1 (since 24 points are
melee weapons.
already assigned based on race and class). If your
character is human, you have 8 discretionary points to
place where desired (since 18 points are already
assigned based on race and class). If non-human, you Thought Process
may place your 2 points wherever you’d like; if human, Favored traits are included as a
you may not place more than 4 points into any one trait way to distinguish two heroic characters
at level 1. from one another. Two myrmidons may
If you are rolling randomly, roll D8 for each trait be identical in every other way; however,
point, and assign the point where the die indicates. if one takes PWS as his favored trait, he
When you have filled all available slots for that trait (for will excel at wielding melee weapons; if
example, as a human you roll PWS four times in a row) the other takes MGT as his favored trait,
ignore that result if it comes up again. he will be better at using his great
strength to his advantage, and will deal
D8 results for rolling traits: more damage when melee attacks land.
1- DEX 2-MGT 3-PWS 4-STA
6. Select a Perk
Note that for ASP, it is not possible to ‘buy out of’
negative ASP until level 3. Thereafter, you must use a You also receive one perk. This ability is an extra
trait point to bring negative ASP (for evil races) to 0. advantage you get that distinguishes you from other
If your character has ASP 0, you receive a bonus characters of the same race and class. You may select a
of +RM to resist rolls made using ASP. For example, if perk or roll randomly using D12.
you are level 10 (RM 4) but have ASP 0, your character
is granted an automatic +4 bonus to resist rolls against

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 12

Heroic Perks (Roll D12)
Roll Perk Description
1 Attuned Item You have inherited or been given an attuned item. This is a magical item that grows with you
and which only you can use. Your Mythweaver has information on attuned items.
2 Companion You have a companion who follows you around and does as you command. The level of this
companion is equal to your RM. At level 1 your companion is level 1, and it moves to level 2
when you attain level 3, to level 3 when you attain level 6, etc. This could be a sidekick (for
example, a young cousin who has always looked up to you and follows you on your
adventures) or a creature (for example, a wolf cub you saved from a group of goblins). Any
creature in the bestiary may be taken as a companion (at the appropriate level).
3 Enhanced You add your RM to your night vision range. If human, you receive night vision of 2 + RM
Night Vision units.
4 Hated Enemy You add your RM to all action, resist and result rolls against a specific enemy type (as listed
in the bestiary). For example, if you take humanoids as your hated enemy, you add your RM
to rolls attack humanoids with weapons or spells, to resist the attacks of humanoids, to skill
rolls to track enemies, to INT rolls to notice them using stealth against you, and to DTs you
set to use stealth or burglary against humanoids. Each of the heroic races is a distinct type of
hated enemy, if so elected. Orks and narglyn do not count as humanoids, for instance.
5 Improved You are able to maximize the potential of missile weapons (but not thrown weapons) and
Range baseline spells to strike targets at a distance. You add your RM to the range rating of any
missile weapon or baseline spell you use. This does not affect spontaneous spells.
6 Linguistics In addition to your racial languages, you know a number of bonus languages equal to your
RM. At level 1 you know 1 bonus language, and by the time you advance to level 3, you have
learned another. This continues through level 20, at which time you know 6 bonus
languages. You may read, write and speak each of these languages fluently.
7 Magic Ward You are naturally protected against magical damage. You subtract your RM from all magical
damage you sustain, and this works like armor against magical damage.
8 Mundane You have learned a mundane skill, which you continue to perfect when you are not
Skill adventuring. This skill starts at apprentice rank, and improves as you advance. When you
attain level 15, you also become a paragon of your mundane skill. A list of available mundane
skills is listed in the skills talents section (see page 54).
9 Rage You may enter into a rage a number of times per day equal to your RM. This rage lasts for 1
turn, giving you a bonus of +RM to MGT, STA and WIL. Your health also increases during
this time by your level x2. For example, as a level 7 myrmidon, you are able to rage 3 times
per day for 1 turn each. When you rage, you add +3 to MGT, STA and WIL, and +14 to health
(even if these exceed normal limits based on your race and level). Damage you suffer comes
from bonus health first. Entering a rage is a free action.
10 Social Class At character creation, you double the starting gold you roll. In addition, you add your RM to
all influence rolls where social standing could be important. For example, add your RM to
barter with a merchant or bribe a guard, but do not add it to taunt a beast or force it to roll
morale. Social class has no effect on leadership rolls (see mass combat page 111).
11 Speed You are naturally faster than others. You subtract your RM from your move.
12 Toughness You are especially resilient, adding your RM to all STA resist rolls. This includes rolls to
withstand poisons and diseases, and rolls to survive at negative health ratings.

For my perk, I roll D12 and get 7, magic ward. I subtract my character’s RM from all magical damage he sustains.

7. Allocate Talent Ranks Heroic Talents

Type Talents Available (with linked traits)
Your character starts with two talent ranks at level 1, as Arms Armor (STA); melee (PWS); missile (DEX)
determined by class. The talents are further explored Magic Arcanum (REA); darkness (–ASP); deeping
and explained in chapter four: talents. All characters (STA); elemental cold, fire or lightning
begin as apprentices in the three arms talents (INT); illusion (REA); light (+ASP); psionics
automatically (armor, melee, missile), but begin as (WIL); wilding (INT)
menials (no training) in all magic and skills talents. Skills Athletics (DEX, MGT, STA); burglary (PWS
For arms talents, each progressive rank of the and REA); influence (WIL); lore (REA);
talent opens options for better armor and weapons. nature (INT); stealth (DEX)
Magic talents open increasingly more powerful ways to
manipulate magical energy. Skills talents provide
bonuses to trait rolls in specific situations. In general,
talents unlock potential rather than granting bonuses.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 13

As a level 1 defender, I have one talent rank in arms 9. Purchase Equipment
and one talent rank in magic. I use the arms talent
rank to increase my armor from apprentice (which I Use your starting money to either upgrade existing
get for free) to adept. I use the magic talent rank to equipment (purchasing a blade +2 to replace your
purchase elemental lightning at apprentice, since I starting weapon) or purchase new equipment you think
put some points into INT. you may need (for example, the burglary skill requires a
tool kit, so purchasing a tool kit should be done as soon
8. Determine Starting Money as possible if you have burglary). Armor and weapon
costs are included in the descriptions of arms talents.
All level 1 characters begin the game with D4+3 gold Your starting gear cannot be redeemed, as it has no
coins in addition to the class’s starting weapons and market value. In addition to the listed equipment, all
armor. characters begin with one suit of common clothing.

I roll and get a total of 7 (4 on the die +3). I make a I want my character to carry a shield (since I can get a
note that my dwarf defender starts with 7 gold coins in shield as an adept of armor- see the rules for arms
addition to the basic armor and melee weapon that talents) and also to get better armor. A small shield +1
come with the class. costs 1 gold and a suit of leather armor +2 costs 6 gold.
This is all I can afford.
Adventuring Equipment
Costs are listed in silver (s), gold (g) or mithril (m). 100 silver = 10 gold = 1 mithril.
Item Cost Description
Ammo Case/Quiver 5s Holds 30 pieces of ammunition (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Ammunition 1s 10 pieces of ammunition for a missile weapon (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Backpack 5s Holds up to 10,000 coins or comparable gear.
Belt Pouch 2s Holds up to 1,000 coins or comparable gear.
Climbing Spikes 3g Grant +5 to climbing skill rolls. Take 1 turn to put on or take off.
Cloak, Common 1s A simple, homespun woolen cloak.
Cloak, Good 1g A quality cloak of everyday materials made by a tailor or seamstress.
Cloak, Fine 1m A high quality cloak of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Clothing, Common 2s Simple, homespun woolen clothes.
Clothing, Good 2g Quality clothing of everyday material made by a tailor or seamstress.
Clothing, Fine 2m High quality clothing of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Crowbar 5s Allows you to double your MGT rating when making athletics MGT skill rolls to
force doors or locks.
Flint and Steel 3s Allows you to start a fire without making a nature skill roll.
Grappling Hook 1g Allows you to affix a rope to a remote hook point. Thrown as a weapon.
Instrument Var. An instrument may cost as little as 1 silver (a wood flute) to as much as 100 mithril
(a jeweled harp).
Iron Spike 1s Used to wedge doors open or traps closed.
Lantern 1g A lantern burns for up to 8 hours, casting light in a U+1 AOE or up to 3 units in a
focused beam (takes one standard action to change focus).
Lantern Oil 1s Sufficient oil for a torch to burn for 24 hours (3 full applications of oil).
Meal, Common 1s A simple tavern meal, for example bread and cheese.
Meal, Good 3s A good tavern meal, for example stew and bread.
Meal, Fine 1g A fine tavern meal, for example roast pheasant and salted potatoes.
Mirror 1g A metal, hand-sized mirror.
Rope, Common 3s This 50’ length of rope can support up to 600 lbs.
Rope, Good 1g This 50’ length of rope can support up to 2,000 lbs.
Provisions, 2s Simple dry rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Provisions, Good 1g Quality rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Saddle 3g A leather saddle for a mount.
Tool Kit, Lesser 1g A simple set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 16.
Tool Kit, Normal 3g An expanded set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 24.
Tool Kit, Greater 10 g A complete set of picks and tools. Allows all burglary skill talent checks.
Torch 1s Burns for up to 1 hour, casting light in a U+1 AOE. Torches come bundled in sets of
10 torches for 1 silver.
Vial, Glass 5s Holds 1 dose of a potion, poison or holy/unholy water.
Water Skin 3s Holds 1 gallon of fluid (typically wine or water).

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 14

10. Determine Derived Trait Ratings time thinking about this choice, as your character’s
name will be how you think of him. Calling your
There are four derived traits that are based on race, character Joe the Defender is going to grow old quickly.
class, physical/mental traits and level. Now that the Let your creativity shine here!
prior are determined, calculate the derived traits.
• Armor is the total rating of all armor worn. Armor I decided to name my dwarven defender Sarum
absorbs physical damage, reducing damage from Stormshield. This feels like a dwarven name, reflects
physical attacks by the total rating of armor. If you his lightning magic talent, and also reflects the
have armor 4 and take 7 points of damage from a defender concept, since he has shield in his last name.
physical attack, you suffer 3 points of damage.
• Health is the total damage you can sustain before 13. Develop a Background
being knocked unconscious. Health is rolled as your
level die +STA. Health increases every level, as a Develop a back story that incorporates your character’s
new amount is rolled and added to this total. Roll race, class, talents, traits, perks and also gives some
health after assigning trait points each level, since potential for future adventure. Your character has left
increasing STA will give you a bonus to the health the comforts of home for some reason. Work with your
roll. Mythweaver to come up with a reason that gives you a
• Initiative is the total bonus to action rolls you purpose beyond simply going out and killing monsters
make to determine attack order at the beginning of a to steal their treasure.
combat round. This shows how quickly you act in
relation to others. The higher the result, the sooner Sarum is a member of a tribe of dwarves that does not
you act, and the more actions you are likely to take. practice elemental lightning. When Sarum
Initiative is the better of your DEX or INT. demonstrated potential to learn elemental magic, he
• Move is your character’s movement rate, based on was sent over 300 miles away to live among another
race. The lower your move, the faster your character tribe of dwarves who practiced this magic. Now having
is. completed his tenure under his master, Sarum has set
out into the world to learn all he can and practice his
I am ready to start recording statistics on my character new powers.
sheet. My armor is 2, since my armor rating is +2 and I
have no other protection. To find health I roll D6 +7 14. Calculate Bonuses for Talents
(my STA) with an additional +RM (since I’m a dwarf,
+1 from being an apprentice) and get a total of 12. That Use the talent rules (starting on page 25) to determine
is my starting health. My INT of 4 is higher than my your talent ratings and bonuses, and record these on
DEX of 1, so I use INT for initiative; my starting your character sheet.
initiative bonus is +4. Lastly, I copy my move over
from the description of dwarf. My derived trait ranks Sarum has two ratings I need to calculate on my
are: character sheet. Sarum’s talent statistics are:
Armor 2; Health 12; Initiative +4; Move 11 Weapon: Club; +1 damage rating; D8+5 total attack;
D6+4 total damage; delay 10.
11. Determine Physical Characteristics Magic Talent: Elemental lightning; apprentice rank;
INT linked trait; D6+4 action/D6+1 damage; buff DEX
Based on the race description, decide on an appropriate +1.
age and height, and decide on things like hair color, eye
color and other distinguishing physical features of your
character. In Del Anon: Languages
Each major type of beast (see the bestiary)
I want my dwarf to be a bit smaller than his cousins, has its own language. For example, fay,
and I set his height at 3’6” and his weight at 130 lbs. I humanoids, mythic serpents and undead each
decide that, since he has lightning magic powers, his speak a unique language shared by all creatures
hair and beard are silver, and his eyes are deep blue. I of the same type. There is also a single trade
record these on my character sheet. tongue that most intelligent creatures learn.
During their time as slaves of the humanoids,
12. Name Your Character dwarves created their own secret language, and
they rarely share this tongue with any other
A quick perusal of fantasy literature and movies will give race, even with trusted allies.
you hundreds (if not thousands) of names to choose
from. Speak with your Mythweaver about important
family names in the game world, or of special
requirements about naming your character. Spend some

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 15

Hero Points
Hero points are the primary reward that your character
receives for completing quests, defeating enemies and
overcoming obstacles. Hero points are an important part
of your character’s growth and success, and you use
them in several ways.

Hero Points During Play

You may use hero points to help you during play.
• Spending one hero point gives you a bonus to any
one action, resist or result roll, including initiative.
After making any roll (except for an action roll that
results in a natural 1), you may choose to spend a
hero point. This gives you an additional rank die to
roll and add to the result to the previous total. For
example, a midnight asp attacks your character. The
snake manages to cinch its mandibles into your
shoulder, and you can feel the snake’s venom course
through your system. Withstanding the venom
requires a DT 10 STA resist roll, so you roll D6 (your
current rank die) + your STA of 5. You roll a 3,
giving you a total resist roll of 8, 2 short of the
target. You spend 1 hero point to roll an additional
D6, and add this result to the previous total. You roll
D6 again, hoping for at least a 2; a 1 will not be
sufficient to fight off the effects of the poison.
Fortunately, you roll a 4, and the adjusted resist roll
is 12. You fight off the poison and stay in the fight.
• You must decide to spend a hero point before your
next die roll, or before any other creature takes an
action. For instance, you cannot wait until damage is
rolled to see if you want to go back and spend a hero
point on your action or resist roll. However, you can
wait to see if the target of your attack was able to
resist before you decide to spend a hero point.
• A hero point always uses the appropriate rank die,
not counting any die shifts for class or abilities or
penalties from enemy attacks. If you are an adept
rank mystic casting a spell linked to your favored
trait, you roll D8 if you spend a hero point, not the
D10 of your favored trait. Conversely, if you are
drained by an undead creature and use D6 for all
rolls, using a hero point still allows you to roll D8.
• You cannot use a hero point to wipe out a critical
failure; once a natural 1 is rolled on the action roll,
you cannot use a hero point. Hero points may,
however, be used to improve a natural roll of 1 on a
result or resist roll, as these are not critical failures.
• An action roll of 1 with a bonus die gained from
using a hero point is not a critical failure, but is
counted at face value.
• You may only spend one hero point on any single
roll. You cannot spend 5 hero points to roll 5
additional dice and add these to a damage roll.
However, you could spend 1 hero point to increase
your attack roll and 1 hero point to increase your
damage roll, both bonuses applied to the same
sword strike.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 16

• You may use a hero point to improve a magic or skill to level 3, roll D8 +STA, and add this to your
talent that sets a DT for the target to resist. For previous health total. If STA is your favored trait,
example, if you have stealth, you may use a hero you use the improved rank die when rolling health
point to increase the DT of one stealth skill attempt. as well.
• A failed action or resist roll after adding a bonus roll • If you advance in rank (moving from apprentice
from a hero point is still a failed roll. Hero points do level 2 to adept level 3), your dice rank and rank
not guarantee success. modifiers improve, and you should mark these
• Once per turn, you may spend a hero point to changes on your character sheet. You progress ranks
revitalize yourself as a free action. You immediately at levels 3 (adept), 6 (expert), 10 (master), 15
recover health equal to the result of a rank die roll + (paragon) and 20 (legend).
your STA. This may be used at any time, even as you
suffer damage that would normally drop you below If you elected to do nothing else with your hero
0 health. For example, in segment 4 you take points except advance in level, you would need to earn
damage dropping you to –4, but you spend a hero 2,090 hero points to attain level 20. 20 is the maximum
point to revitalize yourself. You have STA 5 and roll level limit for mortal characters. Only creatures of great
7 on the rank die, and instead of being at –4, you are power may advance beyond level 21.
at 8 health, ready to keep on fighting.
• You can only use a hero point for a roll you are Trait Limits
making for yourself or for your companion (see
perks). You cannot use a hero point to help another Each physical and mental trait is limited to a maximum
ally increase a roll that he or she makes. rating based on your character rank and race.
• As a non-human, each of your traits is limited to
Hero Points & Character Advancement your racial base rating +RM +3. This means that as
a wood troll at level 15, you may have MGT as high
You also use hero points to purchase new experience as 14, but REA of no better than 9.
levels. • As a human, each of your traits is limited to RM +7.
• You must spend a number of hero points equal to This means that as a human at level 15, you may
the new level x10 to purchase the next level. At level have no trait rating of better than 12.
5, you must spend 60 hero points to move to level 6. • A negative ASP is limited to the inverse of your RM.
To move from level 19 to level 20 costs 200 hero As an expert rank character, you may have no lower
points. than –3 ASP.
• You cannot bypass levels. At level 5, you cannot save • If you start with –1 ASP, you must wait until you are
up 70 hero points to move to level 7; you would need adept rank (level 3 or better) to buy out of negative
to purchase level 6 before level 7 becomes available. ASP (taking it to 0 or better), although thereafter
• While you are likely to move from level 1 to level 2 you may improve ASP normally.
after a handful of encounters (since a normal • ASP is the only trait you may buy out of. You may
encounter at apprentice rank grants 4 hero points, decide as your character grows to reduce your ASP,
and you only need 20 hero points to move from level or to even turn evil after starting neutral or good.
1 to level 2), advancing from level 12 to level 13 will You may move ASP no more than one point per
take much longer (since you will have to survive level, and cannot buy out of good (if you start with
dozens of encounters to earn enough hero points to ASP 1) until level 3. If you have ASP 3 at level 7 and
get to the required 130). decide to reduce your ASP when you attain level 8,
you may drop it to 2, although you cannot drop it to
When You Advance a Level 1 until level 9. Each time you reduce your ASP, you
receive that bonus trait point to spend elsewhere,
Several things happen when you use hero points to within the normal limits.
purchase a new experience level.
• You receive one trait point (applied to one of the In Play:
four physical or four mental core traits) to be placed Before you advance a level, you may want to
where desired. See below for trait limits. bank a few extra hero points. For example, although you
have earned 40 hero points and can now purchase level
• You may receive talent ranks, depending on the
character class and the level attained. Talents 4, this will leave you with 0 hero points banked. You’ll
purchased are available immediately. If you be more susceptible to death should you have a few bad
rolls or encounter a particularly challenging monster.
purchase a magic talent, you immediately get access
to new and/or more powerful spell effects as part of Instead, you may want to let the hero points build to at
the new talent. least 45 before spending 40 to move to level 4, so that
you have an emergency reserve for if and when things go
• Your total health increases. After spending your trait
point, roll your level die +STA (modifying this roll
based on class or gift bonuses, and using the most
current rank die). Add this total result to your
previous health rating. If you advance from level 2
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 17
Chapter Three: Time & the Combat System
Game Time & Actions Half Action Penalties
Game time is measured in three increments: turns, A half action penalty is an additional delay you take
rounds and segments. Combat time is kept track of during a combat round. A half action has a delay of 5,
through a concept called delay. which changes the segment of your next action. If your
• A turn is thirty seconds long. next action will be at segment 12 but you take a half
• A round is three seconds long. action penalty (for changing weapons or rolling a critical
• A segment is 1/10 of a second. failure, for example), your next action will be at segment
• There are 30 segments in a round, 10 rounds in a 7.
• Keep track of rounds in increments of 30, counting Changing Actions
backwards from the highest initiative result (see
initiative below). Changing actions imposes a half action penalty. If you
• Delay is the number of segments you need to swing a sword with a delay of 12 on segment 19 and then
recover from completing one action and preparing decide to drink a potion with the following action, you
for the next action. Delay is counted after the action will drink the potion on segment 2 (19–12–5). Going
occurs. For example, if your sword has a delay of 12, from a missile weapon to a melee weapon, setting aside
you cannot act again until 12 segments after you a sword to use a battle axe, dropping a shield to draw a
swing your sword. Unless otherwise noted, any second sword, or using an item before returning to spell
remaining delay at the end of the round does not casting all impose a delay of –5.
carry over to the following round. If you act at • Alternating between a weapon and spell action
segment 2 with a weapon having a delay of 10, you imposes no penalty. If you fire your bow with your
do not carry over a delay of 8 into the next round. first action, cast a spell with your second action, and
Some spells and abilities supercede this rule, but if return to firing your bow with your third action, you
applicable this is noted in the specific spell or ability take no delay penalty to any of these actions.
For example, if you roll 22 for initiative and you are
using a weapon with a delay of 9, you will act three times Move represents how many segments, rounds, or hours
during that round: at segments 22, 13 (22–9) and 4 (13– it takes to walk or run a given distance. The lower the
9). move rating, the faster you are. Your move is:
• The delay required for you to travel 1 move
Actions are rated based on how long they take to increment (based on size, see below) during a
accomplish. combat round.
• Complex actions require a full turn to complete. • The number of rounds it takes you to climb a 3 unit
Most skill action rolls are considered complex tall vertical surface (1 climbing increment).
actions. Picking a lock, sneaking past a guard, • The number of rounds it takes you to travel 10 units
identifying a plant and searching a room for secret walking and engaging in activities that do not
doors are complex actions. A complex action is require an action roll.
assumed to finish at the end of the turn. If • The number of turns it takes you to travel 10 units
interrupted, the action automatically fails. while checking for traps, following a trail, or
• Standard actions require a portion of a round. Most performing another activity requiring one or more
actions during combat are considered standard action rolls.
actions. For standard actions, the delay is an • The number of rounds it takes you to travel 30 units
important consideration. Swinging a sword, casting running. You may run for a number of turns equal to
a spell, drinking a potion, using an item, jumping your STA before you have to stop and rest for 1 turn.
across a pit or running one unit are standard This means a character with a move of 10 (a typical
actions. Weapons and spells have a set delay based character) is able to travel 30 units in one turn, or
on the type of weapon or power of the spell, while one unit for each second spent running.
others are not listed with a delay. When a delay is • The number of hours it takes your character to
not listed, or when an action is listed as a standard travel 20 miles under normal conditions. You may
action, the default delay is 10. walk for a number of hours equal to your STA before
• Free actions require no time, and are allowed you have to stop and rest for 1 hour.
automatically without using an action. All resist rolls
are free actions, as are some skill rolls (see skill

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 18

Move Increments by Size Before the Round: Surprise
Creature Units traveled Units traveled at the
Size in one move end of a round (as a When one side (or both, or all) in a potential combat
action free action) situation is not expecting combat (they are not aware
Small 2 1 that adventurers are outside their door; they are asleep;
Medium 3 2 they are in the middle of a game of poker), there is a
Large 4 3 chance for surprise. Any side that could be surprised
Huge 6 4 makes a normal INT roll. Those who fail this roll are
surprised, and you receive a free standard action against
All heroic characters are medium creatures. This means them. Surprise gives a free standard action before
that in one move action (with a delay based on your initiative is rolled. Surprise attacks are assumed to be
move rating) you can travel up to 3 units during combat. against unprepared targets if the targets are conscious,
In addition, at the end of a round, you may travel 2 units but against defenseless targets if they are asleep or
as a free action, before rolling initiative for the next unconscious. Surprise only occurs when the stealth
round. talent has been used to sneak up on a target, or when a
group of creatures fails a normal INT roll against targets
In Play: RM +2 or more units distant.
You are traveling and encounter a group of If stealth is not being used, the DT of making a
hobgoblins 4 units away. You and the hobgoblins roll surprise roll is a normal DT based on the creature in the
initiative. On their first action, the hobgoblins fire with opposing group of highest rank. If a group of bugbears
their bows, but you want to close to use a melee weapon. are lead by an ogre, they are DT 12 (for a master rank
You use your first action to run up to the hobgoblins, so creature) to notice at the 2+RM encounter distance. A
that you are in an adjacent unit, and within melee range. character with stealth skill talent uses the DT from the
You rolled initiative of 17, and your move is 10, so in skill in place of the rank DT.
segment 7 you arrive in the unit adjacent to the Surprise should be rolled using the en masse
hobgoblins, and may take your first melee weapon rules (see page 57). If a group of three bugbears is
attack. guarding a chamber and the heroes are trying to sneak
up on them, make a single roll for the bugbears at +3
Encounter Distance (modified for the total number of creatures here).

The heroes may come upon a group of creatures without Unprepared Targets
using stealth to prepare for an encounter. The number
of units between the heroes and the targets is equal to A target that is not ready for combat (it doesn’t know an
the RM +2 of the creature in the group of greatest rank. attack is coming, it was looking the other way, it’s been
If the heroes come upon a group of bugbears and gnolls distracted by something else) is unprepared. An
in a campsite, the heroes may come up to 5 units away unprepared target does not make a resist roll, but
(RM 3 for the bugbears, +2) without using stealth. At instead receives its base trait rating as the resist result
this distance, the bugbears are allowed an INT roll (see automatically. If your character has a PWS of 6 and a
surprise below) to notice the heroes coming upon them. hunter leaps from the shadows and surprises you, the
Staying at a distance equal to or more than double this DT for the hunter’s attack is 6, and you do not roll the
amount (10 units away in this case) allows no roll, and level die to resist. Attacks are more likely to hit and to
the targets will not notice the heroes. If creatures are score a critical success against unprepared targets.
attempting to sneak up on the heroes, the same rules A target that is currently engaged in combat
apply, and the RM of the heroes is used to determine the cannot be caught unprepared. However, if you are in the
maximum distance creatures can approach without middle of negotiating with a potential enemy and decide
using stealth. A squad of hobgoblins archers could to strike (for example), you may be able to catch your
surround a group of level 4 heroes (RM 2) at a distance opponent unprepared. An unprepared target may not
of 8 units away without making any action rolls. use points from a shield or parry to resist.
Note that this assumes some cover or means of
camouflage. Underground caverns offer shadows and Defenseless Targets
crevices to hide in, and most outdoor environments offer
trees, brush, rocks and other natural barriers that make A target that cannot defend itself (because it is
it possible to get this close unnoticed. If there is no way unconscious, bound or completely impaired) may not
for those approaching to do so unnoticed, the INT check make a resist roll. An action made against a defenseless
should be made at the (RM+2) x2 distance. target automatically hits and automatically scores
critical damage unless a critical failure is rolled on the
action. If the heroes encounter a sleeping dragon, they
are going to be able to deal incredible damage to the
beast before it awakens and enters combat.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 19

At the End of the Round: Wrapping Up
In Play:
A group of 4 expert rank level 7 characters Several things happen at the end of a round (occurring
are exploring a ruined tower. They come up a at segment 0 on the countdown, after all actions have
stairway to find a pair of ogres having an been taken):
argument over a sack of gold coins. None of the • You suffer damage from any ongoing negative
heroes has stealth, but they want to try to gain a effects (for example, a poison).
surprise attack on the unsuspecting ogres. The • You receive the benefits from any ongoing effects
Mythweaver rolls for the ogres, rolling the rank (for example, regeneration).
die (D12) +INT +2 (for the number of ogres). The
• You declare your initial action for the following
DT for this roll is 10, since the hero group is expert round. Switching between weapons, attack types,
rank, and 10 is the normal DT for expert rank. spells and items is a free action if taken at the end of
When using the en masse action rules, only one the round.
roll is made for all creatures of the same type in a
• Any free actions taken between rounds (for example,
group. That creature will either notice and alert
a free move or changing weapons) happen in order
the others, or fail for the whole group.
of base initiative bonus (from lowest bonus to
highest). Faster characters are able to watch what
others do and react accordingly and so act later
Starting the Round: Initiative during the segment between rounds.

All characters and creatures involved in combat roll About Ongoing Effects
initiative, once surprise has been resolved. The total of
your initiative roll is the first segment (counting • Spells and other effects dealing damage over time
backwards from 30) that you act. If you roll 14 for (where damage carries over from round to round)
initiative, your first action occurs at segment 14. If no deal damage at the end of each round (at segment
one rolls higher than 14 that round, you will take the 0). A spell or effect dealing damage at the end of the
first action. If two or more combatants act on the same round that is canceled during a round is not
segment, actions are resolved based on initiative trait effective for that round, and no damage is dealt at
rank, going from highest to lowest. If combatants acting the end of the round. This rule is true for beast
on the same segment also have the same initiative trait abilities and other effects as well (such as bleeding
rank, their actions occur simultaneously. For example, if caused by signature moves or poisons from beasts).
you and your opponent both act on segment 12 and you • Spells and other effects dealing damage over time
have initiative of +5, but your opponent has initiative of (where damage carries over from round to round)
+3, you act first. If both the segment and total initiative render the target immune to additional effects of the
rank are identical, the actions occur simultaneously. same type until the current effect expires. A
This is true any time during the round where multiple character suffering from a poison bite cannot suffer
actions occur in the same segment. Since there are 30 another poison effect until the current one ends (it
segments in a round, an initiative result of better than either runs its course or is magically canceled). This
30 is impossible. If you roll 32 for initiative, the 2 is also true for signature move effects such as a
additional points are discarded, and you take your first bleed that happens over time.
action at 30. • Ongoing effects from spells, critical styles and
special beast abilities will continue even if the caster
During the Round: Combat & Delay or creature that caused the effect is knocked
unconscious, killed, or otherwise removed from
For combat actions (including physical and magical combat. Although the heroes have defeated the gnoll
attacks), if you choose to intentionally delay your next shaman, his echo of decay will continue to affect the
action, you receive a bonus to the action roll equal to the group’s myrmidon for 2 more rounds.
number of segments you delayed, up to a maximum • An effect that lasts for 1 full round continues until
bonus equal to your level. If you are allowed to take your the same segment of the following round. A creature
first action at segment 14, but you spend 4 segments who is stunned for one round at segment 12 of
aiming your bow at your target, you receive +4 to the round 3 will remain stunned until segment 12 of
subsequent action (attack) roll, which is made at round 4, and will then resume actions exactly where
segment 10. For your final action in a combat round, it is he left off. In situations like this, the creature does
often worth taking this delay to act at segment 1 in order not roll initiative in the subsequent round, but
to take the maximum benefit to the attack roll. defaults to the initiative result from the previous
• You cannot carry over an intentional delay into a round.
subsequent combat round. You must resolve an • An effect that lasts for 1 full turn continues until the
intentional delay during the same round in which same round and segment of the following turn, as
you announce it. above.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 20

How Combat Works Range & Distance
You make combat actions against targets based on how All distance is measured in an increment called a unit,
close the target is. If the target is in the same unit as you which is any measure of approximately 10 feet. A unit
are you must use a melee attack. If the target is in an could be a line 10 feet long, a square 10 feet on each side,
adjacent unit (one unit away) you may use a melee, or a cube of 10 feet on all sides, depending on what you
thrown or missile attack. If the opponent is two or more are measuring. All ranges and distances are measured in
units away you must use a thrown or missile attack. units. A weapon with a range of 6 units may strike an
• You make an attack roll using either PWS (for melee opponent up to 60 feet away. The unit that a character is
or thrown attacks) or DEX (for missile attacks). Roll in does not count when measuring units and
your attack as rank die + the relevant trait rating. measurements are made to the farthest edge of any
• Your target makes a resist roll using the same trait applicable units.
that was used for the attack. PWS attacks are
resisted using rank die +PWS; DEX attacks are Range is the maximum effective distance that a weapon
resisted using rank die +DEX. may be used. Range operates differently for thrown and
• If the attack roll total beats the resist roll total, the missile weapons.
attack has landed, and the target may suffer • For a thrown weapon, the range is a number of units
damage. equal to your MGT. If you have a MGT of 5, you may
• If the attack roll is equal to or less than the resist throw a weapon up to 5 units and strike a target. A
roll, the target avoids the attack. target 6 or more units distant is out of your range.
• Damage is rolled as your rank die + the total damage When you attack with a thrown weapon, the target
rating for the weapon. receives a bonus to the resist roll equal to the total
• For missile weapons and foils, there is no linked number of units between you and the target. If you
trait for damage, so the weapon’s damage rating is throw your axe at a gnoll 3 units away, the gnoll
the total bonus to damage rolls. receives a bonus of +3 to the resist roll to get out of
the way of the axe. Picking up or retrieving a weapon
• For all other melee and thrown weapons, MGT is the
you have thrown imposes a half action penalty. You
linked trait, and is added to damage (as limited by
must be in the same unit as the weapon you have
talent rank, see page 25).
thrown to pick it up. If you have a move of 10, and
• The total damage is rolled as rank die + the weapon
must travel 3 units to pick up your axe, the total
damage rating (+MGT, as applicable).
delay is 15 (10 from your move, 5 from the half
• The total damage is reduced by the target’s armor action penalty).
rank, and the difference is deducted from the
• For a missile weapon, the range rating is the
target’s health score. If you strike a creature for 7
maximum effective range of the weapon with no
points of damage and it has an armor rating of 3,
penalty. For every unit beyond the listed range for
you deal 4 points of damage. This amount is
the weapon, the DT increases by +1 (the target
deducted from the creature’s total health, and
receives +1 to the resist roll). For example, if you use
remains lost until the creature is able to heal.
a bow with range 6 to hit a wolf 9 units away, the
• For spells, damage bypasses all armor and wolf gets +3 to the DEX roll to avoid the attack,
protection, excepting that specifically warding because the wolf is 3 units beyond the normal range
against the specific spell type. A spell of elemental for your bow.
fire dealing 10 points of damage ignores your armor,
but is reduced by warding to elemental fire and/or
magic warding.

Critical Successes & Failures

• If you roll equal to or better than twice the DT for

the attack roll (your total attack roll is equal to twice
the target’s resist roll), your attack has scored a
critical success. When you roll damage, add up all
factors normally, but then double the total before
subtracting the target’s armor or applicable
• If you roll a natural 1 on the attack roll, you have
rolled a critical failure (a “botch”). On a critical
failure, you automatically suffer a half action penalty
before you may take another action. If your previous
action would have been taken at segment 14, you
now take that action at segment 9.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 21

Magic & Other Warding
In Play: House Rules
Your group may develop house rules that Magic warding is a defensive property given to
differ from the rules here. One house rule a play creatures, items and objects that acts as armor against
test group used was that all characters get a free magic-based attacks. Magic warding stacks with all
non-combat action between rounds. You can use other defensive magic, and also with other magic
this action to drink a potion, travel your full move warding. A character wearing a ring giving 3 points of
or cast a spell that helps an ally. total magic warding, a cloak giving 2 points of total
magic warding, and a ring giving 6 points of elemental
fire warding would reduce all magical attack damage by
Areas of Effect 5 points and all damage from magical fire by 11 points.
Conversely, magic warding would have no effect on a
Many of the talents and abilities of heroes, beasts and character falling into a natural pool of boiling lava, but
villains are measured in areas of effect (AOE). Any time fire warding would still apply.
that a spell, ability or attack affects an area, it affects all
creatures in one or more units. Five designations are Health, Healing, Unconsciousness &
used for areas of effect: Death
You may continue to act until you reach 0 health. Once
you reach 0 health, your character is knocked out, falling
unconscious and unable to continue fighting or to make
any rolls. Any further action taken against your
character is against a defenseless target.
At –1 or lower health, your character is in
danger of dying. When your health drops below the
inverse of your STA, you must make a STA roll with a
DT equal to the inverse of your STA. Success means that
your character is unconscious, with health stabilized at
this rating. Failure means that your character has died.
Since this is a resist roll, you cannot roll a critical failure.
You may spend hero points on this roll. Any additional
damage you take requires a new STA roll, with the DT
based on your new health rating. This roll is always
made using your rank die, regardless of other benefits or
For example, as an expert rank character with
STA 7, you are struck by a wraith, and your health drops
Areas of Effect to –9. During the combat, the wraith had inflicted
AOE Units Affected undead drain, and you currently use D8 for all rolls.
U The unit where the creature, object or effect is However, since this is a roll to survive at negative health,
centered. you roll with D10, your level die. As long as you roll a 2
U+1 The unit where the creature, object or effect is or better on the die (the DT is 9; 2+7=9), your health
centered + all units adjacent to that unit. will stabilize at –9, and you will begin healing.
U+2 The unit where the creature, object or effect is Your character heals naturally (with no magical
centered + all units within 2 units (1 diagonal). aid), recovering STA x RM health after every hour spent
U+3 The unit where the creature, object or effect is resting. As an expert rank character with STA 4, you
centered + all units within 3 units (2 diagonal). recover 12 health per hour of rest.
U+4 The unit where the creature, object or effect is
centered + all units within 4 units (3 diagonal). Being Revived
A spell with an AOE of U+3 affects all targets in the unit If you are revived during a combat round (typically after
where the spell goes off as well as all targets within 3 being healed by an ally), you immediately rejoin the
units in a straight line, and 2 units on the diagonal. fight. You rejoin at the lowest segment of these three
Note that a ‘straight line’ is considered any options:
consecutive line of units (either horizontal or vertical) • If you missed one or more actions you would have
with up to 1 diagonal step. A character running 3 units taken, you act 5 segments after the segment in
may travel 2 units horizontally or vertically, and then which you were revived. If you were to take an
may travel 1 unit on the diagonal. A diagonal is slightly action at 21 but were knocked out at 23, and were
less than a measure of 1.5 units, so 2 consecutive units then revived at 9, your next action would be at
on a diagonal count as 3 units. segment 4.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 22

• If your next scheduled action has not been taken yet, Item Durabilities
you take the action normally. Rank Durability Common Examples
• If this is your first action in the round (you were Apprentice 2/4 Glass, mirrors, ceramic
knocked out in the previous round), you roll Adept 5/10 Clay pots, most ropes
initiative normally, taking a penalty of –5 to the roll. Expert 10/20 Chairs, normal doors
Master 15/30 Reinforced doors
For example, you were knocked out at the end of Paragon 20/40 Steel or solid rock
combat round 5. As her first action in round 6, the Legend 25/50 Adamantine
party’s defender heals you in segment 20 so that your If you swing your axe against a heavy door and
health is now a positive rating, and you are revived. You deal 17 points of damage, you will take a small chip out
roll for initiative, and get 24. Since your result of 19 (24– of it; the same swing will shatter a glass vial or sever a
5) is higher than the result of the segment you were rope in one shot. These durabilities assume a thickness
revived –5 (15), you take your first action at segment 15. of up to 1'. A 10' thick stone wall has an exterior of 20,
If you had rolled 11 for initiative, you would take your but would have an internal durability of 400. You would
first action at 6 (11–5), since this is the lowest result. have to deal 400 points of damage, the first 20 points of
every strike absorbed by the exterior, to break through
Advanced Combat the wall. Durability ratings are equally effective against
all attack forms. Spells and other special attack forms do
These rules apply to specific situations that may come not bypass the exterior rating for an item or object. Once
up during play. again, logic should be applied. A burst of elemental
flame will destroy wooden objects, but will do little to
solid rock. Attacks against objects are automatically
Cover successful unless the attacker rolls a natural 1. Attacks
against objects cannot score critical hits.
By hiding behind a wall or barrier, you receive a bonus
to DEX resist rolls against missile attacks, and to mental
trait resist rolls against baseline spells. The common Escalating Difficulties
types of cover and the bonus you receive are listed
below. You can use cover to help avoid being struck by a In some situations, the difficulty of an action increases
volley of arrows or a powerful eldritch dart. Cover does over time. The specific action and situation will
not impact areas of effect. determine the difficulty and interval between checks,
but generally checks are made every round, with the
Cover Modifiers to DT difficulty increasing +1 each round. For example, you
Type Modifier Example are helping a farmer to get his livestock out of a burning
Lesser +1 In thick brush barn. You hold up a central support (using the MGT
Normal +3 Behind a narrow tree application of athletics skill talent) while the farmer
Greater +6 Around a corner, on a tower clears the building. The DT of the MGT +athletics roll in
the first round is 6, but this increases every round by +1.
The Mythweaver determines that the farmer needs 5
Durability & Items rounds to totally clear the barn out, meaning that you
need to make five MGT +athletics rolls of escalating
Some attacks are made against objects instead of other
difficulty: DT 6 in the first round, 7 in the second round,
characters or beasts. Objects have a durability, which is
8 in the third round, 9 in the fourth round, and 10 in the
listed as two ratings: The amount of damage the exterior
fifth round. If you fail any of these rolls, your strength
absorbs from every attack without affecting the interior
has given out and the roof caves in, dealing damage to
(structure) of the object, and the amount of damage the
every creature still in the barn.
interior can absorb before the object is compromised or
destroyed. An object with a durability of 20/40 absorbs
the first 20 points of damage from every attack into the Falling
exterior, and has 40 points of interior strength before
being destroyed or ruined. Use durability when an Falling rules are covered in the athletics skill talent
attack is intended to destroy the object or the object is in description. You suffer 1 point of damage per foot fallen,
imminent danger (an area of effect spontaneous fire less your DEX + total athletics skill talent rank bonus.
spell cast in a wizard's laboratory will surely destroy all
potions, scrolls and books in the room). Logic should be Gaze Attacks
used when looking at the situation. A war hammer will
do damage to a glass vial, but not to a rope. The If you do not make an effort to avoid the gaze of a
durability of an object is based on the type of object. creature with a gaze attack, you automatically make eye
contact and are subject to the attack. If you avert your
eyes, the target receives a +4 bonus to all resist rolls
against your actions. A botched action roll indicates that
you inadvertently meet the gaze of the beast, even if you
were going out of your way to avoid the gaze.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 23

Improvised Weapons other damage sustained that is not elemental in
nature is still regenerated normally. Wilding magic
An improvised weapon has a default damage rating of completely disrupts regeneration so that it cannot
+1, and a default delay of 15. If you pick up a chair in a operate for 1 full turn.
tavern brawl, you are going to deal level die +MGT +1 • Creatures with innate regeneration who are granted
damage with it, and you are going to have to wait 15 additional bonuses to regeneration receive the best
segments to swing it again. benefit available. If your level 3 wood troll
Some improvised weapons may be slightly more myrmidon (normally regenerating 2 health at the
effective (a wooden board with nails sticking out of it end of every round) drinks a potion granting 6
may deal +2 damage), but would still be slower than points of regeneration per round for 1 turn, he will
comparable true weapons. Improvised weapons are receive the potion’s effect for 1 turn (since it is
never more effective than objects designed for use as superior to his innate ability), and will revert to his
weapons. You cannot score a critical success when using normal regeneration after the potion runs its course.
an improvised weapon. • Regeneration applies at the end of every round,
including a surprise round.
Subduing a Target
At the end of every combat round, allies of the heroes
(who are not controlled by a player) and/or enemies that You may elect to enter combat to subdue rather than kill
the heroes are fighting may have to roll morale. Roll your target. Subdual combat works exactly as other
morale if either side has suffered the loss of a sizeable combat, although a target at 0 health (or lower)
portion of its force, even if these forces are only surrenders rather than being killed. You must state your
unconscious or temporarily removed from combat. intention to subdue a target at the beginning of combat.
Morale is a WIL roll, with the DT based on the situation. Once you have elected to attempt to kill a target, you
Success indicates that the creatures rolling morale stay may not change to subdual damage. When you elect to
in the combat, while failure indicates that they turn and fight to subdue rather than to kill a target, you may not
flee at the beginning of the following round. The score critical damage or use signature moves.
Mythweaver should make one roll for the entire group. A Subdual combat is often used for duels between
group of eight goblins will all either stay and fight as a friendly opponents. Two student wizards learning how
group, or turn and flee together, depending on the result to use magic or two knights challenging each other to
of one morale check. The Mythweaver should not roll swordplay will attack to subdue.
individually for each creature in the fight. This is not A subdued target remains subdued for 1 full
considered an en masse roll (see page 57), and a single turn. For example, if the heroic group subdues a
roll is made for one creature unadjusted. basilisk, they have 1 turn after defeating it to prepare it
The Mythweaver may decide to make individual for travel (blindfolding it, binding its limbs, and loading
morale checks for mixed encounters- a group of three it on a cart) before it awakens ready to resume fighting.
ogres and seven hobgoblins may break up when the After 1 turn, the creature that was subdued recovers to
hobgoblins fail their morale check and turn, while the full health.
ogres square their jaws and continue to wade into Note that if any attack upon a target is made to
combat. The DT is based on the rank of the most kill rather than subdue, all damage sustained to that
powerful opponent. If the heroes are all expert rank point becomes normal damage, and subdual is no longer
characters, a normal morale roll for their foes is DT 10. possible. For example, a knight of evil heart duels his
opponent fairly until the end of the fight, at which time
Morale Difficulty Targets he changes his intention and delivers a killing blow.
DT Situation
Lesser Targets have suffered a loss of over 50% of Vision
their health, or the loss of up to 25% of their
force. Without night vision, you must have some other source
Normal Targets have suffered a loss of 25% to 50% of of light when underground or adventuring at night.
their force, or the loss of their leader. Torches and lanterns shed light in a U+1 AOE, and
Greater Targets have suffered the loss of over 50% of lanterns are further able to cast a focused beam of light
their force and the loss of their leader. up to 3 units. Non-humans have night vision that allows
them to see even in total darkness, but human
Regeneration characters need some form of light in order to function
at full capability. If you are not able to see, you suffer a
Regeneration is effective against most wounds, although penalty of +4 to all DTs (including attacks). If you
some damage types will disrupt regeneration: attempt to pick a lock with a DT of 12 in complete
• Elemental damage (from fire, cold or lightning) and darkness, you do so at DT 16. Any light (from a torch,
damage from wilding magic disrupts regeneration lantern, spell or magical item) disrupts night vision,
for 1 turn. A creature suffering elemental damage making it unusable while the creature with night vision
cannot regenerate this damage for 1 turn, although is within the area of effect of the light.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 24

Chapter Four: Talents
You measure your training in all talents using ranks; you Arms Talents
could be an expert of melee, a master of arcanum, or a
paragon of burglary (or eventually all 3!). The base For arms talents:
bonus that you receive in any talent is equal to your • Your maximum allowed damage bonus from a
character level. If you are level 4, any talent you have is weapon is limited to your level.
limited to a total bonus or rating of +4. This is modified • Your maximum allowed bonus to damage from a
by two factors: linked trait is limited to the maximum bonus by
• The rank of talent training sets the maximum rank. This is not adjusted by level. As an apprentice
bonus you receive for a talent. If you have a talent of melee, you add 3 points (if your MGT is 3 or
at apprentice rank, the best bonus you can receive better) to damage rolls with most melee weapon
from that talent is +3, because 3 is the maximum attacks, even at level 1. If, as a level 1 character you
level bonus for apprentice rank talents (see bel0w). have melee of adept, you take up to +6 to damage
• You add +1 to this level bonus if you purchase a from MGT, if applicable.
talent at any rank above your character rank. For • Your maximum allowed enchantment bonus (from
example, as a level 4 character (adept rank), if you magic) is equal to your RM+1.
take expert of armor, you receive +1 to your level to • Your maximum allowed imbued bonus (from magic)
determine your maximum bonus. Even though you is equal to your RM +1.
are only level 4, your bonus to use this talent is +5.
When you move to level 6 (an expert rank For example, as an adept rank character:
character), your talents stays at +6, since you are
• With apprentice rank talent in melee, your
now of the same character rank as your talent. You maximum weapon bonus is +3. If you pick up a
do not receive the +1 level benefit until you move to sword with a damage rating of +6, you only get +3 to
master of the talent as an expert rank character. damage from this weapon (your rank maximum
• There is no limit to your talent rank based on bonus), and you only get up to +3 from your linked
character rank. As an adept rank character, you trait. You can pick up and wield a mighty two-
could conceivably be a paragon of a talent, although handed sword with a damage rating of 20 as an
your return on this investment will be minimal. In apprentice of melee, but you are only going to get +3
general, you will realize little if any benefit from to base damage from it, you’ll still be capped at +3
taking a talent more than one rank ahead of your from your MGT, and its great size is going to slow
current character rank, and you will be better off you down considerably. You could still get the
purchasing other talents instead. magical bonus from such a weapon equal to your
• Your RM is unaffected by purchasing talents at RM+1. If this is an enchanted sword +4, you will be
ranks above your character rank. At level 7, if you able to get the full magical bonus if you are level 6 or
purchase master in a talent, your RM remains 3, and better. At level 1, you can pick up and swing this
any bonus or effect related to RM is still capped at 3. mighty weapon, but your total damage bonus
• Each rank places a maximum bonus from traits to (without adding in your MGT) is +3 (+1 from the
result (including damage) rolls. For example, as an limit based on your level, +2 from your RM+1 limit
apprentice of melee, your maximum bonus from to magical bonuses). It’s an impressive weapon…
MGT is +3 to damage rolls when using melee just not in your hands.
weapons that allow a bonus to damage from MGT,
even if your MGT is better than 3. This is not limited Magic Talents
by level. If, as a level 2 myrmidon, you are an adept
of melee, you may add your MGT (up to +6) to For magic talents, your level is the total damage rating
result (damage) rolls made with melee weapons for spells you cast, or for the effects of your spells. As
linked to MGT. Action rolls are unaffected by this with other talent types, if you have talent at one rank
limit. As a level 3 mystic with apprentice of beyond your character rank (you are an adept rank
elemental lightning and INT 7, you roll D8+7 for character with expert rank talent in arcanum), you are
elemental lightning action rolls, and D8+3 for considered one level higher when casting arcanum
elemental lightning result (damage) rolls. This same spells, although your RM is not modified.
limit applies to melee arms talents and linked traits
when determining damage.
Skills Talents
Talent Rank Limits
Rank Maximum Bonus The total modifier (based on your level) is both the
Apprentice +3 bonus to action rolls with the skill (for things like
Adept +6 athletics and lore), and the DT for resisting the skill (for
Expert +10 things like influence and stealth). This is further
Master +15 explained in the section on skills.
Paragon No Limit
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 25
Arms Talents
This section provides an overview of the basic rules • As a master of melee, you can use the full abilities
regarding talents in weapons and armor, and the way of heavy melee weapons like war swords and
that these facets of character work in physical combat. morning stars. You add your MGT to damage rolls,
Talents are purchased at ranks from apprentice through with a maximum bonus of +15. In addition, you may
paragon. Note that all characters begin the game with learn a signature move (see below).
apprentice rank talent in armor, melee and missile • As a paragon of melee, you can use the full abilities
without purchasing any talent ranks. of great melee weapons like great swords and mauls.
You add your MGT to damage rolls. In addition, you
Armor may learn a signature move (see below).
• Note: MGT is the linked trait for all melee and
You may wear armor and carry shields for protection. thrown weapon attacks (except with foils; see page
• As an apprentice of armor, you gain the full 31). You add your MGT (up to the maximum limit
benefits from basic armors like padded and leather based on your talent rank) to damage rolls with
armor of up to +3 rating, although you may not thrown and melee weapons.
carry a shield.
• As an adept of armor, you gain the full benefits Missile
from light armors like hide and studded leather of
up to +6 rating. In addition, you may carry a shield You may wield missile weapons against targets at range.
of up to +3 rating, using this to further protect • As an apprentice of missile weapons, you can use
yourself. the full abilities of basic missile weapons like slings
• As an expert of armor, you gain the full benefits and practice bows of up to +3 rating.
from medium armors like chain mail and scale mail • As an adept of missile weapons, you can use the full
of up to +10 rating. In addition, you may carry a abilities of light missile weapons like short bows and
shield of up to +6 rating, using this to further light crossbows of up to +6 rating.
protect yourself. You may use this shield to perform • As an expert of missile weapons, you can use the
a shield bash once per turn (see below). full abilities of medium missile weapons like
• As a master of armor, you gain the full benefits hunting bows and medium crossbows of up to +10
from heavy armors like banded mail of up to +15 rating. In addition, you may learn a signature move
rating. In addition, you may carry a shield of up to (see below).
+10 rating, using this to further protect yourself. • As a master of missile weapons, you can use the
You may use this shield to perform a shield bash full abilities of heavy missile weapons like long bows
once per turn, and to guard another character (see and heavy crossbows of up to +15 rating. In
below). addition, you may learn a signature move (see
• As a paragon of armor, you gain the full benefits below).
from great armors like plate mail of any rating. In • As a paragon of missile weapons, you can use the
addition, you may carry a shield of up to +15 rating, full abilities of great missile weapons like great bows
using this to further protect yourself. You may use and great crossbows of any rating. In addition, you
this shield to perform a shield bash once per turn, to may learn a signature move (see below).
guard another character, and to ward off attacks
from spells and other beast abilities (see below). Advanced Arms Talents
Melee These advanced talents only become available once you
achieve talent rank thresholds in other arms talents.
You may wield weapons to be used in melee combat, or
to be thrown at targets at range. Counter Attacks
• As an apprentice of melee, you can use the full
abilities of basic melee weapons like daggers and Once you have purchased melee at expert rank or better,
clubs. You add your MGT to damage rolls, with a you may use one talent rank to purchase counter
maximum bonus of +3. attacks. Counter attacks gives you a free melee attack
• As an adept of melee, you can use the full abilities action against any target that rolls a critical failure
of light melee weapons like long swords and maces. (natural 1) on a melee attack action made against you.
You add your MGT to damage rolls, with a Your counter attack is a free action with a delay of 0, and
maximum bonus of +6. does not affect your other actions that round. This may
• As an expert of melee, you can use the full abilities be used at will, against any opponent rolling a critical
of medium melee weapons like broad swords and failure. You may only use counter attacks if you are
war hammers. You add your MGT to damage rolls, conscious and capable of striking; if you are stunned,
with a maximum bonus of +10. In addition, you may paralyzed or bound, you may not use counter attacks.
learn a signature move (see below).
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 26
Parry Sundering
Once you have purchased melee at expert rank or better, Once you have purchased melee at expert rank or better,
you may use one talent rank to purchase parry. Parry you may use one talent rank to purchase sundering.
gives you a protective bonus (as a shield, see shields Sundering allows you to focus all of your attacks for any
below) to be used every round equal to your RM. As an round in a single great melee swing affecting all targets
expert rank character with parry, you receive 3 bonus in a U+1 AOE. You give up all other actions to make a
resist points to apply every round to resist rolls against single attack roll with your first action that round. All
melee, thrown or missile weapon attacks. targets in the area of effect must roll to resist the attack.
Any target struck suffers the same damage (you make a
Poison single damage roll). This attack may end up scoring
critical damage against all, some or none of the targets,
Once you purchase melee or missile at expert rank or depending on their resist rolls. You may use sundering
better, you may use one talent rank to purchase poison. at will, but it may be the only action you take during that
You receive poison at your current character rank, and round. Once you attempt any other action in a round,
your access to poison increases as your rank increases. you may not use sundering.
With poison, you may envenom one melee or missile
weapon attack per turn, dealing additional damage if the Two Weapons
target fails a STA resist roll based on the DT of the
poison. Poisoning a weapon is a free action, imposing no Once you have purchased melee at expert rank or better,
additional penalty to delay. Only living creatures may be you may spend one talent rank to purchase two
affected by poison. If a poisoned attack misses or fails to weapons. With two weapons, you may wield two one-
penetrate the target’s armor, the poison is used up and handed weapons in combat simultaneously, the second
may not be attempted again until the next turn. The weapon making all rolls at one die lower than the
most common varieties of poison (and their costs per normal rank die you use. You distribute your total bonus
single use vial) are listed below. between these weapons, although neither weapon may
have a rating of better than +15. As a level 12 master of
Poisons melee, you could wield a sword +10 and a dagger +2, a
sword +8 and a short sword +4, or a
Your Sample Cost/ If your attack deals damage,
pair of swords +6. The two weapons
Rank Poison Vial the target must
are rolled as separate attacks.
Adept Red 1 gold Make a STA roll (DT 8) or suffer 3
Initiative, attack and damage rolls are
Hornet’s points of damage per round for 2
made for the primary weapon using
Sting rounds, in addition to the full attack
D12 (your rank die), while the
secondary weapon uses D10 (one rank
Expert Night 3 gold Make a STA roll (DT 10) or suffer 6
die lower) for initiative, attack and
Hunter’s points of damage per round for 3
damage rolls. This ratio between the
Poison rounds, in addition to the full attack
two weapons remains even if you
receive a bonus or penalty to dice; if
Master Tarantula 10 gold Make a STA roll (DT 12) or suffer 10
the primary weapon drops to D8 due
Venom points of damage per round for 4
to a spell or other situational penalty,
rounds, in addition to the full attack
the secondary weapon drops to D6.
The two weapons may be used against
Paragon Diluted 30 gold Make a STA roll (DT 16) or suffer 15
different enemies as long as additional
Wyvern’s points of damage per round for 5
enemies are within the same or an
Toxin rounds, in addition to the full attack
adjacent unit. Changing to any action
other than attack actions with the two
Legend Wyvern’s 100 Make a STA roll (DT 20) or suffer 20
weapons immediately ends any
Toxin gold points of damage per round for 6
remaining actions for the secondary
rounds, in addition to the full attack
weapon, and operates normally for the
primary weapon. If you stop two-
weapon fighting to drink a potion, you may no longer
Quick Strike use the secondary weapon during that round. You
cannot use tw0 weapon fighting while also wielding a
Once you have purchased melee or missile at expert shield. If weapons have ratings adding up to more than
rank or better, you may use one talent rank to purchase the total rating allowed, you must designate ahead of
quick strike. With quick strike, you reduce the delay for time the bonuses granted to each weapon. In the
all combat actions (with any weapon attack) by a rating previous example, if you have two long swords +8, you
equal to your RM. As a master rank character with quick may elect to use +7 from the first sword and +5 from the
strike, you reduce all weapon delays by 4; a weapon with second, since you are limited to a total bonus of +12.
a delay of 11 has a delay of 7 in your hands.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 27

Weapon Listings Enchanted Armor & Weapons
The following information pertains to weapons of each Enchanted armor and weapons have been magically
type: empowered with additional bonuses that affect the base
• All weapons, armor and shields are listed with a rating of the weapon. Each +1 to the rating increases its
cost, the purchase price of the item. While the costs cost by an additional x1. A weapon or suit of armor
are for weapons and armor of increasingly better cannot receive a bonus better than its base rating, and
quality and craftsmanship, costs for magical items, mortals are not able to enchant weapons or armor with a
weapons, armor and shields of both greater quality bonus of better than +5. For example, a suit of +3
and possessing magical enchantments or imbued leather armor could have no better than a +3
properties, are higher. enchantment, while a suit of +18 plate mail could have
• Not all weapons, armor and shields of every rating no better than a +5 enchantment. Note that magic
will be available in all places. While a large city may warding does not reduce or diminish an enchantment
have a wide assortment of weapons and armor bonus; this bonus is absorbed by armor, not by magic
available for purchase, a single blacksmith in a small warding.
town may only have a number of weapons of the
lowest ratings (1–6), and may have only a single Imbued Armor & Weapons
weapon with a rating of 8; he spent an entire season
crafting this weapon, and he is quite proud of his Imbuing a piece of armor or a weapon magically
work on this particular piece. Your Mythweaver has empowers that item with a property granting an
more information on whether or not particular additional bonus. Each rank (or +1) that an item is
items will be available in a community. It is going to imbued increases its cost by an additional x1. A weapon
be nearly impossible to find any weapons or armor granting a +3 damage bonus from elemental fire has a
of paragon rank in a village. There are no characters total modifier to the cost of x4. A weapon or suit of
in the vicinity of sufficient rank to require such an armor cannot receive a bonus better than its base rating,
item. A paragon sword (rating 15+) may have to be and mortals are not able to imbue weapons or armor
specially ordered and constructed, even in a large with a bonus of better than +5. For example, a dagger +2
city. could have no better than a +2 imbued bonus from fire
damage, while a great sword +16 could have no better
Base Armor and Weapon Costs than a +5 imbued bonus from cold.
Rating Cost Rating Cost The full list of possible ways armor and weapons
+1 1 gold +11 150 gold can be imbued is listed in the treasure section, starting
+2 3 gold +12 200 gold on page 70.
+3 6 gold +13 250 gold
+4 10 gold +14 300 gold Totaling Costs of Magical Items
+5 15 gold +15 400 gold
+6 25 gold +16 500 gold The total multipliers from both enchantment and
+7 35 gold +17 600 gold imbued properties are added together, and added to a
+8 50 gold +18 700 gold base of 1. If a sword +10 has a +2 enchantment, and
+9 75 gold +19 850 gold deals +4 damage from magical lightning, the total cost
+10 100 gold +20 1,000 gold of this weapon is 700 gold (100 gold base x 7 from total
bonuses +1).
Modifiers to Cost
Weapon Listing Shorthand
These base costs are modified by a number of factors to
determine a total market price: Weapons are listed hereafter as +base
• Quarterstaffs are far less expensive to produce damage/+enchantment bonus/+imbued bonus (+total
than comparable items. The cost of a quarterstaff is damage). If only one bonus is listed (for example, a
–50% (or half of the listed cost). A quarterstaff +6 short sword +3), the rating is the base rating for the item
costs 12 gold, 5 silver. (this sword has no magical bonuses at all).
• Foils require greater craftsmanship and care.
Increase the cost for any foil by +20%. A foil +5 For example:
costs 18 gold. The sword of the fiery guardian +7/+3/+2 fire
• Armor requires more raw materials to construct. (+12 total damage) deals +7 base damage, +3 from its
Double the cost for any armor (+100%). A suit of enchantment, and +2 from fire. This weapon deals only
hide armor +3 costs 12 gold. +10 against creatures immune to fire or with 2 or more
• Crossbows require special construction. Increase points of fire warding. This weapon may be used to its
the cost for any crossbow by +20%. A crossbow +10 full potential by a character of level 7 or better with
costs 120 gold. expert or better melee talent.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 28

Armor Shields
Armor Talent Maximum Shield Rating
Armor is worn protection that diminishes or negates Adept +3
damage from physical attacks. Armor does not protect Expert +6
against areas of effect or toxins (acid, poisons, and Master +10
gases), against magic (spells, even those that inflict Paragon +15
physical damage, bypass armor) or against spell-like
abilities (such as breath weapons). Armor is primarily Shield Styles
effective against weapon attacks, but also protects
against catastrophic physical damage such as that As you purchase greater ranks of armor, you gain special
sustained from falling debris, rocks or falling. Armors styles for your shield. These are outlined below.
listed below are the most common types, but different • As an expert of armor, you may attempt a shield
races and societies may develop their own unique bash once per turn, after you successfully resist an
armors. enemy’s melee attack made against you. With shield
bash, you receive a free action against the target;
Sample Armor Types by Rating taken in the same segment you resist the attacker’s
Talent Rating Sample Armors action. A shield bash stuns the target, forcing an
Rank Range additional delay to the target’s next action equal to
Apprentice 1-3 Leather, padded or robes your level. At level 10, your shield bash will force the
Adept 4-6 Ring mail, studded or hide target to suffer a delay of –10 to its next action. A
Expert 7-10 Chain mail or scale mail shield bash may only be used after any melee attack
Master 11-15 Banded mail or splint mail that you resist, whether or not you use points from
Paragon 16-20 Plate mail the shield's defensive pool to resist. For this style,
* Note that ratings for weapons and armor allow +1 into extra delay segments carry over to the following
the next rank. While apprentice rank normally includes round. At level 10, if you shield bash a target at
ratings 1-2, apprentice weapons and armor have ratings segment 6, the target is stunned for the rest of the
1-3. round and also suffers a penalty of –4 to initiative
next round. The target of a shield bash makes a STA
Shields resist roll, with a greater DT based on the shield
bearer’s rank. Resisting the shield bash of a level 11
Shields are not purchased separately, but are character (master rank) requires a DT 16 STA roll.
automatically gained as you advance in armor talent. • As a master of armor, in addition to shield bash,
Shields lag one rank behind your armor rank. When you you may also use your shield to guard an ally in the
are an adept of armor (giving you a maximum bonus of same unit. This style requires no roll, and may be
+6), you automatically are an apprentice of shields used at will and as often as desired. With guard, you
(giving you a maximum shield rating of +3). This elect to use your pool of points to protect another
improves with every rank, so that as a paragon of armor, character, rather than for your own defense. You
you are also a master of shields (maximum rating +15). must declare this at the beginning of the round
Shields provide you with a pool of defensive (before initiative is rolled) and guard then applies
points to use every round to add to resist rolls against throughout the entire round. You must be and
physical attacks (against melee, thrown and missile remain in the same unit as the character you protect
weapon attacks). The shield’s rating is the number of for guard to apply. Once you commit to use your
points available in the defensive pool for that shield. shield to guard another character for the round, that
Shields cost the standard rate for items of that rating. character gains access to your pool of bonus
You may use this pool of defensive points as defensive points and you may no longer use them
desired. All of these points may be used against any that round for your own protection.
single attack, or points may be distributed among a • As a paragon of armor, in addition to shield bash
number of different attacks during that combat round. and guard, you may use absolute deflection once per
Shields are usable only against physical attacks. You do turn. With absolute deflection, you may use any or
not have to declare if points are being used, or how all of the existing pool of bonus points for your
many points are being used, until all other factors in the shield to resist talents and abilities that normally
attack roll (the roll and all bonuses, but not damage) bypass a shield. Examples of attacks that may be
have been considered. If you fail to resist an enemy resisted with this ability include spells that target
sword attack by 2 points, you may use 2 points from you specifically, or areas of effect like breath
your pool of shield points to resist that attack. You must weapons and other spell-like powers. In addition,
decide whether or not to use the bonus defensive points this pool may be shared among all characters in the
from a shield before damage is actually rolled. same unit as the shield bearer, although the bearer
must use the points first, sharing any remaining
points with allies. For example, a dragon breathes
on your heroic group. Two of your allies are further
back (casting spells and using a bow, respectively),
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 29
but two others have run up with you to engage the action, even after initiative is rolled. Once activated,
dragon before it breathes. You have an enchanted however, its benefit lasts only for the remainder of
shield with a total of 16 points in the defensive pool. that round.
You miss your resist roll against the dragon’s breath
by 5 points; your two allies (a defender and a rake) Using Shields with Weapons
each fail as well; the defender by 7 points, and the
rake by 6. You cannot use the points to defend all The larger your shield is, the smaller the weapon is that
three; you have to defend yourself first, but you you will be able to wield with it. The largest weapons
decide to also share points with the rake. You use 5 (rating 16+) require that they be used tw0-handed, and
points yourself and 6 points for the rake. As a result, prohibit the use of a shield altogether. You cannot carry
you both make your resist rolls now. Although 5 a mighty two-handed great sword and wield it effectively
points are left, 7 are needed to aid the defender, so while also carrying a shield. The total base ratings of
you instead bank these points for later in the round. your shield and weapon added together cannot exceed
If used in conjunction with the guard ability, the 20. If you carry a shield +13, the heaviest weapon you
character that has received the benefits of guard may wield is +7. All melee weapons (except for
must also receive the first benefits of absolute quarterstaffs) may be used with a shield. Slings and
deflection, before these may be shared with other crossbows may also be used with a shield, although
allies. Absolute deflection allows you to use your bows may not.
shield to deflect spells and area of effect attacks that
normally cannot be parried or avoided. This is not Melee Weapons
effective against gaze attacks, or poisons and
diseases, as these either cannot be deflected or The following are the most common weapons available
physically blocked. Absolute deflection lasts for only based on the rating type. Notes about the specific
1 round (or until all points are used in that round), weapon types are listed hereafter.
and may only be used once per turn. You may decide
to use absolute deflection at any time as a free

Melee Weapons
Rank Base Rating Delay* Common Weapons of this Rating
Apprentice 1-3 10 Hand axe, light javelin, short sword
Adept 4-6 11 Medium axe, mace, light flail, short spear, long sword
Expert 7-10 12 Battle axe, war hammer, horseman’s flail, broad sword
Master 11-15 13 War axe, morning star, war spear, war sword
Paragon 16-20 14 Great axe, maul, great spear, great sword
*Only foils do not have increased delay at higher ranks (see foils, below)

Linked Trait Blunt Weapons

You add MGT to damage rolls with all melee weapons There are two varieties of blunt weapons: basic blunt
except foils (see below). weapons and quarterstaffs.
• Basic blunt weapons are primarily melee weapons.
Axes Basic blunt weapons of up to +10 base rating may be
used either as melee or thrown weapons, although
Axes are primarily melee weapons. Axes of up to +10 basic blunt weapons of base rating 11+ may be used
base rating may be used either as melee or thrown only as pure melee weapons. Add MGT to damage
weapons, although larger axes may be used only as pure rolls with basic blunt weapons. Basic blunt weapons
melee weapons. Add MGT to damage rolls with axes. include clubs, maces, war hammers, morning stars
and mauls.
Blades • Quarterstaffs may be used only in melee combat.
Quarterstaffs require two hands, meaning that no
Blades are primarily melee weapons. Blades of up to +10 shield or second weapon may be wielded with a
base rating may be used either as melee or thrown quarterstaff. These weapons are popular due to their
weapons, although larger blades may be used only as low cost, since they are half the cost of other
pure melee weapons. Add MGT to damage rolls with weapons. The wielder of a quarterstaff receives a
blades. Sample blades include daggers, swords, falcatas number of points of parry equal to the RM of melee
and scimitars. talent. As an expert of melee wielding a quarterstaff,
you receive 3 parry points per round (see parry on
page 27). If you also purchase the parry advanced
arms talent, as a master rank character you receive 7
total parry points per round (3 from your expert
talent in melee, 4 from being master rank). Add
MGT to damage rolls with quarterstaffs.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 30
Flails Missile Weapons
Rank Rating Sling Bow Crossbow
Flails may only be used as melee weapons, and may not Range Range Range
be thrown effectively. Add MGT to damage rolls with Apprentice 1-3 2 units 3 units 4 units
flails. Flails are especially effective against shield users. Adept 4-6 3 units 4 units 5 units
The maximum number of bonus resist points from a Expert 7-10 4 units 5 units 6 units
shield that a target may use against a flail attack is equal Master 11-15 -- 6 units 7 units
to 20– the flail’s base rating. A flail +12 limits the target Paragon 16-20 -- 7 units 8 units
to using no more than 8 total resist points from a shield
against any one attack by the flail wielder. A flail +20 Missile weapon ranges are listed as the base range for
makes it impossible for the target to use a shield the weapon before a range penalty applies. Penalties are
effectively against attacks made with that flail. given as a bonus to resist rolls against the weapon. For
example, a bow +8 has a range of 5 units. You make
Foils attack rolls against targets within 5 units with no
penalty. If you try to hit a target 10 units away with this
Foils are melee weapons that focus on speed instead of bow, the target gets +5 to the resist roll to avoid your
damage. Foils give no trait bonus to damage rolls, but attack.
the delay does not increase with damage rating. All foils
have a default delay of 9. A +10 foil deals +10 total Signature Moves
damage (with no added MGT) and has a delay of 9.
Sample foils include dirks, rapiers and sabers. Signature moves are specialized combat maneuvers that
you learn as you progress further in weapons talents.
Piercing Weapons Signature moves are earned with either melee or missile
weapons, granted for free as you achieve expert, master
Piercing weapons provide great versatility, since they and paragon ranks in either melee or missile (or both;
may be used as either melee or thrown weapons at any see below).
rating. Often, poorer armies will build their foot soldiery • You may have up to 3 different signature moves.
around piercing weapons due to the lower costs of • When you progress to expert of melee or missile
purchasing piercing weapons, and their versatility. weapons arms talent, you learn your first signature
Piercing weapons are much cheaper to produce than move. The rank of this signature move is set at
other weapon types, costing 20% less than comparable lesser.
weapons. Add MGT to damage rolls with piercing • When you progress to master of melee or missile
weapons. Sample piercing weapons include javelins and weapons arms talent, you learn a second signature
spears. move. The rank of your initial signature move
increases to normal, and the rank of your new
signature move is set at lesser.
Missile Weapons
• When you progress to paragon of melee or missile
weapons arms talent, you learn a third signature
There are three basic types of missile weapons: slings,
move. At this time, the first signature move you had
bows and crossbows. These weapons fire projectiles
taken increases to greater, the second increases to
(stones, arrows and bolts, respectively).
normal, and the new signature move is set at lesser.
• Slings are the least expensive missile weapons (half
• You may attempt to use each of your signature
cost). Slings have shorter ranges and
moves once per turn, with any attack
a maximum base rating of +10, but
action roll using a weapon listed with that
may be used with shields. Slings
signature move. If you are a paragon of
have a default delay of 10, regardless
melee with a greater, normal and lesser
of the damage rating.
signature move, you may attempt each of
• Bows are missile weapons of your three signature moves once per turn.
moderate cost, with medium ranges.
• The DT of successfully landing a signature
Bows are purchased at the normal
move is the resist roll of the target + the
costs. Bows have a default delay of
RM of the target. If you attempt to use your
9, regardless of the damage rating.
armor piercing signature move against a
They may not be used with a shield.
basilisk (a master rank beast), and the
• Crossbows are the most expensive basilisk rolls 12 on the resist roll against
missile weapons, but have greater the attack, you need to roll a 17 or better to
ranges and may be used with land the signature move (12 + its RM of 4
shields. Crossbows are purchased at is DT 16, and as the attacker you need to
+20% to the base cost. Crossbows roll better than the DT to succeed; ties go
have a default delay of 10, regardless to the defender on the use of signature
of the damage rating. moves as well).

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 31

• It is possible for a signature move attempt to still • Be aware that most signature moves are only usable
result in a successful hit without the benefits of the with certain weapons. If you wield a bow and a
signature move. In the example above, a total attack sword (blade), your impede reaction style will only
action roll of 12 or lower is a miss, 13-16 results in a work with your bow. It is possible to purchase
normal hit, and a roll of 17 or better is a hit along impede reaction when you become an expert of
with the signature move style effects. Using this melee, because you could potentially still wield a
same example, a total attack action of 24 or better blunt weapon with this style, and may begin
results in a critical hit and the use of a signature carrying a mace to take advantage of this signature
move. Signature moves that score critical damage move.
gain no additional benefit to the move.
• Multiple uses of the same signature move do not Ranks of Signature Moves
stack. If a target is already suffering from a blood
letter, another use of blood letter by a different Your rank in a signature move determines the maximum
character will be ineffective until the first has run its effectiveness of that signature move.
• Signature moves are purchased with your arms • Lesser signature moves are limited to no better
attack type of highest rank. If you move to expert of than level 6 and/or RM 3 effectiveness.
melee and take lesser focused strike, you do not gain • Normal signature moves are limited to no better
an additional signature move when you move to than level 10 and/or RM 4 effectiveness.
expert of missile. If you then move to master of • Greater signature moves are limited to no better
missile, you may take any other signature move at than level 15 and/or RM 5 effectiveness.
lesser, and focused strike moves to normal, even
though missile was not the talent you used to
purchase it originally.

Signature Moves
Move What It Does Usable Limitations
Armor Reduces the armor rating of the target by a number of points equal Axes Does not affect
Piercing to your RM. Natural armor is ripped or rent, while worn armor has Foils creatures with 0
straps cut or bindings severed. Repairing broken armor takes 1 armor rating; will
turn. Natural armors recover at the end of 1 full turn. not reduce armor
below 0.
Blood Continues to deal damage after your initial strike. The target takes Blades Only affects
Letter bleeding damage equal to your level every round, for a number of Piercing blooded living
rounds equal to your RM. targets.
Disarm Forces the target to drop a weapon, shield, wand, or other held Flails Only affects targets
item, casting the item D4 units away. Determine direction rolling Foils holding an item
D12 and visualizing a clock (12 is directly ahead of you, 6 directly (weapon, shield,
behind you). wand, etc.).
Focused You add your level x2 to the subsequent damage roll. (for example, Any None.
Strike a level 9 character adds +18 to the damage roll if this is a normal
or greater rank move).
Impair Gives all creatures fighting the target a bonus to resist rolls against Axes Does not affect
Attack physical attacks made by that target. The bonus is equal to your Piercing magical attacks.
RM, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your RM.
Impede Slows the target, imposing a penalty to all action delays (including Missile None.
Reaction move) equal to your RM for a number of rounds equal to your Blunt
Stunning The target is stunned by your attack, suffering a delay (in total Blunt None.
Strike segments) to its next action equal to your level. This will carry over Flails
between rounds.
Weaken Gives all attackers a bonus equal to your RM with all physical Blades Does not affect
Defenses attack actions against this target, for a number of rounds equal to Missile magical attacks.
your RM.

For example, as a level 11 character:

• Lesser focused strike deals +12 damage (maximum level 6 multiplied by 2)
• Normal focused strike deals +20 damage (maximum level 10 multiplied by 2)
• Greater focused strike deals +22 damage (your level 11 multiplied by 2)

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 32

Magic Talents
This section provides rules regarding talents in magic, and the way that this facet of character works in play. Talents
are purchased at ranks from apprentice through paragon. Magic includes all of the attributes of manipulation and
control of the supernatural, primal and other-dimensional worlds. Talents may be purchased in 5 ranks.

Ranks of Magic Talent Training

Rank Spontaneous Spell Delay
Apprentice 11
Adept 12
Expert 13
Master 14
Paragon 15

Magic Talents
Talent Trait Notes
Arcanum REA Arcanum magic deals with the manipulation of pure magical forces. A study of arcanum is
widely considered the foundation of ‘true’ wizardry.
Darkness ASP The forces of evil use darkness magic for malevolent purposes. Only characters of negative
ASP have access to darkness magic.
Deeping WIL Deeping is old magic forgotten by men, but remembered by the creatures living within the
earth. Of the heroic races, only dwarves, narglyn and orks have access to deeping magic.
Elemental INT Elemental magic is the oldest of magic, used to manipulate the primal elements of creation.
Characters are able to manipulate 1 of the following 3 elements as options in this spell talent:
cold, fire or lightning. The player must select which of the 3 the character has access to; a
character taking both cold and fire elemental magic must purchase these as separate talents.
Light ASP Light magic is the magic of the church of Yahalla and of the demigods who remain faithful to
her work and service. Only characters of positive ASP have access to light magic.
Psionics WIL Psionic magic is the magic of the mind, used to manipulate the physical world as well as the
thoughts and actions of other living creatures.
Wilding INT Wilding magic is concerned with the natural world. Of the heroic races, 0nly brownies,
humans, elves (both types), half elves, gnomes and trolls have access to wilding magic.
Illusion REA Illusion is an optional magic talent. Ask your Mythweaver if heroes are allowed to use illusion.

Quick Spell
Once you have purchased expert rank or better in any In Del Anon
magic talent, you may spend 1 talent rank to purchase Three distinct levels of spell proficiency exist
quick spell. Quick spell allows you to reduce the delay among the casters of Del Anon. As a dabbler, you
for all casting actions by a rating equal to your RM. If may learn apprentice and adept rank spells. You
you are level 7, you reduce all casting delays by 3. For may dabble in magic without any particular
example, a spell with a delay of 11 will have a delay of 8 affiliation or special requirement. However, once
when you cast it. You apply the bonus from quick spell you seek access to expert-rank magic, you must join
to all spells cast, including baseline and spontaneous an order specializing in that spell field, passing a
spells. You do not apply this bonus to spell effects cast test or undergoing an initiation to earn the right to
using objects or items you wield (like a wand or staff). wield the more powerful magic. For example, the Ice
Wizards of the Vale grant both arcanum and
elemental cold magic, and if you join this order and
Types of Spells
complete its initiation tests, you will be allowed to
access expert and master magic in both arcanum
As a caster, you have two types of spells available to you:
and elemental cold talents. Once you seek paragon
baseline spells/buffs and spontaneous spells (including
rank in a spell field, you must undertake a personal
counter spells). With each spell talent, the baseline spell
quest to earn the right to access this magic. For
and the baseline buff are listed at the top of the talent
example, druids who seek paragon of wilding must
description and spontaneous applications are listed
spend 40 days alone in the wilderness, facing a great
challenge alone. The specific challenge is a closely
guarded secret, likely including the defeat of a
powerful foe.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 33

Baseline Spells For example, you cannot choose to reduce the buff
on an ally from +3 to +1 to free up 2 points for
Baseline spells are the core spells that come with your another ally. You have to fully remove the buff from
magic talent(s). Their powers and effects are the first target and then cast the redistributed points
predetermined based on your talent and level. Baseline as separate actions.
buffs are magical bonuses you may give to yourself and
your allies. Each magic talent comes with one baseline
spell and one baseline buff. In Play
• Baseline spells are direct damage (or alternately Most casters will distribute buffs
damage/healing) spells. among the members of the team. It is
• Once you purchase a magic talent, you have an recommended that your hero group develops
unlimited number of these spells available to you, a ‘standard’ buff distribution, so that everyone
and you may cast these at will. knows what buffs are typically cast. In
unusual situations or for special needs, you
• You have a default delay of 10 when casting baseline
spells. can always cancel and redistribute buffs, but it
is a good idea to set up a standard distribution
so that you are always taking full advantage of
Baseline Buffs your abilities. This way, it is assumed that the
first thing your character does in the morning
A buff is an ongoing bonus you give to yourself and your is distribute buffs among allies.
allies. Each spell line comes with one trait or resist that
you may buff (provide a bonus to). This is a pool of
points that you may spread among all allies. The
following rules govern the use of buffs:
About Talent Ranks
• You have a number of points of buffs equal to your
While the basic damage you deal with baseline spells is
level, but limited by your spell talent. For example,
not a function of talent rank, the upper limit of damage
as an expert of a talent, you have a number of buff
potential or effectiveness is. The effective range of
points to distribute equal to your level until you get
baseline spells is based on talent rank.
to level 11, at which time your total is capped at 10
until you increase your magic talent.
Rank Maximum Baseline Maximum
• You may give all points to a single ally, or you may Level or Spell & Buff Buff per
distribute these points among many allies. This is RM* Range Target
the total number of points you have to distribute at Apprentice Level 3/ 3 units +1 (or +4
one time. As a level 6 expert of elemental cold, you RM 2 to health)
may distribute 6 bonus points of MGT among allies. Adept Level 6/ 4 units +2 (or +8
This is limited by your maximum buff per target cap RM 3 to health)
based on talent. As an expert in cold, you may grant Expert Level 10/ 5 units +3 (or +12
no better than +3 to any one target. RM 4 to health)
• As the caster of a buff, if you fall unconscious or die Master Level 15/ 6 units +4 (or +16
all buffs you have cast immediately drop. If a RM 5 to health)
recipient of one of your buffs falls unconscious, the Paragon None 7 units +5 (or +20
buff continues to work and will still be active if and to health)
when the recipient is revived, as long as you remain
conscious (a stunned or mesmerized character is *This is the maximum level bonus or RM for a spell’s
still conscious). effectiveness. For example, as a level 10 character
• Buffing an ally is a standard casting action, with a casting an eldritch dart, you would deal +10 damage as
default delay of 10. Targets must be within range to an expert of arcane magic, but would be limited to a
receive a buff. total bonus of +6 if only an adept, and a total bonus of
• Buffs are effective up to 1 mile per caster level. +3 if an apprentice.
• Bonuses from buffs are bound by the same
limitations as with magical items. A buff will stack About Spell Ranges
with a magical item granting bonuses, although a Spell ranges for baseline attack spells work like
character is still limited by the normal level caps missile weapons. The listed range is the maximum range
(see page 58). For example, a level 10 character may without the target receiving a bonus to resist rolls
receive no better than a +5 magical bonus in any against the spell. For example, if you use a baseline
trait. If you are wearing a ring that grants +3 to attack spell of apprentice rank against a target 5 units
DEX, you may receive a buff from a wielder of away, the target receives +2 to the resist roll. This range
elemental lightning of +2 more, taking you to +5, is also the maximum range to cast a buff on a target. As
the cap for the level. an apprentice, you may only buff an ally within 3 units.
• You have a default delay of 10 to cast a baseline buff.
• You may choose to remove a buff from a target as a
free action. You cannot diminish a buff once cast.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 34
Spontaneous Spells Ranks of Spontaneous Spells
While your baseline spells and buffs are the spells you The more powerful a spell is the more ranks you build it
will use most often, magic is far more powerful and on. Spell ranks derive from a number of properties.
flexible than just providing a bonus or allowing you to While some spells simply deal damage, there are many
deal ranged damage to foes. Spontaneous spells are other properties that can impact the total rank of the
those other wondrous and unique applications of your spell.
magic talent. You attempt spontaneous spells based on
the specific situation, tailoring the spell effect to the Spells That Deal or Heal Damage
circumstance. Spontaneous spells take longer to cast
than baseline spells, have a chance of failing, and are The effectiveness of a spell increases as the number of
limited in how often they may be used. You receive a ranks you place into the damage/result property
number of spontaneous spells per turn equal to the increases. As a base, any spell is going to deal or restore
talent RM. As an expert of arcanum of level 6 or better, a number of points equal to your rank die roll. As a level
you may attempt 3 spontaneous arcanum spells per 10 caster, you are going to deal D12 base damage with
turn, in addition to your baseline spell and baseline buff. any offensive spell you use. If you place 3 ranks into the
Spontaneous spells: damage property of this spell (up to +10), this spell is
• Have an escalating delay based on the spell rank now going to deal D12 +10 damage.
(see page 33).
• Have a standard DT of the appropriate rank. As a About Trait Bonuses & Spells
caster, you may choose to ‘downgrade’ a spell below
your trait rank to increase your chance of success (as Since traits are not added to spell damage, the favored
an expert of arcanum, you may choose to cast a trait bonus never applies when rolling spell damage or
spontaneous spell of adept rank), and therefore you results. As a level 11 caster with the favored trait of REA,
make the attempt using a lower DT (in this case 8, you roll D16 to attack with your arcanum spells, but you
the DT of an adept rank spell or effect). roll D12 for damage.

Spell Properties & Rank Modifiers

Modifier Range Duration AOE Damage/Result Effects
–1 Rank Point Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A
+0 Ranks Up to 3 units Instant or up to RM rounds 1 target Up to +1/+0 None
+1 Rank 4-6 units Up to 1 turn U Up to +3/+2 Lesser (Apprentice)
+2 Ranks 7-9 units Up to 1 hour U+1 Up to +6/+3 Minor (Adept)
+3 Ranks 10-12 units Up to 1 day U+2 Up to +10/+4 Intermediate (Expert)
+4 Ranks 13-15 units Up to 1 week U+3 Up to +15/+5 Major (Master)
+5 Ranks 16-20 units Up to 1 season U+4 No limit Greater (Paragon)

• Point blank range means that the spell is either

centered on the caster or on a creature the caster In Del Anon
touches (no specific action roll is required to touch, Before the Great Reckoning, magic had
but the caster must be in the same unit as the reached its pinnacle. Magi had emerged,
target). solidifying all beliefs and perfecting all properties
• AOE stands for area of effect, and uses the of magic, utterly subduing it to the will of man.
designations for areas of effect as defined in the During the Great Reckoning, the old teachers
section on time and the combat system. died or were consumed by evil, their secrets and
• Damage/result is equal to the level or RM of the knowledge lost in the cataclysm that followed.
caster, up to a maximum based on rank. For After the realms resettled magic was re-
example, a damage or result with a +2 modifier discovered, sometimes operating under new or
grants a bonus up to level 6 and/or up to RM 3. different rules. This process of rediscovery is
• Examples of effects within that spell talent are listed ongoing. While the laws of magic were ordered in
in the spontaneous spells listed with each talent. the old universe, the new Splintered Realm has
inconstant laws between (and sometimes within)
realms in regards to the workings of magic. The
way that a character understands and uses magic
in his or her home realm may vary wildly as he or
she travels.
Since the process of shaping magic is
ongoing, new initiates are constantly faced with
the task of re-inventing and re-defining the laws of
magic for their homeland.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 35

Determining Spell Ranks Counter Spells
The total rank of a spell is determined based on all of the Once you purchase expert rank or better in any spell
property modifiers added together. A paragon spell talent, you may attempt a counter spell. Access to
(built on 5 ranks) could do any of the following: counter spells does not require an expenditure of
• Affect 1 target up to 6 units distant for 1 turn with an additional talent ranks. The following rules govern the
intermediate (expert rank) effect. use of counter spells:
• Instantly deal +level (up to +10) damage to all • A counter spell is a casting action with a greater DT
targets in a U+1 AOE up to 3 units distant. based on the rank of the spell or effect you want to
• Instantly deal +level (up to +10) damage to all counter.
targets in a U+2 AOE centered on the caster (a point • A counter spell requires you to use 1 of your
blank area of effect attack). available spontaneous spells of any spell talent. You
must have at least 1 unused spontaneous spell left
For example, as an expert of elemental fire, you that turn to attempt a counter spell.
want to throw a bolt of elemental flame at a group of • You must declare which talent’s spontaneous spell is
enemies standing 4 units away. All targets are in the being used when the counter spell is attempted. You
same unit. You decide to use a spontaneous spell. The may choose any available spontaneous spell to cast a
targets are less than 6 units distant, but more than 3 counter spell. If you have 2 available wilding
units, so you add 1 rank to the spell total. The duration is spontaneous spells and you choose to use 1 to
instantaneous, and there are going to be no side effects; attempt a counter spell, you now have 1 remaining
neither of these factors adds to the rank total. The spell spontaneous wilding spell remaining that turn.
will fill an entire unit, so this adds +1 to the total rating • You roll a counter spell using the linked trait of the
of the spell. Since you are an expert, you can cast spells spell you are attempting to counter. If you try to
built on 3 ranks, leaving you 1 rank remaining beyond counter an arcane spell, you roll level die +REA,
the 2 you’ve already used. You use this for damage, regardless of what spell talents you have. If there is
modifying the damage to +3 (in addition to the level die no linked trait, you automatically default to your
damage base). Since it is expert rank, the DT of this spell highest trait when casting a counter spell (using
is 10; if you roll 10 or better the spell works, although all your favored trait die, as applicable).
targets are still allowed a resist roll. • You may choose to use a counter spell to ‘debuff’ a
Even a spell that requires no resist roll, like a target. A debuff has a difficult DT based on the
healing spell or one that imbues an ally with a bonus, target’s rank (not the original caster’s). If successful,
requires a roll against the DT when cast as a the debuff cancels all baseline buffs affecting the
spontaneous spell. You may elect to cast this as an adept target.
spell, lowering the damage bonus to +1 and lowering the • Counter spells may be used to cancel a spell as an
DT to 8. In any case, all targets still get to roll level die attacker casts it at you or at one of your allies. You
+INT to resist the spell normally. Even if the DT is must delay your action, choosing to act in the same
equaled or exceeded, the resistance roll of the target may segment as the opposing caster, but receiving the
still cause the spell to fail. Conversely, if the DT is not normal bonus for intentional delays (up to a total
met (you roll a total of 6 on the action roll), the spell bonus equal to your level). You roll your counter
fails to affect the targets, and no resist roll is required. spell action before the opponent rolls the spell
action roll. If you succeed, the target’s spell never
happens, and your opponent’s action is lost as if the
Thought Process spell had worked. On a successful counter spell, the
The benefit to a balance of baseline target never makes the action roll. The DT is based
and spontaneous spells is that they allow on the rank of the target’s talent rank (of the spell
casters to be creative with magic during the being cast).
game based on specific situations that arise, • If the spell you are attempting to counter is in your
but don't force the player to constantly favored talent, you use the improved die to attempt
determine how effective a particular spell is to counter it.
going to be in a situation. Most of the time, • If you are using a counter spell to dispel a timed
the spell that a hero casts is going to have spell effect, success indicates that the spell ends
predetermined statistics; only a handful of immediately.
spells are created 'on the fly' in this way.
• If you are using a counter spell to dispel a
permanent spell effect, success indicates that you
have negated the spell effect for 1 full turn, but after
this time it will return to its previous state.
• A counter spell has a default delay of 10, although
may be affected by quick spell.
• A counter spell has a maximum range equal to your
RM +2. As a level 7 caster, you may cast counter
spells up to 5 units.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 36
In Play:
As a level 17 defender with master of light Thought Process
magic, you have fought your way into the tomb of a lich. Counter spells add a wrinkle to
You discover that the door to the lich’s tomb is protected magical combat and provide another strategic
by a powerful spell of darkness, cast at paragon rank. option for spell casters. The intention with the
You decide to use 1 of your spontaneous spells to try and magic system is that it is flexible enough to
negate the ward. You roll level die +ASP (since this is a allow casters to create a myriad of magical
darkness spell), with a DT of 20 (the greater DT of effects, that these effects are balanced, and
paragon rank). You roll a total of 22, and are able to that the use of magic provides minimal
negate the magic for 1 turn. disruption to the flow of the game. Being a
As you move through the door, the lich is spell caster should never devolve to standing
waiting for you and surprises your group. He casts a around and throwing your baseline spell every
darkness spontaneous spell, immediately dealing action for every turn of every combat. Each
considerable damage to your whole group. You decide encounter should allow the caster to tailor
that he cannot be allowed to do this again, and you how and when spells are used to outmaneuver
prepare to cast a counter spell against his next action. an opponent. The strategy you employ to fight
You spend a hero point on your initiative roll so that you a tribe of goblins, a tomb creeper spider or an
can be ready to counter the lich’s first action. Your total enemy spell caster should all be different.
initiative result is 24 and the lich’s is 21. You These rules provide a wide framework and a
intentionally delay your first action 3 segments so that number of options to spell casters while
you can take a simultaneous action with the lich. He keeping the paperwork to a minimum.
goes at 21 and gestures to cast an arcane spell. You roll
level die +REA (the linked trait of an arcane spell) with a
DT of 16 (since the spell he is casting is master rank, and Magic Talent Listings
the greater DT of a master spell is 16). You roll 10 on the
die + your REA of 4 brings you to 14, but the +3 from Each magic talent type is listed with the primary
the intentional delay brings the total action roll to 17. applications and limits of the talent, followed by a listing
You successfully disrupt his spell before he casts it, and of sample spontaneous spells for the type, with several
he stands staring at his clawed hands in disbelief as the for each talent rank. While you may use any listed
rest of your group closes in for combat. spontaneous spell effect, you are also free to create
modified versions of these spells, or new and different
spells using the guidelines presented herein. Remember
that all spontaneous spells require an action roll. New
spontaneous effects must be approved by your

In Play
As a level 10 mystic, you have the following
magic talents (having spent 1 of your bonus talent
ranks in magic, for a total of 6 ranks): elemental
cold (expert); psionics (adept); wilding (apprentice).
You have the following spontaneous spells available
to you every turn:
• 3 spontaneous elemental cold spells at expert
rank (or lower, if you so choose).
• 2 spontaneous psionics spells at adept rank (or
lower, if you so choose).
• 1 spontaneous wilding spell at apprentice rank.
• You may use any of these spells to attempt a
counter spell.

Arcanum (Arcane Magic)

Arcanum (arcane magic) deals with the manipulation of pure magical forces. A study of arcanum is widely considered
the foundation of ‘true’ wizardry. Arcanum uses REA as the linked trait.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 37

Baseline Spell: Eldritch Dart • Detect all traps in a U+1 AOE at level die +REA
You emit a dart of arcane energy that deals level +level (up to +3) effectiveness.
die +level (limited by talent) arcane damage to one • Deal level die +level (up to +10) damage to all
target. Each successful use of this spell drains 1 point of creatures in the same unit as you are in. *
magic warding, up to your level (limited by talent). As a • Deal level die +level (up to +3) eldritch damage to
level 6 caster with adept arcane magic, you could cancel all creatures in a 1 unit AOE up to 3 units distant. *
up to 6 points of magic warding on a target, after • Conjure an item (value up to 100 gold) into your
striking with this spell 6 times. This penalty is applied hands; it remains for a number of rounds equal to
before you roll damage. your RM. After this time, it disappears.
• Move through a dimensional rift to instantly
Baseline Buff: Magic ward teleport up to a number of units’ distance equal to
You receive a pool of bonus points equal to your your level (maximum 6). This may also affect a
level x4 to distribute among allies. Magic ward acts as creature you touch. Unwilling targets roll to resist. *
armor against spell damage.
• Repair a broken object of up to level 10 you touch.
You may use arcane magic to:
As a master of arcanum magic, you receive 4
• Emit bolts of pure magical energy (eldritch). spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
• Open rifts in creation allowing you to conjure items • Pick or seal a lock you touch at level die +REA +level
or move trans-dimensionally. (up to +10) effectiveness for 1 turn.
• Manipulate pure magical energy. • Detect all traps in a U+1 AOE at level die +REA
+level (up to +6) effectiveness.
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
• Deal level die +level (up to +15) eldritch damage to
+REA to resist.
all creatures in the same unit as you are in. *
• Deal level die +level (up to +6) eldritch damage to
Arcanum Spontaneous Spells all creatures in a U+1 AOE up to 3 units distant. *
• Conjure a finely crafted or unique item (value up to
As an apprentice of arcanum magic, you receive 1 1000 gold) into your hands; it remains for a number
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to: of rounds equal to your RM. After this time, it
• Pick or seal a lock you touch at level die +REA +1 disappears.
effectiveness for 1 turn. • Move through a dimensional rift to instantly
• Instantly detect the presence of all magical energy teleport up to a number of units’ distance equal to
within 3 units. your level (maximum 10). This may also affect a
• Deal level die +level (up to +3) eldritch damage to creature you touch. Unwilling targets roll to resist. *
all creatures in the same unit as you are in. * • Repair a broken object of up to level 15 you touch.
• Repair a broken object of up to level 3 you touch.
As a paragon of arcanum magic, you receive 5
As an adept of arcanum magic, you receive 2 spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: • Pick or seal a lock you touch at level die +REA +level
• Pick or seal a lock you touch at level die +REA +level (up to +15) effectiveness for 1 turn.
(up to +3) effectiveness for 1 turn. • Detect all traps in a U+1 AOE at level die +REA
• Detect all traps in a U+1 AOE at level die +REA +1 +level (up to +10) effectiveness.
effectiveness. • Deal level die +level eldritch damage to all creatures
• Deal level die +level (up to +6) eldritch damage to in the same unit as you are in. *
all creatures in the same unit as you are in. * • Deal level die +level (up to +10) eldritch damage to
• Deal level die +1 eldritch damage to all creatures in all creatures in a U+1 AOE up to 3 units distant. *
a 1 unit AOE up to 3 units distant. * • Conjure an exquisite item (value up to 10,000 gold)
• Conjure a common item (value less than 10 gold) into your hands; it remains for a number of rounds
into your hands; it remains for a number of rounds equal to your RM. After this time, it disappears.
equal to your RM. After this time, it disappears. • Instantly disintegrate a single target (or object up to
• Move through a dimensional rift to instantly 1 unit in size) within 3 units on a successful action
teleport up to a number of units’ distance equal to roll. Unwilling targets may roll level die +REA to
your level (maximum 3). This may also affect a resist. Non-living targets have a normal DT based on
creature you touch. Unwilling targets roll to resist. * object rank.
• Repair a broken object of up to level 6 you touch. • Move through a dimensional rift to instantly
teleport up to a number of units’ distance equal to
As an expert of arcanum magic, you receive 3 your level (maximum 15). This may also affect a
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: creature you touch. Unwilling targets roll to resist. *
• Pick or seal a lock you touch at level die +REA +level • Repair a broken object of up to level 20 you touch.
(up to +6) effectiveness for 1 turn.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 38

Darkness Magic
Darkness magic is used by the forces of evil for malevolent purposes. Only characters with a negative ASP have access
to darkness magic. Darkness magic uses ASP as the linked trait.

Baseline Spell: Call of Darkness As an adept of darkness magic, you receive 2

You emit a shard of darkness energy at a target spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
on a successful action roll. This spell either heals evil • Fill a U+1 AOE around you with darkness for 1 turn.
targets or deals damage to good and neutral targets. The • Automatically detect the presence of good creatures
spell either heals or deals level die +level damage. No and objects in a U+1 AOE.
action roll is required if used to heal the caster or an ally. • Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
Unwilling targets may roll level die +ASP to resist this by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn, temporarily
effect. turning that weapon into an unholy weapon.
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
Baseline Buff: STA touch by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn,
You have a pool of bonus ranks of STA equal to temporarily turning that armor or shield into an
your level to distribute among allies. Only evil creatures unholy item.
may receive this benefit. • Control 1 undead or demonic creature within 3 units
for 1 hour on a successful level die +ASP roll. *
You may use darkness magic to:
• Give an unholy shout, filling the same unit as you
• Emit bolts of pure darkness energy, dealing unholy are in with darkness energy dealing level die +level
damage to enemies. (up to +3) damage to all good and neutral targets,
• Interact with and manipulate the powers of and restoring this as health to all evil targets. *
• Restore health to creatures of negative ASP.

Limitations of darkness magic:

• Darkness magic cannot damage or hinder
creatures of darkness (negative) ASP.
• Darkness magic cannot benefit creatures of
light (positive) or neutral (0) ASP.

Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level

die +ASP to resist.

Darkness Spontaneous Spells

As an apprentice of darkness magic, you receive 1
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to:
• Fill the unit you are in with darkness for 1 turn.
• Automatically detect the presence of good
creatures and objects in the same unit.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you
touch by your RM (maximum +2) for 1 turn,
temporarily turning that weapon into an
unholy weapon.
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield
you touch by your RM (maximum +2) for 1
turn, temporarily turning that armor or shield
into an unholy item.
• Control 1 undead or demonic creature within 3
units for 1 turn. *
• Give an unholy shout, filling the same unit as
you are in with darkness energy dealing level
die +1 damage to all good and neutral targets,
and restoring this as health to all evil targets. *

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 39

As an expert of darkness magic, you receive 3 • Control 1 undead or demonic creature within 3 units
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: for 1 week. *
• Fill a U+2 AOE around you with darkness for 1 turn. • Give an unholy shout, filling the same unit as the
• Automatically detect the presence of good creatures you are in with darkness energy dealing level die
and objects in a U+2 AOE. +level (up to +10) damage to all good and neutral
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch targets, and restoring this as health to all evil
by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn, temporarily targets. *
turning that weapon into an unholy weapon. • Drain 1 dice rank from a living creature in the same
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you unit, as if using normal undead drain based on your
touch by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn, rank (see page 106).
temporarily turning that armor or shield into an
unholy item. As a paragon of darkness magic, you receive 5
• Turn the unit you are in into an unholy area for 1 spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
turn. If the area is currently a holy area, its power is • Fill a U+4 AOE around you with darkness for 1 turn.
neutralized. • Automatically detect the presence of good creatures
• Control 1 undead or demonic creature within 3 units and objects in a U+4 AOE.
for 1 day. * • Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
• Give an unholy shout, filling the same unit as you by your RM (no limit) for 1 turn, temporarily
are in with darkness energy dealing level die +level turning that weapon into an unholy weapon.
(up to +6) damage to all good and neutral targets, • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
and restoring this as health to all evil targets. * touch by your RM (no limit) for 1 turn, temporarily
• Drain 1 dice rank from a living creature in the same turning that armor or shield into an unholy item.
unit, as if using lesser undead drain based on your • Turn a U+2 AOE around you into an unholy area for
rank (see bestiary). 1 turn. If the area is currently a holy area, its power
is neutralized.
As a master of darkness magic, you receive 4 • Control 1 undead or demonic creature within 3 units
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: for 1 season. *
• Fill a U+3 AOE around you with darkness for 1 turn. • Give an unholy shout, filling the same unit as you
• Automatically detect the presence of good creatures are in with darkness energy dealing level die +level
and objects in a U+3 AOE. (up to +15) damage to all good and neutral targets,
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch and restoring this as health to all evil targets. *
by your RM (maximum +5) for 1 turn, temporarily • Drain 1 dice rank from a living creature in the same
turning that weapon into an unholy weapon. unit, as if using greater undead drain based on your
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you rank (see page 106).
touch by your RM (maximum +5) for 1 turn, • Touch a dead evil creature and restore it to life. The
temporarily turning that armor or shield into an creature is restored with a rating of 1 in all traits,
unholy item. and recovers 1 trait point per day thereafter until
• Turn a U+1 AOE around you into an unholy area for fully recovered. The target must have died within a
1 turn. If the area is currently a holy area, its power number of days equal to your level.
is neutralized.

Deeping Magic
Deeping is old magic, forgotten by most races, but remembered by the creatures living within the earth. Deeping
magic uses WIL as the linked trait, and actions made with deeping magic are made against the target’s WIL. Only
dwarves, narglyn and orks (of the heroic races) have access to deeping magic. An elf caster is unable to access deeping

Baseline Spell: Life Tap You may use deeping magic to:
You emit a wave of primal energy dealing level • Manipulate and shape earth and stone.
die +RM damage to 1 living target on a successful action • Draw power from enemies or from the earth itself.
roll. You recover half of this value (rounded up) to your
current health (with a maximum limit equal to your full Limitations of deeping magic:
normal health). Targets roll level die +WIL to resist. • Deeping magic may only affect living creatures when
Non-living targets are not affected by this spell. used to deal damage.

Baseline Buff: Armor Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
You have a pool of bonus armor points equal to +WIL to resist.
your level to distribute among allies.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 40

Deeping Spontaneous Spells As an expert of deeping magic, you receive 3
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
As an apprentice of deeping magic, you receive 1 • Imbue a creature touched with a blade turn,
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to: allowing that creature to automatically ignore the
• Imbue a creature touched with a blade turn, next 3 physical attacks that hit it (a critical strike
allowing that creature to automatically ignore the counts as 2 successful attacks against a blade turn).
next physical attack that hits it. This lasts until used. This lasts until used.
• Root a target within 3 units to the ground • Root all targets in a 1 unit AOE within 6 units to the
(preventing any move actions) for a number of ground (preventing any move actions) for a number
rounds equal to your RM on a successful level die of rounds equal to your RM on a successful level die
+WIL roll. This prevents the target from using +WIL roll. This prevents targets from using
arcanum magic to teleport. * arcanum magic to teleport. *
• Transfer health from yourself to an ally within 6 • Transfer health from yourself to an ally within 6
units. You may choose how much health to transfer, units. You may choose how much health to transfer,
up to a total equal to your WIL. up to a total equal to your WIL x3.
• Summon a level 1 earth elemental to serve you for 1 • Summon a level 6 earth elemental to serve you for 1
turn (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91). turn (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
• Reshape 1 unit of earth or stone you touch for 1 full
As an adept of deeping magic, you receive 2 turn.
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
• Imbue a creature touched with a blade turn, As a master of deeping magic, you receive 4
allowing that creature to automatically ignore the spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
next 2 physical attacks that hit it (a critical strike • Imbue a creature touched with a blade turn,
counts as 2 successful attacks against a blade turn). allowing that creature to automatically ignore the
This lasts until used. next 4 physical attacks that successfully hit it (a
• Root a target within 6 units to the ground critical strike counts as 2 successful attacks against a
(preventing any move actions) for a number of blade turn). This lasts until used.
rounds equal to your RM on a successful level die • Root all targets in a U+1 AOE within 6 units to the
+WIL roll. This prevents the target from using ground (preventing any move actions) for a number
arcanum magic to teleport. * of rounds equal to your RM on a successful level die
• Transfer health from yourself to an ally within 6 +WIL roll. This prevents targets from using
units. You may choose how much health to transfer, arcanum magic to teleport. *
up to a total equal to your WIL x2. • Transfer health from yourself to an ally within 6
• Summon a level 3 earth elemental to serve you for 1 units. You may choose how much health to transfer,
turn (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91). up to a total equal to your WIL x4.
• Reshape up to 1 unit of earth or stone you touch for • Summon a level 10 earth elemental to serve you for 1
1 round per RM. turn (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
• Reshape a U+1 AOE of earth and stone you touch for
1 full turn.

As a paragon of deeping magic, you receive 5

spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
• Imbue a creature touched with a blade turn,
allowing that creature to automatically ignore the
next 5 physical attacks that hit it (a critical strike
counts as 2 successful attacks against a blade turn).
This lasts until used.
• Root all targets in a U+2 AOE within 6 units to the
ground (preventing any move actions) for a number
of rounds equal to your RM on a successful level die
+WIL roll. This prevents targets from using
arcanum magic to teleport. *
• Transfer health from yourself to an ally within 6
units. You may choose how much health to transfer,
up to a total equal to your WIL x5.
• Summon a level 15 earth elemental to serve you for 1
turn (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
Dwarves are the only hero race of good • Reshape a U+2 AOE of earth and stone you touch
with access to deeping magic. for 1 full turn.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 41

Elemental Magic
Elemental magic is the oldest of magic, used to manipulate the primal elements of creation. You can manipulate one of
the following 3 elements as options in this spell talent: cold, fire or lightning. You must select which of the 3 you have
access to; to have talent in both cold and fire elemental magic, you would have to purchase these as separate talents.
Elemental magic uses INT as the linked trait.

Elemental Cold Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
+INT to resist.
Baseline Spell: Bolt of Cold
You emit a bolt of cold dealing level die +level Elemental Spontaneous Spells
cold damage to 1 target on a successful action roll.
Targets may roll level die +INT to resist this effect. As an apprentice of elemental magic, you receive 1
Elemental bolts have a better range than other baseline spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to:
spells, and your base range is improved by +RM (limited • Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor
by talent). for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike
against the target to automatically return 1 point of
Baseline Buff: MGT damage back upon the attacker as elemental
You have a pool of bonus points of MGT equal to damage. The target still suffers damage normally.
your level to distribute among allies. • Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in
the same unit as you, dealing level die +1 damage. *
Elemental Fire • Imbue a target you touch with elemental warding for
1 turn. The target reduces all elemental damage of
Baseline Spell: Bolt of Flame the appropriate type by your level (up to 3 points).
You emit a bolt of flame dealing level die +level • Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to
fire damage to 1 target on a successful action roll. damage (maximum +2), dealt as elemental damage
Targets may roll level die +INT to resist this effect. for 1 turn.
Elemental bolts have a better range than other baseline • Create or diminish a small amount of elemental
spells, and your base range is improved by +RM (limited energy instantly (equal in intensity to a torch).
by talent). • Summon a level 1 elemental to serve you for 1 turn
(see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
Baseline Buff: PWS • Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with an elemental
You have a pool of bonus points of PWS equal to wall that lasts for 1 turn or until destroyed. This wall
your level to distribute among allies. has a durability of level/level x3 (maximum of 3/9).

Elemental Lightning As an adept of elemental magic, you receive 2

spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
Baseline Spell: Bolt of Lightning • Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor
You emit a bolt of lightning dealing level die for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike
+level lightning damage to 1 target on a successful against the target to automatically return your level
action roll. Targets may roll level die +INT to resist this (up to +3) damage back upon the attacker as
effect. Elemental bolts have a better range than other elemental damage. The target still suffers damage
baseline spells, and your base range is improved by normally.
+RM (limited by talent). • Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in
the same or an adjacent unit as you, dealing level die
Baseline Buff: DEX +level (maximum +3) damage. *
You have a pool of bonus points of DEX equal to • Imbue a target you touch with elemental warding for
your level to distribute among allies. 1 turn. The target reduces all elemental damage of
the appropriate type by your level (up to 6 points).
You may use elemental magic to:
• Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to
• Emit bolts of elemental energy to damage enemies. damage (maximum +3), dealt as elemental damage
• Create objects and effects of elemental energy. for 1 turn.
• Imbue elemental properties upon objects. • Create or diminish a minor amount of elemental
• Grant warding or immunity to the element. energy instantly (equal in intensity to a campfire).
• Summon a level 3 elemental to serve you for 1 turn
Limitations of elemental magic: (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
• Elemental magic is raw and unfocused, limiting the • Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with a wall of
ability of the caster to use this magic for more subtle elemental energy that lasts for 1 turn or until
applications. In general, elemental magic is less destroyed. This wall has a durability of level/level x3
versatile than other forms of magic. (maximum of 6/18).
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 42
As an expert of elemental magic, you receive 3 • Create or diminish a large amount of elemental
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: energy instantly (equal in intensity to a burning
• Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor building).
for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike • Summon a level 10 elemental to serve you for 1 turn
against the target to automatically return your level (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
(up to +6) damage back upon the attacker as • Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with a wall of
elemental damage. The target still suffers damage elemental energy that lasts for 1 turn or until
normally. destroyed. This wall has a durability of level/level x3
• Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in (maximum of 15/45).
the same or an adjacent unit as you, dealing level die
+level (maximum +6) damage. * As a paragon of elemental magic, you receive 5
• Imbue a target you touch with elemental warding for spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
1 turn. The target reduces all elemental damage of • Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor
the appropriate type by your level (up to 10 points). for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike
• Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to against the target to automatically return your level
damage (maximum +4), dealt as elemental damage (up to +15) damage back upon the attacker as
for 1 turn. elemental damage. The target still suffers damage
• Create or diminish a medium amount of elemental normally.
energy instantly (equal in intensity to a bonfire). • Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in
• Summon a level 6 elemental to serve you for 1 turn the same or an adjacent unit as you, dealing level die
(see rules for elemental summoning, page 91). +level (maximum +15) damage. *
• Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with a wall of • Imbue a target you touch with elemental immunity
elemental energy that lasts for 1 turn or until for 1 turn. The target ignores all damage from the
destroyed. This wall has a durability of level/level x3 appropriate elemental type.
(maximum of 10/30). • Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to
damage (with no limit), dealt as elemental damage
As a master of elemental magic, you receive 4 for 1 turn.
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: • Create or diminish vast amounts of elemental
• Imbue a target within 3 units with reflective armor energy instantly (equal in intensity to a pool of
for 1 full turn. This causes any melee weapon strike boiling lava).
against the target to automatically return your level • Summon a level 15 elemental to serve you for 1 turn
(up to +10) damage back upon the attacker as (see rules for elemental summoning, page 91).
elemental damage. The target still suffers damage • Fill 1 unit up to 3 units distant with a wall of
normally. elemental energy wall that lasts for 1 turn or until
• Emit an elemental burst, affecting all creatures in destroyed. This wall has a durability of level/level x3
the same or an adjacent unit as you, dealing level die (with no maximum; as a level 20 caster, your wall
+level (maximum +10) damage. * has a durability of 20/60).
• Imbue a target you touch with elemental warding for
1 turn. The target reduces all elemental damage of
the appropriate type by your level (up to 15 points).
• Imbue a weapon you touch with a bonus of +RM to
damage (maximum +5), dealt as elemental damage
for 1 turn.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 43

Light Magic
Light magic is the magic of the church of Yahalla and of the demigods who remain faithful to her work and service.
Only characters of positive ASP may only use light magic. Light magic uses ASP as the linked trait.

Baseline Spell: Word of Light As an adept of light magic, you receive 2 spontaneous
You emit a shard of light energy at a target on a spells per turn, and could use these to:
successful action roll. This spell either heals good and • Fill a U+1 AOE around you with normal light for 1
neutral targets or deals damage to evil targets. The spell turn.
either heals or deals level die +level damage. No action • Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures
roll is required if used to heal the caster or an ally, but and objects in a U+1 AOE.
those allies must be within the baseline range. Unwilling • Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 10
targets may roll level die +ASP to resist this effect. or lower affecting a creature within 3 units.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
Baseline Buff: Health by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn, temporarily
You have a pool of bonus points of health equal turning that weapon into a holy weapon.
to your level x4 to distribute among allies. Only good • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
and neutral allies may receive this benefit. touch by your RM (maximum +3) for 1 turn,
temporarily turning that armor or shield into a holy
You may use light magic to: item.
• Emit bolts of pure light energy, dealing damage to • Create enough water to sustain 1 person for 1 day.
evil creatures.
• Drive off all undead targets in the same unit as you
• Heal and revive wounded or afflicted allies and for 1 turn. *
creatures of good or neutral, or aid such creatures.
• Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
• Impede, drive off or destroy the undead and unholy with light energy dealing level die +level (up to +3)
creatures from other realms. damage to all evil targets, and restoring this as
health to all good and neutral targets. *
Limitations of light magic:
• Light magic cannot damage or hinder good or As an expert of light magic, you receive 3 spontaneous
neutral creatures. Since many beasts are of 0 ASP, spells per turn, and could use these to:
light magic may not be effective as the only offensive • Fill a U+2 AOE around you with normal light for 1
spell talent for a primary caster. turn.
• Light magic cannot heal or benefit creatures of evil. • Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures
and objects in a U+2 AOE.
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die
• Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 16
+ASP to resist.
or lower affecting a creature within 3 units.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
Light Spontaneous Spells by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn, temporarily
turning that weapon into a holy weapon.
As an apprentice of light magic, you receive 1 • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to: touch by your RM (maximum +4) for 1 turn,
• Fill the unit you are in with normal light for 1 turn. temporarily turning that armor or shield into a holy
• Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures item.
and objects in the same unit. • Turn the unit you are in into a holy area for 1 turn. If
• Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 6 the area is currently an unholy area, its power is
or lower affecting a creature within 3 units. neutralized.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch • Create enough food to sustain 1 person for 1 day.
by your RM (maximum +2) for 1 turn, temporarily • Drive off all undead targets in a U+1 AOE around
turning that weapon into a holy weapon. you for 1 turn. *
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you • Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
touch by RM (maximum +2) for 1 turn, temporarily with light energy dealing level die +level (up to +6)
turning that armor or shield into a holy item. damage to all evil targets, and restoring this as
• Drive off 1 undead target within 3 units for 1 turn. * health to all good and neutral targets. *
• Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
with light energy dealing level die +1 damage to all
evil targets, and restoring this as health to all good
and neutral targets. *

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 44

As a master of light magic, you receive 4 spontaneous As a paragon of light magic, you receive 5 spontaneous
spells per turn, and could use these to: spells per turn, and could use these to:
• Fill a U+3 AOE around you with normal light for 1 • Fill a U+4 AOE around you with normal light for 1
turn. turn.
• Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures • Automatically detect the presence of evil creatures
and objects in a U+3 AOE. and objects in a U+4 AOE.
• Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 20 • Automatically negate any poison or disease of DT 24
or lower affecting a creature within 3 units. or lower affecting a creature within 3 units.
• Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch • Increase the damage rating of a weapon you touch
by your RM (maximum +5) for 1 turn, temporarily by your RM (no limit) for 1 turn, temporarily
turning that weapon into a holy weapon. turning that weapon into a holy weapon.
• Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you • Increase the rating of a suit of armor or a shield you
touch by your RM (maximum +5) for 1 turn, touch by your RM (no limit) for 1 turn, temporarily
temporarily turning that armor or shield into a holy turning that armor or shield into a holy item.
item. • Turn a U+2 AOE around you into a holy area for 1
• Turn a U+1 AOE around you into a holy area for 1 turn. If the area is currently an unholy area, its
turn. If the area is currently an unholy area, its power is neutralized.
power is neutralized. • Drive off all undead targets in a U+3 AOE around
• Drive off all undead targets in a U+2 AOE around you for 1 turn. *
you for 1 turn. * • Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as you are in
• Give a holy shout, filling the same unit as the you with light energy dealing level die +level (up to +15)
are in with light energy dealing level die +level (up damage to all evil targets, and restoring this as
to +10) damage to all evil targets, and restoring this health to all good and neutral targets. *
as health to all good and neutral targets. * • Fill a U+1 AOE within 3 units with true sunlight for
• Fill a 1 unit square within 3 units with true sunlight 1 turn. This deals damage to all undead in that AOE
for 1 turn. This deals damage to all undead in that (undead suffer damage equal to their level for each
unit (undead suffer damage equal to their level for round spent in sunlight).
each round spent in sunlight). • Touch a dead good or neutral creature and restore it
to life. The creature is restored with a rating of 1 in
all traits, recovering 1 trait point per day thereafter
until fully recovered. The target must have died
within a number of days equal to your level.

Psionic Magic
Psionic magic is the magic of the mind, used to manipulate the physical world and the thoughts and actions of other
living creatures. Psionic magic uses WIL as the linked trait.

Baseline Spell: Mind Strike influence to control the character’s actions. This bonus
You emit an invisible pulse of mental energy applies only to resist rolls, and not to actions or results
dealing level die +level damage to a thinking target with mental traits.
(REA 1+) within range on a successful action roll.
Targets roll level die +WIL to resist. In addition to You may use psionic magic to:
damage, the target is partially stunned, suffering a • Read the thoughts and emotions of another living
penalty to its next action equal to your RM (limited by creature.
talent). This bonus effect only affects any one target a • Emit bolts of pure mental energy to wound another
number of times equal to your RM before the target living creature.
becomes immune to it for one full turn. For example, as • Control the thoughts and actions of living, thinking
a level 10 caster with expert psionics, you could force 4 creatures.
delays of 4 segments each with your mind strike before • Manipulate the physical world without actually
that target was no longer affected by this. Another touching it.
psionic caster could still affect this target, however.
Limitations of psionic magic:
Baseline Buff: Mental Trait Resist Buff • Psionic magic has no effect on the unthinking or
You have a pool of resists for all four mental non-living; Psionic magic cannot affect the lesser
traits equal to your level to distribute among allies. undead (undead of apprentice, adept or expert rank)
These bonus resist points apply against all actions or wild beasts (REA 0), although some powerful
requiring a resist roll for a mental trait. This includes undead may be able to wield psionic magic on the
such situations as ASP, INT, REA and WIL rolls to living, and psionic magic will affect the greater
prevent a spell effect, morale checks, or the use of undead (master rank or higher).
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 45
• If a mesmerized creature is attacked (even if the As an expert of psionics magic, you receive 3
attack misses), that creature is allowed to re-enter spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
combat, taking its next action as if revived. (note: a • Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making
wise opponent will use an action to awaken allies in that target unable to act for 1 turn.*
order to allow them to re-enter combat, requiring a • Mesmerize all living targets in a 1 unit AOE to 6
standard action). units distant, making targets unable to act for a
number of rounds equal to your RM. *
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die • Force a living target within 3 units to obey even
+WIL to resist. unreasonable commands for a number of rounds
equal to your RM. *
Note: A mesmerized creature is a defenseless target (see • Manipulate an object up to 3 units away for a
page 19). number of rounds equal to your RM, using your
WIL in place of MGT. You could use this to wield a
Psionic Spontaneous Spells melee weapon, attacking with PWS but dealing
damage as level die +weapon rating +WIL.
As an apprentice of psionic magic, • Allow 1 creature you touch to
you receive 1 spontaneous spell per fly (at move 10) for 1 turn.
turn, and could use this to:
• Mesmerize a living creature As a master of psionics magic,
within 3 units, making that you receive 4 spontaneous spells
target unable to act for a per turn, and could use these to:
number of rounds equal to your • Mesmerize a living creature
RM. * within 6 units, making that
• Implant a suggestion on a living target unable to act for 1 hour.
target within 3 units to do *
something that the creature • Mesmerize all living targets in
would consider reasonable, for a a U+1 AOE up to 6 units
number of rounds equal to your distant, making targets
RM. * unable to act for a number of
• Manipulate an object in the rounds equal to your RM. *
same unit without touching it, • Make a living target within 3
exerting only minor force units into your puppet,
(rolling level die unmodified for forcing the target to do
any actions using this kinetic anything you command for a
control), for a number of rounds number of rounds equal to
equal to your RM. your RM. *
• Minimize the effects of gravity • Manipulate an object up to 3
on 1 creature you touch for 1 units away for 1 turn, using
turn (allowing that creature to your WIL in place of MGT.
fall for no damage). You could use this to wield a
melee weapon, attacking with
As an adept of psionics magic, you level die +PWS, but dealing
receive 2 spontaneous spells per turn, and could use damage as level die +weapon rating +WIL.
these to:
• Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making As a paragon of psionics magic, you receive 5
that target unable to act for a number of rounds spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
equal to your RM. * • Mesmerize a living creature within 6 units, making
• Issue a command to a living target within 3 units, that target unable to act for 1 day. *
forcing the target to obey you as if you were a • Mesmerize all living targets in a U+2 AOE up to 6
respected superior, for a number of rounds equal to units distant, making targets unable to act for a
your RM. * number of rounds equal to your RM. *
• Manipulate an object within 3 units without • Make a living target within 3 units into your puppet,
touching it, exerting only minor force (rolling level forcing the target to do anything you command
die unmodified for any actions using this kinetic (including attacking an ally) for 1 turn. *
control), for a number of rounds equal to your RM. • Manipulate an object up to 6 units away for 1 turn,
For example, you could wield a sword against a foe using your WIL in place of MGT. You could use this
up to 3 units distant, but the sword would attack at to wield a melee weapon, attacking with level die
your base rank die, and would deal damage at your +PWS, but dealing damage as level die +weapon
base rank die + the sword’s damage rating. rating +WIL.
• Allow 1 creature you touch to levitate (becoming
effectively weightless) for 1 turn.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 46
Wilding Magic
Wilding magic is concerned with the natural world and manipulation of it. Wilding uses INT as the linked trait.

Baseline Spell: Echo of Decay round in which it is summoned (appearing next to

You emit a pulse of raw natural energy dealing you in the same unit), and will serve you for 1 turn
level die +RM damage to a living target on a successful or until dead, obeying your orders without question.
action roll. Echo of decay also disrupts regeneration and • Fill the unit you are in with dense fog for 1 turn,
healing; target that has been struck with echo of decay limiting visibility and imposing a penalty of +level
cannot regenerate. In addition, a target that has been (maximum +3) to all physical and magical ranged
struck by echo of decay receives only half the benefit action rolls made against or by creatures in the fog.
(rounded up) from healing and restorative magic. A
spell, potion or item that restores 11 points of health As an adept of wilding magic, you receive 2
restores 6 points to a creature affected by echo of decay. spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
Each use of echo of decay disrupts regeneration and • Touch a living creature, allowing that creature to
healing for 1 full round, up to a total number of rounds recover health equal to your level (maximum of 6
equal to the talent RM. Once this threshold has been points) at the end of each round for a number of
reached, the target no longer suffers a healing/ rounds equal to your RM (maximum of 3).
regeneration penalty from echo of decay from that caster • Touch a living creature, imbuing it with a bonus to
for 1 full turn. Other wilding casters could still affect this all action delays (not including move) equal to your
target normally. RM (maximum of –3) for 1 turn.
• Slow a living creature within 3 units, imposing a
Baseline Buff: Move penalty to all delays (including move) equal to your
You have a pool of bonus ranks of move equal to RM (maximum of +3) for a number of rounds equal
your level to distribute among allies. Since lower move is to your RM. *
better, this reduces the move rating of the target. • Speak with a living wild creature within 3 units of
animal intellect (and 0 ASP) for 1 turn. The creature
You may use wilding magic to: will be cooperative, sharing information from its
• Communicate with and control the natural world. perspective.
• Emulate the abilities and powers of the natural • Summon a wild creature of adept rank (level 3) to
world. aid you. This creature will arrive at the end of the
round in which it is summoned (appearing next to
Limitations of wilding magic: you in the same unit), and will serve you for 1 turn
• Wilding magic only works directly on living or until dead, obeying your orders without question.
creatures. The undead, animus and non-living • Fill the U+1 AOE you are in with dense fog for 1
physical objects cannot be directly affected by turn, limiting visibility and imposing a penalty of
wilding magic. While wilding magic may affect a +level (maximum +6) to all physical and magical
tree, it could not affect a chair, since the wood of ranged action rolls made against or by creatures in
that chair is no longer living. the fog.
• Imbue a target you touch with the ability to breathe
Effects marked with (*) allow the target to roll level die underwater for 1 turn.
+INT to resist.
As an expert of wilding magic, you receive 3
Wilding Spontaneous Spells spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to:
• Touch a living creature, allowing that creature to
As an apprentice of wilding magic, you receive 1 recover health equal to your level (maximum of 10
spontaneous spell per turn, and could use this to: points) at the end of each round for a number of
• Touch a living creature, allowing that creature to rounds equal to your RM (maximum of 4).
recover health equal to your level (maximum of 3 • Touch a living creature, imbuing it with a bonus to
points) at the end of each round for a number of all action delays (not including move) equal to your
rounds equal to your RM (maximum of 2). RM (maximum of –4) for 1 turn.
• Touch a living creature, imbuing it with a bonus to • Slow a living creature within 3 units, imposing a
all action delays (not including move) equal to your penalty to all delays (including move) equal to your
RM (maximum of –2) for 1 turn. RM (maximum of +4) for a number of rounds equal
• Slow a living creature within 3 units, imposing a to your RM. *
penalty to all delays (including move) equal to your • Speak with a living plant within 3 units for 1 turn.
RM (maximum of +2) for a number of rounds equal The plant will be cooperative, sharing information
to your RM. * from its perspective.
• Summon a wild creature of apprentice rank (level 1) • Summon a wild creature of expert rank (level 6) to
to aid you. This creature will arrive at the end of the aid you. This creature will arrive at the end of the
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 47
round in which it is summoned (appearing next to
you in the same unit), and will serve you for 1 turn
or until dead, obeying your orders without question. In Del Anon: Magical Foci & Spell Components
• Fill the U+2 AOE you are in with dense fog for 1 In Del Anon, casters must use foci (physical
turn, limiting visibility and imposing a penalty of objects) to focus and harness magical energies.
+level (maximum +10) to all physical and magical Such objects as wands, rings, gems and jewels are
ranged action rolls made against or by creatures in often used, providing a physical conduit through
the fog. which the caster is able to channel these energies.
• Imbue a target you touch with the ability to breathe A focus wand or staff is different from a magical
underwater for 1 hour. wand or staff (as explored in the magical treasure
section), although such an item often serves as a
As a master of wilding magic, you receive 4 focus item for the appropriate spell type as well.
spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: The focus item becomes very important to the
• Touch a living creature, allowing that creature to caster, as more powerful magic may not be cast
recover health equal to your level (maximum of 15 without the focus. While apprentice and adept
points) at the end of each round for a number of spells require no focus to cast, spells from expert
rounds equal to your RM (maximum of 5). up require a physical focus for the spell energy. A
• Touch a living creature, imbuing it with a bonus to focus for a spell talent is specifically attuned to that
all action delays (not including move) equal to your spell type: a character with a focus gemstone of
RM (maximum of –5) for 1 turn. master fire elemental magic would need a different
• Slow a living creature within 3 units, imposing a item for his wilding spells, if he wanted to cast
penalty to all delays (including move) equal to your spells of wilding at expert rank or higher.
RM (maximum of +5) for a number of rounds equal In addition, paragon spells require the use of
to your RM. * a spell component that is destroyed when the spell
is cast. For example, to resurrect a fallen creature
• Summon a wild creature of master rank (level 10) to
using paragon of light requires the burning of
aid you. This creature will arrive at the end of the
special incense valued at 50 gold.
round in which it is summoned (appearing next to
Generally speaking, an expert spell focus
you in the same unit), and will serve you for 1 turn
costs at least 25 gold, a master spell focus costs at
or until dead, obeying your orders without question.
least 50 gold, and a component for a paragon spell
• Fill the U+3 AOE you are in with dense fog for 1
(which will be destroyed when the spell is cast, so
turn, limiting visibility and imposing a penalty of
more than one of these will likely be carried by the
+level (maximum +15) to all physical and magical
character) costs at least 25 gold, and often much
ranged action rolls made against or by creatures in
the fog.
• Imbue a target you touch with the ability to breathe
underwater for 1 day.

As a paragon of wilding magic, you receive 5 Thought Process

spontaneous spells per turn, and could use these to: There are several reasons for the structure
• Touch a living creature, allowing that creature to of the spell system:
recover health equal to your level (no limit) at the • The wide range of buffs makes each
end of each round for a number of rounds equal to spell talent attractive, and may
your RM (no limit). encourage casters to take multiple
• Touch a living creature, imbuing it with a bonus to spell lines in order to gain the different
all action delays (not including move) equal to your benefits for members of the group, or
RM (no limit) for 1 turn. may encourage different characters to
• Slow a living creature within 3 units, imposing a take some minor magic to help all
penalty to all delays (including move) equal to your members of the heroic group.
RM (no maximum) for a number of rounds equal to • Through buffs and the baseline spell,
your RM. * even a little bit of magic is useful. It
• Summon a wild creature of paragon rank (level 15) may be helpful as a myrmidon to take
to aid you. This creature will arrive at the end of the apprentice of deeping magic, because
round in which it is summoned (appearing next to you’ll be able to buff your own armor
you in the same unit), and will serve you for 1 turn (and that of allies), using the life tap in
or until dead, obeying your orders without question. ranged combat. This gives you
• Fill the U+4 AOE you are in with dense fog for 1 something to contribute to the success
turn, limiting visibility and imposing a penalty of of the group beyond dealing a lot of
+level to all physical and magical ranged action rolls damage with your battle axe.
made against or by creatures in the fog.
• Imbue a target you touch with the ability to breathe
underwater for 1 week.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 48
Optional Spell Talent: Illusion
Illusion is included at the end of the magic talent rules as an optional magical talent that your Mythweaver may or
may not give you access to. See also rules for disbelieving illusions on page 60.

Illusion is a field of magic that operates under any spell from any magic talent (except for psionics)
different principles from other magic. Unlike other of expert rank or lower.
talents, you receive no baseline spells or buffs in illusion • Creatures with no brain (including all anime and
magic; every spell you cast is a spontaneous spell. Since elementals) are immune to the effects of illusions.
illusions are completely unreal, they are not able to Non-living creatures such as the undead or
actually do anything. Illusions simply convince those creatures of animal intellect may be affected by
witnessing or being affected by the spell that whatever illusions normally.
effect the caster has created is real. Illusions are bound • In addition to mimicking spells from other fields,
by the following restrictions: you may use illusions to create effects with a variety
• If your Mythweaver allows heroes to take illusion, of sensory components unrelated to other spells,
you may not take illusion until you have first using the same rules for spell ranks on pages 35-36.
purchased another magic talent. You may not • REA is the linked trait for illusions. Illusions use
purchase illusion at a better rank than your primary REA for all action and resistance rolls, regardless of
magic talent. To take expert of illusion, you must the linked trait used by the magic talent being
first have expert of one other magic talent. (This rule mimicked.
does not apply to beasts or secondary characters
controlled by the Mythweaver). Becoming an illusionist is a risky endeavor. As
• While there are no baseline spells in the field of an illusionist, you have considerable versatility, but your
illusions, there are also no limits to an illusionist’s power is greatly diminished once a target has seen
use of spontaneous spells; an illusionist never runs through the source of your power.
out of spontaneous spells. The counter to this is that
every illusion spell you cast has a DT based on the Illusion Magic Effects
spell rank (as with any spontaneous spell), and this Effect Type Examples/Effects
DT must be met or the spell automatically fails. In Lesser 1 sense (typically sight or sound)
addition, since all illusions are spontaneous spells, Minor 2 senses (typically sight and sound)
illusions take longer to cast, since they never receive Intermediate 3 senses (sight, sound and touch)
the delay bonus for baseline spells that other casters Major Full sensory experience (sight, sound,
receive. touch, taste, smell)
• Illusion spontaneous spells cannot be used for
counter spells. Examples of Illusions in Play
• Illusions cannot be used to give bonuses to allies.
Illusions cannot mimic baseline buffs granted to • As an illusionist, you want a rock to seem to speak.
allies or healing/ regenerative effects. The rock is 2 units away (no modifier), affects 1
• Illusions that ‘kill’ a creature simply cause that sense (just sound, a lesser effect, so +1 rank), and
creature to fall down ‘dead’ for 1 turn. Tabulate the rock will speak for 1 turn (+1 rank). This is an
damage from illusions separately from other adept rank illusion.
damage, since this damage could be disbelieved, and • You cast an illusionary wall of ice. Creatures
isn’t truly being dealt to the target. A target ‘killed’ encountering it think it is truly a wall of ice, and will
by an illusion is a defenseless target. If the target is attack it until they ‘break through’ it normally. The
attacked, it is automatically allowed a disbelieve roll durability is determined normally as if using an
with the RM bonus as a free action (see below), elemental spell, and those encountering the wall
since the target now knows that its death was not truly believe it is there. This wall will remain (for
real. those who believe it) until sufficient damage has
• Illusions may mimic spells of any field except for been dealt to ‘destroy’ the wall.
psionics, and may also mimic other abilities that the • You cast an illusionary word of light (light baseline
Mythweaver deems appropriate (the illusionist spell) at a creature of darkness. The caster rolls the
could obscure himself like a brownie or breathe fire attack and damage normally (using INT instead of
like a dragon, based on the rank of illusion). ASP, and the target uses INT instead of ASP for the
• The illusory version of the spell is bound by the resist), and the target truly believes that this damage
same restrictions and limitations as the original has been dealt, and can be ‘killed’.
spell. If the spell lasts for 1 turn, the illusion also • You use your illusion to mimic a wilding spell
lasts for 1 turn. summoning a creature to fight for you. The creature
• You are limited to casting spells that mimic the appears to be of the appropriate rank, but it is not
same or lower rank as your current talent in illusion. real and any damage it deals is illusory.
If you have illusion of expert rank, you could mimic
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 49
Skills Talents
This section provides an overview of the basic rules regarding talents in skills, and the way that these facets of
character work in play.

How Skills Work Role Playing & Skills

• When a skill is used, only one roll is made: either an Since Mythweaver is a role-playing game, the way in
action roll by the creature using the skill against a which the players interact with the imaginary world, or
static situational DT, or a resist roll made by the with each other, can and should be a factor in
target attempting to prevent the use of the skill, with determining success. This is especially true for skills,
a DT set based on the rank of the skill. since these are often character based rather than combat
• The first set of skills includes actions made against based. The more that a player contributes either to the
fixed targets. If you are trying to pick a lock, you are fun of the game or to the collective impression of the
making an action against a physical object that moment in time, the more of a bonus the Mythweaver
prevents you from doing it. In this case, the DT is set should give, up to a maximum bonus of +3 to the action
by how poorly or well made the lock is. Rolling equal roll or to the DT set.
to or greater than the DT means you were
successful. For skills where you make an action roll, Sample Skill Bonuses
the total action is made as level die +level (limited +1 Before attempting to pick a lock, Brinn's player
by skill training) +the linked trait. These rolls are cracks his knuckles and rolls his shoulders, telling
always made against a complex DT. the group that he is 'loosening up' for the lock he is
• Other skill applications force a target to make a about to pick. The Mythweaver gives him +1 to the
resist roll against a DT based on your skill rank; you action roll.
don’t roll an action, but instead the target rolls a
resist. If you are trying to use your influence skill to +2 Before attempting a lore roll, Arial's player says that
trick a merchant to do something, your actions sets she is going to carefully peel back the pages of the
a DT that the merchant must roll against. Any time text, being sure to use any diagrams or runes on the
you use a skill to set a DT, the DT is the total of your pages to help her make sense of the text as she
linked trait rating and your level (limited by your reads. She reminds the group that they had
talent rank). As a level 8 expert of influence with encountered a similar text several weeks ago (and
WIL 6, characters attempting to resist your refers to her notes about this). The Mythweaver
influence actions roll WIL DT 14. A target rolling 14 gives her +2 to the lore action roll to glean
or better against your skill successfully resists it. information she needs from the text.
+3 Before using influence to force a resist roll for a
Comparative Skills Talent Ranks basilisk, Drom's player gets up from the table,
Talent Action At this rank, you could holding his pencil overhead to demonstrate how
Rank DT reasonably do something… Drom now stands before the basilisk. He yells out,
Menial 8 That anyone without any “Foul beast, I am the heir of the lands of the stone
training could do. hands! You will FLEE before my axe or you will
Apprentice 12 Requiring some training, skill, FALL before my axe! Know this in your dark heart-
or experience. I ... must... needs... PASS!” After everyone at the
Adept 16 Requiring considerable table stops laughing, the Mythweaver gives +3 to
knowledge, skill, or the DT for the beast's WIL resist roll.
Expert 20 Requiring a great deal of Hero Points & Skills
knowledge and training.
Master 24 Only the truly gifted and When a skill is used as an action roll against a static DT,
highly trained would try. hero points are used normally; the use of 1 hero point
Paragon 32 Only the best in the world gives you an extra rank die to add to the total result of
would consider attempting. the roll. Hero points may also be used with skills to
increase the DT of a static result from your skill. If your
Using these rules, in an apprentice rank dungeon: DT for stealth is 12, but you really need to sneak past
• Most locked doors (normal) are DT 12 to force or this guard, you may choose to spend a hero point,
pick. adding the die result to your skill DT for this action.
• Poorly made locked doors (lesser) are DT 8 to force
or pick. The Skills
• Well-made locked doors (greater) are DT 16 to force
or pick. There are six skills that you may learn: athletics,
burglary, influence, lore, nature and stealth.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 50
Athletics (linked t0 DEX, MGT & STA) Burglary (linked to PWS & REA)
As someone who is naturally physically gifted, you find You have always had a way with mechanical devices.
physical feats easier to perform. You have always been You understand how they work, and have learned about
able to jump higher, run faster and lift more than others. the workings of locks, trapping devices and other
You use your athletics ability with various talents to mechanical constructs meant to either keep people out
perform incredible feats. When you climb, you have to or trap them in.
make a new climbing roll for every 30’ (3 unit) section
you attempt to climb. As someone trained in burglary, you can:
• Pick a lock (as an action, linked to PWS).
Athletics Skill Talent Applications • Find a trap (as an action, linked to REA).
Talent When adding your When adding • Disarm a trap (as an action, linked to PWS).
talent to MGT, you your talent to • Fashion your own traps and alarms (with a DT and
can: STA, you can: ratings based on your talent).
Menial Force menial rank Climb a 30’ tree
doors, bend menial or knotted rope Burglary in Play
rank bars As a level 7 adept of burglary with PWS 5 and
Apprentice Force apprentice rank Climb a 30' REA 4, you travel through an expert rank tomb and
doors, bend rough stone wall come to a closed door. You first check the door for traps.
apprentice rank bars or normal rope Since the Mythweaver has determined the door is lesser
Adept Force adept rank Climb a 30' brick difficulty, the DT of this check is 16. You roll D10 +REA
doors, bend adept wall +6 and get 16. This is barely successful. Just as you are
rank bars about to finish your check of the door, you see a thin
Expert Force expert rank Climb a 30' wall wire running between the top of the door and the frame,
doors, bend expert of ice and realize that the door is trapped. You now attempt to
rank bars disarm the trap. The Mythweaver tells you this is a lesser
Master Force master rank Climb a 30' trap, and therefore the DT is 16 as well. You roll burglary
doors, bend master sheer stone cliff again (D10 +PWS +6), this time getting 18, and easily
rank bars face disarm the trap. You now check to see if the door is
Paragon Force paragon rank Climb a 30' wall locked, and the Mythweaver tells you it is (no roll is
doors, bend paragon of iron required for this). The locking mechanism is relatively
rank bars complicated, meaning that as a greater lock, it has a DT
of 24. You roll again (D10 +PWS +6) and get 17. You fail
Leaping (linked to DEX) the roll. You tell the Mythweaver you are going to use a
You may leap a total number of feet equal to the hero point to increase it. You roll a second level die,
result of your level die +DEX +athletics roll. At every 10’ getting 8. Your total result is now 25, and you
threshold, you leap another unit. For instance, if you successfully unlock the door.
leap between 30’ and 39’, you leap 3 units. If you had failed either to find or disarm the trap
before checking the locking mechanism, you would have
Holding Breath (linked to STA) automatically set off the trap and suffered its effects.
You may use your athletics talent to hold your
breath for extended periods of time. You may hold your Burglary Supplies
breath for 1 turn without making an action roll. A set of picks and tools of the same (or higher)
Thereafter, you must make a level die +STA +athletics rank is required for all burglary checks or to set traps
roll every turn, with an escalating DT starting at 10, and and alarms. Having insufficient tools increases the DT of
increasing +2 every turn thereafter. If you have been burglary rolls to the next rank. For example, a DT 12
underwater for 10 turns (5 minutes), and you are check becomes DT 16 if you do not have the proper
moving into turn 11, holding your breath for an tools. A tool kit contains all of the supplies a burglar
additional turn is DT 30. If you are underwater and you needs to perform any burglary action at the appropriate
fail a roll to hold your breath, you drown. Casting a spell rank or lower. Tool kits are listed on page 14.
underwater forces an immediate STA roll each time a
spell is cast, at the same DT for that turn. About Setting Traps and Alarms
The traps you can improvise will not be
Unskilled Characters especially sophisticated, posing little threat to creatures
You don’t need to have a skill to attempt with some skill in burglary. For example, as a level 7
something, but having the skill will sure help! rake with expert rank burglary and PWS 8, you set traps
For example, any character can attempt to leap, that are DT 15 to find and disarm. While this trap is
rolling level die + DEX for distance. However, likely to be missed by a group of gnolls coming up the
having athletics skill talent allows characters to passage, a comparable rake with burglary talent is likely
add their level to rolls (limited by rank). to find it and disarm it.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 51

Improvised traps and alarms are not nearly as • Your group is battling a basilisk. You have already
effective as those made with care and precision by resisted its petrification ability, so you use your free
craftsmen. action to draw the beast’s attention. You yell out
• Traps used to deal damage have a DT based on your something about it being a ‘worm eaten mongrel’ as
talent rank, and deal damage equal to your rank die you spit in its direction. As a level 7 character with
+level (limited by talent rank). For example, as a expert rank influence and WIL 8, your influence
level 12 expert of burglary, if you set an arrow trap skill is DT 15 to resist. The Mythweaver rolls level
to fire an arrow at an enemy coming up a passage, die +WIL for the basilisk, and gets 11. It turns and
that arrow would have expert rank dice values. It flees before your imposing presence.
will be DT 10 to avoid (forcing a DEX resist roll) and • Your group has invaded the lair of a mighty
deal D10 +10 damage. dragon… and lost. All of your allies lie at your feet,
• An alarm warns your group (through a bell that unconscious and near death, and the dragon now
rings, a stick that breaks) of the approach of twists towards you, prepared to deliver the killing
potential foes. blow. You bow before the great beast and offer it a
• Setting a trap or alarm takes a number of turns deal. You will compose a ballad about the power and
equal to the RM of your talent. An expert trap or might of this godlike creature, promising to spread
alarm takes 3 turns to set. tales of its grandeur throughout the realm, if it will
only spare the lives of the insignificant creatures
Influence (linked to WIL) that dared to challenge its awesome might.
Everyone at the table holds their breath as the
You've always been able to get what you want from other Mythweaver picks up the dice and gets ready to roll.
people. While this may be through subtle coercion, the Since you are a level 16 character with paragon of
force of your personality or your intimidating demeanor, influence and WIL 10, the DT for the dragon’s roll is
you are able to get others to do what you want. going to be 26. You decide to spend a hero point to
increase this DT (since this is such an important
As someone with skill in influence, you can: moment); you roll your level die (D16) and get 6.
• Convince a merchant to give you a discount on an The DT increases to 32. You are feeling pretty good
item, or to give you a markup on goods you are about your chances of talking your way out of this
selling. The target rolls WIL to resist. Multiply the one…
difference between the DT and the target’s roll by 5:
this is the percentage markup or markdown you are Lore (linked to REA)
able to secure. A merchant will never give better
than a 50% markup or markdown. Your inquisitive mind has always driven you to learn
• Once per turn, use a free action to taunt an about secrets of the ancient and magical worlds. You
opponent to turn its attention on you exclusively for enjoy poring over elder texts and researching the
1 full turn or until one of you falls to 0 health or histories of lost peoples. You are comfortable in libraries
lower. You may only use this ability once per turn. and can talk for hours about the ways in which magic
The target rolls WIL to resist. operates and the family lineages of the kings of old.
• Once per turn, use a free action to force an opponent
(or group of opponents) to turn and flee for 1 turn. On a successful DT 12 action roll (apprentice
You may only use this ability once per turn. This is a rank), you can:
normal morale check, with a DT based on your rank, ● Decode and glean the basic meaning of current
level and WIL (determined normally). languages other than those you know.
● Recall significant facts about historic events and
• Coerce a creature into doing as you ask, as long as
it’s reasonable to the creature. You may only use this people.
ability once per turn. The target rolls WIL to resist. ● Identify the function of apprentice rank magical
• Lead a group into mass combat (see rules for mass
● Activate an apprentice rank wand so you can use it.
combat on page 111).
On a successful DT 16 action roll (adept rank),
Influence in Play
you can:
• As a level 5 character with adept rank influence and
● Read with fluency current languages other than
WIL 6, you try to convince the merchant to give you
those you know.
more gold for the magical sword you found in the
● Decode and glean the basic meaning of ancient or
lair of the basilisk. He has offered you 40 gold for it,
lost languages.
but you would like to get more. You attempt to get
● Recall secondary facts about historic events and
him to improve his offer, and use your skill. The
merchant rolls level die +WIL against your skill DT
● Identify the function of adept rank magical items.
of 11. On a result of 10 or less, he increases his offer.
● Activate an adept rank wand so you can use it.
If he rolls 7 on the resist (4 below the DT), he
increases his offer by 20%.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 52

On a successful DT 20 action roll (expert rank), On a successful DT 16 action roll (adept rank),
you can: you can:
● Read with fluency ancient and lost languages. ● Identify uncommon plants and animals and know
● Decode and glean the basic meaning of cryptic and their basic properties.
archaic languages. ● Identify subtle details and little known facts about
● Recall specific details of historic events and people. common plants and animals.
● Identify the function of expert rank magic items. ● Predict the weather for three days.
● Activate an expert rank staff so you can use it. ● Forage for a day's food and water in scrubland or
On a successful DT 24 action roll (master rank), ● Track a creature through normal conditions three
you can: days after it has passed.
● Decode and glean details from cryptic and archaic ● Handle, break or ride a normal wild animal.
● Recall minute details of historic events and people. On a successful DT 20 action roll (expert rank),
● Identify the function of master rank magic items. you can:
● Activate a master rank staff so you can use it. ● Identify rare plants and animals and know their
basic properties.
On a successful DT 32 action roll (paragon ● Identify subtle details and little known facts about
rank), you can: uncommon plants and animals.
● Read with fluency even the most cryptic and archaic ● Predict the weather for a week.
of languages. ● Forage for a day's food in a desert or on a glacier.
● Recall even seemingly insignificant details of minor ● Track a creature through normal conditions a week
historic events and people. after it has passed.
● Identify the function of paragon rank magic items. ● Handle, break or ride an exotic or magical animal of
● Activate a paragon rank rod so you can use it. expert rank or lower.

What does this mean? On a successful DT 24 action roll (master rank),

● To eavesdrop on a conversation between two goblins you can:
and get a general idea of what they're talking about, ● Identify exceptionally rare plants and animals and
you'll need to be an apprentice of lore. know their basic properties.
● To read the letter written to the commander of the ● Identify subtle details and little known facts about
bugbear army and understand the subtext, you'll rare plants and animals.
need to be an adept of lore. ● Predict the weather for a month.
● To remember the name birth date of the king's ● Forage for a day's food and water in the most remote
younger brother, you'll need to be an expert of lore. and desolate of locations.
● To glean knowledge from the tome found in the lost ● Track a stealthy creature through even challenging
tower of the Shadow Lands, you'll need to be a conditions a week after it has passed.
master of lore. ● Handle, break or ride an exotic or magical animal of
● To unlock the secrets to wield the rod of ancient master rank or lower.
winters, you'll need to be a paragon of lore.
On a successful DT 32 action roll (paragon
Nature (linked to INT) rank), you can:
● Identify even the subtlest of details and little known
As someone who has taken skills in nature, you have an facts about the rarest of plants and animals.
affinity for the natural world. You like animals and the ● Accurately predict what the weather will be like
out of doors. You easily see the differences between every day for the next year.
various plants and animals, and you understand the ● Track a creature that leaves virtually no trail two
relationships between the seasons and how various weeks after it has passed.
weather patterns work. You are proficient at hunting ● Handle, break or ride an exotic or magical animal of
and tracking, and you feel at home in nature. paragon rank or lower.

On a successful DT 12 action roll (apprentice What does this mean?

rank), you can: ● To survive in the wild on your own for a few weeks,
● Identify common plants and animals and know their you will need to be an apprentice of nature.
basic properties. ● To start a business breaking wild horses for sale,
● Predict tomorrow’s weather. you'd better be an adept of nature.
● Forage for a day's food and water in a woodland. ● If you are going to be lost wandering through a
● Track a creature through a muddy woodland a day desert, you'd better be an expert of nature.
after it has passed. ● To tame and ride a unicorn, you need to be a master
● Handle, break or ride a domestic animal. of nature.
● Start a fire with materials you find. ● To track your enemies to the far reaches of the
realm, you'd better be a paragon of nature.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 53
Stealth (linked to INT) Mundane Skills
You have always been able to get away with things. You Typically, mundane skills used by commoners,
are sly, able to do things without being seen or heard, merchants and tradesmen are not included as options
sneaking past opponents and other creatures unnoticed, for heroes. Most heroic characters have neither the time
lifting items, picking pockets, and using surprise. nor inclination to learn mundane skills. The time spent
learning to beat raw iron into swords, prepare a hide for
About Stealth tanning or work raw lumber into a fine piece of furniture
is spent by heroic characters learning to wield a weapon,
Your level (limited by talent rank) and INT determine control magic or learn skills more useful on adventures.
the DT for the target’s INT roll to notice your action. For However, some heroes have mundane skills
example, as a level 12 master of stealth with DEX 9, a (available as a heroic perk, see page 13) that they learned
target trying to notice you attempting to sneak by, pick before they started their adventuring careers. These
pockets or gain position for a surprise attack must make skills have no bearing on combat, but may be important
a DT 21 INT roll to notice you. for interactions with other characters and the game
world. If you have the perk of a mundane skill, that skill
Picking Pockets increases automatically to match your character rank. At
level 1, you are an apprentice in your mundane skill.
When you pick a target’s pocket, you find a single When you achieve level 3 (adept), you also automatically
instance of treasure for a creature of that level. Roll D6, move to adept of your mundane skill. This continues
a 1-5 indicates that monetary treasure was lifted, while a through level 15, at which time (in addition to any other
roll of 6 indicates that magical treasure was lifted. For talents you have purchased with talent ranks) you have
example, a successful stealth roll to pick the pocket of a also become a paragon of your mundane skill. All
level 6 target yields a treasure worth D10x6 gold. mundane skills are linked to your highest mental trait of
Alternately, your Mythweaver may allow you to INT, REA or WIL. While one character uses INT for
target a specific item when you attempt to pick pockets. blacksmithing (since his INT is 5, better than any other
For example, if you see a merchant walking through the mental trait), you use WIL (since your WIL is your best
marketplace with a bag of coins jingling at his side, you mental trait). Some people learn things because they are
may attempt to lift that particular item. The action roll is just ‘get it’ (INT), some because they are smart enough
made normally, but no random result is rolled. If to figure it out (REA) and some because they keep
successful, you have lifted the item you sought. working at it and don’t give up (WIL).
Note that a botched attempt to pick a pocket will These skills give you additional opportunities for
result in no end of troubles for the stealthy character, as role playing, but will not directly help you in combat.
laws exist to punish (often brutally) such behavior. You cannot use your mastery of blacksmithing to create
massive horseshoes to pound into the feet of the wyvern
you are battling, but you could use this skill after the
Surprise Attacks battle to determine whether or not the chain you are
wrapping the wyvern in will be sturdy enough to contain
As someone trained in stealth, you add your total level it after it awakes.
(limited by rank) to damage with surprise attacks. As a
level 3 character with expert of stealth, you add +4 to
damage rolls with surprise attacks.

Sample Mundane Skills (Roll D10 if determining randomly)

Roll Skill (linked trait) You know how to…
1 Blacksmith Work with metal, construct and repair metal armor and weapons.
2 Bowyer/Fletcher Make and repair bows, crossbows, arrows and crossbow bolts.
3 Brewer Prepare various beverages, toxins and salves.
4 Farmer Care for plants and livestock, prepare a field for seeding; harvest crops.
5 Jeweler Cut gemstones, make jewelry, and determine their relative value.
6 Leatherworker Prepare, tan and fit leather goods, including basic armors, boots and gloves.
7 Miner Cut stone, construct an underground passageway; identify basic rocks.
8 Sailor Operate a ship, navigate over seas.
9 Tailor Weave, sew, embroider, and fashion clothing (including cloaks).
10 Woodworker/Carpenter Work with wood to make furniture and wooden weapons like quarterstaffs.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 54

Chapter Five: Running the Game as Mythweaver
As the Mythweaver, it is your responsibility to run the game. While players take the roles of heroes in the game world,
you set the framework for the story, put the heroes into it, and make the whole thing go.

There are four basic rules to being a good Mythweaver: • Use post-it notes or some other organizational
1. Be Fair. These rules give you considerable latitude in method to mark information on the important
assigning difficulties to actions, building enemies beasts and spells that will be used during that
and allies, structuring the narrative and controlling session, or create notes (3x5 cards are great for this)
the fates of the heroes. It doesn't matter how you for quick reference.
approach these elements of the game as much as it • Read through the adventure scenario so that you
does that you do so consistently. If the heroes are know what will be happening.
constantly faced with overwhelming challenges and • Review any notes from the previous session for
obstacles, their rewards should be commensurate. things that may still need to be resolved or for
2. Be Prepared. It is important that you have written lingering plot threads that you want to be sure to
notes for a scenario (if the session will be original) review with the players.
or you’ve read through the adventure (if running a • Prepare any other materials you may need. If you
published scenario) before playing. You need to be want to have a battle map and miniatures, special
familiar enough with the rules (and with the specific forms for keeping track of initiative and health,
rules that will apply to the scenario) in order for the handouts with treasure maps or item descriptions,
game to run smoothly. or special music you want to play during the game,
3. Be Flexible. Leave room for players to bring things make sure these are ready to go. You don’t want to
to the game. If the players veer off course and try get to the climactic fight and have to flip through
something you didn't expect, do your best to go 200 songs on your mp3 player to find the perfect
along with it. Allow the characters to dictate some of track for background music.
the story that you are building together. Flexibility
also includes being prepared for what to do if things
don't go as planned. What if the myrmidon in the
During the Game
group doesn't show up and you've planned a session
There are several things that you do during the game:
that relies on his talents? What if the first encounter
takes out half the hero group? Have a back-up plan. • Set the Stage. Let the heroes know where they've
4. Be Creative. This is listed as the final rule, but is the been, what they're doing, and what they are going to
most important. Mythweaver: The Splintered do early in the session. It may help to give written
Realm is a simple, open game system. The game is recaps of previous sessions. A good Mythweaver
designed to provide a framework within which you uses a wide range of sensory description to immerse
and your players can create an imaginary fantasy players in the game world. “The ancient inn, its
world. While these rules provide guidelines for walls bearing witness to stories from a hundred
handling situations as they arise, inevitably, it will adventuring companies, the assorted trophies from
be up to you to decide how something happens or successful expeditions covering its walls” is
why it works the way it does. Use the rules herein as preferable to “the old inn frequented by
a guide, and your own experience to make the adventurers.” Particularly important descriptions or
judgment call in the moment. Don’t stop playing to characters should be prepared ahead of time. You
haggle over whether the modifier should be +1 or can use music, artwork, or even food to help create
+2. Pick one, roll, and go on with the game. this sense of atmosphere.
• Role play. Play the parts of the supporting
characters populating the game world. Feel free to
Running the Game add voices, develop personalities and give vivid
descriptions. The more real your secondary
You have several responsibilities before, during and
characters are, the more the players will feel
after play.
involved in the game world. If the guard speaks in a
booming voice with a sarcastic tone, he’ll be much
Before the Game more memorable and specific to your players. Keep
notes about what important secondary characters
There are several things that you should do before the are like, so that when the heroes return and speak to
group actually sits down to play. that guard again two sessions later, you remember
• Look up lesser-used rules that may be important that he had a booming voice and a sarcastic tone,
during the game. If the heroes have to leap across a because this makes the whole game more consistent
pit during an important combat sequence, review and ‘alive.’
the rules for leaping before the session so you know
how this will be resolved.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 55

• Run Combat. Keep track of the initiative results for Conversely, you should not simply bump the
all parties involved in a combat situation. While DTs up to overcompensate for character ability. If the
players should monitor their own characters' health, group's rake has invested all of his talent ranks into
initiative, delays and availability of spontaneous becoming an exceptional burglar, picking locks and
spells, the Mythweaver should keep track of these disarming traps may be easier for this character than for
statistics for all opponents during combat. It will be other rakes of the same level. This character has made
helpful to keep extra scratch paper handy to keep other sacrifices to get these abilities, and shouldn't be
tallies of the health, initiative and delays of all those penalized for it.
engaged in combat.
• Award hero points and treasure. See page 65 at the Degrees of Success
end of this section for information on awarding
these. For the most part, action rolls are either successful or
they fail. However, some situations may provide degrees
After the Game of success. For example, the heroes are listening at a
door before entering a room (rolling level die +INT). In
• Help to make arrangements for when your group an adept rank area, the difficulties of this are 6 for a
will play again. lesser action (based on D6,
• Tell the players about any expectations the rank die of apprentice,
for things that they should accomplish one rank lower), 8 for a
before the next time you play. normal action (based on
• Make sure you’ve gathered your notes D8, the die for this rank),
for anything important that happened and 10 for a greater action
during the game session that may (based on D10, the rank
impact future games. die of master, one rank
higher). You may decide
that on a roll of 6 or 7, the
Using Ranks, Levels heroes can hear something
& Rank Modifiers on the other side of the
room, but can't make out
Everything in the game has rank, and by what it is exactly. On a roll
extension a RM and a level. Typically, the of 8 or 9, the heroes can
level is assigned as the threshold rating for hear voices, but can't be
that rank. For example, a group of expert sure what they are saying.
rank heroes of levels 6-9 are most likely to On a roll of 10 or better,
encounter items, objects and situations of the heroes can hear that
level 6, since 6 is the benchmark level for there are two creatures
expert rank. Items such as armor and talking, and the language
weapons are assigned a level based on the sounds like some form of
rank of the object. Note that a magical item humanoid. In this case, the
has a level equal to the total of all bonuses. A better the roll, the more
sword +7/+3/+2 fire is a level 12 item for information the heroes are
purposes of resists and setting DTs. able to glean, or the more
definitive the result.
Assigning Difficulty Targets
Failed Actions
Previous sections of the game have provided
rules for difficulty targets for specific An action that has been
situations. It is always up to you as the failed three times, or that
Mythweaver to decide on the difficulty of a is botched (1 is rolled),
specific action based on the situation. cannot be attempted again
Although these rules indicate that a complex successfully until the
DT for an expert dungeon is 20, this may character advances
vary depending on the experience and another level. If a rake
abilities of the heroes. The Mythweaver may tries to pick a lock three
lower this DT to 17 while the heroes are level times and fails with all
6, but if they enter the same area as level 9 three attempts, he cannot
characters, the DT may be adjusted to the pick that lock without
normal 20, or even bumped to 22 to provide further training and
a little more challenge to the heroes. The DTs given are a experience. It is simply too difficult for him. The same is
guide for the Mythweaver to use in establishing targets true if the player rolls a 1 on any of those three attempts.
for trait and talent rolls, but may be adjusted as needed.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 56

Acting En Masse In a mixed group of creatures, the individual
creature groups may attack en masse. In a group of 7
Large numbers of creatures of the same type may choose bugbears with 12 gnolls, the 7 bugbears could attack en
to act or attack en masse instead of attacking or acting masse against one target, while the 12 gnolls could
individually, making one consolidated action roll and attack en masse against another target. This could be
one consolidated damage roll. These rules apply in the further subdivided as follows:
following circumstances: • 3 bugbears are going to use spiked clubs to attack
• Two or more creatures are coordinating their the hero group’s rake (+3 to the attack and damage,
actions against a single target. in addition to the PWS rating and total damage
• The creatures are of the same race or type. rating, respectively).
• The creatures are of the same rank and level. • 4 bugbears are going to use spiked clubs to attack
• If used for combat actions, the creatures are using the hero group’s myrmidon (+4 to the attack and
the same attack type. damage, in addition to the PWS rating and the total
• Melee attacks are limited to six creatures engaging a damage rating, respectively).
creature of the same size en masse. For each size • 6 gnolls are going to throw spears at the hero
category the target is smaller than the attackers, group’s mystic (+6 to attack and damage).
decrease the total number of possible attackers by • 6 gnolls are going to throw spears at the hero
two. For each size category the target is larger than group’s defender (+6 to attack and damage).
attackers, increase the total number of possible
attackers by two. A human could be attacked en Examples of en masse attacks in play:
masse by eight goblins at once (small creatures), by • You fall through a weak section of the floor and into
six hobgoblins at once (medium creatures), by four a nest filled with 16 worker ants. Since these are
ogres (large creatures) or by two stone giants (huge small creatures, 8 of them may attack you en masse.
creatures). They will break up into 2 teams of 4 ants, each with
• Thrown and missile weapons are not limited to the a total attack roll of D4+8, and a total damage roll of
total number of en masse attackers by size, although D4+5.
bonuses are limited to the total attack rating. • Your adventuring group moves through a pass
• Due to the high bonuses, en masse attacks are more guarded by a group of 6 hobgoblins. These
likely to score critical successes on the action roll, hobgoblins coordinate their attacks, launching
and therefore score double damage more frequently. volleys of arrows against you. The hobgoblins roll
• The heroes cannot attack en masse, because they are D6+10 for the attack, (+5 from DEX and +6 from
not considered of the same creature type. the total number of hobgoblins, but capped at +10
because of the +5 normal modifier). If the combined
• The total action and damage bonus cannot exceed
the maximum bonus to the action roll that one of attack hits, the total damage is D6+6 (+1 from the
the creatures would receive independently. For bows, +6 from the total number of hobgoblins, but
example, if a group of 10 goblins are working capped at +6 total because of the hobgoblins’ +5
together to fire their bows at a hero, the bonuses to attack modifier).
the action and damage rolls are capped at +4, since
this is the total modifier a goblin receives to firing a Other uses of en masse actions or resists:
bow. In this case, the goblins will break into 3 • Two goblins are guarding a bridge as the heroes
teams: 2 teams will get +4 to attack and damage sneak up on them. One roll is made to see if they are
(since they are composed of 4 goblins), and 1 team surprised, with +2 to the roll.
will get +2 to attack and damage (since it is • 4 hobgoblins are climbing a wall in pursuit of the
composed of 2 goblins). heroes. The hobgoblins coordinate their efforts,
• En masse attack rules do not apply to morale checks working together to help each other climb. The
or resist rolls. A spell or ability (like a breath Mythweaver grants +4 to the action roll and the
weapon) with an area of effect requires each target hobgoblins will reach the top together or all will fall.
to roll independently to resist. A morale roll is made
for a ‘representative creature’ in the group with no Thought Process
bonus. If that creature fails, all see this break in While a single hobgoblin or darkling
morale and follow suit. rat is not a threat to a high level character,
these creatures should still pose some threat.
A group of creatures attacking en masse takes This gives large numbers of weaker creatures
only one action per round, regardless of the abilities of a chance against more powerful foes.
the creatures. The group makes a single action roll,
receiving a bonus to both the action (attack) and result
(damage) rolls equal to the total number of creatures
working together to coordinate their attack (up to a
maximum of the base action bonus), in addition to the
normal bonuses from traits and magic.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 57

Running Magic Restrictions to Bonuses
Del Anon is a magical realm. Magic is an integral force Over time, the heroes will collect powerful items and
that infuses all things. The rules for magic restrict the learn to cast potent spells that provide a wide range of
powers and abilities of characters for game balance. As bonuses to their abilities. Large bonuses can quickly
the Mythweaver, you are not limited in the same ways. unbalance the game and make it less fun for everyone.
You can create huge illusionary walls, waterfalls While it may be fun to walk around for a few rounds
generated via magical energy, ancient arcane puzzles, with a sword dealing +50, this can quickly derail an
corridors warded by magical effects and airborne otherwise successful and enjoyable game. The following
fortresses held aloft by magical energy without hard caps are set for all traits, talents and abilities from
concerning yourself with how the magic works or the magical bonuses. Once a character has received the
specific spells that were cast in the creation of the magic. maximum total magical bonus by rank, no further
There is magic beyond the knowledge or power of the bonuses will affect that character. Items are limited by
heroes, and it can (and should) remain shrouded in the same restrictions; an expert rank weapon granting a
mystery. bonus to PWS will give no better than a +4 bonus. ASP
may never receive a magical bonus.
Adjudicating Spells
• Health and warding are limited to a maximum
The spell system provided in these rules is flexible and bonus equal to the character’s level.
adaptive, but you should consider the following during • Traits, talents, armor, damage ratings, spell results,
play: initiative, move and delay are limited to a maximum
• A spell from one talent cannot mimic or copy the bonus equal to the character’s RM +1.
effects of spells from another talent. While a player
may want to argue that he can use his ice magic to For example, a level 7 defender (expert rank, RM 3) is
bolster his character’s armor rank by creating a limited to the following maximum bonuses:
frosted glaze over his breastplate, this mimics a spell • +4 to each of her traits (except for ASP, which
effect of deeping and should be prohibited. cannot be magically altered)
• Once a character has used all of his or her available • +4 to each of her skills talents
spontaneous spells in a turn, only baseline spells • +4 to her armor rating
may be cast. If a character is an adept of arcanum • +4 to her initiative
and an apprentice of wilding, that character has • +4 to damage on her weapon from being imbued
three spontaneous spells available each turn: two in with elemental energy
arcanum, and one in wilding. • +4 to damage on her weapon from being imbued
• Any of these slots may be used to cast a counter with holy energy
spell, but once that decision is made and the counter • +4 to result rolls with magic spells cast
spell is attempted, it cannot be changed. Once all • –4 to her move
three spontaneous spells have been cast that turn, • –4 to spell action delays
no further counter or spontaneous spells may be
• –4 to arms action delays
• +7 to her health
• Any spell used to grant a bonus to weapon damage
transforms that weapon into a magical weapon for • 7 points of warding each to magic, fire, cold, and
purposes of determining what beasts may be lightning
affected, since some beasts are immune to normal
weapons. These bonuses will still stack with racial, class or other
abilities. A master rank character who receives a bonus
• Spells will not stack with the same or comparable
to weapon delays from the quick strike arms talent (–4)
effects, and the first effect cast or in place takes
who also receives a magical bonus to delay (up to a
precedence. For example, a character who received a
maximum of –5) will receive –9 to all weapon delays. In
blade turn from a level 10 caster with expert of
this case, the character is still limited to a minimum
deeping negates the next 4 physical attacks made
delay of 3, since delays of less than 3 are not possible.
against that character. Another blade turn, even if
However, if the character has a flaming effect on
the character has already used 3 of those 4 bonuses,
her sword, she would not be able to also add a cold or
or if a caster of higher level uses the spell on him,
lightning effect (as these are affecting the same thing),
will be ineffective. If a weapon has an imbued
but the sword could be given a holy bonus, as this
elemental bonus of +1, a spontaneous spell granting
damage operates differently (affecting only evil
a +2 or better bonus will be ineffective on that
• Multiple uses of the same spell on different
character abilities will coordinate. A character Anti Spell Effects
receiving three spontaneous light spells could turn
his sword, armor and shield into holy items, each A variety of items have been created for use against
receiving a bonus. casters, and the hides of some beasts are adapted to

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 58

provide protection against magical attacks. These effects Spell Absorption & Spell Reflection
work in one of three ways: they may absorb spells,
reflect spells, or turn spells. The item will affect a total number of ranks of spells
• Spell absorption provides a set pool of ranks of equal to the rank threshold for the item, and no more. If,
spells that will be automatically nullified each turn. for example, a character is carrying an expert ring of
The higher the rank of the item is, the greater the spell absorption, that ring will absorb up to 6 ranks of
total ranks of spells nullified each turn before that spells that turn before becoming inert for the remainder
item no longer works for that turn. of the turn. If the first spell cast against that character is
• Spell reflection provides a set pool of ranks of spells an expert rank spell (3 ranks), the ring has 3 ranks
automatically reflected back against the original remaining for the turn. If the next spell is a master spell,
caster each turn. The higher the rank of the item is, the ring has no effect against it, and the spell affects the
the greater the total ranks of spells turned back character normally. If the third spell cast is an adept
before the item no longer works that turn. spell, the ring again absorbs this spell, and has one rank
• Spell turning provides a random chance that any remaining. The next apprentice rank spell cast against
offensive spell cast against that target is reflected the character will be absorbed, but any other spells will
back against the original caster. The higher the rank bypass the ring’s protection and affect the target
of the item, the more powerful the spell that may be normally.
turned. This same principal applies for items granting
spell reflection. An adept ring of spell reflection will
Restrictions to Anti Spell Effects reflect any expert or lower rank spell against the wearer,
and consecutive spells until the threshold of 3 total spell
These items only work against spells, objects or abilities ranks is reached, at which time the ring stops working
that cast or directly mimic a spell. While an expert ring for one full turn.
of spell turning would reflect spells cast from a wand, it
would be ineffective against such abilities as dragon Spell Turning
breath or petrification.
• All offensive spells are affected by anti spells. A spell Spell turning doesn’t apply to the first ranks of spells in
with an area of effect will be turned back on the a turn; instead, it may apply to any, all, or none of the
caster, and will go off centered where the caster spells cast against the character during that turn. Spell
stands; a spell that deals damage will deal damage turning considers two factors when determining
to the caster; a spell that causes a penalty will inflict whether or not a spell is randomly reflected back upon
that same penalty upon the caster. the caster: the rank of the spell cast, and the rank of the
• Beneficial spells are unaffected by these items. item.
There is no chance that a spell used to restore health • The higher the rank of spell turning, the more
or remove a negative effect will be absorbed, opportunity there is to have a spell turned. If, for
reflected or turned. example, a character has a master gemstone of spell
• The original caster (and any other characters turning, this gemstone will reflect any spell back
affected) may roll resistance normally against the upon the caster on a roll of 4 or lower. Conversely,
spell, using the caster’s original action and result an apprentice item of spell turning only turns spells
rolls to determine spell effects. back upon the original caster on a roll of 1.
• These properties are typically imbued into valuable • The size of the die rolled depends on the rank of the
stones and jewelry (rings, amulets, gems), but may spell. If the character attempts to turn an apprentice
also be imbued into armor and shields. The treasure spell, roll D6. Conversely, if the spell being cast is of
section includes rules for imbuing this property into paragon rank, roll D16.
armor and shields.
Spell Turning in Play:
Anti Spell Effects by Rank You wear an adept ring of spell turning.
Rank Spell Absorption Spell Turning Whenever a spell is cast against you by an enemy, you
or Reflection roll a die. On a roll of 1 or 2, the spell cast against you is
Die Successful
turned back on the original caster. If an opponent casts
Used on
an apprentice rank spell against you, you roll D6. If,
Apprentice First 1 rank that D6 1 or lower
however, an opponent casts a master rank spell at you,
you roll D12. In either case, a roll of 2 or lower means
Adept First 3 ranks D8 2 or lower
that the spell is turned back at the caster.
that turn
Expert First 6 ranks D10 3 or lower
that turn
Master First 10 ranks D12 4 or lower
that turn
Paragon First 15 ranks D16 5 or lower
that turn

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 59

Area of Effect Attacks Good & Evil
Some spells and attacks have an area of effect. This is Since Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm is a fantasy
listed in units (described on pages 21-22), automatically role-playing game, good and evil are important,
affecting all creatures within the applicable unit(s). For fundamental forces in the universe, and should have a
example, a thrown vial of holy water will splash all bearing on game play. Good and evil are reflected in a
creatures in a 1-unit square, with the vial at the middle character, creature or object’s ASP rating.
of this unit. All creatures within the listed area of effect
are susceptible to the effects of the attack form. If it is Degrees of Good and Evil
possible to avoid the attack or partially deflect its ASP Degree of Good or Evil
harmful effects, this will be listed with the specific Rating
description. Otherwise, all creatures in the affected 6 or Selfless. You are truly good, putting the
unit(s) are susceptible. Areas of effect are always higher needs of others ahead of your own, actively
measured to the outer (farthest) edges of any applicable opposing evil.
unit(s). 3 to 5 Benevolent. You endeavor to put others
first, and seek to fight against injustice.
The Use of Magic by Foes of the Heroes 1 to 2 Good-natured. You generally try to help
others and do the right thing.
Magic talents add flexibility to encounters and make 0 Neutral. You weigh each situation on its
foes more powerful. Remember that even apprentice own merits, and are just as likely to help
rank talent in magic gives the caster buffs and others as to help yourself.
spontaneous spells, and a caster will always know how –1 to –2 Selfish. You routinely put your own needs
to use its spell powers to maximum advantage. If the ahead of those of others.
heroes invade the lair of a group of hobgoblins led by a –3 to –5 Cruel. You are capable of cruelty and
shaman, that shaman will undoubtedly have buffed itself selfishness, even when others are hurt by it.
and some of the more powerful hobgoblins with it, and A hero may have no lower than –5 ASP.
will use spontaneous spells to reinforce the group’s –6 to –9 Malevolent. You are truly malicious,
efforts against the heroes. deriving joy from the suffering of others.
Conversely, intelligent creatures will quickly –10 or Pure evil. See below.
learn that spell casters pose a large threat, and foes will lower
often target spell casters as their first priority when
fighting a group of heroes. Aspect Applications

Disbelieving Illusions You should always be aware of the impact of ASP.

• A hero with a positive ASP (light) has spent points to
A character affected by an illusion may choose to serve of good and should receive some benefit from
disbelieve the illusion. Disbelieving is a standard action, this. Holy places and holy items should be included
with a delay of 10. A disbelieve roll is made as a rank die in the game to reward these players.
+REA roll, with a DT equal to the rank of the caster’s • A hero with negative ASP (darkness) is limited to
illusion talent +REA. If you are a level 7 expert of the character’s RM in total negative ASP. A level 4
illusion and have REA 6, your illusions are DT 13 to character (RM 2) may have no lower than –2 ASP.
disbelieve. This character would have 2 bonus points to place in
Once a target has successfully disbelieved an other traits. A hero with a –4 ASP who wants to
illusion, that target may automatically attempt to move to –5 would have to wait until level 15
disbelieve any additional spell from the same caster (as a (paragon rank) is attained. This limit does not apply
free action) at +RM. Any target who has been warned to beasts or secondary characters.
that the caster uses illusions may make the initial
disbelieve roll at +RM, but this still requires a standard Temptation
action to do. By disbelieving an illusion, the target
negates any and all ongoing adverse effects from A character with negative ASP is susceptible to
previous illusions as well. A target who has taken 35 temptation. When faced with a difficult circumstance or
points of illusory damage in the first 3 rounds of combat opportunity for personal gain, the character may (even
who successfully disbelieves the caster in round 4 gets against the player’s will) succumb to temptation. When
all 35 health points back immediately. This same faced with the situation, the player rolls the level die,
character could still take additional illusory damage, but with a DT equal to the inverse of ASP. If the roll is less
would be allowed to disbelieve each subsequent attack than the inverse of the character’s ASP, the hero
(at +RM) as a free action, and any successful disbelieve automatically makes all actions as determined by the
would negate all additional illusory damage taken. Mythweaver for one turn before rolling again to
overcome temptation. If a botch is rolled on a
temptation check, the character automatically succumbs
to temptation, even if his or her ASP is only –1. A hero
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 60
point may not be used to modify this roll. This roll is Holy Water
made every turn thereafter. Failure indicates that the
character remains under the Mythweaver’s control, Holy water is blessed water sanctified by a priest in a
likely undertaking reprehensible and villainous actions. holy place. Holy water, when splashed on an evil
Temptation should apply no more than three creature, automatically deals damage equal to the
times per game session, although should be inverse of the creature's
rolled at least once per session so that the ASP x2. Holy water
character has some cost associated with splashed on a creature
negative ASP. The following circumstances with –4 ASP deals 8
could all force a temptation roll: points of damage.
• The character sees a map to a treasure the
rest of his friends haven’t seen. He must roll Unholy Water
temptation or seek the treasure for his own.
• A member of the town guard insults the Unholy water splashed on
character. She must roll temptation or draw a good creature deals
her weapon and attack the guard. twice the target's ASP
• The character’s allies are in combat with a rating in damage. A
powerful foe, and some have fallen. He defender with an ASP of 4
must roll temptation or turn on his friends splashed with unholy
and desert them in their time of greatest water suffers 8 points of
need. damage.
Holy and unholy
Pure Evil waters bypass all armor
and protection. To
Once a creature reaches ASP –10 or lower, that purchase a vial of holy or
creature has been consumed by evil, having no unholy water costs 5 gold.
other purpose but to serve the forces of chaos This is enough to splash
and destruction. Due to this strong connection one creature within the
to evil, the creature may be able to affect holy same or an adjacent unit.
items. To purchase a flask of
Once per turn, a character of –10 or holy or unholy water costs
lower ASP may attempt to destroy a holy item 15 gold. A flask of such
within a number of units equal to its RM, water is used as a thrown
permanently shattering the item. This is a weapon attack. It will
standard action, with a delay of 10. Roll rank break and affect all
die +ASP against the item level +ASP of the creatures in the same unit
target. Success indicates that the target’s holy where the flask landed.
item is permanently and irrevocably destroyed.
This is limited to one attempt per turn, not per item. The Holy Places & Items
creature does not touch the item (see below), but instead
focuses its pure evil against this item (for example, by Holy places and items give a bonus to characters of
screaming or howling, or by unleashing a bolt of pure positive (light) ASP, have no effect on characters of 0
darkness at the item). (neutral) ASP, and actually deal damage (or extra
For example, a defender with ASP 5 invades the damage) to characters of negative (darkness) ASP.
lair of a powerful lich. The lich uses an action to shatter Armor and magic resistance do not absorb damage from
the defender’s holy sword, a level 14 item. The lich rolls holy items or places; holy and unholy damage bypasses
the rank die (D20, since the lich is level 20) +10 (since it any and all protection.
has –10 ASP) and gets a total of 22. The DT is 19. The • Holy weapons give a bonus to damage equal to the
defender’s holy sword shatters into hundreds of wielder’s ASP rank on a successful strike against an
fragments in his hands, irrevocably destroyed, and the evil creature, in addition to all other damage. A
battle with the lich just became considerably more character with an ASP of 3 wielding a holy mace
difficult. deals +3 damage against evil creatures in addition to
If this ability is used against a holy item not in all other bonuses.
the possession of a character (the lich has defeated the • Holy armor gives a bonus to armor rank equal to the
defender, and is gloating over the sword that lies on the wearer’s ASP rank. A suit of holy plate mail armor
ground before him), no ASP is added to the level of the worn by a character with an ASP of 4 gives +4 to the
weapon. In the previous example, the level 14 item not armor rating, in addition to all other bonuses. This
held by a hero is DT 14 to destroy. As long as the lich applies against all physical attacks which armor
rolls 4 or better on the die roll (because of the +10 from normally protects against, regardless of the ASP of
ASP), he will be able to destroy this sword that is so the attacker.
painful for him to look at.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 61

• A holy place allows those of light ASP to recover Holy/Unholy Item Effects from Spells
their ASP rank in health at the end of every round,
and automatically deals damage equal to the inverse Wielders of light and darkness magic are able to
of the target’s ASP to evil creatures at the end of temporarily turn items into holy items. Higher rank
every round. A holy place has no effect on a neutral casters may actually give significantly greater bonuses
creature. A character with an ASP of 3 in a holy for shorter periods of time than the effects of a holy
place recovers 3 health at the end of every round, in weapon. For example, a paragon of light magic of level
addition to all other healing and regeneration. A 20 could grant up to a +6 damage bonus to a sword,
creature with –2 ASP suffers 2 points of damage per whereas a holy sword normally gives only the ASP of the
round spent in a holy area. wielder as a bonus. The more powerful effect in this case
• A creature of negative ASP touching a holy item would take precedence.
automatically takes the inverse of his or her ASP in
damage from the item. An undead creature with –3
ASP touching a holy shield immediately suffers 3 Thought Process
points of damage. Evil creatures cannot bear the The path of evil is inherently easier and
touch of holy items, and will automatically drop more alluring, but it is fraught with peril.
them. Neutral characters and creatures are Originally, heroes were going to be prohibited
unaffected by holy items. from playing characters of negative (dark) ASP.
However, this took away player choice and some
Unholy Places & Items opportunities for both role playing and variety.
The limit on negative ASP to a character’s RM
Unholy places and items work exactly as holy places and keeps negative ASP from being abused, and the
items, only with reverse effects. An unholy sword deals penalties imposed by temptation make darkness
bonus damage to good characters, but no bonus against a tricky path to navigate. In addition, a
neutral or evil creatures. Note that placing key character can ‘buy out’ of negative aspect by
encounters in unholy places severely inhibits good spending trait points as the character progresses
characters, and increases the difficulty of such to eventually cleanse him or her self of darkness,
encounters dramatically. Even a minor foe is very and possibly one day pursue the path of light.
powerful if within an unholy place. When the group’s This was a good role playing opportunity, and
defender with ASP 6 enters the unholy shrine of the lich was the deciding factor in leaving negative ASP
king, he's going to start taking damage immediately as a hero option. Most heroes who start evil will
unless he carries a holy item with him (see below). eventually decide that being evil is too much
trouble, and will give it up to receive the benefits
Holy Items in Unholy Places of neutrality or good. This nicely mirrors fantasy
literature, where characters that start out as evil,
Two of these effects cancel one another out. A character selfish and greedy can ultimately overcome
carrying a holy sword into an unholy place loses the holy these flaws to emerge as great heroes.
bonus from the sword, but also makes the wielder
immune to the damaging effects of the unholy area that
would normally apply. A holy item within an unholy Alternative Dice Options
place (or the reverse) cancels both effects within the (Optional Rules)
same unit as the object. A defender carrying a holy
sword into a shrine dedicated to an evil deity creates a While these rules assume that dice will be rolled for all
‘neutral’ field filling the same unit that the sword is in, actions, resists and results, there are several options for
where neither the light nor darkness effect the ways dice rolls may be resolved.
predominates. Carrying multiple items gives no  Option 1: Roll everything. In this option, every
additional bonus; a character wielding a holy sword action, resist and result is rolled normally.
while wearing holy armor and carrying a holy shield still  Option 2: Only roll active dice. In this option, all
simply cancels out the effect of the unholy area, and all resistances are static, assigned as a rank of half the
three items have their special bonuses as holy items rank die +all modifiers. An adept rank creature
negated while in this place. If this character casts a (level die D8) with DEX 5 would have a static resist
spontaneous light spell turning the area into a holy area, of 9 (half of 8 is 4, 4+5=9) against missile attacks,
however, this spell effect would cancel out the unholy and attackers would have to roll 10 or higher to
aura, and the items would now operate normally. Holy score a hit against this creature.
water becomes inert while within an unholy place, and  Option 3: Only players roll. In this option, the
vice versa. Mythweaver rolls nothing; the secondary characters
and beasts have static results (based on half the level
die +trait), and the players roll all actions and
resists. If the master rank beast (D12) the heroes
battle has a total attack bonus of +8, the heroes
always defend against a static attack value of 14,

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 62

needing a 14 or better on resist rolls to avoid being How & When to Use the Dice
hit. This option allows the Mythweaver to focus on
other aspects of running the game, and makes How and when you use dice is a matter of personal taste,
combat run more quickly. This option includes play style, and the dynamics of your group of players.
initiative results as well, meaning that all foes act at Here are some suggestions for ways to roll dice, or for
the same time every round. A medium expert rank situations where you may want to change the way you
beast (D10) with +7 to initiative using a natural roll dice.
attack form (default delay of 10) will act every round • If your players can role play even when the roll
at segments 12 and 2. doesn’t go their way, it may be more fun to make all
 Option 4: Mix-n-match. In this option, two dice rolls visible. If you tell the player that his character
resolution methods are mixed based on the failed to find the trap and he will continue to open
situation. For example, you may determine that for the treasure chest (because this is what his character
most encounters, option 3 will be used, but when would do), then it is probably okay for this player to
the heroes reach the climactic encounter, option 1 see the roll.
will be used. In this adventure, the heroes battle a • If your player will change what he does based on
group of bugbears and a giant spider on the path to knowledge he has (but which his character would
the lair of an ogre who has been attacking a small not have) based on a dice result, then you should
village. Resolve the encounters with the bugbears roll dice in secret (or allow the player to roll, but
and the spider using option 3 (only the players don’t tell what the DT is) and tell the player only
rolling) while you keep track of health. However, what his character would know. For example, for a
once the heroes get to the lair of the ogre, you pick failed roll against a difficult trap, you may say, “It
up your dice and get ready to take the heroes on. seems like you’ve disarmed the trap. You’ve seen a
trap like it before, and disarming it worked last
Note: Regardless of which dice option you use, you and time, so you have no reason to suspect this will be
your players should agree on the method that will be any different,” even though the roll failed.
used before you play so that there are no surprises.
• If a character is being manipulated or controlled (for
Some players will prefer to have more control, and will example, a secondary character uses influence to try
want to roll everything. Other players will prefer not to to swindle the hero into selling a gemstone worth
have to roll so many dice, and will prefer some static 100 gold for 10 gold), the player may not even know
results to make the game run more quickly. Be aware what he is rolling for. For example, you may take the
that, especially at lower levels, the average result may be character sheet from the player and find the
too high or too low (since the range of possible results is appropriate resist rating as you say, “Jeff, go ahead
smaller, sometimes the only way an action will work is if and roll your rank die. I want to see something…” In
you roll well and your target rolls poorly), and you may this case, the player may not find out until later (if
need to roll everything in instances where the ever) that the gemstone he just sold for 10 gold was
differences between the abilities of heroes and their foes worth 100 gold, or that the merchant who purchased
have greater disparity. If a group of level 10 heroes is it used influence skill talent against his character.
taking on a level 21 creature (which is probably a bad
• Once again, if the player will continue to role play in
idea to begin with) and that creature is allowed to take
the situation despite the roll result, it’s okay to
the average result, there is little chance for the heroes to
include the player in the process. In the above
be successful against it. Its average result will be at or
example, Jeff’s character fails his resist roll, and Jeff
beyond the upper limits of their abilities.
jumps up from his chair as he says, “I hand the gem
over to the merchant, swiping the 10 gold coins from
Thought Process his palm as I yell ‘so long, sucker!’ I then run
One of the goals of the system is quick combat through the streets laughing maniacally at my
resolution, and these dice options provide that unexpected good fortune.” In situations like this, the
opportunity without altering the statistical average. player will often make the situation more dynamic
Option 4 gives you as the Mythweaver some control and interesting by creating an authentic reaction for
of dramatic flair, and makes ‘boss’ encounters feel his character. You want to give the players these
different than other encounters, increasing the opportunities whenever possible.
excitement for all players at important moments.
Statistically, each of these options gives the same
Types of Encounters: Combat
results over the long run. The default dice rating of
half the maximum is actually statistically half a
A combat encounter is one where the primary means of
point less than 50%, but this offsets the fact that if
resolving the encounter is through combat. Some
you don't roll, you can't botch. This will pose a
encounters start as combat encounters from the get go,
problem if one of the heroes has the counter attacks
while others start as non-combat encounters that
advanced arms talent, and attack rolls should always
escalate. Not every obstacle the heroes face should be a
be made against this character so that the use of the
combat encounter. Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm
talent is optimized, regardless of the dice option.
is a role-playing game, and opportunities for other play

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 63

beyond simply hack and slash should be presented. together the riddle. Sample problem-solving
There are three basic types of combat encounters: encounters include a beast that will only allow
• Lesser (nuisance) encounters are just that: a passage if a riddle is correctly answered or a door
nuisance. They are obstacles standing in the way of a that will only open if the correct number sequence is
greater objective, or complications arising in the entered on its over-sized combination lock: a
primary plot thread. The primary reason that the number sequence that the heroes have spent the
heroes engage in these encounters is because they evening gathering clues to put together.
present an obstacle that must be overcome.
• Normal encounters provide a challenge for the Encounter Difficulty
heroes and some potential for reward, but are not
the main objective. Most creatures in a normal When designing encounters, you should attempt to
encounter will provide some challenge to the heroes, balance the encounter to provide an appropriate
but will include mostly normal beasts. obstacle for the heroes. Early in an adventure,
• Greater (boss) encounters are the ones the heroes encounters will likely be of low challenge
drive towards. The boss is the main guy or the (lesser/nuisance encounters), gradually becoming more
primary obstacle the heroes have to face. Ideally, a and more difficult as the heroes move through the
boss encounter is not simply a more difficult normal adventure. Most adventures will end in a greater
encounter, including elements of non-combat encounter. A good ratio for encounters is 50% lesser
encounters layered within it. A boss encounter has encounters, 40% normal encounters, and 10% greater
some wrinkle or change of pace that differentiates it encounters.
(and the boss) from a normal encounter. These encounter difficulties assume that there
are 3-5 heroes in a group, and that all of the characters
For example, the heroes assault the fortress of a are of the same rank. If a character is solo or with one
bugbear general. The nuisance encounters on the way other character, the hero group is considered one rank
include the various guard posts the heroes have to lower. If the hero group includes 6-9 characters, the
bypass. The normal encounters include the den of the hero group is considered one rank higher. A normal
trained bear and the prison complex where the jailers let encounter for a group of 8 characters would be 6-9
free an imprisoned ogre, promising it freedom if it kills creatures of the same rank.
the heroes. Each of these encounters prevents the heroes
from reaching their true purpose: the general leading Encounter Difficulties
this group. Once the heroes locate the general, the Rank of Lesser Normal Greater
encounter should not just be a larger combat encounter. creatures
It may be that the general has slaves who could, through Hero rank –3 10-14 15+ --
role playing, be brought to the side of the heroes. It creatures creatures
could be that the general’s chair is fitted with Hero rank –2 6-9 10-14 15+
mechanical devices allowing him to drop the characters creatures creatures creatures
into a maze wherein they must bypass a number of traps Hero rank –1 3-5 6-9 10-14
and overcome a handful of beasts before they could fight creatures creatures creatures
their way out to face him in a final showdown. Same rank as 1-2 3-5 6-9
hero group creatures creatures creatures
Non-Combat Encounters Hero rank +1 -- 1-2 3-5
creatures creatures
There are two basic types of non-combat encounters: Hero rank +2 -- -- 1-2
role-playing and problem-solving encounters. creatures
• Role-playing encounters rely on the players taking
on the roles of their characters in order to overcome
the obstacle. Winning a battle of wits, convincing a In Play
neutral character to come to the heroes' aid, or You design an adventure for 4 heroes of
persuading the king to loan the group his holy sword expert rank. You would like them to have a normal
are all role-playing encounters. These may require encounter with a group of humanoids. Any of the
skill talent rolls, but should primarily be resolved following will provide a balanced encounter that
through player interaction with the game world. should provide some challenge for the hero group,
• Problem-solving encounters rely on the skills and but be a winnable encounter under most
abilities of the players themselves. These include circumstances:
riddles, math puzzles, word scrambles and other • 15+ goblins (menials)
intellectual challenges that are placed before the • 10-14 hobgoblins (apprentice level 1)
players, but which their heroic characters solve • 6-9 gnolls (adept level 3)
within the game world. While these rarely involve • 3-5 bugbears (expert level 6)
the use of dice and game mechanics, the • 1-2 ogres (master level 10)
Mythweaver may include such elements, giving the
players clues to help solve the puzzle or piece

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 64

Mixed Groups & Difficulty Ratings per game session. When the heroes finally complete
a huge quest that took ten game sessions to
The heroes may encounter mixed groups: an adept rank complete, it is not unreasonable for you to award 50
beast leading a group of menials; a master rank sorcerer bonus hero points for completing this massive epic.
with 2 expert rank bodyguards. To determine the
difficulty rating, add the two (or more) different Starting at Higher Levels
encounter types together.
• 2 lesser encounters together = 1 normal encounter. Sometimes, you will want to begin a game with more
• 3 lesser encounters together = 1 greater encounter. powerful heroes, or a new player will be added to an
• 1 lesser and 1 normal encounter together = 1 greater existing game with more powerful and experienced
encounter. heroes. In these cases, give each hero a pool of hero
• Any combination of normal and greater encounters points and an equal portion of gold to start with. If a
= a bad idea, and almost sure death for the heroes. hero begins with 100 hero points (enough to advance
directly to level 4 with 10 additional points banked), that
Using the previous example of 4 expert rank characters, hero should also begin with 100 gold (enough to
the following mixed encounters would be reasonable: purchase basic equipment for a level 4 character). These
• 2 expert darken wolves with 4 adept gnoll handlers heroes will not have the weapons, gear and magical
is a normal encounter (2 lesser encounters). items of experienced heroes, but will at least be
competitive until they can get caught up.
• 2 expert darken wolves with 8 adept gnoll handlers
is a difficult encounter (1 lesser and 1 normal
encounter). Character Advancement & Ranks
• 1 expert bugbear with 4 adept gnolls and 7
apprentice hobgoblins is a difficult encounter (3 As heroes advance, the scope of their adventures grows.
lesser encounters). As you consider the rank of the heroes, design
adventures around their importance in the world.
Awarding Hero Points At apprentice rank, the heroes:
• Battle against minor threats usually beneath the
Hero points are awarded based on the difficulty of an
notice of those in power.
encounter. The more difficult an obstacle was to
overcome, the more hero points the heroes should be • Are unknown to the larger world.
awarded. Each hero in the group receives these hero • May struggle with purchasing basic supplies or
points; hero points are not pooled and then divided finding shelter for the night.
among the heroes:
• A lesser encounter is worth a number of hero points At adept rank, the heroes:
equal to the RM of the most powerful creature • Battle against creatures that pose some local threat.
defeated +1. A lesser encounter with a group of • Have begun to garner a reputation in the local
gnolls (adepts, RM 2) is worth 3 hero points. community for their deeds.
• A normal encounter is worth a number of hero • May earn favors and influence from others in
points equal to the RM of the most powerful positions of power and influence.
creature defeated +3. A normal encounter with a • Have access to quality or enchanted equipment not
group of gnolls (adepts, RM 2) is worth 5 hero available to commoners.
• A greater encounter is worth a number of hero At expert rank, the heroes:
points equal to the RM of the most powerful • Have earned a reputation for their successes.
creature defeated +6. A greater encounter with a • May earn titles and rank, welcomed into the lowest
group of gnolls (adepts, RM 2) is worth 8 hero echelons of the elite and powerful.
points. • Begin to amass fame and fortune.
• Possess weapons and gear of considerable power.
Non-combat encounters and other role-playing
situations may also be worth hero points, and from 1-3 At master rank, the heroes:
bonus hero points may be awarded for any of these: • Wield items of great power.
• Solving a puzzle or contributing to the success of the • Establish a legacy, constructing permanent bases of
game in a notable way. operation and training others.
• Exceptional role playing. • Earn titles of nobility and station.
• Leadership or sacrifice by the hero for the good of
the group. At paragon rank, the heroes:
• Completing a quest or completing a task. While • Wield the most powerful items in the world.
minor quests and missions (1-2 game sessions) may • Forge empires, establish kingdoms, and wage wars
be worth up to 10 bonus hero points, larger quests on a grand scale.
and epics may be worth as much as 10 bonus points

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 65

Designing Adventures
As a Mythweaver, there are three basic types of Dangers of Dungeon Crawls
adventures your group of heroes may take part in: • Undead often inhabit tombs and catacombs. After
dungeon crawls, social intrigues and wilderness treks. the Great Reckoning, those who worshipped death
Each of these provides a wide range of possibilities for began working in secret to create undead, routinely
adventure and excitement. Over time, you and your desecrating the bodies of the dead to prepare them
players will decide which types you enjoy the most, and for un-life. Now, many of these undead lie in wait,
you will develop those more frequently and thoroughly. ready to answer the call to rise when it comes.
However, a balanced campaign will use Others have grown impatient, and have emerged
elements of all three, even if the focus is clearly on one. (sometimes hesitantly) from their tombs to plague
If the players love dungeon crawls above all else, you the living.
should still look for opportunities to pull in elements of • Darken beasts, fell creatures and insects favor the
the other two types. It may be that the dungeon complex dark and isolation dungeons offer. Such creatures
the group will explore lies in a remote location that will actively seek out these locations as a home base,
requires some wilderness travel to reach. Additionally, often using the advantage of location to lure
the city in which the heroes sell goods and rest between unsuspecting creatures in.
treks to the dungeon is the home of a competing group • Dungeons are often designed to keep invaders out,
of adventurers that secretly plots against the heroes, and may be littered with a variety of traps and
trying to outdo their success. wards.
• A lack of access to simple things like light,
What Makes a Good Adventure? breathable air and clean water become considerable
dangers when deep underground.
A good adventure has several characteristics, regardless
of what type it is: Ten Reasons to Undertake a Dungeon Crawl
• It allows the heroes to use several (if not all) of their 1. A creature has come from the deep, reaching out its
traits, talents and abilities. A player who purchases tendrils into the lands of man, posing a threat to
master rank influence who never gets to haggle with society. The heroes must travel to its lair and root it
merchants or attempt to coerce guards has spent out.
ranks on a talent that is not fully used. 2. A secret society or beast cult has taken control of a
• It provides a wide range of conflicts. If all that the formerly abandoned ruin, now using it as a staging
heroes do is fight against every creature they point to launch attacks (overt or covert) against the
encounter and if each puzzle can be resolved with a larger society. The heroes must break the power of
single die roll, the adventure will quickly grow stale. this organization.
• It hooks not only the characters, but the players as 3. New rumors emerge of a powerful item or artifact
well. Each player develops a personal connection to secreted away in a vault. The heroes must delve into
the storyline or the objectives for the adventure, the dark and seek out the item.
finding personal motivation for his or her character. 4. Creatures of evil have established a foothold too
close to the lands of man, and now pose a threat to
1. Dungeon Crawls security and travel. The heroes must drive out the
humanoids and overthrow their leaders.
A dungeon crawl is any adventure where the heroes go 5. A former stronghold of good has been rediscovered,
into a structure and move through it. Whether they are and the heroes undertake a quest to reclaim it for
plundering an ancient tomb, clearing out a sewer tunnel, light by cleansing it of any evil and vermin that may
exploring a ruined tower or recovering an item from a have infested it in the intervening centuries since its
lost mine, the heroes are on a dungeon crawl. glory.
6. The dungeon was not created to keep something
Why Use Dungeon Crawls? out, but instead to keep something in. The creature
Dungeon crawls activate the imagination, since that was once contained inside this prison has now
they suggest lost times and forgotten secrets. Dungeons broken (or nearly broken) its confines, and the
are remnants of the past, holding great treasures within heroes either have to restore the prison’s security or
dark tunnels. In terms of design, dungeon crawls allow destroy the creature within.
you to control the flow of the action, sequencing events 7. The dungeon was built to defend a gate to another
in order. For example, the only way to get to the lair of realm that has been dormant for many centuries,
the basilisks is to defeat the stone colossus standing but has recently been reactivated, drawing creatures
watch over the portal, but before that you have to from other lands. The heroes must bypass the
overcome the hobgoblin tribe that has taken residence in creatures that have been summoned by the power of
the entry cave. the gate before finding some way to disable it.
8. A magical dungeon complex lying in a space beyond
time has been discovered in an unusual place. The

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 66

heroes must explore this new discovery and report families, or rival businesses. The heroes find
back with their findings. themselves caught in the middle.
9. The dungeon comes to the heroes. A magical tower 3. A powerful (and illegal) object is stolen from a
appears in the sky over their hometown or an prominent member of the society. The heroes are
earthquake reveals the entrance to an ancient tunnel enlisted to recover the item quietly to protect both
complex. the society and the reputation of the owner.
10. A dungeon is discovered underneath their 4. A crime is committed, and the heroes become the
hometown. While building a new section of sewers primary suspects.
or expanding a mine, excavation reveals a hitherto 5. After public success defending a community, the
unknown tunnel complex buried in the deep; the heroes are invited to a social event or are granted
heroes are sent to investigate and report back to special rank, and others grow jealous of their
ensure that the greater society is not at risk. newfound celebrity.
6. The leader of a community dies and the heroes
2. Social Intrigues become embroiled in the politics of selecting a
A social intrigue is any adventure where the combat is 7. Members of the community are being kidnapped
secondary, but instead the use of skills and role playing and sold into slavery. The heroes have to get to the
takes center stage. Social intrigues don’t necessarily bottom of the slavers’ plot and break the secret
happen in faraway places (although they can). Social network.
intrigues often occur in the libraries of ancient orders, 8. A secretive cult begins to recruit members of a
the throne rooms of mighty castles, the merchant community into its fold and the heroes have to help
squares of crossroads keeps and the back alleys of large sort friend from foe.
cities. 9. The heroes must pose as new recruits of a secret
society in order to infiltrate its ranks and discover
Why Use Social Intrigues? the identities of its leaders.
Social intrigues provide a different type of 10. The heroes are sent as ambassadors into the heart of
challenge to the players. While invading the ethereal city an evil society to bargain with its leaders or deliver a
of the Messari lords may be one challenge, being message from their homeland.
dispatched to the ethereal city of the Messari lords as an
emissary from the lands of mortals, sent to broker a 3. Wilderness Treks
peace agreement, presents an entirely different
opportunity for adventure. Social intrigues encourage A wilderness trek is when the heroes set out into the
the players to invest in their characters and into the wild, overcoming obstacles that nature puts in their
game world. They help to create a rich environment, path. While many of these obstacles include wild
motivating other adventures. If the heroes have helped animals and other beasts, additional obstacles are posed
put the elfin princess in power and later protected her by physical barriers or tests of endurance.
from an assassination plot, they are going to have
personal motivation to drive off the basilisk pack that Why Use Wilderness Treks?
has taken residence in caves near the elfin city. Wilderness treks can be quickly put together for
play. You could generate a list of ten random events that
Dangers of Social Intrigues could happen as part of the travel across the wilderness,
These dangers are often personal, putting the and roll at intervals of travel to see if any of these events
reputation or future influence of the heroes at stake. happen. In the borderlands near a keep or city, there
Fights are against secretive or stealthy opponents who may be a 1 in 6 chance of encountering a beast of some
don’t dare to let the greater society see the evil of which kind every 6 hours, while in the wildest and most remote
they are capable. Therefore, surprise attacks, poisons, of lands, this could increase to as much as a 3 in 6
and cursed items are often the means of attack, and the chance every 3 hours. In both of these cases, even going
heroes may be limited in how and when they can to sleep is dangerous, as the chance of an encounter
respond. If the patriarch of a rival family sent an increases after nightfall.
assassin in the night to try and kill the party’s mystic, he
can’t reply by marching into the middle of town and Dangers of Wilderness Treks
destroying the family’s home in a barrage of flaming Not only does the wilderness host all manner of
bolts. Subtlety often must be employed. beasts, but natural obstacles can pose a considerable
threat. The extreme conditions of deserts and glaciers
Ten Reasons to Undertake a Social Intrigue make simple movement and survival difficult, and other
1. Someone in power suspects an ally of duplicity. wild lands have raging rivers that must be forded,
Since the leader cannot be sure in whom to place patches of quicksand and sinkholes that must be
trust, he or she turns to the heroes, enlisting their avoided, and rope bridges over deep chasms that must
aid in rooting out the deception. be crossed. Wilderness treks give heroes with nature and
2. A secret war breaks out between factions within a athletics skills opportunities to use their unique abilities.
city. This could be a war between rival guilds, rival

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 67

Ten Reasons to Undertake a Wilderness Trek merchant to ‘escape’, and track him to its secret
1. The heroes must deliver something to a character or hideout. (a good chance to use nature skills!)
creature in a remote or dangerous location. • What’s at this cult’s hideout? Rat weren and minor
2. The lands of good are threatened by an infestation of mystics who experiment with darken rats,
creatures from the wild; the heroes must drive back attempting to breed them with other creatures, all
this infestation and destroy the nest of these branded with this symbol. They have created
creatures. monstrous rats with a variety of special abilities:
3. Evil forces are waylaying travelers on a main road. regeneration, great speed, great strength, poisonous
4. A new noble has taken ownership of a parcel in the bites, barbed tails, minor magic, or breath weapons.
wild, and needs this land made clear of monsters • What leads them onward? They find orders from a
before establishing a stronghold. mysterious leader of a distant city to build the rat
5. Strange weather or unusual conditions emanate army for war upon another community.
from a distant location. An unholy fog keeps rolling • What happens on the way to the city? In addition to
in from the swamps; a rainbow appears over a a few minor encounters (unconnected to the main
mountain in the distant east; a huge silver cloud on plot), they meet pilgrims fleeing from the city, who
the far horizon appears to be the source of incredible warn of the insanity that has gripped its people.
thunderstorms that rage throughout the region. • What do they find in this city? People unwilling to
6. Nature calls for aid. Creatures of good call upon the speak with them, others who refuse to acknowledge
heroes to help defend their natural stronghold from the existence of such a cult, and one figure grateful
threats posed by the wild or unnatural invaders. for their arrival who gives them clues about how to
7. Ships, merchant caravans, or other travelers have find the cult before mysteriously disappearing. They
gone missing in remote and inaccessible locations. also find great danger, as assassins and changelings
8. A mystic needs a special ingredient or item that may (all branded, of course, with the same symbol) in the
only be found in the deepest parts of the wild or employ of the main villain attack the heroes in the
from a distant locale, recruiting the heroes to gather night and wait around dark corners as they pass.
it. • Where does this ultimately lead? Into a series of
9. A ship has sunk to the bottom of the sea and a tunnels beneath the city where wererats and even
special item lost with it must be recovered. more monstrous rat hybrids await in the dark,
10. At the heart of a barren desert, an obelisk is surrounded by devoted cultists, delvers and mystics
inscribed with runes holding the final clues to of some power, and other creatures that have been
unlock an ancient secret. captured and brought here to serve as the raw
material for their experiments (serpents from which
Adventure Design & Campaigns regenerative powers have been taken, insects from
which poison has been gathered, etc.). In the
A campaign is an ongoing series of linked adventures deepest part of this underground complex, the
that you thread together to create a greater epic story. At primary villain (a mystic of master rank) plots his
lower levels, the heroes may only touch upon or become rise to power, having been working for some time to
secondarily involved in the story, but eventually are build his army.
pulled into the larger tapestry. While it may be tempting • What allows the campaign to continue? This leader
to use a ‘top down’ approach to designing a campaign, it was but one of several members of the inner circle of
is often better to start with a general theme or direction, a cult, and the heroes find evidence that the cult is
and then ask a series of questions to develop the preparing to wage its great assault. In fact, it’s
campaign’s larger themes. already begun.
For example, the primary villain is a powerful
mage who leads a cult dedicated to rats. Designing ‘top This arc could easily take a group of heroes from
down’, you have the villain march into town and declare, apprentices of level 1 all the way through experts of level
“I am here to take over the world in the name of rats!” 7 or better. The great thing about this approach is that
This is not very dramatic, and makes it impossible for you don’t need to know all of this before you begin
the heroes to win; the villain is far more powerful than playing. All you have to know is that the rat cult is going
they are. Instead, start ‘bottom up’. Select a hook to to be the central threat, and you should have the first
involve the heroes, asking questions to build from there: four or five questions answered before you begin
• What can the heroes face at level 1? The heroes find playing, asking further questions as the heroes grow.
out that local sewers are overrun with darken rats
(this is a good opening challenge for level 1 heroes). The Final Word
• What’s special about these rats? They are all
branded with a strange symbol, and they are As the Mythweaver, you have final say in development of
especially aggressive, using strategy and tactics. the game world. These rules have given you a brief
• Why? They are being bred for war by a local overview of some of the possibilities. There are limitless
merchant who has been pulled into a cult. opportunities to expand upon the ideas presented here.
• How do the heroes find the cult? They either gather These rules and suggestions are simply a place to start.
the location from the merchant, or allow the Where you end is up to you.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 68
This section provides an overview of the types of The number rolled is the gold value of coins, not the
monetary and magical treasure that heroes may recover number of coins. Values must be converted into the
after defeating a foe. appropriate coin type. A treasure valued at 50 gold could
be 500 silver coins, 50 gold coins or 5 mithril coins. For
Treasure Ratings uneven amounts (for example, 13 gold worth of mithril
coins), take the difference in gold (this creature has 1
Each creature has a treasure rating. This is how likely mithril coin and 3 gold coins).
the creature is to have treasure, and the value of such
treasure when found. Lair Treasures
Treasure Ratings After a creature is defeated in its lair, the heroes may
Treasure Rating Treasure Roll Modifier recover a larger hoard of treasure beyond that simply
Lesser Roll at one rank die lower carried on each creature individually. To determine
Normal Roll at the creature’s rank treasure, roll the creature's rank die. The DT of the roll
Greater Roll at one rank die higher to see if the creature has monetary treasure in its lair is
4. As long as the roll is 4 or better, the creature has at
Monetary Treasures least one occurrence of treasure. Roll again, increasing
the DT to 6.
The first type of treasure that may be found is monetary. Continue rolling for additional occurrences of
This is treasure that is in a form that can be bartered for treasure, increasing the DT each time, until the roll is
goods and services. Monetary treasure allows a failed. Roll for each occurrence of treasure
character to purchase supplies, upgrade equipment, or independently to determine its type and value.
expand his influence and power through hiring Once all monetary treasure has been
henchmen or building permanent dwellings and determined, roll again for magical treasure, following
fortifications. the same method with escalating DTs. Note that the DTs
for magical treasure are higher than those for monetary
Individual Treasures treasure.
In a mixed group, you roll for the creature of
A creature may carry treasure with it outside of its home highest rank. In the lair of a group of bugbears and
or lair. This treasure is worth a number of gold equal to gnolls working together, base treasure rolls on the
the creature's rank die roll. A natural roll of 1 indicates bugbears.
that no treasure is carried. Once the value of treasure
has been determined, roll for type of treasure the DTs of Finding Treasure
creature is carrying. For example, a gnoll of adept rank Occurrence Monetary Magical
(normal treasure rating) rolls D8 for the value of the First DT 4 DT 6
treasure (in gold), and then D6 for the type of treasure Second DT 6 DT 8
carried. If you roll a 3 on the D8 and a 4 on the D6, the Third DT 8 DT 10
gnoll carries a single gemstone worth 3 gold. If the Fourth DT 10 DT 12
heroes defeat a giant of master rank with a greater Fifth DT 12 DT 16
treasure rating, roll D20 for the value of the treasure, Sixth DT 16 DT 20
and D6 for the type; in this case, if you roll 16 on the die, Seventh DT 20 DT 24
the value of the treasure would be 16 gold. If you then Eighth DT 24 DT 28
roll 1 for type of monetary treasure, you see this is all
silver coins, meaning that this giant carries 160 silver Occurrences of Monetary Treasure
coins. in Lairs
Type of Monetary Treasure Found (Roll D6) An occurrence of monetary treasure in a lair is valued at
Roll Type of Treasure Found the result of a rank die roll x the creature's level. Each
1 Silver coins (10 silver coins = 1 gold coin) occurrence of treasure for a level 15 creature (paragon
2 Gold coins rank) with a normal treasure rating will be worth D16 x
3 Mithril coins (10 gold coins = 1 mithril coin) 15 gold, for a range of 15-240 gold. If this creature has a
4 Gemstone(s) greater treasure rating, roll D20 instead, still
5 Jewelry multiplying by 15, for a range of 15-300 gold.
6 Artwork or valuables (instrument, book)

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 69

In Play: gold. You roll for the type of treasure (D6) and get 4.
The heroes have tracked a wyvern (paragon You decide that the wyvern has three gemstones in
rank level 15) to its cavernous abode and after a fierce its hoard, each worth 50 gold.
battle defeated it. They search its lair, eventually finding • You roll D20, getting 7 on the die. The DT is now 10.
its hoard hidden behind an illusionary wall. As The wyvern has no further occurrences of monetary
Mythweaver, you begin rolling to see what they find… as treasure.
a paragon creature, the level die is D16. Wyverns have a
greater treasure rating, shifting this up to D20 for All told, this wyvern's hoard of monetary
rolling treasure. treasure consists of the following: 195 gold coins, 2,850
• You roll D20, getting 7 on the die. The DT is 4. The silver coins, and 3 gemstones each worth 50 gold. The
wyvern has at least one occurrence of monetary total value of this hoard is 630 gold.
• You roll D20, getting 13 on the die. You multiply this Magical Treasure
by the wyvern's level (15) to get a value of 195 gold.
You roll for the type of treasure (D6) and get a 2. The other type of treasure that heroes may recover from
The first occurrence of treasure is 195 gold coins. the hoards of slain beasts and fallen enemies is magical
• You roll D20 again, getting 12 on the die. The DT is treasure. To determine magical treasure, roll the
now 6. The wyvern has a second occurrence of creature's rank die (DT 6). As long as the roll is 6 or
monetary treasure. better, the creature has at least one occurrence of
• You roll D20, getting 19 on the die. You multiply this magical treasure. Roll again; this time the DT increases
by the wyvern's level (15) and get a value of 285 to 8. Continue rolling for additional occurrences of
gold. You roll for the type of treasure (D6) and get a treasure (increasing the DT in rank increments), until
1. The second occurrence is 2,850 silver coins. the roll is failed. Roll each occurrence of treasure
• You roll D20 again, getting 11 on the die. The DT is independently to determine its type and function.
now 8. The wyvern has a third occurrence of Remember that in a mixed group (such as a group of
monetary treasure. goblins and gnolls) roll treasure for the creature of
• You roll D20, getting 10 on the die. You multiply highest rank.
this by the wyvern's level (15) and get a value of 150

Treasure Category (roll D10 unmodified)

Roll Treasure Item Types Imbued Property Trait Affected Magic Energy
1 Imbued item Amulet +RM to a trait (roll on next column) DEX Arcanum
2 Imbued item Belt or girdle +RM to a skills talent (see below) PWS Darkness
3 Potion Boots* +RM to armor MGT Deeping
4 Potion Bracers* + RM to spell result rolls (one talent) STA Elemental cold
5 Armor Cloak + rating warding against one magic INT Elemental fire
talent (roll on last column)
6 Shield Helmet or hat + rating to health REA Elemental
7 Melee Gemstone RM regeneration per round WIL Light
8 Missile Gloves or Normal spell absorption Initiative Psionics
weapon gauntlets*
9 Wand or Jewelry (other Normal spell reflection Move Wilding
staff than a ring)
10 Special Ring Normal spell turning All combat Illusion
object delays
* These items come in a pair: both must be worn to receive the benefits.

When rolling for magical treasure: • For a potion, roll on the potion tables beginning on
• Roll first for the level of the magical treasure found. page 71, using the rank of the potion’s level.
This is a rank die roll. The result is the level of the • For armor, the level of the armor is the base rating.
magic treasure. See the special rules for armor on page 73.
• Roll for the treasure type above. • For shields, the level of the shield is the base rating.
• For an imbued item, roll on the item types column See the special rules for shields on page 73.
for the item type and on the imbued property • For weapons, the level of the weapon is the base
column for the property. You may have to roll on rating. See the special rules for weapons on page 73.
additional columns, depending on the property (as • For a wand or staff, roll on the magic energy column
noted). for the magic talent of the wand or staff. See the
special rules for wands and staffs on page 74.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 70
Weapons and Skills Talents (Roll D6) Adept Potions (Roll D10 for type)
Roll Melee Missile Skill Talent Roll Potion Type
Weapon Weapon Affected 1 Healing. You receive D8+level health if good or
Type Type neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
1 Axe Bow Athletics 2 Flask of Holy or Unholy water. See rules for holy
2 Blade Bow Burglary and unholy waters on page 61.
3 Blunt Bow Influence 3 Warding. You receive +level warding against 1
4 Flail Crossbow Lore magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type.
5 Foil Crossbow Nature 4 Talent. You receive +2 to rolls/DTs in one skill
6 Piercing Sling* Stealth talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column).
* At rank 11+, a sling result is a crossbow. 5 Trait. You receive +2 to one trait for 1 turn (roll
on trait affected column).
Imbued Items 6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 10) or
suffer level points of damage per round for 2
When an imbued item is found, roll for the type of item, rounds.
the imbued property, and the rank or rating of the 7 Dark Blessing. You receive D8+level health if
property. The rank or rating is based on the rank die. evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
For a rating, take the result of the rank die roll. For a 8 Antidote. You no longer suffer the effects of any
RM, convert the rating to its RM. For example, a roll of poison currently afflicting you. This potion does
11 becomes RM 4, since 11 is master rank (master not reverse the poison’s effects, but prevents any
includes ratings 10-14). further damage from being suffered.
9 Altered Appearance. This illusory potion allows
Potions you to look like any other creature of roughly the
same size and shape. Your voice changes as well.
Note: All +level bonuses are for the level of the potion, Targets make a DT 10 INT roll to realize that you
not the level of the drinker. are not the creature impersonated, and this roll
is only allowed if the target(s) have reason to
Apprentice Potions (Roll D10 for type) suspect the deception.
Roll Potion Type 10 Water Breathing. You may survive underwater
1 Healing. You receive D6+level health if good or for 1 hour.
neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
2 Vial of Holy or Unholy Water. See rules for holy Expert Potions (Roll D10 for type)
and unholy waters on page 61. Roll Potion Type
3 Warding. You receive +level warding against 1 1 Healing. You receive D10+level health if good or
magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type. neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
4 Talent. You receive +1 to rolls/DTs in one skill 2 Oil of Combustion. This thrown weapon deals
talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column). level x3 points of fire damage to all targets in the
5 Trait. You receive +1 to one trait for 1 turn (roll same unit where this oil lands. Targets may roll
on trait affected column). DEX (DT 10) for half damage.
6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 8) or 3 Warding. You receive +level warding against one
suffer level points of damage. magic energy type. Roll for magic type.
7 Dark Blessing. You receive D6+level health if 4 Talent. You receive +3 to rolls/DTs in one skill
evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral. talent for 1 turn (roll on skill affected column).
8 False Aspect. You appear to have an opposite 5 Trait. You receive +3 to one trait for 1 turn (roll
ASP for 1 turn. Neutral creatures are unaffected. on trait affected column).
For example, if you have ASP 3, you appear (via 6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 12) or
detection) to have ASP –3 for 1 turn. suffer level points of damage per round for 3
9 Swimming. You receive the lesser swim beast rounds.
ability for 1 turn, able to swim at your move –1. 7 Dark Blessing. You receive D10+level health if
10 Running. You improve your base move by –1 for evil, but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
1 turn. 8 Free Movement. You are completely immune to
any spell effect that binds, holds or limits your
movement (including deeping roots) for 1 turn.
9 Oil of Morning Frost. This thrown weapon deals
level x3 points of cold damage to all targets in
the same unit where this oil lands. Targets may
roll DEX (DT 10) for half damage.
10 Lesser Regeneration. You automatically regain 6
health at the end of every round for 1 turn.
Health cannot exceed your maximum.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 71

Master Potions (Roll D10 for type) About Potions
Roll Potion Type
1 Healing. You receive D12+level health if good or The following rules govern the use of potions:
neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil. • Quaffing (drinking) a potion has a delay of 10,
2 Oil of Greater Combustion. This thrown weapon but the potion takes effect in the segment it is
deals level x3 points of fire damage to all targets in a consumed. If you drink a healing potion at
U+1 AOE centered where this oil lands. Targets may segment 17, you receive the bonus to health at
roll DEX (DT 12) for half damage. segment 17, and you will act again at segment 7.
3 Warding. You receive +level warding against one • Potions last for one turn unless otherwise noted.
magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type.
• You may benefit from the effects of one potion at
4 Talent. You receive +4 to rolls/DTs in one skill talent a time, although an instantaneous potion may be
for 1 turn (roll on skill talents affected column). quaffed while other potions are active. You could
5 Trait. You receive +4 to one trait for 1 turn (roll on drink a potion of healing while receiving +2 to
traits affected column). MGT from a potion, but you would receive no
6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 16) or suffer benefit from a potion giving +3 to STA. The first
level points of damage per round for 4 rounds. potion quaffed always takes precedence.
7 Dark Blessing. You receive D12+level health if evil,
but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
8 Oil of Winter’s Chill. This thrown weapon deals level Enchantment & Imbued Bonuses
x3 points of cold damage to all targets in a U+1 AOE for Armor, Shields & Weapons
centered where this oil lands. Targets may roll DEX
(DT 12) for half damage. Roll the rank die to determine enchantment and
9 Elemental Immolation. You are encased in a sheath imbued property bonuses, using the RM of the rating
of elemental energy for 1 turn (roll D6: 1-2 cold, 3-4 rolled. For example, a result of 12 on the die is master
fire, 5-6 lightning). You receive level points of rank RM 4, so the enchantment or imbued bonus is
elemental warding, and any creature attacking you +4.
suffers the potion’s level as elemental damage each This bonus cannot exceed the base rating of
time the creature lands a melee strike against you. the armor, shield or weapon. If +5 is rolled on the
10 Normal Regeneration. You automatically regain 10 rank die, but the armor is +4 rating, the total
health at the end of every round for 1 turn. Health enchantment bonus is +4.
cannot exceed your maximum.

Paragon Potions (Roll D10 for type)

Roll Potion Type
1 Healing. You receive D16+level health if good or
neutral, but suffer this as damage if evil.
2 Oil of Conflagrations. This thrown weapon deals level
x3 fire damage to all targets in a U+2 AOE centered
where this oil lands. Targets may roll DEX (DT 16)
for half damage.
3 Immunity. You are immune to negative effects from 1
magic energy type for 1 turn. Roll for magic type.
4 Talent. You receive +5 to rolls/DTs in one skill talent
for 1 turn (roll on skill talent affected column).
5 Trait. You receive +5 to one trait for 1 turn (roll on
traits affected column).
6 Poison. You must make a STA roll (DT 20) or suffer
level points of damage per round for 5 rounds.
7 Dark Blessing. You receive D16+level health if evil,
but suffer this as damage if good or neutral.
8 Iron Will. You are completely immune to all effects
forcing a WIL roll, including psionics, fear, control or
persuasion, for 1 turn.
9 Oil of Frosted Death. This thrown weapon deals level
x3 cold damage to all targets in a U+2 AOE centered
where the oil lands. Targets may roll DEX (DT 16) for
half damage.
10 Greater Regeneration. The drinker automatically
regains 15 health at the end of every round for 1 turn.
Health cannot exceed your maximum.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 72

Armor & Shields Intelligent Weapons
To determine the characteristics of a piece of magical Determine a weapon’s mental traits (for intelligent
armor or a magical shield: weapons):
• Roll the rank die to determine the base rating of a • Roll D6. On a result of 1-4, the weapon
piece of armor (maximum 20). communicates empathetically with the wielder. On a
• Roll one rank die lower to determine the base rating roll of 5-6, the weapon speaks in the trade tongue
of a shield (maximum 15). (or in another language, as appropriate).
• Roll the rank die to determine the total • Determine ASP. Roll D6. On a 1-2, the sword has a
enchantment bonus (see page 72). negative ASP. On a 3-4, the weapon has ASP 0. On a
• In addition to being enchanted, there is a 1 in 6 5-6, the weapon has a positive ASP. If negative or
chance that a suit of armor or a shield is imbued positive, roll D4 + RM for the rating of ASP.
with an additional magical property. If a 1 is rolled, • Determine INT, REA, and WIL. Roll D4 +RM for
roll for the armor or shield as an item of the same the rating of each of these traits.
rank, using the Imbued Properties column from the
table on page 70 to determine this property. Roll the EGO & Intelligent Weapons
rank die to determine the imbued property bonus.
All intelligent weapons have an EGO rating. This is the
Weapons total of all four mental traits (counting the inverse of
negative ASP). EGO is the total mental strength of the
To determine the characteristics of a magical weapon: weapon. When you are in a situation where your goals
• Roll the rank die to determine the base rating of a and those of the weapon diverge, the weapon may
weapon (maximum 20). attempt to take control of you. You roll WIL, with a DT
• Roll the rank die to determine the total equal to the weapon’s EGO rating. Success means that
enchantment bonus. you stay in control, but failure means that the weapon
dictates your actions for one turn. At the beginning of
In addition to being enchanted: each subsequent turn, you roll WIL again, failure
• There is a 1 in 6 chance that the weapon has an indicating that the weapon continues to control your
imbued property. On a roll of 1, roll for an actions for another turn. Once you have successfully
imbued property (see page 70). resisted the EGO of a weapon, you are immune to this
• There is a 1 in 10 chance that the weapon has a effect for 1 full day.
special ability. On a roll of 1, roll for a special
ability (see below). In Play
You find a basic blunt weapon, a war hammer,
• There is a 1 in 10 chance that the weapon is
in the lair of a group of harpies (expert rank beast with
intelligent (see below).
normal treasure: rank die D10).
Weapon Special Abilities (Roll D6) • You roll D10 to determine the rating of the weapon
Roll Special Ability and get 7. The base damage rating is +7.
1 Cold (deals RM additional cold damage on • You roll D10 for the enchantment and get 3. 3 is
every hit) adept rank (since adept includes ratings 3-5), and so
2 Electrified (deals RM additional lightning has a +2 enchantment bonus (adept rank is RM 2).
damage on every hit) • You roll D6 for an imbued property and get 1. The
3 Flaming (deals RM additional fire damage on war hammer has an imbued property (see page 70).
every hit; casts light as a torch) You roll D10 for the item property and get 4, a
4 Holy (deals bonus damage equal to wielder’s bonus to health. You roll D10 (the rank die for the
ASP on every hit; see rules for holy weapons) harpies), and get 5. This hammer gives +5 to health.
5 Unholy (deals bonus damage equal to inverse of • You roll D10 for special ability and get 1; the
wielder’s ASP on every hit; see rules for unholy hammer has a special ability (see above). For the
weapons) special ability, you roll D6 and get 2; this hammer is
6 Enemy (deals RM additional damage on every electrified and deals bonus lightning damage. You
hit against a hated enemy type) roll D10 (the rank die for the harpies) and get 10. 10
is master rank (since master rank includes ratings
10-14), and so has a +4 electrified imbued property.
• You roll D10 for intelligence and get a 1. This
hammer is also intelligent. You roll D6 and get 2.
This weapon communicates by empathy. You roll D6
for ASP, and get 4. The weapon has an ASP of 0. You
roll D4+3 three times for the other mental traits
(since the base rating is 7, this is an expert rank
weapon of RM 3) and get 5, 6 and 6 respectively.
This hammer has ASP 0; INT 5; REA 6; WIL 6.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 73
You have: • Rods (which should not be included in random
The hammer of distant thunders +7/+2/+4 lightning treasure, and which are exceptionally powerful
(+13 total damage); ASP 0; INT 5; REA 6; WIL 6; EGO objects possessed only by the most formidable of
17; grants +5 to health; communicates via empathy. creatures) replicate magic of paragon rank (levels
EGO In Play • Wands, staffs and rods cannot cast baseline buffs.
You assault the lair of a creature composed of • Except for the casting DT, all of the rules for casting
electrical energy while wielding the hammer of distant spontaneous spells (including those for determining
thunders. The Mythweaver decides that the hammer ranks) apply to wands and staffs as well.
refuses to attack (since it feels a kinship with the beast) • A hero must make a lore roll (with a DT based on
and wants you to defend the electrical beast. You make a the wand or staff rank) to activate the wand or staff
WIL roll (DT 17) (the hammer’s EGO). If this roll fails, for use. To activate an expert rank staff, the hero
the hammer takes control of you for one turn, forcing must roll lore DT 20 to activate the staff for use. If
you to obey its commands. You may roll WIL to break this roll is failed three times, or a critical failure is
the weapon’s control after one full turn, but the hammer rolled, the hero cannot use that wand or staff. You
will continue to dictate your actions until you make the must roll lore to activate a staff for your own use;
DT 17 WIL roll, which is allowed at the beginning of you cannot have another character activate a staff on
every turn thereafter. your behalf. A hero point may be spent on this roll.

Wands & Staffs

Wands and staffs are magical devices that allow
characters to replicate the powers and abilities of spell
casters. A character must be apprentice rank or better in
one magic talent in order to use a wand or staff,
although the character need not have access to the same
magical type as the wand or staff. Examples:
• A wand or staff may be used once per turn per RM • A level 1 apprentice wand of light magic allows the
of the rank. A master staff casts 4 spells per turn. wielder to cast 1 spontaneous apprentice rank light
• Spells cast by a wand or staff use the standard DT spell per turn, at DT 6/D6+1 effectiveness. This
for resist rolls of that rank and the dice rank +level wand requires a DT 12 lore roll to activate.
for all applicable result rolls, regardless of the • A level 8 expert staff of elemental lightning allows
wielder's own abilities. A level 4 adept wand of fire the wielder to cast 3 spontaneous expert rank
casts spells that are DT 8 to resist and which deal elemental lightning spells per turn, at DT 10/D10+8
D8+4 base damage. effectiveness. This wand requires a DT 20 lore roll to
• The range on a wand or staff is the same for baseline activate.
spells of the same rank as the wand or staff.
• A spontaneous spell cast by a wand or staff has no Special Objects
chance of failure.
• Wands replicate magic of apprentice and adept Special objects are magical devices that serve some other
ranks (levels 1-5). function beyond enhancing abilities, dealing damage or
• Staffs replicate magic of expert and master ranks recovering from damage.
(levels 6-14).

Apprentice Special Objects (Roll D4)

Roll Object
1 Ever-burning Torch. On command, this torch burns as a normal torch, giving off light and heat. It will never
burn out, and extinguishes itself on command. This torch may be used as often as desired, for as long as
desired. Activating the torch is a free action.
2 Ever-full Water Skin. On command, this water skin fills with water. You may use it once per turn to create up
to a gallon of water. Filling the water skin is a free action.
3 Lucky Charm. Once per turn, you may use this item (which is typically a small stone, a rabbit’s foot, or a
decorative bracelet) to re-roll one action, resist or result roll.
4 Servant Statue. (Menial creature) On command, this small figurine (usually carved of onyx, ivory or a fine
wood) comes to life to serve you. This may be used up to three times per day, and will serve for up to one hour
each time activated. If ‘killed’, the creature reverts to its statue form, and cannot be activated again for one full
day. Activating the statue is a free action.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 74

Adept Special Objects (Roll D4)
Roll Object
1 Bountiful Quiver. This quiver (holding 20 pieces of ammunition) will refill itself three times per day, at your
command. It instantly fills with 20 pieces of normal ammunition of the desired type (Your choice of arrows,
bolts or sling stones). Filling the quiver is a free action.
2 Lantern Gem. On command, this gem radiates light as a normal lantern. This gem extinguishes itself on
command. The gem may be used as often as desired, for as long as desired. Activating it is a free action.
3 Rope of Command. This 100' rope obeys simple commands. It may move independently, crawling across
floors, up walls and wrapping itself around objects or tying itself off. The rope of command takes 1 turn to
complete its required action, making it impractical for combat use. One end of the rope must be held by the
user while the other end completes its required task. On command, this rope will also tie itself in knots to
make climbing easier (DT 8). This application reduces the rope's total length to 70'.
4 Servant Statue. (Level 1 creature) On command, this small figurine (usually carved of onyx, ivory or a fine
wood) comes to life to serve you. This may be used up to three times per day, and will serve for up to one hour
each time activated. If ‘killed’, the creature reverts to its statue form, and cannot be activated again for one full
day. Activating the statue is a free action.

Expert Special Objects (Roll D4)

Roll Object
1 Bottomless Satchel. This backpack or rucksack appears normal, but contains considerable extra-dimensional
space within. The satchel can contain up to 10,000 coins or a comparable cache of gear. To recover an item
from the bag, you name the desired item and the bag shifts that item to the top. The satchel automatically
rejects any living creature that attempts to climb into or be placed within it. Recovering an item from the
satchel is a standard action.
2 Broom of Flight. This broom can hold up to two medium-sized creatures. It has a movement rate of 6 with one
rider, and move 10 with two riders. It may be used at will.
3 Hat of Disguise. This cloth hat allows you to appear as another creature of roughly the same size and shape.
This illusory change lasts as long as you wear the hat, and the hat may be used up to three times per day. You
keep all of your traits, talents and abilities while wearing the hat; only your appearance changes. A target with
reason to believe that your appearance is an illusion may roll INT (DT 12). The creature mimicked must be of
the same size type. As a medium creature, you could disguise yourself as any medium-sized creature of roughly
humanoid shape.
4 Servant Statue. (Level 3 creature) On command, this small figurine (usually carved of onyx, ivory or a fine
wood) comes to life to serve you. This may be used up to three times per day, and will serve for up to one hour
each time activated. If ‘killed’, the creature reverts to its statue form, and cannot be activated again for one full
day. Activating the statue is a free action.

Master Special Objects (Roll D4)

Roll Object
1 Crystal Ball. This globe, 6” to a foot in diameter, is used to watch the actions of characters and creatures
known to you. You may use a crystal ball once per day for one turn. To activate the crystal ball, you roll lore,
with a normal DT based on the rank of the target. Success indicates you are able to see the actions of the
target, and all activity within 3 units of the target, for one turn. If this roll is failed, the crystal ball cannot be
used for the remainder of that day. If this roll is a critical failure, the target is aware that scrying with a crystal
ball was attempted, and will know that you attempted this. Only the physical actions of the target may be seen;
sounds cannot be heard, and thoughts cannot be read. You must know the target (having met the target at
least one time) for a crystal ball to operate.
2 Flying Carpet. This large carpet (1 unit in size) can hold up to 4 medium-sized creatures. It flies at a movement
rate of 6. It may be used at will, as often as desired.
3 Portable Suite. This small box, when placed against a solid surface (wall, floor or ceiling) will expand to the
size of a normal door on your command (taking one turn to complete). You open the door by uttering a second
command word. Beyond the door is a large suite. This suite has 4 units of space (typically a 20’ square
chamber with a 10’ ceiling) that may be furnished as you desire. The door of the suite has a durability of 25/50,
and is DT 24 to force or pick. The door will repair itself at the rate of 1 point per turn if damaged. A third
command word will cause the door to shrink back to its small box shape for traveling, taking one full turn to
close. Once closed, any objects within the room are placed in stasis, unaffected by time. A portable suite
cannot be closed with a living creature inside, and will automatically force living creatures out before it closes.
4 Servant Statue. (Level 6 creature) On command, this small figurine (usually carved of onyx, ivory or a fine
wood) comes to life to serve you. This may be used up to three times per day, and will serve for up to one hour
each time activated. If ‘killed’, the creature reverts to its statue form, and cannot be activated again for one full
day. Activating the statue is a free action.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 75

Paragon Special Objects (Roll D4)
Roll Object
1 Flask of Binding. You may use this device to entrap a creature from another realm within. You may trap any
creature native to the upper or lower realms within 3 units of the flask of binding as a standard action, if you
know and speak the target's true name. The target makes a DT 20 WIL roll; failure indicates that the creature
is trapped within for 99 years, bound to the flask. The creature must serve you for up to 3 days each year. Each
time the flask is used (by issuing a command word), the creature comes forth to serve you for 1 full day. If you
summon the creature forth more than three times in one year, the creature is freed from service and will likely
attack you. After 99 years within, the creature is automatically freed from imprisonment. A creature resisting
this object’s power is immune to such effects for 1 full year.
2 Greater Crystal Ball. This object operates exactly as a standard crystal ball, although the ball also imparts all
sound (including speech) from the target’s location for one turn.
3 Mirror of Imprisonment. Those looking into this mirror (typically 4’ x 6’ in size, although larger and smaller
versions have been encountered) must make a DT 20 WIL roll or be pulled into the mirror. The mirror can
hold up to 20 medium-sized creatures at one time. There is no way to escape the mirror from within. Breaking
the mirror releases all creatures trapped within. The mirror has a durability of 10/20. Those within the mirror
do not age or need to eat, sleep or breathe, and are unaware of other creatures also trapped within.
4 Servant Statue. (Level 10 creature) On command, this small figurine (usually carved of onyx, ivory or a fine
wood) comes to life to serve you. This may be used up to three times per day, and will serve for up to one hour
each time activated. If ‘killed’, the creature reverts to its statue form, but cannot be used for one full day.
Activating the statue is a free action.
character had advanced only as far as expert talent in
Unique Magical Items melee, the weapon would cap at +10 damage, since this
is the maximum magical bonus for an expert rank
Some magical items so powerful and rare that they will weapon. A hero may only have one attuned item ever. If
not be randomly found in treasure hoards, but you may lost or destroyed, this item will not and cannot be
include these as important objects in your game. replaced.

Attuned Items In Play: Two Sample Attuned Weapons:

• A young hunter finds and saves the familiar of a
Attuned items are magical items that are taken as heroic wizard from a group of goblins. After returning the
perks (as one of the perks listed on page 13) or may be familiar, the wizard rewards the hunter with an
granted to a character as a special reward for completing attuned short bow with a base damage bonus equal
a quest or performing a special service. Attuned items to the hero’s level. While the bow only grants +1 to
are not placed randomly in treasure hoards. DEX while the character is level 1, he soon finds out
Attuned items appear as normal (albeit usually that this bow has additional abilities. When he
high quality) items of the appropriate type. These items advances to level 3, the bow’s DEX bonus improves
radiate magic, but have become attuned to the owner or to +2, and the weapon also gains a new ability,
wielder, and will only grant abilities to the character the receiving –1 to attack delays. At level 6, the DEX
item was designed or created for (operating for all other bonus increases to +3, the delay bonus to –2, and a
characters as a normal item). Each time a character new ability is granted: the character may use the
possessing an attuned item advances to a new rank bow once per turn to cast a wilding spell as an
(from apprentice to adept, adept to expert, etc.), the apprentice wand. When the character advances to
item increases in current abilities, each by one RM, and level 15, the full potential of the bow is realized: it
gains a new ability at RM 1. The item may have any of now grants +5 to initiative, –4 to attack delays, casts
the abilities or bonuses listed above. Attuned weapons 1 wilding spell per turn as an expert staff, grants +2
are still limited to the normal boundaries and to nature skill rolls, and grants +1 to stealth skill
limitations of magic, and these guidelines should be DTs. In addition, while this weapon began as a short
used to help Mythweavers in assigning powers and bow dealing +1 damage, it has grown into a mighty
abilities to an attuned item, to keep it from unbalancing bow dealing +15 damage at level 15, increasing in
the game. damage rating every level, finishing as a +20 base
Attuned armor, shields and weapons are weapon at level 20.
magically enhanced to ‘grow’ with the hero, becoming • A dying sorcerer bequeaths a unique staff upon his
weapons of greater rating (with the item actually favorite apprentice. While she is level 1, it grants +1
transforming slowly over time) to accommodate new to REA. Over time, new abilities emerge,
skills and abilities of the character. As a character grows, culminating at level 15, by which time the former
armor and weapons automatically gain 1 rating per level apprentice has earned the title of arch wizard; she
to match this advancement (capping out at the now has an attuned staff granting +5 to REA, +4 to
maximum available to the character). A character with a armor, +3 to lore skill rolls, +2 to initiative and
long sword dealing +1 damage at level 1 could have (by which casts one apprentice light spell per turn, as an
level 20) a great sword dealing +20 damage. If this apprentice wand.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 76

Relics & Artifacts The Right to Wield a Relic or Artifact
Relics and artifacts are potent magical items from the The honor of wielding a relic or artifact must be earned.
distant past. These were created by and for exceptionally There are several requirements before a character may
powerful creatures in the days before the Great actually handle and wield the powers of a relic or
Reckoning, and now serve as vestiges from an age in artifact:
which magic was even more awesome and terrible. • The hero must meet attribute or talent requirements
Relics and artifacts are not bound by the normal of the relic or artifact.
limits regarding magical weapons and items. A relic or • The hero must spend 10 hero points to activate a
artifact will not stack with existing bonuses, but those relic, 25 hero points to activate an artifact.
from a relic or artifact supercede those from other items. • The hero must be at least master rank (level 10+) to
• Relics are objects of legendary rank. activate a relic, and at least paragon rank (level 15+)
• Artifacts are objects of demigod rank. to activate an artifact.

The Rod of Jurris (a relic)

Jurris was the Archbishop of the East,
one of the four high priests of the
church of Yahalla before the Great
Reckoning. He remained faithful to
Yahalla to death, and was slain by his
fellow bishops and knights of good as
he blocked the portal to the upper realms. The place where he was betrayed and died was named Jurris’ Crossing, and
his temple stands there still. His great mace was transformed into a mighty relic when he was destroyed.

Requirements of the Rod of Jurris Powers and Abilities of the Rod of Jurris
• Master of melee talent or better • Has a damage rating of +25
• Level 10 or better • Increases the wielder’s maximum talent bonus by +5
• MGT of 6 or better • Acts has a holy weapon
• ASP of 3 or better • Has ASP 6; INT 6; REA 6; WIL 6; EGO 24
• Expenditure of 10 hero points to • Grants the wielder +2 to ASP
activate the rod • Grants the wielder +6 to PWS
• Casts 1 spontaneous paragon light spell per turn at DT 20/ D20+25
• Grants the wielder 10 points of full magic resistance
• Grants the wielder +25 health
• Forces any undead creature struck by the weapon to roll ASP (DT
20), or be instantly and irrevocably destroyed

The Sword of Bael (an artifact)

After conquering all of creation, Bael set out to sow discord and sorrow among all people, even when he was not
present in the same realm. Although he could not abide in the realm of Del Anon for any length of time, he sent his
own sword into the lands of man, letting it fall into the hands of those who would serve his purposes, to spread evil
and destruction in his stead.

Requirements of the Sword of Bael Powers and Abilities of the Sword of Bael
• Paragon of melee talent •Has a damage rating of +30
• Level 15 or better •Increases the wielder’s maximum talent bonus by +10
• MGT of 7 or better •Acts as an unholy weapon
• ASP of –6 or lower •Has ASP –8; INT 8; REA 8; WIL 8; EGO 32
• Expenditure of 25 hero (or villain) •Grants the wielder +6 to PWS, MGT and STA
points to activate the sword •Grants the wielder +4 to WIL
• Binding of one’s eternal soul to •Acts as a paragon item of spell turning
Bael’s service •Casts 1 spontaneous paragon darkness spell per turn at DT 24/
D24+30 effectiveness
• Grants the wielder +35 health
• Allows the wielder to teleport (as the paragon arcanum spontaneous
spell effect) once per turn
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 77
The Deck of Fate
The Deck of Fate is a magical device of unknown origin, but which many sages have suggested was placed into the
realm by the Fates as a way to either reward or punish those they saw as either following their commands or refusing
The Deck of Fate consists of twelve cards. When drawing from the deck, either roll D12 randomly to see which
card is drawn or you may take a standard deck of playing cards and use the appropriate cards for players to draw from
(using the playing card column).
There are several versions of the Deck of Fate in circulation. Any one character may only draw from any Deck
of Fate once per year. The effects of the Deck of Fate are immediate, permanent and irrevocable.

Roll Playing Card Title Effects

1 King of Hearts Lord of Wisdom Gain permanent +1 to REA
2 Queen of Hearts Lady of Wisdom Gain permanent +1 to INT
3 Jack of Hearts Knave of Wisdom Lose permanent –1 from INT
4 King of Diamonds Lord of Riches Gain level x100 gold coins
5 Queen of Diamonds Lady of Riches Gain 1 magic item of one rank greater than your current rank
6 Jack of Diamonds Knave of Riches Lose all owned gold (coins only, may still earn future gold)
7 King of Spades Lord of Vigor Gain permanent +1 to STA
8 Queen of Spades Lady of Vigor Gain permanent +1 to MGT
9 Jack of Spades Knave of Vigor Lose permanent –1 from STA
10 King of Clubs Lord of Fortune Receive a number of hero points equal to current level x5
11 Queen of Clubs Lady of Fortune Receive 1 wish spell (see below)
12 Jack of Clubs Knave of Fortune Lose 1 level

• 1 each of: suit of armor, shield, weapon (2 if the

character is able to wield 2 weapons at once),
amulet, belt, cloak, gemstone, piece of jewelry (any
• 1 pair of bracers and 1 pair of boots
• 2 rings (one on each hand)

Should Treasure be Predetermined?

Some Mythweavers will prefer to set treasure ahead of
time, assuming more control over what treasure the
heroes receive, and tailoring treasures to suit the heroes
About Wishes more specifically. However, there are several reasons to
roll treasure randomly as the heroes encounter it:
Wishes are powerful magic effects. The wording of a
wish spell is paramount, and the Fates will seek to • This saves preparation time, giving you more time
follow a wish to the letter, often manipulating the effect to design the scenario.
in ways unexpected by the hero making the wish. There • The players become involved in the process, having
are no limits to a wish spell and any effect may be some control over what their characters find.
possible, at the Mythweaver’s discretion. • The process of rolling for treasure is inherently
dramatic. It emulates the excitement the heroes
would feel in unearthing lost treasures.
Limits to Magical Treasure
The Mythweaver section gives guidelines for the limits
to the effectiveness of magical treasure. In addition to
those restrictions, a character cannot have more than
the following active at any one time:

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 78

Chapter Six: Bestiary
Beast is a general term for all of the enemies, monsters
and creatures that the heroes may encounter (and often
fight). One of the major ways the heroes advance is
through defeating these enemies. The higher the rank of
a beast, the more difficult it is to face, the more abilities
it has, and the more impact it is likely to have on the
game world.

Beast Abilities & Attacks

Beasts are built using the same system as characters.
The notable difference is that, in lieu of purchasing
talents, beasts gain 2 additional trait points per level.
While a level 10 hero has 35 trait points and 10 ranks in
talents, a level 10 beast is built on 55 total quality points.
Beasts are built on a total number of quality points equal
to 25 + (beast level x3). A level 6 beast is built on 43 (25 At level 6, a beast has 43 total quality points. If
+18) quality points. Beasts may purchase traits, talents this beast takes stealth (adept) talent, the beast now has
and abilities using these guidelines: 41 points to put in traits. If this beast also takes greater
• Beasts purchase traits at 1 quality point per rating. armor (3 additional quality points) the beast has 38
• Beasts purchase talents at 1 quality point per rank. remaining trait points. Beasts often end up with higher
• Beasts purchase other abilities at 1-3 quality points traits than characters of the same level, but rarely have
per rank, depending on the relative strength of the talents that give the beast bonuses in specific situations,
ability. Lesser abilities cost 1 quality point; normal nor do beasts have access to the favored traits or perks
abilities cost 2 quality points; greater abilities cost 3 that heroes do.
quality points. Some beasts have unique abilities, while other
abilities are common to several beasts. The most
common abilities are outlined below, while unique
Beast Quality Points by Rank abilities are explained in the individual beast
Rank Level* RM Level Die Total QPs descriptions.
Menial 0 0 D4 20
Apprentice 1 1 D6 28 Beast Size
Adept 3 2 D8 34
Expert 6 3 D10 43
The size of a beast determines many things about the
Master 10 4 D12 55
beast's relative strength and abilities. The larger a beast
Paragon 15 5 D16 70
is, the more space it takes up, the further it can reach (in
Legendary 20 6 D20 85
terms of landing melee attacks against distant
* The ‘default’ beast of this rank will be this level.
opponents), the higher its default action delay is, the
faster it can move, and the greater its base health is.

Beast Size
Size Space Reach Default Delay Move Increment Health Modifier
Small 1/8 unit Adjacent unit 9 (–1) 2 None
Medium ¼ unit Adjacent unit 10 3 None
Large ½ unit Adjacent unit 11 (+1) 4 +1
Huge 1 unit 2 units 12 (+2) 6 +2

• Reach is how far away targets may be for the beast • Health modifier is a bonus to health rolls every level
to land melee weapon strikes. that the creature receives due to its size.
• Default delay is the standard action delay for natural
attack forms such as claws and bites. The number in Small Creatures:
parenthesis is a modifier to weapon attacks made by • Are smaller than 3' tall or long.
the beast. A huge beast carrying an expert melee • Take up 1/8 of a unit, meaning that up to 8 small
weapon (delay 12) will have a delay of 13 with this creatures may fit in the same unit.
weapon due to its size. • May only make melee actions against any target in
• Move increment is the number of units the beast is the same or an adjacent unit.
able to travel as a single move action (with a delay
equal to the beast’s move rating).

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 79

Medium Creatures (including all heroes) Huge Creatures
• Are over 3' tall or long, but no longer or taller than • Are over 12' tall or long.
8'. • Take up at least 1 full unit, and often more than one
• Take up ¼ of a unit, meaning that up to 4 medium unit.
creatures may fit in the same unit. • May make melee actions against targets up to two
• May make melee actions against any target in the units away.
same unit or an adjacent unit.
Beast Health
Large Creatures
• Are over 8' tall or long, but are no longer or taller Each beast listed is a ‘typical’ ready-to-play version of
than 12'. the creature. This is listed with the average health for
• Take up ½ of a unit, meaning that up to 2 large the creature, but this could be higher. When a creature is
creatures may fit in the same unit. encountered at random or is a 'common' variety of the
• May make melee actions against any target in the creature, use this health.
same or an adjacent unit. However, when the beast is a special or unique
specimen you increase health accordingly, using the
rules for generating character health. The following
table gives average beast health ratings by benchmark
level ranks.

Beast Average Health by Level & STA

STA Menial Level 1 Level 3 Level 6 Level 10 Level 15 Level 20
1 3 4 13 29 54 91 108
2 4 5 16 35 64 106 128
3 5 6 19 41 74 121 148
4 6 7 22 47 84 136 168
5 7 8 25 53 94 151 188
6 8 9 28 59 104 166 208
7 9 10 31 65 114 181 228
8 10 11 34 71 124 196 248
9 11 12 37 77 134 211 268
10 12 13 40 83 144 226 288
11 13 14 43 89 154 241 308
12 14 15 46 95 164 256 328
13 15 16 49 101 174 271 348
14 16 17 52 107 184 286 368
15 17 18 55 113 194 301 388
16 18 19 58 119 204 316 408
17 19 20 61 125 214 331 428
18 20 21 64 131 224 346 448
19 21 22 67 137 234 361 468
20 22 23 70 143 244 376 488

Beast Reason Menials

Beasts with REA 0 (animal-level intellect) receive a A menial is a creature that is not powerful enough to
bonus like neutral ASP characters do. The beast’s RM is have earned a class, and is effectively level 0. Menials
added to resist rolls against REA attacks (notably include basic, common monsters as well as most
spells). A paragon beast of level 20 with REA 0 has commoners and 'normal people'. The average merchant
natural ability to resist arcanum magic of +6, even or the typical barkeep is going to be a menial. Menials
though the beast is unintelligent. are similar to characters with a few notable exceptions:
• Menials are built on 20 total quality points.
• Menials may use only apprentice rank armor and
weapons (+1 rating).
• Menials do not add trait ranks to total damage from
physical attacks.
• Menials determine average health as STA +2.
• Menials have a RM of 0.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 80

Beast Abilities
Beasts have a wide range of abilities, many of which are not available to heroes. There are outlined in the following
pages. Resisting a beast ability requires a level die + trait roll, with a DT based on the rating of the ability.

Beast Abilities
Rank QP Cost Rating Resist DT Effectiveness
Lesser 1 1 RM lower As a lesser DT for that RM As a creature of –1 RM
Normal 2 Of same RM As a normal DT for that RM At the creature's RM
Greater 3 1 RM higher. As a greater DT for that RM As a creature of +1 RM

For example, a master beast of level 10 has a DT 10 for can also choose to ‘turn off’ an attack type (like
any lesser ability, DT 12 for any normal ability and DT petrification) when interacting with allies.
16 for any greater ability. Beast abilities forcing the
target to roll a skill talent instead of a trait resist roll use Bonus Attack
a complex DT, doubling the standard DT.
The beast has a second (or even more) attack type(s).
Timed Abilities Each bonus attack costs 1 QP, allowing the beast
additional combat actions every round with one (or
Several beasts have timed abilities. Things like paralysis, more) extra attack types; all attack types except the
drains and poisons include durations. The duration is primary use the next dice rank lower. For example, an
typically a number of rounds equal to the beast’s RM. An expert rank beast with three attacks, a bite, claw and
expert rank beast with a paralyzing attack will paralyze a gore, attacks with the bite using D8, with the claw using
foe for 3 full rounds beyond the current round. A hero D6, and with the gore using D6. This is the die used for
paralyzed by this creature at segment 17 of round 5 will initiative, attack and damage rolls with each attack form.
be paralyzed and unable to act until segment 17 of round A ten-headed paragon beast rolls attacks, damage and
8, resuming his initiative countdown exactly where he initiative at D16 with its primary head, and at D12 with
left off. Poisons take effect at the end of the round they each additional head. Each additional attack must be
are injected, and deal damage over subsequent rounds. purchased separately based on the rank of the attack
A hero inflicted with a poison during round 5 suffers the type. Regardless of the number of additional attacks,
effects of the poison at the end of round 5, and for each bonus attack costs 1 QP total. A beast with 3 normal claw
round thereafter until the poison runs its course. attacks would spend 2 points for each attack, and 1 point
for bonus attack (a total of 7 quality points to gain the
Armor & Attack Ratings three distinct attack forms).

These default bonuses are equal to the benchmark for Breath Weapon
the rank. An expert rank creature has a default normal
bonus of +6, since 6 is the benchmark for expert rank. The beast has a breath weapon that it may use once per
For example, a master beast has two melee turn. The level, size and damage of the breath weapon is
attack forms: a claw and a bite. The claw is a lesser based on its rating and the level of the beast. Breath
attack (costing 1 quality point), while the bite is a weapons deal a specific damage type. This will be listed
normal attack (costing 2 quality points). The claw deals in the beast description. Breath weapons have the
+6 damage, while the bite deals +10 damage (since a following characteristics:
master beast has a benchmark of +10). This beast also • Using a breath weapon takes a full round. Using a
has normal armor (costing 2 quality points). This armor breath weapon is the only action the beast may take
is rank 10. that round, taken as the first action.
Natural melee attacks by beasts are made using • A breath weapon may only be used once per turn.
the beast’s level die +PWS for the attack roll. Natural • Breath weapons fill a number of units equal to the
attacks use MGT as the linked trait added to damage. beast’s RM.
This is limited to a total bonus equal to the beast’s level. • Breath weapons that cause damage deal beast
An expert rank beast of level 6 with a normal bite attack benchmark rating x10 damage automatically.
(+6 damage) with a MGT of 5 deals D10+11 total damage • Breath weapons automatically force all creatures in
with its bite attack. If this beast had a MGT of 8, its MGT the area of effect to make a standard resist roll based
damage bonus is limited to +6, since it is a level 6 beast. on the rank of the breath. For breath weapons that
deal damage, a successful resist means that the
Immunity to Own Attacks breath weapon deals half damage. The resist roll
required depends on the shape of the breath
Note that beasts are immune to their own attacks. The weapon:
heroes cannot turn a medusa’s gaze back on itself, or • Clouds force targets to roll STA to resist.
cause a wyvern to sting itself with its own tail. Beasts • Streams force targets to roll DEX to resist.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 81

For example, a master rank beast of level 10 Poison
with a normal cloud breath weapon may breathe once
per turn, creating a breath effect with the following The beast has an attack form that also poisons the
characteristics: target, applying any time the poisoned attack form
• The breath weapon deals 100 points of damage to all successfully strikes a target. Poison deals automatic
in the area of effect. damage equal to the beast’s benchmark rating (ignoring
• The breath weapon fills a 4-unit square. armor) at the end of every round for a number of rounds
• Those in the area of effect roll STA (DT 12). Those equal to RM. A target exposed to a poison makes a
who make this roll suffer 50 points of damage. standard STA roll based on the poison’s rank to resist it.
The poison does not affect a target making this roll.
Examples of poisons:
The beast inflicts those it bites with a disease. The • A master beast with a lesser poison deals 6 points of
specific nature of the disease will be explained in the damage per round for 3 rounds (DT 10 to resist).
beast description. Resisting a disease is always a • A master beast with a normal poison attack deals 10
standard STA roll. points of damage per round for 4 rounds (DT 12 to
Flight • A master beast with a greater poison deals 15 points
of damage per round for 5 rounds (DT 16 to resist).
The beast may move through the air in addition to its
normal movement. The flight movement rate is always Regeneration
faster than the beast’s base move.
Rank QP Cost Effectiveness The beast automatically recovers health at the end of
Lesser 1 At base move rate –1 every round equal to the rank benchmark rating.
Normal 2 At base move rate –3
Greater 3 At base move rate –5 Examples of regeneration:
• An expert rank beast with lesser regeneration
Gaze Attacks recovers 3 health at the end of every round.
• An expert rank beast with normal regeneration
Gaze attacks have a maximum effective range equal to recovers 6 health at the end of every round.
the RM of the ability. A beast with an expert gaze attack • An expert rank beast with greater regeneration
would affect any target meeting its gaze within 3 units. recovers 10 health at the end of every round.

Immunity Swimming
The beast is impervious to a particular attack type. The beast has special adaptations enabling it to move
Immunity costs 2 QPs. Common immunities include more quickly while in water.
fire, cold, lightning, and normal weapons. Magical Rank QP Cost Effectiveness
weapons may strike beasts immune to normal weapons, Lesser 1 At base move rate –1
and spells affect such beasts normally. Normal 2 At base move rate –2
Greater 3 At base move rate –3
Improved Move
The beast moves more quickly than comparable
creatures. Improved move is a bonus to the base move The beast is able to use its size to crush enemies. A
for the beast based on beast size. trample attack affects all creatures in the unit in which
Rank QP Cost Bonus to Move the attack takes place. A trample attack may only be
Lesser 1 –1 attempted once per turn and requires a full round.
Normal 2 –2 Trample is made as a melee attack against all creatures
Greater 3 –3 in the applicable unit. Success indicates that the
creature deals damage equal to the benchmark rating x5.
Night Vision Critical successes deal benchmark rating x10 damage.

All beasts are able to see in the dark up to a distance Examples of trampling:
based on the rank. Beasts get lesser night vision at no • A legendary creature with lesser trample deals 75
cost, and only normal or greater night visions are listed. damage on a successful trample attack (15 x 5).
Rank QP Cost Vision Distance • A legendary creature with normal trample deals 100
Lesser 0 RM+1 units damage on a successful trample attack (20 x 5).
Normal 1 RM+3 units • A legendary creature with greater trample deals 125
Greater 2 RM+6 units damage on a successful trample attack (25x5).

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 82

Tunneling Treasure
The beast is able to move through earth at its normal Treasure is listed as a rank: none (meaning the beast has
movement rate. Tunneling costs 1 QP. no chance for monetary or magical treasure), lesser (as a
beast of one rank lower), normal (at the rank) or greater
Wall Crawling (at one rank higher). The rules for determining treasure
are covered in the section on treasure.
The beast is able to crawl on walls and ceilings at its
normal movement rate. Wall crawling costs 1 QP. Archetypal Beasts

Warding The beasts listed here are archetypes of the beast. Beasts
are presented throughout at benchmark levels,
The beast has protection against specific attack forms, providing the most common sort of beast encountered of
automatically absorbing damage of that type. For beasts, the type. Most adult beasts of one type will be of the
total magic warding (effective against all magical same rank. An ogre brute is a master beast, so therefore
attacks) may be purchased instead of individual most ogre brutes the heroes encounter (unless these
warding, but at double the normal cost. Purchasing ogres are young or especially weak) will be at least level
greater total magic warding costs 6 quality points. A 10, and may be as high as level 14. While it is possible to
paragon rank beast with greater total magic warding encounter an ogre of higher rank than this (the level 20
reduces all magical damage sustained by 20 points Ogre High King), such a creature should be rare.
before deducting this from health.
Scaling Up
Water Breathing
The rules for beasts allow you as the Mythweaver to
The beast may survive indefinitely underwater. Water quickly adjust beast statistics by adding a level or two
breathing costs 1 QP. and granting the corresponding QPs. This system allows
you to create new and varied monsters with ease.
Weapon Access For example, I want my group of heroes to face
a challenge from a pack of spiders, but the heroes are
The beast is able to wield the weapons and wear the only level 5, and not quite ready for the expert level 6
armor of man. Rather than purchasing talent night crawlers. I decide instead to scale up three tomb
specialization in weapons as characters do, beasts learn creeper spiders to face them. Instead of level 3, my tomb
simple use of weapons, allowing them to wield more and creepers will be level 4. I add 3 trait points (since all
more powerful weapons. Beasts do not get the signature beasts receive +3 trait points per level), increasing the 3
moves available to heroes. Weapon access costs 1 QP, highest traits by 1 point each- in this case DEX, PWS
and allows the beast to wield any weapon effectively, and INT. I then add STA +4 to health (since 4 is the
and to wear armor. Generally speaking, the rating of static result for D8) and I’m ready to go with my level 4
armor or weapons carried by beasts will be comparable tomb creepers. Rules for additional ways to scale beasts
to the beast's benchmark rating. An expert rank beast is are presented in the next section, starting on page 109.
likely to wear +6 armor.
Be aware that the quality of armor and weapons Thought Process
used by beasts is typically inferior to that used by By using a simplified method for creating
heroes. While a suit of hide armor worn by a gnoll may beasts and placing beasts at rank benchmark
be effective armor, a hero will almost never wear such a levels, a clear distinction is made between
piece of armor, as it is rife with lice and other vermin, different beasts, making it easier for
constructed of inferior materials, and uncomfortable to Mythweavers to tailor beasts to their games. The
wear. The market value of such gear is typically ¼ the system presented gives a wide range of beast
value of comparable items used by heroes. abilities and levels while also keeping a unified
system in place for all creatures. This provides a
quick way to create an assortment of beasts with
a variety of talents and levels, as needed.

Beast Listings by Type

Beasts are listed by type, and then in ascending order by rank. The weakest type of beast is listed first in each section,
and the most powerful is listed last. Heroes with the hated enemy perk may elect any of the types presented here. For
example, a hunter that takes undead as the hated enemy type receives the perk bonus against all creatures listed under
the undead beast type.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 83

Animals are natural creatures that may or may not have been domesticated by man. These creatures have rudimentary
intelligence, acting purely on instinct rather than based on any concern for morality. These basic statistics can be used
for any number of wild animals.

Small Animal Large Animal

Small Menial Animal (D4) Large Adept Animal 3 (D8)
DEX 4; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 4 DEX 3; MGT 7; PWS 5; STA 6
ASP 0; INT 4; REA 0; WIL 1 ASP 0 (+2); INT 6; REA 0 (+2); WIL 3
Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +4; Move 10 Armor 0; Health 31; Initiative +6; Move 9
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Normal attack +0 Attacks Normal attack +3
(+0 total damage; delay 9) (+6 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities None Abilities Lesser improved move
Gear None Gear None
Treasure None Treasure None
Use this for any small animal including rats, Use this for any large animal including most
badgers, cats and other small woodland animals. horses, bears, elk and other larger woodland animals.

Medium Animal Huge Animal

Medium Apprentice Animal 1 (D6) Huge Expert Animal 6 (D10)
DEX 5; MGT 4; PWS 4; STA 4 DEX 5; MGT 9; PWS 7; STA 7
ASP 0 (+1); INT 6; REA 0 (+1); WIL 2 ASP 0 (+3); INT 6; REA 0 (+3); WIL 5
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +6; Move 10 Armor 6; Health 77; Initiative +6; Move 9
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Normal attack +1 Attacks Normal attack +6
(+2 total damage; delay 10) (+12 total damage; delay 12)
Abilities None Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move
Gear None Gear None
Treasure None Treasure None
Use this for any medium animal including wild Use this for any huge animal including
dogs, boars, and most livestock (sheep, goats). rhinoceroses and elephants.

Animus are non-living physical objects that have been granted some sentience and awareness through magical means.
As non-living creatures, Animus do not sleep, breathe or eat, and are immune to psionic magic. Animus have a rank of
0 in all four mental traits, receiving the RM as a bonus to resist rolls when those traits are relevant.

Servant Broom
Medium Menial Animus 1 (D4)
DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 5
ASP 0; INT 0; REA 0; WIL 0
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +5; Move 10
Talents Cleaning (adept +2, see below)
Attacks Greater smack +1 (+1 total damage; delay 10)
Abilities None
Gear None
Treasure None
Servant brooms are made by mystics to help with household chores. A servant broom will obey simple
commands (such as to ‘sweep’, ‘dust’, ‘clean’) when within 6 units of their owners. Some mystics also prepare their
brooms to ‘attack’ on command, although such attacks are often futile, as smacking another creature upside the head
with a broom is rarely an effective combat tactic. Cleaning is a talent available only to servant brooms, and as such
they are much better at it than any other creature. Creating a servant broom requires 10 gold in supplies, a successful
adept rank lore talent roll and a spontaneous adept rank arcanum spell.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 84

Animated Guardian Amoeba, Giant
Medium Adept Animus 3 (D8) Large Master Animus 10 (D12)
DEX 8; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 8 DEX 10; MGT 9; PWS 11; STA 11
ASP 0 (+2); INT 0 (+2); REA 0 (+2); WIL 0 (+2) ASP 0 (+4); INT 0 (+4); REA 0 (+4); WIL 0 (+4)
Armor 0; Health 34; Initiative +8; Move 10 Armor 15; Health 164; Initiative +10; Move 10
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Normal strike attack +3 Attacks Greater strike attack +15
(+6 total damage; delay 10) (+24 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities None Abilities Greater spell turning (see below); greater
Gear None armor; greater regeneration; immunity
Treasure None (normal weapons)
An animated guardian is a common object that Gear None
has been created to guard an object or area. The Treasure Lesser
guardian obeys only a single command (such as “protect A giant amoeba appears as an amorphous blob-
this chest” or “don’t let anyone through this door”). like 10’ creature. The membrane of a giant amoeba
Often, animated guardians are normal objects (chairs, functions as a paragon item of spell turning. It
brooms, tables, carpets) enlisted as magical guardians. regenerates 15 health at the end of every round.
An animated guardian that has been ‘slain’ falls into
ruins. Animated guardians radiate magic if checked for. Stone Colossus
Animated guardians never roll morale. Their only Huge Paragon Animus 15 (D16)
purpose is to fulfill the task given to them, and they will DEX 10; MGT 15; PWS 15; STA 15
be destroyed before failing it. An animated guardian ASP 0 (+5); INT 0 (+5); REA 0 (+5); WIL 0 (+5)
requires 100 gold in supplies, a successful expert rank Armor 20; Health 301; Initiative +10; Move 10
lore roll and an expert rank spontaneous arcanum spell Talents Quick strike (–5 delay)
to create, in addition to a week preparing the materials. Attacks 2 greater punch attacks +20 (+35 total
damage, second punch @ D12; delay 12)
Obsidian Ooze Abilities Bonus attack; immunity (normal
Large Expert Animus 6 (D10) weapons); greater armor; normal spell
DEX 10; MGT 6; PWS 10; STA 6 turning
ASP 0 (+3); INT 0 (+3); REA 0 (+3); WIL 0 (+3) Gear None
Armor 10; Health 59; Initiative +10; Move 10 Treasure None
Talents None A stone colossus is a 14’ tall statue animated
Attacks Greater strike attack +10 with powerful magic. It guards a specific area, following
(+16 total damage; delay 11) simple commands. A stone colossus never rolls morale,
Abilities Greater full magic warding; greater and will stay in the area it is bound to protect. The body
paralysis; wall crawling of a stone colossus is a master object of spell turning. A
Gear None stone colossus requires 10,000 gold in supplies, a
Treasure Lesser successful paragon rank lore skill roll, and a successful
Obsidian ooze is a paragon rank spontaneous arcanum spell to create, in
shifting, formless mass of addition to a month dedicated to building the colossus.
oily liquid. It is able to slide
across floors, compressing Iron Titan
to fit under doorways or Huge Legendary Animus 20 (D20)
through small cracks. It can DEX 10; MGT 20; PWS 20; STA 20
cling to walls and ceilings, ASP 0 (+6); INT 0 (+6); REA 0 (+6); WIL 0 (+6)
and often blends in with Armor 25; Health 528; Initiative +10; Move 10
dark stone or into the Talents Quick strike (–6 delay)
shadows of dungeons. On a Attacks 2 greater punch attacks +25 (+45 total
successful strike that deals damage, second punch @ D16; delay 6)
damage, obsidian ooze Abilities Greater armor; bonus attack; immunity
forces its target to roll STA (normal weapons); normal spell turning
(DT 12) or be paralyzed and Gear None
unable to act for 1 turn. Treasure None
Ooze that totally covers over An iron titan is a 20’ tall statue animated with
a living creature deals 1 exceptionally potent magic. It guards a specific area of
point of damage per round great importance, following simple commands to the
as it excretes digestive end of eternity. An iron titan never rolls morale, and will
juices, and will continue to stay in the area it is bound to protect. The body of an
paralyze prey. This acid will eventually eat through iron titan is a paragon object of spell turning. The magic
leather and cloth, but metal materials will be ejected by needed to create an iron titan is beyond the power of
the creature and left in its wake. mortals to replicate.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 85

Darken Beasts
Darken beasts were once normal creatures that have been either born in or affected by the Gloaming Lands, and as
such are now crueler and more cunning than their normal counterparts. While a bear or wolf will often turn and flee
from an armed and capable foe, darken beasts will almost always attack and fight to the death.

Darkling Rat Darken Wolf (Warg)

Small Menial Darken Beast (D4) Large Expert Darken Beast 6 (D10)
DEX 3; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 4 DEX 6; MGT 5; PWS 7; STA 7
ASP –1; INT 3; REA 0; WIL 2 ASP –3; INT 8; REA 0 (+3); WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +3; Move 10 Armor 3; Health 71; Initiative +8; Move 10
Talents None Talents Nature (adept +6); stealth (adept DT 12)
Attacks Normal bite attack +0 Attacks Normal bite attack +6
(+0 total damage; delay 9) (+11 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities Normal disease Abilities Lesser natural armor
Gear None Gear None
Treasure None Treasure Lesser
These malicious creatures are common in Darken wolfs travel in packs of D8+4 creatures,
sewers, ruins and among carrion and refuse. Those ranging over large expanses of wilderness. Darken
damaged by the bite of a darkling rat must roll STA (DT wolves are sometimes used as mounts by humanoids.
4) or suffer a disease, losing 1 point of MGT for D4 days,
or until the disease is magically removed. Curing Darken Bear
darkling rat disease is an apprentice rank spontaneous Huge Master Darken Beast 10 (D12)
light spell. Failing the spell roll means that particular DEX 6; MGT 10; PWS 10; STA 10
caster is unable to reverse the disease for this character. ASP –4; INT 8; REA 0 (+4); WIL 5
Armor 5; Health 164; Initiative +8; Move 10
Darkling Jackal Talents Nature (expert +10)
Medium Apprentice Darken Beast 1 (D6) Attacks Greater bite attack +15 (+25 total
DEX 5; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 3 damage; delay 12); normal claw attack
ASP –2; INT 6; REA 0 (+1); WIL 3 +10 (+20 total damage @ D10; delay 12)
Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +6; Move 10 Abilities Lesser natural armor; bonus attack
Talents Nature (apprentice +1); Gear None
stealth (apprentice DT 6) Treasure Lesser
Attacks Normal bite attack +1 Darken bears are nearly twice the size of a
(+2 total damage; delay 10) common brown bear, over 10’ tall at the shoulder. These
Abilities None great beasts are excellent trackers and ferocious fighters.
Gear None Darken bears are sometimes kept as pets by giants or
Treasure None used by ogres as mounts.
Darkling jackals travel in packs (averaging
D6+3 creatures) through wild areas and at the fringes of Nightmare Steed
civilization. They are aggressive predators that will Huge Paragon Darken Beast 15 (D16)
attack even larger and more formidable foes, willing to DEX 8; MGT 10; PWS 10; STA 12
sustain heavy losses to fell powerful prey. ASP –6; INT 10; REA 3; WIL 10
Armor 15; Health 256; Initiative +10; Move 9
Darkling Badger Talents Darkness (adept)
Medium Adept Darken Beast 3 (D8) Attacks Greater stomp attack +20
DEX 6; MGT 3; PWS 6; STA 6 (+30 total damage; delay 12)
ASP –2; INT 6; REA 0 (+2); WIL 5 Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move;
Armor 0; Health 28; Initiative +6; Move 9 normal full magic warding
Talents Nature (apprentice +3); Gear None
stealth (apprentice DT 9) Treasure Normal
Attacks Normal claw attack +3 A nightmare steed is a massive black horse with
(+6 total damage; delay 10) eyes of flame and breath of brimstone. A nightmare
Abilities Lesser improved move steed is a vision of pure evil, commanded by only the
Gear None most vile and cruel of lords (ASP –6 or lower).
Treasure Lesser Nightmare steeds are common mounts among the
Darkling badgers are 5’ long fearsome varieties demonic lords, and have been known to serve especially
of the normal badger. They usually travel alone or in powerful and evil creatures in Del Anon as well.
small packs of D4+1 creatures. They dwell in woodlands Nightmare steeds enjoy trampling foes beneath their
and wild areas, living in underground burrows. powerful hooves.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 86

Darkened Flora & Fauna
Darkened flora and fauna are plants native to the lower realms that have both sentience and a propensity towards evil
and cruelty. Darkened flora and fauna exist purely to inflict suffering and pain on creatures of good.

Strangler Vines swallowed in this way. If this attack hits, the flytrap has
Medium Adept Flora and Fauna 3 (D8) swallowed the target, in addition to dealing normal
DEX 7; MGT 7; PWS 5; STA 5 damage. A target swallowed whole is unable to attack
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 3 back, and must struggle to free itself from the flytrap’s
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 0 (rooted) grasp. Breaking free requires a DT 16 MGT + athletics
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 10) roll, and this may only be attempted once per round
Attacks Special (see below) (with the first action available). At the end of every
Abilities Normal constriction round spent in the digestive juices of the creature, the
Gear None target suffers D10+6 damage, ignoring all armor and
Treasure None other protection. Once a Venus flytrap has swallowed a
Strangler vines grow in evil wooded areas, target, it is unable to make any actions other than to
appearing as normal vines, but quickly wrapping around struggle to free itself.
and strangling targets unlucky enough to step into their
midst. A strangler vine will attempt to constrict any Ragewood Tree
creature walking through its leafy tendrils. It attacks Huge Master Flora and Fauna 10 (D12)
with a melee strike, forcing targets (on a successful hit) DEX 8; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 13
to roll MGT + athletics to break free of the grasp of the ASP –4; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 5
vines (DT 16). A creature held by such vines is required Armor 15; Health 174; Initiative +8; Move 0 (rooted)
to make escalating STA rolls every round, starting at DT Talents None
8 and increasing +2 every round thereafter; failing this Attacks Normal branch strike +10
roll means that the vines have killed the target. (+20 total damage; delay 11)
The choking of the vines deals damage every Abilities Greater armor; rage (see below)
round; a constricted target suffers 6 points of damage at Gear None
the end of every round, ignoring armor. The plant will Treasure Lesser
continue strangling its target until the target breaks free, Notes
or the target or plant dies. The target of this constriction A ragewood tree is an aggressive woodland
may only make one action roll each round, and that predator native to evil forests. The ragewood will attack
must be to break free of the vines; bound targets may a living creature with one of its larger branches, and can
not attack. All attacks made against a strangler vine that reach a target up to 3 units distant with a strike. A
miss the vine automatically strike the character being ragewood tree has the character perk of rage, and will
grappled by the plant. rage (as the heroic perk on page 13) if reduced to less
While a single strangler vine confines itself to an than half of its health. If attacked from a distance, a
area of roughly a unit in size, several strangler vines may ragewood will pick up rocks and sticks, hurling these as
group together, and a nest of several of these vines could thrown weapons dealing +13 total damage.
quickly kill a large number of creatures.
Bog Horror
Venus Flytrap, Giant Large Paragon Flora and Fauna 15 (D16)
Huge Expert Flora and Fauna 6 (D10) DEX 9; MGT 10; PWS 12; STA 12
DEX 6; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 9 ASP –6; INT 10; REA 0 (+5); WIL 10
ASP –3; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 5 Armor 15; Health 256; Initiative +10; Move 10
Armor 0; Health 83; Initiative +6; Move 0 (rooted) Talents Wilding (master)
Talents Stealth (adept DT 12) Attacks Normal strike +15
Attacks Normal bite attack +6 (+25 total damage; delay 11)
(+12 total damage; delay 11) Abilities Normal armor; normal full magic
Abilities Swallow whole (see below) warding; water breathing
Gear None Gear None
Treasure None Treasure None
A giant Venus flytrap is a 12’ tall (or larger) A 10’ tall hulking monstrosity arisen from the
carnivorous plant. Any creature that travels within 1 unit depths of the vilest of swamps, the bog horror hates all
of the flytrap may be attacked by it. Once per turn, a living things. Some think this to be some alternate form
giant Venus flytrap may attempt to swallow a target of undead, while others argue it is a spirit of the wild
whole. This is rolled as a melee attack, but with the warped by evil. Regardless, it is a threat to any creature
target receiving a possible bonus to the resist roll: small unlucky enough to come upon it. The bog horror is
targets receive no bonus; medium creatures receive +2; highly resistant to magic, ignoring the first 15 points of
large creatures receive +4; huge creatures cannot be damage it takes from any magical attack.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 87

Demons are powerful creatures native to the lower realm of Pandemonium. Demons will only appear in the lands of
Del Anon when summoned by powerful, evil casters using darkness magic, or when serving the purposes of Bael in the
lands of mankind.

Quasit Gargoyle
Small Menial Demon (D4) Medium Expert Demon 6 (D10)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3 DEX 7; MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 8
ASP –3; INT 3; REA 3; WIL 1 ASP –6; INT 6; REA 2; WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +6; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 6; Health 71; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Darkness (apprentice); illusion Talents Quick strike (–3 delay);
(apprentice) stealth (adept DT 13)
Attacks Greater claw attack +1 Attacks Greater claw attack +10
(+1 total damage; delay 8) (+14 total damage; delay 7)
Abilities Lesser flight Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater
A quasit is a 2’ tall creature with elongated, A gargoyle is a monstrous winged demon of
demonic features including scaly skin and leathern roughly human size, but with stone-like skin and
wings. Quasits will attempt to manipulate creatures and exceptionally sharp claws. A gargoyle will appear as a
situations to cause the most pain and suffering. normal statue, and will use stealth to attempt surprise.

Wretchling Demon
Medium Apprentice Demon 1 (D6)
DEX 3; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 7
ASP –3; INT 2; REA 2; WIL 2
Armor 0; Health 10; Initiative +3; Move 10
Talents None
Attacks Normal claw attack +1
(+2 total damage, delay 10)
Abilities Normal regeneration
Gear None
Treasure None
These minor demons are horrific and pitiful in
the extreme. They inhabit the fields of Hades, moving in
droves across its landscape, suffering under the whips of
more powerful demons, forced to endure endless labor
and suffering.

Small Adept Demon 3 (D8)
DEX 8; MGT 1; PWS 3; STA 4
ASP –4; INT 4; REA 3; WIL 4
Armor 3; Health 22; Initiative +8; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Darkness (adept); psionics (adept);
influence (adept DT 7)
Attacks Normal claw attack +3
(+4 total damage; delay 9)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight
Gear None
Treasure Normal
Imps are 3’ tall minor demons, summoned from
Pandemonium to bring chaos and destruction into the
lands of Del Anon. Although tiny, imps are dangerous
for their persuasive nature and absolute disregard for
the health and safety of any living creature. Imps exist
only for chaos and destruction.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 88

Incubus or Succubus A lamia is a powerful female demon with the
Medium Master Demon 10 (D12) torso, head and arms of a human female, but the lower
DEX 6; MGT 4; PWS 4; STA 8 body of a long serpent. The lamia fights with her spell
ASP –6; INT 7; REA 4; WIL 9 abilities or with a pair of enchanted scimitars. The lamia
Armor 0; Health 124; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9) is a manipulative and dangerous foe. These creatures are
Talents Illusion (expert); psionics (expert); common in the realm of Pandemonium, but are
influence (expert DT 19) fortunately very rare in Del Anon. A lamia that is slain in
Attacks Enchanted dagger +3/+3 the lands of mortals is not truly destroyed, but merely
(+10 total damage; delay 10) banished to its native realm for at least one year. A lamia
Abilities Greater kiss (see below); lesser flight; may be summoned and bound to service to a powerful
normal full magic warding; normal caster, although the use of such magic has been lost to
regeneration most men since the Great Reckoning, and only evil
Gear None creatures will attempt such a summoning, usually with
Treasure Greater disastrous consequences.
An incubus (male) or succubus (female) is a The lamia has 15 points of full magic warding, and
demon that appears as an exceptionally attractive recovers 15 health at the end of every round.
human or demi-human. It uses its powerful illusions to
change its appearance (which includes large, bat-like Demonic Vizier
wings in its normal form), and psionics magic to control Huge Legendary Demon 20 (D20)
the minds of others. An incubus or succubus will DEX 13; MGT 13; PWS 13; STA 13
attempt to kiss a target of the opposite sex. If kissed, the ASP –12; INT 7; REA 7; WIL 7
target must roll WIL (DT 16) or become the servant of Armor 20; Health 433; Initiative +13; Move 10 (fly 8)
the demon, obeying its commands for the next 30 days. Talents Weapon access; quick strike (–6);
An incubus or succubus will use deception instead of darkness (master);
direct combat, fleeing if faced with overwhelming forces. influence (master DT 22)
Attacks Greater enchanted barbed whip attack
Lamia +20/+6 (+39 total damage; delay 10)
Large Paragon Demon 15 (D16) Abilities Normal armor; normal regeneration;
DEX 9; MGT 7; PWS 10; STA 9 normal full magic warding; normal flight;
ASP –10; INT 7; REA 6; WIL 9 immunity (normal weapons)
Armor 15; Health 211; Initiative +9; Move 10 Gear None
Talents Weapon access; quick strike (–5 delay); Treasure Greater
two weapons; darkness (expert); athletics Thirteen of these creatures (known collectively
(adept +6); influence (expert DT 19); lore as the council of thirteen) meet and decide all manner of
(adept +6) demonic affairs. These are prototypical nightmarish
Attacks 2 enchanted scimitars +6/+2 (+15 total creatures, over 15’ tall, with horns, cloven hooves and
damage; delay 7; second scimitar @ D12) barbed tails. They burn with unquenchable sulfuric
Abilities Normal armor; normal regeneration; flame, and wield massive barbed whips. On a critical
immunity (normal weapons); normal full success, these whips stun the target for 1 turn.
magic warding
Gear None
Treasure Greater

Dread Insects
Dread insects are common scavengers in all climates and areas that may grow to tremendous size and ferocity, making
them common and persistent adversaries for all who travel among wild and savage lands.

Ant, Worker
Small Menial Dread Insect (D4) Ant workers are 2’ long insects common in rural
DEX 5; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 5 areas, often plaguing farmlands and small communities.
ASP 0; INT 1; REA 0 (+0); WIL 1 While individuals or smaller numbers may be
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +4; Move 10 encountered away from the ant hill, as many as 100 or
Talents None more such creatures may be encountered in their lair,
Attacks Greater bite +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) along with a queen of level 3 or better.
Abilities Tunneling; wall crawling
Gear None
Treasure Normal

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 89

Hornet, Red Spider, Giant Tarantula
Small Apprentice Dread Insect 1 (D6) Large Master Dread Insect 10 (D12)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 5 DEX 10; MGT 6; PWS 10; STA 8
ASP –1; INT 4; REA 0 (+1); WIL 3 ASP –4; INT 8; REA 0 (+4); WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 8; Initiative +4; Move 10 (fly 8) Armor 0; Health 134; Initiative +10; Move 9
Talents None Talents Stealth (expert DT 20)
Attacks Lesser sting attack +0 Attacks Normal bite attack +10
(+1 total damage; delay 9) (+16 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities Normal flight; greater poison; wall Abilities Lesser improved move; greater night
crawling vision (10 units); normal poison; wall
Gear None crawling
Treasure Lesser Gear None
These nearly 3' long insects are very nasty- Treasure Lesser
tempered and easily enraged. Traveling within 3 units of These massive 8’ long spiders sometimes serve
a hive is provocation enough to call D6+4 red hornets as mounts for especially evil humanoids and demi-
from within to drive off the threat. Hives may be as large humans. Hairy and vile, these beasts excrete a green
as 2 units across, holding several dozen such creatures poison from their fearsome mandibles. Unlike the
along with a queen of level 6 or better. The sting of a red normal variety, giant tarantulas create webs by that
hornet forces the target to roll STA (DT 8) or suffer an require a DT 20 MGT + athletics roll to break free of. Its
additional 3 points of damage per round for 2 rounds. bite forces the target to roll STA (DT 12) or suffer 10
points of damage per round for 4 rounds.
Spider, Tomb Creeper
Medium Adept Dread Insect 3 (D8) Centipede, Tunnel Creeper
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 6; STA 5 Huge Paragon Dread Insect 15 (D16)
ASP –2; INT 7; REA 0 (+2); WIL 2 DEX 12; MGT 10; PWS 12; STA 11
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 ASP –5; INT 11; REA 0 (+5); WIL 10
Talents Stealth (adept DT 10) Armor 15; Health 271; Initiative +12; Move 10
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Talents None
(+5 total damage; delay 10) Attacks Greater bite attack +20
Abilities Normal poison; wall crawling (+30 total damage; delay 12)
Gear None Abilities Normal armor; greater poison; tunneling
Treasure Lesser Gear None
These 4’ long spiders are often found in ruins Treasure Lesser
and tombs feasting on the corpses of the dead. These Tunnel crawlers are greatly feared predators.
spiders create webs that require a DT 12 MGT + athletics These massive centipedes, often over 20’ long, are
roll to break free of. The bite of a tomb creeper spider voracious carnivores. The only good thing to be said
forces the target to roll STA (DT 8) or suffer an about these beasts is that they are solitary creatures,
additional 3 points of damage per round for 2 rounds. with two or more rarely encountered together. Its poison
forces the target to roll STA (DT 20) or suffer an
Spider, Night Hunter additional 21 points of damage per round for 5 rounds.
Medium Expert Dread Insect 6 (D10)
DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 6 Worm, Earth Shaker
ASP –3; INT 6; REA 0 (+3); WIL 4 Huge Legendary Dread Insect 20 (D20)
Armor 0; Health 59; Initiative +8; Move 9 DEX 11; MGT 16; PWS 14; STA 16
Talents Stealth (adept DT 14) ASP –6; INT 11; REA 0 (+6); WIL 12
Attacks Normal bite attack +6 Armor 20; Health 538; Initiative +11; Move 10
(+10 total damage; delay 10) Talents None
Abilities Lesser improved move; normal night Attacks Greater bite attack +25
vision (7 units); normal poison; wall (+41 total damage; delay 12)
crawling Abilities Normal armor; normal full magic
Gear None warding; lesser regeneration; tunneling
Treasure Lesser Gear None
These 6’ long overgrown spiders inhabit wastes Treasure Lesser
and ruins. They lie in wait for their prey and ambush Earth shakers are massive 30-40’ worms
enemies unaware. These spiders are not web builders. dwelling deep within the earth, surfacing only rarely to
The bite of a night hunter forces the target to roll STA feast on large animals. Earth shakers will lie dormant for
(DT 10) or suffer an additional 6 points of damage per as long as a decade before emerging to embark on a
round for 3 rounds. month-long feasting frenzy. Earth shakers recover 15
health at the end of every round. The magic warding of
an earth shaker affords it 21 points of protection from all
magical and elemental attacks.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 90

Elementals are summoned to Del Anon through Elemental Levels
spontaneous spells. Elemental summoning is dangerous, Magic Talent Rank Level Size of Elemental
and just because an elemental is summoned does not Apprentice 1 (RM 1) Small
mean that the caster will be able to control it. Adept 3 (RM 2) Medium
Elementals are governed by the following rules: Expert 6 (RM 3) Medium
• Summoning an elemental is a normal DT based on Master 10 (RM 4) Large
the rank of the elemental summoned. For example, Paragon 15 (RM 5) Large
summoning an earth elemental requires that the
character has the deeping magic talent, and Elemental Type Summoned by Magic Talents
this elemental may be summoned up to the Air Earth Fire Water/Ice
rank of the talent. A caster with expert of Magic Elemental Deeping Elemental Elemental
deeping magic may summon an expert rank Talent Electricity Fire Cold
earth elemental (DT 10), an adept rank earth Primary DEX MGT STA STA
elemental (DT 8) or an apprentice rank Trait
earth elemental (DT 6). Secondary MGT, PWS PWS, DEX, MGT DEX, PWS
• Once the elemental is summoned (it appears Traits STA
at the end of the round in which it was Tertiary STA DEX PWS MGT
summoned in the unit where the caster was Trait
when it was originally summoned), it must Armor Lesser Greater Normal Normal
then be controlled. At the beginning of the Strike Normal Normal Greater Normal
following round, the caster rolls level die Abilities Normal -- -- Bonus
+WIL (as a free action at no cost, and before flight attack
initiative is rolled) to control the elemental. Success
indicates that the caster has control of the elemental All elementals have the following traits and abilities:
for one full turn, and it will obey his commands. • The primary physical trait is rank RM x3 (+1). A
Failure indicates that the elemental views the caster master elemental has its primary trait at 13.
as an enemy, and will attack. • The secondary physical traits are rank RM x2 (+1). A
• At any point during the following turn, the caster master elemental has secondary traits at 9.
may dismiss the elemental at will as a free action, • The tertiary physical trait is rank RM (+1). A master
and it dissipates immediately. However, every turn elemental has its tertiary trait at 5.
that the elemental remains in the realm, the caster • All mental traits are 0 (with the standard bonus of
must make a WIL control roll again (with the same +RM for resist rolls)
DT, as a free action) to maintain control. If this roll • Elementals are immune to damage from the same
is failed, the elemental will attack the caster. elemental type (fire elementals are immune to fire).
• The caster may dismiss an elemental he or she • Elementals have no talents, gear or treasure.
controls at any time, and once an elemental is • Health for an elemental is calculated normally.
reduced to 0 or less health, it vanishes.
• The caster may control the elemental up to 10 units
distant per magic talent rank; a caster with expert of
elemental fire could control an elemental and have it
act on his behalf up to 30 units away.
• A caster may summon a number of different
elementals simultaneously equal to his or her RM.
Each additional elemental increases the DT of WIL
rolls to control elementals by +2. A character that
has summoned four expert rank fire elementals
must make four WIL rolls to maintain control of all
four elementals. As they were summoned, the first
elemental was DT 10 to control, the second was DT
12, the third was DT 14 and the fourth was DT 16. At
the beginning of the following turn, if all four
elementals are still extant, the caster will have to
make four successful WIL rolls with a DT of 16 to
keep control of all four. It would be possible to fail 1-
3 of these rolls, and have some of the creatures turn
on the caster while the others continue to obey his
commands, possibly fighting against one another.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 91

Elemental Quick Reference
Air Elementals
Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 4 3 3 2 0 5 +4 +2 total damage
Level 3 (+2) 7 5 5 3 1 19 +7 +6 total damage
Level 6 (+3) 10 7 7 4 3 47 +10 +12 total damage
Level 10 (+4) 13 9 9 5 6 104 +13 +19 total damage
Level 15 (+5) 16 11 11 6 10 181 +16 +26 total damage
Level 20 (+6) 19 13 13 7 15 268 +19 +33 total damage

Earth Elementals
Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 2 4 3 3 3 6 +2 +2 total damage
Level 3 (+2) 3 7 5 5 6 25 +3 +6 total damage
Level 6 (+3) 4 10 7 7 10 65 +4 +12 total damage
Level 10 (+4) 5 13 9 9 15 144 +5 +20 total damage
Level 15 (+5) 6 16 11 11 20 256 +6 +30 total damage
Level 20 (+6) 7 19 13 13 25 348 +7 +39 total damage

Fire Elementals
Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 3 2 4 3 1 6 +3 +4 total damage
Level 3 (+2) 5 3 7 5 3 25 +5 +9 total damage
Level 6 (+3) 7 4 10 7 6 65 +7 +14 total damage
Level 10 (+4) 9 5 13 9 10 144 +9 +20 total damage
Level 15 (+5) 11 6 16 11 15 256 +11 +27 total damage
Level 20 (+6) 13 7 19 13 20 388 +13 +32 total damage

Water & Ice Elementals

Level/RM DEX MGT PWS STA Armor Health Init. Attacks (Fist Strike)
Level 1 (+1) 3 3 2 4 1 7 +3 +2 total damage; second @ D4
Level 3 (+2) 5 5 3 7 3 31 +5 +6 total damage; second @ D6
Level 6 (+3) 7 7 4 10 6 83 +7 +12 total damage; second @ D8
Level 10 (+4) 9 9 5 13 10 184 +9 +19 total damage; second @ D10
Level 15 (+5) 11 11 6 16 15 331 +11 +26 total damage; second @ D12
Level 20 (+6) 13 13 7 19 20 508 +13 +33 total damage; second @ D16

Fay creatures are native to Verdant Woodlands, although many have moved to other forested areas of Del Anon. Fay
creatures are generally friendly with elves and brownies, but tend to be cautious when encountering other races.

Pixie Sprite
Small Menial Fay (D4) Small Apprentice Fay 1 (D6)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 2 DEX 6; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3
ASP 1; INT 4; REA 2; WIL 1 ASP 1; INT 5; REA 3; WIL 2
Armor 0; Health 4; Initiative +4; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +6; Move 10 (fly 7)
Talents Weapon access; illusion (apprentice) Talents Weapon access; illusion (adept)
Attacks Dagger +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) Attacks Dagger +1 (+2 total damage; delay 9)
Abilities Lesser flight Abilities Normal flight
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Normal
Pixies are 1’ tall magical fairies with delicate Exceptionally magical creatures, sprites are 2’
wings that are fond of humans and the races of good, tall winged fairies that live in enchanted woodlands and
and they often ally with more powerful creatures. lands of good. They are close relatives of pixies, although
sprites are less likely to work with or help humans and
other non-fay races.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 92

Merman Centaur
Medium Adept Fay 3 (D8) Large Expert Fay 6 (D10)
DEX 4; MGT 5; PWS 5; STA 6 DEX 4; MGT 8; PWS 7; STA 6
ASP 0 (+2); INT 4; REA 2; WIL 3 ASP 0 (+3); INT 7; REA 2; WIL 5
Armor 0; Health 28; Initiative +4; Move 10 (swim 8) Armor 3; Health 65; Initiative +7; Move 7
Talents Weapon access; nature (apprentice +3) Talents Weapon access; nature (adept +6)
Attacks Trident +5 (+8 total damage; delay 11) Attacks Battle axe +6 (+12 total damage; delay 12)
Abilities Normal swim; water breathing –or- hunting bow +6
Gear None (+6 total damage; delay 9)
Treasure Lesser Abilities Lesser improved move
Mermen (and mermaids) dwell in underwater Gear Studded leather armor +3
cities and towns. They have the upper torso of roughly Treasure Normal
human appearance, but the lower body of a fish. These Notes
creatures are tribal and generally peaceful, farming Centaurs have the lower bodies of horses but the
underwater plants for food and domesticating a number upper bodies of humans. They are militant and
of fish. They trade rarely with surface-dwellers, and are aggressive, vigorously patrolling their lands and
suspicious of any creature not native to the underwater protecting their borders.
realms. Mermen and mermaids are capable fighters, and
if roused to battle, have been known to fight with Dryad
tenacity. Mermen often train and ride giant seahorses, Medium Master Fay 10 (D12)
using them as steeds. DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 7
ASP 0 (+5); INT 10; REA 8; WIL 9
Armor 0; Health 114; Initiative +10; Move 10
Talents Psionics (expert); wilding (expert);
nature (expert +10)
Attacks By spell
Abilities None
Gear None
Treasure Normal
A dryad is a female tree spirit. Dryads are
connected to their trees, and the death of the tree
inevitably means the death of the dryad. Dryads will
attempt to charm human males to serve as their slaves,
and are especially suspicious of all humans.

Medium Paragon Fay 15 (D16)
DEX 7; MGT 5; PWS 10; STA 9
ASP 6; INT 12; REA 4; WIL 10
Armor 21; Health 211; Initiative +12; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Weapon access; quick strike (-5 delay);
light (master)
Attacks Enchanted holy sword of flame
+15/+5/+5 flame (+30 total damage; +36
vs. evil creatures; delay 8)
Abilities Lesser flight
Gear Holy banded armor +15
Treasure Normal
These powerful winged spirits were the
guardians of the gates of Yahalla at the edges of
Arvandor. When Yahalla fell, most of the Deva were
destroyed. A handful of these creatures remain in the
lands of Del Anon, striving to fight against evil while
working for the restoration of the true goddess.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 93

Fell Beasts
Fell beasts are creatures of evil and cruelty that have been touched by darkness, and now aggressively oppose the
humans and demi-humans serving light.

Cockatrice Manticore
Medium Adept Fell Beast 3 (D8) Large Master Fell Beast 10 (D12)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 5 DEX 10; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 10
ASP –1; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4 ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 6
Armor 3; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 10; Health 144; Initiative +10; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Attacks Normal tail barbs +10 (+10 total damage;
(+5 total damage; delay 10) delay 11; range 4; see below); normal bite
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight; normal attack +10 (+18 total damage @ D10;
petrification delay 11)
Gear None Abilities Normal armor; bonus attack; lesser flight;
Treasure Normal normal tail volley (see below)
A cockatrice appears as a monstrous hybrid of a Gear None
lizard, cock and bat. On a successful bite attack, a Treasure Greater
cockatrice forces the target to roll STA (DT 8) or be The manticore is a grotesque creature with a
turned to stone. This petrification is permanent until roughly lion-like body, great wings of bat and the face of
reversed with a spontaneous adept rank or better a disfigured and hideous man. The manticore may bite,
deeping spell. but its most feared attack is a volley of barbs from its
tail, which it may use as a missile attack. These barbs
Harpy may fly up to 3 units with no penalty, dealing damage to
Medium Expert Fell Beast 6 (D10) all creatures in a 1-unit square that are hit. This attack is
DEX 5; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 made as a missile weapon attack (using DEX) against all
ASP –3; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 8 targets in the affected unit.
Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +8; Move 10 (fly 9)
Talents Weapon access Chimera
Attacks Spiked club +6 Huge Paragon Fell Beast 15 (D16)
(+10 total damage; delay 12) DEX 7; MGT 10; PWS 10; STA 12
Abilities Lesser armor; lesser flight; greater song ASP –7; INT 12; REA 4; WIL 10
(see below) Armor 10; Health 256; Initiative +12; Move 10 (fly 9)
Gear None Talents None
Treasure Normal Attacks Greater dragon bite +20 (+30 total
Harpies are hideous creatures with the torso damage; delay 12); normal lion bite +15
and head of an exceptionally ugly woman, but the lower (+25 total damage @ D12; delay 12);
parts and wings of a vulture. They dwell in desolate and normal ram gore attack +15
forlorn lands. (+25 total damage @ D12; delay 12)
Once per turn a harpy may, as a simple action Abilities Bonus attack; normal armor; lesser flight;
taking one full round, emit a song affecting all creatures lesser breath weapon
in a U+3 AOE. Those in the area of effect must roll WIL Gear None
(DT 12) or be completely enamored of the song, and Treasure Greater
stand transfixed, unable to act other than to walk toward A chimera is a fearsome beast. It has the body of
the harpy. A creature so enamored will remain under the a lion, the wings of a massive bat, and three heads: one
harpy’s power as long as the singing continues, allowing dragon, one ram and one lion. Each had acts
the harpy to inflict damage with no additional WIL roll independently, able to attack different foes within the
allowed and no resist rolls made; such attacks made by a same or adjacent units.
harpy are on a defenseless target. Those who resist the The chimera’s draconic head is able to breathe a
song are immune to its effects for one full turn. jet of flame once per turn as a standard action. This
breath weapon fills a straight line 1 unit wide and 4 units
long in front of the creature’s face, dealing 100 fire
damage. All creatures in the area of effect roll DEX (DT
12). Those making this roll suffer half damage, or 50

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 94

Fell Creatures
Fell creatures are humanoid-shaped monstrosities that serve evil. These are invariably cruel and malicious creatures.
Fell creatures tend to work independently, seeking to trick, trap and devour mankind and his allies.

Kobold Medusa
Medium Adept Fell Creature 3 Medium Master Fell Creature 10 (D12)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 5 DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 8
ASP –3; INT 7; REA 4; WIL 4 ASP –6; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 6
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 Armor 0; Health 124; Initiative +8; Move 10
Talents Illusion (adept); Talents Weapon access; stealth (adept DT 14)
stealth (apprentice DT 10) Attacks Bow +10 (+10 total damage; range 9;
Attacks Lesser claw attack +1 delay 9) -or- 6 lesser snakebites +6
(+3 total damage; delay 10) (+10 total damage @ D10; delay 10)
Abilities Normal night vision (5 units) Abilities Bonus attack; greater night vision (10
Gear None units); lesser poison; normal petrification
Treasure Normal Gear None
Kobolds are malicious and manipulative Treasure Normal
creatures, using their magic to deceive humans and The medusa is a roughly humanoid female with
demi-humans. Kobolds especially enjoy the taste of hideous features and living snakes for hair. The gaze of a
children, and kobolds are often (justifiably) the villains medusa is enough to force any creature within 4 units
in children’s bedtime stories. They dwell near the fringes that meets her gaze to roll WIL (DT 12) or be
of human settlements, where they lie in wait to lure permanently turned to stone. Medusa petrification may
unsuspecting children into their hidden woodland lairs. only be reversed with a master rank or better
spontaneous deeping spell.
Changeling In addition to her petrification, the medusa has
Medium Expert Fell Creature 6 (D10) a number of snakes covering her head in place of hair.
DEX 8; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 7 Up to six of these snakes may make a bite attack per
ASP –4; INT 8; REA 3; WIL 6 round, attacking any creature in melee range of the
Armor 0; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 10 medusa. Each of these snakeheads has a poisonous bite,
Talents Stealth (adept DT 14) forcing a DT 10 STA roll. Targets failing this roll suffer 6
Attacks Normal claw attack +6 points of damage per round for 3 rounds in addition to
(+9 total damage; delay 10) the bite damage. The medusa coats her arrows with this
Abilities Normal night vision (6 units); greater poison as well, and the first six arrows she uses every
shape change (see below) turn will be poisoned.
Gear None (or by character replaced)
Treasure Normal
Changelings are cruel spirits that enjoy the taste
of human flesh. They will select a target, and follow that
creature for days (or even weeks) learning its habits
before waylaying and devouring the creature, and then
will change shape into the form of its victim, and will
step into that creature’s life.
The DT of realizing that a changeling in another
creature’s form is not the actual creature is dependent
on how well the target in question knows the character
the changeling has replaced. Those who knew the
character well (a family member or close friend) roll INT
(DT 10), while all other creatures roll INT DT 12. A new
roll is allowed only if the creature in question has a good
reason for believing the changeling is not truly the
creature in question.
Changelings are desired by powerful villains for
their service as spies and assassins, as their shape
change abilities and cruel nature make them ideal
undercover agents in the societies of man.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 95

Midnight Hag Messari Ventru
Medium Paragon Fell Creature 15 (D16) Medium Legendary Fell Creature 20 (D20)
DEX 9; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 10 DEX 10; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 10
ASP –8; INT 12; REA 9; WIL 10 ASP –9; INT 12; REA 13; WIL 14
Armor 0; Health 226; Initiative +12; Move 10 Armor 20; Health 288; Initiative +11; Move 10
Talents Darkness (expert); illusion (expert); Talents Arcanum (master); psionics (paragon);
psionics (adept); lore (master +15) quick spell; lore (paragon +21)
Attacks Normal claw attack +15 Attacks Normal claw attack +20
(+21 total damage; delay 10) (+26 total damage; delay 10)
Abilities Greater night vision (11 units) Abilities Lesser armor; normal full magic warding
Gear None Gear Enchanted robes (+5 armor)
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater
Midnight hags are feared and despised, The messari are an other-dimensional race of
appearing as ancient and decrepit women of exceptional evil creatures. They inhabit the ethereal realm, a nether,
evil. Midnight hags are known to have prophetic powers, ghostlike sea that serves as the nexus of all realities and
and once per year a midnight hag may read a character’s realms. The messari are cruel, calculating and malicious,
fortune, correctly predicting one event that will soon and enjoy inflicting pain upon all living creatures. The
transpire in that character’s life, or answering one messari ventru is the highest caste of these creatures,
question. Often, this prophecy or answer is vague or serving as rulers of its noble houses.
wrapped inside of a riddle, but is invariably the truth, Messari appear as roughly human-sized creatures,
and will come to pass. but with frail frames and elongated, skeletal fingers. The
Hags will demand payment for this prophecy, messari have heads resembling squids with one eye, and
and often expect rewards of a very personal nature from a series of tentacles grows around their maws. A messari
the creatures that seek their aid and dark knowledge. ventru has as many as a dozen tentacles, and these more
powerful creatures are greatly feared even by their own
type. Messari culture is strictly organized among family
lines, and individual houses will engage in prolonged
wars with one-another, pulling entire realms into their
blood feuds.

Humanoids are bipedal creatures of some intelligence. Humanoids organize themselves in military units, and actively
fight in opposition to man and his allies. Orks (an option for heroes) are the primary race of humanoids that wars with
mankind, although the following lesser races all have proven to be ongoing threats to the safety and security of man.

Goblin Footling Hobgoblin Enforcer

Small Menial Humanoid (D4) Medium Apprentice Humanoid 1 (D6)
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 3 DEX 5; MGT 3; PWS 5; STA 5
ASP –1; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 2 ASP –2; INT 4; REA 2; WIL 3
Armor 1; Health 5; Initiative +4; Move 10 Armor 3; Health 8; Initiative +5; Move 10
Talents Weapon access Talents Weapon access
Attacks Short sword +1 (+1 total damage; delay 10) Attacks Long sword +1 (+2 total damage; delay 11)
-or- sling +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) -or- short bow +1 (+1 total damage; delay
Abilities Normal night vision (3 units) 9)
Gear Humanoid armor +1 Abilities Normal night vision (4 units)
Treasure Normal Gear Humanoid armor +3, small shield
These 3’ tall humanoids are comparatively weak (protection 1)
individually, but when they attack en masse they can be Treasure Normal
fearsome. Their savagery, fearlessness and incredible While goblin footlings serve as
reproductive rates make goblins a fodder, hobgoblin enforcers are
real threat to many civilized often used as shock troops or as
peoples. leaders of goblin bands. Where a
group of goblin footlings will
simply swarm their adversaries,
hobgoblin enforcers will use
strategy and coordinated attacks.
They average 5’ tall.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 96

Gnoll Ogre Brute
Medium Adept Humanoid 3 (D8) Large Master Humanoid 10 (D12)
DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7 DEX 8; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 12
ASP –3; INT 3; REA 1; WIL 4 ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 7
Armor 3; Health 31; Initiative +6; Move 10 Armor 13; Health 184; Initiative +8; Move 10
Talents Weapon access Talents Weapon access
Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11) Attacks Oversized great club +10 (+20 total
Abilities Greater night vision (8 units) damage; delay 11); -or- oversized sling
Gear Humanoid armor +3 +10 (+10 total damage; 6 unit range;
Treasure Normal delay 10)
These 7’ tall humanoids have the heads of Abilities Normal armor
hyenas. Gnolls have great difficulty cooperating with Gear Animal skins +3
other races, even other humanoid races, and may be Treasure Normal
found fighting against goblins and their kin as often as These brutish 10’ tall humanoids live solitary
against man and his allies. lives, far from the lands of man and civilization, dwelling
in caves. Ogres rarely work as part of a larger force
unless the leader is especially powerful. Ogres will gladly
work with giants, but hate most other races.

Stone Giant
Huge Paragon Humanoid 15 (D16)
DEX 8; MGT 16; PWS 12; STA 15
ASP –5; INT 9; REA 2; WIL 10
Armor 18; Health 331; Initiative +9; Move 10
Talents Weapon access
Attacks Giant-sized great club +15 (+30 total
damage; delay 15); thrown rocks +10 (+25
total damage; delay 14)
Abilities Normal armor
Gear Animal skins +3
Treasure Normal
Truly malevolent, stone giants enjoy inflicting
suffering on other creatures. Stone giants average 16’
tall. They live in caves amidst mountainous and rocky
areas far from the lands of man.
Medium Expert Humanoid 6 (D10) Giant, Elemental
DEX 6; MGT 7; PWS 8; STA 9 Huge Legendary Humanoid 20 (D20)
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 2; WIL 6 DEX 10; MGT 20; PWS 15; STA 18
Armor 6; Health 83; Initiative +6; Move 10 ASP –9; INT 8; REA 4; WIL 11
Talents Weapon access Armor 30; Health 488; Initiative +10; Move 10
Attacks Spiked club +6 Talents Weapon access; elemental magic (expert)
(+12 total damage; delay 12) Attacks Huge weapon +20
Abilities Greater night vision (9 units) (+40 total damage; delay 16)
Gear Humanoid armor +6; Abilities Normal armor;
medium shield (protection 3) elemental immunity (1 element)
Treasure Normal Gear Giant banded armor +10
Bugbears are the largest of goblin-kind, cruel Treasure Greater
and malicious creatures, often enslaving other races There are three varieties of elemental giants: fire
including lesser cousins such as goblins and hobgoblins. giants, frost giants and storm (lightning) giants. All
Bugbears are, fortunately, less common than the weaker three races of giants are cruel, selfish and nearly
goblin races. Bugbears average 7’ tall. immortal, and as such consider themselves far above the
petty goals and desires of lesser creatures. These giants
average over 20’ tall, and will seek to subjugate all lesser
creatures, only viewing such beasts as true dragons and
the like as equals. Fire giants typically wield great two-
handed swords; frost giants typically carry massive
hammers into combat; storm giants typically heft huge

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 97

Lycanthropes are creatures that have been infected with a cursed magical disease. This disease causes (or allows,
depending on how far the disease has gestated) the creature to transform into an animal form, or into a hybrid
animal/human form. A lycanthrope is generally savage and evil, a threat to all living creatures and difficult to kill due
to its magical nature.

Lycanthropy the gestation period, final ASP ending up as a negative

Creatures bitten by a lycanthrope may contract the Once a creature has learned to control its
cursed disease of lycanthropy (contracted through saliva transformations, the creature gains an additional ability
getting into the blood stream through a bite attack). to transform into a third form: that of the animal the
Once infected with lycanthropy, a creature (human, were-form is based on. A werewolf that has controlled
humanoid or demi-human- other beasts are not her transformations not only changes into the bipedal
susceptible to the effects of lycanthropy) will undergo a lycanthrope form, but may (requiring one round full),
gestation period. At the first full moon after being change into a darken wolf, being completely
infected, the creature will transform into a lycanthrope indistinguishable from any other darken wolf. Other
of the appropriate type, totally losing control of his or darken wolves will view a lycanthrope as an alpha beast,
her actions and giving over completely to the savagery of and will follow and obey its commands. All of the
the were-form. This will continue at every full moon for creature's abilities are the same in this animal form.
D12 months. After this time, the character may become There is little correlation between the creature’s
aware of these transformations, able to change at will level in its normal state and its level as a lycanthrope. If
unless under direct sunlight; sunlight forces a a lycanthrope suffers enough damage to kill it, it will
lycanthrope to revert to its natural form immediately. revert to its natural form. If its natural form has the
After the gestation period has ended, the same or less health than the lycanthrope form, the
character makes a greater DT WIL roll with each creature is dead. If its natural form has more health than
transformation, with the DT based on the rank of the the lycanthrope form, the creature reverts to normal
lycanthropic form. If the character makes this check form, and will remain unconscious for D10 rounds,
successfully three times in a row (for three consecutive awaking after this time with the difference between total
full moons), that creature has learned to control the health and that lost as a lycanthrope.
transformations and is now able to transform at will, For example, two jackalweres attack the heroes.
retaining all of his or her mental traits (ASP, INT, REA, The heroes deal 30 points of damage to each one,
WIL) in place of those of the lycanthropic form. While so defeating them. The first is a local street urchin (a
transformed, the character possesses all skills talents of menial with 3 health). This character has been killed.
both the natural and lycanthropic forms. The second character is the captain of the town guard (a
For example, a character has been inflicted with level 5 myrmidon with 50 health). This character has 20
lycanthropy as a jackalwere for 3 months (the gestation health left, and will be unconscious for D10 rounds.
period rolled when the character was infected). At the When he awakes, he may or may not be friendly…
next full moon, he rolls WIL with a DT of 10. If this is Most creatures that transform into a lycanthrope will
successful, he is able to retain his thoughts, feelings, shed or drop equipment normally carried. However,
self-control (including all mental traits) and skills while many lycanthropes are encountered with shreds or
in the lycanthrope form. He may elect to stay as a pieces of clothing. Some will wear armor or carry
jackalwere for the whole night, or to transform back and weapons of the character type, and in hybrid form may
forth between his natural and lycanthropic form. For the wear and wield such items. If a lycanthrope wears
next two full moons, he must make this WIL roll. If it is armor, add the armor rating to the base armor for the
successful for both, he now controls the creature.
transformations, and may change back and forth as There is a 1 in 10 chance that a character who
desired. If he fails any of these rolls (for example, makes contracts lycanthropy takes on a rogue strain of the
two successful rolls but fails the third), he must start disease that prevents the character from ever taking
again. Unless three successful rolls are made in a row, control of his or her transformations. In this case, the
the character is forced to continue making WIL rolls. disease remains forever in the gestation period, with
Statistics given are for lycanthropes that have transformations happening at the full moon forever
not yet controlled their transformations. Once a creature beyond the character’s control. Changing forms always
has passed the gestation period for the disease, his or takes one full round. There is no cure for lycanthropy
her mental traits apply in the lycanthrope form; this once it has been contracted.
creature is able to maintain his or her full consciousness
when were form is taken. It is possible that a character
with a high positive ASP could withstand his or her
gestation period and eventually become a lycanthrope
serving light, although such a creature is exceedingly
rare. Typically, a creature loses ASP over the course of
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 98
Jackalwere Wereboar
Medium Adept Lycanthrope 3 (D8) Medium Master Lycanthrope 10 (D12)
DEX 6; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 5 DEX 7; MGT 8; PWS 9; STA 8
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 3 ASP –5; INT 7; REA 1; WIL 5
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +6; Move 10 Armor 6; Health 124; Initiative +7; Move 9
Talents Athletics (apprentice +3); nature Talents Athletics (adept +6); nature (expert +10)
(apprentice +3) Attacks Normal bite attack +10
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 (+18 total damage; delay 10)
(+5 total damage; delay 10) Abilities Lesser armor; normal disease; immunity
Abilities Normal disease; immunity (normal (normal weapons); lesser improved move;
weapons); normal regeneration normal regeneration
Gear By character type Gear By character type
Treasure Normal Treasure Normal
A creature bitten by a jackalwere must roll STA A creature bitten by a wereboar must roll STA
(DT 8) or suffer the effects of lycanthropy, becoming a (DT 12) or suffer the effects of lycanthropy, becoming a
jackalwere at the next full moon. A jackalwere wereboar at the next full moon. Wereboars dislike most
regenerates 3 health at the end of every round. They live other creatures, and will only work with those they can
in scrublands and on the borders of deserts and other bully and harass, such as lesser humanoids like gnolls
open, dry areas. and goblins. A wereboar regenerates 10 health at the end
of every round. They live among desolate wilds.
Medium Expert Lycanthrope 6 (D10) Werewolf
DEX 7; MGT 3; PWS 5; STA 7 Medium Paragon Lycanthrope 15 (D16)
ASP –3; INT 7; REA 1; WIL 4 DEX 12; MGT 8; PWS 9; STA 10
Armor 0; Health 65; Initiative +7; Move 10 ASP –6; INT 11; REA 1; WIL 7
Talents Athletics (adept +6); nature (adept +6) Armor 10; Health 226; Initiative +12; Move 9
Attacks Normal bite attack +6 Talents Athletics (master +15);
(+9 total damage; delay 10) nature (master +15)
Abilities Normal disease; immunity (normal Attacks Normal bite attack +15
weapons); normal regeneration (+23 total damage; delay 10)
Gear By character type Abilities Lesser armor; normal disease; immunity
Treasure Normal (normal weapons); lesser improved move;
A creature bitten by a wererat must roll STA (DT normal regeneration
10) or suffer the effects of lycanthropy, becoming a Gear By character type
wererat at the next full moon. Wererats either live in a Treasure Normal
pack of other wererats, or as an individual leader of a A creature bitten by a werewolf must roll STA
pack of darkling rats. A wererat regenerates 6 health at (DT 16) or suffer the effects of lycanthropy, becoming a
the end of every round. Wererats are common problems werewolf at the next full moon. Werewolves often travel
in larger cities, and some cities have been ravaged by with a pack of regular wolves (medium animals) or
wererat outbreaks. Many thieves’ guilds of larger cities darken wolves. A werewolf regenerates 15 health at the
have wererats among their memberships, since rakes end of every round. Werewolves may found in any
frequent the same places as wererats. climate or terrain.

Mythical Creatures
Mythical creatures are beasts that were native to the realm of Arvandor that now live in the lands of the Splintered
Realm. These are creatures of good, although this doesn’t necessarily mean they will be helpful or even friendly
towards heroes. Mythic creatures are still beasts with a wild nature, and may prove difficult to tame or befriend.

Phase Cat Phase cats are magical versions of normal

Small Menial Mythical Creature (D4) domestic cats, slightly larger than the typical house cat.
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 1; STA 1 Phase cats have minor psionics. In addition, phase cats
ASP 1; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 1 may phase shift once per day for 1 turn. While so
Armor 0; Health 5; Initiative +6; Move 10 phased, these cats are immune to all attacks (except
Talents Psionics (apprentice) psionics), and are able to move through solid objects.
Attacks Normal bite attack +0 While phased, the cat cannot physically interact with
(+0 total damage; delay 9) any creature (including physical attacks) and may only
Abilities Normal phasing (see below) use its psionics magic on other creatures.
Gear None
Treasure None

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 99

Pocket Dragon Unicorn
Small Apprentice Mythical Creature 1 (D6) Large Master Mythical Creature 10 (D12)
DEX 3; MGT 1; PWS 3; STA 4 DEX 7; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 6
ASP 1; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 2 ASP 6; INT 7; REA 2; WIL 6
Armor 3; Health 7; Initiative +4; Move 10 (fly 9) Armor 6; Health 114; Initiative +7; Move 8
Talents None Talents Light (adept)
Attacks Greater bite attack +1 Attacks Normal horn attack +10
(+2 total damage; delay 9) (+16 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities Greater armor; normal breath weapon; Abilities Lesser armor; normal improved move;
lesser flight lesser total magic warding
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater
Pocket dragons are short magical creatures, The unicorn appears as a pure white horse with
appearing as miniature dragons (typically 2-3’ long), a single horn protruding from its forehead. The unicorn
although only distantly related to true mythical is a protector of woodlands of good, and will assist good
serpents. Pocket dragons love treasure (a characteristic characters in efforts to defend woodlands from evil. A
shared with mythical serpents). The breath weapon of a unicorn will only serve as a mount for a pure human or
pocket dragon is a field of light magic filling one unit elfin maiden with an ASP of 6 or better and master rank
with light energy, restoring 3 health to good and neutral or better nature skill talent.
creatures, and dealing 3 points of damage to evil
creatures. Evil creatures may roll ASP (DT 6) for lesser Gryphon
damage. Those who make this roll suffer only 2 points of Large Paragon Mythical Creature 15 (D16)
damage. DEX 6; MGT 12; PWS 12; STA 10
ASP 5; INT 7; REA 2; WIL 7
Eagle, Silver Wing Armor 15; Health 256; Initiative +6; Move 10 (fly 7)
Medium Adept Mythical Creature 3 (D8) Talents Nature (adept +6)
DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 6; STA 5 Attacks Greater bite attack +20
ASP 1; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 3 (+32 total damage; delay 11)
Armor 0; Health 25; Initiative +5; Move 10 (fly 7) Abilities Normal armor; normal flight
Talents Nature (apprentice +3) Gear None
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Treasure Normal
(+5 total damage; delay 10) The gryphon is a powerful creature with the
Abilities Normal flight lower body of a lion and the upper body of an eagle of
Gear None the greatest size. On rare occasions, gryphon will allow
Treasure Lesser themselves to serve as mounts for powerful creatures of
Silver wing eagles have wingspans in excess of good, although the rider must be at least level 15 with
12’. They sometimes act as mounts for smaller paragon of nature skill talent, and must have an ASP of
humanoids like gnomes of adept rank or better nature 6 or better. Gryphons are solitary creatures.
skill talent, but only if especially well cared for. They
nest in rocky areas, sweeping out over hundreds of Phoenix
square miles to hunt small (and even some medium) Medium Legendary Mythical Creature 20 (D20)
animals. They especially like darkling rats and jackals. DEX 10; MGT 8; PWS 9; STA 9
ASP 10; INT 9; REA 6; WIL 11
Pegasus Armor 15; Health 268; Init. +10; Move 10 (fly 5)
Large Expert Mythical Creature 6 (D10) Talents Light (master)
DEX 5; MGT 7; PWS 5; STA 7 Attacks Lesser bite attack +15
ASP 1; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 3 (+23 total damage; delay 10)
Armor 3; Health 71; Initiative +6; Move 8 (fly 5) Abilities Lesser armor; greater flight; immunity
Talents Nature (adept +6) (fire); normal full magic warding; lesser
Attacks Normal kick attack +6 regeneration
(+12 total damage; delay 11) Gear None
Abilities Lesser armor; normal flight; normal Treasure Greater
improved move The phoenix is a marvelous and powerful bird.
Gear None If a phoenix is killed, it will be reborn at the dawn of the
Treasure Lesser next day. A phoenix will work on behalf of good
Pegasi are great wild horses with the wings of characters, but is a staunch foe of evil, attacking evil
eagles. They may be trained as mounts, but will only creatures with ferocity and determination. A phoenix
serve creatures of level 6 or higher, with nature skill regenerates 15 health at the end of every round. The
talent of expert or better, and with an ASP of 3 or better. phoenix is a solitary creature.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 100

Mythical Serpents
Mythical serpents are native to the lands of the Barrens, where they grew in power faced with the most inhospitable
and dangerous conditions in all of creation. Mythical serpents are uniformly crafty and deceptive, using guile in
addition to their formidable abilities. All mythical serpents hoard treasure, and even the least of such serpents will
endeavor to collect and hide valuables; this makes mythical serpents highly prized and frequently hunted by man and
his allies.

Mud Adder Great Constrictor

Small Menial Mythical Serpent (D4) Large Expert Mythical Serpent 6 (D10)
DEX 3; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 4 DEX 7; MGT 9; PWS 7; STA 8
ASP –1; INT 2; REA 0 (+0); WIL 2 ASP –5; INT 5; REA 0 (+3); WIL 5
Armor 0; Health 6; Initiative +3; Move 10 Armor 6; Health 71; Initiative +7; Move 10
Talents None Talents None
Attacks Greater bite attack +1 Attacks Normal bite attack +6
(+1 total damage; delay 9) (+12 total damage; delay 11)
Abilities Normal poison Abilities Normal natural armor; greater
Gear None constriction
Treasure Normal Gear None
Mud adders are 5’ long snakes that live in bogs Treasure Lesser
and marshes. Mud adders are unusually aggressive, This powerful creature over 15’ long lives among
often attacking larger prey. Their bite forces a target to rocky areas such as mountains, the fringes of deserts, or
roll STA (DT 4) or suffer 1 additional point of poison among ruins. On its first successful melee strike, a great
damage. constrictor wraps around its opponent. At the beginning
of every round after constricting, the target rolls MGT +
Fire Snake athletics (DT 24). Success indicates that the target
Medium Apprentice Mythical Serpent 1 (D6) breaks free of the constriction. Failure indicates that the
DEX 5; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 4 target suffers from constriction. Constriction takes effect
ASP –2; INT 2; REA 0 (+1); WIL 3 at the beginning of the following round. While
Armor 1; Health 7; Initiative +5; Move 10 constricted, the target takes a penalty of one dice rank to
Talents None all action DT’s, and takes 10 points of damage (in
Attacks Normal bite attack +1 addition to any other damage received that round),
(+2 total damage; delay 10) ignoring armor.
Abilities Normal armor; immunity (fire) At the beginning of every subsequent round, the
Gear None target may roll to break free of constriction as a free
Treasure Normal action (taken before initiative is rolled). This continues
Fire snakes are native to the sprawling lava pits until the target breaks free, the target is dead, or the
of the barrens. They may be found in any hot climate, snake is dead. The great constrictor may only use this
preferring fiery places to establish their nests and hatch ability against one target at a time, but will use it
their young. These creatures average 7’ long. repeatedly in the same combat if the initial target breaks
free or dies.
Midnight Asp
Medium Adept Mythical Serpent 3 (D8) Basilisk
DEX 5; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 6 Huge Master Mythical Serpent 10 (D12)
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 0 (+2); WIL 3 DEX 9; MGT 10; PWS 9; STA 9
Armor 3; Health 28; Initiative +5; Move 10 ASP –6; INT 7; REA 3; WIL 7
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 8) Armor 10; Health 134; Initiative +9; Move 10
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Talents None
(+6 total damage; delay 10) Attacks Greater bite attack +15
Abilities Normal natural armor; greater poison (+25 total damage; delay 12)
Gear None Abilities Normal armor; normal gaze attack
Treasure Normal (petrification)
Midnight asps live in dark areas deep in jungles Gear None
and forests, swamps and desolate lands. These large Treasure Greater
creatures use their obsidian coloring as camouflage, These ponderous 15’ reptiles have thick, leathery
using surprise against prey and their powerful poison to skin and six legs. Basilisks live in dry and/or rocky
quickly kill even more powerful creatures. Those bitten areas. They are most feared for their gaze, which forces
by a midnight asp must roll STA (DT 10) or suffer 6 any living creature within 4 units that meets this gaze to
points of damage per round for 3 rounds from the roll WIL (DT 12) or be permanently turned to stone,
creature’s toxic venom. becoming a statue.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 101

Often, the statue forms of its victims fill the
basilisk’s lair, many times with body parts broken off or
shattered. In such cases, reversing the petrification often
leads to the inevitable and painful death of the creature.
Basilisk petrification may only be reversed with an
expert rank or better spontaneous deeping spell.

Huge Paragon Mythical Serpent 15 (D16)
DEX 9; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 12
ASP –6; INT 9; REA 3; WIL 9
Armor 15; Health 256; Init. +9; Move 10 (fly 7)
Talents None
Attacks Normal bite attack +15 (+27 total
damage; delay 12); normal tail attack +15
(+27 total damage @D12; delay 12)
Abilities Bonus attack; normal armor; normal
flight; greater poison (tail)
Gear None
Treasure Greater
Wyverns are related to dragons, huge winged
serpents that live in wild and untamed lands. The
wyvern is less intelligent and cunning than its cousin,
and instead of a breath weapon uses a poisoned tail
spike in addition to powerful jaws to kill its prey.
Wyverns feast on cattle and livestock, and a single
wyvern can lay waste to the farms of an entire
community over a short period of time. Wyvern eggs are
valued at upwards of 100 gold, and D4 such eggs will be
found in a wyvern nest during spring. The poison from a
wyvern's tail forces the target to roll STA (DT 20) or
suffer 21 points of damage per round for 5 rounds.

Eastern Spined Dragon

Huge Legendary Mythical Serpent 20 (D20)
DEX 10; MGT 12; PWS 12; STA 12
ASP –9; INT 12; REA 6; WIL 11
Armor 25; Health 368; Initiative +12; Move 10 (fly 7)
Talents Lore (expert +10)
Attacks Greater bite attack +25 (+37 total damage; delay 12);
lesser claw attack +15 (+27 total damage @D16; delay 12)
Abilities Greater armor; bonus attack; normal breath weapon; normal flight; immunity (fire);
lesser full magic warding
Gear None
Treasure Greater (x2)
The eastern spined dragon is a fearsome beast indeed, a massive winged serpent over 30’ long. The eastern
spined dragon has a chalky gray hide that deepens to a dull gray in old age. This hide is resistant to all magical attacks,
and provides 15 points of resistance to any magical damage in addition to full immunity to damage from heat or flame.
The dragon will defend its home and domain with uncompromising zeal, although it is capable of speech (using
the trade tongue), and will parlay with especially powerful or capable adversaries.
Once per turn, the eastern spined dragon is able to breathe a stream of flame in a straight line filling 6 units,
dealing 200 damage to all creatures in the area of effect. Creatures in the area of effect of this flame may make a DT 20
DEX roll to take half damage (100 points) from this horrific flame. Eastern spined dragons hoard great treasures, and
the collection of such a beast is rolled as for two such creatures.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 102

Prehistoric Beasts
Prehistoric beasts have no gear and carry no treasure. They are typically encountered only in areas that exist beyond
the reach of time, having been driven to extinction in most regions. Prehistoric beasts have no gear or treasure.

Medium Adept Prehistoric Beast 3 (D8)
DEX 7; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 A stegosaurus is an armor-plated dinosaur that
ASP 0 (+2); INT 2; REA 0 (+2); WIL 4 moves on all fours. The stegosaurus has a nasty
Armor 3; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 (fly 9) temperament and will invariably fight to the death.
Talents Nature (apprentice +3)
Attacks Normal bite attack +3 Mammoth
(+6 total damage; delay 11) Huge Paragon Prehistoric Beast 15 (D16)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser flight DEX 8; MGT 13; PWS 12; STA 15
These winged dinosaurs live in mountainous ASP 0 (+5); INT 6; REA 0 (+5); WIL 10
areas and hunt in packs. Their broad, leathery wings and Armor 15; Health 331; Initiative +8; Move 10
their pointed beaks give these beasts a frightening Talents None
appearance. Attacks Normal tusk attack +15
(+28 total damage; delay 12)
Velociraptor Abilities Normal armor; normal trample
Large Expert Prehistoric Beast 6 (D10) Mammoths are huge, prehistoric ancestors of
DEX 6; MGT 7; PWS 8; STA 7 the elephant. These creatures will gore other creatures
ASP 0 (+3); INT 3; REA 0 (+3); WIL 5 with their tusks or will trample foes under beneath
Armor 6; Health 71; Initiative +6; Move 9 massive feet.
Talents Nature (apprentice +3)
Attacks Greater bite attack +10 Tyrannosaurus Rex
(+16 total damage; delay 11) Huge Legendary Prehistoric Beast 20 (D20)
Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move DEX 11; MGT 15; PWS 13; STA 15
The velociraptor is a relatively small (by ASP 0 (+6); INT 7; REA 0 (+6); WIL 12
dinosaur standards) but exceptionally cunning and Armor 20; Health 428; Initiative +11; Move 7
aggressive hunter. Velociraptors will work in packs, Talents Nature (expert +10)
willing to suffer large losses to take down larger quarry. Attacks Greater bite attack +25
(+40 total damage; delay 12)
Stegosaurus Abilities Normal armor; normal improved move;
Huge Master Prehistoric Beast 10 (D12) normal trample
DEX 7; MGT 9; PWS 9; STA 10 The Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most feared of all
ASP 0 (+4); INT 4; REA 0 (+4); WIL 6 dinosaurs, and with good reason. It is over 20’ tall, and
Armor 15; Health 164; Initiative +7; Move 8 has a bite only rivaled by dragons. The only good thing
Talents Nature (adept +6) about the Tyrannosaurus Rex is that it typically hunts
Attacks Greater gore attack +15 alone, and two T-Rexes within even 20 miles will fight
(+24 total damage; delay 12) over control of the territory.
Abilities Greater armor; normal improved move

Sea Creatures
Sea creatures are native to the lands under the waves. These creatures live in and among the great seas of the known
(and unknown) world.

Darken Piranha Darken piranhas live in warm waters, hunting in

Small Menial Sea Creature (D4) large packs to fearlessly attack even much larger
DEX 4; MGT 1; PWS 4; STA 1 creatures, driven by unending hunger.
ASP –1; INT 1; REA 0; WIL 3
Armor 0; Health 3; Initiative +4; Move 10 (swim 7)
Talents None
Attacks Greater bite attack +1
(+1 total damage; delay 9)
Abilities Greater swim; water breathing
Gear None
Treasure None

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 103

Impulse Eel
Medium Apprentice Sea Creature 1 (D6)
DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 5 The abyssal octopus is an evil, degenerate
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 0 (+1); WIL 2 creature of great cunning and magical ability. Once per
Armor 0; Health 8; Initiative +5; Move 10 (swim 8) turn, an abyssal octopus may fill a U+2 AOE with thick
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 6); elemental black ink, effectively creating complete darkness
lightning (apprentice) (imposing the normal penalties for darkness) that is
Attacks Normal bite attack +1 impenetrable by any light. This heavy ink stays in the
(+2 total damage; delay 10) area for 1 turn, after which time it dissipates. The
Abilities Normal swim; water breathing abyssal octopus is immune to the effects of its own ink
Gear None (or that of another such creature) and suffers no penalty
Treasure None to vision. In combat, this creature will strike with its
Impulse eels hide in seaweed beds of shallow tentacles to stun opponents. A creature struck by a
coastal waters, using their rudimentary elemental magic tentacle must roll STA (DT 12) or be stunned for 1 full
talent to stun or kill their prey. round and unable to act. This creature will use its
magical powers to defeat opponents, although prefers to
Noble Seahorse let others do its bidding, attacking through minions or
Medium Adept Sea Creature 3 (D8) by mentally controlling a foe, turning it against its own
DEX 7; MGT 6; PWS 3; STA 5 allies.
ASP 0 (+2); INT 4; REA 0 (+2); WIL 3
Armor 3; Health 25; Initiative +7; Move 10 (swim 8) Great White Shark
Talents None Huge Paragon Sea Creature 15 (D16)
Attacks Lesser butt attack +1 DEX 9; MGT 12; PWS 12; STA 12
(+4 total damage; delay 10) ASP 0 (+5); INT 4; REA 0 (+5); WIL 6
Abilities Normal armor; normal swim; water Armor 15; Health 286; Initiative +9; Move 10 (swim 7)
breathing Talents Nature (expert +10);
Gear None stealth (expert DT 19)
Treasure None Attacks Greater bite attack +20
Mermen and mermaids as mounts tame these (+32 total damage; delay 12)
docile and beautiful creatures. They are common in deep Abilities Normal armor; greater swim; water
seas, living among coral beds and traveling in herds. breathing
Gear None
Crayfish, Giant Treasure Lesser
Medium Expert Sea Creature 6 (D10) The great white shark is a fearsome predator,
DEX 5; MGT 7; PWS 8; STA 9 showing no fear and unbridled aggression. The great
ASP 0 (+3); INT 2; REA 0 (+3); WIL 4 white is known to attack prey much larger and stronger
Armor 10; Health 77; Initiative +7; Move 10 than itself, and never retreats from a battle. Any
Talents None treasure kept by the shark will be within its belly- the
Attacks 2 greater claw attacks +10 (+16 total remains of its victims that it was unable to digest.
damage, second claw @ D10; delay 10)
Abilities Greater armor; bonus attack; water Sea Serpent
breathing Huge Legendary Sea Creature 20 (D20)
Gear None DEX 10; MGT 14; PWS 14; STA 14
Treasure Lesser ASP 0 (+6); INT 7; REA 0 (+6); WIL 9
Giant crayfish are huge creatures (often over 10’ Armor 20; Health 408; Initiative +10;
long) that are distantly related to insects. They live in Move 10 (swim 7)
large bodies of water, often dwelling near rocks and Talents None
under sand, hiding in wait for their prey. Attacks Greater bite attack +25
(+39 total damage; delay 12)
Octopus, Abyssal Abilities Normal armor; greater swim; water
Large Master Sea Creature 10 (D12) breathing
DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 10 Gear None
ASP –6; INT 7; REA 4; WIL 7 Treasure Greater
Armor 10; Health 154; Initiative +8; Move 10 (swim 8) Sea serpents dwell in the only the deepest of
Talents Darkness (expert); psionics (expert) waters, hunting all other sea creatures. Sea serpents
Attacks By tentacle (no damage- see below) have been known to attack and capsize sailing ships,
Abilities Normal armor; normal swim; normal ink prying them open to extract the tasty morsels inside. Sea
attack; normal stun attack (see below); serpents often grow to more than 100’ long. Sea serpents
water breathing reside in huge caves at the bottom of the deepest seas,
Gear None keeping huge treasure hoards within.
Treasure Lesser
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 104
Trolls are humanoid-type creatures, but have notable differences from humanoid races. Trolls do not form larger
armies, preferring instead to work independently or in small clans. Rarely are more than a dozen trolls encountered at
one time. Unlike most humanoids, trolls will gladly eat humans and demi-humans, and in fact elves and gnomes are
among their favorite foods (although most show a distaste for dwarves, whom they regard as less digestible). Trolls
dwell in the dark and vile places of the world, surrounding themselves with ugliness. Trolls are feared primarily for
their regenerative abilities, a property of their vile blood. All trolls hate fire, which disrupts their natural regenerative
abilities. Trolls favor their natural abilities over weapons, and will attack with two fierce claw attacks. The heroic race
of wood trolls is distantly related to these trolls, although their cousins, who view them as blood traitors and an
inferior breed, universally despise wood trolls.

Garden Troll Ice trolls are thin and bony, averaging 7’ tall
Small Menial Troll (D4) with whitish skin and elongated features. They live in
DEX 2; MGT 1; PWS 2; STA 3 arctic climates, preferring to build cavernous fortresses
ASP –1; INT 2; REA 1; WIL 2 of ice and snow. Ice trolls are immune to damage from
Armor 0; Health 5; Initiative +2; Move 10 cold. Ice trolls regenerate 3 health at the end of every
Talents None round.
Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +0 (+0 total
damage; delay 9; second claw @ D3) Rock Troll
Abilities Bonus attack; greater regeneration Large Expert Troll 6 (D10)
Gear None DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 7
Treasure Normal ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 5
Pests in gardens and farmlands, these 2’ tall Armor 3; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 10
creatures burrow underground, stealing carrots, Talents Quick strike (delay –3)
radishes and potatoes. They are always hungry, and even Attacks 2 normal claws +6 (+10 total damage;
a small group of garden trolls can quickly destroy a large delay 8; second claw @ D8)
and prosperous garden. Garden trolls regenerate 1 Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; normal
health at the end of every round. regeneration
Gear None
Root Troll Treasure Normal
Small Apprentice Troll 1 (D6) Rock trolls are 8’ creatures commonly found in
DEX 4; MGT 2; PWS 5; STA 4 hills and mountains. They hate all creatures, and
ASP –2; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 3 especially hate wood trolls, whom they view as traitors
Armor 0; Health 7; Initiative +4; Move 10 to their own race. Rock trolls are thin and gaunt, with
Talents None elongated features and rubbery flesh. They dwell in all
Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +1 (+2 total wild lands, and all but the most extreme of climates.
damage; delay 9; second claw @ D4) Rock trolls regenerate 6 health at the end of every
Abilities Bonus attack; normal regeneration round.
Gear None
Treasure Normal Bog Troll
Nearly 3’ tall, root trolls dwell in burrows Large Master Troll 10 (D12)
beneath trees in woodlands, sneaking out at night to try DEX 11; MGT 6; PWS 9; STA 9
and steal pets and children. They are evil and malicious ASP –5; INT 8; REA 1; WIL 6
creatures, delighting in the suffering of others. They Armor 6; Health 134; Initiative +11; Move 10
especially hate gnomes. Root trolls regenerate 1 health Talents Quick strike (delay –4)
at the end of every round. Attacks 2 normal claw attacks +10 (+16 total
damage; delay 7; second claw @ D10)
Ice Troll Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; normal
Medium Adept Troll 3 (D8) regeneration; water breathing
DEX 5; MGT 3; PWS 6; STA 4 Gear None
ASP –3; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 3 Treasure Normal
Armor 1; Health 22; Initiative +5; Move 10 Bog trolls are 10’ tall monstrosities living in
Talents Quick strike (delay –2) marshes and fetid swamps, often lairing in caves at the
Attacks 2 normal claws +3 (+6 total damage; bottom of murky waters. They are equally at home above
delay 8; second claw @ D6) or below the water, and prefer to nest in places where
Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; immunity they can drag their victims. Bog trolls are exceptionally
(cold); normal regeneration cruel and cunning, and will establish elaborate traps to
Gear None lure their prey. Bog trolls regenerate 10 health at the end
Treasure Normal of every round.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 105

The Undead
Undead creatures are not living, and as such are immune to spells and items that affect the living. Undead do not
breathe, eat or sleep, and can survive indefinitely underwater, underground, or in extreme cold. The undead are
susceptible to sunlight, and all undead take damage from exposure to direct sunlight equal to their level for every
round of exposure (even menial undead take 1 point per round). Most undead exposed to direct sunlight will be
destroyed in less than a minute. Many undead have the power to drain life from their living adversaries. At lower
levels, the undead creature is able to simply diminish the abilities of their targets for short periods of time; at higher
levels, undead are able to drain abilities for longer times (or even permanently), receiving bonuses to their own
abilities for doing this. Undead are immune to psionic magic effects causing stuns, mesmerization and sleep.

Skeletal Minion
Medium Menial Undead (D4) Ghouls are undead creatures that inhabit ruins,
DEX 3; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 4 barrows, graveyards and catacombs, feasting on the
ASP –2; INT 2; REA 0; WIL 1 corpses of the dead. On a successful claw attack that
Armor 1; Health 6; Initiative +3; Move 10 deals damage, the ghoul forces its target to roll ASP (DT
Talents None 6) or lose 1 dice rank for 1 turn. This effect is cumulative,
Attacks Normal claw attack +0 and the same creature may be affected repeatedly. Those
(+0 total damage; delay 10) who are drained below D4 by a ghoul are killed, and will
Abilities Greater armor rise the next night as a ghoul. A spontaneous light spell
Gear None (DT 6) will reverse this effect. A ghoul exposed to direct
Treasure None sunlight suffers 3 points of damage per round.
Skeletal minions are the least of the undead: the
skeletons of common creatures animated to serve the Wight
purposes of evil. Skeletal minions are susceptible to Medium Expert Undead 6 (D10)
blunt weapons, and blunt weapons roll damage at one DEX 8; MGT 5; PWS 7; STA 7
dice rank higher. A skeletal minion exposed to direct ASP –5; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 6
sunlight suffers 1 point of damage per round. Armor 6; Health 65; Initiative +8; Move 9
Talents Stealth (adept DT 14)
Zombie Attacks Normal claw attack +6
Medium Apprentice Undead 1 (D6) (+11 total damage; delay 10)
DEX 1; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 10 Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move;
ASP –2; INT 1; REA 0 (+1); WIL 5 normal undead drain
Armor 0; Health 13; Initiative +1; Move 11 Gear None
Talents None Treasure Normal
Attacks Greater claw attack +3 Wights are undead that roam cemeteries, tombs
(+4 total damage; delay 10) and catacombs. They hate living creatures, and will
Abilities Lesser impaired move (+1) attack them on sight. On a successful claw attack that
Gear None deals damage, the wight forces its target to roll ASP (DT
Treasure None 10) or lose 1 dice rank for 1 turn. This effect is
Zombies are animated corpses of dead human, cumulative, and the same creature may be affected
humanoid and demi-human creatures animated to serve repeatedly. Those who are drained below D4 by a wight
the purposes of evil. Zombies move slowly, but derive are killed, and will rise the next night as a wight. A
incredible strength and toughness from the unholy spontaneous light spell (DT 10) cast by an adept of light
energy that animates them. These automatons are only will reverse this effect. A wight exposed to direct
able to obey simple commands. A zombie exposed to sunlight suffers 6 points of damage per round.
direct sunlight suffers 1 point of damage per round.
Ghoul Medium Master Undead 10 (D12)
Medium Adept Undead 3 (D8) DEX 9; MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 9
DEX 6; MGT 3; PWS 6; STA 6 ASP –6; INT 7; REA 3; WIL 7
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 0 (+2); WIL 3 Armor 10; Health 134; Initiative +9; Move 10
Armor 3; Health 28; Initiative +6; Move 9 Talents Darkness (adept); stealth (expert DT 19)
Talents Stealth (apprentice DT 9) Attacks Normal claw attack +10
Attacks Normal claw attack +3 (+14 total damage; delay 10)
(+6 total damage; delay 10) Abilities Normal armor; immunity (normal
Abilities Normal armor; lesser improved move; weapons); lesser regeneration; normal
lesser undead drain undead drain
Gear None Gear None
Treasure Normal Treasure Greater

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 106

A wraith is a semi-solid creature trapped damage. In addition, the target must roll ASP (DT 20) or
between the physical and spirit worlds. A wraith may, as be stunned for the remainder of the round, as the
a standard action, become completely immaterial, vampire drains its life. This action drains the target of 2
passing through solid objects but unable to interact with dice ranks, and boosts the dice rank of the vampire by +1
the physical world, and completely immune to all (to D20) for the remainder of the turn. A creature
attacks while in this form (and unable to attack others). drained below D4 in such a way is killed, and will rise
Transitioning back into the physical world takes another again as a vampire D6 days later.
standard action, allowing the wraith to both affect and Once a vampire has received a bonus from
be affected by others normally. draining the life of a target, no further bonuses may be
On a successful claw attack that deals damage, received during that turn, regardless of how many times
the wraith forces its target to roll ASP (DT 12) or lose 1 this ability is used. Those who have had dice ranks
dice rank for 1 hour. This effect is cumulative, and the drained by a vampire recover these ranks at the rate of 1
same creature may be affected repeatedly. Those who rank per day. A spontaneous light spell (DT 16) cast by a
are drained below D4 by a wraith are killed, rising the master of light will reverse this effect. A vampire
next night as a wraith. A spontaneous light spell (DT 12) exposed to direct sunlight takes 15 points of damage per
cast by an expert of light will reverse this. A wraith round, ignoring all armor and other protection; the
regenerates 6 health at the end of every round. A wraith vampire cannot regenerate from such damage.
exposed to direct sunlight suffers 10 points of damage
per round, and this damage cannot be regenerated. Lich
Medium Legendary Undead 20 (D20)
Vampire DEX 10; MGT 5; PWS 8; STA 10
Medium Paragon Undead 15 (D16) ASP –10; INT 10; REA 10; WIL 11
DEX 11; MGT 8; PWS 9; STA 10 Armor 20; Health 288; Initiative +10; Move 10
ASP –10; INT 10; REA 4; WIL 8 Talents Arcanum (paragon); darkness (paragon);
Armor 10; Health 226; Initiative +11; Move 9 lore (master +15); quick spell (–6 delays)
Talents Quick strike (–5 delays); athletics (adept Attacks Lesser claw attack +15
+6); nature (adept +6); stealth (expert DT (+20 total damage; delay 10)
21) Abilities Normal armor; immunity (normal
Attacks Normal bite attack +15 (+23 total weapons); normal full magic warding;
damage; delay 5); lesser claw attack +10 normal fear aura (see below); normal
(+18 total damage @ D12; delay 5) regeneration; greater undead drain
Abilities Lesser armor; bonus attack; immunity Gear As character type
(normal weapons); lesser improved move; Treasure Greater
normal regeneration; greater undead A lich is a powerful spell caster who sought
drain additional power and immortality, undergoing extensive
Gear As character type (and painful) preparation to die and rise again as this
Treasure Greater most feared of all undead. A lich is immortal, incredibly
Vampires are (rightfully) among the most feared powerful and unrelentingly evil. The lich appears as a
of all creatures. The statistics presented here are for a withered corpse, but quickly reveals its full power and
‘normal’ vampire, although vampires may range wildly abilities to those foolish enough to challenge it. A lich
in their powers and abilities, and retain all weapons, invariably seeks power and influence. The lair of a lich is
gear and talents of their mortal existence, in addition to always rife with traps, other undead, and horrors too
those here. A vampire becomes a major player in a terrible to behold.
region, often having both personal and political power. A lich radiates an aura of fear. Coming within 6
Vampires regenerate 15 health at the end of every round. units of a lich forces all creatures to roll WIL (DT 20).
As a simple action with a default delay of 10, a Failure indicates that the target turns and flees for 1
vampire may do any of the following: assume gaseous turn. Those who succeed may approach the lich,
form (dissipating into a fine mist immune to all attack although will have to roll again at the beginning of the
forms), transform into a darken wolf, or transform into next and each subsequent turn in the lich’s presence.
a giant bat. The vampire retains all of its powers and In addition to normal damage, the claw attack of
abilities in wolf or bat form, but the vampire is unable to a lich forces the target to roll ASP (DT 24). Failure
do anything except move (at move 10) while in gaseous indicates that the lich drains the target of two dice ranks
form. Anything carried by the vampire is transformed permanently, boosting the dice rank of the lich to D24
whenever he or she is. In any form, the vampire for 1 turn. A creature drained below D4 in such a way is
continues to regenerate. killed, its soul trapped within the skull of the lich
The bite of a vampire may be used as a normal forever. Only the use of a spontaneous light spell (DT
attack, or as a special action to inflict greater undead 20) cast by a paragon of light will reverse this effect.
drain. Employing the bite to drain requires the vampire A lich has resistance of 20 to damage from all
to use the full round to complete the attack as a standard magic effects and powers. A lich regenerates 20 health at
action. On a successful attack roll (taken at the action on the end of every round. A lich exposed to direct sunlight
which the vampire rolls initiative), the vampire grabs suffers 20 points of damage per round, ignoring all
and sinks its teeth into the target, dealing normal armor and other protection.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 107
The weren are humanoid creatures of primitive attributes. The weren have roughly humanoid bodies, but the heads
and temperaments of animals with intellects falling somewhere between.

Frog Weren Troglodytes are primitive amphibious

Small Menial Weren (D4) humanoids with the heads of lizards. They live in tribal
DEX 6; MGT 1; PWS 3; STA 3 communities within bogs and marshes. They hate other
ASP –1; INT 3; REA 1; WIL 1 living creatures. They fight with simple weapons like
Armor 0; Health 5; Initiative +6; Move 10 spears and javelins and are equally at home on land or
Talents Weapon access; athletics (apprentice +1) underwater, often building their lairs at the bottoms of
Attacks Javelin +1 (+1 total damage; delay 9) swamps and marshlands.
Abilities Leap (see below)
Gear None Boar Weren
Treasure Normal Medium Expert Weren 6 (D10)
Frog weren are 3’ tall humanoid frogs that live DEX 6; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 9
in marshes, ponds and wetlands. Frog weren are able to ASP –4; INT 6; REA 1; WIL 6
leap great distances, doubling their athletics leap results. Armor 6; Health 77; Initiative +6; Move 10
Talents Weapon access
Rat Weren Attacks Flail +6 (+12 total damage; delay 12)
Medium Apprentice Weren 1 (D6) Abilities Lesser armor;
DEX 5; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 5 normal night vision (6 units)
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 2 Gear Hide armor +3
Armor 0; Health 8; Initiative +5; Move 10 Treasure Normal
Talents Weapon access; stealth (apprentice DT 6) Husky humanoids with the heads of swine, boar
Attacks Javelin +3 (+4 total damage; delay 11) or weren average 6’ tall. Boar weren are bullying, cruel
normal bite attack +1 (+2 total damage; taskmasters. They enjoy positions of power and
delay 10) influence, and will often be found among humanoid
Abilities Normal disease; tribes serving as thugs and elite guards. Only its various
normal night vision (4 units) appetites motivate a boar weren, and it demonstrates
Gear Poor armor +1 little care for others.
Treasure Lesser
Rat weren are 4’ tall bipedal scavengers, closer Minotaur (Bull Weren)
in demeanor and behavior to a rat than a human. They Large Master Weren 10 (D12)
communicate using grunts and yelps. Rat weren DEX 7; MGT 11; PWS 10; STA 11
typically surround themselves with darkling rats, and ASP –5; INT 7; REA 1; WIL 8
will sometimes work with wererats, although there have Armor 12; Health 154; Initiative +7; Move 10
been notable conflicts between wererat and rat weren Talents Weapon access
tribes over territory. Attacks Great axe +13
Rat weren are susceptible to the same disease as (+23 total damage; delay 13)
carried by darkling rats. Those damaged by the bite of a Abilities Lesser armor; normal confusing glare (see
rat weren must roll STA (DT 6) or suffer a disease, below); normal night vision (7 units)
losing 1 point of MGT for D6 days, or until the disease is Gear Ring mail armor +6
magically removed. Curing rat weren disease requires a Treasure Normal
spontaneous light spell (DT 8) cast by an adept or better A minotaur is a creature with the body of a huge
of light magic. man, and the head of a bull. A minotaur stands nearly 8'
tall, and has incredible strength and fortitude. It fights
Troglodyte (Lizard Weren) with a massive axe, which it uses to devastating effect.
Medium Adept Weren 3 (D8) In addition to its weapon attack, the minotaur is
DEX 6; MGT 5; PWS 7; STA 5 able, once per turn as a standard action (delay 10), to
ASP –2; INT 4; REA 1; WIL 3 glare at a living target within 4 units. The target meeting
Armor 4; Health 25; Initiative +6; Move 10 (swim 9) the glare of the minotaur must roll WIL (DT 12) or be
Talents Weapon access confused and unable to act for 1 turn. The target will
Attacks War javelin +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11) wander aimlessly for 1 turn, unsure of who he or she is
Abilities Lesser armor; lesser swim; water and what is happening around him or her. There is a 1 in
breathing 6 chance that the target reacts violently to this
Gear Reed armor +3 confusion, attacking the nearest ally. After one turn, this
Treasure Normal confusion subsides and the target regains its full

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 108

Dressing Up Beast Encounters
The following suggestions are ways that you can quickly change a beast encounter. Give the beast one level, and either
select or roll D8 to assign one of the following abilities.

Beast Modifications (Roll D8)

Roll Modification Beast Templates
1 The beast is exceptionally fast, with +3 to
DEX. While the rules for beast creation make it easy to modify
2 The beast is exceptionally durable, with +3 to a tailor a beast to meet your specific needs, these rules
STA (and the appropriate health provide four templates you can quickly lay over a beast
modification). stat block to create more powerful versions of the beast.
3 The beast is exceptionally strong, with +3 to Each of these templates is uncommon, and beasts of
MGT. these types will take leadership roles within
4 The beast is elementally attuned, giving it communities of the same creature.
normal elemental resistance (2 points) and a These templates increase the level of the beast
lesser breath weapon of the appropriate to the maximum level within the same rank, at the
elemental type (1 point). pinnacle of normal achievement. In addition to normal
5 The beast is an expert in one of the magic bonuses to traits and talents based on level, each beast
talents. template provides a pool of bonus hero points to use
6 The beast is an expert in one of the skill each turn. Each of these templates receives a number of
talents. hero points equal to the RM, although these points must
7 The beast has come into contact with powerful be spent in a particular way based on the template.
magic that gives it greater regeneration. While these templates fit easily over all of the
8 The beast is the carrier for a contagious and humanoid races to create a wide, varied population to
virulent greater disease to which it is immune. inhabit the fortresses and lairs of evil creatures, these
may also be added to all manner of beast. A champion
basilisk, savant tomb creeper spider, scout wererat or
shaman minotaur should prove capable adversaries for
characters of the appropriate ranks.

A champion beast is the epitome of the physical
potential of the beast. To create a champion beast:
 Add the RM to the base level given.
 Add the RM to the beast’s PWS rating.
 Add the RM to the beast’s STA rating.
 Add the RM to the beast’s armor rating.
 Add the RM to the beast’s base attack damage rating
with all physical attacks.
 Increase health by a total equal to RM x (STA + RM
In addition, a champion beast receives RM free hero
points each turn to spend on arms talent action rolls.

A savant beast is born with an innate connection to
arcanum or psionics magic that makes it a dangerous
adversary. To create a savant beast:
• Add the RM to the base level given.
• Add the RM to the beast’s REA rating.
• Add the RM to the beast’s WIL rating.
• Take or increase existing arcanum -or- psionics
magic at a rank equal to the RM.
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA +
RM +2).
In addition, a savant beast receives RM free hero points
each turn to spend on resist rolls against any attack.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 109
Scout Gnoll Savant
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
A scout beast uses stealth and speed to hunt down foes DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
or surprise them from the shadows. ASP –3; INT 3; REA 3; WIL 6
• Add the RM to the beast’s DEX rating. Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +6; Move 10
• Add the RM to the beast’s INT rating. Talents Weapon access; psionics (adept)
• Take or increase existing stealth at a rank equal to Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
the RM. Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA + Gear Humanoid armor +3
RM +2). Treasure Normal
• Adjust initiative for the improved trait ratings. Gnoll savants are misunderstood and disliked
In addition, a scout beast receives RM free hero points by other gnolls, although wise leaders will find gnoll
each turn to spend on skill talent action rolls. savants within their tribes and place these creatures into
advisory positions. Gnoll savants have 2 hero points
available each turn to use to increase resist rolls made
Shaman against any attack.
A shaman beast uses a magical connection to nature or
unholy powers to support its allies and defeat its foes. Gnoll Scout
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
• Add the RM to the base level given.
DEX 8; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
• Add the RM to the beast’s INT and take wilding
ASP –3; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4
magic at a rank equal to the RM -or- add the RM to
Armor 3; Health 53; Initiative +8; Move 10
the beast’s WIL and take deeping magic at a rank
Talents Weapon access; stealth (adept +5)
equal to the RM.
Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
• Increase health by a total equal to the RM x (STA + Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
RM). Gear Humanoid armor +3
• Adjust initiative for the improved trait ratings, as Treasure Normal
necessary. Gnolls scouts are used as assassins and hunters,
In addition, a shaman beast receives RM free hero even employed by gnoll chieftains against other gnolls
points each turn to spend on magic talent action rolls. that may seek to overthrow the current leader. Gnoll
scouts have 2 hero points available each turn to use to
Example: Gnoll Templates increase skill talent rolls.

While the citadel of the gnoll king is ruled over by a Gnoll Shaman
powerful gnoll of expert rank (since normal gnolls are Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
adept rank creatures), he is not the only beast of unusual DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 6; STA 7
power. A handful of each of the following exceptional ASP –3; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 4
creatures lives among the hundreds of normal gnolls: Armor 3; Health 31; Initiative +6; Move 10
Talents Weapon access; wilding (adept)
Gnoll Champion Attacks Short spear +3 (+6 total damage; delay 11)
Medium Adept Humanoid 5 (D8) Abilities Greater night vision (8 units)
DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 8; STA 9 Gear Humanoid armor +3
ASP –3; INT 3; REA 1; WIL 4 Treasure Normal
Armor 5; Health 57; Initiative +6; Move 10 A gnoll shaman holds a place in gnoll society
Talents Weapon access second only to the chieftain, where often the word of the
Attacks Short spear +5 (+8 total damage; delay 11) shaman is law. A wise chieftain will make a strong ally of
Abilities Greater night vision (8 units) his shaman. Gnoll shamans have 2 hero points available
Gear Humanoid armor +3 each turn to use to increase magic talent action rolls.
Treasure Normal
Gnoll champions are especially respected, as
they exemplify prized gnoll qualities of toughness and
savagery. Gnoll champions have 2 hero points available
each turn to use to increase arms talent attack rolls.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 110

Chapter Seven: Campaigns
While the previous rules have established how to create heroic characters and send them on adventures, this section
expands the game by presenting rules for mass combat, expanded character development, and introductory notes on
the greater game world of Del Anon.

Mass Combat
While the game primarily revolves around a small group of heroic characters taking on small or medium-sized bands
of foes, there may be times where the game world (or sections of it) becomes embroiled in a larger conflict, and the
heroes are pulled into this conflict. These rules allow Mythweavers to quickly resolve combat among larger forces.
Mass combat takes longer to complete than normal combat, with both time and distance measured differently.

Mass Combat Ratings

Mass Combat Rating Total troops involved Deployment Size Parcel size Phase Length
Lesser 50-250 25 troops 100’ x 100’ square 20 minutes
Normal 250-1,000 50 troops 250’ x 250’ square 1 hour
Greater 1,000+ 100 troops 500’ x 500’ square 3 hours

• Total troops involved includes the total armies of both sides involved in the combat.
• Deployment size is the number of troops in a standard deployment for determining troop quality.
• Parcel size is the scale of the battlefield on which these forces meet.
• Phase length is the amount of time it takes to complete 1 full duration of mass combat. The more troops involved,
the longer it takes for combat to be resolved.

Steps to Mass Combat Resolution For example: a group of humanoids has met an army
1. Determine the mass combat rating of elves and gnomes on a field at the edge of the forest.
2. List all combatants by rank and type There are 425 humanoids and 200 elves/gnomes. The
3. Determine quality of each deployment total number of troops is 625, so this is a normal mass
4. Total the troop factors combat.
5. Consider other variables
6. Determine the actions of the heroes 2. List all combatants by rank and type
7. Make opposing influence rolls for the leaders
(including all modifiers) The humanoid force consists of:
8. Determine the results of the combat phase • 25 bugbears (.5 deployment)
9. Repeat previous steps as necessary • 50 gnolls (1 deployment)
10. Continue until one side is routed • 350 goblins (7 deployments)

The elf/gnome force consists of:

1. Determine the mass combat rating
• 50 apprentice elf hunters (1 deployment)
Total the number of all troops involved in the combat, • 125 apprentice gnome myrmidons (2.5
and decide on the rating of the combat: lesser, normal or deployments)
greater (from table above). • 25 adept elf defenders (.5 deployment)

3. Determine quality of each deployment

Total the rank and relative gear of each deployment.

Deployment Quality Modifiers

Modifier Lesser Normal Greater
Rank of Troops Apprentice (+1) Adept (+3) Expert (+6)
Quality of Mounts Apprentice mounts (+1) Adept mounts (+2) Expert mounts (+3)
Quality of Gear Good gear (+1) Exceptional gear (+2) Exquisite gear (+3)
(of superior quality) (enchanted) (enchanted and imbued)
Average magic Apprentice (+1) Adept (+2) Expert (+3)

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 111

The humanoid force: 4. Total the troop factors
• bugbears receive +6 bonus (experts +6)
• gnolls receive +3 bonus (adepts +3) Multiply the base number of deployments by the total
• goblins receive no bonus (menials +0) bonus (add it to a base multiplier of 1).

The elf/gnome force consists of: The humanoid force (total bonus +14.5, rounded up to
• elf hunters receive +2 bonus (apprentices +1, good +15):
gear +1) • bugbears give a total of +3.5 (.5 x 7)
• gnome myrmidons receive +1 bonus (apprentices • gnolls give a total of +4 (1 x 4)
+1) • goblins give a total of +7 (7 x 1)
• elf defenders receive +7 (adepts +3, exceptional
gear +2, adept magic +2) The elf/gnome force (total bonus +12):
• elf hunters give a total of +3 (1 x 3)
• gnome myrmidons give a total of +5 (2.5 x 2)
• elf defenders give a total of +4 (.5 x 8)

5. Consider other variables

Add in the other variables to the battle from below.

Mass Combat: Other Variables

Lesser (+1 bonus) Normal (+3 bonus) Greater (+6 bonus)
Fatigue and Slightly better rested Considerably better rested Tremendously better rested
Field Position Slightly better field position Superior field position Vastly superior field position
(ex: atop a mound) (ex: behind a battlement) (ex: inside a keep)
Motivation Slightly more motivated Considerably more motivated Vastly more motivated
Range Slightly better range on attacks Considerably better range on Vastly superior range on
attacks attacks
Siege Slightly better equipment Considerably better Vastly superior equipment
Equipment equipment
Strategic Better strategy employed Much better strategy Vastly superior strategy
Choices employed employed

• The humanoids have superior siege equipment, as Actions of the Heroes

they have brought a line of heavy ballistae and Modifier What the Heroes Do
catapults (+6). Total bonus +6. –6 Fail their mission disastrously.
• The elves/gnomes have slightly better field –3 Do not complete their mission before the
position (in the edge of the tree line, +1), are end of the turn.
slightly better rested (+1), and are slightly more +3 Accomplish a mission of lesser difficulty.
motivated (+1). Total bonus +3. +6 Accomplish a mission of normal difficulty.
• Neither side has a decided edge on range. The +10 Accomplish a mission of greater difficulty.
elves have better archers, but the gnolls have
larger numbers of javelin throwers and they have Sample heroic missions:
the ballistae from the goblins, so these variables • Defeat a powerful beast that the enemy force is
offset. using to its advantage.
• Defeat a powerful leader directing enemy troops (a
6. Determine the actions of the heroes chief lieutenant, a powerful enemy caster).
• Destroy a particular object (a bridge, a gateway, an
Since the game is about the heroes, their actions during enemy weapon).
combat are vital to the success or failure of the overall • Defeat an entire deployment of troops.
conflict. During the conflict the heroes should take part
in a mission lasting 1 turn. This mission is within the In this example, the four adept rank heroes are sent to
context of other activities (fighting against the rank and defeat a pair of darken wolves that prowl the
file of enemy forces), a special mission that the heroes perimeter of the conflict, helping to keep the goblins
must accomplish to enable the rest of the force to have in formation. This is a normal encounter for these
success. This is a combat encounter. characters. If they are able to kill the wolves within 1
turn, the side of the elves and brownies (with whom
they are allied) takes +6 to the mass combat roll.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 112
7. Make opposing influence rolls for the leaders In preparing for the next phase, the heroes meet with
(including all modifiers) the elf leader near the front lines. One of the heroes
says that they are going to attack the bugbear leader
The basic effectiveness of any military unit is based on himself with his chief lieutenants, a difficult
the influence and power of its leader. The rolls for mass encounter. The heroes say that half of the gnomes
combat are made as contested influence rolls between should break off and attempt to flank from the side,
the leaders of the two forces, adding in all previous driving upon the outer perimeter of goblins as the
factors. leader falls (if the heroes can take him). The elf
commander agrees to give them 50 gnomes to take
• The leader of the humanoid force is a level 7 and use for this purpose. During the second phase of
bugbear with WIL of 5 and adept rank influence. the battle, the heroes are able to kill the leader and
His normal roll for influence actions is D10+11. He several of his lieutenants after a difficult combat in
receives a total of +21 to this action (+15 from which one of them nearly dies, and several hero points
troops, +6 from siege equipment), and so rolls are spent. This shifts the bonus from the actions of the
D10+32. heroes to +10 (instead of +6). In addition, the flanking
• The leader of the elf/gnome force is a level 5 elf force of gnomes is considered a superior strategic
defender with WIL of 4 and adept rank influence. move, and gives another +3.
His normal roll is D8+9. He receives a total of +21
to this action (+12 from troops, +3 from other 10. Continue to re-roll until one side is routed
variables of location and better preparedness, +6
from the heroes accomplishing their mission of The action roll for the humanoid force has changed
killing the two wolves), and so rolls D8+30. considerably. One of the bugbear lieutenants tries to
take over, but he has a WIL of 4 and is an apprentice
8. Determine the results of the combat phase of influence, so his total action roll with all bonuses is
D10+26; but the elf/gnome force now rolls D8+31
Note: the leadership roll cannot be critically failed. because of the actions and strategies of the heroes.
Count a result of 1 at face value. The total humanoid result is 27, and the total
elf/gnome result is 39. The tide of battle has shifted
Mass Combat Results and the heroes now feel that momentum is on their
Roll Result side. This is almost a rout, but not quite. The
Difference humanoids lose another D6+2 of bonuses (rolling 8),
Within 5 Stalemate. Each side loses D6 from and will roll D10+18 next phase. During the third
points total bonus for next phase. phase, the heroes do not use any particular strategy,
6 to 15 Success. One side emerges as but defeat 7 gnolls (a greater encounter). This keeps
points victorious during that phase. The their bonus at +10, but the +3 strategy bonus no
difference winning side loses D4 from the total longer applies (since the strategy is unchanged), so the
bonus for the next phase, but the elf leader now rolls D8+28. The total elf roll result is
losing side loses D6+2 from the total 36, and the humanoid result is 20. This is a difference
bonus for next phase. of 16 points. The elf/gnome force lets out a great cheer
16+ points Rout. One side dominates the as most of the remaining gnolls and bugbears fall, and
difference battlefield. The losing side either the remainder of the goblin army scatters in all
surrenders or turns and flees. directions. Since this was a normal mass combat that
took three phases, it lasted for 3 hours.
The Mythweaver rolls for the humanoids, and gets a
total result of 42. One of the players rolls for the Dynamic Combat
elf/gnome force, and gets 32. This is a 10 point
difference. The humanoid force rolls D4 and gets 2, You can change up mass combat by adding several
losing 2 points from the next roll (now getting +30). different factors to the situation:
The elf/gnome force suffers the loss of D6+2, and gets • Perhaps the goal is not to win, but simply to hold the
3. For the next sequence, the total bonus will be +27 for line until reinforcements arrive. For instance, the
the elf leader. heroes may be asked to lead a group of 100 dwarves
and protect a bridge from a horde of ork myrmidons
9. Repeat previous steps as necessary driving towards it. They have to hold fast for 3 mass
combat phases. At the beginning of the 4th phase,
Go back and review any of the steps to see if and how 500 dwarven crossbowmen will arrive to help regain
things change. Encourage the heroes to impact the battle the bridge. Their only goal here is to avoid the rout
by developing strategic suggestions and helping to select for 3 phases.
targets for their next mission. • The enemy gets reinforcements. After two phases, a
phalanx of skeletal wardens arrives at the western
flank, adding extra support to the army of zombies
that the heroes have been fighting off.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 113
• The enemy can use strategy and tactics as well. You The damage for a ram is figured as follows:
could decide that each phase, the enemy will try a • The rank die for the character of highest rank
new tactic, seeing if (and how) the strategy that the operating the ram is used. A ram with a level 10
heroes helps to develop is either better than or character assisted by three level 1 characters deals
inferior to the strategy employed by the enemy. base damage of D12.
• The total MGT of all operators is added to the
Siege Weapons damage roll (plus a bonus from the ram’s size).
• If the action roll result is double the DT rating, the
While the possession of siege equipment by individual ram deals critical damage.
forces should be considered as a factor in the relative • For example, a crew of 4 level 6 characters (each
strength of a force, siege weapons may be employed by with a MGT of 5) is using a light ram against the
the heroes during mass combat. In this case, the specific door to a castle. The ram deals D10+30 damage (+5
uses of siege weapons come into play. The three types of from each operator, +10 from a small ram). The DT
siege weapons are ballistae, catapults and rams. The to use the ram effectively is 10. If the total action roll
heroes should not have access to siege weapons on their (made by the lead character operating the ram) is 20
normal adventures (you don’t roll a huge ballista around or better, the ram deals double damage. Conversely,
with you as you explore a ruined dungeon). a heavy ram operated by 8 level 10 characters (each
Rams are used as melee weapons against with a MGT of 8) deals total damage of D12+84 with
physical objects, while ballistae and catapults are missile each swing, sufficient to break through most doors
weapons. Rams require that the operator has melee in one swing.
talent of adept or better; ballistae and catapults require • Rams act at the end of a round on segment 1.
that the operator has missile talent of adept or better.
• Rams: A ram is a large wooden and/or metallic Ballistae
object used to break down doors or through walls. A Size Damage Range Cost
larger ram allows more creatures to man it. A ram Rating
may only be used once per round, regardless of the Light +20 20 units 100 gold
number of creatures using it. At least half the full Medium +25 25 units 250 gold
crew of a ram is required to operate it: a small ram Heavy +30 30 units 500 gold
requires at least two characters, whereas a large ram
requires at least four. The following rules govern ballistae:
• Ballista: A ballista is a huge crossbow mounted on a • The dice rating for the character actually firing the
turret or other permanent housing. The ballista has ballista is used. A ballista with a level 10 operator
greater range and power than a crossbow, but takes makes attack and damage rolls using D12.
much longer to operate. A ballista may only be used • DEX is the linked trait for firing a ballista. DEX is
once per round, regardless of other bonuses. Two added to attack (but not damage) rolls.
operators are required to fire a ballista. If only one • A single ballista bolt costs 3 silver.
creature is operating a ballista, the rate of fire • Ballista bolts may be covered in oily rags and set
decreases to one bolt every two rounds. aflame. This increases the cost per bolt to 1 gold, and
• Catapult: A catapult stone deals damage to all causes the bolt to deal +10 fire damage.
creatures or objects in the same unit in which the
stone strikes. While catapults are primarily used Catapults
against physical objects (walls, towers, bridges), Size Damage DT Range Cost
catapult stones may be used against forces, and a Rating
catapult is effective against tightly packed Light +20 8 20 units 350 gold
formations of enemies. A catapult has a very slow Medium +25 10 25 units 500 gold
rate of fire, able to be used only once per turn. Two Heavy +30 12 30 units 1,000 gold
creatures are needed to operate a catapult. If only
one creature is operating a catapult, the rate of fire The following rules govern catapults:
decreases to one stone every two turns. The catapult • The dice rating for the character actually firing the
automatically fires on the last action of the turn: at catapult is used. A catapult with a level 10 operator
segment 1 of round 10. makes attack and damage rolls using D12.
• REA is the linked attribute for firing a catapult,
Rams added to action (but not damage) rolls.
Size Crew DT Damage Cost • The DT is the target to successfully fire a catapult
Light 4 8 Rank die 5 gold and hit the unit selected. Catapults do not deal
+total MGT +10 critical damage.
Medium 6 10 Rank die 10 gold
• A single catapult stone costs 5 silver.
+total MGT +15
Heavy 8 12 Rank die 25 gold • Catapult stones may be replaced with flaming
+total MGT +20 projectiles. This increases the cost to 2 gold per
stone, and causes the stone to deal +10 fire damage
to all creatures in the affected unit.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 114
Economies of the Game World
There are several things that the heroes may consider investing in as they adventure and gain both power and money.
These include animals, transportation, and permanent structures.

Rank Burden Cost for Pack Animal Cost for Combat Animal Example
Menial 50 lbs. 1 gold 5 gold Dog/ War Dog
Apprentice 250 lbs. 3 gold 15 gold Mule or War Pony
Adept 500 lbs. 10 gold 50 gold Light Horse
Expert 1,00o lbs. 30 gold 150 gold Heavy Horse
Pack animals may be used to travel from place to place or to help carry gear, but will not enter combat or dangerous
conditions. Combat animals are trained for battle, and will allow the rider to carry them into a battle or dangerous

Type Cost Move Durability Notes
Cart 10 gold +2 10/20 Two-wheel vehicle pulled by a single steed.
Carries up t0 4 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Wagon 30 gold +2 15/30 Four-wheel vehicle pulled by two steeds.
Carries up 8 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Canoe 25 gold 10 10/20 Holds up to 4 medium-sized creatures or comparable gear.
Boat, River 1,000 8 10/100 Averages 20’ long.
gold Holds up to 10 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, Small 2,500 6 20/200 Averages 40’ long.
gold Holds up to 25 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, 5,000 6 25/250 Averages 60’ long.
Medium gold Holds up to 50 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.
Ship, Large 10,000 6 30/300 Averages 100’ long.
gold Holds up to 100 medium-sized creatures or comparable cargo.

Move for carts and wagons is based on the move of the creature pulling +2. A creature with a move of 6 pulling a cart
has a move of 8.

Building Costs & Construction Basic Construction Costs (Expert Rank)

Item Cost Description
As the heroes advance, their means increase and their Door, Normal 10 gold A wooden door
lifestyles improve. While they began sleeping in (durability 10/20)
common rooms of inns for 1 silver a night as apprentices Door, 15 gold A wood and steel door
and moved to good inn rooms as adepts, eventually they Reinforced (durability 15/30)
may decide to purchase and renovate a building in their Door, Secret 30 gold DT 12 to find
home town to use as a base. Later, they may clear a Dungeons 50 gold 1 unit cube of dungeon
section of countryside from the threat of beasts and be corridor or chambers
granted a title to the land, building a small tower from Flooring/Roof, 30 gold 1 unit square of flooring
which to launch their campaigns. Stone (for a second or higher
While the specific details of the creation of such level) made of stone
permanent bases is up to the Mythweaver, the following Flooring/Roof, 15 gold 1 unit square of flooring
section provides guidelines for the costs associated with Wood (for a second or higher
new construction. These costs assume that the structure level) made of wood
is expert rank (level 6, RM 3). If constructed of lesser or Stairs, Stone 30 gold A 10’ elevation of stairs,
superior materials, the cost will go up or down (see 5’ wide
modifiers to cost below). Expert construction is the most Stairs, Wooden 15 gold A 10’ elevation of stairs,
common type that heroes would undertake in 5’ wide
constructing their own fortresses and strongholds. Wall, Section 20 gold 10’ x 10’ section of wall,
These costs include both materials and labor to finish 1’ thick
the job. (durability 10/20)

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Factors to Construction Costs • I also want a small dungeon, and have a total of 10
Factor Cost Modifier units excavated: two chambers of 20’ x 20’ (4 units
Wealthy Location +25% each) and 20’ of hallways. This costs 500 gold.
(city, major trade location) • A single secret door is placed between the two
Extreme Location +50% dungeon levels, costing 30 gold.
(heart of a volcano, atop a mountain) • The total cost to build this tower (as an expert
–2 RM materials –50% location of level 6) is 4,730 gold if built in an
–1 RM materials –25% accessible location in the nearby wilderness.
+1 RM materials +50% • If this were to be built on a remote mountaintop or
+2 RM materials +100% in the middle of a thick jungle with no roads in or
out, the cost increases by 50%, for a total cost of
Building Time 7,095 gold.
• If this were built out of higher quality materials as a
A structure takes 1 man hour per 10 gold in building master rank hold, the cost would be 7,095 gold.
cost. For example, the basic tower outlined below would • If this were built as an adept rank location instead,
take 473 man-hours to construct. If ten workers were the total cost would be 3,548 gold.
hired to build this tower, it would take them, working • If this were built as an apprentice rank location
together, 48 hours to build it (If they worked for 12 instead, the total cost would be 2,365 gold.
hours a day, they would complete the tower in 4 days).
As you can see, this would be typical of a corner
tower on the outer wall of a larger castle. Building a full
castle could easily run in the hundreds of thousands of
gold, and would likely take an entire adventuring career
to purchase and construct. A castle of 100,000 gold cost
would not only take several dragon hordes to afford, but
would take 10,000 man-hours to construct. All costs
listed include the hiring of laborers to complete the job.

Sample Construction
As a level 10 myrmidon, you decide to build a small fort
in the wilderness, and claim the area as its lord. You will
construct a small, squat tower of expert rank. It will
When Can Heroes Build Bases?
have the following attributes:
• The outer walls will be 5’ thick, and the inner walls The answer is whenever they can afford it. For example,
will be 1’ thick. The entire tower is 40’ wide on all an adept hunter may build a small wood-frame home as
sides, and is 20’ tall. an adept. This is constructed of adept rank materials,
• The entire exterior comprises 32 units (4 units wide consisting of a simple, one-room cabin in the wild, a
x 2 units tall x 4 for the number of sides). Each day’s travel from Gryphon Watch Keep at the fringes of
section of wall is 5’ thick, so the cost is 5x the listed Fangwood.
cost for 1’ thick walls, or 100 gold per unit, for a total By the time he advances to expert, he has saved
cost of 3,200 gold just for the outer walls, as they up enough gold to build a palisade wall (also of wood)
are so thick. around the cabin, leaving a large yard. He builds a
• There will be 10 units of interior wall. This is the wooden tower at the entrance, hiring four menial guards
normal cost for stone walls (as these are 1’ thick) for to keep watch over the area. After earning expert rank,
a total cost of 200 gold. he makes an alliance with Gryphon Watch Keep,
• There will be a total of 16 units of flooring (4 units x founding his own stronghold. He entices a merchant
4 units) separating the first and second floors. These from the keep to move here to oversee trading of animal
will be made of wood, and this will cost a total of skins from trappers frequenting the woods.
240 gold. As he progresses to master, he is given a
• There will be a total of 16 units of roofing (4 units x sanction by the allied guilds of the area to take the title
4 units) on top of the tower. This will be made of of High Sheriff of Fangwood. He is granted authority
stone, and will cost a total of 480 gold. over the whole wood and is asked to oversee all
• There will be a single wooden staircase between lumbering and trapping that happens anywhere in the
levels (ascending 10’) and this will be made of wood, entire forest. By this point, his keep has expanded to
costing 15 gold. include a second wall (this one sturdier and taller than
• There will be four interior doors, each normal. This the first), and his keep has a permanent population of
will cost 40 gold. 50 human traders and woodsmen, along with 25 full-
• The exterior door is reinforced, costing 25 gold. time guards under his command (see the next page for

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The heroes may eventually decide to take on additional followers to support their adventures.

Henchmen Loyalty
Henchmen are close confidants or lieutenants. A Henchmen have a loyalty rating, which is a bonus or
henchman is a heroic character (with hero points) who penalty applied to morale rolls made by the henchman.
is controlled by the player of the hero as an additional Loyalty starts at 0, but increases or decreases based on
character. The following rules govern henchmen: how the henchman is treated. Loyalty will rarely move
more than 1 point during any single adventure. Loyalty
• You must be at least level 3 (adept rank) to take on a will never be better than +10, and never lower than –10.
henchman, and have influence skill talent of • Loyalty increases +1 if you do any of the following:
apprentice or better. give your henchman a special reward beyond the
• To take on a henchman, you must spend hero usual 10% treasure; take a risk on behalf of your
points. For every hero point you spend, the henchman; go out of your way to protect or aid your
henchman starts with 10 hero points. For example, henchman.
if you spend 5 hero points to get a henchman, he • Loyalty decreases –1 if you do any of the following:
starts with 50 hero points (starting at level 3 with no put your henchman in the way of unnecessary harm;
banked hero points). You may spend no more hero are especially stingy in sharing your treasures; allow
points than your current level. If you are level 9, you your henchman to suffer or face danger with no
may spend up to 9 hero points to get a henchman, concern for his well being.
and he or she will start with up to 90 hero points
(beginning at level 4). Hirelings
• A henchman starts with gear worth a gold value
equal to his total hero points. A henchman built on Hirelings are secondary characters who are controlled
50 hero points also has 50 gold worth of gear when by the Mythweaver. These characters do not earn hero
you hire him (or her). points and will not go along with the hero on his
• A henchman earns half as many hero points as you adventures. Hirelings are typically employed by the hero
do. These points are not taken from the hero points to serve as part of the staff in a base of operations.
you earn, but for every hero point you earn, the Hirelings are competent and loyal, but will not take
henchman (assuming he or she took part in the exceptional risks on behalf of the hero. Hirelings are not
encounter) earns half of a hero point. Although your available of better than level 9, and in no case will a
henchman will always be several levels behind you, hireling work for a hero of lower level than the hireling.
by the time you achieve level 20, your henchman
will likely be level 13 or 14, and a capable combatant. Hireling Level Cost Per Month for Upkeep
• A henchman is built like a heroic character, using all Menial 1 gold
of the same rules and allowed to earn and spend 1 3 gold
hero points. 2 6 gold
• You may have no more henchmen at one time than 3 10 gold
the RM of your influence. If you are an expert of 4 15 gold
influence, you may have up to 3 henchmen. 5 20 gold
• A henchman must always have an ASP within 2 6 35 gold
points of your ASP. If you have an ASP of 1, your 7 50 gold
henchman’s ASP must be between –1 and 3. 8 75 gold
• If a henchman dies, he or she is not automatically 9 100 gold
replaced. You may take on a new henchman to
replace the fallen comrade, but you must spend hero Pupils
points again to do so.
• Your henchman expects you to share treasure you Once you establish a permanent base of operations (of
earn with him. You must give at least 10% of all any size), you may choose to attract a number of pupils
treasure you earn to each henchman you have. to study under you.
• The henchman has to roll morale (see rules for
morale on page 24) in especially dangerous The following rules govern pupils:
circumstances. This morale roll is made normally, • You must be at least expert rank (level 6+) to attract
adjusted by the henchman’s loyalty (see below). pupils.
Even if a henchman fails a WIL roll for morale, the • The number of pupils you attract is the result of an
henchman will return after 1 full turn, and continue influence roll (level die +WIL + influence bonus).
in your service.

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• All new pupils you attract are level 1 characters of When you attain level 10 (master rank), you add a small
the same class (and likely of the same race, although keep onto this tower. Your current pupils move to level
this is at the discretion of the Mythweaver). 2, although 3 of them (the result of a D4 roll), leave to
• Pupils are secondary characters controlled by the adventure on their own. However, you take on another
Mythweaver. 12 pupils (the result of an influence roll) and now have:
• Pupils are financially independent. You do not have • 7 pupils of level 2
to pay for the upkeep of pupils, as they are either • 12 pupils of level 1.
supported by their families (the costs of their
upkeep offset by fees you receive) or their duties pay When you attain level 15 (paragon), you dig a large
for their costs (for example, they make dinners so dungeon beneath your keep. Your first set of pupils
you don’t have to hire kitchen staff). Alternately, you moves to level 3, although 4 of them (the result of a D4
may actually use your pupils to make money (see roll), leave to adventure on their own. Your 12 level 1
below). pupils move to level 2, although 2 of them (the result of
• It takes one month to actively seek pupils before a D4 roll) leave your tutelage. You make another
they arrive. Thereafter, you must spend at least one influence roll, and this time attract 15 pupils. You now
week a month working with your pupils and have:
teaching them what you know. • 3 adepts of level 3
• If you go more than one month without tutoring • 10 pupils of level 2
your pupils, they will leave you in search of another • 15 pupils of level 1
master to learn from.
• Pupils will not go with you on your adventures but At level 20, you decide to establish Frog Wart’s School of
spend their time at your base of operations, Wizardry, teaching what you have learned to others and
completing basic household chores for you and serving as the headmaster. You build a second wing off
studying as you direct them to. of your existing keep to accommodate all of your
• Each time you advance in rank, each of your pupils students. You use your adepts to teach your apprentices,
advances one level. However, D4 of your pupils of and you continue to deliver direct instruction to your
each level will leave your service to travel on their adepts (and occasionally to your apprentices); such
own. lectures are greatly anticipated by your pupils. During
• Each time you advance in rank, you may make its first year, your school has the following enrollment:
another influence roll to attract more pupils. These • 1 pupil of level 4
will be level 1. • 6 pupils of level 3
• Once you attain level 20, you automatically roll once • 11 pupils of level 2
per year as if you had earned a new rank. You can • 18 pupils of level 1
choose to limit the number of pupils you take on as
desired. You don’t have to accept every pupil you Earning Money from Pupils
take on.
You may elect to use your pupils to earn extra money to
For example, as a level 8 mystic, you decide to increase help offset other costs associated with maintaining a
your influence and power, establishing a tower base of operations. As a rake, you may have your young
stronghold and investing in a number of hirelings to pupils work the local markets, picking pockets of
keep watch over the premises. You hire ten menial wealthy travelers; as a mystic, you may have your pupils
archers to stand watch over the tower. You also hire a translate texts for the local library; as a myrmidon, you
level 3 adept myrmidon to serve as the captain of the may make a contract with the local guard to have your
guard. The total cost of these hirelings is 20 gold per pupils take shifts serving guard duty in the nearby town.
month. You must come up with the method by which your
You decide to take on a henchman as well, pupils will earn money, and have this approved by the
meeting a dwarven myrmidon who agrees to accompany Mythweaver.
you on your adventures. You spend 8 hero points, and By doing this, you run the risk of losing more
he begins at level 3 (spending 50 hero points), with 30 pupils every time you advance a rank (rolling D6 instead
hero points banked towards level 4. He has 80 gold in of D4), since your pupils are more likely to leave you:
armor, weapons, and gear. ending up in prison, finding work on their own, or
You also send out word that you are willing to seeing opportunities to make money elsewhere.
take on pupils, and spend several weeks in a large city Each pupil earns its level die +level in gold every
spreading the word that you are taking on students. For month. For example, if you have seven pupils of level 1,
your pupils you roll influence, getting a result of 10. You you will earn an extra D6 x7 gold every month from the
attract 10 pupils (level 1 apprentice mystics) to study activities of your pupils. Your level 4 head boy is a
under your tutelage. sought-after scribe, and his time spent in the royal court
(when not performing his duties in your household or
studying under your instructi0n) earns an extra D8+4
gold every month.

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Starting a Campaign
This section is included to give you a place to start your games. While the known continent of Del Anon is a huge
expanse of land providing thousands of opportunities for adventure and exploration, this section includes a portion of
this continent, detailing the frontier holding called Gryphon Watch Keep, and the adventures characters may go on
within a day's travel of the keep. Gryphon Watch Keep is an excellent starting place for adventurers, providing the
comforts and resources the heroes would need to set out into the world, as well as a place to rest between adventures
and barter the treasures they've recovered on their expeditions. This is further developed starting on page 132.

Communities, like other objects in the game, have a rating. The rating of a community tells you several things about it.

Community Ranks
Rank Sample Typical Population Typical Nobles Typical Guards Maximum Value
Menial Settlement Up to 99 Apprentice Menial 10 gold
Apprentice Hamlet 100-299 Adept Level 1 50 gold
Adept Village 300-999 Expert Level 2 100 gold
Expert Town 1,000-2,999 Master Level 3 250 gold
Master City 3,000-9,999 Paragon Level 4 500 gold
Paragon Metropolis 10,000+ Legendary Level 5 1,000 gold
*Maximum value is the total amount of money that any one merchant may have to purchase things from the heroes, or
the total value of objects normally for sale in the community.

In addition, each community has a rank of lesser, The heroes stop in Jurris’ Crossing to rest and
normal or greater: recover between adventures. Jurris’ Crossing is a normal
town, an expert rank community. This means that
A lesser community: Jurris’ Crossing is ruled by a master rank character (the
• Has one guard for every 25 residents. lord mayor is level 10-14) as are important figures in the
• Has nobles/guards and makes rolls at one rank town (the high priest of the temple is also level 10-14).
lower. The typical guard here is level 3. Jurris’ Crossing has a
population of 1,500 and therefore has 75 active
A normal community: members of the militia. The heroes decide to sell some
• Has one guard for every 20 residents. of the loot they have recovered from their adventures.
They have no trouble selling their apprentice and adept
A greater community: rank gems and jewelry (since these are all far below the
• Has one guard for every 15 residents. rank of the town), but when they present the grand
• Has nobles/guards and makes rolls at rank higher. master rank diadem they recovered from the tomb of the
vampire they recently defeated, the jeweler does a
A DT roll is made any time the heroes attempt to do double take. The DT of this merchant having sufficient
something unusual in the community. The level die of money to purchase this from the heroes is 12 (the DT for
the appropriate rank is rolled against the DT of the a master rank action). Since this is a normal expert
action or situation. community, D10 is rolled to see if the jeweler has
sufficient money on hand to make a reasonable offer. A
Examples: 4 is rolled on the die, and he tells them to try back next
The heroes travel to Beldin Mere in search of a month. He’d love to have the jewel, but simply cannot
paragon sword for the party’s myrmidon. Beldin Mere is afford to purchase it from the heroes right now.
a greater metropolis, a paragon rank community. This
means that Beldin Mere is ruled by a legendary In Play:
character (level 20), and that the typical guard is level 6. • If you are looking for common supplies like torches
Beldin Mere has 17,000 residents. Since there is one and rope, the trading post in a settlement might be
guard for every 15 residents, Beldin Mere boasts an able to help you.
impressive standing militia of over 1,000 well-trained • If you want to purchase a new suit of leather armor
dwarven guards. For the heroes to find an enchanted +4, you might be able to find it in a hamlet.
great sword of +15 rating or better (a paragon magical • If you are looking for an adept potion, you might be
item) here, they may have some luck finding it. The DT able to track it down in a village, but you’ll have
of finding a paragon rank item is 16, but since this is a better odds in a town.
greater paragon city, the roll is made with a D20. On a • The blacksmith in a normal town is going to have a
roll of 16 or better, the heroes find a merchant who is in wide assortment of apprentice weapons and armor,
possession of a paragon rank enchanted great sword.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 119

some adept weapons and armor, a handful of master the item. For example, if the heroes recover an
rank weapons and armor, but nothing better. enchanted sword valued at 200 gold from a crypt but
• If you have lost a comrade and need a paragon light have no need of it, a merchant will offer them 100 gold
spell cast to resurrect him, you’d better head for a for it. This value can be modified by the successful use of
metropolis, because that’s likely to be the only place the influence skill talent.
with powerful enough casters to wield such magic. • Permanent magic items are valued at twice the listed
base cost. For example, a level 10 magic ring costs
Community Economics 200 gold (since level 10 items have a base cost of
100 gold).
Merchants will often buy items from the heroes, or may • Potions and other single-use items are valued at half
have items for sale that the heroes would be interested the listed base cost. For example, a level 10 potion
in purchasing. See page 14 for standard costs. costs 50 gold (since level 10 items have a base cost
When a merchant purchases an item from a of 100 gold).
hero, the offer is typically 50% of the purchase price of

Gryphon Watch Keep

Gryphon Watch Keep is included as a starting base of • To the west of the keep (within twenty miles)
operations for new characters. Gryphon Watch Keep is a borders the forest of Fangwood, a place well known
greater adept rank community. for harboring wolves and werewolves in addition to
aggressive bandit armies. Only more experienced
History: Lord Tessrail Marakev (see page 123) founded adventurers dare Fangwood, as its denizens are
Gryphon Watch Keep ten winters ago. Tessrail helped to powerful and malicious.
establish a trade route bordering the Crags of Chaos, a
rocky and wild land that marks the midpoint between Lord Marakev has gained both political and
the major cities of Jurris’ Crossing to the west, Beldin monetary power through establishing and safeguarding
Mere to the north and Roguehaven to the east. Gryphon this keep. He has neither the means (nor the inclination)
Watch keep serves as a rest stop for weary merchants to maintain a regular force to travel through the region
and travelers between these three major cities, while and destroy evil as it arises. Therefore, he relies on
also serving as the launching point for raids against the independent adventuring companies to keep the area
array of creatures living within two important nearby from becoming so overrun that trade through the region
locales: could be hurt. The heroes may be one such company.
• The southern hills are known
locally as the Crags of Chaos,
and this wild scrubland is
pockmarked with hundreds of
small cave complexes that once
played host to massive hordes of
humanoids. Tessrail saw to their
destruction, but every few
months these caves must be
cleansed again, as new tribes
emerge from the woods to lay
claim to a cavern or series of
passages, or a new beast arises
from the deep. Regardless, this
poses a threat to the keep and
its people, and must be dealt
with. These are often minor
threats, but provide new
adventurers with a fresh crop of
danger to face every season.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 120

Key to Gryphon Watch Keep occasional shady dealing. For the most part, the guards
look the other way regarding dealings done here; let the
Gryphon Watch Keep is a greater adept rank buyer beware.
• It has a population of 150 permanent residents, with 3. Temple of Roma
another 100 to 300 visitors at any time (typical Roma is the demigoddess of travel and luck (see
population of 350). page 141). Most merchants carry charms to Roma, or ask
• There are 20 guards permanently stationed within her blessing before setting out on the road. The priest of
called the Gryphon Watchers (see page 123) who are Roma who serves here is named Justinian, and he is a
loyal to Tessrail and led by Captain Tiran. level 6 defender with expert light magic. He is served by
two acolytes (both level 1 defenders with apprentice light
• Guards rotate on two hour shifts. They serve the
first two hours patrolling the streets, and then spend magic).
two hours at the gate house, followed by two hours
at each of the four towers. The shift for a Gryphon 4. The Blind Basilisk Inn
Watcher is 12 hours on duty, and then 12 hours off This two-story inn is owned and operated by the
duty; only half of the guards are on duty at any one tattooed and battle-scarred dwarven myrmidon named
time. Little Jonns. He has a plain-looking dwarven wife and
several noisy children who spend their time running
The following locations are marked on the map amok. Jonns retired when he found his true love, and is
of the keep. The defense of the keep rests primarily in its as happy chasing his “urchins” around the inn as he was
construction and location. Gryphon Watch Keep rests chasing monsters around the northern mountains
atop a solid block of granite nearly 200' over the valley twenty years ago. Although retired, Jonns keeps a hand
floor, accessed only by a narrow road carved along the in the goings-on of the area, and maintains a loose-knit
side of the mound. Climbing this wall requires 7 mercenary company called the “Mighty Monster
consecutive DT 16 climbing rolls. Thumpers”. This group hires out to guard caravans and
Each of the four corner towers (location 5) is assists with the defense of the keep proper in times of
prepared to help ward off an invasion of the keep, need. Jonns has been known to barter in the occasional
equipped with a light ballista and burning oil (see area magical item or ancient treasure, and enjoys trading
5). Any force would have to climb slowly and in single tales with travelers from other lands. Little Jonns is a
file (or at best two abreast) to ascend the keep's outer good person to know and the wrong one to cross. Behind
road. Such an attack would be difficult to pull off the bar, Jonns keeps his prized item: the pickled head of
without an organized force and excellent leadership, a basilisk which has had its eyes sewn shut, displayed in
both of which are sorely lacking amongst the humanoids a huge glass jar. The defeat of this creature and the
of the region, and Tessrail keeps careful watch that such capture of its treasure funded the building of the “Blind
a force doesn't arise. Any attack upon the keep will be Basilisk” and Jonns’ subsequent retirement. Jonns’ wife
answered by a loud trumpet call, and within a turn all is a capable cook, and room and board for one night at
guards will be up and at the ready, and up to 50 civilians the Blind Basilisk Inn costs 1 silver. All rooms are
(almost all menials) will take arms to help defend the common rooms, with two cots per room and simple
keep as well. locks (DT 12). Meals and ales here are cheap but hearty.

1. Main Gates 5. Guard Position

Captain Tiran and four Gryphon Watchers Each of these guard positions is manned by one
reside here. One of the five is always on duty, and the of the Gryphon Watchers. Each of these locations has a
second floor with an opening to walk along the outer
others can quickly be called to action, arriving and ready
to fight within D4 rounds. Inside the quarters of the wall of the keep. A light ballista position is mounted on
captain of the guard he keeps a strongbox (from each of the four corners of the keep as well as a large vat
collecting tolls) that routinely has in excess of 100 gold for boiling oil as needed for defense of the keep. Boiling
in coins within (mostly silver). Entering the keep costs 1 oil pours over the side, filling one unit along the road
silver per person or animal. A merchant caravan of 6 (and the road is slightly less than a unit wide) with hot
creatures and 4 animals spends 1 gold just to enter the oil dealing 30 fire damage to all under it. Targets may
keep, but it is reasonable to expect that they would roll DEX (DT 10) for half damage. Oil may be poured
quickly recoup this expense within selling their wares. once per turn (it takes a full turn to prepare the vat).

2. Central Market 6. House of Rathan Milford Ferman

While during the winter months this area is This powerful and influential aristocrat (and
barren, by midsummer as many as 30 different wagons reputed thieves’ guild master) from the city of
will be camped here at any time, selling a variety of Roguehaven keeps a small home here, and will
strange and exotic objects from throughout the realm. occasionally allow friends from other cities to use it.
This market has developed some reputation as a place to Some whisper that this is used as a safe house for
fence stolen goods from other lands, and some of the thieves to lie low when they’ve found trouble in other
merchants who frequent this market are not against the cities, and others claim that this is but one stop in a vast
black market stretching across all of eastern Del Anon.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 121
7. Jewel Merchant and Loan Bank 9. Stables
This bank is run by a human male, assisted by The cost of stabling a horse or other mount here
his wife and two sons, all of whom are shrewd is 1 silver per day, and this includes all care and feeding.
businesspeople. They loan money for a term of up to 30 During the summer months, these stables are very busy,
days, with 20% interest charged on the loan. and at any time D6 light horses will be for sale here.
They demand collateral equal to the loan Rarely will a heavy horse be available (1 in 6 chance).
amount, and rarely loan in excess of 500 gold. See page 115 for costs of mounts.
Adventurers are also able to leave their money here. A
minimum balance of 50 gold is required to open an 10. Keep of Tessrail Marakev
account, but money left with the bank earns 1% interest, This squat, two-story stone building houses
compounded monthly. Any attack upon this merchant is offices and meeting rooms on the lower floor, but the
considered an attack upon the keep, as the ongoing upper floor encompasses Tessrail's private bedroom,
financial success of the keep and its residents is storage rooms and personal effects. Only Tessrail and
completely tied up in this enterprise. The elder son his closest friends ever see the second floor. While other
(Reginald) has been known to finance adventuring areas of the keep are RM 2, Tessrail's personal building
companies ‘on the sly’, and will give a hero group a loan is RM4. He has a number of valuables here, and his
of up to 25 gold on good faith (and at the 20% monthly personal treasure trove is worth over 1,500 gold. Those
interest), requesting the opportunity to make an offer on who would steal from Tessrail have made a powerful and
magical items recovered. relentless enemy for life, and should be advised against
such an endeavor. Tessrail maintains ties with the
8. Rupert's Trading Post thieves' guilds in both Beldin Mere and Roguehaven,
Rupert (a retired level 5 human myrmidon, INT and will eventually find someone foolish enough to steal
7) lives and works here. Rupert is well known for having from him, recovering both the missing items and
survived a few notorious scrapes with imposing forces exacting a terrible revenge.
throughout the valley. He has parlayed this sometime
luck as a 'professional adventurer' into a business
providing supplies to other like-minded individuals.
Rupert stocks a number of items that may be needed by
the heroes. His inventory includes all of the gear listed
on page 14.

Important Personages of Gryphon Watch Keep

The following are some secondary characters living in Gryphon Watch Keep that the heroes may interact with.

Bloody Knuckles Dogoth loves to give orders, and it is convenient

that neither of his partners cares much about being in
The Bloody Knuckles is a band of mercenary charge. Dogoth is the mastermind behind the activities
adventurers who have plied their trade throughout the of the Bloody Knuckles, although he did defer to
region near Gryphon Watch Keep, making regular travel Rordath when it came to naming the group and will
through the keep to the various cities at the outer rim of listen to Jellosik when it comes to traps and burglary.
the trade routes running through and beyond. Although
these three sometimes travel and work as a trio, they Jellosik Sillin
often hire gnoll tribes or human men-at-arms as Medium Adept Shadow Elf Rake 5 (D8)
servants, and may travel with as many as 12 such DEX 8 (9); MGT 2; PWS 5; STA 4
servants as additional firepower when encountered. ASP –2; INT 6; REA 3; WIL 4
Armor 4; Health 35; Initiative +11; Move 10
Dogoth Talents Melee (adept); missile (adept); athletics
Medium Adept Chosen Human Mystic 5 (D8) (adept); burglary (adept)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 3 Attacks Enchanted long sword +5/+2 (+9 total
ASP –2; INT 5; REA 6; WIL 5 (7) damage; delay 10); short bow +4 (+4 total
Armor 4; Health 28; Initiative +7; Move 10 damage; delay 8)
Talents Arcanum (adept); psionics (adept); lore Abilities Favored trait PWS; night vision (3 units)
(adept) Gear Enchanted leather armor +2/+2; boots of
Attacks Quarterstaff +3 (+5 total damage; delay 10) DEX +1; gauntlets of quick action (–1
Abilities Favored trait WIL; +2 to villain point rolls delays)
Gear Enchanted robes +2/+2 Jellosik is a quiet and intense young shadow elf.
Dogoth is demanding, impatient and arrogant. His goals are purely mercenary. He has been well
Normally, this would be a deadly mix of attributes, but compensated from his alliance with Dogoth and Rordath
he fits right in with his partners Jellosik and Rordath, and is loyal to them, although the term ‘friends’ may be
and the three have formed a remarkably strong team. a stretch.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 122
Rordath Ossen a vampire. In fact, Goth already believes he has begun
Medium Adept Dwarf Myrmidon 5 (D8) the transformation into a ‘lord of the night’, now acting
DEX 4; MGT 7 (9); PWS 8; STA 7 in ways to reflect this transformation. He wears black at
ASP –2; INT 1; REA 2; WIL 3 all times, avoids sunlight, and wears a white, pasty
Armor 8; Health 65; Initiative +4; Move 11 makeup that makes him appear gaunt and hollow. Goth
Talents melee (expert); armor (expert); athletics has a companion, the skeletal remains of a darken rat
(adept) that he has animated named “Orkus Junior”. He and
Attacks Enchanted battle axe +6/+2 “OJ” travel about town spreading his own legend and
(+17 total damage; delay 12) trying to convert others to the worship of the god of
Abilities Favored trait MGT; night vision (3 units); death (whose name often escapes him), but to whom he
armor piercing signature move refers as “the dark king” or “the prince of skulls” (or
Gear Chain mail armor +6; gauntlets of MGT +2 another moniker, as the mood strikes him). When not
Rordath loves to fight and feast, and his worshipping his evil master, Goth writes poetry filled
membership in the Bloody Knuckles has given him the with references to blood, broken glass and tears. He
opportunity to enjoy his two loves. When Rordath enters talks regularly of something called “The Masquerade”,
town, two things are guaranteed: someone is getting into but no one is quite sure what he means.
a fight, and a keg will be empty by the end of the night.
Luemas the Red,
Permanent Residents of the Keep Sage of Gryphon Watch Keep
Medium Master Chosen Human Mystic 12 (D12)
Captain Tiran DEX 6; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 4
Medium Adept Human Myrmidon 5 (D8) ASP 2; INT 6; REA 9; WIL 6
DEX 4; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 Armor 5; Health 108; Initiative +6; Move 10
ASP 0 (+3); INT 5; REA 2; WIL 5 Talents Arcanum (master); wilding (adept); quick
Armor 6; Health 52; Initiative +5; Move 10 spell; lore (expert +10); nature (adept +6)
Talents armor (expert); melee (adept); missile Attacks By spell or enchanted quarterstaff +3/+2
(adept); influence (adept) (+7 total damage; delay 10)
Attacks Long sword +6 (+10 total damage; delay Abilities Favored trait REA
12); bow +5 (+5 total damage; delay 9) Gear Enchanted robes +3/+2
Abilities Favored trait WIL Luemas is a middle-aged human with wispy
Gear Chain mail armor +6; shield +5 grey hair and a jovial disposition. He is well liked by all,
Captain Tiran is a loyal soldier who has spent 20 and portrays himself as intelligent if sometimes
years as Tessrail’s man at arms, taking this important absentminded. In truth, Luemas has a keen eye, well
post when his friend took possession of the keep. aware of the deceptive nature of Gryphon Watch Keep’s
lord and of his ties to villainous organizations.
Gryphon Watcher
Medium Human Adept Myrmidon 3 (D8) Tessrail Marakev
DEX 3; MGT 4; PWS 5; STA 6 Medium Master Chosen Human Myrmidon 11 (D12)
ASP 0 (+2); INT 5; REA 2; WIL 3 DEX 5; MGT 5; PWS 6; STA 5
Armor 3; Health 26; Initiative +5; Move 10 ASP –2; INT 7 (8); REA 4 (5); WIL 6 (7)
Talents Armor (adept); melee (adept); missile Armor 12; Health 119; Initiative +8; Move 10
(adept); athletics (apprentice +2) Talents Armor (expert); melee (expert); missile
Attacks Short sword +4 (+8 total damage; delay 10) (expert); parry; influence (master DT 18)
or light crossbow +4 (+4 total damage; Attacks enchanted broad sword +10/+2 (+17 total
delay 9, range 5) damage; delay 12); enchanted crossbow
Abilities Favored trait PWS +10/+2 (+12 total damage; delay 10)
Gear Ring mail armor +3; light shield +3 Abilities Favored trait WIL; +4 to villain point rolls;
These members of the guard are loyal and focused strike (+12 to one melee
disciplined, although not above the occasional bribe. strike/turn)
Gear enchanted chain mail armor +10/+2; ring
of mental prowess (+1 INT, REA, WIL);
Goth ring of ASP masking (he reads as ASP 0)
Medium Human Menial (D4) The lord of Gryphon Watch Keep, Lord Tessrail
DEX 4; MGT 2; PWS 2; STA 2 Marakev is in some ways the worst kind of villain. He is
ASP –1; INT 5; REA 1; WIL 3 not truly evil, cruel or vicious; he is simply greedy, self-
Armor 0; Health 4; Initiative +4; Move 10 absorbed and self-interested. His people view him as a
Talents Darkness (apprentice); lore (apprentice +1) good man, but this is only a byproduct of their success
Attacks Dagger +1 (+1 total damage) deriving from his. Unbeknownst to even his closest of
Abilities None allies, Tessrail secretly makes alliances with members of
Gear Black leather pants (no bonus) various organizations of evil. At some point, his
Goth considers himself a devotee of the god of purposes could easily cross those of the heroes.
death, and has dedicated his life and service to becoming
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 123
The Crags of Chaos
The Crags of Chaos are the series of hundreds of caves among the broken, rocky landscape that stretches across the
lands south of Gryphon Watch Keep. Each of the hundreds of caves among the crags has at some point been used as
the base of operations for a creature of evil, although many now lay empty, waiting for new inhabitants to move in.
Several have the hidden treasures of their former residents still hidden in their depths, while others hide creatures
that have arisen from the deep to threaten the lands of man.

Designing a Cave Among guard has refused to help or report this to his superiors,
the Crags of Chaos and the boy fears that no one will help save his friend.
The Real Story:
Each cave among the Crags of Chaos has D10 chambers There is no friend. The boy is a young thief who
within. The majority of the caves are apprentice rank tried to steal from the hobgoblins of the gorge and was
areas, holding minor beasts and creatures. Some are caught. Rather than having him killed, the hobgoblin
adept rank areas while a handful are expert rank. Any chief made him an offer: find a way to wipe out the rat
threat of greater than expert rank is immediately weren that the hobgoblins are feuding with, and the
recognized by the local militia, and a team will be hobgoblins will pay him 5 gold coins. Since this is more
dispatched to deal with this threat. Threats of apprentice money than he has ever seen, he gladly took the offer,
and adept rank are considered beneath the notice of the fabricating this story to get the keep to send a force to
larger forces at work here, and the keep’s leaders are wipe out the rats. It didn’t work (obviously), and so he
quite willing to let bands of adventuring heroes plumb will try to get the heroes to do this for him.
the depths of these caves to help keep the populations of
evil creatures at bay. Note: Gim has the statistics of a goblin footling, but with
no night vision and +1 to DEX.
Into the Gorge:
An Introductory Adventure Getting There:
The gorge is one hour’s travel from the keep.
This adventure is included for new heroes first starting From the main road east, a narrow footpath winds down
on their way. It is designed for a group of 3-5 apprentice a stony embankment to arrive at the rocky bottom. From
rank (level 1) characters. By the time they complete this the top of the opposite bank, the heroes can see the
adventure, the heroes should be adept rank (level 3). expanse of the gorge to the east. Gim will take them as
This adventure ends with a hook to lead the heroes into far as to the top of the shallow gorge, pointing out the
an extended exploration of a lost dungeon, and the first location of the entrance to the rat cave (D). He will tell
level of this dungeon is included in the next section. This them not to waste time, and that the evil rats must have
adventure starts with the heroes perusing the goods in his friend. He will also warn them not to investigate the
the marketplace of Gryphon Watch Keep. other caves, as they could hold great danger.

Setup (to be read to the players): About the Caves:

You are shopping in the marketplace of The southern caves are clearly visible from
Gryphon Watch Keep and look up from the cart of above. Both caves C and D are obvious holes in the side
candles a vendor is selling to overhear an argument. A of the rocky incline on the opposite wall. Caves E and F
young boy no older than twelve is pleading with a guard, are hidden, and will require closer inspection of the cliff
tears running down his face. The guard yells something faces to find on the opposite side.
at him and strikes the boy, knocking him to the ground.
The guard turns and walks away, as the boy sits there A. Battlefield
The heroes enter the gorge to see the obvious remains of
For the Mythweaver: a battle. The notable features are a decaying corpse of a
If the heroes want to attack the guard, remind human (who appears to have been dead for some time),
them that the guards of Gryphon Watch Keep are more and the bodies of two huge rats (having died more
powerful than they are and this would easily get them recently). The bodies are all filled with arrows, and
killed (see page 123). The boy, however, is very happy to another half-dozen arrows litter the area. There are a
speak with them. few things the heroes can find out if they investigate the
His name is Gim, and he is an urchin- a young area and ask questions.
vagabond living in the streets. He claims that he and his • A successful DT 8 INT roll will allow the heroes to
friend were out near the gorge throwing rocks, and the determine that the arrows came from the north end
two were attacked by a group of giant rats. His friend of the gorge.
was dragged off into a cave by the rats and he needs the • A successful DT 10 nature roll will allow the heroes
keep to send troops to find and save his friend. The to determine that the body is unnaturally preserved
for how long it’s been dead, and that something has
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 124
allowed the corpse to stave off further B. Ant Mound
decomposition (it was an undead zombie).
• A successful DT 10 lore roll will allow the heroes to If the heroes come within 6 units of area B, have them
determine that the arrows are of hobgoblin make INT rolls. On a roll of 6 or better, they see some
craftsmanship. movement in the pile of rocks to the south. These rocks
are the home to a nest of 7 ant workers. These ants will
rush out and attack any creature coming within 2 units
of the rocks, or they will come out and defend
themselves if they are attacked. They are hard to see
among the shadows of the rocks, and only AOE attacks
will work against them until they actually come out to
attack (1-2 ants will be in any unit targeted by one of the
If the heroes search the rubble for at least 1 turn
after defeating the ants, allow each to make an INT roll
(DT 6). The first hero to roll 6 or better finds a skeletal
hand buried in the rubble with a silver ring on its finger.
A successful DT 6 lore roll will reveal that the ring is an
apprentice ring of health, giving the wearer +4 to total
health. This is a normal encounter worth 3 hero points.

C. The Acolytes’ Hideout

The opening to this cave is visible from anywhere
between areas A and B, and the entrance is covered in a
number of signs. These hand-painted plaques read ‘go
away’, ‘leave me alone!’, ‘you’ve been WARNED’, and
‘beat it!’. These are set along the path leading up to the
entrance, clearly visible to anyone within 6 units of the
entrance of the cave.

1. Skeletal Guards
The entrance to the cave is watched over by 3
skeletal minions. They appear to be hanging inert on the
wall; any creature entering the cave (3 units from where
they hang) will cause them to animate and attack. They
have no treasure. The secret door on the northern wall
here requires a DT 8 INT roll to discover. It is not locked
or trapped. This is a lesser encounter worth 1 hero point.

2. Spider Chamber
The door to this chamber is locked (DT 8 to pick
or force). The floor of this chamber is covered in a thick
coating of dried blood. The chamber is the home of a
tomb creeper spider. This creature is hiding over the
northern doorway, and will drop on the first character to
enter the room (attempting to use its stealth to surprise,
taking a free action against an unprepared target). There
is nothing else of value in the room. This is a normal
encounter worth 5 hero points.

3. Hall of Excavation
The acolyte has his zombies working here to dig
up the floor. From either door, the sounds of picks and
shovels clang loudly in the chamber. As long as some
effort is made, the heroes will easily surprise the 5
zombies here. These zombies will drop their digging
implements and fight the heroes as soon as they are
aware of the heroes’ presence. If the heroes have not
defeated the acolyte already, he will hear fighting from
room 4, and will enter at the end of the second round of

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 125

combat, joining and rolling initiative at the beginning of Pellin the Acolyte
round 3. See below for the encounter value. Medium Adept Chosen Human Mystic 3 (D8)
DEX 6; MGT 2; PWS 3; STA 6 (8)
4. The Acolyte’s Study ASP –3; INT 5; REA 4; WIL 5
Both doors to this room are unlocked. The Armor 4; Health 30; Initiative +6; Move 10
acolyte is here, poring over books and maps. He has a Talents Darkness (adept); lore (apprentice +3)
number of simple maps of the gorge (that he has drawn) Attacks Quarterstaff +3 (+5 total damage; delay 10)
with all sorts of notes on them. In addition, he carries a Abilities ASP favored trait; +2 to villain point rolls
scroll case made of bone, and inside is a sheet of high Gear Enchanted leather armor +3/+1
quality parchment. There are directions within written Treasure Signet ring of the Circle of the Serpent
in a wide, sweeping hand: (worth 3 gold)
Notes Pellin will use spells in preference to melee
if given the chance. Statistics listed include
Pellin, buffs.
To prove your service to our master, you
must find the entrance to the Lost Halls of Adlig See below for the encounter value.
Tor. These lie in one of the caves of the burrows,
in a corner to the southeast of a secret door. 5. Preparation Chamber
When you find the entrance, only true This room has been transformed into a
moonlight will unlock the portal. Find it and makeshift shrine to an evil entity, Darksihde the Dragon
report your success with all haste. King. Pellin uses this to prepare his undead servants and
to store basic supplies. In this room are some basic
Also his in service, adventuring supplies:
Lady Amethyst Darkenhold • 2 lengths of common rope (50’ each)
• 12 iron spikes
• 20 torches
Pellin is in some trouble. He found this cave
• 2 weeks of common provisions
with its secret door (after searching dozens of caves in
the region), and thought that he had found the entrance
Defeating Pellin with the zombies (in whichever
he was looking for. While he started to excavate, he sent
order this happens) is a greater encounter, and is worth
word for Amethyst to send troops to enter the halls.
8 hero points.
Now, however, he is panicked. He did not find the
entrance in the southeast corner (as he had thought he
would) and now has his zombies working nonstop to dig, D. The Rat Warren
hoping against hope to open the portal before his boss
shows up and realizes that he screwed up. The entrance Note: the portcullises are set to be opened from the
is not here, but is instead buried beneath chamber 7 of opposite side using a crank. Opening a portcullis with
area F, in the hobgoblin cave. Pellin has not slept in the crank takes one full round. However, if a hero tries
days, fear of his impending doom at the hands of his to force the portcullis, this requires a MGT (+ athletics)
overlords hanging over his head. roll (DT 10). Each portcullis has a durability of 10/20, as
If he is attacked from the north, he will call for they are old and rusted.
help from chamber 3 (the zombie room), and zombies
will arrive at the end of the second round, rolling 1. Guard Post and Portcullis
initiative at the beginning of round 3 and entering the Two rat weren stand on guard duty here. They
fight. If the heroes went around the southern route, he are jumpy and paranoid, and will flee to get help from
will have joined the fight to the south (in chamber 3), area 3 rather than fight. They will not cross the pit at 2,
unless the heroes found some way to destroy all the but will call for help from this side, waiting for someone
zombies without making noise. Even then, the stoppage to come from area 3 (which takes D4 rounds). This is a
of work will likely draw his attention. lesser encounter worth 2 hero points.
Pellin keeps a small locked chest at the southern
end of this chamber. It has a trap that is DT 8 to both 2. Pit Trap
find and disarm. If the trap is set off, it releases a The trap here requires a burglary roll or
poisonous cloud. If this happens, all creatures in the spontaneous arcanum spell (DT 8) to find. If not
same unit as the chest must roll STA (DT 6) or lose 1 detected, the trap will open as the first hero passes over
point of STA for D4 days. A spontaneous light spell DT it. The first hero automatically falls in, but the next hero
10 will reverse this effect. Inside the chest are the in order may make a DEX roll (DT 6) to avoid falling
following items: into the pit. The pit is 10’ deep, and deals 10 points of
falling damage (see rules for falling damage on page 23).
• 160 silver coins (divided between two small sacks)
3. Common Room
• 2 vials of unholy water
This smelly and unkempt chamber is filled with
• An apprentice cloak of stealth +1
bones from all sorts of small creatures, and a pack of
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 126
rats. There are 2 rat weren here and 6 darkling rats. F. The Hobgoblin Stronghold
They will attack as soon as they are aware of the heroes.
In this room they also have a long plank (15’) that they Like the cave at E, the hobgoblin stronghold here is in a
can drop across the area of the pit trap (see above). They cave set back from the edge of the cliff, 30’ over the floor
have no treasure. This is a normal encounter worth 4 of the gorge. Climbing up the wall to the entrance
hero points. requires a DT 12 climbing roll, unless a rope is used
(then it’s DT 8).
4. Weren Chief’s Chamber
There weren chief is here, along with the bulk of 1. Guard Post
his tribe. These creatures are aggressive, and will attack Behind a portcullis here are two hobgoblins are
immediately. Altogether, there are: posted on sentry duty here. The portcullis may be
• The chief (a level 2 rat weren with STA 6; REA 2; opened from the opposite side using a crank. Opening a
WIL 3; health 24) portcullis with the crank takes one full round. However,
• His darkling rat “Scab” (stats as a darkling jackal) if a hero tries to force the portcullis, this requires a MGT
• 4 rat weren (+ athletics) roll (DT 12). This portcullis has a durability
• 5 darkling rats of 10/20, as it is old and rusted.
These two guards are on edge from the constant
This is a greater encounter worth 7 hero points. fighting with the rats of cave D, and are itching for a
None of these creatures carries any treasure, as all has fight. These two recently lost a fight with a group of rat
been secreted away in chamber 5. weren (and had to retreat), now forced to take extended
guard duty. Because they have much to prove, they will
5. Warren’s Treasury not sound an alarm if attacked. Each carries D6 silver
The door to this room is locked (DT 10 to pick or coins. This is a lesser encounter worth 2 hero points.
force). The key for it is buried in chamber 4, 3’
underground (and virtually impossible for the heroes to 2. Storage Area
find). Inside the room are three large sacks and a The door to this room is unlocked. This is where
wooden keg: the hobgoblins store their goods. There are several sacks
• The first sack contains 40 silver coins and 2 gold of grain here, a wooden keg of poor wine, and several
coins. bundles of arrows (a total of 100 arrows). Hiding behind
• The second sack contains 45 silver coins and a silver one of the sacks of grain is a midnight asp. It will
ring (that he doesn’t know is magical, but is an attempt to use stealth to surprise one of the heroes. This
apprentice ring of INT +1). is a normal encounter worth 5 hero points.
• The keg contains a poisoned wine. Rats are immune
to the poison, but the heroes are not. The poison 3. Common Chamber
forces the drinker to roll STA (DT 8) or suffer the The guards live here. At present, there are three
loss of 2 points of health for D4 days. This may be hobgoblins in the room. At the back of this chamber is a
reversed by a spontaneous light spell (DT 8). secret door that leads to area E, the troglodyte cave.
Each carries D6 silver coins. If the hobgoblins call for
help, the troglodyte will come to their assistance on a
E. The Troglodyte Cave roll of 1-3 on D6. If the troglodyte comes to help, it will
arrive D4 rounds after being summoned. This is a
The cave lies 30’ over the floor of the gorge, and requires
normal encounter worth 4 hero points, but if the
a DT 12 climbing roll to get to, unless a rope is used
troglodyte becomes involved, this becomes a greater
(then it’s DT 8). The cave is the home to a troglodyte
encounter worth 8 hero points.
that the hobgoblins have forged an uneasy alliance with.
It spends most of its time sleeping, and the heroes will
4. Pit Trap
find it asleep on a roll of 1-4 on D6. They can call for
The trap here requires a DT 8 burglary roll or
help from him, or it can call for help from them. Any call
spontaneous arcanum spell to find. If not detected, the
for assistance is answered in D4 rounds (from either
trap will open as the first hero passes over it. The first
side). If the troglodyte calls for help (which it will do on
hero automatically falls in, but the next hero in order
a roll of 1-3 on D6; it’s not thinking clearly), 3
may make a DEX roll (DT 6) to avoid falling into the pit.
hobgoblins will come to its assistance.
The pit is 15’ deep, and deals 15 points of falling damage
Within, the troglodyte has a large barrel of poor
(see rules for falling damage on page 23).
wine (a gift from the hobgoblins, and something it has
consumed over half of) and a small burlap sack filled
5. Common Room
with 70 silver coins and 10 gold coins, in addition to its
There are nine hobgoblins living here. Two of
normal gear. The secret door at the back of the cave
these are full-grown hobgoblins and seven are young
requires a DT 10 INT roll to find. It is not locked or
hobgoblins (use statistics for goblins). They are
trapped. Defeating the troglodyte alone is a normal
aggressive and ready to fight. Each of the adult
encounter worth 5 hero points, but if the 3 hobgoblins
hobgoblins carries D6 silver coins, but the young
assist it, this becomes a greater encounter worth 8 hero
hobgoblins have no treasure. This is a normal encounter
worth 4 hero points.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 127
6. Chief’s Room crushed to death. There is no way, magical or mundane,
The hobgoblin chief lives here with his servants. to prevent the pit from closing after moonlight moves off
He is an adept rank creature of level 3 (use statistics of a of it. The entrance to the halls below will open every
gnoll for him). He has three normal female hobgoblins night at midnight (taking 1 turn to open, remaining open
here with him. He has surrounded himself with several for 1 turn, and taking 1 more turn to close), as long as
small wooden chests and clay urns, and piled up his the moonlight is not blocked. Of course, the heroes
various treasures here. He is decadent and fat, and could decide to keep this secret for their own, returning
unused to fighting (he will take +1 to all DTs for the first the stone to its place blocking the moonlight, and
round of combat, until he gets his bearings). His returning to explore further…
treasure consists of:
• First chest (locked, DT 8 to force or pick): Contains Wrap Up
15 gold coins and 6 enchanted arrows (each gives +1
damage and is usable one time) If the heroes decide to delve into the halls below, go
• Second chest (locked, DT 8 to force or pick): right to the next section, the Halls of Adlig Tor. If,
Contains a suit of enchanted holy ring mail armor however, the heroes decide to go back to the Keep and
+5/+1 (+holy bonus) sell what they’ve found, upgrade equipment and rest,
• First urn: Contains 150 silver coins when they come back they may find things different in
• Second urn: Contains 240 silver coins Area F. Roll below for the changes since the heroes left.

This is a greater encounter worth 8 hero points. New Residents (Roll D10)
Roll New Residents of the Area
7. Secret Chamber 1-2 No new residents. The caves are as the heroes
The hobgoblin chief is the only one aware of the left them.
existence of this chamber. In the middle of the floor is a 3 A group of five gnolls has been sent by
10’ wide stone circle carved with all manner of runes and Amethyst Darkenhold to check on Pellin’s
sigils. Eight grooves run through the circle, dividing it progress, and found him dead (or at least the
into eight equal segments (like a pie). He has spent some remains of his camp). They were able to follow
time in here trying to figure out what these things mean a trail here, and are now at the circle, trying to
or what this could be for, but has been unsuccessful in open it. They haven’t reported their findings
solving the mystery. He has scribbled several journals of yet to Amethyst, but will if any survive a fight.
notes trying to unlock its secrets. 4 Jellosik Sillin of the Bloody Knuckles has been
doing some solo exploring, and finds this cave.
 A successful lore roll (DT 10) will reveal that the He is making notes about what he’s found for
runes and sigils are all ancient symbols for the his group when the heroes return.
moon. 5 A great constrictor snake has wandered in.
 A successful burglary +REA roll (DT 10) will reveal 6 A rock troll has decided this would make an
that the whole thing is a mechanical device, that the excellent home, and has begun to decorate with
‘pie pieces’ will pull away once activated, and that his collection of dwarven skulls.
there is something underneath this circle. 7 A disciplined and well-organized group of 20
goblins has set up a base of operations here,
Exploring the rough-hewn ceiling of the setting up new lures and traps, developing a
chamber will reveal on a successful INT roll (DT 10) that strong defensive strategy to repel attackers.
one of the stones in the ceiling is loose. This stone is a 8 A darken wolf has come from the neighboring
façade, constructed with a corkscrew at one end. forest and is scavenging for rats and small
Turning the stone counter-clockwise several rotations snakes to eat.
will allow it to be removed, revealing a narrow (1’ wide 9 A tomb creeper spider has come here to make
and 10’ high) shaft that goes out into the open air above. its nest… not only is mommy here (with 35
If this is left open (the stone kept out), the health), but she has twelve babies (statistics as
heroes will see something remarkable if they wait some ant workers) who will swarm upon the heroes.
time. At exactly midnight, the moon aligns directly over 10 2 cockatrices lair here. The heroes may be
this hole, casting a narrow beam of pure moonlight on warned of their presence by the new statues of
the center of the circle. This will activate the mechanism a goblin at the front of the cave, and the
to open it, and the whole grinds loudly as the eight collection of rat statues in the main hallway.
pieces recess to reveal a circular pit dropping into the
darkness. The process of opening the pit takes one full Of course, if the heroes were foolish enough to leave the
turn. When this opens, the heroes have only one turn to false rock out and allow moonlight in, anything could
go inside, since the pit remains open for only 1 turn. have escaped from or traveled into the halls below.
Once the moonlight ends, the pit will begin to close Lastly, if the heroes speak openly about what they have
again (taking another full turn). Any creatures or objects found, more than a few people in the keep will be
caught in the wedges of the circle as it comes together interested. Before long, there will be a line out the door
will be cut, crushed or severed. Ropes will snap, limbs trying to get into the halls below and gather their lost
will be cut off, and a creature halfway into the pit will be wealth…
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 128
The Dungeons of Adlig Tor
This dungeon adventure is included to give an example of an extended adventure, as well as to provide samples of
encounters, traps and treasures for you to develop your own adventures. This dungeon lies beneath the entryway
located in chamber 7 of the hobgoblins caves (Area F, above). Once the hero group discovers this entrance, they can
return again and again to plumb the depths of the newly-discovered dungeon complex, a sprawling series of levels
descending deep into the darkness.
The heroes enter this dungeon either to simply explore a new area, or specifically to destroy the darkness gate
in area 10. As the heroes explore, they may learn more about this gate and its function.

Dungeon Rank
The dungeon is designed for four characters of adept rank (level 3).

Area Encounters
The bulk of areas on the map are unmarked, left for you to fill in as desired. You may put specific encounters you
devise in an area, or you may roll to see what is in a particular area. Roll D10 for each area to see what it holds:

Random Room Encounters (Roll D10)

Roll Encounter
1-2 Empty area (no encounter)
3 Trap encounter (roll for trap type)
4 Lesser beast encounter (3-5 beasts of –1 rank)
5 Lesser beast encounter (1-2 beasts of same rank)
6 Normal beast encounter (6-9 beasts of –1 rank)
7 Normal beast encounter (3-5 beasts of same rank)
8 Normal beast encounter (1-2 beasts of +1 rank)
9 Secondary character encounter (other adventurers)
10 Combined encounter (roll twice, adding results together)

Random Encounter Types (roll D10 any time a beast encounter happens to determine beast type)
Roll Type Menial Apprentice Adept Master
1-2 Darken Beast Darkling Rats Darkling Jackals Darkling Badgers Darken Wolves
3-4 Dread Insect Ant Workers Hornets Tomb Creepers Night Hunters
5 Humanoid Goblins Hobgoblins Gnolls Bugbears
6 Mythical Serpent Mud Adders Fire Snakes Midnight Asps Great Constrictors
7-9 Undead Skeletal Minions Zombies Ghouls Wights
10 Weren Frog Weren Rat Weren Troglodytes Boar Weren
* Each of these encounters has the normal chances for treasure by creature type.

Doors Secret Doors

All doors within are locked at DT 16, unless otherwise Secret doors are fitted into the surrounding stonework,
noted. There is a 1 in 6 chance that any door has also appearing as a section of normal wall. The characters
been fitted with a trap. Roll randomly on the traps table must declare that they are searching an area for secret
(see page 130) to determine the function of a trap on a doors in order to find one, requiring an INT roll (DT 8)
door. If a trapped door is picked or forced without to find. Secret doors are not locked, but have a 1 in 6
disarming the trap, the trap automatically goes off. chance of being fitted with a trap.

Listening at Doors Traps

Listening at a door is done as an INT roll, and requires 1 Traps require a burglary or spontaneous arcanum roll
full turn. Throughout this dungeon: (DT 16) to find, and must be searched for to be noticed.
• A result of 10+ indicates great success. The heroes A second roll is required to disarm the trap (DT 16). A
know what is beyond the door. target activating a pit automatically falls in, and any
• A result of 8-9 indicates moderate success. The target in the same unit must make a DEX roll (DT 8) to
heroes have a good idea what is beyond the door. avoid falling into the pit as well. A trap that ‘attacks’ a
• A result of 6-7 indicates marginal success. The target (against DEX or PWS) is against an unprepared
heroes get some sense of what may lie beyond. target, with the potential for critical damage.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 129
Traps (Roll 1D for trap type) communicates via empathy, and will try to dominate the
Roll Type of Trap wielder to eventually betray his allies. Follow the rules
1 Poison Needle Trap. The character activating given in the magical treasure section for intelligent
the trap must make a STA roll (DT 8) or take 6 weapons (see page 73). This is a greater encounter worth
points of poison damage /round for 2 rounds. 9 hero points.
2 Poison Gas Trap. All creatures in the same
unit as the trap must roll STA (DT 8) or take 6 Area 3: The Spider in Flames
points of damage per round for 2 rounds. This area is filled with spider webs, and is
3 Arrow Trap. The attack is made as a D6+2 dominated by a central pit, completely filled with
missile strike against the target’s DEX (no roll webbing. The pit has a coating of 1’ of oil at its bottom
allowed since the target is unprepared). If this (hidden beneath the webbing) and will quickly light,
attack strikes, it deals D8+6 damage, with the dealing 16 points fire damage to all characters in the
potential for critical damage. This damage is room in a sudden explosive flash. All characters in the
absorbed by armor. room may roll DEX (DT 10) for half damage. The
4 Scything Blade Trap. The attack is made as a creature in this room is a level 7 night hunter spider with
D6+2 melee strike against the target’s PWS the following abilities:
(no roll allowed since the target is • It is immune to damage from flame (including the
unprepared). If this attack strikes, it deals explosion dealt by lighting the pit, if applicable).
D8+6 damage, with the potential for critical • It is has a lesser fire breath weapon. The spider will
damage. This damage is absorbed by armor. use its breath to set off the oil if the heroes haven’t
5 Spiked Pit Trap. Activating the trap opens the already. This breath weapon deals 30 points of
floor under the appropriate character, damage to all targets in a stream 1 unit wide and 3
dropping the character onto spikes 10’ below. units long. Targets may roll DEX (DT 8) for half
The character automatically takes 20 points of damage.
falling damage (less athletics normally) and • It has 88 health.
needs to make a climbing roll (DT 12) to get • At the bottom of the pit is its treasure: 6 gemstones
out. This damage is absorbed by armor. worth 10 gold each. In addition, one of the three
6 Lightning trap. Activating the trap shocks the keys the heroes need to enter area 10 is here.
target, dealing 20 points of electrical damage. This is a greater encounter worth 9 hero points.
The target rolls INT (DT 10). Success indicates
that the target suffers only 10 points of Area 4: Pit Chamber
damage. This room appears empty. The center of the
room is host to a pit trap (DT 20 to find). The first
Key to Areas of the Dungeon character will fall into the pit, while all characters within
1 unit must roll DEX +athletics (DT 16) to avoid falling
Area 1: Entry
in as well. Falling into the pit deals 20 damage (a 10’
This room has a magical rope coiled on the
drop with iron spikes in the bottom of the pit), although
floor. The rope will only respond to a character of good.
up to 10 points of this damage (from falling) may be
The rope will wind upward magically, allowing
negated by DEX and athletics normally. Four zombies
characters of good (and their allies) to ascend and
are in the bottom of the pit, and will attack creatures
descend at will. The rope cannot be removed from the
falling into it. There is no treasure in here. This is a
room (if carried out of the chamber, it will automatically
normal encounter worth 4 hero points.
teleport back to the middle of the room). All four doors
are locked normally (DT 10 burglary roll to pick or MGT
Area 5: The Living Pool
athletics roll to force), although none of these doors is
This area is dominated by a large pool. The pool
trapped. The ceiling here is 30’ overhead (and exits into
is 3’ deep. At the center of the pool appears to be a large
area 7 of the Hobgoblin Stronghold in the previous
silver key. The key is one of the three the heroes need to
open the door leading into area 10. It is protected by 6
water elementals (level 1) that live in the pool. They will
Area 2: Cursed Treasure
attack en masse in two groups of 3, and will fight until
This room is notable for two things: the large,
destroyed. This is a normal encounter worth 4 hero
ornate treasure chest along the north wall, and the two-
headed serpent in the room protecting this chest.
The serpent acts as two great constrictors of
Area 6: Warded False Door
normal abilities. It has a total health of 100, and the
This hallway appears to end in an ornate door.
heroes effectively have to kill both before either will stop
The door is not trapped, but a lore roll (DT 16) will
reveal that the door is prepared with protective runes.
The chest is locked (DT 16 burglary roll to open)
Any creature touching the door takes 20 points of
but is not trapped. A mace lies within, covered in runes
lightning damage, ignoring armor. This rune cannot be
that radiate slight magic. The mace is Blacktooth, an
disarmed through burglary, and must be magically
enchanted mace +4/+3. Blacktooth has the following
dispelled using the rules for counter spells (DT 12 to
statistics: ASP –2, INT 1, REA 3, WIL 2 (EGO 8). It
cancel for 1 turn). Once the rune is discharged, it takes a
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 130
nearly a quarter mile away through a tunnel less
than half a foot wide. The ants are a greater
encounter worth 6 hero points.

Area 9: False Gate

This room appears to have the shadow
gate (from area 10). The north wall holds a
massive black doorway. This doorway radiates
slight evil, and any character of good will be
uncomfortable near it. The gate is actually
harmless and meaningless, and is merely a
decoy. The gate has a durability of 10/30. If it's
destroyed, denizens of the dungeon will rebuild
it in D4 days. The secret door in the east wall
requires an INT roll to find (DT 10), and
requires the three keys to open (from areas 3, 5
and 7).

Area 10: The Shadow Gate

This area is locked with a door magically
sealed to prevent entrance. The heroes do not
have sufficient power to force or magically
bypass the door, and must recover the three keys
to open it (from areas 3, 5 and 7). Once all three
keys are used, the door will slide upward and
away, and cannot be closed again by the heroes.
At the far end of the chamber is a
magical gate. This gate appears as a 10’ wide
arch surrounded by black stone. The stone is
full turn to renew itself, and during this time it is safe to covered in carved magical runes; these glow with dark
move through the door. Bypassing the door without blue magic. The gate is a magical portal allowing
setting off the rune is worth 2 hero points. exceptionally evil creatures (APS –6 or lower) to travel
into the Shadow Lands, a land of great evil. The heroes
Area 7: Humanoid Temple are able to destroy the gate by dealing physical and/or
This area is a refuge for creatures of great evil. magical damage to it. The gate has a durability of 10/60,
There are 11 humanoids here: 1 bugbear and 10 and has 5 points of spell warding. The heroes must roll
hobgoblins. There are also two pillars in this room, both to hit the gate, but will automatically strike unless the
made of smooth black stone. The bugbear has one of the attack roll is botched. It is impossible to score critical
three keys the heroes need to enter area 10, worn on a successes against the gate.
silver chain around his neck. In addition, he carries 50 The arch itself is a field of darkness energy,
gold coins in his belt pouch. This encounter is a greater dealing damage to good creatures who step within
encounter worth 9 hero points. (damage equal to ASP). It only operates for creatures of
• Each of the pillars has a durability of 10/20. ASP –6 or lower. The gate will magically protect itself.
• The northwest pillar has a pool of health shared by At the beginning of every round after it is attacked, it
the creatures in the room of 30 health. Any damage will summon one ghoul to defend it. This will continue
dealt to any evil creature in the room comes from with the gate summoning one ghoul per round until
this pool first, after all other factors are considered. either the heroes stop attacking for three consecutive
If a hobgoblin takes 10 points of damage, but 5 are rounds, or the gate is disabled. The gate slowly recovers,
absorbed by its armor, only 5 points are drawn from regaining 1 point of structural durability every turn. If
the pool of health in this pillar. the heroes stop attacking it and leave for an hour to rest,
• The southeast pillar gives all evil creatures in the the gate will have completely recovered all lost
entire room a bonus to all actions of +1. durability.
Once disabled, the field of magical darkness
Area 8: Ant Chamber dissipates, revealing a cracked stone wall beyond. At the
A hole breaks through the ceiling of this room option of the Mythweaver, the wall may be broken
(10’ up), and a steady stream of worker ants moves through, revealing a staircase to a lower level (or several
through this hole. As soon as the heroes enter the room, lower levels) housing the tomb of a vampire of
these ants will swarm upon them. A total of 12 ants will considerable power, and possibly even greater dangers.
come in and attack in teams of 4, using the rules for en In addition to all treasure and experience awarded to the
masse attacks. These ants have no treasure. There is no heroes normally, they receive a bonus of 10 hero points
way for the heroes to approach the ant lair, since it is for reaching and destroying the darkness gate.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 131

Campaign Guide: A Primer to Del Anon’s Eastern Reaches
What follows is an overview of the Eastern Reaches of the realm of Del Anon. It is arranged alphabetically, and
includes notes about each area from the map on page 134 and notes from Judah’s Journal, the diaries kept by the
ranger Judah Marakev, providing a traveler’s perspective on the importance or features of that location.

Special Areas & Features of Del Anon • Ephemeral forests dampen darkness magic,
imposing a +3 penalty to using darkness magic,
There are several specialized areas and features of the increasing the DT of all darkness magic rolls by 3
lands of Del Anon. These are outlined below. points.

Magically Attuned Areas Connections to Other Realms

Some areas are magically attuned to support or reinforce Only the thinnest tethers connect Del Anon to other
a specific type of magic. For example, a forest of ‘good’ lands, and some sages have suggested that, in the
may support light magic (giving a bonus to wielders of Splintered Realm as it now exists, Del Anon lies near the
light magic) of +1 to +3, depending on the comparative farthest edges of existence. Direct ties to other lands,
strength of the area. A woodland with a magical specifically gates into Pandemonium or Valhalla
attunement to light +2 grants all light casters a bonus of directly, are not likely to exist. However, there are
+2 to all action and result rolls when using light magic. several gates into the Ethereal Realm (the nexus
Often, a magically attuned area is also magic dampening connecting all realities, see below) and to several Pocket
against the opposite effect. Realms.

Magic Dampening Areas The Ethereal

Some areas are magically energized to dampen the The ethereal is an amorphous, misted limbo: a place
effectiveness of a specific type of magic. For example, a with no true up or down, north or south. The ethereal
forest of good may inhibit the use of darkness magic exists beyond the reach of time or measurement (in
(providing a penalty to wielders of darkness magic in the terms of how humans understand such terms). The
form of increased DTs) of +1 to +3, depending on the ethereal acts as a limitless sea connecting all realms, but
comparative strength of the area. A woodland with also has native creatures and cities of its own, most
magical dampening to darkness +2 penalizes all notably of the City of the Messari (a race of evil psionic
darkness casters by increasing the DT of all action rolls creatures).
by +2 when using darkness magic. Often, a magic Navigating the ephemeral realm takes great
dampening area is also magically attuned against the willpower. A character entering the ethereal realm for
opposite effect. the first time must make a WIL roll (DT 10). Success
indicates that the character is able to navigate through
Ephemeral Forests the ethereal realm. Failure indicates that the character
becomes confused and disoriented, wandering aimlessly
An ephemeral forest is a woodland that was part of the for D4 hours, allowed another roll at the end of this
nearly limitless faerie realm of Arvandor, but during the time, but likely lost and unable to find his way back to
Great Reckoning the forest was ripped from its home the original starting point. If the character fails three
realm and merged with what is now Del Anon. The such rolls in a row, or if the character botches the
Grandwood (the ephemeral forest of the Eastern navigation roll, that character is hopelessly lost in the
Reaches) is a sentient creature, a collective ethereal realm and only the intervention of others will
consciousness that seeks to aid its native inhabitants prevent the character from wandering aimlessly forever.
and to impede those who stand in opposition. All Once this check is successful, that character may always
ephemeral forests share the following characteristics: navigate the ethereal.
• Ephemeral forests may only be successfully A character traveling in the ethereal realm need
navigated by creatures of fay blood, including elves, only focus on his or her desired destination and begin
brownies, gnomes, half elves, and related creatures traveling. Eventually, the character will arrive, although
(the fay, pixies, centaurs, fauns, dryads, unicorns). the distance between locations in the ethereal realm is
inconstant, and a journey that required several hours
• Creatures of fay blood receive +RM to all nature skill
one time may take a matter of minutes another time, but
talent rolls while within the forest. All other
may require several days of travel on a subsequent trek.
creatures (not of fay blood) make all nature rolls at
A creature’s movement rate is equal to 15–WIL. A
+20 to the DT while within the forest, and are likely
character with WIL 4 travels through the ethereal realm
to become hopelessly lost within its borders.
at move 11. A creature with WIL 12+ has a move of 3
• Ephemeral forests are magically attuned to light
while within the ethereal realm. Bonuses to move do not
magic, granting a +3 bonus to action and result rolls
apply in the ethereal realm.
when using light magic.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 132
Ethereal skiffs are boats constructed to traverse realms may be found anywhere, and the residents of
the ethereal realm. Such vessels are driven by a single such realms are often anxious to be freed from their
captain, who uses his or her WIL to determine the perceived prisons or to conquer new lands. Pocket
vessel’s move, at the same movement rates as individual realms are likely to be magically attuned, and are often
travel. composed entirely of a single elemental energy (for
example, fire), of darkness energy (known as a Shadow
Pocket Realms Land), of a particular creature (a pocket realm that is
composed of a massive maze ruled entirely by
Pocket realms are smaller splinters of reality created minotaurs), or of unusual creatures and situations. For
during the Great Reckoning. While hundreds of other example, a pocket realm may have a yellow brick road
lands comparable to Del Anon exist with their own leading to a powerful wizard who can provide transport
kingdoms, empires, regions and factions, a pocket realm home, but which is ruled by an evil witch subjugating all
is a small piece of a realm - a single castle, a mountain, a creatures, including an offshoot race of brownies,
patch of forest – that has been isolated and cast adrift animated scarecrows and talking humanoid lions.
from other realities. Such pocket realms often contain a Escaping from a pocket realm once trapped
single type of creature, and are often lorded over by a there is often as difficult as finding your way to the
single ruler. Pocket realms can pose a threat to the realm to begin with.
safety of the people of Del Anon, since gates to pocket

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 133

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 134
Key to the Map of the Eastern Reaches
Beldin Mere Citadel of Bronze (Paragon Metropolis)
(Greater Paragon Metropolis)
The Citadel of Bronze is just that: a huge fortification
Beldin Mere is the city of dwarves. This city was founded constructed entirely of bronze. The entire hold burns
by rebel dwarves within the Barrens, fortified to stave off with magical fire, and stepping within the gates of the
humanoid and giant invasions. This it did successfully city causes a creature to automatically suffer 6 points of
for nearly 200 years until the Great Reckoning damage from elemental fire every round. Because of this
transferred the entire city (and part of the mountain powerful enchantment, only creatures warded against or
range it was in) into the realm of Del Anon. Now, the immune to elemental fire live within the city. The citadel
city rests in a much more approachable (and far safer) is inhabited by a wide range of creatures composed of or
area, but the dwarves of the city have softened their attuned to elemental flame, and may also house a
militant stance only slightly. Beldin Mere remains one of stronghold of the Fire Sorcerers.
the most defensible and fortified locations in the entire The Citadel of Bronze is magically attuned to
realm. Beldin Mere boasts a population of nearly 15,000 elemental fire, granting a +3 bonus to action and result
dwarves, as well as over 2,000 other permanent rolls of all creatures using elemental fire. The Citadel is
residents, mostly human. A council of dwarven elders also an area of magic dampening to elemental cold, and
rules Beldin Mere, making all decisions for the city, all action rolls using cold magic are penalized by +3 to
appointed as members of the noble houses of the clans the DT.
that helped form the city before the Great Reckoning.

Judah’s Journal:
The dwarves of Beldin Mere are a hardy,
boisterous lot. They enjoy strong drink and loud song,
but value hard work and practical employ. They are
suspicious of the fay, which they consider both
untrustworthy and ‘soft’, but are open to trading with
humans. They bear great resentment against orks, and
an ork in their city will be eyed with suspicion, the
target of whispered insults if not open assault.
One of the more famous landmarks in Beldin
Mere is the Inn of the 99 Ears. This huge inn can
accommodate over 250 visitors a night. Its most
notable feature is the collection of ears of 99 bog trolls
that adorn the walls. Each night, these ears are singed
to keep them from regenerating (which they
eventually would, becoming bog trolls over the course
of several days). The smell of the burning ears wafts
for up to several miles around the city, and has proven Judah’s Journal:
to be an incredibly effective troll repellent, as the trolls I’ve never been to and never plan to enter the
of the region rarely travel within a league of the city. Citadel of Bronze. While some whisper of a Fire
Sorcerer stronghold deep within the citadel, I believe
Caligin Forest such rumors to be fact, and I am certain that Chandar
the Archmage spends his days in the heart of the
The Caligin Forest is sprawling and wild woodland, the citadel plotting against the other people of the realm.
most untamed of all such woodlands in Del Anon. The Less certain is the exact nature of the elemental fire
Caligin Forest is the home to several factions of druidic that consumes this citadel, although the most likely
orders, some very peaceful but others quite militant. explanation is that the citadel rests atop, or may in
fact be, a conduit into a realm of elemental flame.
Judah’s Journal:
The Caligin Forest is a pristine and virgin Dreadwood Mire
woodland, the most ancient such forest in all of Del
Anon. Before the Great Reckoning, it rested at the far This massive swamp of over 20,000 square miles is the
edges of the lands of man, and only in the last handful home to the most vile and nefarious of creatures. The
of centuries have civilized cultures sent campaigns entire bog is attuned to darkness magic, granting a +3
into the forest to explore. These have returned with bonus to action and result rolls of all creatures using
tales of ancient barbaric cultures and massive stone darkness magic, and is also enchanted to dampen light
temples deep in the heart of the forest, many magic, imposing a penalty of +3 to the DTs of all light
containing untold treasures. casting rolls.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 135
Dreadwood Mire teems with undead (and far Judah’s Journal:
worse) creatures, and is known to hold at least a dozen I spend a great deal of time in Fangwood, and I
magical gates to pocket realms of evil within its vast am constantly surprised by how thick the small
expanse. Some believe that a gateway into the heart of woodland is with malicious creatures; in the last two
Pandemonium itself lies within the mire, although such winters alone I have battled two tribes of werewolves,
a gate would be guarded by nearly immortal evil and a small bandit army, a clan of bugbears and dozens of
would be virtually unassailable by the forces of good. spiders. While I suspect (and continue to search for)
an evil gate of some kind hidden deep in the forest, I
Judah’s Journal: have yet to uncover one. I suspect that some larger
I am intimately familiar with Dreadwood Mire, force or object continues to draw these creatures into
having spent a decade imprisoned in one of the many the wood, but the source continues to elude me.
dens of evil within its margins. The mire is home to all
manner of evil entities, and I suspect its dark recesses Grandwood Forest
hold even more awful and powerful beasts than have
thus been encountered by the men of the realm. The Grandwood is an ephemeral forest, the largest such
Dreadwood Mire is certainly a conduit to many forest in the realm of Del Anon. The Grandwood Forest
shadow realms, and more expeditions of noble is considered by its residents a unique and independent
adventurers have disappeared within the dark horizon realm and rules itself as such. There are two major cities
of the mire than have returned. Those that do return within the Grandwood Forest: the City of the Moon, and
bring far more tales of woe and suffering than they do the City of Rahl Estra.
riches or wealth. The City of the Moon is also called the
It is likely that the strongholds of a number of “Forbidden City”, and fay creatures restrict entrance to
very powerful creatures lie within the mire, most pureblood fay only. Even half elves are restricted from
notably that of the Shadow Dragon King Darksihde. entering this city, which the creatures of this region
consider pure and untainted by outside influences. By
Evermist River contrast, the City of Rahl Estra serves as the means for
the fay to interact with the rest of the realm (see entry
The Evermist River starts in the northeastern corner of for Rahl Estra on page 138).
the continent (near the eastern edge of the Iron Ridge The Grandwood Forest is the home to a wide
Mountains) and runs into and through the Grandwood range of flora and fauna unique to this woodland and
Forest. found nowhere else in Del Anon, making this a favorite
place for alchemists and naturalists to gather raw
Judah’s Journal: materials for their potions, salves and ointments.
If ever a physical feature were appropriately
named, it is the Evermist River. This cold, slow- Judah’s Journal:
moving river is constantly shrouded in a thick fog that The entirety of the Grandwood has a dreamlike,
envelopes the river and also extends through the ethereal quality. The forest is strictly and tightly under
valley it has cut into the heart of the Iron Ridge the control of the fay, and few other creatures frequent
Mountains. The mountains loom greatly on both sides these woods. Travelers not of fay blood should be
of the narrow passage through the rock, but the banks wary, as even though the fay are generally good-
of the river teem with all manner of evil humanoid natured, those in the deeper parts of the wood will
creature. Travel along the river is exceedingly waylay travelers whom they see as a threat, and these
dangerous. The river averages nearly 30’ deep in most travelers may quickly meet a violent end or be
places, although sections of rapids and shallows magically (and unwillingly) bound to serve a fay
inhibit any regular traffic by larger boats. master.
The Evermist River is important as the point of
entry for visitors to the fay city of Rahl Estra, and only Gryphon Watch Keep
boat travel from the eastern edges of the wood to the
city are possible for any non-fay, as all other travel Gryphon Watch, although a small keep, has become an
into the forest is invariably doomed to leaving the important landmark along the trade routes through the
traveler hopelessly lost, his fate in the hands of the fay. east, as it sits at a pivotal point along the main trade
artery running from east to west. Gryphon Watch Keep
Fangwood is covered in detail on pages 120–123.

A small but active woodland, Fangwood rests at a Judah’s Journal:

central location in Eastern Del Anon. Its eastern fringes Gryphon Watch is the ideal place to spend a few
lay within a day’s travel from Gryphon Watch Keep. days in relative comfort and safety while still within
easy travel of several adventuring locations. I would
suggest that any young traveler looking for adventure
and exploration begin his or her career at Gryphon
Watch Keep.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 136
Iron Ridge Mountains (known to the residents of this town as St. Jurris), and
his church (the Temple of Saint Jurris) stands as the
The Iron Ridge is a vast and sprawling mountain range oldest extant temple to the goddess Yahalla, serving as
that was transplanted from the Barrens during the Great the launching point for any quest to restore the fallen
Reckoning, and as such is rife with all manner of evil goddess to her rightful throne.
humanoid, troll, darken beast and mythical serpent
imaginable. Dozens of powerful dragons lair throughout Judah’s Journal:
the range, and the tribes of goblins, bugbears, trolls, Those looking for a quiet town governed by
ogres and giants residing (and fighting amongst sensible people, and which provides excellent
themselves) in the mountain range is beyond measure. protection from the dangers of the world, would be
The Iron Ridge Mountains vary widely in their well advised to settle in Jurris’ Crossing. The people of
nature; the northernmost peaks are icy and cold, the Crossing are among the most open minded and
averaging over 25,000 feet tall in many cases. The hospitable as you will find in the realm, and the
eastern peaks are lower but are filled with active Church of Yahalla is an awe-inspiring tribute to the
volcanoes and huge pools (some over a mile across) of dead goddess, as well as a powerful hold of good.
boiling lava. The southern peaks are rocky and barren
(especially those south of the Evermist River and Loch Jythra (Master City)
Evermist), hosting the largest numbers of humanoids.
The western mountains are forested and rugged, Jythra, the city in the clouds, is a sprawling complex set
becoming a breeding ground for a wide range of darken atop the highest plateau in the realm. At a height of
beast and warring tribes of assorted lycanthropes, but nearly five miles over sea level, Jythra affords an
also having large hot springs and assorted tar pits. unparalleled view of the realm when the weather is
clear, but more often than not is covered in a dense fog.
Judah’s Journal: Jythra is the home to over 5,000 humans, but also
Although this is considered a single range, the counts hundreds of humanoids among its citizenry.
nature and climate of the mountains varies widely Jythra prides itself on being a ‘free city’, and
depending on where you are within the range. I would some believe that the massive tunnel complexes beneath
suggest that you travel with extra supplies and a Jythra may hold the final resting place for the body of
number of friends, as the giant and ogre tribes Yahalla, making this a popular destination for Knights of
throughout these mountains are especially cruel and the Broken Order who seek her tomb.
unfriendly, and have an uncanny knack for finding
and disposing of lesser creatures. Judah’s Journal:
The markets of Jythra are constantly bustling
Isle of the Dragon’s Bones with trade from all lands, and the view from the spires
of Jythra is a sight to behold (if you’d pardon the
The Isle of the Dragon’s Bones lies in the eye of the cliché). The vast network of crypts and tunnels
mighty hurricane that constantly rages in the northern beneath the city has served as a life’s work for several
Sea of Storms. The Isle exists beyond the reach of time adventuring companies, and the full scope of these
and beyond the influence of the rest of the realm, home tunnels has yet to be explored and mapped.
to ancient creatures.
Kron Foothills
Judah’s Journal:
I have never been to this island, and I have little The Kron Foothills are a series of low-lying and desolate
desire to go. Rumors abound of prehistoric creatures, hills. This region is the home to a slew of humanoids and
lost races of man, and ancient magic now forgotten in mythic serpents (in addition to a collection of darken
all other places. None of these appeal to my particular beasts). While human and demi-human travel in the
interests, although I can understand why adventurers region is minimal, the hills hold a number of valuable
set off to explore this lost land. silver mines, and dozens of small strongholds have
sprung up within the hills to support mining operations.
Jurris’ Crossing (Expert Town) The creatures of the area constantly threaten these
settlements (many with fewer than 20 residents), and
Jurris Crossing is a large town of nearly 1,500 humans ongoing conflict is the only constant here.
resting along a secondary trade route moving southward
through a barren wilderness, and serves as the last Judah’s Journal:
holdings of man in this region before the terrain The control of the silver mines is hotly contested,
becomes mostly unexplored wilds beyond. Jurris’ and I suspect that the Thieves’ Guild of Roguehaven
Crossing is most notable as the place where the Knights keeps a steady hand in all activities here, in spite of
of the Sun launched their final assault into the realm of the geographic distance from the city. I have
Valhalla. Before this assault, Jurris (the high priest of encountered several individuals in the hills who have
Yahalla) stood against the knighthood and was killed in the look of spies, and it is likely that many of the
the temple. He has since been reborn as a demigod bandits are paid in coin from Roguehaven’s coffers.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 137
Lake Dragonspear Judah’s Journal:
I am not a fan of cities, preferring the freedom
During the Great Reckoning, the arch dragon Cinnabryl afforded by wild lands and unmapped locations. This
(ruler of all good dragons) was slain by the forces of man may explain my distaste for the political maneuvering
as they marched on the stronghold of Valhalla. In order and constant dealing that are the hallmarks of daily
to bypass the dragon guardian, they employed a life in Nethil Bay. One cannot argue with its financial
powerful artifact, the Dragon’s Spear, with which they success and stability, although it must be a tempting
slew Cinnabryl. Her death throes left a crater 100 miles target for the neighboring orks of Torm’s Hold both as
wide and a mile deep, and this tomb filled with water in a military and economic conquest. I would have to
the years immediately following the Reckoning, assume that the only reason such a campaign has not
becoming Lake Dragonspear. already been launched is that the ruling council of
Many believe that the tomb of Cinnabryl, and Nethil Bay may have bought off General Groth, and it
the lost Dragon Spear, rest at the bottom of this lake, a is not beyond reason to think that the rulers of Nethil
location that the fay fiercely guard. Bay secretly financed his recent rise to power to
provide additional stability in the region, in spite of
Judah’s Journal: the danger a unified ork army could present. I’d call
I don’t believe that either the bones of Cinnabryl this a dangerous gambit, but a necessary one if gold is
or the Dragon Spear will ever be recovered. Both of one’s primary consideration.
these are not only submerged beneath a thousand feet
of water, but are watched over by a cadre of powerful Oceanus
magic and fay creatures of questionable motives.
Oceanus is “the sunken city”, once the human city
Loch Evermist known as Belcathra that sunk beneath the waves during
the Great Reckoning. It is now the holding of the sea
Loch Evermist is an ancient, incredibly deep body of elves, an offshoot of morning elves able to breathe
fresh water teeming with malicious life. This loch once underwater. They have an underwater empire
rested in the Barrens, and was home to all manner of comparable to the surface empire of the elves of
evil water beast. It was transferred to the realm of Del Grandwood, and are allied with the races of the
Anon during the Great Reckoning, but it remains host to underwater realms, most notably the mermen who rule
great darkness in its vile depths. a number of small underwater kingdoms. Over 10,000
sea elves dwell within Oceanus, secluding themselves
Judah’s Journal: completely from surface dwellers.
Only a fool would attempt to cross the loch by
boat, as it is well known to harbor massive serpents, Judah’s Journal:
wicked beasts of great power and size, and likely a The creatures of Oceanus make the fay of the
number of portals to other realms. Its bottom has not City of the Moon appear friendly and approachable.
been sounded, and I would wager that it never will be. These are distant and suspicious creatures, and
The loch may in fact have no bottom, its lowest depths travelers daring to approach the borders of the sunken
transferring one directly into a section of the realm of city had best be prepared to pay handsomely or to
Pandemonium or into an aquatic shadow land. fight viciously, as entry to this city is not given easily
to outsiders, especially surface dwellers.
Nethil Bay (Greater Master City)
Rahl Estra
Nethil Bay is known as the “merchants’ city”, and it is (Greater Expert City)
one of the most prosperous cities of man, with a
population of over 8,000 human residents among a After the Great Reckoning, the fay races of the
handful of creatures of other races. Grandwood Forest fiercely debated if and how they
Nethil Bay is a new city, founded by displaced would interact with the new creatures now massing at
human tribes after the Great Reckoning who founded it the borders of their kingdom. The solution was, in part,
as a center for shipbuilding and logging operations. to develop a single point of entry by which outsiders
Consequently, Nethil Bay became a center for fishery could communicate and trade with the fay, but beyond
and whaling, and the fishing companies that brave the which further entry to the forest was forbidden. At the
harsh winters here have earned great wealth. Over the center of the forest, the City of the Moon was dedicated
last fifty years, Nethil Bay has grown into the largest as the seat of all fay power, a city forbidden to any not of
trade center in the realm (excepting Roguehaven, which pure fay blood. Conversely, at a point where the forest
brings with it greater risk) and powerful guilds have touched the lands of man (in this case, at the northern
arisen as well. Nethil Bay’s residents have thrown off old edge of Lake Dragonspear), the City of Rahl Estra was
traditions of feudalism and orders of knighthood, founded. It is now the home of 2,500 fay in addition to
embracing such concepts as social class (including an the hundreds of visitors from throughout the realm who
emerging middle class) and the importance of guild frequent the city, arriving on riverboats from the east
affiliation. and west.
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 138
The city is best known for two things: its busy Scaled Coast
trade district, and its infamous pits. The trade district is
the best place in the realm to find exquisite objects Before the Great Reckoning, the area now known as the
crafted by fay hands. The Pits of Rahl Estra is a massive Scaled Coast was part of the wild lands of the Barrens.
prison complex beneath the city, the virtually Since the Great Reckoning, this area has been settled by
inescapable penalty imposed upon those who would men who see it as a necessary trade route between major
pose a threat to the Grandwood Forest or its fay areas. The scaled coast holds hundreds of caves and
residents. hidden strongholds once used by a variety of humanoids
The City of Rahl Estra is ruled by five delegates (and other more degenerate and evil creatures) from
from the peoples of the forest, members of the ruling before the Great Reckoning, many still awakening as
families that preside over all fay affairs from the City of time goes on, coming to the surface and posing a threat
the Moon deep in the heart of the forest, beyond the to those living and traveling in the area. The Scaled
touch of mankind. This ruling council tends to take a Coast is not an official region, but is an informal
softer stance on outsiders than other fay creatures, and moniker attached to the area ranging the entire expanse
has provided Rahl Estra with an open if still somewhat south of the Iron Ridge Mountains, running from the
guarded atmosphere in which travelers may interact and Grandwood Forest in the west to the Seersands Desert in
trade with the fay people. These rulers include: the east.
• The elfin Lady of Rahl Estra, Illia Silvershadow.
Since this was an elfin city, Rahl Estra’s lady is an Judah’s Journal:
elfin princess, second daughter of the High Queen. The Scaled Coast is the best place for a young
• Oberion, Prince of the Brownies. adventurer ready to see the world to go. The area is
• Titus, Thane of Centaurs. Titus oversees the defense bordered by a number of important trade centers, and
of Rahl Estra and its military. good roads run through the region. The number of
• Mustardseed, Countess of the Sprites. smaller ruins and humanoid settlements that dot the
• Tithania, Handmaiden of the Dryad Queen. landscape offsets this benefit. There is always work to
be found as a bodyguard, mercenary, or sword for
Judah’s Journal: hire. The constant humanoid skirmishes, competing
I have been to Rahl Estra only two times, and I bandit armies and wandering barbarian tribes make
have little desire to visit again. While the items this land wealthy with opportunity for those unafraid
available for barter are exquisite, I find the fay of danger.
arrogant and self-important. They make little secret of
their superiority to other races and have only opened a Sea of Storms
portion of their borders to take the money of other
races; therefore, I have little regard for most fay. The Sea of Storms surrounds the entire northeastern
section of the continent, making waterborne travel
Roguehaven difficult, especially in the northeastern-most sections, as
(Greater Paragon Metropolis) hurricane-force winds routinely buffet the coastlines.

Roguehaven is known as the “city of thieves”, and its Seersands Desert

15,000 residents and leaders (the vast majority of whom
are human) make no alternate claims about its nature or The Seersands was once a mighty nation in the lands of
demeanor. It is a city founded for and dependent upon man before the Great Reckoning, the western edge of the
illegal activity for its survival. Roguehaven is a den of lands of the Philosopher Kings, nearly immortal
thieves, brigands, bandits and assorted humanoids. It is sorcerers of great power who had established a
a society in only the loosest sense, and law in powerful, wealthy empire. In the decades before the
Roguehaven is more a matter of the whimsy of the Great Reckoning, as internal strife among mankind
constables and judiciary (such as they are) than rooted grew, the area was consumed by a magical fire that
in any code of law. Open violence is strongly devastated the empire of the Philosopher Kings and left
discouraged within the city gates, although minor the entire valley a vast and desolate sea of sand and ash.
skirmishes and fights generally will be ignored.
Judah’s Journal:
Judah’s Journal: The Seersands Desert is covered in ruins of the
If you want it, you can get it here; if you don’t lands of the Philosopher Kings, and vast complexes
want it, you can probably get rid of it here. As long as sprawl beneath the seas of dust. Those seeking great
you don’t care about with whom you are doing treasure, or an excruciatingly painful death, are often
business, this is a great place to conduct trade. The drawn to the windswept dunes of this vast wasteland.
strongest thieves’ guild in the east is centered here,
and this forms the epicenter of most of the political
intrigue in the realm.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 139

Stormhammer Tor (Master City) Torm’s Hold (Paragon Metropolis)
Stormhammer Tor is a mighty fortress held by over This sprawling military complex is the home to over
5,000 dwarves at the eastern edge of the Vale of Eternal 25,000 orks under the single command of the mighty
Winters. The dwarves here are exceptionally hardy, General Groth. While Torm’s Hold has historically been
withstanding the deadly cold to the west and the torn asunder by centuries of chaos and civil war, Groth
constant raging storms in the seas to the north. Travel to has brought the region’s first peace since it was
and from the Tor is treacherous, as it is impossible to transplanted from the Barrens into the realm of Del
bring boats of any kind within 100 miles of the Tor due Anon during the Great Reckoning. The remainder of the
to the rocky coastline and tumultuous waters. The realm keeps a watchful eye on this holding, as a cohesive
rugged Iron Ridge Mountains and the inhospitable Vale force of orks under a single powerful leader poses a
of Eternal Winters likewise inhibit overland travel. continual threat to the rest of the realm.
The entire complex that makes up
Stormhammer Tor is a magically attuned area. Any Judah’s Journal:
creature using elemental lightning receives a bonus of General Groth’s rise to power was both
+2 to all action and result rolls with elemental lightning surprising and unprecedented. No one thought that
while within the walls of the fortress. one leader could unify all orks under a single banner,
but Groth has done just that. The saving grace for the
Judah’s Journal: rest of the realm is the relative inaccessibility of the
By contrast with the dwarves of Beldin Mere, the holding. There is no easy way to move large armies to
dwarves of Stormhammer Tor are dour and or from the fortress, as the physical barriers
unwelcoming. While the clans that founded Beldin surrounding it make travel difficult. Eventually, the
Mere have found life in Del Anon more agreeable than orks will need to pick a fight with someone, and I’d lay
their former existence in the barrens, such is not the odds that Groth will find a way to use the legions at his
case for the dwarves of Stormhammer Tor. These disposal to gather more power before he’d allow it to
dwarves continue to see everyday existence as brutal, be ripped from him by rekindled civil war.
and have etched out a difficult living off of the meager
offerings of the barren mountains, raging seas, Vale of Eternal Winters
unending thunderstorms and frozen wastes that
surround them. Their one reward for their efforts is The Vale of Eternal Winters is a huge expanse of ice and
the vein of mithril mines tucked beneath their snow, a vast frozen wasteland. The Vale was once a
stronghold, the largest such vein in all of Del Anon. fertile, lush valley populated by fay creatures, but during
The dwarves guard these mines jealously and unearth the Great Reckoning was transformed into the current
the mithril with zeal, a zeal almost matched by that icy waste. A number of cities and fortresses lie beneath
they put into the worship of their patron, the thunder hundreds of feet of snow and ice, and several
god Toren. expeditions have been undertaken to recover lost relics
and priceless treasures from below.
Judah’s Journal:
Timbervale is a coniferous forest where overnight I have only undertaken one sojourn into the Vale
temperatures often drop below freezing even during the of Eternal Winters, and it was the most difficult
summer months, and which sees regular snowfall in the summer of travel in my life. It took my expedition two
winter. Timbervale is comparatively subdued compared months to cross the waste, and we were immaculately
to other forests, and the trees of Timbervale are prepared, or so we thought. The Vale of Eternal
considered among the finest in the realm for Winters may just be the most inhospitable land in the
shipbuilding and other construction. realm. There are few beasts that roam this cold
wasteland, but these are invariably huge, powerful and
Judah’s Journal: ravenously hungry. While some feel there is great
While the northeastern portions of this wood treasure to be found plumbing the depths beneath the
have been tamed and explored by man, much of the ice fields of the Vale, I think such pursuits are
rest of this woodland remains unexplored. Only the foolhardy in the extreme. The risks of a normal
hardiest of creatures are able to eke out a living here, expedition into lost lands is always fraught with
and specimens are typically of the strongest and most danger, but expeditions here bring the added risk of
powerful of their kind. Winter never ends in collapsing tunnels of frozen ice, sudden deadfalls of
Timbervale. hundreds of feet masked beneath a thin veneer of
dusty snow, and overnight temperatures that will
freeze exposed flesh in minutes.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 140

Religion in Del Anon
Before the Great Reckoning, religion was monotheistic; all creatures paid homage to Yahalla as the one true goddess.
Her brother Bael the Destroyer was worshipped in some cults. The Fates, to whom even Yahalla and Bael must
answer, have never been worshipped, but instead are acknowledged as a universal force to be neither revered nor
reviled. The fates do as they will, and the action (or inaction) of mortals is usually beneath their notice.
After the destruction of Yahalla, the demigods emerged. These are powerful creatures worshipped by mortals,
with the power to influence the lives of the heroes. The demigods have the most direct influence on life in Del Anon.

Most Influential Demigods of Del Anon

Demigod ASP Symbol Worshippers or Influence
Aeron, the defender Good Crystal sword, winter Protectors, guardians, knights
Briss, the defiler Evil A bloody dagger Assassins, murderers, bandits
Ceehr, the keeper of secrets Neutral A closed book Sages, mystics
Morden, the builder Good An anvil Dwarves, craftsmen, blacksmiths
Muse, the lady of beauty Good A harp Music, love, poetry, art, fay
Nassad, the avenger Evil A red spear Orks, barbarians, evil myrmidons
Orkus, prince of undead Evil A skull Undead, necromancers
The Raven Queen Evil A raven Dead souls, thieves, ravens
Riordin, the huntress Neutral Great bow covered in ivory Fay, hunters, druids
Roma, the watcher Neutral Scales in balance Travelers, merchants, gnomes
St. Jurris the faithful Good The sun Followers of Yahalla
Toren, the thunderer Neutral A war hammer Barbarians, myrmidons, dwarves

Divine Intervention
Each hero may choose a patron demigod or
demigoddess. This is the deity to whom the hero
declares allegiance, and to whom the hero gives
worship and offers sacrifices.
A hero may ask for divine intervention
once per week. Calling for divine intervention
requires the hero to use a hero point to make the
roll. The DT of the roll depends on how faithful
the hero has been to both the deity and to the
tenets of the faith, as determined by the
Mythweaver. A character may not attempt to roll
for divine intervention until at least adept rank
(level 3), as before this time his or her actions are
beneath the notice of the gods. Chosen humans
receive their racial bonus to this roll, as the gods
tend to be more interested in the affairs of
humans than of any other race. The way in which
the deity intervenes is up to the Mythweaver, but
could include such aid as casting a paragon spell
on behalf of the hero or sending a paragon
creature to help the hero for 1 turn.

Divine Intervention Difficulty Targets

DT Situation
6 The hero has been dogmatic in adherence to the deity and the tenets of the faith.
8 The hero has been very faithful to the deity and the tenets of the faith.
10 The hero has followed the deity and the tenets of the faith.
12 The hero has been lax in following the deity and adhering to the tenets of the faith.
16 The hero has not been faithful to the deity and/or the tenets of the faith.
20 The hero has openly defied the will of the deity and/or the tenets of the faith.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 141

Running a Campaign in Del Anon
This section includes suggestions for Mythweavers to use to start campaigns in Del Anon. This begins with a list of
quick campaign starters, followed by a discussion of some of the major villains (and villainous organizations) or Del
Anon and profiles of some of its more prominent heroes.

10 Adventure Hooks and Campaign Starters in Del Anon

1 The heroes are on a merchant vessel that is pulled into a hurricane in the northern Sea of Storms. When the
ship is capsized on the shores of the Isle of Dragon’s Bones, the heroes are sent to explore the island and
attempt to find a means of transport home. They will have to overcome tribes of barbarian cavemen,
rampaging dinosaurs, and an ancient cult of cannibals hidden deep in the jungles of the isle.
2 The ears of the 99 trolls displayed on the walls of the famous inn within the walls of Beldin Mere are stolen.
Fears escalate that the trolls may be growing even now in the sewers beneath the city, and their destruction
must be swift and irrevocable. Of course, the innkeeper desperately wants to recover his trophies, and will
pay handsomely for each troll ear recovered. The trolls have indeed recovered, and now hold a section of the
sewers, preparing to launch an assault on the city proper.
3 An expedition set off into one of the wilder and more dangerous locations in the realm (the Iron Ridge
Mountains or the Vale of Eternal Winters) and never returned. The heroes have been hired to pick up the
trail of the lost explorers and recover either the living explorers (ideally) or at least their bodies for the
families to bury.
4 A message has to be hand-delivered to the rulers of one of the most distant and inaccessible strongholds in
the realm. Taking a scroll to the lord of Stormhammer Tor or delivering the ashes of a fallen family member
to a noble of Jythra could provide opportunity for dozens of encounters over a variety of terrain.
5 Three new varieties of undead arise, ruled by succubus queens of great power who compete with one another
for influence in Del Anon.
6 One of the heroes inherits a map from an uncle (and fellow adventurer) who recently died. The map is of a
hidden doorway in the tunnels beneath Jythra, leading into a vast, unexplored section of the tunnel complex.
The heroes must travel to the city and fight their way to the entrance (through known tunnels) to locate this
hidden chamber.
7 The orks of Torm’s Hold prepare to go to war against the rest of the realm, using a new weapon they have
recently uncovered. The heroes are sent to broker a peace agreement with the orks, and, if that fails, to
sabotage ork efforts and recover the secret weapon.
8 All trade relations with Stormhammer Tor have recently broken off, and the dwarves have secluded
themselves within the fortress. The heroes have been sent to see if they can open trade back up, finding the
cause of and assuaging the anger of the dwarves in the process.
9 A new thieves’ guild emerges in Nethil Bay, and attempts to make a dent in the operations of Roguehaven
throughout the Eastern Reaches. Various bandit armies and powerful families (like the Winterwillow
Family) have been pulled into an alliance with this secretive guild in Nethil Bay, and the heroes have to take
10 The stronghold of the Circle of the Serpent, a massive citadel at the heart of Dreadwood Mire, has been
found. It is likely the abode of the Shadow Dragon King Darksihde and his powerful minions (including at
least a dozen dragons), and will require the most powerful characters in the realm to have any chance of
finally defeating him.

Villains of Del Anon

One thing that separates a true campaign from a series For instance, the quest of the dragon Darksihde
of adventures is the presence of a villain or series of for godhood has been a recurring and underlying theme
villains united by a single cause. Often, the evil and in many of the games I’ve run. He has yet to establish,
depravity of the villain provides juxtaposition for the once and for all, either success or failure in this quest,
valor and virtue that ultimately define the heroes. The and this has helped to launch and sustain the careers of
more powerful and dangerous the villain, the more many adventurers. I wish you such success.
noble and worthwhile is the heroes’ ultimate victory.
The purpose of this section is to give you as the Villainous Organizations
Mythweaver a variety of villains to choose from. Any one
of these could provide anything from an adventure hook This section includes several organizations that could
to the centerpiece of an entire campaign, or even a series operate ‘behind the scenes’, becoming a recurring threat
of campaigns. to the heroes, or eventually the focus of an entire
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 142
The Circle of the Serpent The Thieves’ Guild of Roguehaven
A relatively new organization, the circle of the serpent is An especially ambitious network, this powerful guild
a cult of humans, demi-humans and humanoids devoted centered in Roguehaven under the direction of Rathan
to the worship of snakes. As part of his quest for status Milford Ferman IV has established a foothold in every
as a demigod, the shadow dragon Darksihde has major city (and most of the larger towns) in the eastern
founded a cult of worshippers to gain the power and lands of Del Anon. Rathan has overseen the growth of
influence he needs to petition for godhood. This cult his father’s organization from a powerful city guild to a
considers him a demigod already, and fervently obeys vast network of spies, black market goods and other
his every whim. The Circle is lead by the high priestess assorted criminal activities. Unlike his father, Rathan IV
Arial Nightveil, actively recruiting new members from has no qualms about slavery and the trade of living
throughout Del Anon. goods, backing an ambitious slave trade that has grown
greatly over the last ten years. Bandits in the far reaches
The Family Winterwillow of the realm have heard of this guild and its power, and
in recent years caravans have been attacked not only for
This family is known as a powerful trading cartel in the the valuables carried, but also so that travelers can be
eastern lands, and fully one-fourth of all merchant sold into slavery, often taken deep into the northern
caravan traffic in the region bears the banner of the mountains to mine gold, silver and gems that are
Family Winterwillow. The family is notable both for its plentiful in those desolate ranges.
wealth and also for its unprecedented success and luck.
It has been at least five years since an organized bandit Tribe of the Boar
group has launched a raid against a caravan flying the
Winterwillow banner, and some have suggested that this The Tribe of the Boar is one of the three barbarian tribes
is because many bandit coffers are filled with money of the eastern lands of Del Anon, this tribe living far to
paid by the Winterwillows, a claim the family dismisses the east of Gryphon Watch Keep. The Tribe of the Boar,
outright. as were the other two tribes of the region, was created
when the former barbarian King Solun of the Tribe of
The Fire Sorcerers of the East the Wyrm died and his peoples were divided. This once-
powerful tribe was split, and each crowned its own king
The Fire Sorcerers of the East, founded by the archmage as war between these tribes (each founded by one of
Chandar, is a powerful and influential network of Solun’s sons) erupted. The Tribe of the Boar is the
affiliated wizards all working towards a single purpose: smallest of these tribes (with fewer than 500 living clan
gaining and using political and social clout. To this end, members), but also the most aggressive, making forays
many fire sorcerers have assumed powerful positions into civilized lands regularly, and allying itself with such
throughout the east, often without the knowledge of creatures as goblins and orks.
those around them that the personage in question is a
member of the Fire Sorcerers. Members of this Building the Perfect Villain
organization are secretive by nature, and loyalty among
members is strong, especially considering the enigmatic Villains come in all shapes and sizes, and they
spirit of the organization and the evil demeanor of the come from anywhere and everywhere. One great source
bulk of its membership. of inspiration for creating villains is popular culture-
some very cool villains have appeared in books, movies
Knights of the Bloody Blade and even role-playing games, and you should feel free to
use these examples as models for building your own
After the Order of the Sun (a worldwide army of knights- distinct and memorable enemies.
the single greatest force the world has ever seen) was The Star Wars Universe is one such place from
broken during the Great Reckoning, it splintered into which to draw inspiration. While this setting has dozens
several factions. While time has driven many of these of strong villains, three especially memorable foes come
factions into obscurity, the Knights of the Bloody Blade to mind: Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and Jabba the Hutt.
have remained. This order of independent traveling While each of these varies widely in his methods and
warriors believes that Bael is the one true god, and that attributes, each shares similar characteristics that help
his anger and wrath must be meted out upon an us to define what makes a truly memorable villain:
unworthy people. According to knights of this order, the • They have style. Each of these three villains has a
death of Yahalla was the final proof that there is only very specific look and feel, and this makes each of
one true god, and his name is Bael. This makes members them memorable. When you create villains, give
of this order dangerous to all, as they view the worship your bad guys (and girls) a distinct, memorable
of any deity other than Bael - good, evil or indifferent - look. Villains often have symbols associated with
as a challenge to the name of Bael, and worthy of them, and these symbols quickly identify the
absolute destruction. Knights of the Bloody Blade servants and followers of the villain, so that even
undertake quests to destroy the shrines, relics and when the heroes aren’t directly facing the villain,
leaders of all other religious orders. they are constantly reminded of the villain’s
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 143
presence in their adventures. This may be reflected • They have goals. “Taking over the world” is not a
in unique weapons, armor and items possessed by very specific goal. Bringing order to the galaxy,
the villain. Your main bad guy should not have an establishing a reputation as the greatest bounty
enchanted broad sword (+10/+1) as his signature hunter of all time, or building the most powerful
weapon. The sword of the shadowed moon is a crime empire in the universe are more specific, and
more impressive weapon, even if it’s only a broad provide more opportunities for conflict.
sword (+10/+1) that gives +2 to stealth rolls; a cool • Lastly, the best villains have a sense of humor. If
name and some variety in abilities go a long way. they make your players (and you) laugh with them -
• They have a distinctive voice. This is the easiest instead of at them - they are more likely to cross
attribute of a three-dimensional, well-rounded over into the realm of legend.
character to transfer into a role-playing game. By
giving each villain a unique voice (and it would be Villainous Masterminds
hard to argue that Vader, Fett and Jabba don’t have
distinctive voices), you create a stronger picture in The villains are listed here in alphabetical order. Each of
the minds of your players. When you create a new these villains has villain points, which work exactly as
villain, give some thought to how this villain sounds, hero points do for the heroes. Typically, a villain has
and include this whenever the heroes interact with banked a number of villain points equal to his or her
the villain. level. As the Mythweaver, you are free to keep track of
• They don’t work in isolation (even Boba Fett worked villain points that their villains earn and to advance
with other bounty hunters on occasion). They levels as appropriate. Of course, a villain could always be
surround themselves with other, less powerful (but granted an additional level (or two) to keep them
often very loyal) followers who carry out their aims competitive with the heroes. Just because the villain
and act as an extension of their will throughout the started the campaign at level 9 doesn’t mean that she
world (or multi-verse, as the case may be). They join hasn’t advanced to level 12 or 13 by the time the heroes
organizations and are part of larger hierarchies. This think they’re ready to challenge her…
activity in the social structure of a region or realm
makes the villain more real, and also creates other Amethyst Darkenhold
ways that the villain influences the events of the Medium Master Dragon-Spawned Mystic 13 (D12)
campaign. Evil humanoids exist for such service. DEX 8 (11); MGT 3; PWS 3; STA 6 (10)
When in doubt, surround your villain with a tribe of ASP –6; INT 7; REA 8; WIL 9
hobgoblins or a dozen ogres. Armor 9; Health 166; Initiative +11; Move 10
• They have cool vehicles, bases or both. Each of these Talents Arcanum (master @D16); darkness
villains is memorable not only for what they did and (expert); quick spell (delay –4); influence
the gear they carried, but for the other elements (expert DT 19); lore (adept +7)
surrounding them. While vehicles are uncommon in Attacks By spell or enchanted dagger +3/+3
a fantasy game, a unique steed will give any villain (+9 total damage; delay 10)
additional flair and add some firepower to his Abilities Favored trait REA; night vision (7 units);
arsenal. Many villains will also have hideouts or +4 to villain point rolls
bases of operation, and the best of these become an Gear Cloak of armor (+4); enchanted robes +5;
extension of the personality of the villain. ring of regeneration (4 points per round);
• Villains are constantly scheming. If you are running expert amulet of spell turning; ring of
a campaign with a more cinematic flair, it may be DEX (+3); belt of STA (+4)
worthwhile to include ‘cut scenes’ at the beginnings The half-dragon spawn of the shadow dragon
or ends of gaming sessions. Although the heroes Darksihde, Amethyst Darkenhold is a creature partially
would not know what the villain is up to, it may native to the lower planes. As such, she cannot truly be
entice the players to continue playing or to invest destroyed in the realm of Del Anon but only exiled for a
further into the campaign if you end each session period of one year. She may only be slain in the realm of
with a brief, visual description of what their main Pandemonium, where she serves as a lady in waiting to
enemy has been up to. Of course, each of these the Raven Queen when not serving her father’s purposes
descriptions should create more questions than it in Del Anon.
answers. For example, “Lady Darkenhold dismissed Amethyst is an expert manipulator, using an
her servants. These advisors, the battle-scarred ork expansive spy network and a variety of allies to serve her
and the thin shadow elf seer, bowed and exited. Now goals throughout the eastern lands of Del Anon. She was
she was alone. She crossed her expansive chamber recently banished by the Three of the Crossing but has
to open a gold-adorned chest and pulled a small since returned, resuming her schemes where she left off.
item, wrapped in fine purple silk, from within. In addition to her carried gear, she possesses a
Delicately turning aside the fabric, she peered into greater crystal ball which she uses to spy on enemies.
the folds. The item wrapped inside glowed with a Amethyst is an exceptionally powerful and cunning foe.
bright silver light that washed across her face. For She will use magic to escape rather than allowing her
the first time in nearly ten years, she smiled… her self to be killed or taken alive, but if banished from the
ultimate goals were now within reach, and only a realm she will return 1 year later fixated on vengeance.
few things still stood in her way."
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 144
Arial Nightveil Chandar the Fire Mage
Medium Paragon Chosen Human Defender 17 (D16) Medium Paragon Chosen Human Mystic 20 (D20)
DEX 6; MGT 5 (8); PWS 7 (10); STA 7 DEX 8 (12); MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 8 (12)
ASP –6; INT 8 (11); REA 5; WIL 10 ASP –6; INT 10 (15); REA 10; WIL 8 (13)
Armor 22; Health 235; Initiative +11; Move 10 Armor 11; Health 301; Initiative +15; Move 10
Talents Armor (expert); melee (expert); quick Talents Arcanum (master); elemental fire
strike (–5 delay); darkness (master); (paragon); psionics (expert); quick spell
psionics (apprentice); quick spell (–5 (delay –5); lore (paragon +20)
delay); influence (expert DT 20); Attacks Chandar’s Staff +3/+6 bonus fire damage
lore (adept +8) (+12 total damage; delay 10)
Attacks Enchanted unholy war hammer +10/+4 Abilities Favored trait INT; +6 to villain point rolls
(+22 total damage/ Gear Enchanted robes +3/+3; ring of INT +5;
+28 vs. good characters; delay 7) ring of WIL +5; belt of STA +4; cloak of
Abilities Favored trait ASP; focused strike (+12 full magic warding (20 points); jewel of
damage to one strike/turn); +5 to villain armor +5; bracers of DEX +4
point rolls Chandar is the founder and leader of the Fire
Gear Unholy enchanted chain mail armor Sorcerers of the East. A harsh archmage who believes in
+10/+2; ring of PWS (+3); ring of INT the strictest of disciplinary codes, Chandar has forged a
(+3); cloak of armor (+4); belt of full mighty network of affiliated mages throughout eastern
magic warding (10 points); gem of MGT Del Anon. His true goals remain a mystery, as thus far
(+3); enchanted unholy shield +5/+2 (13 he has seemed content to build political clout through
defensive points per round) the dozens of mages and apprentices who have sworn
As the high priestess of the Circle of the Serpent, loyalty to Chandar and his purposes.
Arial has great authority in the eastern lands of Del
Anon. Although her cult is powerful, it operates through Chief Zonyl
subtlety and guile. The location of her shrine is a Small Adept Humanoid 5 (D8)
carefully-guarded secret among members of the Circle of DEX 6; MGT 6; PWS 7; STA 7
the Serpent. She is a strong-willed and capable ASP –3; INT 6; REA 2; WIL 5
adversary who tends towards impatience and feels her Armor 5; Health 48; Initiative +5; Move 10
own mortality, especially when she contrasts her Talents Weapon access; lore (adept +5)
longevity against that of the dragons she holds as close Attacks Zonyl's Tooth, enchanted mace +5/+2
allies. Arial has served alongside Amethyst Darkenhold (+12 total damage; delay 11)
and considers herself the better of Darksihde’s daughter, Abilities Lesser night vision (3 units)
although he would beg to differ on this distinction. She Gear Quality studded leather armor +5
fears (rightly) that she is not respected despite her Treasure Greater
power and is desperate to gain the full trust of her lord. An ambitious young goblin, Chief Zonyl has
managed to inspire a small but diligent tribe of goblins
Bergan Battlescar, the Bandit Baron under his command. They have launched a series of
Medium Expert Narglyn Hunter 7 (D10) successful raids on the lands of man and his allies, and
DEX 7; MGT 4; PWS 5; STA 9 Zonyl's power and influence is growing among his
ASP –4; INT 6 (7); REA 2 (3); WIL 3 (4) neighboring goblin lords. His weapon, Zonyl’s Tooth,
Armor 8; Health 95; Initiative +7; Move 10 acts also as an adept wand of deeping, allowing him to
Talents Armor (adept); melee (adept); missile cast two spontaneous deeping spells per turn. He has
(adept); burglary (apprentice +3) nature been very successful, amassing a considerable treasure
(adept +6); stealth (adept DT 15) cache (he has the treasure of a master rank beast).
Attacks Enchanted light crossbow +6/+1 (+7
total damage; delay 10); quality long Darksihde
sword +5 (+9 total damage; delay 11) Huge Demigod Rank Mythical Serpent 28 (D24)
Abilities Favored trait DEX; natural armor +3; DEX 10; MGT 15; PWS 15; STA 15
night vision (3 units) ASP –13; INT 14; REA 8; WIL 13
Gear Studded leather armor +5; cloak of Armor 56; Health 666; Initiative +14; Move 10 (fly 7)
stealth +2; bottomless satchel; ring of Talents Darkness (paragon); lore (paragon +22);
mental prowess (+1 to INT, REA & WIL) quick strike (–7 delays)
The bastard child of a bugbear chieftain’s wife Attacks Greater bite attack +30 (+45 total
and her bandit lover, Bergan inherited his mother’s damage; delay 5); lesser claw attack +20
bloodline and his father’s propensity to flirt with (+35 total damage @D20; delay 5)
disaster. He has forged a hard-hearted and ruthless Abilities Greater armor; bonus attack; greater
band of bandits that plies its trade along the wooden breath weapon; normal flight; full greater
road running the northern edges of Timbervale. Bergan magic warding; normal regeneration
maintains a fortified hideout deep within the forest for Gear None
his growing bandit army. Treasure Greater (x5)

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 145

Darksihde is among the most powerful creatures General Groth has lived an especially violent
in all of Del Anon. Darksihde is a nearly immortal and cruel life, even by ork standards. The youngest of
creature, a manipulative enemy nonpareil that dwells in nine sons born to a notable ork captain, Groth rose
a mighty palace hidden deep in the lands below. Even through the ranks of the Citadel of Torm’s Hold (named
the most capable group of heroes pales in comparison to for its previous ruler Overlord Torm) who had been slain
the incredible power of Darksihde. His breath weapon is by one of his generals, inciting a civil war. At the end of a
a cloud of pure darkness filling 8 units in a straight line bloody conflict of ten years, Groth emerged as the most
with darkness magic dealing 280 points of damage. powerful military leader, killing or earning the loyalty of
Those in the area of effect may roll DEX (DT 25) for half each of his previous opponents.
damage. Any creature coming within 10 units of Although this war cost Groth his right eye, he
Darksihde must make a WIL resist roll (DT 20) or turn has not lost any of his military acumen or an uncanny
and flee in horror for 1 turn. Darksihde’s treasure hoard knack for surviving even the most desperate of
is rolled five different times at demigod rank. This situations. In the last five winters, Groth has established
treasure is reputed to be the most valuable and powerful himself as a true force to be reckoned with, and a
in all of Del Anon. military leader for the orks without parallel.
Darksihde has undertaken a quest for godhood,
and a cult of worshippers has grown up around him in Grellnan Rondack II,
support of this quest. Should Darksihde actually become Knight of the Bloody Blade
a true demigod, his power, influence and the threat he Medium Expert Chosen Human Myrmidon 8 (D10)
brings to the lands of man would increase terribly. DEX 5 (7); MGT 8 (11); PWS 8; STA 5 (7)
ASP –4; INT 3; REA 3; WIL 5 (7)
Gar’Ral Armor 15; Health 93; Initiative +7; Move 10
Large Master Humanoid 12 (D12) Talents Armor (expert); melee (expert); quick
DEX 8; MGT 12; PWS 10; STA 12 strike (–3 delays); darkness (adept);
ASP –5; INT 7; REA 4; WIL 7 influence (adept DT 13)
Armor 20; Health 210; Initiative +8; Move 10 Attacks Enchanted unholy long sword +8/+3 (+21
Talents Weapon access; deeping (adept); total damage, +25 vs. good creatures;
elemental lightning (apprentice) delay 9)
Attacks Oversized great sword +12 Abilities Favored trait PWS; focused strike (+12
(+24 total damage; delay 16) damage to one strike/turn); +3 to villain
Abilities Normal armor; night vision (3 units) point rolls
Gear Oversized banded mail armor +10 Gear Unholy enchanted chain mail armor +11;
Far more intelligent and capable than most cloak of MGT +3; boots of DEX +2; belt of
ogres, Gar’Ral has learned the benefits of working with STA +2; jewel of WIL +2; helm of night
others, enjoying a successful partnership with the mage vision (3 units)
Taruck Shadowstaff. Gar’Ral has earned the moniker Grellnan is a fierce warrior and dedicated
“The Ogre Magi”, and has enjoyed building a reputation crusader of darkness, believing to his core the tenets of
as ‘the smart ogre’. his order. He travels the realm actively working to
destroy the relics and servants of various religions,
General Groth especially hating believers in deities of good. He has
Medium Paragon Ork Myrmidon 18 (D16) started to search for a permanent fortress from which to
DEX 5 (9); MGT 8 (13); PWS 10 (15); STA 9 (14) launch raids against other religions, and has initiated
ASP –7; INT 6 (10); REA 4 (7); WIL 8 (13) talks to build a small army of humanoids to assist him.
Armor 28; Health 344; Initiative +10; Move 10
Talents Armor (paragon); melee (paragon); quick Jarl Kruskil
strike (–5 delay); counter attacks; Huge Paragon Humanoid (stone giant) 20 (D20)
athletics (expert +10); influence (master DEX 8; MGT 18; PWS 13; STA 16
DT 28) ASP –5; INT 11; REA 4; WIL 11
Attacks Axe of the orkish fathers; unholy Armor 32; Health 460; Initiative +11; Move 10
enchanted axe +18/+5; +5 PWS (+36 total Talents Weapon access; athletics (adept +8);
damage/+43 vs. good targets; delay 10) influence (adept DT 17); lore (adept +8)
Abilities Night vision (6 units); favored trait MGT; Attacks Giant-sized enchanted great maul +20/+5
focused strike (+30 damage to one (+43 total damage; delay 17)
strike/turn); armor piercing (–4 armor Abilities Normal armor
for 1 turn); impair attack (+3 to physical Gear Enchanted giant-sized chain mail armor
DTs for 3 rounds); +5 to villain point rolls +10/+2, giant-sized ring of regeneration
Gear Enchanted ork battle armor +18/+5 (gives (5 points/round)
+5 STA & +5 WIL); boots of DEX +4; belt Kruskil has emerged as the leader of a fierce
of MGT +5; bracers of deflection (+5 band of stone giants living northeast of Gryphon Watch
defensive points/round as a shield); cloak Keep. More lucky than capable, Kruskil lives a lavish
of INT +4; jewel of REA +3 lifestyle (for a stone giant) and enjoys his position with

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 146

gluttony and excess. His followers are loyal to him only Rathan Milford Ferman IV
for his recent successes in raiding the humans to the Chosen Human Rake 19 (D16)
south, but his arrogance and excess in attacking human DEX 10 (15); MGT 2; PWS 6; STA 7
lands has attracted some powerful enemies and may ASP –5; INT 9 (14); REA 7; WIL 8 (12)
quickly lead to his undoing. His fortress is located in a Armor 11; Health 251; Initiative +15; Move 10
desolate mountain range not far from the lands of man. Talents Melee (expert); missile (expert); athletics
(adept +6); burglary (master +15);
Marivin Winterwillow, Caravan Expert influence (paragon DT 31); stealth (expert
Medium Expert Chosen Human Hunter 12 (D12) DT 25)
DEX 6; MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 7 Attacks Enchanted rapier +10/+5 (+15 total
ASP –2; INT 6; REA 4; WIL 6 damage; delay 9); enchanted crossbow
Armor 10; Health 133; Initiative +6; Move 10 +10/+5 (+15 total damage; delay 10)
Talents Melee (expert); armor (adept); missile Abilities Favored trait WIL; focused strike (+12
(expert); lore (adept +6); influence (adept damage to one strike/turn); +5 to villain
DT 12); nature (expert +10) point rolls
Attacks Enchanted medium crossbow +10/+2 Gear Enchanted leather armor +3/+3; ring of
(+12 total damage; delay 10); enchanted armor (+5); belt of DEX (+5); ring of INT
broad sword +10/+1 (+17 total damage; (+5); charm of luck (+1 hero/villain point
delay 12) per turn); pendant of WIL (+4)
Abilities Favored trait WIL; +4 to villain point As the Guildmaster of the Thieves’ Guild of
rolls; focused strike (+12 damage to one Roguehaven, Rathan is both the high lord of the city of
strike/turn) Roguehaven and one of the most influential political
Gear Enchanted studded leather armor +6/+2; figures in all of Del Anon. Rathan has his hands in every
ring of armor +2; four bottomless satchels conceivable illegal enterprise in the east. He favors
Marivin is an older man, a veteran of the trade himself a man about town and aristocrat, flaunting his
routes throughout the eastern lands. He is cold and power and considerable wealth whenever the
distant, and his family’s financial interests supersede all opportunity presents itself. He is no fool, however, and
other concerns. In many ways, he is the public face of constantly surrounds himself with an assortment of
the family, as most of its more powerful members live guards and defenses to ensure his safety.
lives of seclusion in the mansions of Beldin Mere and
Roguehaven. Marivin is old enough to retire, but the Rungord, Chief of the Clan of the Boar
road remains his calling. He is rumored to carry in Medium Master Chosen Human Myrmidon 13 (D12)
excess of 5,000 gold with him at all times, although few DEX 6; MGT 8 (12); PWS 10; STA 7 (11)
have been brave enough to try and take it from him and ASP –5; INT 6 (8); REA 2; WIL 4
incur his family’s wrath. Armor 10; Health 202; Initiative +8; Move 10
Talents Armor (adept); melee (paragon); quick
Neshin Ruh strike (–4 delays); parry; athletics (expert
Chosen Human Hunter 16 (D16) +10); nature (expert +10)
DEX 10 (14); MGT 4; PWS 6; STA 5 Attacks Enchanted frosted great spear +13/+4/+4
ASP –5; INT 8 (11); REA 6; WIL 5 (7) cold (+33 total damage; delay 9)
Armor 13; Health 174; Initiative +11; Move 10 Abilities Favored trait MGT; +4 to villain point
Talents Armor (adept); melee (expert); missile rolls; focused strike (+26 damage to one
(expert); quick strike (delay –5); poison strike/turn); blood letter (10 damage per
(paragon, see page 27); athletics (expert round for 4 rounds); impair attack (+3 to
+10); burglary (adept +6); stealth (master physical DTs for 3 rounds)
DT 32 w/boots) Gear Enchanted hide armor +6/+4; belt of
Attacks Enchanted great rapier +10/+5 (+15 total MGT +4; cloak of STA +4; torc of the boar
damage; delay 4); enchanted crossbow (+2 INT, +2 REA, +2 WIL); horn of the
+10/+5 (+15 total damage; delay 5) boar (summons D4+1 huge boards as
Abilities Favored trait DEX; focused strike (+12 to level 6 large animal) once per turn
one strike/turn); +4 to villain point rolls A young but savage warrior, Rungord has had to
Gear Enchanted studded leather armor +8; work diligently to prove his worth as the King of the
ring of DEX +4; cloak of armor +5; Tribe of the Boar. His warriors are fiercely loyal to him
bracers of PWS +3; gemstone of INT +3; and he has been known to undertake perilous campaigns
belt of WIL +2; boots of stealth +3 to prove both his own bravery and the fortitude of his
Neshin Ruh is considered the deadliest assassin followers.
in all of eastern Del Anon, and possibly in the entire
realm. He has sold his services to the Fire Sorcerers of
the East, the Circle of the Serpent, and to other lords
and rulers throughout the east. Almost nothing is known
of his background or family.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 147

Sloth Tashya is an independent thief, an expert
Medium Master Chosen Human Rake 8 (D10) burglar who has styled herself after a black cat and who
DEX 10; MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 4 prides herself on pulling off incredibly difficult and
ASP –4; INT 6; REA 2; WIL 4 dangerous jobs. She is a thief for hire and will take
Armor 6; Health 75; Initiative +10; Move 10 contracts as much for excitement and the nature of the
Talents melee (expert); athletics (apprentice +3); heist as much as (if not more than) for the money.
burglary (expert +8); stealth (expert DT 21)
Attacks enchanted serrated dagger +8/+3 (+15 Xillina Xansithis
total damage; delay 12) Medium Shadow Elf Expert Defender 8 (D10)
Abilities DEX favored trait; +3 to villain point rolls; DEX 5; MGT 5; PWS 5; STA 6
focused strike (+12 damage to one ASP –5; INT 6; REA 4; WIL 7 (9)
strike/turn) Armor 10; Health 96; Initiative +9; Move 10
Gear Enchanted leather armor +3/+3; cloak of Talents Armor (expert); melee (adept); darkness
shadows (+3 stealth) (expert); influence (adept DT 15); lore
Sloth is a vile, disgusting and perverse (apprentice +3)
individual. He will do anything for a price, be it Attacks Quality medium flail +6 (+11 total
burglary, extortion or murder. He remains independent, damage; delay 11)
his loyalties only as deep as his employer’s pockets. Abilities Favored trait PWS; night vision (6 units)
Gear Chain mail armor +8; adept ring of WIL
Taruck Shadowstaff +2; cloak of armor +2; shield +6 (6
Medium Chosen Human Expert Mystic 9 (D10) defensive points per round)
DEX 8; MGT 3; PWS 3; STA 2 Xillina is a priestess to the spider god who has
ASP –4; INT 6; REA 8; WIL 8 broken from her home clan to start a cult in worship to
Armor 6; Health 59; Initiative +8; Move 10 spiders. Although her group is small, her influence is
Talents Arcanum (expert); psionics (adept); growing rapidly due to her powerful personality and
illusion (adept); lore (expert +9) expert leadership. She is served by a small but devoted
Attacks Quarterstaff +3 (+6 total damage; delay band of shadow elves and surrounds herself with a
10) variety of giant spiders and hobgoblins.
Abilities Favored trait REA; +3 to villain point rolls
Gear Quality casters robes +3; cloak of full Zarthazan the Vampire
magic warding +6; ring of armor +3 Medium Paragon Undead 16 (D16)
Taruck is a mage who has created no end of DEX 11; MGT 8; PWS 8; STA 10 (13)
trouble everywhere he has gone. He fancies himself a ASP –10; INT 8 (10); REA 7 (9); WIL 8 (10)
power player in the eastern continent of Del Anon, but Armor 10; Health 259; Initiative +11; Move 10
has remained independent, refusing to make long-term Talents Darkness (expert); psionics (master);
allegiances with any organization. A risk taker and athletics (adept +8); stealth (adept DT 16)
gambler by nature, Taruck has been known to Attacks Normal bite attack +15 (+23 total
temporarily ally himself with humanoid tribes or other damage; delay 10); lesser claw attack +10
intelligent creatures of moderate intelligence (including (+18 total damage; delay 10 @D12)
a notable partnership with the ogre shaman Gar’Ral), Abilities Bonus attack; lesser armor; normal
and has met with some success. regeneration; greater undead drain;
immunity (normal weapons)
Tashya Tabithian Gear Ring of armor (+5); ring of mental
Medium Chosen Human Master Rake 12 (D12) vigilance (+2 INT, REA, WIL); belt of STA
DEX 9 (12); MGT 4; PWS 8; STA 6 (+3); cloak of full magic warding (10
ASP –2; INT 10; REA 3; WIL 4 points)
Armor 5; Health 125; Initiative +12; Move 10 Zarthazan has the abilities of all vampires (see
Talents Melee (adept); missile (expert); athletics page 107). He prefers to use his spell casting abilities
(adept +6); burglary (master +12); stealth over those attributable to his undead state. He thinks
(expert DT 25) and acts more as a human than as one of the undead,
Attacks Enchanted long sword +6/+4 (+14 total and surrounds himself with the accoutrements of his
damage; delay 11); enchanted bow +10/+4 former life. He has an appreciation for beauty, art and
(+14 total damage; delay 9) music, and these adorn his lavish household. He will not
Abilities Favored trait DEX; +4 to villain point interact with other undead creatures unless absolutely
rolls; focused strike (+12 damage to one necessary, preferring the company of the living to that of
strike/turn) the dead. Unlike most vampires, he is not tortured by or
Gear Enchanted midnight leather armor +3/+2 regretful of his undead state, simply viewing it as an
(+3 stealth); ring of regeneration (3 unfortunate situation but one that he is willing to ‘make
points per round); boots of levitation (as the best of’, even when his evil nature drives him to
psionics spell, usable once per turn), behave in deplorable ways.
gauntlets of DEX +3

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 148

Heroes of Del Anon
This section lists some of the heroes who have arisen in the last several decades to protect the people of Del Anon. The
heroes may work alongside these characters, or seek them out for aid or counsel.

The Three of the Crossing Cartaan Pauldo

Medium Chosen Human Master Hunter 11 (D12)
The Three of the Crossing emerged in Jurris’ Crossing DEX 9; MGT 4; PWS 6 (8); STA 5
fifteen winters ago and traveled the region fighting the ASP 2; INT 6; REA 2; WIL 3 (6)
forces of evil. They eventually faced and defeated the Armor 13; Health 112; Initiative +9; Move 6
sorceress Amethyst Darkenhold, driving her from Del Talents Armor (adept); melee (expert); missile
Anon for some time. Although there were only three (expert); quick strike (-4 delay); athletics
members of this brotherhood, the ranger Judah (expert +10); nature (adept +6)
Marakev (the uncle of Tessrail Marakev, lord of Gryphon Attacks Mindmasker enchanted sword +10/+3
Watch Keep) joined them for several of their adventures, (+17 total damage/+21 vs. magic-using;
and is an ‘unofficial’ fourth member of the company. delay 9; see below); enchanted long bow
This company has broken up in the ten years since their +10/+3 (+13 total damage; delay 5)
greatest success, but each remains active in the areas Abilities Favored trait PWS; +4 to hero point rolls;
west of Gryphon Watch Keep, opposing the growing focused strike (+12 damage to one
power of the mighty dragon Darksihde. strike/turn)
Gear Enchanted studded leather armor +6/+3;
Beldwyn cloak of armor +4; ring of PWS +2; adept
Medium Human Master Delver 11 (D12) ring of wilding (casts one spontaneous
DEX 5; MGT 3; PWS 7; STA 4 adept wilding spell per turn)
ASP 3; INT 7 (10); REA 3; WIL 4 Cartaan Pauldo was one of the Three of the
Armor 10; Health 102; Initiative +10; Move 10 Crossing, the heroes who arose in Jurris' Crossing in the
Talents Armor (adept); melee (expert); light early 800's to battle the threat of the Shadow Dragon
(adept); wilding (expert); nature (expert Darksihde. In addition to the progeny of this beast,
+10) these heroes defeated Amethyst Darkenhold, the half-
Attacks Enchanted quarterstaff +10/+4 (+17 total daughter of the dragon, banishing her from the realm
damage; delay 13); enchanted sling +3/+3 for a short time. Cartaan has established a reputation as
(+6 total damage; delay 10) an expert hunter and tracker throughout the region.
Abilities Favored trait INT; stunning strike (6 Cartaan wields Mindmasker. In addition to its
segments to next delay); +4 to hero point normal damage bonuses, Mindmasker deals +3
rolls additional damage against magic-using creatures (any
Gear Enchanted studded leather armor +6/+4; creature with magic talents) and grants the wielder +3 to
amulet of the forest (+3 to INT) WIL. Mindmasker also makes the character effectively
Beldwyn was always an outcast, a heavy-set and 'invisible' to scrying, creating a U+3 AOE around the
rather homely child who grew up at the fringes of sword in which scrying (as with a crystal ball) is
society. Although he remains both heavy and relatively impossible.
unattractive, Beldwyn is surprisingly nimble, using the
quarterstaff in addition to his magical abilities and Ivan Drekov
skills. Beldwyn has spent some time studying with Medium Part-Human Master Mystic 11 (D12)
druidic orders, but fancies himself a 'friar' more than a DEX 7 (9); MGT 3; PWS 2; STA 4
druid, and keeps loose affiliations with a number of ASP –1; INT 7; REA 8; WIL 6
organizations to this day. Beldwyn is most notable as a Armor 8; Health 90; Initiative +9; Move 10
member of the Three of the Crossing who overcame Talents Arcanum (expert); elemental fire (adept);
Amethyst Darkenhold in the early 800's. Since that psionics (apprentice); quick spell (–4
time, he has wandered the wilds near Jurris' Crossing, delays); athletics (adept +6); lore (adept
occasionally assisting those who serve light. +6)
Beldwyn is the illegitimate son of the current Attacks Enchanted quarterstaff +3/+3
Mayor of Jurris’ Crossing, Eros Jarduth. Although his (+9 total damage; delay 10)
proper last name is Jarduth, Beldwyn has never Abilities Night vision (3 units); companion (level 4
accepted this name or his family heritage, and simply pixie named Aviliria); +4 to villain point
goes by the moniker of “Beldwyn the Druid”. rolls
Gear Enchanted robes +3/+2; ring of full magic
warding +10; cloak of armor +3; bracers
of DEX +2

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 149

The son of Amethyst Darkenhold and the mage
Gandymede, Ivan Drekov is also the grandson of the Arkhymn
shadow dragon Darksihde. Ivan was a member of the Arkhymn is the sword that was created for
Three of the Crossing, and was instrumental in defeating the ranger Judah Marakev to battle the magical
Amethyst Darkenhold, unleashing the power of the Staff forces plaguing the east. Arkhymn is an
of Heldack the Mighty atop her keep, and seemingly enchanted long sword of the highest quality
destroying both of them in the conflagration. (+10/+4 damage rating). Arkhymn, when
In truth, Ivan's draconic heritage makes him drawn, provides three benefits to the wielder.
virtually immortal, and his soul is torn between his evil The first is that it surrounds the wielder with
nature and his human desires to pursue good. If he dies, protection from enemy magic, giving 10 points
he is sent to Pandemonium for one year, where he is of full magic warding against all magical
enslaved and tortured before appearing again in the damage. The second benefit is that Arkhymn
realm of Del Anon. He has come to believe that only by acts as an expert rank item of spell reflection.
destroying his grandfather can he possibly be released The final ability of Arkhymn is to detect magic,
from what he considers an immortal curse, and finally as an apprentice arcane spell, three times per
earn a place in the upper realms. Until this happens, day.
Ivan may not change his ASP, and it is locked at –1.
Ivan has been a sometime member of both the The Messari-Hah
Three of the Crossing and the Fire Sorcerers of the East, (Slayers of the Messari)
but currently holds no affiliations, working in secret to
battle both his own personal demons, and the ongoing The Messari-Hah (or ‘Slayers of the Messari’) is a
threat posed by his grandfather. fellowship of adventurers that started in the environs of
Gryphon Watch Keep and eventually traveled
Judah Marakev throughout most of Eastern Del Anon, eventually
Medium Human Master Myrmidon 11 (D12) opening a portal into the ethereal realm. There they
DEX 8 (10); MGT 8 (11); PWS 7 (11); STA 7 traveled to the city of the Messari and derailed a plot for
ASP 3; INT 5 (7); REA 3; WIL 5 a Messari invasion of Del Anon. They have been one of
Armor 13; Health 152; Initiative +10; Move 6 the most successful and influential adventuring
Talents Armor (expert); melee (master); missile companies to emerge since the Great Reckoning. While
(adept); quick strike (delay –4); athletics each has gone his or her way, the group could again
(adept +7); nature (adept +7) reform if the need presented itself, and all remain
Attacks Enchanted war sword +11/+4 (+26 total friends.
damage; delay 9); enchanted frosted short
bow +6/+3/+3 cold (+12 total damage; Adriana Dreamseeker
delay 5) Medium Chosen Human Paragon Mystic 16 (D16)
Abilities Hated enemy perk (humanoids); blood DEX 8; MGT 4; PWS 3; STA 5
letter signature move (10 points of ASP 2; INT 6; REA 7 (9); WIL 6 (9)
damage per round for 4 rounds); weaken Armor 9; Health 182; Initiative +8; Move 10
defenses signature move (+3 to physical Talents Arcanum (master); psionics (expert);
DTs for 3 rounds); +4 to hero point rolls wilding (expert); quick spell (–5 delays);
Gear Bracers of PWS +4; belt of MGT +3; boots influence (adept DT 15); lore (expert +10)
of DEX +2; cloak of the woods (+2 INT); Attacks Staff of elemental lightning +3/+3/+3
ring of armor +3; enchanted chain mail lightning (+13 total damage; delay 10; see
armor +10/+3 below)
Judah Marakev is over 100 years old, having Abilities Favored trait REA; +5 to hero point rolls
been kept alive by magical gifts bestowed upon him by Gear Ring of the clear mind (+3 WIL, +2 REA);
the elves of the Grandwood Forest. He has spent the expert staff of elemental lightning (see
better part of his life among the eastern edges of the below); enchanted robes +3/+2; ring of
Grandwood, coming to the aid of the elves on a number armor +4; bracers of parrying (+6
of occasions. Amethyst Darkenhold imprisoned him for defensive points per round; 10 w/staff)
ten years for daring to challenge her growing power, but Adriana is not your typical vision of a sorceress;
he was eventually freed by the Three of the Crossing, she is nearly 6’ tall, brassy and vocal, with a flood of
joining them on a number of their adventures. He blonde hair and a demeanor more suited to a barbarian
continues to protect the wild lands west of Jurris' than a mage. Regardless, she is a gifted caster, having
Crossing and well into the Grandwood Forest. He was learned a wide range of spell fields.
the original owner of both the long sword Arkhymn Adriana’s elemental staff of lightning serves as a
(which has since been lost- see below), and the broad normal master rank staff of level 14 (granting four
sword Mindmasker (which is now in the possession of spontaneous elemental lightning master spells per turn).
Cartaan Pauldo).

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 150

Brinthen Valenstorn Gabrielle began as a humble farm girl from the
Medium Morning Elf Paragon Defender 16 (D16) outskirts of Nethil Bay (far to the north), and eventually
DEX 6; MGT 5 (10); PWS 5 (8); STA 4 made her way to Beldin Mere where she joined the
ASP 6; INT 7 (9); REA 3 (5); WIL 5 (7) Messari-Hah.
Armor 21; Health 177; Initiative +14; Move 10 Gabrielle’s sword is named Messar-Hah, and is
Talents Armor (expert); melee (master); quick the object from which the group derived its name. It is
strike (–5 delay); light (expert); psionics an enchanted bastard sword that gives all good or
(adept); influence (adept DT 18); lore neutral creatures in the same unit as the sword a bonus
(adept +6) of +4 to WIL resist rolls. This weapon deals +5 bonus
Attacks Holy enchanted crystal sword of Aeron damage against messari, its hated enemy.
+15/+5 (+30 total damage, +36 vs. evil She currently travels throughout the north,
creatures; delay 9; see below) serving the purposes of good and the will of her deity
Abilities Night vision (3 units); hated enemy perk Ceehr.
(mythical creatures); blood letter (10
points of damage per round for 4 rounds); Kragen
focused strike (+12 damage to one Medium Chosen Human Paragon Hunter 16 (D16)
strike/turn) DEX 4; MGT 9 (13); PWS 7 (11); STA 5 (9)
Gear Holy enchanted chain mail of command ASP 0 (+5); INT 8 (12); REA 3; WIL 5
+10/+5 (gives +5 to influence); gauntlets Armor 15; Health 180; Initiative +14 (w/axe); Move 5
of MGT +5; cloak of DEX +3; helm of Talents Armor (expert); melee (paragon); wilding
vigilance (gives +2 each to INT, REA and (adept); athletics (expert +10); nature
WIL), belt of PWS +3; cloak of armor +3; (expert +10)
enchanted shield +10/+5 (20 defensive Attacks Great axe of speed +16/+5/–5 delay
points with sword drawn, see below) (+34 total damage; delay 9)
Brinthen is the high priest of the elfin demigod Abilities Lord of bears (see below); shape change
Aeron the Defender. Aeron is the elfin god of winter and (see below); +5 to hero point rolls; armor
protection from the elements, and Brinthen has piercing (-5 armor for 1 turn); focused
assumed control of a temple at the heart of the Vale of strike (+20 to one damage roll/turn);
Eternal Winters, overseeing all affairs of Aeron’s church. impair attack (+3 physical DTs for 3
Brinthen also maintains good relations with his former rounds)
comrades, and will quickly come to the aid of any of Gear Torque of the bear lord (+4 to PWS, MGT
them if such a need should arise. In addition, he is on and STA); cloak of INT +4; improved
good terms with the Ice Wizards of the Vale, and his enchanted hide armor +10/+5; boots of
church and the Ice Wizards have assisted one another as haste (–5 move)
needed. The Crystal Sword of Aeron is a holy magical Kragen is the Lord of Bears, the ruler of all
bastard sword that provides 5 bonus defensive points natural bears (but not darken bears) in Del Anon. All
per round (as a shield) and paragon spell reflection. bears (excepting darken bears) revere him as their true
master. A natural bear will not attack him, and any
Gabrielle Dabarak natural bear within 9 units will obey his commands.
Medium Chosen Human Paragon Myrmidon 16 (D16) Kragen’s axe of speed is an enchanted mighty
DEX 5; MGT 7 (12); PWS 9 (12); STA 6 (8) axe. This weapon gives +2 to initiative rolls, and weapon
ASP 1; INT 7; REA 2; WIL 4 delays are improved by –5.
Armor 21; Health 247; Initiative +7; Move 10 Kragen can assume the form of a huge bear at
Talents Armor (paragon); melee (master); parry will as a free action (use statistics for a darken bear). He
(+5 defensive points per round); quick travels among the wild lands of eastern Del Anon, living
strike (–5 delay); sundering; athletics among his bear brethren.
(expert +10); influence (adept DT 10)
Attacks Messar-Hah +15/+5 (+32 total damage; Lorwin
delay 9; see below) Medium Chosen Human Paragon Rake 16 (D16)
Abilities Full magic warding (10 points); +3 to all DEX 9 (13); MGT 4; PWS 7; STA 5
magic resist rolls; focused strike (+30 ASP 0 (+5); INT 8 (11); REA 3; WIL 5
damage to one strike/turn); weaken Armor 11; Health 160; Initiative +13; Move 10
defenses (+3 to all physical DTs/3 Talents Armor (adept); missile (master); quick
rounds); favored trait PWS; +5 to hero strike (–5 delays); athletics (adept +6);
point rolls burglary (master +15); lore (adept +6);
Gear Enchanted plate mail armor +16/+5; stealth (adept DT 24)
gauntlets of MGT +5; belt of STA +2; Attacks Enchanted heavy crossbow +15/+5 (+20
cloak of PWS +3; ring of elemental total damage; delay 5); enchanted rapier
resistance (15 points of resistance to fire, +3/+3 (+6 total damage; delay 4)
cold and electricity); enchanted shield Abilities Full magic warding (4 points); impede
+5/+5 (10 defensive points/round) reaction (+4 delays for 4 rounds once per

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 151

turn); focused strike (+12 to damage Arathon is typical of the Knights of the Broken
once/turn) Order. He travels throughout the east seeking to help
Gear Enchanted studded leather armor +6/+5; those in need while spreading the word of Yahalla. He
cloak of midnight shadows (+5 to stealth, usually winters in Jurris’ Crossing, setting out in early
teleport up to 6 units once per turn as spring to undertake new quests and serve his order.
arcanum spell effect, no chance of
failure); ring of DEX +4; ring of INT +3; The Ice Wizards of the Vale
boots of leaping (+10 to distance leaped
on athletics rolls) The Ice Wizards are an organization founded explicitly
Lorwin was the burglar of the group, and to oppose Chandar the Fire Mage and his enclave of evil
although he appears the least powerful in many ways, he mystics, the Fire Sorcerers of the East. This group is
was the one to land the killing blow against the messari centered in the Vale of Eternal Winters, but maintains a
overlord planning the invasion of Del Anon from the loose network of operatives throughout the realm. The
ethereal realm. He is the captain of the astral ship Ice Wizards have established few strongholds, preferring
“Meridian”, traveling the ethereal sea between the to fund or assist the activities of others who oppose the
realms, in search of adventure and new lands. Fire Sorcerers, often using secrecy and politics as
efficiently as spells. Medinack Manderbrook is the
The Knights of the Broken Order founder and leader of the Ice Wizards.

The Knights of the Broken Order are a collection of Medinack Manderbrook

myrmidons and defenders who have taken on the vows Medium Chosen Human Paragon Mystic 18 (D16)
of the fallen Knights of the Sun. The Knights of the Sun DEX 5 (9); MGT 3; PWS 3; STA 4
had one central fortress; conversely, the Knights of the ASP 2; INT 10 (13); REA 10; WIL 6
Broken Order have no central stronghold and each of its Armor 11; Health 197; Initiative +13; Move 10
members wanders the realm to spread the word of Talents Arcanum (master); elemental cold
Yahalla and prepare for her return. A hero must be at (paragon @D20); wilding (adept); quick
least level 6 (and be good) to be considered for spell (-5 delay); influence (adept +6); lore
membership in the knighthood, and level 10 (with ASP (expert +10)
3+) to be considered for the title of captain. All captains Attacks Staff of winter (+12 total damage; delay
of the knighthood are equal in status, meeting in council 10; see below)
for especially important matters. Abilities Favored trait INT; +5 to hero point rolls
Gear Robes +3/+3; ring of armor +5; ring of
Arathon Hawkmoon regeneration (4 points/round); boots of
Medium Chosen Human Expert Myrmidon 9 (D10) DEX +4; ring of INT +3; master gemstone
DEX 3 (6); MGT 6; PWS 7 (9); STA 6 of spell turning
ASP 3; INT 3; REA 2; WIL 4 (6) Medinack saw the young Chandar rise to power,
Armor 15; Health 110; Initiative +5; Move 10 and established the Ice Wizards to oppose him.
Talents Armor (expert); melee (expert); parry; Medinack was a former apprentice of Heldack the
quick strike (-3 delays); light (adept); Mighty (as was Chandar), and the two have competed to
influence (adept DT 12) earn their former master’s favor. Medinack is friendly,
Attacks Enchanted holy sword +9/+3 (+18 total affable and inquisitive, and will gladly spend hour upon
damage; +21 vs. evil creatures; delay 9) hour sharing tales with travelers from other lands.
Abilities Favored trait PWS; +3 to hero point rolls; Medinack’s staff of winter is a powerful item
focused strike (+12 damage to one strike/ that grants +3 to INT, confers complete immunity to
turn); ring of WIL +2; cloak of PWS +2; damage from cold-based attacks, and grants the wielder
ring of DEX +3; +3 to hero point rolls +5 to result rolls with cold magic. This is also an
Gear Enchanted holy banded mail armor +9/+3; enchanted weapon (damage rating +3/+3) that deals +3
enchanted shield +6/+1 (total 10 defensive bonus cold damage on a successful strike.
points per round)

Continuing the Adventure

While this rule book is all you need for unending play, ongoing additional support for Mythweaver is available in two
• The Mythweaver web site has plug-ins for the game as well as links to a weblog and
forum for discussion of the rules.
• Mythweaver Adventure Journal is a regular PDF Magazine that publishes new rules, adventures, and game
expansions. Mythweaver Adventure Journal is available through DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 152

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm Character Sheet

Character Name Class Race Hero Points

Level Level Die RM Armor Health Initiative Move

Gender Height Weight Hair Eyes Age


Arms Talents Armor Melee Missile


Weapons Damage Rating Total Attack Total Damage Range Delay

Magic Talents Rank Trait Baseline Action/Damage Baseline Buff Trait/Pool

Skills Talents Rank Linked Trait Total Bonus DT to Resist Other Abilities
Athletics DEX
Burglary PWS
Influence WIL
Lore REA
Nature INT
Stealth DEX

Gear and Treasure

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 153

Tracking Combat Results
Character/Creature Armor Spell Ward Health

Ongoing Effects
Character/Creature Short-Term Effect Round Started Round Ending

Initiative Results
Character/Creature Round _____ Round _____ Round _____ Round _____

Character/Creature Round _____ Round _____ Round _____ Round _____

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 154

Beast Name:
Size Rank Type Level
Armor Health Initiative Move





Beast Name:
Size Rank Type Level
Armor Health Initiative Move





Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 155

Quick Reference Tables
Ranks, Ratings & Dice
Rank Rating Rank Rank Benchmark Standard Complex D6 Alternative
Range Die Modifier Rating or Level Difficulty Difficulty
Target Target
Menial 0 D4 0 0 4 8 D6–2
Apprentice 1-2 D6 1 1 6 12 D6
Adept 3-5 D8 2 3 8 16 D6+2
Expert 6-9 D10 3 6 10 20 (D6x2) –2
Master 10-14 D12 4 10 12 24 D6x2
Paragon 15-19 D16 5 15 16 32 (D6x2) +4
Legend 20-24 D20 6 20 20 40 (D6x3) +2
Demigod 25+ D24 7 25 24 48 D6x4

Races, Abilities and Traits

Brownie Add level to obscure; 11 6 1 1 1 1 6 3 1
night vision 3
Chosen RM in hero points daily 10 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2
Dwarf Add RM to health rolls; 11 1 3 4 6 0 1 2 3
night vision 6
Elf of Add RM to initiative rolls; 10 5 2 2 2 1 4 2 2
Morning night vision 3
Elf of Add RM to initiative rolls; 10 5 2 2 2 -1 5 3 2
Shadow night vision 6
Gnome Re-roll RM rolls per turn; 10 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 2
night vision 3
Half Elf Human or elf ability; 10 4 3 2 3 0 3 2 3
night vision 3
Narglyn Human or ork ability; 10 5 2 3 4 -1 4 1 2
night vision 6
Ork Add RM to armor rating; 10 3 3 4 4 -1 3 2 2
night vision 3
Wood Regenerate RM every round; 9 2 6 3 3 0 3 1 2
Troll night vision 3

Classes and Progression

Class Traits Arms Progression Magic Progression Skills Progression
Defender +1 to PWS, STA, 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 19 1, 5, 9, 14, 18 2, 6, 11, 17
two different mental traits
Delver +1 to DEX, three 2, 6, 11, 17 1, 5, 9, 14, 18 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 19
different mental traits
Hunter +1 to DEX, PWS, STA, INT 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16, 18 None 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19
Myrmidon +2 to PWS; 1 (x2), 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, None 2, 6, 11, 17
+1 to MGT, STA 15, 16, 18, 19
Mystic +2 to two different None 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 1, 5, 9, 14, 18
mental traits 17, 19
Rake +2 to DEX; 1, 5, 9, 14, 18 None 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16,
+1 to PWS, INT 17, 19
* All classes receive bonus talents at levels 3, 7 and 13.

Talent Progression
Rank Maximum Level Bonus
Apprentice +3
Adept +6
Expert +10
Master +15
Paragon No Limit
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 156
Adventuring Equipment
Costs are listed in silver (s), gold (g) or mithril (m). 100 silver = 10 gold = 1 mithril.
Item Cost Description
Ammo Case/Quiver 5s Holds 30 pieces of ammunition (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Ammunition 1s 10 pieces of ammunition for a missile weapon (arrows, bolts or bullets).
Backpack 5s Holds up to 10,000 coins or comparable gear.
Belt Pouch 2s Holds up to 1,000 coins or comparable gear.
Climbing Spikes 3g Grant +5 to climbing skill rolls. Take 1 turn to put on or take off.
Cloak, Common 1s A simple, homespun woolen cloak.
Cloak, Good 1g A quality cloak of everyday materials made by a tailor or seamstress.
Cloak, Fine 1m A high quality cloak of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Clothing, Common 2s Simple, homespun woolen clothes.
Clothing, Good 2g Quality clothing of everyday material made by a tailor or seamstress.
Clothing, Fine 2m High quality clothing of exceptional materials crafted by a master tailor.
Crowbar 5s Allows you to double your MGT rating when making athletics MGT skill rolls to
force doors or locks.
Flint and Steel 3s Allows you to start a fire without making a nature skill roll.
Grappling Hook 1g Allows you to affix a rope to a remote hook point. Thrown as a weapon.
Instrument Var. An instrument may cost as little as 1 silver (a wood flute) to as much as 100 mithril
(a jeweled harp).
Iron Spike 1s Used to wedge doors open or traps closed.
Lantern 1g A lantern burns for up to 8 hours, casting light in a U+1 AOE or up to 3 units in a
focused beam (takes one standard action to change focus).
Lantern Oil 1s Sufficient oil for a torch to burn for 24 hours (3 full applications of oil).
Meal, Common 1s A simple tavern meal, for example bread and cheese.
Meal, Good 3s A good tavern meal, for example stew and bread.
Meal, Fine 1g A fine tavern meal, for example roast pheasant and salted potatoes.
Mirror 1g A metal, hand-sized mirror.
Rope, Common 3s This 50’ length of rope can support up to 600 lbs.
Rope, Good 1g This 50’ length of rope can support up to 2,000 lbs.
Provisions, 2s Simple dry rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Provisions, Good 1g Quality rations to feed a medium-sized creature for 1 week.
Saddle 3g A leather saddle for a mount.
Tool Kit, Lesser 1g A simple set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 16.
Tool Kit, Normal 3g An expanded set of picks and tools. Allows burglary skill talent checks up to DT 24.
Tool Kit, Greater 10 g A complete set of picks and tools. Allows all burglary skill talent checks.
Torch 1s Burns for up to 1 hour, casting light in a U+1 AOE. Torches come bundled in sets of
10 torches for 1 silver.
Vial, Glass 5s Holds 1 dose of a potion, poison or holy/unholy water.
Water Skin 3s Holds 1 gallon of fluid (typically wine or water).

Move Increments by Size Sample Armor Types by Rating

Creature Units traveled Units traveled at the Talent Rating Sample Armors
Size in one move end of a round (as a Rank Range
action free action) Apprentice 1-3 Leather, padded or robes
Small 2 1 Adept 4-6 Ring mail, studded or hide
Medium 3 2 Expert 7-10 Chain mail or scale mail
Large 4 3 Master 11-15 Banded mail or splint mail
Huge 6 4 Paragon 16-20 Plate mail

Cover Modifiers to DT Shields

Armor Talent Maximum Shield Rating
Type Modifier Example
Adept +3
Lesser +1 In thick brush
Expert +6
Normal +3 Behind a narrow tree
Master +10
Greater +6 Around a corner, on a tower
Paragon +15

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 157

Base Armor and Weapon Costs
Rating Cost Rating Cost
+1 1 gold +11 150 gold
+2 3 gold +12 200 gold
+3 6 gold +13 250 gold
+4 10 gold +14 300 gold
+5 15 gold +15 400 gold
+6 25 gold +16 500 gold
+7 35 gold +17 600 gold
+8 50 gold +18 700 gold
+9 75 gold +19 850 gold
+10 100 gold +20 1,000 gold

Melee Weapons
Rank Base Rating Delay Common Weapons of this Rating
Apprentice 1-3 10 Hand axe, light javelin, short sword
Adept 4-6 11 Medium axe, mace, light flail, short spear, long sword
Expert 7-10 12 Battle axe, war hammer, horseman’s flail, broad sword
Master 11-15 13 War axe, morning star, war spear, war sword
Paragon 16-20 14 Great axe, maul, great spear, great sword

Missile Weapons
Rank Rating Sling Range Bow Range Crossbow Range
Apprentice 1-3 2 units 3 units 4 units
Adept 4-6 3 units 4 units 5 units
Expert 7-10 4 units 5 units 6 units
Master 11-15 -- 6 units 7 units
Paragon 16-20 -- 7 units 8 units

Signature Moves
Move What It Does Usable Limitations
Armor Reduces the armor rating of the target by a number of points equal Axes Does not affect
Piercing to your RM. Natural armor is ripped or rent, while worn armor has Foils creatures with 0
straps cut or bindings severed. Repairing broken armor takes 1 armor rating; will
turn. Natural armors recover at the end of 1 full turn. not reduce armor
below 0.
Blood Continues to deal damage after your initial strike. The target takes Blades Only affects
Letter bleeding damage equal to your level every round, for a number of Piercing blooded living
rounds equal to your RM. targets.
Disarm Forces the target to drop a weapon, shield, wand, or other held Flails Only affects targets
item, casting the item D4 units away. Determine direction rolling Foils holding an item
D12 and visualizing a clock (12 is directly ahead of you, 6 directly (weapon, shield,
behind you). wand, etc.).
Focused You add your level x2 to the subsequent damage roll. (for example, Any None.
Strike a level 9 character adds +18 to the damage roll if this is a normal
or greater rank move).
Impair Gives all creatures fighting the target a bonus to resist rolls against Axes Does not affect
Attack physical attacks made by that target. The bonus is equal to your Piercing magical attacks.
RM, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your RM.
Impede Slows the target, imposing a penalty to all action delays (including Missile None.
Reaction move) equal to your RM for a number of rounds equal to your Blunt
Stunning The target is stunned by your attack, suffering a delay (in total Blunt None.
Strike segments) to its next action equal to your level. This will carry over Flails
between rounds.
Weaken Gives all attackers a bonus equal to your RM with all physical Blades Does not affect
Defenses attack actions against this target, for a number of rounds equal to Missile magical attacks.
your RM.

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 158

Ranks of Magic Talents
Rank Spontaneous Maximum Baseline Spell & Maximum Buff
Spell Delay Level or RM* Buff Range per Target
Apprentice 11 Level 3/ 3 units +1 (or +4
RM 2 to health)
Adept 12 Level 6/ 4 units +2 (or +8
RM 3 to health)
Expert 13 Level 10/ 5 units +3 (or +12
RM 4 to health)
Master 14 Level 15/ 6 units +4 (or +16
RM 5 to health)
Paragon 15 None 7 units +5 (or +20
to health)

Spell Properties & Rank Modifiers

Modifier Range Duration AOE Damage/Result Effects
–1 Rank Point Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A
+0 Ranks Up to 3 units Instant or up to RM rounds 1 target Up to +1/+0 None
+1 Rank 4-6 units Up to 1 turn U Up to +3/+2 Lesser (Apprentice)
+2 Ranks 7-9 units Up to 1 hour U+1 Up to +6/+3 Minor (Adept)
+3 Ranks 10-12 units Up to 1 day U+2 Up to +10/+4 Intermediate (Expert)
+4 Ranks 13-15 units Up to 1 week U+3 Up to +15/+5 Major (Master)
+5 Ranks 16-20 units Up to 1 season U+4 No limit Greater (Paragon)

Anti Spell Effects by Rank

Rank Spell Absorption or Reflection Spell Turning
Die Used Successful on
Apprentice First 1 rank that turn D6 1 or lower
Adept First 3 ranks that turn D8 2 or lower
Expert First 6 ranks that turn D10 3 or lower
Master First 10 ranks that turn D12 4 or lower
Paragon First 15 ranks that turn D16 5 or lower

Comparative Skills Talent Ranks

Talent Rank Action At this rank, you could reasonably do
DT something…
Menial 8 That anyone without any training could do.
Apprentice 12 Requiring some training, skill, or experience.
Adept 16 Requiring considerable knowledge, skill, or
Expert 20 Requiring a great deal of knowledge and training.
Master 24 Only the truly gifted and highly trained would
Paragon 32 Only the best in the world would consider

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 159

Advanced Combat.................................... 23 Ephemeral Forests ................................. 132 Quick Spell ............................................... 33
Advancing a Level .....................................17 Equipment, Adventuring ......................... 14 Quick Strike.............................................. 27
Adventure Design .................................... 68 Escalating Difficulties .............................. 23 Race Selection ............................................ 7
Anti Spell Effects...................................... 58 Ethereal Realm ...................................... 132 Rake (Hero Class) .....................................11
Arcanum Spontaneous Spells.................. 38 Failed Actions .......................................... 56 Range & Distance..................................... 21
Archetypal Beasts .................................... 83 Falling ...................................................... 23 Ranks, Ratings & Dice................................ 4
Area of Effect Attacks ..............................60 Favored Traits .......................................... 12 Ranks/ Rank Modifiers, Using ................ 56
Areas of Effect.......................................... 22 Flails......................................................... 31 Realms, Other ........................................ 132
Armor & Attack Ratings (Beasts) ............ 81 Flight (Beasts)..........................................82 Regeneration......................................24, 82
Armor & Shields (Treasure) .................... 73 Foils.......................................................... 31 Relics & Artifacts...................................... 77
Armor Talent............................................ 26 Game Time & Actions .............................. 18 Running the Game ................................... 55
Armor Types by Rating............................ 29 Gaze Attacks.......................................23, 82 Scaling Up Beasts.....................................83
Arms Talents............................................ 25 Gnome (Hero Race) ................................... 9 Secret Doors ........................................... 129
Arms Talents, Advanced.......................... 26 Good & Evil ..............................................60 Shields ......................................................29
Aspect Applications .................................60 Half Action Penalties ............................... 18 Shields with Weapons..............................30
Assigning Difficulty Targets .................... 56 Half Elf (Hero Race) .................................. 9 Siege Weapons ........................................114
Athletics (Skill Talent) .............................51 Healing/Health ........................................ 22 Signature Moves....................................... 31
Attuned Items .......................................... 76 Henchmen............................................... 117 Skills Talents ...................................... 25, 50
Background for Characters.......................15 Hero Points, Awarding ............................ 65 Skills & Role Playing ................................50
Baseline Buffs/Spells ............................... 34 Hero Points During Play.......................... 16 Social Intrigues ........................................ 67
Bases, Building Them ............................. 116 Hero Points & Skills................................. 50 Special Objects ......................................... 74
Beast Abilities ..................................... 79-81 Hirelings.................................................. 117 Spell Absorption, Reflection, Turning..... 59
Beast Templates..................................... 109 Holy Places & Items ................................. 61 Spell Properties & Rank Modifiers .......... 35
Before the Game ...................................... 55 Holy/Unholy Item Effects ....................... 62 Spell Ranks, Determining........................36
Being Revived .......................................... 22 Holy Water............................................... 61 Spells, Adjudicating .................................58
Blades....................................................... 30 Hunter (Hero Class) ................................. 11 Spells That Deal or Heal Damage............ 35
Bonus Attack (Beasts).............................. 81 Illusions.................................................... 49 Spells, Types............................................. 33
Bonuses for Talents ..................................15 Illusions, Disbelieving .............................60 Spontaneous Spells .................................. 35
Bonuses, Restrictions to .......................... 58 Imbued Armor & Weapons......................28 Starting at Higher Levels ......................... 65
Breath Weapon (Beasts) .......................... 81 Imbued Items............................................71 Starting Money......................................... 14
Brownie (Hero Race) ................................. 7 Immunity (Beasts) ............................. 81, 82 Stealth (Skill Talent) ................................ 54
Building Blocks of Characters ................... 5 Improved Move (Beasts)..........................82 Subduing a Target ....................................24
Building Costs & Construction ............... 115 Improvised Weapons ............................... 24 Sundering................................................. 27
Burglary (Skill Talent) .............................51 Influence (Skill Talent) ........................... 52 Surprise .................................................... 19
Changing Actions..................................... 18 Initiative...................................................20 Surprise Attacks ....................................... 54
Character Advancement .....................17, 65 Levels, Using ........................................... 56 Swimming (Beasts) ..................................82
Character Concept ..................................... 7 Light Spontaneous Spells ........................ 44 Talents Earned ......................................... 10
Chosen Human (Hero Race) ..................... 8 Listening at Doors.................................. 129 Talent Ranks, Allocating.......................... 13
Combat, How It Works .............................21 Lore (Skill Talent) ................................... 52 Talent Ranks and Magic ..........................34
Communities........................................... 119 Loyalty..................................................... 117 Temptation...............................................60
Costs of Magical Items............................. 28 Magic & Other Warding........................... 22 Timed Abilities (Beasts)........................... 81
Counter Attacks ....................................... 26 Magic Dampening Areas........................ 132 Trait Bonuses & Spells ............................. 35
Counter Spells.......................................... 36 Magic, Running........................................ 58 Trait Limits ...............................................17
Cover ........................................................ 23 Magic Talent Listings............................... 37 Trait Point Allocation............................... 12
Critical Successes & Failures ....................21 Magic Talents..................................... 25, 33 Traits, Linked to Melee ............................30
Darkness Spontaneous Spells.................. 39 Magical Items, Unique............................. 76 Traits, Physical and Mental ....................... 6
Death........................................................ 22 Magically Attuned Areas........................ 132 Traits, Starting ......................................... 10
Deeping Spontaneous Spells ....................41 Mass Combat........................................... 111 Trample (Beasts)......................................82
Defender (Hero Class) .............................. 11 Melee Weapons........................................30 Traps....................................................... 129
Defenseless Targets ..................................19 Melee Talent............................................. 26 Treasure (Beasts) .....................................83
Degrees of Success ................................... 56 Menials.....................................................80 Treasure, Magical ....................................70
Delay ........................................................ 20 Missile Talent........................................... 26 Treasure, Magical Limits ......................... 78
Delver (Hero Class)................................... 11 Missile Weapons ...................................... 31 Treasure, Monetary .................................69
Derived Trait Ratings ...............................15 Mixed Groups & Difficulty Ratings ......... 65 Treasure (Predetermined) ....................... 78
Dice, How & When to Use ................... 5, 63 Morale ...................................................... 24 Treasure Ratings ......................................69
Dice Options, Alternative ........................ 62 Move......................................................... 18 Tunneling (Beasts)...................................83
Difficulty Targets ....................................... 5 Mundane Skills ........................................ 54 Two Weapons........................................... 27
Disease (Beasts) ....................................... 82 Myrmidon (Hero Class) ............................ 11 Unconsciousness...................................... 22
Divine Intervention ................................141 Mystic (Hero Class)................................... 11 Unholy Places & Items .............................62
Doors...................................................... 129 Narglyn (Hero Race).................................. 9 Unholy Water........................................... 61
Dungeon Crawls....................................... 66 Nature (Skill Talent) ................................ 53 Unprepared Targets ................................. 19
Durability & Items ................................... 23 Night Vision (Beasts) ...............................82 Villains.................................................... 143
Dwarf (Hero Race)..................................... 8 Ongoing Effects........................................20 Vision .......................................................24
Dynamic Combat .................................... 113 Ork (Hero Race)......................................... 9 Wall Crawling (Beasts) ............................83
Economics.............................................. 120 Parry......................................................... 27 Wands & Staffs......................................... 74
EGO & Intelligent Weapons .................... 73 Perks......................................................... 12 Warding (Beasts) .....................................83
Elemental Spontaneous Spells ................ 42 Physical Characteristics ............................15 Water Breathing (Beasts).........................83
Elf of Morning/Shadow (Hero Races)....... 8 Picking Pockets ........................................ 54 Weapon Access (Beasts) ..........................83
En Masse Actions..................................... 57 Pocket Realms........................................ 133 Weapons (Treasure)................................. 73
Enchanted Armor & Weapons................. 28 Poison (Arms Talent)............................... 27 Wilderness Treks ..................................... 67
Enchantment & Imbued Bonuses............ 72 Poison (Beasts) ........................................82 Wilding Spontaneous Spells .................... 47
Encounter Difficulty ................................ 64 Potions ......................................................71 Wishes ...................................................... 78
Encounter Distance ..................................19 Psionic Spontaneous Spells ..................... 46 Wood Troll (Hero Race)........................... 10
Encounters......................................... 63-64 Pupils....................................................... 117
End of the Round..................................... 20 Pure Evil................................................... 61

Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm 2nd Edition 160

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