GURPS Witchers and Their World - Monstrum

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The document provides information on monsters from The Witcher universe and alchemical ingredients that can be found.

Monsters described include alp, arachas, archespore, banshee, barghest and more spanning several pages.

Ingredients listed include bryonia, celandine, cortinarius, crow's eye and more. Each ingredient is described as containing certain alchemical properties.

GURPS 4th ed.



1st Edition
Disclaimer: This project is not in any way affiliated with Steve Jackson Games, CDProjekt or any of their subsidiaries.

It is strictly an unofficial, fan-made project. The 'GURPS' and 'The Witcher' trademarks are purely the intellectual

properties of their rightful owners. This project is non-profit, free of charge, free to use and free to distribute. It is also

free for change and adaptation. To receive the master document of this .pdf, send a requisition e-mail to

[email protected], and please remember to credit the author of this document should you use this work for your own

projects. Thank you.

People," Geralt turned his head, "like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous

themselves. When they get blind-drunk, cheat, steal, beat their wives, starve an old woman, when they kill a trapped fox

with an axe or riddle the last existing unicorn with arrows, they like to think that the Bane entering cottages at

daybreak is more monstrous than they are. They feel better then. They find it easier to live.

The Last Wish

Introduction...................................................5 Frightener..........................................69
CHAPTER I......................................................6 Gargoyle..............................................72
Monster Entries.........................................7 Garkhain.............................................74
Common Rules.........................................10 Ghoul..................................................76
CHAPTER II....................................................13 Giant Centipede..................................77
Monster List.............................................14 Golem.................................................79
Alghoul................................................14 Graveir................................................81
Alpor...................................................16 Harpy..................................................83
Arachas...............................................18 Hellhound..........................................86
Archespore..........................................21 Human Sorceress...............................89
Banshee...............................................22 Ifrit.....................................................90
Barghest..............................................24 Incubus...............................................92
Basilisk...............................................26 Kayran................................................94
Black Annis.........................................28 Kikimore Queen.................................97
Bloedzuiger.........................................30 Kikimore Warrior.............................100
Bruxa...................................................32 Kikimore Worker..............................102
Bullvore..............................................34 Nekker...............................................104
Cemetaur.............................................37 Nightwraith.......................................106
Cockatrice...........................................39 Noonwraith.......................................108
Draug...................................................41 Rotfiend.............................................110
Draugir................................................44 Striga..................................................112
Drowned Dead...................................46 Succubus............................................114
Drowner.............................................48 Troll...................................................116
Dwarven Warrior...............................50 Vodyanoi Priest.................................119
Earth Elemental..................................52 Vodyanoi Warrior..............................121
Echinops.............................................54 Werewolf...........................................123
Elven Scoia'tael Commando...............56 Wraith................................................125
Endrega Guard....................................58 Wyvern..............................................127
Endrega Queen...................................60 Wyvern (Royal)..................................129
Endrega Warrior.................................63 Monster Ingredients...............................131
Fire Elemental....................................65 CHAPTER III.................................................133
Fleder.................................................67 Herbs......................................................134

For a foreword and credits in general for the GURPS: Witchers and their World project, see
Witchers and their World Characters. This supplement deals with that which one must always
deal with in the universe of the witchers: monsters! ...oh, and plants, too.
To use this supplement and understand everything in it, it is necessary to first read Witchers and
their World Characters, as some concepts, specifically those related to mutagens and witcher
alchemy, will only make sense with that supplement in hand. Also note that this particular tome
should be for GM's eyes only! It contains information on monster and plant ingredients, as well
as mutagens and monster strengths and weaknesses, which should only be divulged to players on
successful skill rolls or by trial-and-error.
GURPS: Witchers and their World Monstrum aims to make a detailed list of many of the
monsters in the universe of the witchers. It hardly describes all of them there are many barely
mentioned in the books that are not detailed here and as monsters are often unique, any GM
should look to further define his own monsters by personalizing that which can be found in this
supplement. What this supplement does, is flesh out and give attributes for a wide variety and
range of monsters common in the universe of the witchers. This tome is not supposed to give the
GM all the monsters he will ever need, rather it is a fast reference document for when the GM
needs swift attributes on something.
Another much simpler goal of this supplement, is to include some examples from the flora of the
witcher universe. Both alchemists, witchers, druids and apothecaries on the Continent use plants
for their work. While the herbal chapter in this book does not completely explain all the uses of
all plants, and only describe the plants in game terms for witcher alchemy, it still gives a short
description that should be more than enough for the GM's creativity to do the rest.

With that, I thank you for picking up this project and I hope you can get some good use out of it!

Casper Gronemann
Contact at [email protected] or on forums (username: Grunker)



Monster Entries
Each monster entry contains information on the monster's strengths, weaknesses, statistics and
so on. There is also information on which mutagens a monster might contain, what alchemical
ingredients can be extracted from it, and a detailed description of the monster from the journal
of famous poet and witcher companion Dandelion! In other words, everything you need to know
about a specific monster. Below is a description of each section within a given monster entry.

Monster Name
Subtype: What sort of monster is this? See details on different monster subtypes below.
Not all monsters have a subtype.
Template: If the monster has additional templates or meta-traits, beyond the template
that it shares with its subtype, the name of them will be displayed here, while their details
will be described below.
Size Modifier: How big is the monster?
Main Attributes: ST, DX, IQ, HT
Secondary Attributes: Per, Will
HP/FP/Energy: How many hit points and fatigue points does the monster have? A few
monsters have energy only usable for casting spells, which will also be displayed here.
Speed/Move: How fast is the monster?
Active Defenses: How good is the monster at dodging, and does it have other defenses?
Damage Resistance: All monsters have damage resistance. See 'Common Rules' below for
details about the damage resistance all monsters on the Continent share.
Additional DR: If the monster has any special form of damage resistance, beyond the
normal DR all monsters have, it will be listed here. This DR is not subject to the rules that
apply to normal monster DR (as described under 'Common Rules', below). Additional DR is
layered above normal monster DR unless otherwise noted.

Attacks: This names and lists the damage of the monster's most basic attack.
Powers: This names a monster's special powers, if any. These will be described in more
detail further below.
Advantages: The positive traits of the monster.
Disadvantages: The negative traits of the monster.
Skills: The skills of the monster.

In the Words of Dandelion

This entry contains the words of Dandelion the Poet, describing the monster in more or less
colorful terms. Details from these entries, as well as the monsters strengths and weaknesses,
should be divulged with the successful use of the Monster Lore skill, with different levels of
information given depending on the margin of success.

Attacks and Powers

This entry goes into further detail with the monster's attacks and powers, if needed. If a power is
magical, it will note so with (magical) after the power's name (e.g. Howl (magical):).

If the monster has templates beyond the one it shares with its subtype, they will be detailed here.

Extraction Modifier: Here, the monster's Extraction Modifier is listed. Apply this modifier to the
witcher's Monster Lore roll when he uses the skill to extract parts and substances containing
alchemical ingredients from monsters. This modifier also applies to the roll required to extract
This entry describes what alchemical substances can be extracted from the monster, which parts
contain them, and how they are extracted. All alchemical substances are written in italics (e.g.
Drowner Brain Tissue). It does not detail what alchemical ingredients are found in the
substances. For that, see the 'Monster Ingredients' section, located at the end of Chapter II
Monster List.

Note: Each time a player character extracts alchemical parts from a monster, roll 3d. On a 7 or
less, that substance or part contains a random secondary ingredient (see the Witcher Alchemy
section in Chapter VI Alchemy in Witchers and their World Characters).

This section details the mutagens contained in the monster, if any, the process needed to distil
them, to ingest them, what effects they have, and so on. A mutagen entry is structured in the
following manner:
MUTAGEN: Mutagen's Name
Mutagenic Modifier: -o to -5 (the penalty to a witcher's Alchemy (Witcher) roll to
correctly discern how to prepare the mutagen for ingestion)
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS The result of ingesting the mutagen unprepared,
without the Witcher Secrets advantage.
Not Prepared, With WS The result of ingesting the mutagen unprepared,
with the Witcher Secrets advantage.
Prepared, Without WS The result of ingesting the mutagen, prepared in
the correct manner, without the Witcher Secrets
Prepared, With WS The result of ingesting the mutagen, prepared in
the correct manner, with the Witcher Secrets

Preparation ritual: The correct alchemical ingredients needed to correctly prepare the mutagen.
For more information on preparing mutagens, see 'Preparing Mutagens' under the Witcher
Alchemy section in Chapter VI Alchemy, in Witchers and their World Characters.

Note: The result-box often simply contains the name of an advantage or disadvantage and no
other text. This means that the character who ingested the mutagen gains that advantage or
disadvantage (advantages and disadvantages gained by ingesting mutagens cost no points, they
simple increase or reduce a characters Character Point Value respectively).

Also note: Any given character can only benefit/suffer from each unique mutagen a single time.

Common Rules
All monsters are governed by a set of common rules that apply to each monster. They are as

Some monsters on the Continent belong to a subtype; a family of monsters that share common
traits. They also often share a template. The types are as follows:

Insectoid: Insectoids are insect-like monster that most often dwell in forests and swamps.
Insectoids share the following template:
Disadvantages: Bestial, Low Empathy.

Necrophage: Necrophages are monsters that generally haunt cemeteries and battlefields, places
where dead bodies lay, eating the remains. Some, however, have decided they have no qualms
about being the ones to fill the area with corpses instead of just being carrion crows. Note that
necrophages aren't undead, but creatures affected by magic waste and similar accidents.
Necrophages share the following template:
Advantages: Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Eat Or Drink, Doesn't Sleep, High Pain Threshold, Immunity
to Metabolic Hazards, Immunity to Mind Control, Night Vision 5, Temperature Tolerance 10,
Unaging, Unfazeable.
Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Bestial, Dependency (Dead Flesh, Weekly), Disturbing Voice, Fragile
(Unnatural), Hidebound, Low Empathy, Unhealing (Partial, when the necrophage hasn't eaten
dead flesh in a day or more), Uncontrollable Appetite (Dead Flesh).

Ornithosaur: These are four-limbed, winged, non-intelligent reptilians. They include basilisks,
wyverns and cockatrices. Ornithosaurs share the following template:
Advantages: Flight (No Arms, Wings).
Disadvantages: Bestial, Low Empathy.
Features: Horizontal.

Plant: Plants are monsters that resemble undergrowth, vines or trees. They share the following
Advantages: Doesn't Sleep, Double-Jointed, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to to Blind, Immunity
to Mind Control (but not from Plant Control spells and effects), Immunity to Stun, Injury
Tolerance (Homogenous), Unfazeable.
Disadvantages: Bestial, Low Empathy, No Legs (Sessile), No Manipulators, Vulnerability (Fire, x2
Features: Affected by Plant Spells.

Specter: These are spectral undead that generally haunt cemeteries and crypts. Specters are
often tethered to a certain person or a place; some unfinished business keeping them trapped in
the mortal plane. No details on this are given under the description of each type of specter, since
it is unique to each individual, but GMs should feel free to be creative. Specters share the
following template:
Advantages: Dark Vision, Doesnt Breathe, Doesnt Eat or Drink, Doesnt Sleep, Fearlessness 5,
Fragile (Unnatural), High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance
(Diffuse, No Blood, Unliving), Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial, Affected By Silver, 1 Always On,
Can Carry Objects (Heavy)), Supernatural Durability (Vulnerable to Silver and Magic), Unaging.

Vampire: Vampires are, contrary to popular belief, neither undead nor a transformed creature.
Rather, they are a type of otherworldly creature that arrived in the world after the Conjunction
of Spheres like many monsters did. There are two types of vampire: higher and lower. Lower
vampires have devolved during their existence on the Continent, and are now dependent on
things like human blood to survive. Higher vampires have avoided this devolution, and blood to
them simply produces an ecstatic high, like fine alcohol and drugs. Each vampire share a template
depending on whether they are higher or lower vampires.

Lower vampires share the following template:

Advantages: Darkvision, Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Eat Or Drink, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to
Mind Control, Temperature Tolerance 10, Unaging, Vampiric Bite (1HP per second).

Silver affects specters, and specters interact with silver, as though they weren't insubstantial. I.e. if struck by a silver
weapon, a spectre's insubstantiality doesn't help it.

Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Bestial, Dependency (Blood, Weekly), Disturbing Voice, Hidebound,
Low Empathy, Uncontrollable Appetite (Human, Elven or Dwarven Blood), Weakness (Sunlight;

Higher vampires share the following template:

Advantages: Darkvision, Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Eat Or Drink, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to
Mind Control, Supernatural Durability (Vulnerable to Silver), Temperature Tolerance 10, Unaging,
Vampiric Bite (3HP per second).
Disadvantages: Uncontrollable Appetite (Human or Elven Blood)

Note on Bestial
Monsters with the Bestial disadvantage also have Cannot Speak unless otherwise noted.

Damage Resistance and Injury Tolerance

All monsters have damage resistance which is penetrated by silver or meteorite iron. Any entry
on a monster's supernatural DR will be followed by brackets noting which material a given
monster is vulnerable to. For example, a Draugir has damage resistance 8 [Silver]. Some monsters
have the Tough Skin limitation, in which case it will be noted in parantheses (for example, the
Alghoul has damage resistance 8 (Tough Skin) [Silver]).

A non-magical sword forged from steel with a thick layer of silver-coating or a steel sword forged
from solid meteorite iron usually have an Armor Divisor of (2) against the supernatural DR of a
monster specifically vulnerable to that material. All monsters are either vulnerable to silver-
coated weapons or weapons forged from meteorite in this way. All spells and signs 2 also have an
Armor Divisor of (2) against monster DR. For spells that already have Armor Divisor, treat their
Armor Divisor as (1) higher for the purposes of penetrating Monster DR.

Silver swords crafted with special silver found in dwarven mines, or steel blades crafted with rare
meteorite, might be even more effective against monsters, and thus have higher armor divisors
versus the monsters vulnerable to that material.

Signs are special powers akin to spells, see Chapter V Signs in Witchers and their World Characters.

This DR otherwise works as normal, so attacks and spells that penetrate DR also penetrate
monster DR. Despite spells having good effect on monsters, sorcerers and sorceresses rarely go
monster-hunting a fireball won't do you any good when the monster sinks its teeth into you

For Injury Tolerance, silver/meteorite, spells and signs deal normal damage, meaning that a
creature with Injury Tolerance (diffuse) would take full injury from any penetrating damage it
takes from silver, spells or signs. Note that in this case, weapons cannot have a wounding
multiplier of more than 1 (e.g. 4 penetrating impaling damage deals 4 hits of injury to a monster
with Injury Tolerance (diffuse).

Finally, note that the Monster List doesn't only have monsters it also features a few humanoid
NPCs, like the Dwarven Warrior, to give a few examples of non-monster enemies the players
might fight. These, for self-explanatory reaons, do not have supernatural damage resistance.


Monster List
The following is a complete list of monsters in Witchers and their World Monstrum.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST20, DX14, IQ4, HT12
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will8
HP/FP: 20/12
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d+2 cut, Claw 2d-1 cut
Powers: Disease
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Teeth (Sharp)
Disadvantages: Uncontrollable Appetite (human flesh from live prey unlike other
necrophages, the Alghoul prefers its victims alive)
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

"Alghouls are ghouls which have been devouring corpses for so many years that human flesh
becomes irresistible and they begin to prey on the living. They are seen in crypts and on
battlefields, frequently surrounded by ghouls. Simple folk do not notice the differences between
these two types of scavengers unlike witchers, who know that the alghoul is a more aggressive
and challenging opponent."

Attacks and Powers
An alghoul mainly attacks with it claws, but it can deliver a nasty bite that inflicts disease.
Disease: If a victim sustains one or more hits of injury from an alghoul's bite attack, the victim
must roll against HT-1. A failed roll causes nausea, imparting a -1 to DX and IQ. The victim must
then roll against HT-1 at the end of its next turn. On a failed roll, the victim begins retching (as
described on p. 429 of GURPS: Basic Set). On a successful roll, the nausea stops. A retching victim
can attempt to roll against HT at the end of each of its turns a successful roll stops the retching
and leaves the victim nauseated until he or she recovers the fatigue point lost at the end of the
retching spell (via magic, rest or any other means of recovering FP).
A victim that begin retching as part of an alghoul's bite whether they recover soon after or not
is also inflicted with a disease. This disease has an incubation time of 24 hours, and deals 2 hits
of toxic injury to the victim in a sixteen hour cycle after the incubation time. The victim can
shake this disease by succeeding on a roll against HT-1 after he takes this damage, or by being
cured through magical or other means.
All negative effects of an alghoul's bite are disease-related, and characters resistant or immune to
disease are resistant or immune to these effects.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Eyes: White Vinegar can be extracted from an alghoul's eyes.
Marrow: Alghoul Marrow is an alchemical substance.
Stomach: Cadaverine can be extracted from an alghoul's stomach.

Subtype: Vampire [Higher]
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST17, DX15, IQ12, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will12
HP/FP: 17/11
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry 11
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Claw 1d+2 cut, bite 1d+1 cut
Powers: Surprise Daze
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 5, Resistant to Stun (+3)
Skills: Brawling-15, Erotic Arts-11, Intimidation-11, Sex-Appeal 13, Stealth-15, Wrestling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"No other monster inspires so many myths and fallacies as the alpor. People believe that this
vampire is able to turn into a black dog or a venomous toad. They mistake alpors for succubi,
believing them to be lecherous and inclined to seduce handsome young men. Folk tales describe
their charm and their beautiful, seductive voices, as well as their loathing of virgins, but these
monsters are, in reality, only seldom known to employ charm and seduction. What is true beyond
any doubt is that they move noiselessly and attack by surprise, rarely giving their victims as much
as a chance to scream in terror.

Attacks and Powers

An alpor prefers to attack from the shadows, stealthily sneaking up on its targets. They strike
with claws or attempt to wrestle single targets down to use their vampiric bite on them. They can
also daze surprised targets.

Surprise Daze: If an alpor bites a surprised or partially surprised victim, and if the alpor is not
itself surprised or partially surprised, it dazes its victim. A surprised or partially surprised victim
bitten by an alpor is considered dazed when he or she recovers from surprise and must Do
Nothing on its turn. A victim can recover from this daze by succeeding at an IQ roll at the end of
its turn to recover. If the victim is slapped, struck or shaken, he or she will also recover (this
includes being attacked by the Alpor again).

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Fangs: Alpor Fangs contain alchemical ingredients.
Liver: An Abomination Lymph can be extracted from an alpor's liver.
Tongue: Naezan Salts can be extracted from an alpor's tongue.

Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +3
Template: Quadruped
Main Attributes: ST33, DX11, IQ4, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will10
HP/FP: 33/13
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling
Parry 10 (-3 vs. attacks other than
Damage Resistance: 22 [Meteorite].
An arachas only has a DR of 5 on its
underbelly, which can be targeted as
Torso, but at -4 if the Arachas is
standing on the ground. To hit its underbelly, a person must usually be crouching or
Additional DR: 10 (limited; burn and toxic damage)
Attacks: Bite 4d-1 cut
Powers: Powerful Charge
Advantages: Fearlessness 7, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Mind Control, Immunity to
Poison, Magic Resistance 5, Regeneration (Fast, Limited: Only Works While Digesting Food),
Resistant to Stun (+3), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

Arachnids are lone hunters - they patiently wait for their prey to kill it with one swift strike
when it appears. The same is true for the arachas: A ruler who does not tolerate other hunters on
its territory. Including witchers.

Arachasae are large and protected by a durable armor. The carapace, as the witchers call this
armor, is incredibly tough, but it is possible to hurt the beast's underbelly. The arachas' charges
make an excellent opportunity for that - one has to evade the charge at all costs by stepping out
the beast's way, and then make one's blow.
The arachas has no fear of poison, and not much fear of fire. Its primitive nervous system barely
reacts to wounds, and its incredible vitality allows it to take even great wounds. The beast will
heal them after the fight anyway, all the while digesting it's prey.
All said and done, the arachas is a bug, so one's blade should be coated with the Insectoid Oil
before fighting it. The monster's susceptibility to this blade coating is probably its sole weakness.
The beast can easily all shrug off other witcher tricks, so common poisons and signs are of no
use, not to mention attempts to knock the colossus down.

Attacks and Powers

An arachas can bite its foe with crunching strength, but it can also employ a powerful charge
Powerful Charge: An arachas can channel adrenalin into its leg-muscles for a burst of strength
that allows it to propel immediately forward, going from not moving to charging at full speed
instantly. When the arachas uses this attack, it takes an All-Out Attack maneuver and spends 1FP,
then moves up to twice its speed directly towards one opponent. Treat this a Slam attack that
deals an extra 2 damage to the opponent. The opponent has a -2 penalty to any Active Defense he
employs against this attack. If the arachas hits, roll a contest of strength between it and its foe. If
the foe loses, he falls prone and is knocked back twice as far as he normally would be for the
amount of damage he took.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: -4.
Chitin: Arachas plating can be scraped for Amethyst Dust.
Eyes: Arachas Eyes contain alchemical ingredients.
Fangs: Arachas fangs contain Diamond Dust.
Shell: The shell of an arachas contains Arachas Armor, which can be scraped off.

An arachas' shell has a small piece of flesh inside of it which serves as the adrenal amplifier that
an arachas uses to employ its powerful charge attack. This is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Arachas Adrenal Gland

Mutagenic Modifier: -3.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS -1 Striking ST, Rough Skin (-1 Quirk)
Not Prepared, With WS -1 Striking ST
Prepared, Without WS -1 Striking ST. The character can gain an adrenal
burst of strength; by spending 2FP, the character
can gain a +3 bonus to Striking ST for 5 seconds.
This is a free action, and can only be used once
per round.
Prepared, With WS Rough Skin (-1 Quirk). The character can gain an
adrenal burst of strength; by spending 1FP, the
character can gain a +3 bonus to Striking ST for 5
seconds. This is a free action, and can only be
used once per round.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare an Arachas Adrenal Gland for ingestion, the witcher
must mix a potion from it containing the mashed adrenal gland combined with one measure of
Hydragenum and one measure of Sol.

Subtype: Plant
Size Modifier: +2
Main Attributes: ST20, DX9, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will2
HP/FP: 20/10
Speed/Move: 4,75/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bodyslam 2d+1
Powers: Regrowth
Skills: Brawling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"Some crimes are so terrible that they fill people with terror and offend the gods. The criminal's
ill will and the cruelty of his deed conceive a curse that brings the archespore to life. The beast
attacks innocent creatures hatefully, trying to take vengeance until justice is done. It is highly
vulnerable to fire any witcher worth his stuff should use the Igni sign to good effect!"

Attacks and Powers

The archespore attacks by slamming its body into assailants, and can also regrow.
Regrowth: An archespore can use a Concentration maneuver and expend 2FP to regenerate 1HP
per second for the next five seconds.

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Blossom: Spores can be extracted from an archespore's head or blossom.
Stem: Archespore Juice can be extracted from an archespore's stem.

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST8, DX13, IQ6, HT8
Secondary Attributes: Per11, Will15
HP/FP: 16/12
Speed/Move: 5,25/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, (if weapon, usually
Broadsword Parry 9)
Damage Resistance: 10 [Silver]
Attacks: None or weapon (if weapon, usually
broadsword 1d-2 cr or broadsword 1d-1 cut)
Powers: Howl
Disadvantages: Bestial (but can speak)
Skills: None or weapon (if weapon, usually Broadsword-13)

In the Words of Dandelion

A banshee, also called a beann'shie, is a female spirit who cries on Saovine night, wailing a
warning of those who will die. Saovine night, at the end of October and start of November, marks
the new year for elves and humans alike, and children are encouraged not to walk to far from
the festivities lest they encounter a beann'shie.
As Geralt tells it though, banshees are not specifically malicious spirits unless angry or immensely
sad, though meeting one is considered to be an omen of the worst kind.
Children especially should care for the banshee, since these specters are attracted to youth.
Their appearance varies, though most often they're pale, thin women wearing gray vestments.
They have burning red eyes.

Attacks and Powers
Most banshees have only the power of their scream, though banshees who died on the field of
battle may be armed, usually with a sword.
Howl (magical): A banshee can expend 1FP to let out a frightening howl, causing anyone within
30 yards to become frightened, stunned or fall into a deathlike state! When a banshee howls,
anyone who can hear her rolls against Will. Based upon the success or failure of that roll, two
things can happen:
1) The Will roll succeeds. The victim makes a Fright check. If successful, the victim has
shrugged off the Banshee's howl. If unsuccessful, the victim rolls on the Fright Table
(GURPS: Basic Set, p. 360).
2) The Will roll fails. The victim makes another roll against Will. If successful, the victim is
stunned. When she or he recovers, the victim makes a Fright check as explained above. If
the second Will roll fails, the victim falls into a catatonic state. He or she stares into
space for 1d days. Then roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, the victim remains catatonic for
another 1d days, and so on. Without medical care, the victim loses 1HP the first day, 2 on
the second, and so on. If the victim survives and awakens, all skill rolls and attribute
checks are at -2 for as many days as the catatonia lasted.
A bystander that covers his or her ears with his or her hands must be within 20 yards to be
affected. Earplugs or other remedies can further reduce the range at which a banshee's howl is
effective. Deaf people are immune to this effect.

Extraction Modifier: -1 (special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.

Subtype: Specter
Special Note: Although barghests are
specters, they posses the solid forms of
hounds when they arrive from the
underworld. Thus, they are not insubstantial
and do not possess Supernatural Durability
like other specters.
Template: Quadruped
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST13, DX12, IQ3, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will6
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 cut
Disadvantages: Bestial
Skills: Brawling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"People say that barghests are specters which materialize as ghastly dogs and persecute the
living. According to some folk tales these monsters are the scouts of the Wild Hunt. Other legends
say the ghosts appear as a sign of divine retribution and embody revenge. However, all tales
agree on one point: barghests show the living no mercy.
Barghests are specters with solid forms, so unlike other specters the are quite easy to hurt, at
least comparatively. Barghest are usually found in the service of a hellhound, and they spread out
over the countryside to haunt villages."

Attacks and Powers
The barghest bites its opponents with powerful jaws.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: 0 (in the case of After Death, special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.
Brains: A barghest's brains contain Ectoplasm.
Fangs: A barghest's fangs are Beast Fangs.

Subtype: Ornithosaur
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST15, DX9, IQ3, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will5
HP/FP: 15/10
Speed/Move: 4,75/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d+1 pi+
Powers: Venomous Bite
Advantages: Immunity to Poison, Resistant to Stun (+3), Teeth (Beak)
Skills: Brawling-14, Flight-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Simple people call the basilisk the king of the Zerrikanian deserts and often mistake it for a
cockatrice. They claim that the beast is filled with such hatred towards all living things that even
its breath is venomous and its glance turns the unwary to stone. The fact that witchers often
encounter basilisks in dungeons and cellars contradicts the legend and suggests these creatures
can reproduce under any conditions like many of their nasty monster brethren. In fairy tales, the
only certain way to kill a basilisk is by holding a mirror in front of its eyes to divert its deadly
gaze. Witchers reply that it is far better to smash the mirror on the creature's head."

Attacks and Powers

A basilisk attacks with its powerful beak, which contains a strong venom.
Venomous Bite: The basilisks bite delivers its poison. Victims of a basilisk's bite, that take at
least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-1. Failure means the victim becomes poisoned.

The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 1HP and FP toxic damage per
hour. The poison functions for 48 hours after taking effect.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Venom Glands: A basilisk's Venom Glands are an alchemical substance.

Black Annis
Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST25, DX8, IQ12, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will12
HP/FP: 25/10
Speed/Move: 4,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 2d+1 cut, claws 2d+2 cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Teeth (Beak)
Disadvantages: Uncontrollable Appetite (the flesh of living or freshly killed creatures)
Special Note: Black Annis do not have the Bestial disadvantage (although they certainly
act that way, most of the time)!
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Black annis are often called night witches, because they resemble old, ugly women and are
famous for their witch-like viciousness. They are also called devourers since these creatures
gorge themselves on human flesh; although they willingly eat carcasses, above all they crave flesh
that is fresh and warm. Black annis hunt after dark in groups that peasants refer to as sabbaths.
They like to deceive their victims and torture them, but there is no truth to the tales of their
midnight flights on broomsticks and their gingerbread houses.
Though black annis are intelligent, they usually seem like mindless beasts."

Attacks and Powers
A black annis mauls its opponent to death with tooth and nail.

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Fingers: Liquifying a black annis' fingers yields Cadaverine.
Hair: A black annis' hair can be burned to yield Shadow Dust.
Teeth: The teeth of a black annis, called Devourer Teeth, are an alchemical component.
Tongue: The tongue of a black annis contains Albar's Crystals.

Template: Vermiform
Special Note: Bloedzuigers move on two,
snakelike limbs that resemble legs, and have
two blade-like spikes at the end of their arms.
Thus they use a modified version of the
Vermiform meta-trait (see below).
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST14, DX13, IQ3, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will7
HP/FP: 14/13
Speed/Move: 6.5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 cut, talon 1d cut, talon 1d imp
Powers: Corrosive Splash, Latch Onto, Leeching Bite
Advantages: Claws (Talons), Injury Tolerance (No Head), Teeth (Sharp), Vampiric Bite (2HP
per second)
Disadvantages: Bestial
Skills: Brawling-12, Wrestling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"The bloedzuiger, a grotesque monster from the swamps, causes terror among peasants because it
leeches the blood from its victims, and, when destroyed, explodes in a cascade of acid."

Attacks and Powers

A bloedzuiger can both bite its foe or impale them with its sword-like arms, but it can also latch
onto a victim.

Corrosive Splash: When a bloedzuiger is reduced to negative HP, it explodes in a cascade of acid
covering the hex it died in as well as all hexes around it. Victims may attempt to dodge and drop
into an adjacent hex (unless they are in the same hex as the bloedzuiger), but are otherwise
covered with the stuff. This attack deals 2d corrosive damage.
Latch Onto: A bloedzuiger that hits with its bite attack and deals one or more hits of injury to its
foe may attempt to latch onto that foe. The bloedzuiger rolls its Wrestling skill. If successful, it
latches onto its victim, who must use two free hands and succeed at a contest of ST with the
bloedzuigar to break free. Allies can also attempt this contest to break a bloedzuiger's hold on
their friend. If the hold is broken in this manner, it deals 1 hit of injury (cutting damage) to the
victim. While latched onto a victim, the bloedzuiger may use its Vampiric Bite each round as an
All-Out Attack Maneuver. It can only move with the victim while latched on this manner, and it
can't concentrate on making other attacks. It can attempt to drag its victim one hex per round
(this may also be done as a Step). Doing so requires a contest of ST versus the victim. If the
bloedzuiger loses this contest it still maintains hold, but gets a -2 penalty to the contest of ST if
the victim or an ally attempts to free it before the bloedzuiger's next turn.
Leeching Bite: If a bloedzuiger deals at least 1 hit of injury with its normal bite attack, it heals
itself for 1 hit of injury.

Vermiform (modified): Double-Jointed, No Legs (Slithers via leg-like protrusions), No Fine

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Blood: A dose of Bloedzuiger Blood can be extracted from the veins of a bloedzuiger.
Skin: An Abomination Lymph can be extracted from an bloedzuiger's skin.
Tongue: Albar's Crystals can be extracted from the tongue of a bloedzuiger.

Subtype: Vampire [Higher]
Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST15, DX17, IQ16, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will16
HP/FP: 15/10
Speed/Move: 6,75/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry
12 (-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d cut, claw 1d+1 cut
Powers: Alternate Form, Scream
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 2, Immunity to Poison,
Shapeshifting (Alternate Form: Black Bat) Telecommunication (Telesend, Send Only)
Disadvantages: Vulnerability (Fire, x2 damage)
Skills: Body-Language-15, Brawling-17, Carousing-14, Detect Lies-13, Enthrallment (Persuade)-
15, Enthrallment (Suggest)-15, Erotic Arts-17, Flight-14, Intimidation-15, Wrestling-16, Savior-
Faire (Bars and High Society)-15, Sex-Appeal-17, Stealth-16

In the Words of Dandelion

The bruxa is a higher vampire, that is, a post-Conjunction creature, an intruder in our world. She
appears as a beautiful woman, but when she is hungry or attacking, she is terrifying. As a
vampire, the bruxa drinks blood. She often finds a victim to become her lover and a constant
supply of sustenance at the same time. The bruxa finds the smell of garlic to be socially
inconvenient at most. And she considers holy symbols to be interesting examples of handicraft.
She endures the light of the sun well, but she prefers the darkness of the night. As you see, you
can stuff most stereotypical preconceptions about vampires up your arse when it comes to a
bruxa. So what works? The blade of the silver sword, as usual. Apart from silver, she can be
wounded with fire and a stake, provided that the latter is as long as a wagon's drawbar.

Less powerful bruxae often hunt in packs, making it easier to corner prey. If threatened, they
attack with their nails and rip the victim apart, pausing only to savor the blood of their dying foe.
The greatest threat to a witcher is the bruxa's voice. The creature can screech with such force
that the shockwave will knock even a huge man down, making him easy prey for the vampiress.
Blindness is as great a threat as this ghastly scream. Bruxae deprive their enemies of sight in
order to play cat and mouse with them. Until sight returns, one should defend against their
attacks in any way possible, for example by using the Heliotrop sign.
The bruxae are good at defending themselves against witchers' tricks, but they are vulnerable to

Attacks and Powers

A bruxa prefers to use its vampiric bite on hapless foes, savoring their blood. If cornered, a bruxa
can unleash a powerful scream, unleashing sonic energy upon its foes.
Alternate Form (magical): A bruxa can shapeshift into the form of a large, black bat. This takes
only one second of concentration. While in batform, a bruxa's bite deals imp damage, she gains
the ability to fly with her large wings, and her scream now also blinds opponents; opponents that
become stunned by a bruxa in batform's scream are blinded three subsequent rounds after the
first round of stun ends, regardless of whether they recover from the stun on not.
Scream (magical): A bruxa's scream is a cone of sonic waves that initiates in the hex of the
bruxa, and has a range and width of 10 yards. To scream in this fashion, a bruxa must expend 2FP.
The scream deals 5d crushing damage (but has the No Wounding limitation, so it deals no actual
injury), and causes double knockback. Those caught in the blast who suffer any penetrating
damage must succeed at a HT-check (at -1 per 2 penetrating damage) or be stunned. Stun wears of
normally (stunned creatures roll a HT-check at the end of each turn. If successful, they recover,
if not, they continue to be stunned).

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Blood: A dose of Bruxa Blood can be harvested from the veins of a bruxa.
Hair: The hair of a bruxa can be burned to yield Essence of Death.
Nails: The nails of a bruxa contains Naezan Salts.
Skin: The skin of a bruxa contains Abomination Lymph.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST18, DX11, IQ4, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will11
HP/FP: 18/13
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d+2 cut, claws 2d cut, horns
2d+2 cr
Powers: Caustic Spittle, Goring Charge
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Regeneration (Fast), Striker (Horns), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

The bullvore can be compared to a heap of muscles constrained by a sack of hard, elastic skin.
It's head is that of a buffalo's, yet its mouth is filled with sharp teeth adapted to rending flesh.
Bullvores are post-conjunction beasts. The visible mark of Chaos are the horns and vestigial
hands the creature barely moves, growing all over its body.
This monster does not like the company of its own kind. One might even say it is like a poet in
that it is an individualist. Much like an artist, it likes to show off before its lessers, thus it is at
times accompanied by smaller, weaker beasts like nekkers and rotfiends. Bullvores are prone to
giving peculiar displays wherein they kill their retinue in a fanciful manner, for example, by
spitting acid on rotfiends that, in turn, explode.
Their skin is tough, so they easily shrug off weaker blows, apart from which they heal almost as
quickly as trolls do.

A bullvore can kill slower opponents with the sheer momentum of its terrible charge. One should
wait for this attack and dodge it, as immediately after it rushes forth and misses, the bullvore will
be mostly defenseless. The bullvore uses a terrifying weapon against swifter foes: it vomits filth
that is both caustic and poisonous, so its foe dissolves into a puddle.
The bullvore is a necrophage, so it should be fought using a blade coated with Necrophage Oil.
This coating aggravates the beast's wounds and gives the witcher a huge advantage.

Attacks and Powers

A bullvore can attack with both claws, bite and horns, but it can also spew corrosive spittle and
smash forward with a powerful charge.
Caustic Spittle: A bullvore can spew forth acid from its mouth. This is a ranged attack. The
bullvore rolls against its DX to hit. The attack has 1/2D 10, Max 100, Acc 3, RoF 1, Shots N/A, and
Recoil 1. It deals 2d corrosive damage. Bullvores usually use this power to make nearby rotfiends
explode, causing a chain reaction. If alone, Caustic Spittle is rarely useful for a bullvore, since it
will be busy holding off assailants.
Goring Charge: A bullvore can channel adrenalin into its leg-muscles for a burst of strength that
allows it to propel immediately forward, going from not moving to charging at full speed
instantly. When the bullvore uses this attack, it takes an All-Out Attack maneuver and spends 1FP,
then moves up to twice its speed directly towards one opponent. Treat this a Slam attack that
deals an extra 1d damage to the opponent. If the bullvore hits, roll a contest of strength between
it and its foe. If the foe loses, he falls prone and is knocked back twice as far as he normally
would be for the amount of damage he took.
Bullvores like to use Goring Charge to surprise opponents, and then take them down with more
traditional attacks afterward.

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Blood: One dose of Necrophage Blood can be extracted from a bullvore.
Brains: Bullvore Brains is an alchemical component.
Eyes: Necrophage Eyes can be gathered from a bullvore.
Skin: The skin of a bullvore is Necrophage Skin.
Teeth: A bullvore has a set of Necrophage Teeth.

A bullvore's horns can be pounded into dust and ingested as a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Bullvore Horns

Mutagenic Modifier: -1.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS The character's appearance drops by two levels
as skin roughens, hair grows unnaturally, and
small, hornlike protrusions grow from the
character's forehead.
Not Prepared, With WS The character's appearance drops by one level
as skin roughens, hair grows unnaturally, and
tiny, hornlike protrusions grow from the
character's forehead.
Prepared, Without WS The character gains the Rapid Healing
advantage. The character's appearance drops by
one level as skin roughens, hair grows
unnaturally, and tiny, hornlike protrusions grow
from the character's forehead.
Prepared, With WS The character gains the Rapid Healing

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a set of bullvore horns for ingestion, they must be
pounded into dust and mixed with two measures of Fulgur and one measure of Vermillion, after
which the mixture must be smoked.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST24, DX15, IQ4, HT15
Secondary Attributes: Per10, Will12
HP/FP: 24/15
Speed/Move: 7,5/7
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry
11 (-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Claw 3d-1 cut, bite 2d+2 cut
Powers: Disease
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Resistant to Stun (+3), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-17, Wrestling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Much has been written about ghouls and graveirs, since they are encountered by common
people in times of war or in cemeteries. Cemetaurs are rare, but when they appear in a
necropolis, they take it over. All ghouls respect them and must bow to them."

Attacks and Powers

A cemetaur mainly attacks with it claws or bite, which inflict disease.
Disease: If a victim sustains one or more hits of injury from a cemetaur's bite or claw attack, the
victim must roll against HT-3. A failed roll causes retching (as described on p. 429 of GURPS: Basic
Set). On a successful roll, the victim avoids further complications. A retching victim can attempt
to roll against HT-2 at the end of each of its turns a successful roll stops the retching and leaves
the victim nauseated until he or she recovers the fatigue point lost at the end of the retching
spell (via magic, rest or similar means of recovering FP).

A victim that begins retching as part of a cemetaur's claw 0r bite whether they recover soon
after or not is also inflicted with a disease. This disease has an incubation time of 16 hours, and
deals 4 toxic damage to the victim in a twelve hour cycle after the incubation time. The victim can
shake this disease by succeeding on a roll against HT-3 after he takes this damage, or by being
cured through magical or other means.
All negative effects of an cemetaur's bite are disease-related, and characters resistant or immune
to disease are resistant or immune to these effects.

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Eyes: White Vinegar can be extracted from a cemetaur's eyes.
Jaw: Cemetaur Jaw is an alchemical substance.
Stomach: Abomination Lymph can be extracted from a cemetaur's stomach.

Subtype: Ornithosaur
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST17, DX11, IQ5, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will7
HP/FP: 17/11
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d+2 pi+, Stinger 2d-1 pi
Powers: Petrifying Gaze, Venomous Sting
Advantages: Resistant to Poison (+8), Resistant to Stun (+3), Striker (Stinger, Cannot Parry,
Limited Arc (Can Only Strike Ahead), Weak), Teeth (Beak)
Skills: Brawling-14, Flight-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Cockatrices are born of eggs laid by roosters consorting with other roosters. The egg must be
incubated for forty-four days by a toad. The toad is devoured by the little beast as soon as it
hatches. A cockatrice hates everything that lives so fiercely that its glance turns the living to
stone. Only a bold adventurer with a mirror can deflect its deadly gaze and defeat the

Attacks and Powers

A cockatrice attacks with its powerful beak, its poisonous stinger, or its petrifying gaze.
Petrifying Gaze (magical): As a free action usable once per round, the cockatrice may spend 2FP
and lock its gaze with a victim. The victim rolls against HT-1. On a failed roll, the victim is
petrified and turned into stone. Should it see its own reflection when attempting this attack, a
cockatrice is itself victim to this effect and must roll at HT-1 or be petrified.

Venomous Sting: The cockatrice's stinger delivers its poison. Victims of a cockatrice's stinger,
which take at least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-2. Failure means the victim
becomes poisoned. The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 2HP and FP
damage per hour. The poison functions for 72 hours after taking effect.

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Eyes: Cockatrice Eyes are a valuable alchemical substance.
Feathers: 1d-3 (minimum 1) of a cockatrice's feathers are alchemical Cockatrice Feathers.
Poison Gland: A cockatrice's poison gland contains Toxin.

A cockatrice's brain is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Cockatrice Brain

Mutagenic Modifier: 0.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Phobia: Mirrors
Not Prepared, With WS Resistant to Poison (+3), Phobia: Mirrors
Prepared, Without WS Resistant to Poison (+3), Phobia: Mirrors
Prepared, With WS Dislikes: Mirrors. Resistant to Poison (+3). Two
free character points (the character adds 2CP to
his or her sheet that he or she can spend).

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a cockatrice brain for ingestion, the brain must be
boiled along with two measures of Aether and ingested via the eye sockets like eye-drops.

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: +5
Template: Body of Fire (Modified, see below)
Main Attributes: ST40, DX11, IQ15, HT18
Secondary Attributes: Per15, Will22
HP/FP/Energy: 40/18/10
Speed/Move: 8,25/8
Active Defenses: Dodge 11, Brawling Parry 11 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting), Broadsword Parry 11,
Shield Block 10 (Large Wooden Shield)
Shield Defense Bonus: +3
Damage Resistance: 14 [Silver]
Additional DR: 50 (limited; fire)
Attacks: Bastard Sword 4d+2 cr, Bastard Sword 4d+2
Powers: Explosive Fireball, Flaming Armor, Flaming
Advantages: Charisma 3, Immunity to Disease, Immunity to Mind Control, Immunity to
Poison, Magic Resistance 10, Resistant to Stun (+8)
Disadvantages: Bloodlust
Skills: Brawling-17, Broadsword-17, Intimidation-17, Leadership-17, Shield-15

In the Words of Dandelion

The draug is a mythical creature, straight from ancient legends of heroes and epic deeds. When
the hero enters the burning hells to rescue his beloved, or when he has to avenge his father's
death, the draug is often his opponent. Why are poets so keen to cast this monster as the arch-
enemy? Well, the draug is a wraith, so it fits any dark story featuring a curse or vengeance from
the beyond. There's no telling how what it actually looks like, so its terrifying visage can be

described in many ways without risking accusation of confabulation. Furthermore, it is a
powerful creature, a prince of the damned, so it makes an ideal villain.
As an arch-wraith, the draug never stoops to doing anything with its own hands. It has lackeys for
that, always wraiths or other restless spirits. Having been a king or a commander in life, the
draug retains its charisma in death, and its deathly subordinates always blindly obey its orders.
Thus one needs to exterminate all manner servants on the way to its underground palace,
wilderness keep or other foreboding abode. Only then can one face the draug itself. That's
literary tradition for you.
The draug can be described in various ways, as has been said, but is always a lethal foe. Forget its
huge strength, invulnerability to pain, fearlessness and bloodlust. One cannot just defeat a draug
using conventional means. As with every wraith, there is some tragic event connected to it,
forcing the creature to remain among the living. The draug is untouchable, unreachable for
anyone who is not part of that story. That is why the mythical hero has to get involved in various
brawls and pass through many trials. By overcoming these obstacles, he enters the draug's world
and becomes worthy of facing the monstrosity.
The draug is so powerful that it mocks simple witchers' tricks. The one sure thing in fighting the
draug, it must be said, is a silver sword.

Attacks and Powers

A draug swings a deadly, giant bastard sword, but can also employ several fiery powers.
Explosive Fireball (magical): The draug can create a fireball that hits a target as well as others
nearby. This has D 25, Max 50, Acc1. It can be thrown at a wall, the floor, etc. (at +4 to hit). The
target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide
damage by three times their distance in yards (round down). This fireball deals 1d burning damage
for each 2FP the draug spends on it. For each increment of 6FP the draug wishes to spend on it, it
takes another second to cast.
Flaming Armor (magical): The draug spends 6FP to ignite his armor in flames. Any melee attack
that hits him triggers a 1d Flame Jet backlash along the weapon at the foe. This automatically hits
the hand holding the weapon if the weapon's Reach was 1 or less. Should the draug grapple or be
grappled, the foe takes 3d burning damage, but the Flaming Armor also fades. This effect lasts one
minute, and can be maintained for 3FP.
Flaming Weapon (magical): The draug spends 4FP to set his weapon aflame. It now deals 2 extra
points of burn damage. This effect lasts 1 minute, and can be maintained for 1FP.

Body of Fire (modified): Burning Attack 1d (Always On, Aura, Melee Attack Reach C), Doesnt
Breathe (Oxygen Combustion), DR50 (limited; fire), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury
Tolerance (Diffuse), Weakness (Water; 1d/minute).

Extraction Modifier: -5 and, in the case of After Death and Draug Essence, special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.
Draug Essence: As After Death, but a draug also leaves behind Draug Essence. This requires an
additional roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill to know.
Helmet: The remains of a draug's helmet contains Diamond Dust.
Shield: The remains of a draug's shield contains Amethyst Dust.

Draug Essence can be used as a mutagen instead of as an alchemical ingredient.

MUTAGEN: Draug Essence

Mutagenic Modifier: -4.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS DR3 (limited; fire).
Not Prepared, With WS DR5 (limited; fire).
Prepared, Without WS DR8 (limited; fire). Fearlessness 1.
Prepared, With WS DR10 (limited; fire). Fearlessness 3.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare Draug Essence for consumption, a witcher must freeze it
along with two measures of Fulgur and two measures of Hydragenum and let the resulting icecube
melt underneath his tongue.

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST13, DX10, IQ7, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will7
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 10 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting), Two-Handed Sword
Parry 10
Damage Resistance: 8 [Silver]
Additional DR: 6 (plate armor, layered on top of
other DR)
Attacks: Claws 1d cut, Greatsword 2d-1 cr, Greatsword
2d+2 cut
Skills: Brawling-10, Shield-15, Two-handed Sword-15

In the Words of Dandelion

The draugir are demons of war, and they appear on battlefields or in cemeteries. Like the draug,
they are borne of damned souls and trapped shells created from the remnants of arms and
armor, machines and corpses torn apart by scavengers.
The draugir feel little fear and pain, and they cannot be forced to retreat. They are ideal soldiers.
Their coming is always sudden.
These wraiths are protected by heavy armor. A witcher should first force them to expose
themselves, grinding down their armor. The monsters are slow in the battle, so one needs to
weaken them methodically with strong sword blows, and then finish them off. In life, draugirs
were soldiers or knights, and in death they retain their proficiency in combat, so one needs to
defend oneself against their blows with extreme care.

The draugirs are susceptible to the Specter Oil, so one should coat a silver blade with it before
battle. Poisons and oils increasing bleeding are of no use. These wraiths can be defeated using
fire, but the silver sword is, of course, the most effective.

Attacks and Powers

The draugir can be armed with many weapons, even shields, but the typical draguir wields a two-
handed sword.

Extraction Modifier: -1 (in the case of After Death, special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.
Claws: Draugir Claws contain alchemical ingredients.

Drowned Dead
Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST13, DX12, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will6
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 9
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 cut, claw 1d cut
Powers: Poison
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Constriction Attack, Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-12, Wrestling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"Particularly strong and dangerous drowners are known as the drowned dead. They lead packs of
drowners or are encountered in packs themselves.
Simple people see no difference between the drowner and the drowned dead encountering
either of them is equally deadly. We might suppose, though, that the most gloomy legends
concern the drowned dead rather than drowners.
These vicious beasts attempt to constrict opponents and drag them into the river."

Attacks and Powers

A drowned dead attacks with its claws and bite, or, more commonly, attempts to wrestle
opponents and drag them under water. Their bite and claws are poisonous.
Poison: A creature that sustains at least 1 hit of injury from a drowned dead's claw or bite takes
must succeed at a roll against HT or take 1 point of toxic damage.

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Fins: A drowned dead's fins contain Essence of Water.
Nose: A drowned dead's nose contains Cadaverine.
Tongue: Drowned Dead Tongue contains alchemical ingredients.
Veins: A drowned dead's veins can be tapped for Ginatz's Acid.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST10, DX10, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per7, Will5
HP/FP: 10/10
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 8
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-3 cut, claw 1d-2 cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-10, Wrestling-10

In the Words of Dandelion

They say that whatever hangs, shall not drown. Unfortunately, sometimes the bodies of hanged
criminals are thrown into the lake. The weight of the villains' crimes causes them return as
drowners. Since bad things do not befall the wicked, to get rid of a drowner, you must bear the
cost of hiring a good witcher. Drowners are scoundrels who ended their wicked lives in the
water. Drowned alive or thrown into deep water after death, they turn into vengeful creatures
which stalk the inhabitants of coastal settlements.
They are also known as the vodnik.
Drowners prefer to draw victims beneath the water's surface, tearing the drowning victim to
shreds with sharp claws, and eat them like a wet biscuit. Drowners are quite often found at the
banks of the Pontar, since the huge river with regular shipping and riverside villages provides
them with ample sustenance.
"When monsters are really crappy, ganging up makes them happy". Drowners are not the
mightiest beasts in the world, so they hunt in groups, in accordance with the above saying. They

are surprisingly fast on land, but are a threat only to fishermen and washerwomen. They can best
a witcher only if he is drunk or in love.
One could say that if drowners chatted among themselves, Geralt would be highly esteemed
among them after his exploits in Vizima. Yet drowners do not chat - they are dumb like a left
shoe. And good. Fast strikes should be used when fighting them, and one must spin swiftly before
they flee from a witcher's blade. Enough said.
The list of the monsters' strong points is short, as most of the witchers' arsenal is extremely
effective against them. Thus the drowners can be killed with fire, immobilized by traps, knocked
down and, above all else, sliced and diced until slime spills from their ears."

Attacks and Powers

A drowner usually attempts to wrestle down weaker opponents, or attacks with furious claws and

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Brains: A drowner's brains contain Drowner Brain Tissue.
Fins: A drowner's fins contain Essence of Water.
Nose: A drowner's nose contains Cadaverine.
Veins: A drowner's veins can be tapped for Ginatz's Acid.

Dwarven Warrior
NOTE: A dwarf is not a monster, so it yields
no alchemical ingredients.
Size Modifier: -1
Main Attributes: ST14, DX11, IQ9, HT14
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will11
HP/FP: 14/14
Speed/Move: 6,25/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting), Two-
Handed Axe/Mace 10
Damage Resistance: 0
Additional DR: 5 (double mail hauberk and helm)
Attacks: Great Axe 3d-1 cut or Maul 3d cr
Advantages: High Pain Threshold, Rapid Healing
Skills: Brawling-14, Two-handed Axe/Mace-15

In the Words of Dandelion

Dwarves are one of the Elder Races. Stocky and bearded, with strongly built bodies and low
voices, they are distinguished for their height, which is lower than human. Of simple and direct
manners, they are sometimes seen as grumpy, unkind and greedy. I have to stress that my own
opinion of the dwarfs is by no means similar to the latter part. I only cite it here to present the
views of other people - even if they are dull-minded, hate-blinded buffoons. Mahakam is the
dwarves' mountainous homeland, famed for it's numerous mines where precious stones and ores
are mined. Many dwarves also live in human cities, for that race usually adapts to new neighbors
easily, something that cannot be, unfortunately, said about a large part of humanity. Despite
vexations, persecution, and even bloody pogroms, the coexistence with dwarves goes a lot better
than with elves. Their flair for trade and craft makes them excellent merchants, bankers, smiths
and armorers.

Dwarves were once a dominant race, along with the elves, but now their sole enclave is
Mahakam, a mountain-city rich in metal and mineral deposits. Of all the elder races, the dwarves
have assimilated best and many now live in human cities. They run businesses and are often
wealthy, although they are met with disdain and distrust. During the war with Nilfgaard, dwarves
made a name for themselves as mercenaries, although many of them also fought in Scoia'tael
commando units against the Northern Kingdoms.

Attacks and Powers

Dwarves can fight with most weaponry, but have a natural fondness for axes and hammers.

Earth Elemental
Size Modifier: +2
Template: Body of Earth (Modified, see below)
Main Attributes: ST26, DX7, IQ7, HT18
Secondary Attributes: Per10, Will7
HP/FP: 26/18
Speed/Move: 4/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 [Meteorite]
Additional DR: 2 (this DR is not subject to the
weaknesses of normal monster DR, such as being
susceptible to silver and spells, and is layered above
all other forms of DR)
Attacks: Fist 3d cr
Advantages: Acute Senses (Detect) 6, Detect (All life and unlife, Precise), High Pain
Threshold, Immunity to Poison, Magic Resistance 5, Regeneration (Fast), Resistant to Stun
(+8), Unfazeable
Disadvantages: Reduced Speed (-2,25)
Skills: Brawling-13

In the Words of Dandelion

The earth elemental is the younger brother of the legendary d'ao, the genie capable of creating
earthquakes and flattening mountains. Younger, and less powerful, but also more mischievous.
Felling trees, crushing walls and smashing people to pulp can be counted among this creature's
pranks. But only if their master allows it, of course.
The earth elemental always serves its summoner faithfully. It is most often employed as a guard,
as it is tireless and always vigilant. It does have senses as living beings do, but it always
recognizes the presence of intruders. It has no fear of monsters, let alone humans.

This monster's most dangerous weapons are its mighty arms. A blow from the earth elemental is
akin to a battering ram hitting a city gate, and turns a normal human into a bloody stain. Its
ripostes are especially dangerous, for this apparently sluggish creature can strike swiftly as well
as strongly. Thus one has to defend oneself against its blows with all available means, including
potions and Signs. According to the "fight fire with fire" rule or rather the fight strength with
strength one should also use strong blows against the elemental, since only such attacks can
grind its stone body down.
The earth elemental's body is solid rock It is best to summon a team of dwarven miners to use
pickaxes on it until it's done for. However if the witcher has no such team at hand, he should use
regular means. The earth elemental, though it has no weaknesses, can be beaten.

Attacks and Powers

Earth elementals slam their opponents with their mighty fists.

Body of Earth (modified): Doesnt Breathe, DR 2 (listed as Additional DR above), Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), Pressure Support 3, Sealed, Vacuum Support. Note
that the Earth Elemental does not have the Invertebrate disadvantage like other creatures with
the Body of Earth meta-trait.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Head: Within an earth elementals head is an Elemental Stone.
Inner Shell: An earth elementals inner shell can be scraped for Diamond Dust.
Outer Shell: An earth elementals outer shell can be scraped for Amethyst Dust.

Subtype: Plant
Size Modifier: +2
Main Attributes: ST22, DX10, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will2
HP/FP: 22/10
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bodyslam 2d+2 cr
Powers: Regrowth, Thorn Spitting
Skills: Brawling-13

In the Words of Dandelion

"Echinopsae are monstrous plants born of curses which grow in places where terrible crimes
have been committed if the crime in question was never atoned for. The beasts try to take their
vengeance on criminals, but they do not spare the lives of innocents who haplessly enter their

Attacks and Powers

The echinops attacks by slamming its body into assailants, and can also regrow. It can also spit
poisonous thorns.
Regrowth: An echinops can use a Concentration maneuver and expend 1FP to regenerate 1HP per
second for the next five seconds.
Thorn Spitting: An echinops can spit large, poisonous thorns. The attack has 1/2D 30, Max 100,
Acc 3, RoF 1, Shots N/A, and Recoil 1. It deals 2d large piercing damage. A thorn that deals at least 1
hit of injury also poisons its target. The target rolls against HT. Failure means the victim becomes

poisoned. The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 1HP and FP toxic
damage per hour. The poison functions for 48 hours after taking effect.

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Blossom: Spores can be extracted from an echinops' head or blossom.
Rootstock: Echinops Rootstock contains alchemical ingredients.

Elven Scoia'tael Commando
NOTE: An elf is not a monster, so it yields no
alchemical ingredients.
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST12, DX16, IQ12, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per14, Will12
HP/FP: 12/10
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 11, Brawling Parry 12
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting),
Broadsword Parry 12
Damage Resistance: 0
Additional DR: 2 (leather, doesn't cover head)
Attacks: Scimitar 1d cut, Scimitar 1d-1 cr, Short Bow 1d-1 imp
Advantages: Acute Senses (Vision) 2, Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, Enhanced Dodge
Skills: Bow-16, Brawling-16, Broadsword-17, Stealth-16, Tracking-12

In the Words of Dandelion

After gnomes, elves are the eldest race on the continent. They created a magnificent civilization
and the greatest human cities, like Vizima and Oxenfurt, were built upon elven ruins. Elves also
have a special affinity for magic, although their magic is different from that of humans.
Elves are long-lived, yet the reproductive period of their lives ends quite early and, moreover,
they reproduce much more slowly than humans. This is why they were defeated, the reason why
they lost their re-eminence in the world. Today only two enclaves of the race remain: the Blue
Mountains, where elves suffer privation and are dying out; and Dol Blathanna, the Valley of the
Flowers, which is ruled by the sorceress Enid an Gleanna. The Valley of the Flowers is a
dependency of Nilfgaard.
Elves are a beautiful and long-lived race. They have pointed ears, sharp features and possess no
canine teeth. Elves are arrogant and proud, and over many centuries they have developed a high

and sophisticated culture. Few remain today, however, and these are in constant conflict with
human civilization. That is why so many younger elves, eager to fight for their rights, join
Scoia'tael commando units.
Scoia'tael is a name used by the rebels fighting for nonhuman freedom. In the common tongue it
means "squirrels". As some would have it, it is because of squirrel tails that adorn the rebels'
caps, or from the forest board they had to survive on. Scoia'tael formed units over a score strong,
consisting mainly of elves, yet sometimes dwarves and halflings joined too. During the last war
against Nilfgaard, the Scoia'tael fought on the side of the Empire, making diversions and great
damage beyond our lines. Despite the provisions of the Peace of Cintra, many did not disarm and
continued to fight, especially when it turned out that Nilfgaard sacrificed them in the name of
peace and gave the units' leaders to the Nordlings to be executed.

Attacks and Powers

Scoia'tael commandos are extremely proficient with bow and broadsword.

Endrega Guard
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST14, DX11, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will2
HP/FP: 20/10
Speed/Move: 5,25/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 8
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 pi+, Tail 1d+1 cr
Powers: Defensive Curl, Poison
Advantages: Extra Legs (Six Legs), Horizontal, Immunity to Poison, Striker (Heavy Tail),
Teeth (Beak)
Disadvantages: Hidebound, No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling-11

In the Words of Dandelion

Endrega are forest creatures that resemble arachnids. They are especially fond of flood-plains,
as moisture and tall grass suit them. Longer than they are tall, they move about on all fours and
are extremely difficult to spot as they lie motionless, awaiting their prey. Like kikimores,
endregas are divided into castes, with warriors being most numerous, guards being less common,
and queens being a real rarity.
These monsters, like arachnids, hatch from eggs. Impregnated queens lay the eggs in cocoons
which hang from trees in areas known as nests. The lesser creatures zealously guard their
queens, as colonies depend on them for survival. The queens themselves remain hidden, caring
little for what happens to other adult specimens. However, when their nest is threatened, they
emerge swiftly and fight ferociously. Thus, to exterminate an endrega colony, one must set fire to
its cocoons to lure out and kill the queen.

Attacks and Powers
An endrega guard bites its foe with its strong beak that contains a weak venom.
Defensive Curl: An endrega guard can curl up around itself as an All-Out Defense maneuver.
While doing this, it can take no other physical actions, but gain an extra 6DR. It is a free action
on its own turn, though not on the turn in which it went into the curl, for the endrega guard to
come out of this defensive curl, and when it does, it heals 1HP if it did not take damage while it
was curled up.
Poison: A victim that sustains at least 1 hit of injury from an endrega guard's bite must succeed at
a roll against HT. If the roll fails, the victim becomes poisoned. The poison sets in after 48 hours,
at which point it deals 1HP and FP toxic damage. Then the victim must roll again vs. HT. If the
victim fails, he or she is paralyzed until the poison is removed or seven days pass. During this
period, the victim takes 1HP and FP toxic damage daily unless given medical attention.

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Jaw: An Endrega Jaw can be used In witcher alchemy.
Mouth: Endrega Saliva is an alchemical component.
Poison Gland: Within an endrega guard's poison gland is a dose of Endrega Venom.
Teeth: Endrega Teeth can be used in witcher alchemy as well.

Endrega Queen
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +2
Main Attributes: ST19, DX12, IQ4, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per10, Will6
HP/FP: 19/11
Speed/Move: 5,75/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 12 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Claws 2d+1 cut, Claws 2d+1 imp
Powers: Poison, Toxic Spit
Advantages: Claws (Long Talons), Extra Legs
(Six Legs), Horizontal, Immunity to Poison
Disadvantages: Hidebound, No Fine
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

Endrega are forest creatures that resemble arachnids. They are especially fond of flood-plains,
as moisture and tall grass suit them. Longer than they are tall, they move about on all fours and
are extremely difficult to spot as they lie motionless, awaiting their prey. Like kikimores,
endregas are divided into castes, with warriors being most numerous, guards being less common,
and queens being a real rarity.
These monsters, like arachnids, hatch from eggs. Impregnated queens lay the eggs in cocoons
which hang from trees in areas known as nests. The lesser creatures zealously guard their
queens, as colonies depend on them for survival. The queens themselves remain hidden, caring
little for what happens to other adult specimens. However, when their nest is threatened, they

emerge swiftly and fight ferociously. Thus, to exterminate an endrega colony, one must set fire to
its cocoons to lure out and kill the queen.

Attacks and Powers

An endrega queen strikes her opponents with massive talons, and can also employ two venomous
Poison: A victim that sustains at least 1 hit of injury from an endrega queen's claws or toxic spit
must succeed at a roll against HT-1. If the roll fails, the victim becomes poisoned. The poison sets
in after 48 hours, at which point it deals 3HP and FP toxic damage. Then the victim must roll
again, this time against HT-3.
If the victim fails, he or she is paralyzed until the poison is removed or seven days pass. During
this period, the victim takes 3HP and FP toxic damage daily unless given medical attention.
Toxic Spit: An endrega queen can spit acid which deals corrosive damage and poisons the victim.
The attack has 1/2D 5, Max 50, Acc 3, RoF 1, Shots N/A, and Recoil 1. It deals 2d corrosive damage
and poisons the victim as described above. An endrega queen usually employs this attack against
enemies that attempt to flee or dodge away from its claws.

Extraction Modifier: -4.
Egg Sack: Within an endrega queen's egg sack can usually be found an Endrega Embryo.
Jaw: An Endrega Jaw can be used In witcher alchemy.
Mouth: Endrega Saliva is an alchemical component.
Pheromone Gland: Within an endrega queen's pheromone gland Queen Endrega's Pheromones
can be found.
Poison Gland: Within an endrega queen's poison gland is a dose of Endrega Venom.
Teeth: Endrega Teeth can be used in witcher alchemy as well.

The queen endrega's pheromones can be ingested as a mutagen instead of being used as an
alchemical ingredient.

MUTAGEN: Queen Endrega's Pheromones

Mutagenic Modifier: -3.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Lifebane.
Not Prepared, With WS Lifebane.
Prepared, Without WS Charisma 1.*
Prepared, With WS Charisma 2.*
* If the character already has levels of the Charisma advantage, add one or two levels as
Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare Queen Endrega's Pheromones for ingestion, the witcher
needs to make an incense containing the pheromones as well as three measures of Vermillion. He
must light the incense and meditate, immersed in the incense, in a closed room for at least four

Endrega Warrior
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST16, DX11, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will2
HP/FP: 16/10
Speed/Move: 5,25/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 8
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d pi+, Heavy Tail 1d+2 cr
Advantages: Extra Legs (Six Legs), Horizontal,
Striker (Heavy Tail), Teeth (Beak)
Disadvantages: Hidebound, No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling-11

In the Words of Dandelion

Endregas are forest creatures that resemble arachnids. They are especially fond of flood-plains,
as moisture and tall grass suit them. Longer than they are tall, they move about on all fours and
are extremely difficult to spot as they lie motionless, awaiting their prey. Like kikimores,
endregas are divided into castes, with warriors being most numerous, guards being less common,
and queens being a real rarity.
These monsters, like arachnids, hatch from eggs. Impregnated queens lay the eggs in cocoons
which hang from trees in areas known as nests. The lesser creatures zealously guard their
queens, as colonies depend on them for survival. The queens themselves remain hidden, caring
little for what happens to other adult specimens. However, when their nest is threatened, they
emerge swiftly and fight ferociously. Thus, to exterminate an endrega colony, one must set fire to
its cocoons to lure out and kill the queen.

Attacks and Powers
An endrega can bite its foe or smash them with its mace-like tail.

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Jaw: An Endrega Jaw can be used in witcher alchemy.
Mouth: Endrega Saliva is an alchemical component.
Teeth: Endrega Teeth can be used in witcher alchemy as well.

Fire Elemental
Size Modifier: +1
Template: Body of Fire (Modified, see below)
Main Attributes: ST20, DX12, IQ7, HT12
Secondary Attributes: Per11, Will7
HP/FP: 20/12
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 [Meteorite]
Additional DR: 50 (limited; fire)
Attacks: Fist 2d+2 cr
Powers: Explosive Fireball, Smoldering
Advantages: High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Poison, Magic Resistance 5, Regeneration
(Fast), Resistant to Stun (+8), Unfazeable
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

Sorcerers proficient in the Art can create gateways to dimensions ruled by the four elements
and force the creatures dwelling there to serve them. Herbert Stammelford, one of the members
of the first Conclave, had a d'ao, a genie of Earth, at his beck and call. At the mage's command it
moved a mountain that blocked the view from a window. Contemporary sorcerers are but a pale
shadow of the old masters, but they still can do a lot. The most proficient among them can
summon fire elementals, perfectly obedient guardians and defenders.
A fire elemental, similarly to post-conjunction creatures, comes from another reality and our
world is alien to it. According to philosophers, it does not have emotions and does not think the
way even trolls and other familiar creatures do. Totally controlled by magic, it obediently carries

the sorcerer's orders out. If its master is a passionate smoker, the elemental will provide fire to
light the pipe, and if he is threatened, the elemental will incinerate his enemies.
Fire is not the elemental's sole weapon. If you were ever hit by a flaming bough, you might have
a notion what's it like to fight this monster. Witchers rarely deal with them, but they know that
the Igni sign is useless. The elemental's riposte's are truly lethal, thus one should not expose
oneself too much. Still, one must keep in mind the possibility of many surprises involving flames.
In truth, it is best to politely ask the sorcerer to call his pet off. The creature is also immune to
poisons. The elemental has no weaknesses save for drowning it, but most of the means available
in the witchers' arsenal can be used against it to good effect.

Attacks and Powers

Fire elementals pound their foes to dust with their mighty fists which are burning hot.
Explosive Fireball (magical): The fire elemental can create a fireball that hits a target as well as
others nearby. This has D 10, Max 50, Acc1. It can be thrown at a wall, the floor, etc. (at +4 to
hit). The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further
away divide damage by three times their distance in yards (round down). This fireball deals 1d
burning damage for each 2FP the Fire Elemental spends on it. For each increment of 6FP the
draug wishes to spend on it, it takes another second to cast.
Smoldering Cinders: A fire elementals body is incredibly hot. Whenever an opponent suffers at
least 1 hit of injury from the fire elementals fists, the attack deals 1 extra hit of injury of burn
damage for each 3 hits of injury the attack dealt.

Body of Fire (modified): Burning Attack 1d (Always On, Aura, Melee Attack Reach C), Doesnt
Breathe (Oxygen Combustion), DR50 (limited; fire), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury
Tolerance (Diffuse), Weakness (Water; 1d/minute).

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Head: Within a fire elemental's head is an Elemental Stone.
Inner Shell: A fire elemental's inner shell can be scraped for Diamond Dust.
Outer Shell: A fire elemental's outer shell can be scraped for Amethyst Dust.

Subtype: Vampire [Lower]
Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST18, DX14, IQ4, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will10
HP/FP: 18/10
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry 11 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d+1 cut, claw 1d+2 cut
Powers: Dazing Dive
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 2, Flight (Wings)
Skills: Brawling-15, Flight-14, Wrestling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Common people believe that fleders are dead heathens who turned into vampires and rose from
their graves. Being vampires, they attack sleeping people and drink their blood. According to
peasants, a man bitten by a fleder becomes a fleder himself. This is nonsense, obviously."

Attacks and Powers

Fleders tear apart their foes with claws and bite. They can also dive menacingly at their
opponents and daze them.
Dazing Dive: A fleder that dives at least four hexes, downwards, as part of an Attack and Move
maneuver, and who deals at least 1 hit of injury to its opponent as part of the attack, forces this
opponent to roll against HT. On a failed roll, the opponent is dazed. The opponent is entitled to a
HT roll at the end of each of his or her turns to recover from the daze, and will also recover if
struck, slapped or damaged.

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Skin: The skin of a fleder contains Abomination Lymph.
Wing Membrane: The wings of a fleder contain Wing Membrane.

Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +8
Main Attributes: ST30, DX7, IQ4, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will7
HP/FP: 40/16
Speed/Move: 4,5/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 9 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 14 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 3d imp, Claw 4d-1 imp
Powers: Controlled Sound Remedy, Wave of Fear
Advantages: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Fearlessness 18, Claws (Long Talons), High Pain
Threshold, Immunity to the Aaxi sign, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Stun (limited;
doesn't work against loud noised or sound-based spells or effects), Magic Resistance 10
(limited; does not apply to sound-based magic), Teeth (Fangs)
Disadvantages: Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators, Vulnerability (x2, damage from sound-
based spells and effects), Weakness (Loud Noise at High Frequencies, 1FP damage per
second as well as stun (see below))
Skills: Brawling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

The frightener is a desert dwelling monster. It is nearly invincible, especially when controlled by
a mage. Even witchers prefer to avoid fighting this beast if they can. Fortunately, this overgrown
insect is sensitive to loud noises which deafens it and render it defenseless. The first mage to
create a frightener was the infamous renegade Dagobert Sulla, a diligent student of the
Zerrikanian masters of alchemy and the supervisor of the Trial of the Grasses carried out at Kaer
Morhen. Upon beholding the abomination he had created, Sulla is said to have cried: 'What have I
done?' He destroyed the monster; his notes, however, survived."

Attacks and Powers
A frightener impales its opponents with its fangs or huge talons. It is partially resistant to loud
noises or sound-based spells and effects when controlled by a mage. The prime reason to fear a
frightener is the wave of dread it can unleash in a radius around itself.
Controlled Sound Remedy: A frightener is easily controlled by control magic as its Will is not
very strong. A controlled frightener is less conscious about the world around it. Thus, a
controlled frightener only has a Perception of 7, and gets a +4 to HT rolls versus the weaknesses
described below and does not lose FP from high-pitch noises or sound-based injury.
Wave of Fear: A frightener can unleash a terrible wave of part high pitch frequency noise, part
pheromone and part vision-based hallucinogen. The frightener spends 1FP and a Concentration
maneuver to employ this ability. Creatures are subject to this effect if they meet one or more of
the following conditions:
1) They can see the frightener.
2) They are within 30 yards of the frightener and have a sense of smell or taste that is not
3) They are within 30 yards of the frightener and have an unblocked sense of hearing.
Covering your ears with your hands reduces this to 20 yards, and other means of blocking
sound may reduce this even further. But remember that you can still be subject to the
Wave of Fear is you meet condition #1 or #2!
Subjects that meet one or more of the above conditions roll a Fright Check at -3!
For each of the conditions above that a subject meets beyond the first, he takes an additional -1
penalty to this Fright Check (to a maximum of -5) if a subject meets all three conditions.

A frightener takes double damage from sound-based spells and effects, and its Magic Resistance
does not work against these. Sound-based spells and effects have their Armor Divisor doubled
against a frightener. If sound-based spells and effects deal injury to a frightener, it loses an
equivalent amount of FP.
Any loud, high pitch noise which does not deal damage causes a frightener to lose 1FP per second
of exposure.
A frightener exposed to either of the above must also succeed at a roll against HT or be stunned.
A frightener that fails any HT-roll against a loud noise or sound-based spell or effect is also
deafened. It can roll against HT at the end of each turn to recover from this.

Extraction Modifier: -5.
Chitin: Frightener plating can be scraped for Amethyst Dust.
Fangs: Frightener fangs contain Diamond Dust.

Frighteners contain two mutagens both of their for-claws are a mutagen called Frightener Claw.
As such, a frightener contains two of these mutagens. The frightener's eyes can also be used,
together, as a single mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Frightener Claw

Mutagenic Modifier: 0.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Vulnerability (x3, damage from sound-based
spells and effects), Dislikes (loud noises).
Not Prepared, With WS Vulnerability (x2, damage from sound-based
spells and effects), Dislikes (loud noises).
Prepared, Without WS Dislikes (loud noises). Fearlessness 1.
Prepared, With WS Dislikes (loud noises). Fearlessness 1. +1ST.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a frightener's claw for ingestion, it must be made into a
potion along with two measures of Aether and one measure of Rebis.

MUTAGEN: Frightener Eyes

Mutagenic Modifier: -5.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Combat Paralysis. Dislikes (loud noises).
Not Prepared, With WS Combat Paralysis.
Prepared, Without WS Two free character points (the character adds
2CP to his or her sheet that he or she can
Prepared, With WS As above, but three CP instead of two.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare frightener's eyes for ingestion, it must be made into a
potion along with two measures of Quebrith and one measure of Rebis.

Size Modifier: 0
Template: Body of Stone
Main Attributes: ST16, DX12, IQ6, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will6
HP/FP: 20/13
Speed/Move: 6,25/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 [Meteorite]
Additional DR: 5 (this DR is not subject to the
weaknesses of normal monster DR, such as
being susceptible to silver and spells, and is layered above other forms of DR),
25 (limited; fire)
Attacks: Fist 1d+2 cr
Powers: Teleportation
Advantages: Flight (Wings), High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Poison, Magic Resistance 10,
Resistant to Stun (+3), Unfazeable, Warp (see Teleportation power)
Disadvantages: Slave Mentality,3 Unhealing
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

In times long gone, when youth was more polite, everything was cheaper, and girls were more
eager, sorcerers could breathe life into inanimate matter and create stone servants this way.
Gargoyles - for I have them in mind - can be found in ancient cities to this day, but their magic
has vanished and now they are nothing more than cornice decorations. There are, however,
exceptions such as the Loc Muinne gargoyles - still enchanted and still dangerous.

Guard is the most normal command given to gargoyles, and whenever this command is given to them, they lose
Slave Mentality for the purposes of carrying out this command

Theoreticians of magic still argue about classifying gargoyles. I favor the school claiming they are
a type of golem. For gargoyles are nothing more than fancy sculptures animated with magic and
programmed to do simple tasks. They can complete only the most rudimentary works, so they are
most often guarding a territory, even if their creator turned to dust long ago.
The gargoyle is a magical creature and often has surprising tricks up its sleeve. Teleportation for
example; the gargoyle can teleport and appear anywhere within a couple of yards. Like behind
it's enemy. It's even worse when the gargoyle appears over his opponent - then it just falls down
and crushes it's victim beneath the weight of it's stone body. Thanks to their excellent reaction
time, witchers tend to be able to dodge these teleportation attacks. However ordinary people
tend to die crushed.
Fighting the gargoyle means fighting solid rock, so it should not be surprising that poisons are
useless, as are fire and oils causing bleeding. hey have few weaknesses at all.

Attacks and Powers

Gargoyles can pound people with their fists, but they can also teleport.
Teleportation: This ability functions as Warp, except the gargoyle can only teleport within 10
yards of itself, needs no preparation, must spend 1FP to teleport, and rolls against IQ+12 to use the
power. It simply spends 1FP, uses a free action (only on its own turn), rolls against IQ+12, and
teleports. On a failed roll, the gargoyle does not teleport, but still spends the FP. On a critical
failure when using Warp, gargoyles either take 4 hits of injury and do not teleport or teleports
into an unfortunate location nearby, not originally designed as the desired destination for the
gargoyle. Which of these occur is up to the GM.

Body of Stone: Doesn't Breathe, DR 5, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous, No Blood), Pressure Support 3, Sealed, Vacuum Support, Fragile (Brittle).

Extraction Modifier: -4.
Head: Within a gargoyle's head is an Elemental Stone.
Heart: A gargoyle's catalyst is called a Gargoyle Heart and is an alchemical component.
Horns: A gargoyle's horns contain Amethyst Dust.
Wings: Gargoyle wings can be grounded into Gargoyle Dust.

Subtype: Vampire [Lower]
Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST15, DX12, IQ4, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will10
HP/FP: 15/10
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d cut, claw 1d+1 cut
Powers: Draining Bite
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 2, Flight (Wings, Small,
Controlled Gliding)
Skills: Brawling-13, Flight-14, Wrestling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Garkhains, the filthiest of vampires, are uglier even than fleders. Since fleders are widely
despised for their looks, it is easy to imagine how abominable garkhains must be. As vampires,
the creatures drink blood but they are also drawn to fresh meat, or even corpses. Garkhains are
often mistaken for gargoyles because they lurk on rooftops, waiting to dive at their victims."

Attacks and Powers

Garkhain attempt to wrestle opponents to drain them, or glide down to surprise opponents. They
can also attack with powerful claws.
Draining Bite: A garkhain's Vampiric Bite deals both HP and FP damage as it drains away the
stamina of the opponent, and this special vampiric bite also heals the Garkhain of both HP and

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Mouth: From a garkhain's mouth, Garkhain Saliva can be extracted.
Skin: The skin of a garkhain contains Abomination Lymph.
Wing Membrane: The wings of a garkhain contain Wing Membrane.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST13, DX10, IQ4, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will7
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 8
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 cut, Claw 1d cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-10

In the Words of Dandelion

"Ghouls are said to have been humans who were once forced into cannibalism and, after many
years spent in dark crypts, underwent a horrifying transformation. Only human flesh can satisfy
their eternal hunger, so they kill people and store the remains in the recesses of their lairs."

Attacks and Powers

A ghoul attacks with tooth and nail.

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Blood: Ghoul Blood is an alchemical component.
Eyes: White Vinegar can be extracted from a ghoul's eyes.
Stomach: Abomination Lymph can be extracted from a ghoul's stomach.

Giant Centipede
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST19, DX11, IQ2, HT12
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will12
HP/FP: 21/12
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 9
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Pincer Slash 2d imp
Powers: Poison
Advantages: Teeth (Fangs), Tunneling 4, Vibration Sense (Air), Peripheral Vision (Broad Arc
of Vision)
Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators, No Legs (Slithers), Horizontal
Skills: Brawling-13, Wrestling-13

In the Words of Dandelion

"Giant centipedes are said to have been raised in the Brokilon Forest and released into the world
by vengeful dryads. The creatures are believed to be invincible, as they simply divide into two
separate living beasts when cut in half. All this nonsense about giant centipedes only shows how
intensely common people fear these venomous beasts, as they fear all things that are not

Attacks and Powers

Giant centipedes impale their victims with their pincers, which are also poisonous.
Poison: A creature that sustains at least 1 hit of injury from a giant centipede's pincers must
succeed at a roll against HT or take 2 points of toxic damage.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Pincers: A giant centipede's pincers contain Tracheae.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a giant centipede, Toxin can be harvested.
Venom Glands: The Venom Glands of a giant centipede are an alchemical component.

Size Modifier: +2
Template: Body of Stone
Main Attributes: ST35, DX9, IQ6, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per6, Will6
HP/FP: 50/10
Speed/Move: 3/3
Active Defenses: Dodge 6, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 0
Additional DR: 30 (limited; doesn't work against
non-magical electricity or lightning. This DR is not subject to the weaknesses of normal
monster DR, such as being susceptible to silver and spells.)
Attacks: Fist 5d cr
Advantages: Acute Senses (Detect) 6, Detect (All life and unlife, Precise), Flight (Wings),
High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Poison, Magic Resistance 10, Unfazeable
Disadvantages: Reduced Speed (-1,75), Slave Mentality, Unhealing, Vulnerability (x10, non-
magical electricity or lightning)
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

Frustrating jobs happen in every profession. Golem contracts are just such a job for witchers, as
they involve slashing through solid rock animated by magic. Luckily, what is brought to life by a
lightning bolt can very well be destroyed by one. This is something we all truly wish the golem,
from the very bottom of our hearts.
Once an absent-minded mage created a golem, animated it by casting Alzur's Thunder, and
ordered his new servant to fetch water, before burying himself in his scholarly books. The golem
kept carrying water day and night, without pause, and ultimately flooded not only the mage's

house, but the whole village. As you can see, my young students of the Art, improper use of tools
and a lack of elementary training may cause a tragedy.

Attacks and Powers

Golem's employ a special attack as old as time itself: it pounds things with its fists until they go

Body of Stone: Doesn't Breathe, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Homogenous,
No Blood), Pressure Support 3, Sealed, Vacuum Support, Fragile (Brittle).

Extraction Modifier: -4.
Head: Within a golem's head is an Elemental Stone.

A golem's heart is solid, magical obsidian, and it can be prepared as a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Golem's Obsidian Heart

Mutagenic Modifier: -4.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Phobia (Thunder), Vulnerability (x2, non-magical
electricity and lightning)
Not Prepared, With WS Phobia (Thunder)
Prepared, Without WS +1ST, Phobia (Thunder)
Prepared, With WS +1ST, DR 1

Preparation ritual: A Golem's Obsidian Heart needs to be pounded into dust and mixed with two
measures of Caelum. It is then snorted.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST22, DX10, IQ4, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per9, Will9
HP/FP: 22/10
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Claw 2d+2 cr, bite 2d+1 cut
Powers: Gaze of the Grave
Advantages: Claws (Blunt), Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-13, Wrestling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

"After the war with Nilfgaard, graveirs became a real plague. Until then the monsters were
familiar only to specialists and professional beast killers, thus everyone mistook them for ghouls.
Today, any child could give an accurate description of a graveir, and people who have passed
near battlefields or necropolises offer first-hand accounts of the horrible murders committed by
these ruthless necrophages."

Attacks and Powers

A graveir crushes people with blunt claws or slices them with sharp teeth. It can stare down
Gaze of the Grave: A graveir can use a Concentration maneuver and spend 1FP to make its eyes
flash red. It can lock its gaze with one opponent, who must then roll a Fright Check. On failed
roll, the opponent rolls on the Fright Table as usual.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Eyes: White Vinegar can be extracted from a graveir's eyes.
Skull: A graveir's skull is called a Graveir Bone.
Stomach: Cadaverine can be extracted from an graveir's stomach.

Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST13, DX14, IQ7, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will10
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Claw 1d cut
Powers: Nightmare
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Flight (Wings)
Disadvantages: Kleptomania
Skills: Brawling-14, Flight-14

In the Words of Dandelion

Some are repulsed by rotfiends, other cannot stand tales of bullvores, but I find harpies, beasts
of ugly temper and penchant for thieving, the worst of all. Fortunately, harpies prefer wild,
mountainous areas, full of rocky ledges they can build their nests on. However they always
establish themselves near a human settlement. This is done for thus simple reason that they
wouldn't be able to steal much from animals.
There are many harpy species, and all are kleptomaniacs, though some steal dreams instead of
baubles. They especially like dreams laden with strong emotions, such as nightmares that recur
time and again. The harpies' victims lose such dreams - which is actually a blessing in the case of
nightmares - and the beasts enclose them in crystals, creating items that strongly radiate magic.
Mages desire the dreams stolen by these creatures, so much so that they breed harpies in order
that they may filch their booty at daybreak. Yet it is rare for a stolen dream or nightmare to be
powerful enough, or to come from a powerful enough creature, to satisfy a sorcerer.

As winged creatures, harpies attack swiftly, from a great distance, before their prey can notice
them. After landing a blow, they flee for a safe spot. Pinning them to the ground and denying
them flight is often the only solution. Stunned with a bomb, hit with the Igni or Aard sign, the
beasts prove easy to kill.
The harpies' greatest strength is their ability to fly, but they can be grounded with the use of a
trap. The beasts have an excellent sense of direction and balance, and even when flailing about
near the ground they can easily regain the sky.

Attacks and Powers

Harpies slash their opponent's with their talons, but they can also upset the dreams of their
Nightmare: A harpy's ability to steal dreams takes a long time, but in a pinch, the harpy can let
go of earlier stolen nightmares and inflict them on their opponents. A typical harpy starts any
given fight with a number of nightmares as the GM chooses (the average harpy has 1d-3
nightmares (minimum 0) at any given time).
To use this ability, a harpy screams which sends out a sound-wave containing the nightmare. This
costs 1FP and a Concentration maneuver to use, and generates a cone 10 feet long and 10 feet
wide at the end that starts in the harpy's hex. Creatures caught in the cone that are not deaf must
roll vs. their Will-2. Success means the creature avoided further trouble. Failure can mean one of
three things:
1) Roll is failed by 1-3. The victim suffers a flash of nightmarish pictures within its head. Treat
this if the subject had the Flashback (Mild) disadvantage and just failed a Self-Control roll.
2) Roll is failed by 3-5. The victim suffers a flash of nightmarish pictures within is head. Treat
this if the subject had the Flashback (Severe) disadvantage and just failed a Self-Control
3) Roll is failed by 6 or more, or roll was a critical failure. The victim suffers a flash of
nightmarish pictures within is head. Treat this if the subject had the Flashback (Crippling)
disadvantage and just failed a Self-Control roll.
If any target of the harpy's nightmare power rolls a critical success, there is a chance the harpy
will itself be affected by the power! Roll a contest of Will between any target that rolled a critical
success of his or her Will roll and the harpy. For each contest the harpy loses this way, it must
itself roll against Will-1. On a failed roll, figure out how severe an effect the harpy suffers from by
consulting the above list. In the case of more failed rolls in this manner, use the most severe.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Eyes: Harpy Eyes are an alchemical component.
Feathers: A couple of Harpy Feathers can be picked and used in alchemy.
Mouth: In a harpy's mouth is a dose of Harpy Saliva.

Subtype: Specter
Special Note: Although hellhounds are
specters, they posses the solid forms of hounds
when they arrive from the underworld. Thus
they are not insubstantial and do not possess
Supernatural Durability like other specters.
Template: Quadruped
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST15, DX12, IQ6, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will6
HP/FP: 15/15
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Additional DR: 25 (limited; fire)
Attacks: Bite 1d+1 cut
Powers: Body of Flames, Ring of Fire, Searing Bite, Summon Barghests
Disadvantages: Bestial
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"The hellhound is a creature of the underworld, a specter that assumes the form of a terrifying
hound and tirelessly stalks its victims once it finds their trail. Peasants believe that the hellhound
embodies the vengeance of the gods, who sends hellhounds to punish humans for their
More likely, however, hellhounds simply sniff out the unrighteous and are drawn to corruption
like so many monsters are."

Attacks and Powers
Hellhounds have powerful jaws and can also summon barghests, turn itself into a flaming
creature, or create a ring of fire to surround it.
Body of Flames: A hellhound can expend a Concentrate maneuver and 3FP to gain the Body of
Fire meta-trait for 1 minute. This can be maintained for 1FP.
Ring of Fire: A hellhound can expend a Concentrate maneuver and 1FP to create a ring of flames
to prevent the escape of its foes. The hellhound designates a single hex that must be exactly five
yards away from the hex the hellhound is positioned in. Flames then rise it that hex and instantly
spread in a ring around the hellhound (thus filling all hexes exactly five yards away from the
hellhound with flames).
Moving through these flames deals 1d burn damage to a creature. The effect lasts for 10 minutes
and a hellhound can't summon more than one ring of fire at a time. The ring disappears upon the
death of a hellhound.
Searing Bite: A creature that takes at least 1 hit of injury from a hellhound's bite also takes 1d-4
(minimum 1) points of burn damage as the bite of a hellhound burns with intense heat.
Summon Barghests: A hellhound can expend a Concentrate maneuver and 2FP to instantly
summon two barghests in two different, unoccupied hexes adjacent to the hellhound. There must
be two free, adjacent hexes next to the hellhound for it to use this ability. Once used, this power
cannot be used again for 1d rounds.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: -2 (in the case of After Death, special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.

Hellhound's contain a special mutagen called Trace of the Beyond, which is essentially
elemental residue from the underworld.

MUTAGEN: Trace of the Beyond

Mutagenic Modifier: 0.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS DR1 (limited; fire)
Not Prepared, With WS DR2 (limited; fire)
Prepared, Without WS DR1 (limited; fire). If the character has Magery,
he or she can expend a Concentrate maneuver
and 10FP (or energy) to gain the Body of Fire
meta-trait for 1 minute. This can be maintained
for 3FP.
Prepared, With WS DR2 (limited; fire). If the character knows or
ever learns the Igni sign, it deals 1 extra damage.
If the character has Magery, he or she can
expend a Concentrate maneuver and 10FP (or
energy) to gain the Body of Fire meta-trait for 1
minute. This can be maintained for 3FP.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare Trace of the Beyond for ingestion, one needs to mix it
with one measure of Fulgur and one measure of Hydragenum and make it into an oil which is
applied to the skin. It usually takes around 4 hours for the mutagen to take effect in this manner.

Human Sorceress
NOTE: A human is not a monster, so it yields no
alchemical ingredients.
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST8, DX11, IQ15, HT9
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will15
HP/FP/Energy: 8/9/15
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8
Powers: Spells
Advantages: Magery 2
Skills: Thaumatology-15

In the Words of Dandelion

The Lodge of Sorceresses was founded after the mutiny on Thanedd Island as a substitute for the
Council of Sorcerers. The founders' aim was to bring the war between Nilfgaard and the Northern
Kingdoms to a close while maintaining the mages' influence on the fate of the world. It is
effectively an association of the most powerful female mages from both the northern and the
southern realms. The Lodge has significant political influence, although its activities are not
entirely understood by the public.

Attacks and Powers

A sorceress has a range of spells at her disposal. For ease of use, the following is a list of typical
combat related, as well as a very few non-combat related, spells a sorceress might have.
Spells (magical): The human sorceress knows the following spells:
Alarm-15, Armor-15, Bladeturning-12, Charm-12, Clumsiness-15, Explosive Fireball-13, Fireball-15,
Fireproof-14, Hardiness-14, Lightning-13, Mind-Reading-14, Mind-Sending-15, Pain-15, Partial
Petrification-12, Perfume-15, Turn Blade-13, Windstorm-12

Size Modifier: -1
Template: Body of Fire (Modified, see below)
Main Attributes: ST8, DX14, IQ7, HT9
Secondary Attributes: Per7, Will7
HP/FP: 8/9
Speed/Move: 5,75/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8
Damage Resistance: 6 [Meteorite]
Additional DR: 50 (limited; fire)
Attacks: None
Powers: Fiery Form
Advantages: Flight, Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial, Affected By Silver,4 Always On)
Skills: Brawling-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"An ifrit is a minor genie of fire, or, as some say, an elemental. It does not fulfill wishes, build
palaces or make anyone rich, but it serves mages who research the element of fire if they can
force the creature to be obedient.
Ifrits can only be captured by a mage who intimately understands the nature of flames and has
devoted himself completely to learning their secret. The creatures, with their connection to the
element of fire, will judge their summoner and, if they find him worthy, will loyally serve him in
all matters."

Attacks and Powers

Ifrit have no attacks as such, but they can attack by slamming into people with their fiery bodies.
The following power works even though ifrit are insubstantial.

Silver affects ifrits, and ifrits interact with silver, as though they weren't insubstantial. i.e. if struck by a silver weapon,
an ifrit's insubstantiality doesn't help it.

Fiery Form: Treat this ability as a melee attack that depends on brawling. If the ifrit hits, it deals
1d burn damage.

Body of Fire (modified): Burning Attack 1 damage (Always On, Aura, Melee Attack Reach C),
Doesnt Breathe (Oxygen Combustion), DR50 (limited; fire), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury
Tolerance (Diffuse), Weakness (Water; 1d/minute).

Extraction Modifier: 0.
After Death: After death, an ifrit leaves behind plainly obvious Ectoplasm and Pyrite.

Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST15, DX14, IQ16, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will16
HP/FP/Energy: 15/10/5
Speed/Move: 6/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 11
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Horns 1d+2 cr
Powers: Death's Caress, Invisibility,
Pleasure, Sleep
Advantages: Fearlessness 2, Flight (Wings),
Immunity to Mind Control, Invisibility
(Usually Off, Substantial Only, Visible Shadow), Striker (Horns), Telecommunication
(Telesend, Send Only)
Skills: Body-Language-14, Brawling-14, Detect Lies-11, Enthrallment (Persuade)-14,
Enthrallment (Suggest)-14, Erotic Arts-27, Intimidation-15, Wrestling-16, Sex-Appeal 27

In the Words of Dandelion

An Incubus is male demon which ensnares female victims. Put bluntly, the method of this demon
is to rape its victims while they sleep. Through its intimate and supernatural powers, it implants
within the women it sleeps with a sense of great pleasure, and women without the need to resist
might fall prey to the incubus, becoming addicted to it and its nightly visits. This is dangerous for
two reasons; the first being that being near an incubus is taxing for body and mind, and the
second, that incubi might actually plant their seed in their favourite women, who will give birth
to demon spawn.

Attacks and Powers
An incubus really only has its strength and horns to fall back on in a straight up fight, except for
its power of inducing sleep.
Death's Caress (magical): Spending time with an incubus is exhausting as the incubus drains the
life-forces of its victims. For each hour spend making love to or conversing with an incubus, a
victim loses 1HP and 1FP. A victim also loses 1FP when successfully put to sleep by an incubus'
sleep power.
Each time a subject loses HP or FP in this way, the incubus regains a corresponding amount of HP
and/or FP.
Invisibility (magical): An incubus can spend a Concentration maneuver and 1FP to become
invisible for 1 second. This can be maintained for 1FP.
Pleasure (magical): During intercourse, an incubus can plant suggestions in the mind of its
victims through the intense addiction that develops to an incubus' caress. This power works as a
succubus' Mind Control power, except that only one suggestion per intercourse may be given, and
that the victim also develops a Dependency to the incubus' sexual caress (strength of dependency
varies with regards to how much victims fail their will rolls against the Mind Control).
Sleep (magical): Incubi can make victims fall asleep. They use this power in order to first rape its
female victims, making sure they sleep through the entire affair. Female victims put to sleep with
an incubus' powers have intense dreams of pleasure, while males usually have nightmares of
burning on a bonfire. To use this power, incubi must be within 10 yards of their target. They then
designate their target, spend a Concentrate maneuver and 3FP and roll a contest of Will versus
the victim. If the incubus loses, nothing further happens, and the victim is not aware of the
attempt. If the incubus wins, the target starts to grow tired and instantly loses 2FP, without
becoming aware of the attack. If the Incubus maintains its Concentrate maneuver the next round
and uses no active defenses or any action of any kind between the successful contest of Will and
the next round, it may attempt another contest of Will against the target. If the incubus wins
again, the target falls in a sleep-like coma for 8 hours, unable to wake except via magical
intervention or similar means.

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Hair: The hair of a incubus can be burned to yield Essence of Death.
Nails: The nails of a incubus contain Naezan Salts.

Size Modifier: +12
Main Attributes: ST72, DX14, IQ4, HT12
Secondary Attributes: Per11, Will10
HP/FP: 72/12
Speed/Move: 6.5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 5 (unless underwater, then
Dodge 12), Brawling Parry 10 (-3 vs. attacks other
than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 14 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Tentacle 3d cr (unready5), bite 4d-1 imp
Powers: Caustic Spray, Tentacle Barrage
Advantages: Ambidexterity, Constriction Attack,
Double-Jointed, Enhanced Move 1/2 (Water) 1, Extra
Arms 4 (Extra-Flexible; Long (+3)), Extra Attack 1,
Immunity to Poison, Injury Tolerance (No Neck),
Magic Resistance 10, Night Vision 3, Teeth (Fangs),
Vibration Sense
Disadvantages: Bestial, Colorblindness, Invertebrate, No Legs (Aquatic), Weak Arms (ST),
Weak Bite (ST)
Skills: Brawling-14, Fishing-11, Navigation/TL3 (Sea)-11, Stealth-14, Swimming-12, Tracking-10,

In the Words of Dandelion

A Kayran stands apart among all creatures, large and small, beautiful and horrible: it is unique,
not alike any other being. Doubtless it is a post-conjunction creature that appeared in our reality

A Kayran needs to ready its tentacles before use. Whenever a Kayran uses a tentacle as part of an attack, it cannot use
a tentacle attack again until it readies them.

in the time when worlds intermingled. The chronicles mention instances when a Kayran appeared
on the river's surface in various places over the ages.
To defeat a Kayran, one first needs to pull it onto dry land or drain the river meander where the
monster lies in wait. If that trick works, it will be possible to approach the monstrosity. The
creature defends itself with long, heavy tentacles - an ordinary man would die from a single
blow, for these appendages weigh as much as a trebuchet arm. These tentacles should be cut off
or immobilized during combat, for example using a special trap. Once the Kayran is unable to
shield itself, one should approach its trunk - but beware its venom! The monster spits its vile
poison as skillfully as a street urchin. Its armor, tougher than that of any other creature - with
the possible exception of dragons - is the final obstacle to overcome. One needs to find a way to
pierce the carapace and get to the inner organs. Good luck!
The Kayran laughs at poisons, or it would laugh if it had a sense of humor. It might even fall over
from laughter, and that would be the only way to knock it down, but it's not going to happen. If
the creature had a circulatory system like humans do, it might be possible to bleed it to death.
Unfortunately it is a monster that makes other monsters seem like house pets, thus oils reducing
blood coagulation cannot harm it. It treats most traps as garbage strewn on the ground, but
witchers may be able to construct traps to immobilize its tentacles.
Geralt once encountered a Kayran in Flotsam, called the Kayran.

Attacks and Powers

A Kayran's main attack is a swing of one or two of its giant tentacles, but it can also utilize the
following special attacks:
Caustic Spray: A Kayran can spend 1FP to spew a cone of venomous spittle from its fang-filled
mouth. This is a cone fifteen meters long and fifteen meters wide at the end which starts at the
mouth of the Kayran. It deals 2d corrosive damage to everyone hit by the steam. Those hit must
roll vs. HT or start choking (see GURPS: Basic Set, p. 428) from the mass of ooze and slime that
covers them. The choking is actually caused by poison in the mucus, from the Kayran's poison
gland, so characters resistant to poison add their resistance bonus to the HT roll (or are immune,
as applicable). A Kayran cannot use an Extra Attack and Caustic Spray in the same round.
The ooze and slime can be dealt with by the victim in ten rounds of concentrated removal of
slime from the breathing apparatus, or by an unaffected friend, who comes to the aid of the
victim, in five rounds. Collaboration between the victim and a friend brings this down to three
rounds. It becomes inert by itself, and thus stops choking the victim, in 1dx10 minutes.

Tentacle Barrage: A Kayran can attack with four of its six tentacles in one single attack. This
requires an All-Out Attack action, after which the Kayran may make a single attack with each of
four of its tentacles at no penalty. However, the Kayran cannot target the same spot with more
than one tentacle in this manner, it is forced to swing its tentacles in different places, so they do
not hit each other.

Extraction Modifier: -5.
Eyes: Kayran Eyes are a special alchemical substance.
Skin: One measure of Kayran Tissue can be extracted from the skin of a Kayran via careful
sampling of fulgur-rich places in the Kayran's skin.
Tentacles: Each of the six tentacles of a Kayran may hold Essence of Water (a 20% chance per
tentacle, minimum one tentacle holds it), extracted by cutting of the tip of the tentacle and
sucking out the essence within.

A Kayran's poison gland holds a strong mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Kayran Poison Gland

Mutagenic Modifier: -4.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Dependency (Sea Water, Monthly)
Not Prepared, With WS Dependency (Sea Water, Seasonally)
Prepared, Without WS Resistant to Poison (+3)
Prepared, With WS Resistant to Poison (+3), DR 2 (limited; corrosive
damage) and DR 1 (limited; toxic damage)

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a Kayran Poison Gland for ingestion, the witcher must
mix a potion from it containing the mashed poison gland combined with one measure of Aether,
one measure of Caelum and one measure of Vitriol.

Kikimore Queen
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +4
Template: Quadruped
Main Attributes: ST33, DX15, IQ4, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will10
HP/FP: 33/13
Speed/Move: 7/7
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 12 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 3d+2 imp, Stinger 4d+1 imp, Talons 4d+1 imp
Powers: Pheromone Call, Spawn, Venomous Sting
Advantages: Claws (Long Talons), Fearlessness 7, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Mind
Control, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Stun, Magic Resistance 5, Striker (Stinger, Cannot
Parry, Limited Arch; only straight ahead), Teeth (Fangs)
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

Witchers know hundreds of ways of fighting monsters. When tackling the queen of a kikimore
swarm, only one method is effective run like the wind. This tactic makes it hard to kill the
beast, but it does ensure survival, which is a kind of victory.
Some scientists claim that kikimores behave like ants. They are divided into industrious workers
and protective warriors. Life in a kikimore colony is centered around a great, unceasingly
procreating female. This female is the kikimore queen, and it is one of the most awe-inspiring
and frightening creatures on the Continent. It stands almost ten yards high, and almost as wide,
and its venom is probably the strongest on the entire Continent.

The landscape around the queen's nest looks like a desert, littered with the remains of
unfortunate creatures which unwisely lingered in the area. Not even birdsong can be heard, and
anything living that comes in the vicinity of this creature is sure to be dead very soon."

Attacks and Powers

Kikimore Queens fight ferociously: biting, stinging and clawing their opponents to death.
Pheromone Call: A kikimore queen's pheromones attracts its workers and warriors. A kikimore
queen can call any workers and warriors within one-hundred yards to it with a Concentration
maneuver. The pheromones move ten yards per round (to the maximum capability of one-
hundred yards).
These pheromones also empower workers and warriors within their reach. Kikimore workers and
warriors affected by a kikimore queen's pheromones gain 2 extra points of ST for 1 hour.
Spawn: A kikimore queen can spend 1FP and a Concentration maneuver to spawn a kikimore
worker in a hex adjacent to it. It can also use 3FP and three consecutive Concentration
maneuvers to spawn a kikimore warrior.
A typical kikimore queen only has ripe eggs inside it for the spawning of one warrior and three
workers in this manner at any given time.
Venomous Sting: The queen's stinger delivers its poison. Victims of a queen's stinger, which take
at least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-6. Failure means the victim becomes poisoned.
The poison has a delay of one minute. Once it takes effect, it deals 10HP and FP damage per
minute. The poison functions for 72 hours after taking effect.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: -5.
Claws: Kikimore Claw is an alchemical ingredient.
Fangs: A kikimore worker's fangs contain Tracheae.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a Kikimore Queen, Toxin can be harvested.
Venom Glands: The Venom Glands of a Kikimore Queen are an alchemical component.

A special nerve ending within a Kikimore Queen, called Kikimore Queen's Nerve, is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Kikimore Queen's Nerve

Mutagenic Modifier: -5.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS -1HT
Not Prepared, With WS -2 to HT rolls against poison
Prepared, Without WS The character can ingest alchemical substances
found in monsters (such as, for example,
Drowner Brain Tissue) to heal 1d-4 (minimum 1)
hits of injury. This counts as consuming a potion
of low toxicity.
Prepared, With WS The character can ingest alchemical substances
found in monsters (such as, for example,
Drowner Brain Tissue) to heal 1d-2 (minimum 1)
hits of injury. This counts as consuming a potion
of low toxicity.

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a Kikimore Queen's Nerve for ingestion, the witcher
must mix a potion containing the nerve as well as one measure of the following ingredients:
Hydragenum, Quebrith, Vermillion and Vitriol.

Kikimore Warrior
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: +2
Template: Quadruped
Main Attributes: ST22, DX15, IQ2, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per10, Will7
HP/FP: 22/11
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 10, Brawling Parry 11
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 2d-1 imp, Talons 2d+2 imp
Powers: Poison
Advantages: Claws (Long Talons), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 4, High Pain Threshold,
Immunity to the Aaxi sign, Immunity to Poison, Resistant to Stun (+3), Magic Resistance 3,
Teeth (Fangs)
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

"A more abominable beast is indeed hard to find. Not quite a cockroach nor a spider, it makes
ladies faint and gentlemen feel disgusted. The kikimore warrior reeks of the swamp. It is large,
powerful and hardy, and any witcher must prepare himself before fighting this beast. The beasts
defend their queens ferociously.
I once found this note on a visit to Oxenfurd University:
This creature is the most disgusting thing I have seen! For this reason, I insist that exhibit no. 88
be removed from the university assembly hall. And anticipating the question "what should be
done with it then?", I answer: throw it to the compost heap.
I must say, I think this professor had the right idea!

Attacks and Powers
Kikimore warriors defend their queens with talons and fangs, and their fangs are poisonous.
Poison: The kikimore warrior's bite delivers its poison. Victims of a kikimore warrior's bite, that
take at least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-1. Failure means the victim becomes
poisoned. The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 1HP and FP toxic
damage per hour. The poison functions for 48 hours after taking effect.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Fangs: A kikimore warrior's fangs contain Tracheae.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a kikimore warrior, Toxin can be harvested.
Venom Glands: The Venom Glands of a kikimore warrior are an alchemical component.

Kikimore Worker
Subtype: Insectoid
Size Modifier: 0
Template: Quadruped
Main Attributes: ST15, DX15, IQ2, HT11
Secondary Attributes: Per7, Will2
HP/FP: 15/11
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 1d+1 cut, Talons 1d+2 imp
Powers: Poison
Advantages: Claws (Long Talons), Fearlessness 2, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Poison,
Magic Resistance 1, Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-15

In the Words of Dandelion

"Kikimores are an insult to the gods, the filthiest creatures on Earth. They are repulsive in their
resemblance to spiders, and even the smallest of them, the workers, are dangerous. So say the
uneducated, superstitious and stupid. The truth is far different!
Kikimore workers rarely appear near human settlements, and even then they only attack when
threatened. Some scholars even ask the question: Is there anything more beautiful than a
kikimore a symbol of hard work, resourcefulness and caution?

Attacks and Powers

Kikimore workers are weaker than their kin, but still pack a good punch.
Poison: The kikimore worker's bite delivers its poison. Victims of a kikimore worker's bite, that
take at least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT+1. Failure means the victim becomes

poisoned. The poison has a delay of 24 hours. Once it takes effect, it deals 1HP and FP toxic
damage per 24 hour cycle. The poison functions for 72 hours after taking effect.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Claws: Kikimore Claw is an alchemical ingredient.
Fangs: A kikimore worker's fangs contain Tracheae.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a kikimore worker, Toxin can be harvested.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: -2
Main Attributes: ST10, DX11, IQ6, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per7, Will6
HP/FP: 10/10
Speed/Move: 5,25/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 8 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-3 cut, claw 1d-2 cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Teeth (Sharp), Tunneling 1
Skills: Brawling-11, Wrestling-11

In the Words of Dandelion

Imagine a drowner that burrows tunnels, climbs trees, is more vicious than usual, and when
ambushing its prey, it does so with many of its kin. Now you have a good idea of what a nekker
is. These primitive creatures are the bane of the wilderness the inhabitants of forest villages
fear them, and animals give their nests a wide berth. Nekkers are social creatures, gathering in
something akin to tribes, for they can only repel the attacks of stronger assailants en masse.
When nekkers venture out as a war or hunting party, they are led by chieftains. These are larger
and mark their faces with red clay. Chieftains give orders, turning a wild band into an organized
unit, thus they should be eliminated first.
The nekkers' basic tactic is to strike en masse. They burrow from beneath the ground and swarm
upon their prey. Though primitive, the tactic is surprisingly effective. One must be ready to repel
many foes at once. As with other agile creatures, running from nekkers is not the best idea, for
the monsters will catch up to their prey and swiftly kill it with multiple hits of their claws.
Witchers can use their full range of skills and techniques when fighting nekkers.

Attacks and Powers
Nekkers slash and bite their foes.

Extraction Modifier: 0.
Claws: Nekker Claws are an alchemical component.
Eyes: Nekker Eyes are an alchemical component.
Heart: Nekker Heart is an alchemical component.
Teeth: Nekker Teeth are an alchemical component.

Nekker Warriors
The strongest nekkers paint themselves with red clay and lead packs of nekkers. Modify these the
following way:
ST+1, IQ+1, SM+1 (i.e. a total SM of -1)

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST6, DX10, IQ8, HT8
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will13
HP/FP: 12/12
Speed/Move: 4,5/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7
Damage Resistance: 8 [Silver]
Attacks: None
Powers: Danse Macabre, Moonlight
Skills: None

In the Words of Dandelion

When the sun sets, the fields become the domain of midnight demons who draw their power
from moonlight. Dark as the night itself and filled with grief, they roam the fields lit by silver
light. Woe to those who are spotted by a nightwraith.
Nightwraiths are born of moonlight, wind and the earth cooling after the heat of the day. They
rise above the ground and whirl in a mad dance, which should not be seen by any mortal. If
caught peeping, the mortal is blinded by moonlight, then taken into the circle and forced to
dance until he expires, at times becoming a nightwraith himself."

Attacks and Powers

Nightwraith do not attack they don't need to.
Danse Macabre (magical): Anyone who lays eyes on, or hears the voice of, a dancing Nightwraith
must roll against Will-2. If the roll fails, the victim will join hands with the Nightwraith and join
their dance. While this persists, the victim takes 1HP and FP damage each 10 minutes, penetrating
all damage reduction. Each time the victim takes damage, she or he may attempt another roll
against Will-2. If the roll succeeds, the victim breaks free and can flee. This cycle continues until

the victim succeeds at the Will roll, dies, or somehow survives the dance until dawn breaks and
the nightwraith disappears.
Once a Will roll against a nightwraith's Danse Macabre ability succeeds, you are immune to that
particular nightwraith's Danse Macabre for the rest of the night.
Moonlight (magical): Anyone who lays eyes on a Nightwraith must roll against HT-2 or be
blinded. Each ten minutes, she or he may attempt another roll against HT-2. If the roll succeeds,
the victim is no longer blinded. This cycle continues until the victim succeeds at the Will roll or
dawn breaks.

Extraction Modifier: -2 (special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST6, DX10, IQ8, HT8
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will13
HP/FP: 12/12
Speed/Move: 4,5/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7
Damage Resistance: 8 [Silver]
Attacks: None
Powers: Danse Macabre, Fear, Heat
Skills: None

In the Words of Dandelion

"The sun rocks the earth, grain falls from the stalk. Come away with me, wanderer, come away
with the noonwraith." Such is the song of the noonwraith.
These monsters appear in fields when the sun is at its highest. Swaying grains on a windless day
announce their arrival. They dance in circles in the light of day and draw farmers in to join them.
Since they are ghosts, no one who joins them leaves the circle alive.
Noonwraiths are born at high noon out of heat, sadness and the sweat of ploughmen. In the hot
air above the fields, they gather to dance madly, creating air vortexes, but the specters dislike
being watched. Those who peep are forced to dance with them.
Noonwraiths stop their dance when the sun goes down, once the abducted mortal is long dead
from fear and exhaustion."

Attacks and Powers

Noonwraiths do not attack they don't need to.
Danse Macabre (magical): Anyone who lays eyes on a dancing Noonwraith must roll against Will-
2. If the roll fails, the victim will join hands with the Noonwraith and join their dance. While this

persists, the victim takes 1HP and FP damage each ten minutes, penetrating all damage reduction.
Each time the victim takes damage, she or he may attempt another roll against Will-2. If the roll
succeeds, the victim breaks free and can flee. This cycle continues until the victim succeeds at the
Will roll, dies, or somehow survives the dance until night falls and the noonwraith disappears.
Once a Will roll against a noonwraith's Danse Macabre ability succeeds, you are immune to that
particular noonwraith's Danse Macabre for the rest of the day.
Fear (magical): Anyone who makes their Will roll against the Danse Macabre of a noonwraith
must roll a Fright Check.
Anyone who succeeds at a Fright Check against a noonwraith is immune to that noonwraith's Fear
power for the rest of that day.
Heat (magical): Unless you are engaged in the noonwraith's Danse Macabre, being within C range
of that noonwraith deals 1d-4 (minimum 1) burn damage to you each round.

Extraction Modifier: -2 (special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.

Subtype: Necrophage
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST13, DX12, IQ2, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will6
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 5,5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 6 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 1d-1 cut, claw 1d cr
Powers: Gas Cloud
Advantages: Claws (Blunt), Teeth (Sharp), Tunneling 1
Skills: Brawling-12

In the Words of Dandelion

What rotfiends are, everyone can see. Even seeing them is not necessary, as hearing their name
should be enough to tell anyone what creatures might bear this unpleasant title. The creatures
multiplied after the last Northern War and today plague wilderness villages and forest
Given that they are necrophages, rotfiends feed on carrion and human corpses, though this does
not mean they do not attack the living. They appear on battlefields, near cities afflicted by
plague, or around villages touched by famine. See a rotfiend and you can be sure there are many
more in the area. They appear all of a sudden, and disappear even more quickly if threatened, so
exterminating them is difficult. Trapping rotfiends makes little or no sense. Instead, they are best
dealt with by cutting off their food supply, that is, burning all corpses in the area. Corpses must
be incinerated rather than buried, for rotfiends are avid and skillful diggers. Without sustenance,
the beasts will leave in search of new feeding grounds.

Killing a rotfiend is not difficult, yet one must remember to survive the moment of the beast's
death, for the monster's corpse releases explosive fumes a mere spark could ignite. The resulting
explosion can hurt the witcher, but it might also kill nearby rotfiends, creating something of a
chain reaction. Thus, a dying monster should be drawn away from its kin. Backed against a wall,
a rotfiend flies into a fury, attacking madly. Necrophage Oil is lethal to them.

Attacks and Powers

A rotfiend usually attacks with its claws.
Gas Cloud: When a rotfiend is reduced to negative HP, it dies and leaves a cloud of gas in a two
yard radius that spreads from the hex the rotfiend died in. A single spark will ignite this gas,
causing an explosion that deals 1d burn damage to all in the area. Rotfiends take triple damage
from this explosion. If a rotfiend is reduced to negative HP by burn or corrosive damage, it
automatically explodes instantly in the two yard radius. Thus, one rotfiend dying can start a chain

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Nose: A rotfiend's nose contains Cadaverine.
Veins: A rotfiend's veins can be tapped for Ginatz's Acid.

Template: Quadruped
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST27, DX16, IQ3, HT17
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will18
HP/FP: 27/17
Speed/Move: 10/10
Active Defenses: Dodge 14, Brawling Parry 13
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 2d+2 cut, Claw 3d-1 cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Extra Attack 1, Extra Speed (1,75), High Pain
Threshold, Rapid Healing, Teeth (Sharp)
Disadvantages: Bestial
Skills: Brawling-18

In the Words of Dandelion

There is not much known about the curse that turns females into striga. The only well-
documented example of a striga's lifetime was that of Adda the White, daughter of Foltest, king of
Temeria. She was cursed prior to her birth, then born a striga. She and her mother, who did not
survive the birth, were laid to rest in a single tomb. For seven years she grew inside the
sarcophagus, only to emerge a creature of predatory instinct with the size and skill to carry it
Some details of the curse which transforms people into strigas, are outlined in Ostrit's journal:
Lifting the Curse
In order to lift the curse on a striga, "someone must prevent the striga from returning to her
coffin by the third crowing of the rooster. Then she would be cured, turning into an ordinary
little girl.
Life After the Curse

After a person has been cured from the striga-curse, there is the chance that the person will not
fully recover mentally, keeping part of the vicious and somewhat dull-witted nature of her
previous striga-form.
There is also the chance of a relapse, turning back into a striga. To prevent this, "cured" strigas
wear amulets and participate in rituals designed to ward off the curse.

Attacks and Powers

The striga attacks with tooth and nail.

Quadruped: Extra Legs (Four Legs), Horizontal, No Fine Manipulators.

None. For inexplicable reasons, witchers have not been able to utilize a striga's remains for

A striga's heart is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Striga Heart

Mutagenic Modifier: -5.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS +1FP
Not Prepared, With WS +1HT
Prepared, Without WS +1HT, +1HP
Prepared, With WS +1HT, +1ST

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a Striga Heart for consumption, a witcher needs to roll
it raw in one measure of Aether, one measure of Hydragenum, and one measure of Vermillion
and then eat the entire heart raw.

Size Modifier: o
Main Attributes: ST13, DX16, IQ16, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per16, Will16
HP/FP: 13/10
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 11 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 8 [Meteorite]
Attacks: Kick 1d+1 cr, Horns 1d+1
Powers: Death's Caress, Mind Control
Advantages: Claws (Hooves), Fearlessness 2,
Immunity to Mind Control, Mind Control (Conditioning, Magical, Only On Opposite Sex,
Sense-based (victim must be able to see and hear the succubus), Suggestion), Striker
(Horns), Telecommunication (Telesend, Send Only)
Skills: Body-Language-18, Brawling-16, Detect Lies-13, Enthrallment (Persuade)-18,
Enthrallment (Suggest)-18, Erotic Arts-26, Intimidation-13, Wrestling-16, Sex-Appeal 26

In the Words of Dandelion

In folklore, a succubus (plural succubi) is a demon who takes the form of a highly attractive
woman to seduce men. They draw energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the
point of exhaustion or death of the victim.
The torched village near Vergen proved to be the home of a real succubus. This beautiful
creature, possessing hooves instead of feet, drew handsome young men to it in order to seduce
them and feed on their life forces. The seductress was accused of brutally murdering many young
men, and the accusation seemed to be solid. For you must know that the unpleasant scent of
sulfur is not the sole inconvenience one must endure when encountering succubi, which can be
as dangerous as vampires.

Attacks and Powers
A succubus can kick with its hooves when cornered, but prefers to seduce and exhaust its victims.
Death's Caress (magical): Spending time with a succubus is exhausting as the succubus drains the
life-forces of its victims. For each hour spend making love to or conversing with a succubus, a
victim loses 1HP and 1FP. A victim also loses 1FP when successfully manipulated by succubus' Mind
Control power.
Each time a subject loses HP or FP in this way, the succubus regains a corresponding amount of
HP and/or FP.
Mind Control (magical): Succubi can manipulate their victims. Over prolonged periods of time,
they can condition their victims to become almost mind-numb slaves, but initially, they work
through suggestion. For details on this power, see Mind Control (GURPS: Basic Set, p. 68) and
Suggestion (GURPS: Powers, p. 61).

Extraction Modifier: -3.
Hair: The hair of a succubus can be burned to yield Essence of Death.
Nails: The nails of a succubus contain Naezan Salts.

Size Modifier: +3
Main Attributes: ST30, DX13, IQ6, HT15
Secondary Attributes: Per14, Will10
HP/FP: 30/15
Speed/Move: 5/5
Active Defenses: Dodge 8, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting), Two-Handed
Axe/Mace Parry 9
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Fist 3d cr, Tree-branch6 6d cr
Powers: Empower Regeneration
Advantages: High Pain Threshold, Regeneration
Disadvantages: Reduced Speed (-2), Vulnerability (x2, toxic damage)
Quirks: Likes (Alcohol). For some trolls, this is a dependency.
Skills: Brawling-15, Carpentry-13, Masonry-14, Throwing-14, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-13,

In the Words of Dandelion

According to legend, trolls are creatures born of earth and their body is made of rock. They hate
sunlight, which kills them by turning them into inanimate stone, so they subsist only at night. So
much for legends. And the reality? Well, as always, truth is much more prosaic. Trolls are living
creatures like me and you, and they prefer day to night, for they are so clumsy that they stumble
on stones in the dark, spilling vodka. Their skin is indeed hard like stone, but beneath there are
muscles and a heart that pumps blood. And since they bleed, they can be killed.
Trolls are primitive, true, but they are counted among sapient creatures. They can speak our
tongue, though not very colorfully. They mate in pairs for life and, despite what the spiteful
As maul, but only sw+2 and no thrust

would have, they have feelings (even if they express them unceremoniously). All trolls share
fondness of building and alcohol. They combine these passions by erecting bridges and drinking
away the money gained from collecting tolls. Thus originated the sayings: "straight like a troll
bridge", when something is twisted, and "trolling it a day", when construction workers make a
break for "lunch".
If a troll spots his opponent from a distance, he will try to crush him by throwing huge rocks.
Trolls are surprisingly accurate when throwing missiles, and their thick skin provides them ample
protection from arrows, so exchanging fire with them always end in the trolls' victory. The beast
must be reached as fast as possible, and slaughtered with strong blows. They are sluggish, so a
swordsman that evades first a thrown rock, then a rock-heavy fist, has a chance of survival. One
should not take risks, however, and if possible reach an understanding with the monster.
Trolls are huge beings, so knocking them down or unbalancing them in combat is highly unlikely.
Their ability to regenerate is legendary. However their fast metabolism has a darker side, since
these monsters are very susceptible to venoms these swiftly reach all recesses of the trollish
Geralt once told me this anecdote of a troll:
One day, I ride up to the town, and what do I see? A bridge. And under that bridge sits a troll
and demands every passerby pays him. Those who refuse have a leg injured, sometimes both. So I
go to the alderman: "How much will you give me for that troll?" He's amazed. "What are you
talking about?" he asks, "Who will repair the bridge if the troll's not there? He repairs it regularly
with the sweat of his brow, solid work, first rate. It's cheaper to pay his toll!"
So as one can see, dealing with trolls can be far superior to... well, dealing with trolls.

Attacks and Powers

A troll slams opponents with its firsts or hammers them with the tree-branch they use for walking
sticks. They will also throw any rocks that might be in the area.
Empower Regeneration: A troll can spend 3fP and a free action on its own turn to enhance its
regeneration to Regeneration (Very Fast) for 1d rounds. It cannot activate this ability if it suffered
toxic damage within the last five turns, and this ability immediately ends if the troll suffers toxic

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Tongue: Troll Tongue is an alchemical ingredient.

A troll's heart is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Troll Heart

Mutagenic Modifier: -4.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Reduced Speed (-0,5), Rapid Healing
Not Prepared, With WS Reduced Speed (-0,25), Rapid Healing
Prepared, Without WS Reduced Speed (-0,25), Regeneration (Slow)
Prepared, With WS Regeneration (Slow)

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare a Troll Heart for consumption, a witcher needs to mix a
potion with one measure of Caelum, one measure of Hydragenum, and one measure of Sol. The
potion must then be injected into the bloodstream via a syringe or similar medical apparatus.

Vodyanoi Priest
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST11, DX13, IQ12, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per12, Will12
HP/FP/Energy: 11/13/10
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Claw 1d-1 cut
Powers: Oil, Spells
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Magery 1
Disadvantages: Doesn't Breathe (Gills, Oxygen Storage (x200))
Skills: Brawling-13, Navigation/TL3 (Sea)-11, Swimming-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"The vodyanoi are an ancient, sentient race. They worship their own gods, and their priests deal
with divine matters.
Land dwellers know little of these underwater creatures and the cults which flourish among
them, and what is known inspires fear.
Deities of the deep lend their powers to vodyanoi priests, enabling them to cast curses and

Attacks and Powers

The vodyanoi priest can strike with its deadly claws, produce a pain-inducing oil, or cast spells.
Oil: Spending 1FP and a Concentrate maneuver, the vodyanoi can secrete a special oil to cover
their claws. Cutting damage dealt by the vodyanoi that results in injury causes twice the amount
of Shock (so 1 point of injury dealt by the subject causes a -2 to the victim's IQ, DX and skills
based on both on her next turn, to a maximum of -8). A victim with High Pain Threshold that

suffers injury from a Vodyanoi's claws covered in this oil suffers from normal shock even though
that person is normally immune.
Spells (magical): The vodyanoi priest knows the following spells:
Dehydrate-12, Minor Healing-12, Purify Water-13, Seek Coastline-13, Seek Water-14, Stop Bleeding-
12, Whirlpool-9

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Bladder: Vodyanoi Bladder is an alchemical component.
Scales: Vodyanoi Scales is an alchemical component.
Stones of Ys: Vodyanoi priests usually carry around Stones of Ys.

Vodyanoi Warrior
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST14, DX13, IQ8, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per8, Will8
HP/FP: 14/13
Speed/Move: 6,5/6
Active Defenses: Dodge 9, Brawling Parry 9 (-3 vs.
attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 4 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Claw 1d cut
Powers: Oil
Advantages: Claws (Sharp)
Disadvantages: Doesn't Breathe (Gills, Oxygen Storage (x200))
Skills: Brawling-13, Navigation/TL3 (Sea)-11, Swimming-12

In the Words of Dandelion

"The sight of vodyanoi warriors striding ashore is a sign that a transgression has been committed
against the fishpeople either the border to an underwater kingdom has been crossed or a
taboo under one of the many vodyanoi religions has been violated. The warriors' primary duty is
to guard the underwater kingdom, though when necessary they leave their domain to seek justice
for some perceived harm. Both tasks are performed with precision and emotionlessly. They do
not hesitate to sacrifice their lives in service to the powers of the Deep."

Attacks and Powers

The vodyanoi warrior can claw its victims to death, and can also secrete an oil that causes
searing pain.
Oil: Spending 1FP and a Concentrate maneuver, the vodyanoi can secrete a special oil to cover
their claws. Cutting damage dealt by the vodyanoi that results in injury causes twice the amount
of Shock (so 1 point of injury dealt by the subject causes a -2 to the victim's IQ, DX and skills

based on both on her next turn, to a maximum of -8). A victim with High Pain Threshold that
suffers injury from a Vodyanoi's claws covered in this oil suffers from normal shock even though
that person is normally immune.

Extraction Modifier: -1.
Bladder: Vodyanoi Bladder is an alchemical component.
Scales: Vodyanoi Scales is an alchemical component.
Tendons: The Tendons of a vodyanoi contain alchemical ingredients.

Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST25, DX15, IQ10, HT13
Secondary Attributes: Per15, Will15 (Self-
Control 9)
HP/FP: 25/13
Speed/Move: 7/7
Active Defenses: Dodge 11, Brawling Parry 12
(-3 vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 10 (Tough Skin) [Silver]
Attacks: Bite 3d-1 cut, Claw 3d cut
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Rapid Healing, Teeth
Disadvantages: Berserk, Bloodlust
Skills: Brawling-17

In the Words of Dandelion

Lycanthropes are men turned monsters. They are a rare case of the bridge between the natural
and unnatural. It is unknown precisely what makes werewolves some claim it is the crimes of
the man, some say the crimes of a village, and others again hold other beliefs. Geralt has met
both brutal men turned werewolves as well as civilized men, which seems to suggest that
lycanthrope comes from elsewhere. One thing is certain; though these beasts are intelligent and
speak the common tongue, talking them down while in a fury (which they are almost often in)
requires diplomatic skills that rival the most worthy sorceress. Mostly, an encounter with a
werewolf is a fight to the death (and usually, not the death of the werewolf).

Attacks and Powers

The werewolf attacks with tooth and nail. Note that a werewolf is a transformed human, and the
stats given here are solely to the wolf form.

None. For inexplicable reasons, witchers have not been able to utilize a werewolf's remains for

Werewolf Fur is a mutagen.

MUTAGEN: Werewolf Fur.

Mutagenic Modifier: -2.
Ingestion Type Result
Not Prepared, Without WS Berserk.
Not Prepared, With WS Bad Temper.
Prepared, Without WS Bad Temper. Claws (Sharp).
Prepared, With WS Quirk: Irritable. Quirk: Rough Skin. DR2 (Tough

Preparation ritual: To correctly prepare Werewolf Fur for ingestion, a witcher needs to burn the
fur along with a measure of Aether, one measure of Hydragenum, one measure of Quebrith and
one measure of Vermillion. He must inhale the smoke that this burning produces.

Subtype: Specter
Size Modifier: 0
Main Attributes: ST14, DX17, IQ6, HT8
Secondary Attributes: Per14, Will15
HP/FP: 16/12
Speed/Move: 7/7
Active Defenses: Dodge 11, Brawling Parry 12 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting), (if weapon,
usually Broadsword Parry 12)
Damage Resistance: 10 [Silver]
Attacks: Claws 1d cut or weapon (if weapon,
usually broadsword 1d+1 cr or broadsword 1d+2 cut)
Powers: Chilling Blade, Chilltouch
Advantages: Claws (Sharp), Combat Reflexes, Extra
Speed (0,75), Flight (Can Only Hover), Invisibility
(Can Carry Objects (Heavy), Substantial Only, Switchable), Unfazeable (except towards
effects that specifically target specters)
Disadvantages: Sometimes Bestial
Skills: Brawling-17 or weapon (if weapon, usually Broadsword-17)

In the Words of Dandelion

The wraiths are not, as some claim, a projection of an inner fear. They are visible, tangible and
dangerous on top of that. The priests teach that people who die suddenly, leaving this vale of
tears with important tasks left unfinished, become such ghosts. So wraiths have their own aims.
Sometimes they are unaware of them, but more often they aim to achieve them, not caring for
the living.
The wraiths are always connected to the sites of their demise. They may protect their former
homes, or they may seek vengeance. One may even find small groups of the wandering damned

in crypts and catacombs or on battlefields. It is not true that they only appear at night. I can
confirm, however, that one often cannot communicate with them, and that they have no fear of
man or monster.
Wraiths hover just above the ground, so they move very swiftly. One should strike at them
strongly and make ample use of signs. As immaterial beings, they can appear and disappear at
will. If the witcher swings his sword too slowly, giving the ghosts time to react, he might find
himself striking nothing but air and then sense a quick riposte on his back.

Attacks and Powers

The touch of a wraith is freezing cold.
Chilling Blade (magical): If a victim sustains 1 or more hits of injury from the strike of a weapon
wielded by a wraith he or she suffers an additional 1d points of burn damage from the freezing
Chilltouch (magical): The mere touch of a wraith deals 1d burn damage. A victim that takes 1 or
more hits of injury from a wraith's claws also takes this damage.

Extraction Modifier: -3 (special, see below).
After death: After death, specters leave behind Essence of Death which is invisible but can be
detected by those who know how. If the witcher has not already encountered specters and thus
puts two and two together and looks for this essence actively, the GM roll a passive Monster Lore
roll against the witcher's Monster Lore skill modified by the specter's extraction modifier. If
successful, the witcher knows about the essence and gathers it without further trouble. If
unsuccessful, the witcher misses it. A passive roll of this kind can be attempted again if the
witcher has since used at least a single character point to raise his or her Monster Lore skill.

Subtype: Ornithosaur
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST15, DX9, IQ3, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will5
HP/FP: 15/10
Speed/Move: 4,75/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 12 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 2d-1 cut
Powers: Venomous Bite
Advantages: Immunity to Poison, Teeth (Sharp)
Skills: Brawling-14, Flight-14

In the Words of Dandelion

"Wyverns are unlucky to be frequently mistaken for dragons. Seeing a reptile approaching a flock
of sheep, peasants panic. They expect it to breathe fire, massacre everyone and abduct the local
virgins. While it is true that wyverns hunt sheep, they neither breathe fire nor lay waste to whole
villages. And they are completely indifferent to virgins.
Instead, wyverns are deadly beasts from the Ornithosaur family."

Attacks and Powers

A wyvern attacks with brutal jaws.
Venomous Bite: The wyvern's bite delivers its poison. Victims of a wyvern's bite, that take at
least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-1. Failure means the victim becomes poisoned.
The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 1HP and FP toxic damage per
hour. The poison functions for 48 hours after taking effect.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a wyvern, Toxin can be harvested.
Venom Glands: The Venom Glands of a wyvern are an alchemical component.
Wings: The wings of a wyvern contain Wing Membrane.

Wyvern (Royal)
Subtype: Ornithosaur
Size Modifier: +1
Main Attributes: ST19, DX9, IQ3, HT10
Secondary Attributes: Per13, Will5
HP/FP: 19/10
Speed/Move: 4,75/4
Active Defenses: Dodge 7, Brawling Parry 10 (-3
vs. attacks other than thrusting)
Damage Resistance: 14 (Tough Skin) [Meteorite]
Attacks: Bite 2d+1 cut
Powers: Venomous Bite
Advantages: Immunity to Poison, Resistant to Stun (+3), Teeth (Sharp)
Disadvantages: Berserk
Skills: Brawling-15, Flight-15

In the Words of Dandelion

"Royal Wyverns are a highly aggressive type of wyvern. Stronger and fiercer than their
counterparts, they are more adept at flying and fighting. Packs of wyverns are usually led by one
or two royal wyverns, and usually female. Some have described this as nature's way of telling the
story of the aggressive and hypersensitive female, but Geralt usually replies to this that female
royal wyverns remind him more of male humans than female ones."

Attacks and Powers

A wyvern attacks with brutal jaws.
Venomous Bite: The wyvern's bite delivers its poison. Victims of a wyvern's bite, that take at
least 1 hit of injury from it, must roll against HT-3. Failure means the victim becomes poisoned.
The poison has a delay of one hour. Once it takes effect, it deals 3HP and FP toxic damage per
hour. The poison functions for 48 hours after taking effect.

Extraction Modifier: -2.
Toxin: Within the corpse of a wyvern, Toxin can be harvested.
Venom Glands: The Venom Glands of a wyvern are an alchemical component.
Wings: The wings of a wyvern contain Wing Membrane.

Monster Ingredients
This section of Witchers and their World Monstrum details which ingredients are contained in
which monster-parts The following is a complete list of monster parts and which ingredients they

Monster Part Ingredient

Abomination Lymph Quebrith
Kayran Eyes Fulgur
Kayran Tissue Fulgur
Albar's Crystals Hydragenum
Alghoul Marrow Quebrith
Alpor Fangs Aether
Amethyst Dust Caelum
Arachas Armor Quebrith
Archespore Juice Vitriol
Beast Fangs Vitriol
Bloedzuiger Blood Vermillion
Bruxa Blood Vitriol
Bullvore Brains Fulgur
Cadaverine Rebis
Cemetaur Jaw Rebis
Cockatrice Eyes Hydragenum
Cockatrice Feathers Aether
Devourer Teeth Vermillion
Diamond Dust Sol
Draugir Claws Rebis
Draug Essence Fulgur
Drowned Dead Tongue Aether
Drowner Brain Tissue Aether
Echinops Rootstock Vitriol
Ectoplasm Hydragenum
Elemental Stone Aether
Endrega Embryo Fulgur
Endrega Jaw Vermillion
Endrega Saliva Vermillion
Endrega Teeth Quebrith
Endrega Venom Caelum
Essence of Death Fulgur
Essence of Water Hydragenum
Gargoyle Dust Vermillion
Gargoyle Heart Quebrith
Garkhain Saliva Quebrith
Ginatz's Acid Vitriol

Ghoul Blood Vitriol
Graveir Bones Quebrith
Harpy Eyes Aether
Harpy Feathers Vermillion
Harpy Saliva Caelum
Kikimore Claw Quebrith
Naezan Salts Aether
Necrophage Blood Rebis
Necrophage Eyes Rebis
Necrophage Skin Vermillion
Necrophage Teeth Rebis
Nekker Claws Hydragenum
Nekker Eyes Vitriol
Nekker Heart Rebis
Nekker Teeth Vitriol
Pyrite Vermillion
Queen Endrega's Pheromones Fulgur
Shadow Dust Quebrith
Spores Aether
Stones of Ys Rebis
Tendons Hydragenum
Toxin Vermillion
Tracheae Vermillion
Troll Tongue Aether
Venom Glands Vermillion
Vodyanoi Bladder Quebrith
Vodyanoi Scales Hydragenum
Wing Membrane Rebis
White Vinegar Vitriol


This section of Witchers and their World Monstrum describes all the different flowers, plants
and other herbs that contain alchemical ingredients with application in witcher alchemy. These
plants are not only used in witcher alchemy, but also in medicine (here they are used most
commonly by witches), herbalism, druidic rituals and more (those additional uses are not
described in detail here). This means that unlike monster parts, a witcher can often purchase
these herbs from village witches, druids or others with herbal knowledge, when he cannot gather
them himself. Therefore, all herbs detailed here have a price attached to them. This price is given
in Orens. Since 1 Oren is $0.5, simply divide all prices by 2 to find their price in dollars. Note that
these herbs cannot usually be found in major cities unless one is lucky enough to find an herbal
shop, and that it is very random which few herbs might be for sale at a village witch's or a forest
druid's shop.

Note: Each time a player encounters or procures a plant, roll 3d. On a 7 or less, the plant
contains a random secondary ingredient (see the Witcher Alchemy section in Chapter VI
Alchemy in Witchers and their World Characters).

Plant entries are structured in the following manner:

Plant Name

Contains: Ingredient contained in the plant.

Extraction Modifier: The extraction modifier of the plant.
Habitat: Where the plant is usually found.
Price: The plants average market price in Orens.

The following is a list and description of all witcher alchemy-related herbs in Witchers and their
World Monstrum:

Allspice Root Balisse

Allspice Root comes from a magical plant grown Balisse fruit is an edible berry characterized by
by druids. It is very rare and can only be found subtle magic resonance. The fruit is poisonous
where druids care for the plants. unless soaked in alcohol first.

Contains: Aether Contains: Quebrith

Extraction Modifier: -2 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Druidic circles Habitat: Forest areas with direct sunlight
Price: 24 Price: 12

Beggartick Blossom Berbercane

Beggartick Blossom is the blossom of beggartick Berbercane is used, most often, to treat the
plants, used both in witcher alchemy and in the insane.
production of fisstech. It is poisonous.
Contains: Aether
Contains: Hydragenum Extraction Modifier: -2
Extraction Modifier: -1 Habitat: Forests
Habitat: Swamps and bogs Price: 21
Price: 15

Bryonia Celandine
Bryonia is a dry plant used in alchemy. Celandine is a very common plant.

Contains: Caelum Contains: Rebis

Extraction Modifier: -2 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Wastelands, rock surfaces, caves Habitat: Fields, forests
Price: 21 Price: 12

Cortinarius Crow's Eye

Cortinarius is a mushroom used in alchemy and Crow's Eye, also called Raven's Eye, is a cypress-
medicine. like bush harvested for its root.

Contains: Hydragenum Contains: Vitriol

Extraction Modifier: -1 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Forests, caves Habitat: Forests
Price: 16 Price: 14

Dwarven Immortelle Ergot Seeds
Dwarven Immortelle is a subterranean variety of Ergot Seeds are seeds of a fairly common plant,
purple foxglove. but only very few of them spawn on the plant.

Contains: Fulgur Contains: Vermillion

Extraction Modifier: -2 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Underground caves, mines Habitat: Fields
Price: 24 Price: 14

Feainnewedd Fool's Parsley Leaves

Feainnewedd grows only where elder blood has Fool's Parsley is a plant with fleshy leaves, used
been spilled, and in Dol Blathanna. in medicine and alchemy.

Contains: Vermillion (when Feainnewedd is used Contains: Quebrith

in a potion, that potion has dominant rubedo no Extraction Modifier: -1
matter which other secondary ingredients are Habitat: Swamps, cemeteries
used in the potion) Price: 16
Extraction Modifier: -5
Habitat: Where elder blood is spilled, and in Dol
Price: 70

Ginatia Petals Green Mold

Ginatia Petals are petals from the flowers of a Green Mold is a type of mold with alchemical
common bush. application.

Contains: Aether Contains: Rebis

Extraction Modifier: -1 Extraction Modifier: -1
Habitat: Forests Habitat: Caves, crypts, ruins
Price: 16 Price: 16

Han Hellebore petals

Han is a very poisonous plant that attracts Hellebore Petals grow on the borders of
sunlight, but dies from it if it gets too much. civilization.

Contains: Sol Contains: Fulgur

Extraction Modifier: -2 Extraction Modifier: -0
Habitat: Moist places, riverbanks Habitat: Outskirts of cities
Price: 20 Price: 10

Honeysuckle Hop Umbels
Honeysuckle grows on barren plains and is Umbels from the hops plant, hop umbels are
widely used in field medicine. small, hard and useful in alchemy.

Contains: Quebrith Contains: Vitriol

Extraction Modifier: -2 Extraction Modifier: -2
Habitat: Barren plains Habitat: Plains
Price: 20 Price: 20

Mandrake Root Mistletoe

The famous mandrake root is poisonous but also Mistletoe is a holy plant of the druids.
Contains: Hydragenum
Contains: Quebrith Extraction Modifier: -2
Extraction Modifier: -1 Habitat: Druidic circles
Habitat: Forests Price: 20
Price: 16

Scleroderm Sewant Mushroom

Scleroderm is a poisonous fungi. Sewants are large, gray mushrooms.

Contains: Aether Contains: Vitriol

Extraction Modifier: 0 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Caves and forests Habitat: Caves and crypts
Price: 14 Price: 10

Verbena White Myrtle Petals

Verbena is common, flowering plant. The buts White Myrtle is a common field-plant that has
are used in alchemy. unique petals.

Contains: Sol Contains: Vitriol

Extraction Modifier: -1 Extraction Modifier: 0
Habitat: Forests Habitat: Fields
Price: 16 Price: 10

Wolf's Aloe Leaves Wolfsbane
Wolf's Aloe is a plan that only grows in the wild Wolfsbane, also called Monk's Hood, is a druidic
in Kaer Morhen, but is often found in potted plant.
plants and gardens elsewhere.
Contains: Vermillion
Contains: Hydragenum Extraction Modifier: -1
Extraction Modifier: -1 Habitat: Druidic circles
Habitat: Kaer Morhen valley, gardens and homes Price: 16
Price: 18


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