Zelda Ravage The Wild Bestiary
Zelda Ravage The Wild Bestiary
Zelda Ravage The Wild Bestiary
A Tabletop Roleplaying Game System
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Cover ........................... 1 Bestiary ........................ 8 Magmanos ........................ 54
Animals .............................. 9 Magtail ............................. 55
Table of Contents........... 2
Armos .............................. 12 Moblin .............................. 56
Credits ......................... 3 Moldorm ........................... 60
Aquamentus ...................... 13
Website & Discord ............... 3 Molduga ........................... 61
Beetles ............................. 14
Artist Credits ....................... 4 Mothula ............................ 62
Blade Traps....................... 17
Changelog .......................... 5 Nox .................................. 63
Blobs ............................... 18
Using This Book............. 6 Boe ................................. 19 Octorok ............................ 65
Customizing Foes’ Equipment 6 Bokoblin ........................... 20 Pappetto ........................... 68
Foes and Races .................. 6 Brigand ............................ 24 Pengator........................... 71
Changing a Foe’s Rank ........ 7 Cheep Cheep .................... 28 Pols Voice......................... 72
Turning Foes into Bosses ...... 7 Chuchu ............................ 29 Revenants ......................... 73
Dark Doppelganger ............ 30 Shadows........................... 75
Darknut ............................ 32 Snap Dragon ..................... 77
Deku Baba ........................ 35 Snurgle............................. 77
Dodongo .......................... 36 Stalfos .............................. 78
Ghosts ............................. 37 Statues ............................. 81
Gohma ............................. 38 Talus ................................ 84
Goriya .............................. 40 Tektites ............................ 87
Guardians ......................... 41 Three-of-a-Kind ................. 88
Helmasaur......................... 44 Wallmaster ........................ 89
Hikkun.............................. 45 Wizzrobe ........................... 90
Keaton ............................. 46 Wolfos .............................. 93
Keese............................... 48 Yiga ................................. 94
Like Like ........................... 50 Zirro ................................. 96
Lizalfos ............................. 51 Zol & Gel .......................... 98
Lynel................................ 53 Index .......................... 99
Version 2.0 and beyond Developed by Mike (“Elemental Knight”) and Milly
Originally Developed by Mike (“Elemental Knight”) with additional design by May
Playtesters: Aaron, Alan, Avara Sheridan, Chelsea, Corin CWStra, frigidScholar, Iki, Josh, Kain,
Kaorin Sakura, Kayla, Lyle, Manavine, Marhatus, Muzok, Phila, Rini, Tali, Vader, xFalsewingzx
Fonts used: Hylia Serif (headers) and Calamity Sans (body text).
Mike would like to thank: Chelsea, for your unending support and patience; Kaorin Sakura, for
showing this can be done; the Pokémon Tabletop community, for being my home for years and
years – and the Returners’ Final Fantasy Tabletop community, for being my home before that.
The Legend of Zelda and all associated properties are owned by Nintendo. This book is a freely-
distributed system made by fans, for fans, of both tabletop games and of The Legend of Zelda.
Please support Nintendo’s official releases!
Artist Credits
Interior Art:
Chu Pengator
July’s Kid Animal (Crow)
July’s Kid Dark Doppelganger
Nintendo Blade Traps, Blobs, Bokoblin, Cheep Cheep, Iron Knuckle, Face Lamp, Ghosts,
Guardians, Helmasaur, Hikkun, Keese, Magmanos, Magtail, Moblin, Nox, Octorok,
Pappeto, Snap Dragon, Snurgle, Stalfos, Three-of-a-Kind, Wizzrobe
We’re revamping our art acquisition and attribution process from the ground up. We ask for your
patience as we make things better for everyone!
Version 2.02
• Added a quick-reference for the Grapple check, on all foes that have Big Squeeze or otherwise specifically are
built to grapple their foes.
• Bokoblin Bodyguards’ Shield Strike basic attack and Shield Bash attack now have proper information listed.
(Previously, the Strike was too accurate, and Shield Bash neglected to mention it was a 3 Stamina Free Action.)
• Brigand Ruffian’s Serpent’s Fangs attack now lists the correct range (Weapon).
• Altered the Chuchu’s Elemental Step passive to work on terrain it walks on, is standing on, or is pushed over.
• Noted that Chuchu’s Elemental Mimicry passive triggers, even if the attack to the Chuchu is fatal.
• Clarified the dangers of Navy Chuchu leaving behind Fresh Water terrain.
• Ghini’s Ghastly Lick attack now properly lists its damage (11).
• Queen Gohma’s Summon Larva technique now summons four squares of Larvae, rather than just one.
• Derelict Guardians are now immune to Pushing effects.
• Guardian Stalkers now drop 6 Materials upon defeat, since their built-in weapon is considered Natural.
• Stalrobes’ MP has been reduced from 16, to 12.
• Beamos have been significantly buffed and revamped, following player feedback.
• Boosted Wizzrobes’ Hearts by 2 across the board, giving them 8 more HP each.
Using This Book
Using This Book
If you want stronger or weaker versions of a To turn a foe into a Heavy, Mini-Boss, or
given foe, you will need to tailor that monster Boss, do the following:
to suit your needs. • Apply the appropriate Order to the
monster, with all of its benefits. (This
To quickly increase a foe’s Rank by one: increases the amount of HP, MP, and SP
• Increase about half of their Traits (their that the foe has, as well as the amount
highest or most important Traits) by 2. of Materials or loot it drops.)
• Increase their remaining Traits by 1. • Consider giving the foe at least one
• Increase their Defense by… additional Spell or Technique that its
o Civilian: +1 lesser brethren don’t have. Mini-Bosses
o Light or Medium: +2 and Bosses should probably get more
o Heavy: +3 than one extra trick.
o Extreme: +4 • If you’re making the foe into a Mini-Boss
o Impervious: +8 or Boss, give the foe a Weak Point for
• Increase their Weapons’ Attack by +3. the Heroes to discover and exploit.
• Adjust the foe’s Concentration, Evasion, • Consider giving the foe an additional,
Vitality, Health, Magic, and Stamina. helpful Passive or two. You should
especially consider Passives that work
…and, optionally: with (or are shut down by) the foe’s
• …give the foe a new Spell or Technique. Weak Point.
• …Play the foe more intelligently (using • Often, these supercharged foes are also
more Reactions and Combat Maneuvers, super-sized. Consider increasing the
better tactics, or specially-tweaked gear). foe’s Size by one or more steps.
To quickly decrease a foe’s Rank by one: Finally, don’t forget that Bosses often have
• Reduce half of their Traits (their highest their own, specially-designed room that
or most important Traits) by 2. (Min. 1) serves as their battle arena. Consider what
• Reduce remaining Traits by 1. (Min. 0) might help the Boss defend itself – and what
• Reduce their Defense, per the above. might help Heroes defeat it – when designing
• Worsen all equipment by one Rank. such a room.
• Adjust the foe’s Concentration, Evasion,
Vitality, Health, Magic, and Stamina.
Animals Crow
Throughout Hyrule and the lands beyond its Crow
Rank 1 Natural Warrior
borders, various animals populate the HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 16
countryside. They might live with Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 13
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14
townspeople in their homes or farms, or
Size: Small Vitality: 11
populate the countryside as wild and Movement: 6 (Flying), 3 (Walking)
untamed beasts. Some might be mundane, Strike Damage: 7
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Melee
and others a little bit more magical. Dash Attack Damage: 7
8 Stamina Range: See Effect
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
Cat, Domestic normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
during this attack.
Cat, Domestic Mug Damage: 7
Rank 1 Natural Hunter 8 Stamina Range: Melee
HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 16 Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, you Disarm the
target of one item the target has in their hands or on their belt, and
Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 14 they drop the item in your square. You may immediately use a Minor
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14 Action to pick the item up.
Size: Small Vitality: 12 Default Weapon: Crow’s Beak
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming) (Rank 1 Natural Dagger)
Strike Damage: 8 Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 6
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee Leave with the Loot (Passive)
Default Weapon: Cat’s Paw When this creature has at least one item in its hands,
Its Movement increases by 2, and its Evasion decreases by 2.
(Rank 1 Natural Dagger)
Limited Intelligence
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 6 Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 5
Predator Pounce (Passive) Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 4
If you hit a foe with a Sneak Attack, and they do not use a Reaction Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 3
against the attack, then they are put Off Balance. Civilization 3 Perception 4 Agility 4
Limited Intelligence, Darkvision, Scent Sense Fortitude 1 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 2 Discipline 3 Insight 3
Combat 3 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Mechanics 2 Perform 2 Guile 4
Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 2
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 4 Drops: 3x Crow Feather (Rank 1 Monster Parts)
Fortitude 2 Influence 3 Command 1
Intimidate 3 Discipline 4 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 1 Crows are wily birds, seeking out unwary
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Catsgut (Rank 1 Monster Parts) travelers and swooping down on them to
mercilessly harass them. Their goal is not
Domestic Cats hunt small prey (such as mice blood or vengeance, but profit: Crows often
and birds) by sneaking up behind them, and try to Mug passers-by to relieve them of their
then pouncing, knocking them to the goods, and then fly off with them to their
ground. If the first blow doesn’t defeat their nests. To a Hero, a Crow’s
prey, surely the second one will – if not, they nest is as good as
may choose to retreat, lick their wounds, and a Treasure Chest.
try again when the heat is off.
Rank 0 Natural Hunter Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 0
Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Size: Diminutive Vitality: 11
Movement: 3 (Flying)
Strike Damage: 1
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
Sickening Threat (Passive)
If this creature hits a foe with a Basic Attack, and they do not use a
Reaction against the attack, then they are made Sick.
Instinctive Intelligence, Darkvision
Combat 1 Willpower 0 Accuracy 1
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 0
Athletics 0 Arcana 1 Nature 2
Civilization 1 Perception 2 Agility 3
Fortitude 1 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 2 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Insect Parts (Rank 0 Critter)
Stone statues crudely made to resemble Tinsuit
ancient knights. Their rocky exterior makes
them particularly durable opponents. Though Tinsuit
Rank 1 Mechanical Hunter
clumsy, they can move as fast as any Hero HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 16
when roused to action. However, Armos Defense: 8 (Heavy) Concentration: 15
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 8
cannot rouse themselves to action: they only Size: Medium Vitality: 15
spring into action when touched, or activated Movement: 3-8 (Walking) (See Below)
Shoot Arrow Damage: 9, Earth
en masse by some mechanism. To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 6
Pinning Shot Damage: 9
Armos Statue 4 Stamina Range: Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, the target is Halted
until the end of their next turn.
Armos Statues are invulnerable to all damage Journeyman (DC 10): Armos may be tough,
when inactive, and only activate when but they aren’t wise of agile. Tricks, traps,
touched or otherwise roused to action. Once and status ailments can all stop an Armos.
active, they prove only slightly easier to kill,
with thick stone and skilled shield-work Adept (DC 13): Armos are mechanical
enabling them to survive all but the most marvels, their internal contraptions finely-
concentrated assaults. Beware – some tuned clockwork. Some scholars speculate
Armos are slow, others deadly-quick! they may be prototype Guardians.
Aquamentus are fearsome dragons, easily Aquamentus
recognized by their single unicorn-style horn. Rank 1 Natural Blaster BOSS
HP: 120 MP: 60 SP: 60
They move slowly, and have stubby wings Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 13
that allow them limited flight. They make up Initiative: +2 Evasion: 10
Size: Large Vitality: 13
for their lackluster mobility with skill at Movement: 5 (Walking), 3 (Flying)
breathing fire, so watch out for their flame Magic Salvo Damage: 8
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 6
breath and fireballs!
Dash Attack Damage: 8
8 Stamina Range: See Effect
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
during this attack.
Damage: 9, Fire
Flame Breath
Range: Cone 2 or
6 Magic
Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is On Fire.
Zola’s Fireball Damage: 9, Fire
3 Magic Range: Projectile 8
Hardhat Beetle
Hardhat Beetle
Rank 2 Natural Protector
Beetle Lore
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 24
Defense: 10 (Heavy) Concentration: 12
Effortless (DC 4): All Beetles have a hard,
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11 durable shell. Brute force alone is rarely
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
enough to deal with them.
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 12
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee Novice (DC 7): Beetles large and small
Dash Attack Damage: 12
8 Stamina Range: See Effect prefer to live underground. The smaller ones
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
just dig a tiny hole, but the big ones prefer
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
during this attack.
caves and abandoned structures. It’s rare
Ordon Rush Damage: 9 indeed to see a Beetle in the open sunlight.
8 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you begin pushing them.
You may continue to move, but it must be in a straight line. Your
target is pushed in front of you for the duration of this further
Journeyman (DC 10): Ancient dungeon-
movement. builders often left small entrances for Beetles
Default Weapon: Hard Shell
(Rank 2 Natural Shield) in their trap-filled tombs, particularly in rooms
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 7 Durability: 9 with pits, spikes, or other dangerous terrain.
Cushioning Carom (Passive)
When struck by an attack, if this creature is not Slowed, Halted, on If you find yourself in a dungeon, fighting
Difficult Terrain, or otherwise kept from moving, it is pushed back 3
squares, and reduces the damage taken by half. This does not Beetles, and the room seems otherwise safe
protect against falling damage, nor damage from being pushed into
– beware, for the other shoe may yet drop.
Oblivious (Passive)
This creature cannot use Reactions.
Slippery Step (Passive) Adept (DC 13): Zoro Beetles are a common
This creature treats all terrain as if it were Slightly Slick. (When
moving on a Slightly Slick surface, you must make an Agility roll v. nuisance, but be on the lookout for when
DC 10 to stop. If you fail, on an odd-numbered roll, you will
continue to move one further square in the direction you were
they’re amassed in a mound of rich, loamy
travelling; on an even-numbered roll, you become Off-Balance. On
success, you may instead choose either failure result to occur
dirt. That often indicates a spot where
instead.) someone buried something; the Beetles
Soft-Bellied (Passive)
Attacks against this creature from below, or while it is Prone, ignore have merely taken advantage of the
half of this creature’s Defense.
Limited Intelligence loosened dirt to build a nest.
Combat 5 Willpower 0 Accuracy 4
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 6
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 5
Fortitude 4 Influence 1 Command 1
Intimidate 4 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 1
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 2x Beetle Carapace (Rank 2 Monster Part)
1x Hardhat Chitin (Rank 2 Critter, Tough)
The Stagnox is a fearsome forest beast,
Stagnox reigning over a lost temple or hidden glade,
Rank 2 Natural Rallier BOSS
HP: 120 MP: 0 SP: 100
clad in a kind of cobbled-together Ancient
Defense: 10 (Heavy) Concentration: 15 armor. It has little patience for interlopers,
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 10
and will almost always attack on sight.
Size: Huge Vitality: 14
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Flying)
Strike Damage: 12 While on the ground, the Stagnox likes to try
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
Summon Blastworm Damage: - and charge foes with its horn, or to simply
4 Stamina Range: Projectile 8 attack normally. While in the sky, it likes to
You create a Blastworm in the targeted square. If a creature is in the
targeted square, the Blastworm appears in a random square Summon Blastworms on the foes below it,
adjacent to the target. Blastworms created this way do not provide
any drops when defeated. and then to try and charge in.
Dash Attack Damage: 12
8 Stamina Range: See Effect
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
during this attack. Blastworm
Ordon Rush Damage: 9 Rank 1 Natural Blaster
8 Stamina Range: Melee HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 4
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you begin pushing them.
You may continue to move, but it must be in a straight line. Your Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 13
target is pushed in front of you for the duration of this further Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12
Size: Small Vitality: 11
Default Weapon: Stagnox Horn Movement: 3 (Walking)
(Rank 2 Ancient Spear) Strike Damage: 12
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 10 To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
Poisonous Mist Posterior (Passive) Prime to Blow
The rear of the Stagnox emits a powerful poisonous mist. While Damage: -
active, the Stagnox’s rear is immune to all damage. The poisonous (Reaction)
Range: Self
mist can be dispelled for one full round by using Korok Leaf’s Wind, 4 Stamina
Bombs, or other shockwave or wind-based attacks.
Use Requirement: You are struck by an attack.
Poisonous Step (Passive) You curl into a ball, and turn into a freshly-lit Bomb. You no longer
This creature affects terrain it walks over with Poisonous Mire. have any actions, and do not resist being picked up. It doused, you
Poisonous Mire deals 2 damage when stepped into or when one cease being a Bomb, and may take your next turn as normal.
starts one’s turn in it, and makes one Sick if one spends a whole
turn in it. This terrain lasts until the beginning of this creature’s next
Default Weapon: Blastworm Carapace
turn. This creature is immune to the terrain type it creates. (Rank 1 Natural Shield)
Soft Tail (Weak Point) Accuracy: 3 Attack: 4 Durability: 6
The tip of this creature’s tail is its Weak Point. This Weak Point can Limited Intelligence
only be struck from behind the Stagnox, and only if it is not currently Combat 1 Willpower 1 Accuracy 3
shrouded in poison. This Weak Point is Hard to Hit. Once struck, Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 1
the Weak Point retracts into the Stagnox for one full round, and the Athletics 1 Arcana 1 Nature 2
Stagnox is Knocked Prone. After this time, the Soft Tail reappears, Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 2
the Stagnox’s poison mist reappears (if it was dispelled), and the Fortitude 1 Influence 1 Command 0
Stagnox recovers from all status ailments. Intimidate 1 Discipline 3 Insight 3
Limited Intelligence Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 1
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Immune: Disarm
Combat 4 Willpower 1 Accuracy 4 Drops: 2x Blastworm Bits (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Hearts 3 Magic 0 Stamina 5 1x Bomb
Athletics 5 Arcana 1 Nature 3
Civilization 0 Perception 3 Agility 4
Blastworms are often summoned by Stagnox
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 1 to harass the larger beetle’s opponents.
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Weapon (when available) They can also appear in places with lots of
6x Stagnox Scales (Rank 2 Monster Part)
5x Gear (Rank 2 Ancient Material) loose rocks or hidden crevices – where the
Small Fairies, equal to size of party potential to create a new passage with a
well-placed Bomb is high.
Blade Traps
Blade Traps are a common hazard for
dungeon-delving Heroes in Hyrule. Lurking Chaser Artist: Nintendo
in the dark corners of the underground, they
Chasers are upgraded
often serve as deterrents against dawdlers.
Blade Traps,
equipped with a
Blade Trap
single eye. Unlike
the classic Blade
Trap, Chasers do
not have to return to
their origin point to attack
again. They mindlessly follow a chosen foe,
Artist: Nintendo
trying to catch them in their whirring blades.
Artist: Nintendo
Miniscule amounts of magic come to life, Boe
Boes are, essentially, living dust bunnies: Rank 0 Arcane Hunter Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 12
congealed balls of the detritus of their Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 11
environment, with two eyes that glow a soft Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Size: Tiny Vitality: 10
orange or yellow. Skittish and shy, they often Movement: 4 (Walking)
simply want to be left alone – but Strike Damage: 3
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
unfortunately, Heroes have a tendency of
Default Weapon: Boe Bonk
disturbing their favorite places. (Rank 0 Natural Fist)
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 1 Durability: 2
Natural Camouflage (Passive)
+5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while on terrain that
matches its coloration.
Limited Intelligence
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 0
Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 3
Fortitude 0 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 1 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Boe Bits (Rank 0 Monster Part)
Bokoblin Peons tend to focus on positioning: Bokoblin Berserkers rush in headlong, using
they want to surround a foe with as many Jump Attack to get the first blow. They then
Bokoblin as possible. This prevents their continue to assault anyone who looks
escape, and lets the Bokoblin easily wear vulnerable, or is surrounded by Peons.
them down with multiple weak attacks.
Bokoblin Bodyguard
Bokoblin Bodyguard
Rank 1 Natural Protector
HP: 16 MP: 0 SP: 16
Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 13
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike (Sword) Damage: 8
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
Strike (Shield) Damage: 6
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
Body Check
Damage: 4
Range: Special
4 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe leaves a square you are
adjacent to, and you are not Halted.
You enter the square the foe left. Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on
success, target is Pushed 1 square in a direction of your choice and
Knocked Prone, and you may choose to enter the square they
Artist: Nintendo previously occupied.
Shield Bash
Shield Bash
Bokoblin Berserker (Free Action)
4 Stamina
3 Stamina
When you successfully Deflect an attack with your shield, you may
activate this Technique to make a follow-up Strike Basic Attack with
Bokoblin Berserker the Shield you used.
Rank 1 Natural Warrior Default Weapon: Boko Blade
HP: 16 MP: 0 SP: 16 (Rank 1 Metal Sword, Bokoblin Style)
Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 11 Accuracy: 3 Attack: 4 Durability: 2
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13 Boko Shield
Size: Medium Vitality: 13 (Rank 1 Wooden Shield, Bokoblin Style)
Movement: 4 (Walking) Accuracy: 3 Attack: 2 Durability: 2
Sweep Damage: 9 Harrier (Passive)
To-Hit Check: +6 Sweep 2 This creature grants all allies (but not itself) a +1 on all To-Hit
Jump Attack Damage: 12 checks against any foe they are adjacent to. This bonus does not
stack with other allies’ Harrier.
6 Stamina Range: Jump 3, Melee
You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them,
Limited Intelligence
even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the Combat 4 Willpower 1 Accuracy 3
turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 4
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed. Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 3
Windup Strike Damage: 9 Fortitude 4 Influence 1 Command 2
6 Stamina Range: Melee Intimidate 3 Discipline 3 Insight 3
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 4 Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 3
more damage. Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1
Default Weapon: Boko Cleaver Drops: Weapons (when available)
(Rank 1 Metal Greatsword, Bokoblin Style) 2x Bokoblin Guts (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 5 Durability: 3
Harrier (Passive) Bokoblin Bodyguards prefer to guard a single
This creature grants all allies (but not itself) a +1 on all To-Hit
checks against any foe they are adjacent to. This bonus does not
stack with other allies’ Harrier.
location, Body Checking anyone who tries to
Limited Intelligence get past them. They (and any nearby Peons
Combat 4 Willpower 1 Accuracy 3
Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 4 or Berserkers) then beat their fallen
Athletics 3 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 3 opponent mercilessly. Bokoblin Bodyguards
Fortitude 3 Influence 1 Command 1
Intimidate 4 Discipline 1 Insight 2 may also use Taunt, Trip, or Push Combat
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 3
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1
Maneuvers to further manipulate their foes.
Drops: Weapon (when available)
2x Bokoblin Guts (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Bokoblin Grenadier
Bokoblin Grenadier
Rank 1 Natural Blaster
HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 12
Defense: 2 (Civilian) Concentration: 11
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14
Size: Medium Vitality: 12
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 9, Fire
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
Throw Bomb Damage: Special
0 Stamina Range: Projectile 8
A lit Bomb lands in the target square. It will explode at the end of
the Grenadier’s next turn, for 8 damage in a Burst 1 around itself,
against friend or foe. The Bomb will detonate immediately if struck
with a Fire attack, or become inert if struck with a Water attack.
Default Weapon: Torch
(Rank 1 Wooden Tool, Fire damage)
3x Bombs
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 7 Durability: 1
Harrier (Passive)
This creature grants all allies (but not itself) a +1 on all To-Hit Artist: Nintendo
checks against any foe they are adjacent to. This bonus does not
stack with other allies’ Harrier.
Limited Intelligence
Combat 2 Willpower 1 Accuracy 2
Bokoblin Sniper
Hearts 3 Magic 0 Stamina 3
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 4
Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 4
Bokoblin Sniper
Fortitude 2 Influence 1 Command 1 Rank 1 Natural Hunter
Intimidate 3 Discipline 1 Insight 2 HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 12
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 3
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1 Defense: 2 (Civilian) Concentration: 12
Drops: Torch (if not used as a weapon) Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Remaining Ammo Size: Medium Vitality: 13
2x Bokoblin Guts (Rank 1 Monster Part) Movement: 4 (Walking)
Shoot Arrow Damage: 7
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 8
Bokoblin Grenadiers hang back, lighting and Damage: 7
Arc Shot
throwing Bombs into the fray whenever two 4 Stamina Range: Projectile 12/16
Attack range is Projectile 16 if the target is below your elevation.
or more opponents group up. These Bombs You may ignore allies, enemies, and any obstacles that do not reach
higher than 6 squares above you, for determining line of sight for
explode one turn after they’re thrown (at the this attack.
end of the Grenadier’s next turn), giving foes Default Weapon: Boko Bow
(Rank 1 Wooden Bow, Bokoblin Style)
time to scatter – or to pick the Bomb up and Ammunition: 5x Arrows
reposition it to their advantage. Accuracy: 4 Attack: 4 Durability: 3
Harrier (Passive)
This creature grants all allies (but not itself) a +1 on all To-Hit
checks against any foe they are adjacent to. This bonus does not
If the Grenadier runs out of Bombs, or an stack with other allies’ Harrier.
opportunity presents itself, they may use Limited Intelligence
Combat 3 Willpower 1 Accuracy 4
their Torch to light grass, wood, or even Hearts 3 Magic 0 Stamina 3
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 4
other Bokoblins’ wooden weapons on fire. Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 3 Influence 1 Command 1
Intimidate 2 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 3
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1
Drops: Weapon (when available) & Remaining Ammo
2x Bokoblin Guts (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Bokoblin Warcaller
Bokoblin Warcaller
Rank 1 Natural Rallier
Bokoblin Lore
HP: 16 MP: 0 SP: 16
Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 14
Effortless (DC 4): Bokoblin are common
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12 nuisances. Though weak, they can be
Size: Medium Vitality: 12
dangerous in large groups.
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Shoot Arrow Damage: 7
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 6 Novice (DC 7): Bokoblin prefer outdoor,
Get In There! Damage: None
4 Stamina Range: One Ally within 8 shady areas: forests, beneath cliff
Ally may move half their Movement, and make a Basic Attack
against a foe of their choice.
overhangs, and the entrance of small caves.
Pull It Together! Damage: None Their capacity to make fire, forge primitive
4 Stamina Range: Melee, Ally
Ally gains 4 Temporary HP, and ends one Status Effect they are weapons, and even cook meat, enables
suffering from.
them to survive harsh environments.
Default Weapon: Boko Crossbow
(Rank 1 Wooden Crossbow, Bokoblin Style)
Ammunition: 5x Arrows Journeyman (DC 10): Bokoblin are capable
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 4 Durability: 2
Harrier (Passive) of creating primitive fortifications, consisting
This creature grants all allies (but not itself) a +1 on all To-Hit
checks against any foe they are adjacent to. This bonus does not
of campfires, small look-out towers, and
stack with other allies’ Harrier. simple wooden barricades. The most
Limited Intelligence
Combat 3 Willpower 1 Accuracy 3 organized, well-stocked, and dangerous forts
Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 4
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 4 are hewn from the rock, shaped into the form
Civilization 1 Perception 4 Agility 2
Fortitude 2 Influence 1 Command 4 of a giant gaping skull – an intimidating, if
Intimidate 2 Discipline 4 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 3 primitive, edifice.
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1
Drops: Weapon (when available) & Remaining Ammo
Warhorn (Rank 0 Instrument) Adept (DC 13): Bokoblin rarely have a
2x Bokoblin Guts (Rank 1 Monster Part)
greater aim than claiming a little more
Bokoblin Warcallers direct their forces from treasure or territory than they already own. If
the rear, shouting orders and occasionally Bokoblins are on the move en masse, they
firing a crossbow shot into the scrum. They are likely under the command of some
enter the fray only to shake some sense into greater, more intelligent evil force.
their allies.
In any adventure, Heroes are likely to Brigands never want to start a fair fight. They
encounter brigands on the road. Foul- prefer to spring upon unwary travelers, or
smelling and foul-tempered, the typical gang up on individuals in a bar brawl. They
brigand runs in a small gang of ne’er-do- also make use of simple traps, like tripwires,
wells who seek wealth and ease by taking nets, or pitfalls, when setting up an ambush.
from others. They might accost travelers,
attempt to kidnap people, or be put to work
by some more nefarious, powerful evil force.
Brigand Pledge
Brigand Pledge
Rank 0 Civilized Warrior Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 8
Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Size: Medium Vitality: 12
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 4
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Push-Off Kick Damage: -
4 Stamina Range: Melee
You push the target away from you one square, and you push
yourself away from the target 1 square.
Default Weapon: Spare Boot-Dagger
(Rank 0 Dagger)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 2 Durability: 3
Gang Up (Passive)
When you deal damage to a foe who has at least one other ally of
yours adjacent to them, you deal 1 additional damage to them. This
additional damage cannot be mitigated by Defense, though it can
be mitigated by other factors (such as Reactions and Resistance).
Rational Intelligence
Vulnerability: Based on Race
Combat 2 Willpower 1 Accuracy 3
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 2
Athletics 2 Arcana 1 Nature 1
Civilization 2 Perception 1 Agility 3
Fortitude 2 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 2 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 2
Smithing 1 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 2.5 Rupees
Brigand Ruffian
Brigand Lore
Brigand Ruffian
Rank 1 Civilized Warrior Effortless (DC 4): Brigands can be found
HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 20
Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 12
on almost anywhere – on the roads between
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11 towns, in the back alleys of cities, or hiding
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
out in caves. They’re smarter than monsters,
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 11 so be wary!
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Hamstring Damage: 11
5 Stamina Range: Melee Novice (DC 7): Brigands want to get the
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Slowed and
Distracted by you until the end of their next turn.
most wealth they can for the least risk they
Serpent’s Fangs Damage: - can, so they tend to gang up on weak
8 Stamina Range: Weapon
Make two separate Basic Attacks of your choice against a single targets. If you’re fighting Brigands, it would
foe, each using a different hand’s weapon. If both attacks hit, your
second hit deals additional damage equal to either your Combat or
be wise to follow suit.
Willpower (whichever the second Basic Attack you made utilizes).
Default Weapon: Brigand’s Blade (x2)
(Rank 1 Metal Sword) Journeyman (DC 10): When two gangs of
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 6 Durability: 6 Brigands fight, it’s the little people who get
Gang Up (Passive)
When you deal damage to a foe who has at least one other ally of hurt most of all. Brigand leaders are often
yours adjacent to them, you deal 1 additional damage to them. This
additional damage cannot be mitigated by Defense, though it can short-sighted enough to burn farms, destroy
be mitigated by other factors (such as Reactions and Resistance).
Rational Intelligence
bridges, or even align themselves with a
Vulnerability: Based on Race greater evil, in order to acquire power and
Combat 5 Willpower 1 Accuracy 4
Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 5 resources.
Athletics 3 Arcana 1 Nature 2
Civilization 3 Perception 2 Agility 3
Fortitude 4 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 4 Discipline 2 Insight 2 Adept (DC 13): Brigands band together into
Mechanics 2 Perform 2 Guile 4
Smithing 2 Enchanting 1 Cooking 0 gangs, often ruled by a single tough leader
Drops: Weapons (when available) through barbaric might-is-right law. However,
40 Rupees (or equivalent loot)
they often serve as a meritocracy – making
Brigand Ruffians stride confidently into a them an attractive alternative for those living
fight, with an eye for a particular opponent. under a despot or in inescapable conditions.
They’ll Hamstring that foe first, to ensure
they don’t get away from their Serpent’s
Fangs attacks. Remember, since Serpent’s
Fangs is actually two attacks, their Gang Up
Passive will trigger for each of the two hits!
Artist: Nintendo
Cheep Cheep
These pudgy fish hail from a faraway
kingdom, but every so often, you’ll find a
school of them in Hyrule or the surrounding
lands. Though full of delicious meat, Cheep
Cheep aren’t as docile – or as defenseless –
as most fish are.
Chuchu are mobile blobs of goop with eyes. Found nearly everywhere, these slimes are valued for
their jelly – a versatile Elixir crafting ingredient.
Rank 1 Arcane Warrior
HP: 8 MP: 16 SP: 12
Defense: 2 (Civilian) Concentration: 11
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12
Size: Small Vitality: 12
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 8, (Element)
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Elemental Burst Damage: 10, (Element)
8 Magic Range: Burst 1
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is afflicted
with the status associated with this creature’s current Element.
Jump Attack Damage: 10, (Element)
6 Stamina Range: Jump 2, Melee
You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them,
even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the
turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed.
Default Weapon: Gooey Pedipalp
(Rank 1 Natural Club)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 7 Durability: 4
Elemental Mimicry (Passive)
When struck with an attack with an Element (such as Fire, Ice, etc.),
or when in an environment saturated with an Element, this creature
changes color and takes on that Element. This occurs even if the
attack is fatal to the creature.
Elemental Step (Passive)
This creature affects terrain it touches with its Element (whether it
walks over it, is pushed over it, or merely stands on it). For instance,
while affiliated with Fire, it turns terrain into Brushfire. This terrain lasts
until the beginning of this creature’s next turn. This creature is also
immune to this terrain type. See the table for more information.
Instinctive Intelligence
Immunity: Current Element
Vulnerability: (Element’s Vulnerability)
Combat 1 Willpower 3 Accuracy 3
Hearts 2 Magic 4 Stamina 3
Athletics 2 Arcana 2 Nature 2
Civilization 1 Perception 2 Agility 2
Fortitude 2 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 1 Discipline 1 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 1
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Chu Jelly (Rank 1 Critter, see below)
Preparing a Doppelganger
Dark Doppelganger Dark Doppelgangers are a special kind of
Dark Doppelgangers are evil magic made monster, copying the appearance and
flesh, formed from shapeless memories and abilities of a single foe. As such, they do not
fragmented souls. They are created to focus have a single statblock – rather, they have
on a single person – either to test them, to the same Traits, Feats, Songs, Spells, and
replace them, or to slay them. Techniques as their copied target.
Lacking a visage of their own, they take on When a Dark Doppelganger copies
the appearance, skills, and power of their someone, they gain shadowy, ephemeral
fated foe, appearing to all the world like a weapons and armor based on what the foe
silent, shadowy copy of the original person. would wield, all of a Rank appropriate to
challenge the original. Their weapons are
often enchanted with the Elemental Weapon
(Dark) enchantment, and their armor
enchanted to match the copied foe’s gear.
They cannot copy the original’s Pack and its
contents, nor can they copy Magical Tools.
Darknuts are the nigh-indestructible knights However, as Darknut armor absorbs those
in many an evil army. Though renowned for blows, it tends to come loose and fall off.
their skill with a weapon and their exceptional This fatal weakness is shared by all their ilk,
durability, few have seen a Darknut’s true making any fight with a Darknut a battle of
appearance beneath their armored visage. attrition – one that Heroes might be able to
Some think them demons, while other tales turn to their advantage.
speak of dog-like appearances, or fallen
warriors trapped in animate armor. Ask any experienced Hero – Darknuts are
not to be trifled with. Even a lone Darknut is
Darknuts are smart enough to form a respectable, honorable challenge.
coordinated groups, make plans, and even
command lesser creatures. This makes them
dangerous not only as frontline combatants,
but also as generals and elite strike forces.
Iron Knuckle
Rank 3 Civilized Warrior Heavy
HP: 48 MP: 0 SP: 48
Defense: 20 (Extreme) Concentration: 16
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 9
Size: Medium Vitality: 17
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 21 Artist: Nintendo
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
Fatal Blow Damage: 35 Kanonnier
10 Stamina Range: Melee Rank 3 Civilized Blaster Heavy
Use Requirement: Target is in Peril HP: 40 MP: 0 SP: 24
Perfect Deflection Defense: 10 (Medium) Concentration: 16
Damage: - Initiative: +4 Evasion: 12
Range: Self Size: Medium Vitality: 16
10 Stamina
Use Requirement: Wielding a Shield; hit by a Movement: 4 (Walking)
Burst, Cone, Line, or Projectile attack Fire Bomb Damage: 16
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration, using your Shield. On success, (Ignores Defense)
you suffer no damage or ill effects from the attack, and you may To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Blast 3
repeat the attack against only its user (ignoring Range). (consumes 1x Bomb) (center w/in 25 sq.)
Riposte Fire Cannonball Damage: 36
Damage: 21
(Free Action) To-Hit Check: +8
Range: Melee Range: Projectile 25
4 Stamina (consumes 1x Cannonball)
When you successfully Deflect an attack with your shield, you may Default Weapon: Darknut Cannon
activate this Technique to make a follow-up Strike Basic Attack with
your other equipped Weapon. (Rank 3 Heavy Weapon, Darknut style)
See “Rebuild the Wild” for more details on Heavy Weapons.
Default Weapon: Darknut Sword
Ammunition: 3x Bombs, 2x Rank 3 Cannonballs
(Rank 3 Metal Sword, Darknut style)
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 8 Durability: 14
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 14 Durability: 14
Quick Heavy Weapon Rules (Explanation)
Darknut Shield • When pushing a Heavy Weapon, move as if Slowed.
(Rank 3 Metal Shield, Darknut style) • Heavy Weapons cannot be pushed over Difficult Terrain.
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 12 Durability: 14 • Heavy Weapons cannot be moved and fired in the same turn.
• Loading a Heavy Weapon is a Minor Action. Firing it is a Standard.
Shed Armor (Passive)
Attacks against this creature from behind ignore half of its Defense. Shed Armor (Passive)
It then loses 3 Defense and 2 Vitality, and gains 2 Evasion and 1 Attacks against this creature from behind ignore half of its Defense.
Movement. This can occur up to 3 times; after that, this Passive It then loses 3 Defense and 2 Vitality, and gains 2 Evasion and 1
cannot be triggered again. These changes persist until this creature Movement. This can occur up to 3 times; after that, this Passive
next takes an Extended Rest. cannot be triggered again. These changes persist until this creature
next takes an Extended Rest.
Rational Intelligence
Combat 7 Willpower 3 Accuracy 6 Rational Intelligence
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 8 Combat 4 Willpower 2 Accuracy 6
Athletics 7 Arcana 3 Nature 2 Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 4
Civilization 5 Perception 4 Agility 5 Athletics 6 Arcana 2 Nature 2
Fortitude 7 Influence 2 Command 4 Civilization 6 Perception 6 Agility 4
Intimidate 6 Discipline 6 Insight 3 Fortitude 6 Influence 4 Command 2
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 5 Intimidate 7 Discipline 6 Insight 3
Smithing 6 Enchanting 6 Cooking 0 Mechanics 6 Perform 1 Guile 2
Drops: Weapons (when available) Smithing 6 Enchanting 2 Cooking 0
3x Knuckle Alloy (Rank 3 Metal) Drops: Weapons & Ammunition (when available)
(Cannon deconstructs to 1x Rank 3 Monster
Part and 2x Rank 3 Metal)
3x Knuckle Alloy (Rank 3 Metal)
Mazura Rebonak
Mazura are intelligent commanders, serving Rebonak are mounted Darknuts, riding into
as armored chessmasters on the battlefield. battle to protect other fighters and command
(Fitting, given their horse-headed helmets.) attention. Rebonak often have a mount
Mazura direct their allies to attack, and can unique to the area or task at hand, but may
also keep them well-protected with their ride a Horse if little else would suit. When
Shield Wall’s Clarion Technique. dismounted, their exceptionally heavy armor
slows them down significantly.
Rank 3 Civilized Rallier Heavy Rebonak
HP: 48 MP: 0 SP: 36
Rank 3 Civilized Protector Heavy
Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 17
HP: 48 MP: 0 SP: 48
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 12
Defense: 20 (Extreme) Concentration: 15
Size: Medium Vitality: 16
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 8
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Size: Medium Vitality: 18
Strike Damage: 22
Movement: 3 (Walking)
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Melee
Stab Damage: 19
Call to Arms Damage: 22 To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Line 2
5 Stamina Range: Melee Damage: -
One ally within 7 squares may, as a Reaction, make a Basic Attack
Koridai Countenance
against a foe you struck with this attack. (Minor Action) Range: 1 target in 4
Commander’s Call 2 Stamina sq.
Damage: - Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, they are Distracted
(Minor Action)
Range: 1 Ally in 7 sq. by you until the end of their next turn.
3 Stamina Rebonak’s Retort
The target may choose one: Damage: 19
• Move half their Movement (Reaction)
Range: Melee
• End the Distracted condition 3 Stamina
• End the Off-Balance condition
• Perform a Minor Action
Use Requirement: An ally you can see is struck
Shield Wall’s Clarion Damage: None by a foe you can see.
You may move half your Movement towards the foe. Roll To-Hit
10 Stamina Range: Burst 4 target’s Concentration; on success, they are Distracted by you until
As a Reaction, you and all allies in range may use the Defend action. the end of their next turn.
Default Weapon: Darknut Maul Threatening Blow Damage: 19
(Rank 3 Metal Bat, Darknut style) 4 Stamina Range: Melee
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 16 Durability: 13 Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration. On success, you may select one
other foe you can see. Both your original target and the additional
Shed Armor (Passive) target are Distracted by you until the end of your next turn.
Attacks against this creature from behind ignore half of its Defense.
It then loses 3 Defense and 2 Vitality, and gains 2 Evasion and 1 Default Weapon: Darknut Lance
Movement. This can occur up to 3 times; after that, this Passive (Rank 3 Metal Spear, Darknut style)
cannot be triggered again. These changes persist until this creature
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 13 Durability: 15
next takes an Extended Rest.
Rational Intelligence Dragoon (Passive)
You may use Combat Maneuvers, Spells, and Techniques while
Combat 6 Willpower 3 Accuracy 6
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 6
Athletics 6 Arcana 3 Nature 2 Dragoon Charger (Passive)
Civilization 6 Perception 5 Agility 6 When you Charge while mounted, add +1 to the To-Hit roll of the
Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 7 Strike you make. While mounted, you may Charge through the
Intimidate 6 Discipline 7 Insight 4 spaces of other combatants, dealing (mount’s Combat) damage to
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 5 them.
Smithing 6 Enchanting 4 Cooking 0 Shed Armor (Passive)
Drops: Weapons (when available) Attacks against this creature from behind ignore half of its Defense.
3x Knuckle Alloy (Rank 3 Metal) It then loses 3 Defense and 2 Vitality, and gains 2 Evasion and 1
Movement. This can occur up to 3 times; after that, this Passive
cannot be triggered again. These changes persist until this creature
next takes an Extended Rest.
Rational Intelligence
Combat 6 Willpower 2 Accuracy 6
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 8
Athletics 7 Arcana 2 Nature 2
Civilization 5 Perception 3 Agility 4
Fortitude 8 Influence 2 Command 6
Intimidate 8 Discipline 5 Insight 3
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 2
Smithing 6 Enchanting 6 Cooking 0
Drops: Weapons (when available)
3x Knuckle Alloy (Rank 3 Metal)
Deku Baba
Deku Baba Lore
Deku Baba are dangerous purple flowers that
grow in the forests of Hyrule. They can often Novice (DC 7): Deku Baba grow in swamps
be found in valleys, crevasses, and other and misty forests. They strike at anything
places where foe – and prey – are forced to that moves – so it’s not uncommon for
walk into range of their biting heads. travelers to throw a rock or shoot an arrow
down a wooded path, just to see if any
flowers try to lunge at it.
Deku Baba
Rank 1 Natural Protector
HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 12 Journeyman (DC 10): Deku Sticks cut from
Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 11
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 15 Deku Baba stalks are sometimes used by
Size: Medium Vitality: 14 wilderness guides to build makeshift abodes.
Movement: None
Strike Damage: 8
They help rid the forest of a pesky blight,
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee and they don’t have to harm any trees to
Stretching Lunge
Damage: 8 build their shelter.
Range: Melee
4 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe enters a square within Adept (DC 13): Some believe that Deku
your reach, and you are not Stretched Out.
You attempt to stretch into the square the foe entered. Roll To-Hit Baba were once normal flowers, cursed by
Target’s Concentration; on success, target is Pushed 1 square in a
direction of your choice. spirits who died in the Lost Woods. Others
Uppercut Damage: 8 simply wave this off as an old wives’ tale,
4 Stamina Range: Melee
Push the target back one square. and say they are simply malicious weeds.
Default Weapon: Deku Baba Bite
(Rank 1 Natural Dagger)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 6
Stretchy 2 (Passive)
This creature can stretch out two squares in any direction,
regardless of this creature’s movement methods, occupying up to
three squares in a row simultaneously. It originates attacks from its
outstretched end. It cannot move while stretched. It can be
damaged anywhere along its length.
Weak Wood (Weak Point)
While Stretched Out, this creature’s intermediary segment is a
Weak Point (but not its base or head). When struck, the creature
immediately ceases being Stretched Out.
Instinctive Intelligence
Immune: Forced Movement
Vulnerability: Fire
Combat 3 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Hearts 3 Magic 0 Stamina 3
Athletics 3 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 5
Fortitude 4 Influence 2 Command 0
Intimidate 2 Discipline 1 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 2
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 1x Deku Stick (Rank 1 Wood)
2x Deku Sap (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Dodongo The Dodongo is one of the most storied
Rank 2 Natural Warrior MINIBOSS creatures in all of Hyrule. Found in caves,
HP: 64 MP: 40 SP: 48
Defense: 16 (Extreme) Concentration: 14 dungeons, and mountainsides, these
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 9 dinosaurs are not to be trifled with – unless
Size: Huge Vitality: 16
Movement: 5 (Walking) you know their debilitating Weak Point.
Sweep Damage: 13
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Sweep 2
Dodongo are famously averse to explosives:
Damage: 11, Fire
Flame Breath the acrid smoke makes their eyes water
Range: Cone 2 or
6 Magic
Projectile 8 painfully, and though the gunpowder tastes
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is On Fire.
Goron Goroll Damage: - delicious to them, its inevitable explosion in
8 Stamina (Bind) Range: Self
You roll into a tight, round ball. While in this stance, you resist all
their bellies can lead to fatal heartburn.
attacks by 4 Ranks, and your Movement is increased by 2, but you
can no longer Climb, Jump, or Swim. In addition, you cannot use
any Actions (Standard, Minor, or Reaction) that do not have the
Goron race as a Learn or Use Requirement. You may uncurl as a Dodongo Lore
Minor action during your turn, ending this stance.
Inhale Damage: - Journeyman (DC 10): “Dodongo dislike
4 Stamina (Bind) Range: Self
Increase the Range of your next Blast or Burst attack by 1; or the smoke” is a well-known phrase among
Range of your next Cone, Line, or Sweep attack by 2; or the Range
of your next Projectile attack by 4. (For example, from Cone 2 to Hylians, meaning ‘that’s obvious’, along the
Cone 4). The Stamina Bound in this attack is Burned when you next
use a Blast, Burst, Cone, Line, or Sweep attack.
lines of saying “and the sky is blue”.
Stomp Damage: 13
10 Stamina Range: Blast 2
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Knocked Adept (DC 13): Dodongo leather is used by
Default Weapon: Dodongo Crunch
Goron craftsmen for high-quality Bomb Bags,
(Rank 2 Natural Sledge) Goron Tunics, and other items that require
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 9 Durability: 12 high heat resistance and tensile strength.
Dodongo Dislikes Smoke (Weak Point)
Being damaged by a Bomb of any type temporarily weakens the
Dodongo’s armor-like scales, and Blinds it until the end of its next
turn. The first attack against the Dodongo while it is Blinded also Expert (DC 16): In the lands of Labrynna
counts as striking the Dodongo’s Weak Point. If the Bomb exploded
inside the Dodongo, then the Dodongo also loses its next turn. and Holodrum, there are tales of strange,
Eat Like a Dodongo (Weak Point) friendly Dodongo – who even enjoy going for
When this creature uses Inhale, its mouth remains open until the
beginning of its next turn. If an attack is used on this creature’s
mouth during this state, the attack ignores half of this creature’s
a swim! Though they cannot breathe fire, it’s
Defense, but does not strike a Weak Point. If a Bomb is thrown into said that they make up for it with a curious
this creature’s open mouth, it explodes within the creature
immediately, ignores all Defense, and unbinds the Stamina bound in intelligence, and capacity for speech.
Inhale (also removing its buff).
Rolling Cutter (Passive)
While in a Goron Goroll, you can move through (but not end your
turn in) an enemy’s space; doing so causes that enemy 2 damage,
ignoring Defense. Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, the
target is knocked Prone.
Limited Intelligence
Resistance: Fire damage (Rank 5)
Immunity: Heatwave weather, Lava
Combat 4 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Hearts 4 Magic 5 Stamina 6
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 5
Fortitude 6 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 5 Discipline 4 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 4x Dodongo Scales (Rank 2 Monster Part)
2x Bombs
Gohma are insect-like creatures, with a huge Gohma Larva
eye dominating their body. They skitter Rank 0 Natural Warrior Swarm
HP: - MP: 4 SP: 8
sideways, and can even climb up walls, Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 12
waiting in the shadows for their prey. They Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Size: Small Vitality: 13
prefer to live in dark, quiet, open places. Movement: 3 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 5
Highly intelligent, dungeon-dwelling wolf- Goriya Lore
men, Goriya are both clever and dangerous.
They are renowned not only for their skill at Journeyman (DC 10): Goriya can be found
throwing a Boomerang, but also for their in deserts, on wide open plains, and in rocky
ability to craft them. Goriya make their own caves and mountainsides. Perhaps they
Boomerangs, and it’s not uncommon for range so far because they search for
them to be tailored to the local environment, materials to craft Boomerangs with.
or even to the specific task at hand.
Adept (DC 13): Goriya Boomerangs are
Goriya highly prized for their keen edge and
Rank 2 Civilized Warrior Heavy powerful heft. Brave merchants will
HP: 32 MP: 0 SP: 24 sometimes seek out Goriya in solitude,
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 13
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 12 seeking their renowned weapons in trade.
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 5 (Walking)
Throw 1H Weapon Damage: 16 Expert (DC 16): Every Goriya’s Boomerang
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 6 is a little different. Not only are they
Orbit Throw Damage: 16
enchanted and crafted for that Goriya’s
8 Stamina Range: Projectile 6
This attack does not harm the target. However, it does create a environment, but they bear subtle markings
Burst 1 around the target, striking all targets within that burst.
Pinning Shot Damage: 16 and notches unique to that Goriya. To be
4 Stamina Range: Projectile 6 given a Goriya’s own Boomerang freely is a
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, the target is Halted
until the end of their next turn. sign of incredible respect, and a great honor.
Wide Return Damage: 16
6 Stamina Range: Projectile 6
Make a follow-up attack against another foe within (Weapon’s
Range) range of your original target. This follow-up attack deals
(Weapon + Combat) damage, hits automatically, costs no Stamina,
and must use the same weapon used in the original attack. This
follow-up attack cannot have the same target as the original attack.
Default Weapon: Goriya’s Boomerang
(Rank 2 Wooden Boomerang, Demon style)
Enchantment: Perfectly Balanced, Rank 2 (+1 Crit)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 10 Durability: 10
Grumbling Stomach (Passive)
This creature is almost always hungry, and is easily distracted by
food. It will prioritize trying to obtain food, including Dishes set down
by Heroes, and has a -2 to resist social checks that offer food.
Yiga Yadome-Jutsu (Passive)
You may Parry in response to Projectile attacks.
Rational Intelligence
Combat 6 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 4
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 2 Perception 5 Agility 4
Fortitude 4 Influence 2 Command 1
Intimidate 4 Discipline 3 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 4
Smithing 6 Enchanting 4 Cooking 2
Drops: Weapons (when available)
2x Goriya Fur (Rank 2 Monster Part)
40 Rupees
Artist: Nintendo
Guardians are robots built by the Ancients. Expert (DC 16): Guardians were originally
While Guardians were originally designed to invented by the Sheikah, 10,000 years ago.
fight Calamity Ganon, many of them were They were built to defend against Calamity
instead corrupted by it. Only those few Ganon’s first coming – and they succeeded.
Guardians hidden in Shrines to test would-be
Heroes were saved from this fate. Impressive (DC 19): Not all Guardians were
possessed by Ganon’s Malice during the
Guardian Lore Calamity. Those that were in Sheikah Shrines
and other protected places were kept safe,
Journeyman (DC 10): Guardians are known
their programming still intact.
to guard places the Ancients found
important, hence their name. If you should
Heroic (DC 22): In some Ancient texts, they
ever encounter a Guardian, you should leave
speak of incredible giant Octoroks inspiring
that place immediately… or delve deeper, to
the form of Guardians. Scholars still debate
see why they would keep the place guarded.
whether this is poetic language, or if there
were actually giant Octoroks that roamed the
Adept (DC 13): Calamity Ganon was able to
world 10,000 years ago.
infect and take over all the Guardians that
were set against it. There are also reports of
Legendary (DC 25): Despite the ancient
Ganon’s power taking up Guardian materials
Sheikah’s incredible skill, knowledge, and
to take on temporary, deadly form. Some
resources, they never made a Guardian
scholars theorize that this means that the
capable of independent thought… right?
two share some deeper connection.
Helmasaur are quadrupedal, dinosaur-like
creatures. They eat stone, gems, and
metals, using those minerals to grow a heavy
metal mask over their face.
Rank 2 Natural Warrior
HP: 24 MP: 0 SP: 16
Defense: 10 (Heavy) Concentration: 12 Artist: Nintendo
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 10
Size: Small Vitality: 16
Movement: 5 (Walking) Helmasaur Lore
Strike Damage: 12
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee Journeyman (DC 10): Helmasaur are
Dash Attack Damage: 12
8 Stamina Range: See Effect uncommon threats, found in caves and
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
mountainous areas, feasting on the metals
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once and ores underground. They use those
during this attack.
Ordon Rush Damage: 10 materials to grow the mask they wear.
8 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you begin pushing them.
You may continue to move, but it must be in a straight line. Your
target is pushed in front of you for the duration of this further
Adept (DC 13): A Helmasaur’s helm might
movement. be grown from their body, but it can safely
Default Weapon: Helmasaur Helm
(Rank 2 Metal Shield) be removed. Some mountain-dwelling folk
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 7 Durability: 9 will keep herds of Helmasaur, letting them
Faceguard (Weak Point)
Attacks against this creature from behind ignore half of its Defense. graze on the mountain, and then harvesting
The creature’s Faceguard may be removed through Disarming it,
making all attacks against this creature ignore half of its Defense.
their masks once a season. They then sell
Limited Intelligence these masks as scrap, or directly to
Combat 5 Willpower 0 Accuracy 4
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 4 adventurers as shields.
Athletics 5 Arcana 0 Nature 4
Civilization 1 Perception 3 Agility 4
Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 0
Intimidate 4 Discipline 2 Insight 2 Expert (DC 16): Helmasaur can have subtle
Mechanics 4 Perform 0 Guile 2
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 differences, based on what they eat. The
Drops: Helmasaur Helm (Rank 2 Metal Shield)
2x ‘Saur Steel-gland (Rank 2 Monster Part)
most common is the metallic-masked
version, but variants that primarily dine on
Helmasaur are simple creatures, and try to Gems, Stone, and even Rupees have been
ram into any threats or intruders face-first, found on occasion. You can tell by their
using their masks for both attack and masks, as those are made out of whatever a
defense. Helmasaur eats most.
Huge Hikkun
Huge Hikkun
Rank 2 Natural Warrior BOSS
HP: 200 MP: 0 SP: 120
Defense: 16 (Extreme) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +1 Evasion: 5
Size: Huge Vitality: 16
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 12
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Serpent’s Fangs Damage: See Effect
8 Stamina Range: Melee
Make two separate Basic Attacks of your choice against a single
foe, each using a different hand’s weapon. If both attacks hit, your
second hit deals additional damage equal to either your Combat or
Willpower (whichever the second Basic Attack you made utilizes).
Shield Bash
Damage: 12
Range: Melee
4 Stamina
Artist: Nintendo
When you successfully Deflect an attack with your shield, you may
activate this Technique to make a follow-up Strike Basic Attack with
the Shield you used.
Hikkun and their brethren are slimes that Spin Attack Damage: 12
8 Stamina Range: Burst 1
inhabit metal encasements, forming a natural
hard-bodied shell. Quite durable if fought Default Weapon: Hikkun Shell (x2)
directly, their shells can often be pried apart (Rank 2 Metal Shield)
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 7 Durability: 9
to strike at their soft, vulnerable innards. Hikkun Handles (Weak Point)
The Hikkun’s armored shield-shell has convenient handles. It has a
-5 vs. Grapples. If Grappled from two sides, those Heroes may pull
Hikkun the Hikkun’s shell aside, allowing a third Hero to strike the Hikkun,
ignoring its Defense and striking a Vulnerability. The Grappling
Heroes are then automatically shaken off.
Keaton are curious fey spirit-creatures, Keaton Lore
yellow foxes with three black-tipped tails.
Able to speak and read with great skill, Journeyman (DC 10): Keaton are kind
Keatons are said to grant gifts to those who spirits, but rarely seen. The stories say that,
can answer their riddles. if you meet one, you should always speak
the truth to it, and answer its questions as
best you can. Sometimes, they leave gifts for
Rank 3 Arcane Protector Miniboss those they favor.
HP: 80 MP: 48 SP: 16
Defense: 8 (Light) Concentration: 17
Initiative: +7 Evasion: 17 Adept (DC 13): Keaton are mystical,
Size: Medium Vitality: 14 perhaps otherworldly fey foxes. They enjoy
Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 15 watching average mortals in their average
To-Hit Check: +10 Range: Melee lives, and find the most trivial of facts
Damage: -
Fairy Fire fascinating – but when asked why, Keatons
Range: 5 unoccupied
1 Magic / sq. (Bind)
squares w/in 8 squares just smirk and chuckle.
You create a small Fairy Fire, floating just above the ground. These
Fairy Fires are Distracting to anyone adjacent to them. If struck, the
Fairy Fire Blinds the offender until the end of their next turn, and then
dissipates. If walked through, the Fairy Fire sets the offender On Fire, Expert (DC 16): Keatons can easily disguise
and then dissipates. If struck with Water or Dark damage, the Fairy
Fire dissipates without causing any status effect. If a Fairy Fire themselves as mortals, though sometimes
dissipates, the Magic Bound in it is then Spent.
their guise slips, and their tails hang free.
Impa’s Disguise Damage: -
2 Magic (Bind) Range: Self Inscrutable to most, Keatons can tell one
You alter details about your appearance as you see fit, up to and
including your race, gender, and worn armor. another apart by the sheen of their tails.
Keaton’s Quiz Damage: -
4 Magic Range: 1 target in 8 sq.
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, they are Distracted
by you until the end of the scene. As a Minor Action, the target may
roll (Civilization plus Influence) v. your Concentration; on success,
they are no longer Distracted by you. Each time they fail this check,
they gain a +1 bonus to their next attempt to solve your riddle,
accumulating until they do finally succeed.
Moa’s Invisibility Damage: -
12 Magic Range: Self
You become Invisible until the end of the encounter. Being
successfully struck with an attack will end the effect, as will
performing an attack.
Skirmish Strike Damage: 15
4 Stamina Range: Melee
Following the attack, you may move 1 square in any direction your
movement capabilities allow. You may then push the target 1 square
in a direction of your choice.
Default Weapon: Keaton Claw
(Rank 3 Natural Dagger, Fairy style)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 10 Durability: 12
Quick to Consider (Weak Point)
Keatons enjoy a good riddle. As a Standard Action Combat
Maneuver, a foe can attempt to ask the Keaton a question or riddle
(Civilization plus Influence, v. Concentration); on success, you are
Distracted by the questioner. While so Distracted, the next attack
against you from someone else will strike the Keaton’s Weak Point,
ending its Distraction.
Rational Intelligence, Magic Sense, Scent Sense
Vulnerability: Dark
Combat 2 Willpower 5 Accuracy 6
Hearts 5 Magic 6 Stamina 2
Athletics 4 Arcana 7 Nature 5
Civilization 7 Perception 7 Agility 7
Fortitude 4 Influence 5 Command 2
Intimidate 3 Discipline 7 Insight 6
Mechanics 0 Perform 6 Guile 5
Smithing 5 Enchanting 6 Cooking 4
Drops: 6x Keaton Fur (Rank 3 Cloth)
Playing a Keaton
Keaton are strange creatures, but nothing Vulnerability: Dark
says they can’t decide to play Hero for a Bonuses:
generation or two. If you wish to play as a • You have both Scent-Sense and Magic
Keaton, you might consider using either the Sense. However, your other senses are
Demon or Talking Animal race – or you can poor – when using Perception on things
use the solution presented here. neither magical nor odiferous, you suffer
a -2 penalty to the roll.
Curious, inquisitive, and ever-watchful, • You may speak with, and understand,
Skillfully playing the only game that matters. Natural creatures of Limited intelligence
(like cats, dogs, and horses). This does
Average Height: 3’ 6” – 6’ 0” not mean they automatically want to
Average Weight: 80 – 150 lbs. speak with you, or that they will tell you
Lifespan: Unknown (potentially infinite) the truth.
Fur colors: Black, Brown (tips), White, Yellow • You gain the Impa’s Disguise spell.
Eye colors: Black • You gain one of the following Spells for
free: Fairy Fire, Lens of Truth, Keaton’s
Play a Keaton if you want… Quiz, or Vanish. (Fairy Fire and Keaton’s
• …To be a subtle, patient gamester. Quiz may be purchased later, for 3
• …To be mysterious, magical, and fey. Tokens each.)
• …To see and hear what no one else can.
• …To control a situation through words Most Keatons react to the day-to-day lives
and misdirection, rather than violence. of normal people just like they react to high
adventure and dangerous situations: quiet
interest, a smirk, and a desire to learn more.
Keese Keese
A common bat-like monster – and reviled Keese
Rank 0 Natural Protector Swarm
world-wide as annoyances – Keese live in HP: - MP: 0 SP: 0
the shadows of belfries, forests, and the Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 11
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
upper reaches of cavernous rooms.
Size: Tiny Vitality: 11
Movement: 4 (Flying)
Keese are night-hunters, hanging from the Strike Damage: 1
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee
ceiling until they sense a creature moving Distracting (Passive)
below them. Unable to distinguish a small This creature automatically Distracts foes while adjacent to them or in
the same square as them.
Critter from a stout Hero, they will attack Instinctive Intelligence, Darkvision
Combat 1 Willpower 0 Accuracy 1
whatever creature has caught their attention Hearts 0 Magic 0 Stamina 0
Athletics 1 Arcana 1 Nature 2
until swatted down, hampering their accuracy Civilization 1 Perception 2 Agility 3
Fortitude 1 Influence 0 Command 0
against the foes that truly threaten them. Intimidate 0 Discipline 1 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Keese Wing (Rank 0 Monster Part)
Elemental Keese
Elemental Keese
Rank 1 Natural Protector Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 0
Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14
Size: Tiny Vitality: 12
Movement: 4 (Flying)
Strike Damage: 2
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Distracting (Passive)
This creature automatically Distracts foes while adjacent to them or in
the same square as them.
Elemental Aura (Passive)
If grappled, touched, or struck with a bare hand or Hands-Free
Weapon, the attacking creature is inflicted with (Element’s Status).
Artist: Nintendo
If struck with (Vulnerability) damage, this creature’s aura disappears
until the end of its next turn, and it may be safely touched.
Elemental Threat (Passive) Novice (DC 7): If you have a Keese
If this creature hits a foe with a Basic Attack, and that foe does not
use a Reaction, then that foe is inflicted with (Element’s Status). infestation, a simple way to draw them out is
Instinctive Intelligence, Darkvision
Immunity: (Element) damage to tie some bait (like a lively Critter or juicy
Vulnerability: (Vulnerability Element) hunk of meat) onto a string, toss the bait
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 2
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 0 into the room the Keese inhabit, and wiggle
Athletics 1 Arcana 2 Nature 2
Civilization 1 Perception 2 Agility 4 it with a few swift tugs. When the Keese
Fortitude 2 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 2 Insight 0 swoop down to feast, either lead them
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 outside (taking care not to be seen by them
Drops: (1/4th) Keese Bone (Rank 1 Monster Part) as you do so), or strike them down.
Like Like
Like Likes are gooey, ambulatory monsters,
who are intent only on one thing: eating Rupee Like
things that Heroes find valuable. For some
Heroes, this makes Like Likes their most Rupee Like
Rank 3 Natural Hunter
hated foes of all. HP: 32 MP: 0 SP: 32
Defense: 10 (Medium) Concentration: 18
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 14
Like Like Size: Medium Vitality: 18
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Like Like Strike Damage: 15
Rank 2 Natural Protector To-Hit Check: +12 Range: Melee
HP: 24 MP: 0 SP: 24 Grapple Damage: -
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 16 To-Hit Check: +16 Range: Melee
(vs. Vit)
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 10
Size: Medium Vitality: 16 Vacuum Damage: 13
Movement: 4 (Walking) 8 Stamina Range: Blast 3
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you suck them in, Grappling
Strike Damage: 10 them all simultaneously. You may release all sucked-in foes at once
To-Hit Check: +11 Range: Melee as a Minor action, shooting them 3 squares in a direction of your
Grapple Damage: - Special: This attack cannot be used if you have any creatures
To-Hit Check: +9 (vs. Vit) Range: Melee currently Grappled.
Default Weapon: Like Like Om Nom Default Weapon: Rupee Like Om Nom
(Rank 2 Natural Fist) (Rank 3 Natural Fist)
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 8 Accuracy: 5 Attack: 10 Durability: 11
Big Squeeze (Passive) Big Squeeze (Passive)
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but
begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense. not begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
Gear Gourmand (Passive) Rupee Picker (Passive)
Whenever this creature successfully rolls to maintain (but not begin) a Whenever this creature successfully rolls to maintain (but not begin)
Grapple, cause 1 Durability damage to all equipment your target has a Grapple, drain 100 Rupees from each of the grappled foe(s).
equipped (or on their belt) that has Durability.
Natural Shoveler (Passive)
Weak Stomach (Weak Point) This creature is capable of digging as if it had a Shovel, of a Rank
Attacks that originate from inside this creature (such as by a equal to its own.
Grappled foe) ignore half of its Defense.
Silent Stone (Passive)
Instinctive Intelligence +5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving.
Immune: On Fire Weak Stomach (Weak Point)
Combat 3 Willpower 2 Accuracy 6 Attacks that originate from inside this creature (such as by a
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 6 Grappled foe) ignore half of its Defense.
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 2
Instinctive Intelligence
Fortitude 6 Influence 0 Command 0 Immune: On Fire
Intimidate 2 Discipline 6 Insight 0 Combat 5 Willpower 2 Accuracy 7
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 4 Hearts 8 Magic 0 Stamina 8
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 Athletics 6 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Drops: 1x Random Rank 2 Weapon (at ½ Durability) Civilization 0 Perception 5 Agility 6
Fortitude 8 Influence 0 Command 0
2x Like Like Lump (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Intimidate 4 Discipline 8 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 8
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Gold Rupee (300 Rupees)
The classic Like Like slowly sucks up the detritus on the ground. When they sense something
wearing delicious equipment, they hungrily follow. They can even consume raw resources that
Heroes want to harvest!
Rupee Likes are more dangerous, and more cunning. They wait just underground, with only a
Rupee hanging from a stalk above-ground. When someone comes along to try and pick up their
Rupee lure, they strike, devouring the foe – and eating their money!
Lizalfos Aeralfos
Primitive lizard-men, Lizalfos are often found Aeralfos fly on leathery wings, swooping
in caverns, volcanos, and other hot, dry down to cut swaths through unsuspecting
places. They use metal arms and armor, a foes. They carry a shield to defend
natural flame-breath, and their natural agility themselves from errant arrows, but if you can
to protect themselves – and to viciously ground them, their underdeveloped legs
defend their territory from interlopers. won’t let them get far.
Dinolfos Lizalfos
Dinolfos are the burly protectors of Lizalfos Lizalfos are sprightly warriors, leaping all
forces. They use a heavy metal gauntlet as a across the battlefield. It’s hard to approach
shield and a weapon both. In battle, they do them in melee, but don’t worry – they’ll
a Provoking Dance to focus attention on eventually approach you. Heroes should wait
them, while also deftly dodging attacks. until they use a Jump Attack, and then strike
with a Spell or Technique!
Rank 2 Natural Protector Lizalfos
HP: 24 MP: 8 SP: 24
Rank 2 Natural Warrior
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 15
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 24
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 13
Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 14
Size: Medium Vitality: 16
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 16
Movement: 6 (Walking)
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
Strike Damage: 12
Movement: 6 (Walking)
To-Hit Check: +10 Range: Melee
Strike / Throw 1H Damage: 14
Damage: 9, Fire
Flame Breath Range: Melee or
Range: Cone 2 or To-Hit Check: +9
6 Magic Projectile 6
Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is On Fire.
Helm Splitter Damage: 14
Lizalfos Leap Damage: - 8 Stamina Range: Melee
8 Stamina Range: - Use Requirement: Clear space on other side of
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square target
You leap over the target, and land on the other side of them, in a
adjacent to you straight line. While overtop the target, you may make a Disarm
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in any direction. attempt against the foe; if successful, you knock their Head armor
This does not consume your Movement. off, depriving them of its benefits. (If the target does not wear armor
Provoking Dance Damage: - at all, this instead reduces their Defense by 25%.)
8 Stamina Range: Burst 2 Jump Attack Damage: 18
Roll (Perform + Intimidate) vs. target’s Concentration; on success, 6 Stamina Range: Jump 3
they are Distracted by you until the end of their next turn. You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them,
Default Weapon: Lizal Guard-Gauntlet even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the
(Rank 2 Metal Gauntlet) turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed.
The Gauntlet is a Defensive and Hands-Free Weapon. See the
website article “Design Your Weapon” for more details on Gauntlets Lizalfos Leap Damage: -
and other custom Weapon types. 8 Stamina Range: -
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 6 Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
Effortless Dodger (Passive) adjacent to you
If this creature has no status ailments and hasn’t used a Reaction You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in any direction.
since its previous turn, it is Hard to Hit by all Melee attacks. This does not consume your Movement.
Limited Intelligence Default Weapon: Lizal Boomerang
Vulnerability: Ice (Rank 2 Metal Boomerang)
Immunity: Heatwave weather Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 8
Combat 5 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Hearts 6 Magic 2 Stamina 6 Effortless Dodger (Passive)
Athletics 5 Arcana 1 Nature 2 If this creature has no status ailments and hasn’t used a Reaction
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 5 since its previous turn, it is Hard to Hit by all Melee attacks.
Fortitude 6 Influence 1 Command 2 Limited Intelligence
Intimidate 5 Discipline 5 Insight 1 Vulnerability: Ice
Mechanics 2 Perform 4 Guile 3
Smithing 5 Enchanting 5 Cooking 3 Immunity: Heatwave weather
Combat 6 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Drops: Weapons (when available)
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 6
2x Lizalfos Horn (Rank 2 Monster Part) Athletics 4 Arcana 1 Nature 2
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 6
Fortitude 5 Influence 1 Command 2
Intimidate 5 Discipline 4 Insight 1
Mechanics 2 Perform 0 Guile 3
Smithing 5 Enchanting 5 Cooking 3
Drops: Weapons (when available)
2x Lizalfos Horn (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Lynel Lynel
Rank 3 Civilized Warrior MINIBOSS
HP: 96 MP: 32 SP: 48
Lynel are powerful, territorial centaur-lion Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 14
warriors. Intelligent and skilled, a Lynel can Initiative: +6 Evasion: 12
Size: Large Vitality: 16
be a powerful foe – or rarely, a potent ally. Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 24
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Melee
Because Lynel are skilled crafters and
Din’s Fire Damage: 21, Fire
warriors, any given Lynel’s equipment and 8 Magic Range: Burst 1
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is On Fire.
skills can easily vary – the Lynel statblock
Damage: 21, Fire
presented here is just one possible example. Flame Breath
Range: Cone 2 or
6 Magic
Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is On Fire.
Adept (DC 13): Lynel are dangerous and Inhale Damage: -
4 Stamina (Bind) Range: Self
strong, but also intelligent. When a Lynel Increase the Range of your next Blast or Burst attack by 1; or the
spots an interloper, it will often stop to Range of your next Cone, Line, or Sweep attack by 2; or the Range
of your next Projectile attack by 4. (For example, from Cone 2 to
observe them for a time before attacking. Cone 4). The Stamina Bound in this attack is Burned when you next
use a Blast, Burst, Cone, Line, or Sweep attack.
This is your chance to escape safely! Lynel’s Roar Damage: 24
16 Stamina Range: Burst 2
All targets are pushed to just outside the radius of the attack.
Expert (DC 16): Lynel may be territorial Shield Clash
Damage: -
Range: Melee, Burst 1,
loners, but they are not without heart. There 2, 4, or 10 Stamina
or Burst 2
are stories of a small village, protected by a Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, they are Distracted
by you until the end of their next turn.
lone Lynel whom they both fear and revere. Windup Strike Damage: 24
6 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 7
Impressive (DC 19): Lynel have lived in more damage.
Default Weapon: Lynel Sword
Hyrule since ancient times. Some historians (Rank 3 Metal Greatsword, Lynel Style)
theorize that Lynel might be responsible for Accuracy: 3 Attack: 17 Durability: 13
Lynel Shield
creating some of Hyrule’s ancient temples – (Rank 3 Metal Shield, Lynel Style)
but no evidence of Lynel working together, Accuracy: 3 Attack: 14 Durability: 12
Bucking Bronco (Weak Point)
even in yore, has ever come to light. When mounted unwillingly, this creature will use its next turn to
attempt to buck the offending creature off (Athletics + Agility v.
Vitality; on success, target is dismounted and Knocked Prone).
An attack by its rider ignores half of this creature’s Defense.
(Reduce this creature’s bucking check by 1 for each of the
Lynel’s Roar and Easy Rider following Statuses it has: Halted, Off-Balance, Sick, or Slowed.
Increase its bucking check by 2 if it is Soaked or Oil-Soaked.)
When using Lynel’s Roar, remember Dragoon’s Animal (Passive)
that it pushes all targets to the edge of You may use Combat Maneuvers, Spells, and Techniques while
being used as a mount.
the attack’s radius – including anyone Easy Rider (Passive)
This creature can be forcibly Mounted if the attacker first climbs on
currently riding it. This makes it a great top of it (DC 16 Athletics; DC 13 if it’s Slowed, DC 10 if Halted).
attack for the Lynel to use after it’s Heavy Handed (Passive)
This creature can use two-handed weapons in just a single hand.
spent a turn bucking, to finally get rid Should it choose to use both hands for a two-handed weapon,
consider its Combat increased by 2 for the purposes of damage.
of the puny rider striking its back. Rational Intelligence
Resist: All Elements (Rank 2)
Combat 7 Willpower 4 Accuracy 6
Hearts 6 Magic 4 Stamina 6
Athletics 6 Arcana 2 Nature 5
Civilization 4 Perception 6 Agility 6
Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 4
Intimidate 6 Discipline 4 Insight 1
Mechanics 4 Perform 1 Guile 1
Smithing 6 Enchanting 6 Cooking 6
Drops: Weapons (when available)
4x Lynel Hoof (Rank 3 Monster Part)
1x Lynel Horn (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Magmanos are hands made of liquid lava.
They can stretch out, hitting foes with their
fist or raising platforms in their open hand.
When exposed to water, though, they
instantly solidify into rock.
Rank 1 Arcane Protector
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 16
Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 15
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 10
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 2 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 9, Fire
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
Grapple Damage: -
To-Hit Check: +9 (vs. Vit) Range: Melee
Fastball Special Damage: 5 Artist: Nintendo
6 Stamina Range: Projectile 8
Damage from this attack ignores Defense. Deal equal damage to the
thrown creature, also ignoring Defense. The thrown creature lands
adjacent to the target. Magmanos are slow, and incapable of
Uppercut Damage: 9, Fire
4 Stamina Range: Melee leaving the lava in which they live. However,
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, push the target away from
you one square.
they can deal significant damage to anyone
Windup Strike Damage: 9, Fire who gets too close, particularly by grappling
6 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 5 foolhardy adventurers, squeezing and baking
more damage.
them all at once.
Default Weapon: Flaming Fist
(Rank 1 Natural Fist, Fire damage)
Accuracy: 5
Big Squeeze (Passive)
Attack: 4 Durability: 5
Magmanos Lore
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but Novice (DC 7): Magmanos’ inability to move
not begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
Burning Threat (Passive) on land all but guarantees that they’ll be
If this creature hits a foe with a Basic Attack, and that foe does not
use a Reaction, then that foe is set On Fire. found in caves, foundries, and other places
Hot to the Touch (Passive) full of flowing lava.
If grappled, touched, or struck with a bare hand or Hands-Free
Weapon, the attacking creature is lit On Fire. If struck with a melee
wooden weapon, the weapon is set Burning. If struck with Ice or
Water, the creature cools off until the end of its next turn, and may Journeyman (DC 10): Though dangerous
be safely touched.
Stretchy 2 (Passive) to deal with in melee, there are times it can
This creature can stretch out two squares in any direction,
regardless of this creature’s movement methods, occupying up to
still be useful to get in close to a Magmanos:
three squares in a row simultaneously. It originates attacks from its
outstretched end. It cannot move while stretched. It can be
When cooled off, they harden to stone for a
damaged anywhere along its length. time, and can serve as useful platforms.
Instinctive Intelligence
Vulnerability: Ice, Water
Immunity: Fire damage, On Fire Adept (DC 13): When crossing large pits of
Combat 5 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 4 lava via bridge, take a moment to look up at
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 5
Civilization 0 Perception 1 Agility 2 the ceiling. If you see stains on the ceiling,
Fortitude 3 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 5 Insight 0 beware – Magmanos might patrol that lava,
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 pushing sections of the bridge up into the
Drops: 3x Lava Limb (Rank 1 Monster Part)
ceiling, squashing intruding Heroes.
Centipedes as big as a horse, Magtails live in
hot places like volcanoes, slithering about
quickly. When provoked, they use their
mandibles to grab and slice foes.
Rank 1 Natural Warrior
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 8
Defense: 8 (Heavy) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 8
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Sweep Damage: 12
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Sweep 2
Grapple Damage: -
Artist: Nintendo
To-Hit Check: +8 (vs. Vit) Range: Melee
Goron Goroll Damage: -
8 Stamina (Bind) Range: Self
You roll into a tight, round ball. While in this stance, your Movement
Magtail Lore
is halved, and you resist all attacks by 4 steps. In addition, you
cannot use any Actions (Standard, Minor, or Reaction) that do not
have the Goron race as a Learn or Use Requirement. You may
Novice (DC 7): Magtails are rare vermin in
uncurl as a Minor action during your turn, ending this stance. volcanic areas, and thankfully so. If you’re
Default Weapon: Obsidian Pincers
(Rank 1 Natural Greatsword) lost in a volcano, don’t try to follow a Magtail
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 7 Durability: 7 tunnel – it’s just as likely to lead to a pool of
Big Squeeze (Passive)
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a lava as it is to lead you outside.
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not
begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
Magtail’s Big Eye (Weak Point) Journeyman (DC 10): Magtail are usually a
Magtail has a single large eye, right behind its pincers. The Big Eye is
Hard to Hit, unless you are currently Grappled by the Magtail. When sizeable foe, but not always – if you catch
struck, Magtail immediately releases its Grappled foe, and on its turn,
uses Goron Goroll until killed or its foes have fled. them young, they can be quite small, but no
Obdurate Object (Passive)
While this creature is using the Goron Goroll Technique, they gain an
less durable. Goron youths will take a curled-
additional 5 Defense, and they automatically fail all rolls to resist
being Grappled.
up baby Magtail, roll it up, and kick it around
Instinctive Intelligence for a while in a game of hackeysack.
Vulnerability: Water
Immunity: Lava, Fire, Heatwave weather
Combat 5 Willpower 0 Accuracy 4 Adept (DC 13): Temple-builders and
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 2
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2 ancient Subrosian engineers sometimes
Civilization 1 Perception 2 Agility 2
Fortitude 4 Influence 1 Command 0 require the use of Magtails as weights in
Intimidate 2 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 order to solve their puzzles and traps. If it
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Magtail Carapace (Rank 1 Monster Part) seems like there are Magtails around every
corner, see if there’s a spot where a rolled-
Magtails like to run up to foes and either up Magtail could weigh something down or
slice them up, or attempt to grab them, with serve as a stepping stone.
their pincers. They may then try to drag their
grappled prey back down into the lava, or
just squeeze them until they pop. Once a
Magtail uses Goron Goroll, it will not unroll
until killed or left alive. This can make them
useful weights for switches and puzzles.
Moblins are large, muscular animal-men,
usually based on bulldogs or pigs. They
often serve as trusted servants of evil
forces, forming a feared, brutish infantry.
More brawn than brain, they are easily
outwitted – but not so easily outfought.
Artist: Nintendo
Moblin Rabble
Moblin Rabble are the runts of the litter, not
yet trusted to perform duties on their own. Moblin Rabble
They attack by surrounding foes and Rank 1 Natural Warrior Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 12
smashing their skulls in with clubs – any Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 10
tactics more advanced than that are simply Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
beyond them. Movement: 6 (Walking), 3 (Swimming)
Strike Damage: 10
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Default Weapon: Moblin Club
(Rank 1 Wooden Club)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 7 Durability: 4
Big Dumb Brute (Passive)
This creature has a +2 to Vitality, and a -2 to Concentration.
Limited Intelligence
Combat 3 Willpower 2 Accuracy 3
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 3
Athletics 3 Arcana 1 Nature 2
Civilization 2 Perception 2 Agility 2
Fortitude 3 Influence 1 Command 1
Intimidate 3 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 2 Perform 1 Guile 2
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Moblin Claw (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Moldorm are tough, durable worm-like
creatures that patrol caves and dungeons, Big Moldorm
winding a wiggly path and bouncing from foe
to wall and back again. They crawl on a Big Moldorm
Rank 2 Natural Protector BOSS
multitude of tiny feelers, allowing them HP: 200 MP: 0 SP: 100
perfect traction – and their hide is Defense: 10 (Heavy) Concentration: 14
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 10
exceptionally durable. Size: Huge Vitality: 16
Movement: 6 (Walking)
Moldorm Strike
To-Hit Check: +8
Damage: 10
Range: Melee
Body Check
Damage: 3
Moldorm (Reaction)
Range: Melee
Rank 2 Natural Protector 4 Stamina
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 20 Use Requirement: A foe leaves a square you are
Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 13 adjacent to.
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14 You enter the square the foe left. Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on
success, target is Pushed 1 square in a direction of your choice and
Size: Medium Vitality: 15 Knocked Prone.
Movement: 6 (Walking) Uppercut Damage: 10
Strike Damage: 10 4 Stamina Range: Melee
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, push the target away from
Body Check you one square.
Damage: 3 Default Weapon: Moldorm Tail
Range: Melee (Rank 2 Natural Fist)
4 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe leaves a square you are Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 8
adjacent to. Bouncy Hide (Passive)
You enter the square the foe left. Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on When this creature is struck with a melee attack, the attacker is
success, target is Pushed 1 square in a direction of your choice and pushed back 3 squares after the attack.
Knocked Prone. Pained Speed (Enrage)
Uppercut Damage: 10 While the Big Moldorm’s Soft Tail is retracted, it gains +2 Movement
and +4 Combat.
4 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, push the target away from Soft Tail (Weak Point)
you one square. The tip of this creature’s tail is its Weak Point. This Weak Point can
only be struck from behind the Big Moldorm, and is Hard to Hit.
Default Weapon: Moldorm Tail Once struck, the Weak Point retracts into the Moldorm for one full
(Rank 2 Natural Fist) round, and the Big Moldorm is Enraged. After this time, the Soft Tail
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 8 reappears and the Moldorm is no longer Enraged.
Bouncy Hide (Passive) Instinctive Intelligence
When this creature is struck with a melee attack, the attacker is Immune: Forced Movement, Slick Terrain
pushed back 3 squares after the attack. Combat 3 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Instinctive Intelligence Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 5
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Immune: Forced Movement, Slick Terrain Civilization 0 Perception 4 Agility 5
Combat 3 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3 Fortitude 6 Influence 1 Command 0
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 5 Intimidate 2 Discipline 4 Insight 1
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2 Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Civilization 0 Perception 4 Agility 4 Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Fortitude 5 Influence 1 Command 0
Drops: 11x Moldorm Malleus (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Intimidate 2 Discipline 3 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 Small Fairies, equal to size of party
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Moldorm Malleus (Rank 2 Monster Part)
The Big Moldorm is, as one might surmise, a
Moldorm like to rove in areas with pits, very large version of the standard Moldorm.
spikes, or other tricky traps. They will run Its tail is huge, bulbous, and incredibly
into foes headlong, and try to bounce them sensitive to stimuli – sometimes, painfully so.
into dangerous terrain. When struck, it flies into a rage, slamming
into foes with increased vigor.
These giant, deadly sand-whales are one of Molduga
the most dangerous things to inhabit the Rank 3 Natural Warrior BOSS
HP: 320 MP: 0 SP: 160
Gerudo Desert. They trawl the open spaces Defense: 34 (Impervious) Concentration: 16
of the desert, listening to the sands above Initiative: +5 Evasion: 0
Size: Colossal Vitality: 18
for anything that might prove to be edible. Movement: 6 (Swimming (Sand))
Sweep Damage: 23
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Sweep 2
When a Molduga senses a foe it can
Belly Flop Damage: 23
consume, it tries to rush it down, knocking it 8 Stamina Range: Burst 1
Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is knocked Prone
Prone with its immense size and weight. and pushed away from you 1 square. Following this attack, you fall
However, that is also the creature’s
Body Check
weakness – if knocked over, its underbelly is Damage: 8
Range: Melee
soft and easily cut through. 4 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe leaves a square you are
adjacent to.
You enter the square the foe left. Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on
success, target is Pushed 1 square in a direction of your choice and
Knocked Prone.
Dash Attack Damage: 23
8 Stamina Range: See Effect
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
during this attack.
Inhale Damage: -
4 Stamina (Bind) Range: Self
Increase the Range of your next Blast or Burst attack by 1; or the
Range of your next Cone, Line, or Sweep attack by 2; or the Range
of your next Projectile attack by 4. (For example, from Cone 2 to
Cone 4). The Stamina Bound in this attack is Burned when you next
use a Blast, Burst, Cone, Line, or Sweep attack.
Default Weapon: Molduga Jaw
(Rank 3 Natural Greatsword, Talking Animal style)
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 15 Durability: 13
Bouncy Hide (Passive)
When this creature is struck with a melee attack, the attacker is
pushed back 3 squares after the attack.
Natural Shoveler (Passive)
This creature is capable of digging as if it had a Shovel, of a Rank
equal to its own.
Soft-Bellied (Passive)
Attacks against this creature from below, or while it is Prone, ignore
half of this creature’s Defense.
Terrorized by Tremors (Weak Point)
While underground, this creature is sensitive to tremors. It can feel
when people are walking on the surface above it. In addition, if a
particularly powerful tremor occurs (such as a Bomb explosion or a
Goron Ground Pound), this creature is forced up to the surface,
Cursed until the end of its next turn, and Knocked Prone.
Instinctive Intelligence, Scent Sense
Immune: Sand Terrain
Combat 8 Willpower 0 Accuracy 6
Hearts 8 Magic 0 Stamina 8
Athletics 8 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 2 Perception 6 Agility 5
Fortitude 8 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 8 Discipline 6 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 2 Guile 2
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 4x Molduga Fin (Rank 3 Monster Part)
6x Molduga Guts (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Small Fairies, equal to size of party
Mothula Mothulette
Mothula is a giant insect, dangerous and The young form of Mothula, these man-sized
beautiful in equal measure. They rule the moths swarm in the darkness of forests and
dark, forgotten places in forests and caverns. caverns, circling any light or heat they find.
Though not actually all that deadly on their
own, Mothula rely on an assortment of insect Mothulette
Rank 2 Natural Blaster
minions and metallic traps in their lair to deal HP: 16 MP: 16 SP: 4
with intruders and would-be bug-swatters. Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 14
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 15
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Mothula Movement: 6 (Flying), 3 (Walking)
Rank 3 Natural Blaster BOSS Magic Salvo Damage: 12
HP: 200 MP: 100 SP: 40 To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 6
Defense: 8 (Light) Concentration: 15 Magnesis Damage: -
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 16 4 Magic Range: 1 obj. in 8 sq.
Size: Huge Vitality: 15 You may move a single metallic object in any direction or maneuver
you like: up, down, side to side, towards or away from you. The
Movement: 6 (Flying), 3 (Walking) object must stay within the range of the spell, or it immediately falls
Magic Salvo Damage: 16 to the ground. The object can only move up to 6 squares in one
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 6 casting (one round).
Magnesis Damage: - Wave Beam Damage: 13
4 Magic Range: 1 obj. in 8 sq. 6 Magic Range: Cone 3
You may move a single metallic object in any direction or maneuver The damage from this Spell is always typeless, regardless of the
you like: up, down, side to side, towards or away from you. The weapon used.
object must stay within the range of the spell, or it immediately falls Default Weapon: Mothulette Antennae
to the ground. The object can only move up to 6 squares in one (Rank 2 Natural Rod)
casting (one round).
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 9
Mirror Image Damage: -
Bullseye (Weak Point)
8 Magic (Bound) Range: 2 sq. in 8 sq. This creature’s single large eye is its Weak Point. It is Extremely
You create two mirror images of yourself in the target squares. Hard to Hit from the ground while it is standing upright, or Hard to
Select one of the three of you; this is the real you, and the other Hit if the creature is Knocked Prone or attacked from a high
two are mirror images. On your turn, your Actions are shared elevation. Striking the eye causes it to close, Blinding the creature
between the real you and the mirror images, and you may not use (and rendering the eye impossible to hit) until the opens it again at
Spells and Techniques. If a mirror image is damaged, it disappears, the start of its next turn.
Burning half of the Bound magic. Determining which images are fake
is a Perception check, with a DC equal to your Concentration. You
Limited Intelligence
may only have one set of Mirror Images active at a time. Vulnerability: Fire
Summon Insects Damage: - Mount
4 Stamina Range: Blast 2 Combat 3 Willpower 4 Accuracy 4
Hearts 4 Magic 4 Stamina 1
You create Insects in the targeted squares, or add up to 4 squares of
Athletics 3 Arcana 4 Nature 4
Insects to an existing Swarm you hit with this attack. Insects created
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 5
this way do not provide drops when defeated.
Fortitude 4 Influence 3 Command 3
Wave Beam Damage: 18 Intimidate 2 Discipline 4 Insight 3
6 Magic Range: Cone 3 Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 4
The damage from this Spell is always typeless, regardless of the Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
weapon used. Drops: 3x Mothulette Scales (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Default Weapon: Mothula Antenna
(Rank 3 Natural Rod)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 11 Durability: 12
Bullseye (Weak Point)
This creature’s single large eye is its Weak Point. It is Extremely
Hard to Hit from the ground while it is standing upright, or Hard to
Hit if the creature is Knocked Prone or attacked from a high
elevation. Striking the eye causes it to close, Blinding the creature
(and rendering the eye impossible to hit) until the opens it again at
the start of its next turn.
Limited Intelligence
Vulnerability: Fire
Combat 4 Willpower 5 Accuracy 5
Hearts 5 Magic 5 Stamina 2
Athletics 4 Arcana 5 Nature 5
Civilization 3 Perception 5 Agility 6
Fortitude 5 Influence 4 Command 4
Intimidate 3 Discipline 5 Insight 4
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 5
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 11x Mothula Scales (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Hinox are the biggest, and most famous, Expert (DC 16): While nobody has ever
type of Nox – each a giant to rival some seen how Bombnox create their bombs,
mountains. Bombnox are less famous, and theories abound. Some say they secretly
while they’re also not quite as big or strong, mine the mineral-rich hills they live on;
they can be just as dangerous in a group. others believe they have perfected the
Create Ammunition spell in some way.
Bombnox Hinox
Hinox are one of the largest monsters to
make their home in Hyrule, a muscular
cyclops the size of a church-spire. When
angered, they tear trees and boulders from
the ground to use as weapons. They collect
items from past adventurers they’ve stomped
(and anything shiny or valuable they find),
and wear them as baubles on a necklace.
Artist: Nintendo Rank 3 Natural Warrior BOSS
HP: 240 MP: 0 SP: 160
Bombnox are distant, (relatively) diminutive Defense: 20 (Extreme) Concentration: 14
relatives of the Hinox. They make up for their Initiative: +6 Evasion: 10
Size: Gigantic Vitality: 18
smaller size with a knowledge of explosives, Movement: 4 (Walking)
and a willingness to use them. Sweep Damage: 24
To-Hit Check: +10 Range: Sweep 2
Boulder Bombard Damage: 24, Earth
Bombnox 4 Stamina Range: Blast 2 within 8
Rank 3 Natural Blaster HEAVY The affected area is now Deep Sand
HP: 48 MP: 0 SP: 48 Fastball Special Damage: 10
Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 16 6 Stamina Range: Projectile 8
Damage from this attack ignores Defense. Deal equal damage to the
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 12
thrown creature, also ignoring Defense. The thrown creature lands
Size: Huge Vitality: 16 adjacent to the target.
Movement: 5 (Walking) Stomp Damage: 24
Strike Damage: 17 10 Stamina Range: Blast 2
To-Hit Check: +12 Range: Melee Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Knocked
Fastball Special Damage: 7
Range: Projectile 8 Windup Strike Damage: 24
6 Stamina
Damage from this attack ignores Defense. Deal equal damage to the 6 Stamina Range: Melee
thrown creature, also ignoring Defense. The thrown creature lands Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 10
adjacent to the target. more damage.
Slam the Ground Damage: 17 Default Weapon: Uprooted Tree
8 Stamina Range: Cone 3 (Rank 3 Wooden Bat)
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Knocked Accuracy: 4 Attack: 14 Durability: 11
Prone. Bullseye (Weak Point)
Windup Strike Damage: 17 This creature’s single large eye is its Weak Point. It is Extremely
6 Stamina Range: Melee Hard to Hit from the ground while it is standing upright, or Hard to
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 7 Hit if the creature is Knocked Prone or attacked from a high
more damage. elevation. Striking the eye causes it to close, Blinding the creature
(and rendering the eye impossible to hit) until the opens it again at
Default Weapon: Hinox Hand the start of its next turn.
(Rank 3 Natural Fist) Limited Intelligence
Ammunition: 3x Super Bomb (Burst 2, 20 damage) Combat 10 Willpower 0 Accuracy 6
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 10 Durability: 11 Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 8
Athletics 10 Arcana 0 Nature 4
Bullseye (Weak Point) Civilization 1 Perception 6 Agility 6
This creature’s single large eye is its Weak Point. It is Extremely Fortitude 8 Influence 2 Command 1
Hard to Hit from the ground while it is standing upright, or Hard to Intimidate 8 Discipline 4 Insight 2
Hit if the creature is Knocked Prone or attacked from a high Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 2
elevation. Striking the eye causes it to close, Blinding the creature Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
(and rendering the eye impossible to hit) until the opens it again at
Drops: Gasha Tree (Rank 3 Wood Resource Node)
the start of its next turn.
1x Random Rank 3 Weapon (enchanted)
Limited Intelligence 5x Hinox Toenail (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Combat 7 Willpower 0 Accuracy 7
Hearts 6 Magic 0 Stamina 8 Small Fairies, equal to size of party
Athletics 8 Arcana 0 Nature 4
Civilization 3 Perception 8 Agility 6
Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 1
Intimidate 6 Discipline 6 Insight 2
Mechanics 6 Perform 0 Guile 2
Smithing 6 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Ammunition (when available)
5x Hinox Tooth (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Octorok are monstrous octopi, renowned for Octorok, Young
their ability to shoot rocks from their snouts. Rank 0 Natural Blaster Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 12
Whether on the beach, out at sea, or hiding Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 11
in the woods, the unique sound of an Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Size: Tiny Vitality: 12
Octorok’s shot heralds a hail of pain. Movement: 6 (Walking, Swimming)
Shoot Damage: 4
their snoots yet, and aren’t capable of some Default Weapon: Young Octorok Snoot
(Rank 0 Natural Bow)
of the trickier shots that their adult Accuracy: 4 Attack: 3 Durability: 4
counterparts can pull off. When faced with Easily Exhausted (Passive)
When this creature no longer has enough Stamina to use any
foes, they scurry into the fray and fire with Techniques it knows, its Movement is halved, and its Evasion is
reduced to 10.
wild abandon in every direction. Instinctive Intelligence
Combat 1 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 3
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 3
Fortitude 2 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 1 Discipline 1 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Octo-Goop (Rank 0 Monster Part)
Octorok Rocktorok
Octorok Rocktorok
Rank 1 Natural Hunter Rank 1 Natural Blaster
HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 12 HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 20
Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 12 Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 11
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 15 Initiative: +5 Evasion: 13
Size: Small Vitality: 13 Size: Small Vitality: 14
Movement: 8 (Walking, Swimming) Movement: 6 (Walking)
Shoot Damage: 8 Shoot Damage: 8
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 8 To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 8
Arc Shot Damage: 8 Bombard Damage: 8, Earth
4 Stamina Range: Projectile 12 10 Stamina Range: 3 targets in 8 sq.
You may ignore allies, enemies, and any obstacles that do not reach Deflecting Shot
higher than 6 squares above you, for determining line of sight for Damage: None
this attack. (Reaction)
Range: Self
Special: This attack’s Range is Projectile 16 if the target is below 6 Stamina
your elevation. Use Requirement: Target of a Ranged Basic
Deflecting Shot Attack, Spell, or Technique
Damage: None
(Reaction) Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, you shoot the attack
Range: Self out of the air, and suffer no damage nor any ill effects from the
6 Stamina
Use Requirement: Target of a Projectile Basic
Vacuum Damage: 10
Attack, Spell, or Technique
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, you shoot the attack 8 Stamina Range: Blast 3
out of the air, and suffer no damage nor any ill effects of the attack. Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you suck them in, Grappling
them all simultaneously. You may release all sucked-in foes at once
Default Weapon: Octorok Snoot as a Minor action, shooting them 3 squares in a direction of your
(Rank 1 Natural Bow) choice.
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 6 Durability: 7 Special: This attack cannot be used if you have any creatures
currently Grappled.
Easily Exhausted (Passive)
When this creature no longer has enough Stamina to use any Default Weapon: Octorok Snoot
Techniques it knows, its Movement is halved, and its Evasion is (Rank 1 Natural Bow)
reduced to 10. Accuracy: 4 Attack: 6 Durability: 7
Instinctive Intelligence Easily Exhausted (Passive)
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3 When this creature no longer has enough Stamina to use any
Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 3 Techniques it knows, its Movement is halved, and its Evasion is
Athletics 3 Arcana 0 Nature 2 reduced to 10.
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 5
Fortitude 3 Influence 0 Command 0 Natural Shoveler (Passive)
Intimidate 1 Discipline 2 Insight 1 This creature is capable of digging as if it had a Shovel, of a Rank
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 equal to its own.
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 Silent Stone (Passive)
Drops: 3x Octo-Leather (Rank 1 Monster Part) +5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving.
Instinctive Intelligence
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Octorok are quick, agile snipers. They dart to Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 5
Athletics 3 Arcana 0 Nature 2
and fro, firing rocks from their snoots at prey Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 5
Fortitude 4 Influence 0 Command 0
or passers-by. Though skilled with their Intimidate 1 Discipline 1 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
natural weapon, and capable of firing long Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Octo-Leather (Rank 1 Monster Part)
distances, they can easily be exhausted. If
one can chase an Octorok down on foot for
Rocktorok wear a stone atop their heads,
long enough without being pulverized by
and burrow into the ground to hide. Rather
their rocks, they will be easy prey.
than striking from stealth, though, they prefer
to pop up and suck in opponents. They then
spit them out – sometimes, over cliffs, or just
to slam them into a wall. They can also fire
multiple stones in a single Bombardment with
uncanny aim, raining rock from above.
Treasure Octorok
Treasure Octorok
Rank 2 Natural Hunter Heavy
HP: 40 MP: 12 SP: 30
Defense: 10 (Heavy) Concentration: 13
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 11
Size: Large Vitality: 15
Movement: 8 (Walking, Swimming)
Shoot Damage: 13
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 8
Arc Shot Damage: 13
4 Stamina Range: Projectile 12
You may ignore allies, enemies, and any obstacles that do not reach
higher than 6 squares above you, for determining line of sight for
this attack.
Special: This attack’s Range is Projectile 16 if the target is below
your elevation.
Deflecting Shot
Damage: None
Range: Self
6 Stamina
Use Requirement: Target of a Ranged Basic
Attack, Spell, or Technique
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, you shoot the attack
out of the air, and suffer no damage nor any ill effects from the
Vanish Damage: None
8 Magic Range: Burst 1 / Blast 3
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, target is Blinded
until the end of their next turn. You may enter stealth as part of this
attack; if you do, all foes caught in the burst do not see your
movement for the remainder of your turn, regardless of whether or
not they were Blinded (but may still perform Reactions in response
to your attacks).
Default Weapon: Treasure Octorok Snoot
(Rank 2 Natural Bow)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 9 Durability: 10
Easily Exhausted (Passive)
When this creature no longer has enough Stamina to use any
Techniques it knows, its Movement is halved, and its Evasion is
reduced to 10.
Natural Shoveler (Passive)
This creature is capable of digging as if it had a Shovel, of a Rank
equal to its own.
Silent Stone (Passive)
+5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving.
Limited Intelligence
Combat 4 Willpower 1 Accuracy 5
Hearts 5 Magic 2 Stamina 5
Athletics 5 Arcana 0 Nature 2
Civilization 4 Perception 4 Agility 5
Fortitude 5 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 1 Discipline 3 Insight 2
Mechanics 4 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 500 Rupees OR equivalent treasure / gear Artist: Nintendo
2x Gilt Octo-Leather (Rank 2 Monster Part)
1x Soldier Steel (Rank 2 Metal)
Pappetto are animated puppets, called to life Bunraku
by strange magic. They dance and cavort in
a way that seems joyful, but their unending Bunraku are a strange type of puppet,
smiles seem more sinister when they near… crafted to look like a simulacrum of a refined
personage. They carry a large lantern, and
gladly shine it in foes’ faces.
Pappetto Lore
Journeyman (DC 10): Pappetto can be Bunraku
heard before they’re seen, their joints Rank 2 Mechanical Protector
HP: 24 MP: 24 SP: 8
jangling like wooden windchimes. Beware the Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 15
sounds of strange music, cackling, and Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11
Size: Small Vitality: 15
hollow wood clanging! Movement: 5 (Walking)
Magic Salvo Damage: 11
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 6
Adept (DC 13): Rumor is that Pappetto
Blinding Flash
Damage: -
were once people, who got lost in the forest (Reaction)
Range: Melee
or cursed by a Skull Kid. Whether that’s true 8 Magic
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
or not, perhaps only they know… adjacent to you.
If the target is Blinded or otherwise cannot see you, this attack fails.
The target is Distracted by you. Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration;
Expert (DC 16): Pappetto are not always on success, target is Blinded.
Damage: -
just abandoned cursed objects – sometimes, Illuminate
Range: 1 Target directly
8 Magic (Bind)
wizards will use Pappetto as their minions, below you
You shine a bright red spotlight on the target. While the spotlight is
pulling their strings directly. Beware if a on them, the target is Distracting to you and all of your allies, is no
longer Invisible, and cannot be Hard to Hit due to cover. You follow
troupe of Pappetto seem to act with the targeted foe automatically, moving up to your Movement per turn
in order to keep up. If a foe moves faster than that on its turn, your
purpose, or seek to parlay. Illumination of it ends, returning the Bound Magic.
Default Weapon: Bunraku Rod
(Rank 2 Wooden Rod)
Rank 2 Lantern
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 9
Malefic Morass (Passive)
This creature gains a +1 Evasion per adjacent ally.
Puppet Strings (Passive)
This creature is animated by strings, like a puppet. The strings are
Hard to Hit. If this creature’s strings are damaged, the creature is not
damaged, but its strings are cut – roll a d6 to randomly determine
what status ailment is inflicted upon it until its next Rest.
Roll Status
1 Blinded
2 Cursed
3 Halted
4 Knocked Prone
5 Off-Balance
6 Slowed
This creature’s strings may be cut multiple times, each time inflicting
a different status (rerolling duplicates). If this creature’s strings are
cut (Fortitude) times in total, it falls Helpless.
Instinctive Intelligence
Immunity: Sick
Vulnerability: Dark
Combat 3 Willpower 3 Accuracy 4
Hearts 6 Magic 6 Stamina 2
Athletics 3 Arcana 3 Nature 2
Civilization 5 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 5 Influence 5 Command 4
Intimidate 3 Discipline 5 Insight 5
Mechanics 4 Perform 5 Guile 4
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Weapons (when available)
2x Pappetto Wood (Rank 2 Wood)
Artist: Nintendo
Cantastor Marionette
Cantastor are puppets that were once used Marionettes are wild, flailing wooden
for story-telling, clad in a scholar’s robes. puppets. They move in a herky-jerky fashion,
Now, they use their half-remembered stories and then wail on foes, hoping to leave
to improve their allies’ morale – and to sicken splinters. If there’s more than one foe in
foes with tales of gruesome horror. range when they attempt to Combo, they’ll
split their attacks as evenly as possible.
Rank 2 Mechanical Rallier Marionette
HP: 16 MP: 24 SP: 8
Rank 2 Mechanical Warrior
Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 15
HP: 20 MP: 8 SP: 24
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 14
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 15
Size: Small Vitality: 13
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11
Movement: 5 (Walking)
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
Magic Salvo Damage: 13
Movement: 5 (Walking)
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 8
Strike Damage: 15
Inspire Toughness Damage: - To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
6 Magic (Bind) Range: 1 Target in 8 sq.
While this spell is active, grant the target Tough (Rank 2). (Tough
Combo Damage: -
increases the target’s Defense by 1 for each Rank.) 10 Stamina Range: Melee
Make three separate Strike Basic Attacks with your weapon. These
Inspire Strength Damage: -
Strikes do not need to target the same enemy, but you cannot move
6 Magic (Bind) Range: 1 Target in 8 sq. between Strikes.
While this spell is active, grant the target Mighty (Rank 2). (Mighty Push-Off Kick
increases the target’s Combat and Willpower by 1 for each Rank.) Damage: -
(Minor Action)
Sickening Tale Damage: - Range: Melee
3 Stamina
4 Magic Range: 1 Target in 8 sq.
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration. On success, target is Sickened. Use Requirement: Your legs must be free, and
Default Weapon: Cantastor Staff you must be able to move.
You push the target away from you one square, and you push
(Rank 2 Wooden Staff) yourself away from the target one square. (This should leave two
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 10 Durability: 10 squares between the two of you.)
Malefic Morass (Passive) Spin Attack Damage: 15
This creature gains a +1 Evasion per adjacent ally. 8 Stamina Range: Burst 1
Puppet Strings (Passive)
This creature is animated by strings, like a puppet. The strings are Default Weapon: Marionette’s Arm
Hard to Hit. If this creature’s strings are damaged, the creature is not
damaged, but its strings are cut – roll a d6 to randomly determine (Rank 2 Wooden Club)
what status ailment is inflicted upon it until its next Rest. Accuracy: 4 Attack: 10 Durability: 7
Roll Status Malefic Morass (Passive)
1 Blinded This creature gains a +1 Evasion per adjacent ally.
2 Cursed
3 Halted Puppet Strings (Passive)
4 Knocked Prone This creature is animated by strings, like a puppet. The strings are
5 Off-Balance Hard to Hit. If this creature’s strings are damaged, the creature is not
6 Slowed damaged, but its strings are cut – roll a d6 to randomly determine
This creature’s strings may be cut multiple times, each time inflicting what status ailment is inflicted upon it until its next Rest.
a different status (rerolling duplicates). If this creature’s strings are Roll Status
cut (Fortitude) times in total, it falls Helpless. 1 Blinded
2 Cursed
Instinctive Intelligence 3 Halted
Immunity: Sick 4 Knocked Prone
Vulnerability: Water 5 Off-Balance
Combat 3 Willpower 3 Accuracy 5 6 Slowed
Hearts 4 Magic 6 Stamina 2 This creature’s strings may be cut multiple times, each time inflicting
Athletics 3 Arcana 3 Nature 2 a different status (rerolling duplicates). If this creature’s strings are
Civilization 5 Perception 4 Agility 4 cut (Fortitude) times in total, it falls Helpless.
Fortitude 3 Influence 5 Command 5 Instinctive Intelligence
Intimidate 3 Discipline 5 Insight 5 Immunity: Sick
Mechanics 4 Perform 6 Guile 5
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 Vulnerability: Fire
Drops: Weapons (when available) Combat 5 Willpower 3 Accuracy 4
Hearts 5 Magic 2 Stamina 6
2x Pappetto Wood (Rank 2 Wood)
Athletics 3 Arcana 3 Nature 2
Civilization 5 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 5 Influence 5 Command 4
Intimidate 3 Discipline 5 Insight 5
Mechanics 4 Perform 5 Guile 4
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Weapons (when available)
2x Pappetto Wood (Rank 2 Wood)
Artist: Chu
Pengator Courser
The most common variety of Pengator,
Coursers hunt prey by chasing them, sliding
on their bellies to quickly build up speed.
Pengator Snowslinger
Pengator Courser Pengator Snowslingers are fatter, sturdier,
Rank 3 Natural Warrior and slower than their Courser cousins. They
HP: 32 MP: 0 SP: 32
Defense: 10 (Medium) Concentration: 17 can spray snow from their blunted maws,
Initiative: +6 Evasion: 14 making helpful icy terrain for their brethren.
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
Movement: 5 (Walking, Swimming)
Strike Damage: 23 Pengator Snowslinger
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee Rank 3 Natural Rallier
Dash Attack Damage: 23 HP: 28 MP: 32 SP: 16
8 Stamina Range: See Effect Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 15
During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as Initiative: +4 Evasion: 10
normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once Size: Medium Vitality: 17
during this attack. Movement: 4 (Walking, Swimming)
Ramming Speed Damage: 29 Magic Salvo Damage: 21
14 Stamina Range: Melee To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you begin pushing them. You Blizzagia’s Breath Damage: -
may continue to move, but it must be in a straight line. Your target is
pushed in front of you for the duration of this further movement. 5 Magic (Bind) Range: Blast 3
The squares turn to Slick Ice.
Slip and Let Slide Damage: -
6 Stamina Range: Self Kotake’s Ice Beam Damage: 23, Ice
6 Magic Range: Line 4
Use Requirement: You are struck by a Melee, Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, target is Frozen.
Line, Sweep, Burst, or Blast attack
Reduce the damage received by 50%, after applying Defense. You
Snowspray Damage: 23, Ice
are pushed away from the attacker, to the nearest square outside of 12 Magic Range: Burst 1
the attack’s range. During the attack, you may move as if Slowed, moving the Burst with
Default Weapon: Pengator’s Beak you. Any targets caught in the Burst before, during, and after you
move are struck. All squares affected turn to Deep Snow.
(Rank 3 Natural Axe, Talking Animal style)
Default Weapon: Pengator’s Maw
Accuracy: 1 Attack: 17 Durability: 12
(Rank 3 Natural Staff, Talking Animal style)
Hates Being Halted (Weak Point)
If this creature is Halted, the next attack against it strikes its Weak
Accuracy: 1 Attack: 15 Durability: 13
Point, and ends the Halted condition. Hates Being Halted (Weak Point)
Slidemaster (Passive) If this creature is Halted, the next attack against it strikes its Weak
Point, and ends the Halted condition.
This creature's Movement increases by 2 while on a Slightly Slick
surface, or by 4 while on a Severely Slick surface. Slidemaster (Passive)
Limited Intelligence This creature's Movement increases by 2 while on a Slightly Slick
surface, or by 4 while on a Severely Slick surface.
Immune: Slick surfaces
Limited Intelligence
Vulnerability: Fire
Combat 6 Willpower 3 Accuracy 7
Immune: Slick surfaces
Hearts 8 Magic 0 Stamina 8 Vulnerability: Fire
Athletics 6 Arcana 2 Nature 4 Combat 3 Willpower 6 Accuracy 7
Civilization 2 Perception 6 Agility 6 Hearts 7 Magic 8 Stamina 4
Fortitude 5 Influence 4 Command 2 Athletics 6 Arcana 2 Nature 4
Intimidate 5 Discipline 7 Insight 5 Civilization 2 Perception 6 Agility 4
Mechanics 0 Perform 2 Guile 5 Fortitude 7 Influence 4 Command 2
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 Intimidate 5 Discipline 5 Insight 5
Drops: 2x Peng Plume (Rank 3 Monster Parts) Mechanics 0 Perform 2 Guile 5
5x Peng Fillet (Rank 3 Hasty Food Ingredient) Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 2x Peng Plume (Rank 3 Monster Parts)
5x Peng Fillet (Rank 3 Hasty Food Ingredient)
Pols Voice
From a distance, a Pols Voice looks vaguely Pols Voice like to leap into combat, literally,
like an adorable bunny rabbit, lost in a dank and try to either Grapple someone in their
dungeon. Upon closer inspection, you’ll find hidden mouths, or land on them with
that it’s clamped onto your head with the Mipha’s Vault.
sharp teeth that ring its underside.
Pols Voice Lore
Pols Voice
Rank 3 Natural Warrior Journeyman (DC 10): These strange rabbit-
HP: 32 MP: 0 SP: 32 like blobs are famously sensitive to loud
Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 15
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 9 noises. Heroes delving dungeons sometimes
Size: Medium Vitality: 16 carry a whistle with them, so they can easily
Movement: 5 (Walking), 3 (Gliding)
Sweep Damage: 21
stun these perfidious puffballs.
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Sweep 2
Grapple Damage: -
Adept (DC 13): Despite their physical form,
To-Hit Check: +10 Range: Melee
(vs. Vit) there is scholarly contention around whether
Lizalfos Leap Damage: -
8 Stamina Range: -
Pols Voice are the ghosts of unloved pet
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square rabbits, or of unknown musicians.
adjacent to you
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in any direction.
This does not consume your Movement. Expert (DC 16): Some Yiga clans are known
Mipha’s Vault Damage: 26
12 Stamina Range: Jump 4 to keep Pols Voices in cages near their
Before performing the attack, you jump on top of your target, using
your horizontal jump, even if you have already reached you maximum
entrance, relying on their impossibly sensitive
Movement for the turn. Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, target hearing to detect incoming intruders.
is Knocked Prone. You then land on a square of your choice
adjacent to your target. This attack cannot be performed if you are
Halted or Slowed.
Default Weapon: Pols Voice’s Bite
(Rank 3 Natural Greatsword, Talking Animal style)
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 15 Durability: 13
Big Squeeze (Passive)
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not
begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
Sensitive to Sound (Weak Point)
This creature is sensitive to music and loud noises. A loud noise can
be made as a Standard Action Combat Maneuver (Burst 2 or Melee,
Perform and Fortitude, plus Instrument, v. Concentration; if done as a
Melee-range Maneuver, then 2 to the Trait Check). On success, the
next attack against this creature counts as striking a Weak Point, and
it is Slowed and set Off-Balance until the end of its next turn.
Weak Stomach (Weak Point)
Attacks that originate from inside this creature (such as by a
Grappled foe) ignore half of its Defense.
Limited Intelligence, Undead
Vulnerability: Piercing
Combat 6 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Hearts 8 Magic 0 Stamina 8
Athletics 5 Arcana 2 Nature 4
Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 2
Intimidate 8 Discipline 5 Insight 4
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 4
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Pols Whisker (Rank 3 Monster Parts)
Revenants Zombie
Rank 0 Arcane Warrior Swarm
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 8
Revenants are undead humanoids, with Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 12
some measure of flesh still on their bones. Initiative: +1 Evasion: 11
Size: Medium Vitality: 13
They rise from their resting places when Movement: 4 (Walking)
interlopers intrude upon them, or when Strike Damage: 5
To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Melee
called upon by evil magic to serve as an
Grapple Damage: -
army for some necromantic conqueror. To-Hit Check: +7 (vs. Vit) Range: Melee
Call Zombies Damage: -
8 Stamina Range: Self
Zombie Add 2 squares of Zombies to this Swarm. If you are in a graveyard,
Mire, or on other evil or unholy ground, add 4 squares instead.
Default Weapon: Zombie Claw
Zombies serve as the lowest form of
(Rank 0 Natural Fist)
revenant undead. Though one Zombie is Accuracy: 5 Attack: 1 Durability: 2
quite weak, they often come as a huge Big Squeeze (Passive)
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
wave, crashing down upon foes and burying Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not
begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
them in sheer numbers. If a foe wades into Instinctive Intelligence
their horde, they will attempt to Grapple and Vulnerability: Light, Fire
Combat 4 Willpower 0 Accuracy 4
put the Big Squeeze on them. Hearts
Civilization 0 Perception 3 Agility 1
Fortitude 3 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 5 Discipline 2 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: (1/4th) Zombie Flesh (Rank 1 Monster Part)
ReDead Gibdo
The ReDead’s bloodcurdling shriek is feared Mummies made in a long-forgotten age,
throughout Hyrule – some say it’s the sound Gibdo roam the haunted halls of crypts and
of a soul’s anguish. They use their infamous graveyards. Their embalming preserves not
scream when they see a living creature, only their great strength, but also a measure
stunning it. They shamble closer, and closer, of their intelligence, making them more agile
until they get within reach. Then, they latch and dangerous than other Revenants.
on, and begin gnawing the person’s neck or
face, their eyes implacable night. Gibdo
Rank 3 Arcane Warrior
HP: 24 MP: 20 SP: 24
ReDead Defense: 13 (Heavy) Concentration: 18
Rank 2 Arcane Protector Initiative: +6 Evasion: 12
HP: 24 MP: 24 SP: 24 Size: Medium Vitality: 18
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 18 Movement: 6 (Walking)
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 10 Strike Damage: 16
Size: Medium Vitality: 15 To-Hit Check: +11 Range: Melee
Movement: 4 (Walking) Bandage Binding Damage: 16
Strike Damage: 11 4 Stamina Range: Projectile 4
To-Hit Check: +11 Range: Melee Roll To-Hit Target’s Vitality; on success, target is Cursed.
Grapple Damage: - Reapling’s Sweep Damage: 18
To-Hit Check: +11 10 Magic Range: Sweep 3
Range: Melee
(vs. Vit)
ReDead’s Shriek Damage: 11 Default Weapon: Gibdo’s Grasp
10 Magic Range: Cone 2 (Rank 3 Natural Fist)
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is Frozen. Accuracy: 5 Attack: 10 Durability: 11
Default Weapon: ReDead’s Grasp Burnable Bandages (Passive)
(Rank 2 Natural Fist) If this creature is On Fire from the end of one of its turn to the
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 8 beginning of the next, it transforms into a ReDead and its fire is
extinguished. All other damage and status effects remain.
Big Squeeze (Passive)
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
Limited Intelligence
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but Immunity: Menace, Push, Sick
not begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense. Vulnerability: Light, Fire
Oblivious (Passive) Combat 6 Willpower 4 Accuracy 6
This creature cannot use Reactions. Hearts 6 Magic 5 Stamina 6
Athletics 8 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Instinctive Intelligence
Civilization 0 Perception 4 Agility 6
Immunity: Menace, Sick Fortitude 8 Influence 0 Command 0
Vulnerability: Light, Fire Intimidate 8 Discipline 8 Insight 0
Combat 4 Willpower 4 Accuracy 6 Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Hearts 6 Magic 6 Stamina 6 Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Athletics 6 Arcana 0 Nature 0 Drops: 1x Gibdo Bandage (Rank 3 Cloth)
Civilization 0 Perception 4 Agility 2 2x Gibdo Guts (Rank 3 Monster Parts)
Fortitude 5 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 8 Discipline 8 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x ReDead Leather (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Shadows Scaefos
Rank 1 Arcane Rallier
HP: 12 MP: 16 SP: 4
Shadows are ghostly foes, barely-there Defense: 6 (Medium) Concentration: 12
baddies built of blackest night. Often able to Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
melt into shadows and sneak past defenses, Movement: 4 (Walking)
they share a vulnerability to bright light. Magic Salvo Damage: 8, Dark
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Projectile 6
Scaefos’ Curse Damage: 9, Dark
Shadow enemies are often found in 5 Magic Range: Projectile 8
Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is Cursed
dungeons and caverns that utilize light as a until the end of their next turn.
puzzle mechanic. They might also appear Stalrobe’s Veil Damage: 9, Dark
8 Magic Range: 1 sq. within 8
during eclipses, on particularly dark and Roll To-Hit Target’s Concentration; on success, target is Blinded
stormy nights, or serving a greater foe under until the end of their next turn.
Twili Transit Damage: -
the cover of magically-summoned darkness. 4 Magic Range: Self
You merge with the shadow, becoming Invisible and intangible. You
cannot be harmed by physical attacks, though magical attacks will
Scaefos harm you and cause you to be revealed, ending the spell. You
cannot move, but if your shadow’s source moves, you are carried
along with it. If your shadowy spot is exposed to light or otherwise
ceases to be, you are immediately revealed and the spell ends.
Scaefos are humanoid figures, comprised
Default Weapon: Scaefos’ Tendril
almost entirely of darkness. Although they (Rank 1 Natural Rod)
share the silhouette of people, they are Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 6
Denizen of Shadows (Passive)
incapable of making their own decisions. While in total darkness, this creature is Extremely Hard to Hit.
While in dim light, this creature is Hard to Hit.
While in normal light, this creature is Dazzled.
While in bright direct light or sunlight, this creature is Blinded.
Wisps of shadow flow off a Scaefos’ body Limited Intelligence, Undead, Darkvision
like fog on a murky night. They use their Vulnerability: Light
Combat 3 Willpower 3 Accuracy 3
magic to disable foes, and can slip into an Hearts 3 Magic 4 Stamina 1
Athletics 3 Arcana 3 Nature 3
ally’s shadow to be carried to more Civilization 2 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 4 Influence 1 Command 1
advantageous positions. Intimidate 4 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 1 Guile 3
Smithing 0 Enchanting 1 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Scaefos Mote (Rank 1 Monster Parts)
Artist: Nintendo
Snap Dragon Rank 3 Natural Warrior Heavy
Rank 2 Natural Warrior HP: 48 MP: 12 SP: 36
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 20 Defense: 10 (Medium) Concentration: 15
Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 10 Initiative: +4 Evasion: 12
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12 Size: Large Vitality: 16
Size: Medium Vitality: 13 Movement: 6 (Flying), 3 (Walking, Swimming)
Movement: 4 (Walking), 2 (Swimming) Stab Damage: 18
Sweep Damage: 15 To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Line 2
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Sweep 2 Dash Attack Damage: 18
Grapple Damage: - 8 Stamina Range: See Effect
To-Hit Check: +8 (vs. Vit) Range: Melee During this attack, you may use your remaining Movement as
Crack Armor Damage: 15 normal. You may move through foes, hitting them with a Strike Basic
Attack as you do so. You may only attack a given target once
6 Stamina Range: Melee during this attack.
Use Requirement: You have a foe grappled. Hard Crash Damage: 18
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target’s Defense is
reduced by 4 until the end of the encounter. (If using the 10 Stamina Range: Melee
“Everything Breaks” Master Mode rule, select a piece of the foe’s Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is knocked Prone
armor at random, and cause 1 Durability damage to it.) and Disarmed of one item of your choice.
Jump Attack Damage: 19 Ordon Rush Damage: 13
6 Stamina Range: Jump 3 8 Stamina Range: Melee
You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them, Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, you begin pushing them.
even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the You may continue to move, but it must be in a straight line. Your
turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This target is pushed in front of you for the duration of this movement.
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed. Default Weapon: Snurgle Snout
Default Weapon: Snap Dragon Jaw (Rank 3 Natural Spear)
(Rank 2 Natural Greatsword) Accuracy: 4 Attack: 11 Durability: 13
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 10 Durability: 10 Sensitive to Sound (Weak Point)
Big Squeeze (Passive) This creature is sensitive to music and loud noises. A loud noise can
This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a be made as a Standard Action Combat Maneuver (Burst 2, Perform
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not and Fortitude, plus Instrument, v. Concentration; if done as a Melee,
begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense. then 2 to the Trait Check). On success, the next attack against this
creature counts as striking a Weak Point, and it is Slowed and set
Instinctive Intelligence Off-Balance until the end of its next turn.
Vulnerability: Fire Limited Intelligence, Mount
Resistance: Earth (Rank 5) Combat 7 Willpower 2 Accuracy 5
Combat 5 Willpower 2 Accuracy 4 Hearts 6 Magic 2 Stamina 6
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 5 Athletics 6 Arcana 2 Nature 3
Athletics 4 Arcana 0 Nature 2 Civilization 4 Perception 5 Agility 4
Civilization 0 Perception 3 Agility 2 Fortitude 6 Influence 2 Command 2
Fortitude 3 Influence 0 Command 0 Intimidate 5 Discipline 5 Insight 4
Intimidate 3 Discipline 0 Insight 0 Mechanics 2 Perform 2 Guile 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0 Drops: 4x Snurgle Flaps (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Drops: 3x Snap Dragon Petal (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Stalfos are skeletal foes, found all over Hyrule. They commonly pop up from their graves during
the night, and can prove difficult to put down.
Stal Stalfos
Rank 0 Arcane Protector Swarm
Rank 1 Arcane Hunter
HP: - MP: 0 SP: 12
Defense: 0 (Unarmored) Concentration: 11 HP: 16 MP: 0 SP: 24
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 12 Defense: 2 (Civilian) Concentration: 12
Size: Medium Vitality: 12 Initiative: +3 Evasion: 13
Movement: 4 (Walking), 2 (Swimming) Size: Medium Vitality: 12
Damage: 6 Movement: 4 (Walking)
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Melee Throw 1H Weapon Damage: 9
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 6
Hamstring Damage: 6
6 Stamina Range: Melee Lizalfos Leap Damage: -
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Slowed and 8 Stamina Range: -
Distracted by you until the end of their next turn. Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
Default Weapon: Boney Bite adjacent to you
(Rank 0 Natural Club) You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in any direction.
This does not consume your Movement.
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 4 Durability: 1
Distracting Threat (Passive) Default Weapon: Bonemrang
If this creature hits a foe with a Basic Attack, and that foe does not (Rank 1 Natural Boomerang)
use a Reaction, then that foe is Distracted by this creature until the Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 5
end of their next turn.
Undying (Passive)
Silent Stone (Passive) When this creature is brought to 0 Hit Points, they become Helpless
+5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving. instead of dying. At the end of its next turn, this creature begins to
Limited Intelligence, Darkvision, Undead rumble. At the end of the turn after that, it revives, stands up, and
restores 25% of its Hit Points. This creature can be slain if directly
Vulnerability: Light attacked while Helpless.
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 2
Hearts - Magic 0 Stamina 3 Limited Intelligence, Darkvision, Undead
Athletics 2 Arcana 0 Nature 0 Resistance: Sharp damage (Rank 5)
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 2
Vulnerability: Light
Fortitude 2 Influence 0 Command 0
Combat 4 Willpower 1 Accuracy 4
Intimidate 1 Discipline 1 Insight 0
Hearts 4 Magic 0 Stamina 6
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Athletics 4 Arcana 1 Nature 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 3
Drops: (1/4th) Stal Stub (Rank 0 Monster Part) Fortitude 2 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 2 Discipline 2 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 1
Stal are simply a swirl of animate skulls and a Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Simple Stalbone (Rank 1 Monster Part)
few miscellaneous bones, no longer joined
into individual bodies. When awoken, they
bounce after foes, nipping at their heels. Artist: Nintendo
Rank 2 Arcane Protector Heavy
HP: 40 MP: 0 SP: 36
Defense: 8 (Medium) Concentration: 15
Initiative: +3 Evasion: 11
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
Movement: 4 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 15
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
Lizalfos Leap Damage: -
8 Stamina Range: -
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
adjacent to you
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in any direction.
This does not consume your Movement.
Mipha’s Vault Damage: 20
12 Stamina Range: Horiz. Jump 4
Before performing the attack, you jump on top of your target, using
your horizontal jump, even if you have already reached you Artist: Nintendo
maximum Movement for the turn. Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration;
Stalfos Lore
on success, target is Knocked Prone. You then land on a square of
your choice adjacent to your target. This attack cannot be
performed if you are Halted or Slowed.
Damage: -
Shield Clash Novice (DC 7): Stalfos’ bones come from
Range: Melee, Burst 1,
2, 4, or 10 Stamina fallen travelers. The stronger the deceased,
or Burst 2
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, they are Distracted
by you until the end of their next turn. the stronger the resultant Stalfos.
Default Weapon: Soldier’s Rusted Sword
(Rank 2 Metal Sword, Neglected style)
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 9 Durability: 3 Journeyman (DC 10): Stalfos prefer dark
and shaded places, or to come out at night.
Soldier’s Rusted Shield
(Rank 2 Metal Shield, Neglected Style) While sunlight does not harm them, they still
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 7 Durability: 3 cower at the sight of it.
Undying (Passive)
When this creature is brought to 0 Hit Points, they become Helpless
instead of dying. At the end of its next turn, this creature begins to
rumble. At the end of the turn after that, it revives, stands up, and
Adept (DC 13): Stalfos aren’t always active.
restores 25% of its Hit Points. This creature can be slain if directly
attacked while Helpless.
Sometimes, they go dormant, resting as a
Limited Intelligence, Darkvision, Undead conspicuous pile of bones, or burying their
Resistance: Sharp damage (Rank 5)
Vulnerability: Light
bodies in the dirt so that only their head
Combat 6 Willpower 3 Accuracy 5 remains visible.
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 6
Athletics 5 Arcana 2 Nature 0
Civilization 3 Perception 4 Agility 3
Fortitude 5 Influence 1 Command 2 Expert (DC 16): Travelers tell rumors of the
Intimidate 4 Discipline 5 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 2 Kingdom of Ikana, a once-great country,
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: Weapons (when available) now populated entirely by Stalfos and other
3x Sturdy Stalbone (Rank 2 Monster Part)
undead. Some say they fought a war so
heinous, and so full of hatred, that the dead
Parutamu are big, hulking Stalfos who wear
continue to fight it still.
ancient metal armor to protect themselves.
They think little of their own safety, and use
Mipha’s Vault to launch into the fray. They
then defend their allies to the undeath.
Statues have long been common traps in Stone Statue
Zelda games. They watch from the quiet,
dark corners of the room, and shoot magical Stone Statue
Rank 1 Mechanical Trap
attacks at whatever offends them. HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 0
Defense: 18 (Impervious) Concentration: 15
Initiative: +0 Evasion: 5
One Statue may not look like another; their Size: Medium Vitality: 15
appearance often varies, based on the motif Movement: None
Magic Salvo Damage: 10, Fire
of the dungeon or cavern they’re in. To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 6
Default Weapon: Magic Eye
Face Lamp (Rank 1 Metal Rod)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 5 Durability: 6
Deftly Deflectable (Passive)
Face Lamp If a creature uses the Deflect Reaction against any attack, effect, or
Rank 0 Mechanical Trap passive from this trap, or if they are using the Defend action while
equipped with a Defensive weapon, then this trap’s attacks deal no
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 0 damage nor ill effects to them.
Defense: 10 (Impervious) Concentration: 15 Timid Trap (Passive)
Initiative: +0 Evasion: 5 This trap only attacks while there are allied creatures present, or
Size: Medium Vitality: 15 while specifically kept active by a mechanism in the vicinity. If those
conditions are not met, this trap goes inert and ceases attacking.
Movement: None
Vision Dependent (Passive)
Magic Salvo Damage: 7, Fire This creature depends on its vision utterly. If Blinded or otherwise
To-Hit Check: +5 Range: Projectile 8 unable to see any foes, it immediately goes inert.
Default Weapon: Magic Ember Instinctive Intelligence
(Rank 0 Natural Staff) Immunity: Flirt
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 4 Durability: 4 Combat 0 Willpower 5 Accuracy 5
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 0
Dazzling Threat (Passive) Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 0
If this creature hits a foe with a Basic Attack, and that foe does not Civilization 0 Perception 5 Agility 0
use a Reaction, then that foe is Dazzled. Fortitude 5 Influence 0 Command 0
Deftly Deflectable (Passive) Intimidate 0 Discipline 5 Insight 0
If a creature uses the Deflect Reaction against any attack, effect, or Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
passive from this trap, or if they are using the Defend action while Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
equipped with a Defensive weapon, then this trap’s attacks deal no Drops: 3x Clay, Tykogi Iron, or Ruby, Rank 1
damage nor ill effects to them.
Flame-Fueled (Passive)
This trap contain a flame that uses no fuel, but can be extinguished. Stone Statues feature at least one large eye,
If that flame is put out (such as if you are struck with Water damage
or smothered), this trap goes inert until the flame is lit again. which turns to watch interlopers. When they
Timid Trap (Passive)
This trap only attacks while there are allied creatures present, or get too close, they unleash a small, short-
while specifically kept active by a mechanism in the vicinity. If those
conditions are not met, this trap goes inert and ceases attacking.
range fireball. However, if they can’t see any
Instinctive Intelligence enemies, then they shut down and cease
Immunity: Flirt
Combat 0 Willpower 3 Accuracy 3 attacking.
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 0
Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Civilization 0 Perception 3 Agility 0
Fortitude 5 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 5 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Gravel, Slag Scraps, or Ruby, Rank 0
Beamos Medusa
Beamos Medusa
Rank 2 Mechanical Trap Rank 2 Mechanical Trap
HP: 28 MP: 24 SP: 24 HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 0
Defense: 26 (Impervious) Concentration: 17 Defense: 26 (Impervious) Concentration: 17
Initiative: +0 Evasion: 5 Initiative: +0 Evasion: 5
Size: Medium Vitality: 17 Size: Medium Vitality: 17
Movement: None Movement: None
Magic Salvo Damage: 15, Light Magic Salvo Damage: 17, Fire
To-Hit Check: +11 Range: Projectile 6 To-Hit Check: +9 Range: Projectile 8
Barrage Damage: - Default Weapon: Medusa Tongue
12 Stamina Range: Projectile 3 (Rank 2 Metal Staff)
Make three separate Ranged Basic Attacks. These Basic Attacks Accuracy: 2 Attack: 10 Durability: 10
have their Range halved. You do not need to target the same
enemy with each attack. You cannot move between attacks. Deftly Deflectable (Passive)
If a creature uses the Deflect Reaction against any attack, effect, or
Spin Laser Damage: 15, Light passive from this trap, or if they are using the Defend action while
12 Magic Range: Burst 2 equipped with a Defensive weapon, then this trap’s attacks deal no
You create an Updraft in a Burst 1 around you until the end of your damage nor ill effects to them.
next turn. Easy Freezy (Passive)
Default Weapon: Beamos’ Eye If this creature is struck with Ice damage, it is automatically and
(Rank 2 Metal Rod) immediately Frozen.
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 9 Instinctive Intelligence
Blind Panic (Passive) Immunity: Flirt
This creature depends on its vision utterly. If Blinded, this creature Combat 0 Willpower 7 Accuracy 7
will attempt to use Spells or Techniques, no matter how poor a Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 0
tactical idea that is. Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Civilization 0 Perception 7 Agility 0
Bullseye (Weak Point) Fortitude 7 Influence 0 Command 0
This creature’s eye is its Weak Point, and is Hard to Hit. Once Intimidate 0 Discipline 7 Insight 0
struck, this creature is Blinded, and its Weak Point cannot be struck, Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
until the end of its next turn. Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Deftly Deflectable (Passive) Drops: 3x Granite, Soldier Steel, or Ruby, Rank 2
If a creature uses the Deflect Reaction against any attack, effect, or
passive from this trap, or if they are using the Defend action while
equipped with a Defensive weapon, then this trap’s attacks deal no
damage nor ill effects to them. Medusa are small stone squares, comprising
Explosive End (Passive) of a large open mouth and tongue. They
When this creature dies, it explodes. It immediately makes an attack:
Burst 1, +11 To-Hit; on hit, deal 22 damage and push the foe out fling fireballs at any foes within range, even
of the blast radius.
Instinctive Intelligence when all other monsters are defeated.
Immunity: Flirt However, they can easily be Frozen with any
Combat 0 Willpower 7 Accuracy 7
Hearts 7 Magic 6 Stamina 6 Ice attack.
Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Civilization 0 Perception 7 Agility 0
Fortitude 7 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 7 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Gear (Ancient Material)
or Diamond, Rank 2
Yomo Medusa
Yomo Medusa
Rank 3 Mechanical Trap
HP: 20 MP: 12 SP: 0
Defense: 34 (Impervious) Concentration: 17
Initiative: 0 Evasion: 5
Size: Medium Vitality: 17
Movement: None
Magic Salvo Damage: 13, Fire
To-Hit Check: +6 Range: Projectile 8
Yomo Fire Damage: 21, Fire
10 Magic Range: Projectile 8 x4
Make a Basic Attack in each of the four cardinal directions.
Default Weapon: Yomo Medusa Tongue
(Rank 3 Metal Staff)
Accuracy: 2 Attack: 13 Durability: 13
Deftly Deflectable (Passive)
If a creature uses the Deflect Reaction against any attack, effect, or
passive from this trap, or if they are using the Defend action while
equipped with a Defensive weapon, then this trap’s attacks deal no
damage nor ill effects to them.
Easy Freezy (Passive)
If this creature is struck with Ice damage, it is automatically and
immediately Frozen.
Instinctive Intelligence
Immunity: Flirt
Combat 0 Willpower 8 Accuracy 7
Hearts 5 Magic 3 Stamina 0
Athletics 0 Arcana 0 Nature 0
Civilization 0 Perception 7 Agility 0
Fortitude 7 Influence 0 Command 0
Intimidate 0 Discipline 7 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Limestone, Knuckle Alloy, or Ruby, Rank 3
Talus are huge stone behemoths, without Pebblits, the young form of a Talus, can be
face or mind of any kind. They sleep away found in those same environs. Wherever you
the ages, looking like a boulder or hill – until see more than a few Pebblit, be wary – you
someone rouses them. Then, they rise up, might already be standing on a Talus.
and proceed to smash anything nearby,
before settling down for a decades’ nap.
Pebblit Pebblits are mindless, more forces of nature
Rank 1 Natural Warrior than animals – they rush towards whatever
HP: 8 MP: 0 SP: 8
Defense: 12 (Extreme) Concentration: 11 creature has irked them, and try to bump
Initiative: +1 Evasion: 5 them into submission.
Size: Small Vitality: 15
Movement: 3 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 6, (Element) Pebblits take on aspects of their environs,
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Melee
absorbing ambient elemental energies. This
Default Weapon: Pebblit Punch
(Rank 1 Natural Fist, (Element) damage) makes them a great way to find Gems, but
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 4 Durability: 5 also means that one horde of Pebblits may
Elemental Aura (Passive)
If grappled, touched, or struck with a bare hand or Hands-Free act a little differently than another. Refer to
Weapon, the attacking creature is inflicted with (Element’s Status).
If struck with (Vulnerability) damage, this creature’s aura disappears the table above to see how Pebblits of a
until the end of its next turn, and it may be safely touched.
Fragile (Passive)
given element differ.
If thrown, pushed into a solid object, or if it suffers falling damage,
this creature shatters upon impact, instantly killing it. Dying in this
way this reduces this amount of Dropped Materials by one.
Silent Stone (Passive)
Pebblit Lore
+5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving.
Throwable (Passive) Effortless (DC 4): Pebblits look just like a
Once Grappled, this creature can be thrown as a two-handed
weapon with an Attack of 2 and an Accuracy of 3.
normal rock, right up until they begin to
Instinctive Intelligence move. Though relatively harmless, they can
Vulnerability: Blunt damage, (Vulnerability Element)
Immunity: (Element’s status), Blinded, Sick
still be a nuisance.
Combat 2 Willpower 0 Accuracy 3
Hearts 2 Magic 0 Stamina 2
Athletics 3 Arcana 0 Nature 0 Novice (DC 7): Pebblits aren’t always a sign
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 1
Fortitude 5 Influence 0 Command 0 that there’s a Talus (though a wise
Intimidate 0 Discipline 1 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 adventurer should assume such, until proven
Smithing 2 Enchanting 0 Cooking 1
Drops: 1x Rank 1 Elemental Gem otherwise). An easy way to find out is simply
1x Rank 1 Metal
1x Rank 1 Stone (if using Stone; else, Metal)
to destroy a Pebblit – if a nearby hill rises up
and wants to smash you, you’ll know that
Pebblits are weak, unable to cause the there’s a Talus nearby.
massive pain that a fully-grown Talus can.
They’re very durable, unless struck with one Journeyman (DC 10): You may have heard
of their many weaknesses: a blunt weapon tavern-tales of a mountain village where
will destroy them utterly, but so will being people toss Pebblits down the slopes, aiming
thrown, pushed off a cliff, or being smashed to see whose poor rock creature gets the
into a hard surface. They can even be furthest, bounces the highest, or strikes the
chucked much like any normal rock, making most other Pebblits as they slowly clamber
them useful impromptu weapons for the up the mountain, It sounds like quite the
empty-handed Hero. sport, a bit like bowling or bocci – except the
ball and pins feebly try to fight back.
Talus Once a Stone Talus is awoken, it begins
Rank 2 Natural Warrior Miniboss rampaging, attempting to kill whatever woke
HP: 80 MP: 0 SP: 40
Defense: 16 (Extreme) Concentration: 12 it. It will only stop when the offending
Initiative: +2 Evasion: 6 creature flees for its life. Thankfully, Talus are
Size: Huge Vitality: 20
Movement: 3 (Walking)
easily outpaced.
Sweep Damage: 13, (Element)
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Sweep 2
While fighting, the Stone Talus will attempt to
Boulder Bombard Damage: 13, (Element)
4 Stamina Range: Blast 2 within 8 close to melee and smash its foe with its
Use Requirement: At least one fist remaining. stony fists. If no foe is within its movement
The affected area is now (Element’s Terrain).
The Talus loses one of its Fists. range to smash in melee, it will stay still, and
Windup Strike Damage: 13, (Element)
6 Stamina Range: Melee
Bombard a foe with a Boulder.
Roll To-Hit target’s Concentration; on success, this attack deals 6
more damage.
Default Weapon: Talus’ Boulders (x2) Talus Lore
(Rank 2 Natural Fist, (Element) damage)
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 7 Durability: 8 Novice (DC 7): It’s impossible to tell a Talus
Elemental Aura (Passive)
If grappled, touched, or struck with a bare hand or Hands-Free from a large boulder, until you get too close.
Weapon, the attacking creature is inflicted with (Element’s Status).
If struck with (Vulnerability) damage, this creature’s aura disappears If you feel the earth move under your feet,
until the end of its next turn, and it may be safely touched.
Fists of Clay (Weak Point)
run – it may be that you’ve awakened a
Each of a Talus’ Fists can be targeted by attacks, separate from its Stone Talus!
main body, and are Hard to Hit. If struck with any Critical Hit or Blunt
attack, the fist will disintegrate – this causes the Talus no damage,
but reduces its Accuracy by 1 and Slows it. If both fists are
destroyed, the Talus is Halted and can only use its Strike Basic Journeyman (DC 10): If you see a ripe,
Attack. The Talus may spend a turn regenerating its Fists, ending
these conditions. jutting vein of sparkling ore in the middle of
Orebrain (Weak Point)
The Talus has a large ore node atop it. If fired upon from a distance, nowhere, beware – it is likely a resting Talus.
the ore node is Hard to Hit. The ore node can be struck in melee if
the attacker first climbs on top of the Stone Talus (a DC 13 Athletics
Many fools have let their greed be the end of
check, DC 10 if the Talus is Slowed, DC 7 if Halted). This ore node
is its weak point. If its ore node is struck in melee, the Talus will
them in this way.
spend its next turn shuddering, throwing the attacker off its back in a
random direction (and potentially causing fall damage; the Talus is 3
squares tall). Adept (DC 13): Goron miners share a tale
Silent Stone (Passive)
+5 to Agility for the purposes of Stealth checks while not moving. of a headstrong delver who tunneled deep
Sweeping Striker (Passive) into an uninhabited mountain, only to
This creature may make Sweep Basic Attacks with all Melee weapons.
Instinctive Intelligence discover it was a giant Talus. However, there
Vulnerability: Blunt damage, (Vulnerability Element)
Immunity: (Element’s status), Blinded, Sick
are different versions of the story – some
Combat 6 Willpower 0 Accuracy 2 where the Talus rends a rift in the earth,
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 5
Athletics 8 Arcana 0 Nature 0 some where the delver defeats the Talus and
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 2
Fortitude 10 Influence 0 Command 0 scatters riches throughout the world, and
Intimidate 4 Discipline 2 Insight 0
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0 some where he digs within the massive
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 6 materials, equally split between: Talus, and takes control of the unthinking
• Rank 2 Elemental Gem
• Rank 2 Metal
• Rank 2 Stone (if using Stone)
Rank 1 Natural Warrior
HP: 12 MP: 0 SP: 20
Defense: 4 (Light) Concentration: 12
Initiative: +5 Evasion: 15
Size: Medium Vitality: 13
Movement: 8 (Walking)
Strike Damage: 7
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
Jump Attack Damage: 12
6 Stamina Range: Jump 4, Melee
You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them,
even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the
turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed.
Lizalfos Leap
Damage: -
Range: Self
8 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
adjacent to you
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in a non-vertical
direction of your choice. This does not consume your Movement.
Default Weapon: Tektite Leg
(Rank 1 Natural Hammer)
Accuracy: 3 Attack: 4 Durability: 8
High-Tension Tendons (Passive)
This creature is not Slowed by land-based Difficult Terrain. It can
also stand and walk on the surface of a body of water, though it is
still affected by water-based terrain (such as currents or foam).
Instinctive Intelligence
Vulnerability: Piercing damage
Combat 3 Willpower 0 Accuracy 4
Hearts 3 Magic 0 Stamina 5
Athletics 5 Arcana 0 Nature 3
Civilization 0 Perception 4 Agility 5
Fortitude 3 Influence 1 Command 0
Intimidate 3 Discipline 2 Insight 1
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 0
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 3x Tektite Carapace (Rank 1 Monster Part)
Three-of-a-Kind are strange things, like Three-of-a-Kind
something out of a fever dream. They are Rank 2 Arcane Protector
HP: 12 MP: 12 SP: 12
walking cards, as big as a person, with Defense: 33 (Impervious) Concentration: 13
rounded edges and malevolent eyes. Their Initiative: +3 Evasion: 0
Size: Medium Vitality: 13
suits change with every passing second. Movement: 8 (Walking)
Unable to be slain by normal damage, they Strike Damage: 13
To-Hit Check: +7 Range: Melee
can only be defeated by making all of their
Jump Attack Damage: 16
suits match. 6 Stamina Range: Jump 3, Melee
You jump towards your target in a straight line, landing next to them,
even if you have already reached you maximum Movement for the
turn. You are Off-Balance until the start of your next turn. This
attack cannot be performed if you are Halted or Slowed.
Lizalfos Leap
Damage: -
Range: Self
8 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
adjacent to you
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in a non-vertical
direction of your choice. This does not consume your Movement.
Magic Shuffle Damage: -
12 Magic Range: Burst 3
For each target in range (including the user), move the target (2d6
– 7) squares up, and (2d6 – 7) squares right, on the map. (If the
number is negative, then move down or left, respectively.) If the
position is inherently unsafe, such as a bottomless pit or inside a
wall, instead place them on the nearest safe space.
Default Weapon: Blackjack
(Rank 2 Natural Club)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 10 Durability: 7
Distracting Deck (Passive)
While active, this creature is Distracting to all foes within Burst 3
who can see the Three-of-a-Kind.
Shuffling Suit (Passive)
This creature changes between card suits with every initiative tick.
Initiative Modulo 4 Suit
Artist: Nintendo
3 Clubs
2 Diamonds
1 Hearts
Three-of-a-Kind are both annoying, and 0 Spades
When it takes damage, this creature’s suit freezes, and it loses its
rewarding. They shuffle towards any nearby turn until all other Three-of-a-Kind in the area are also struck,
freezing their suits. If all Three-of-a-Kind in an area land on the
foes and bop them with their Blackjack. Their same suit, then all Three-of-a-Kind are immediately defeated;
otherwise, all Three-of-a-Kind regain their turns, unharmed.
Distracting nature may necessitate striking Instinctive Intelligence
Combat 3 Willpower 3 Accuracy 3
one simply to stop the incessant annoyance. Hearts 3 Magic 3 Stamina 3
Athletics 3 Arcana 3 Nature 3
However, Three-of-a-Kind are well worth Civilization 3 Perception 3 Agility 3
dealing with, as they can provide a variety of Fortitude
treasure once defeated. Mechanics 3 Perform 3 Guile 3
Smithing 3 Enchanting 3 Cooking 3
Drops: If destroyed on Clubs:
• 15x Tippen Trefoil
(Rank 2 Food Ingredient, Subtle)
If destroyed on Diamonds:
• 120 Rupees
If destroyed on Hearts:
• 1x “Heart of the Cards” Potion
(Elixir: Restores 4 Health)
If destroyed on Spades:
• Random Rank 2 Tool or Weapon
Wallmasters are giant, disembodied hands, Wallmaster
lurking in dungeons and the dark, forgotten Rank 3 Arcane Hunter
HP: 20 MP: 0 SP: 20
places of the world. They like to drop on top Defense: 10 (Medium) Concentration: 15
of foes, grab them, and drag them into the Initiative: +7 Evasion: 15
Size: Medium Vitality: 15
walls (hence their name). In a pinch, they Movement: 6 (Flying)
can take more direct measures, too. Strike Damage: 15
To-Hit Check: +10 Range: Melee
Grapple Damage: -
When a Wallmaster grabs a foe, they will To-Hit Check: +18 Range: Melee
(vs. Vit)
attempt to drag them into the nearest wall or Damage: 5
Fastball Special
ceiling, squeezing them all the while. Once 6 Stamina Range: Projectile 8
Damage from this attack ignores Defense. Deal equal damage to the
the Wallmaster has dragged a Hero into the thrown creature, also ignoring Defense. The thrown creature lands
adjacent to the target.
dungeon’s stonework, it stops squeezing – Damage: 15
Slap Down
because the Hero is unable to escape its 4 Stamina Range: Melee
Roll To-Hit target’s Vitality; on success, the target is Knocked Prone.
grasp without being stuck in the stone Default Weapon: Wallmaster Hand
forever. The Wallmaster then moves to the (Rank 3 Natural Fist)
Accuracy: 5 Attack: 10 Durability: 11
dungeon’s entrance, or some other pre-
Big Squeeze (Passive)
determined location, and deposits the Hero This creature gains a +2 on Athletics rolls to begin or maintain a
Grapple. Whenever this creature successfully roll to maintain (but not
unceremoniously. begin) a Grapple, deal 2 damage to that foe, ignoring Defense.
Wallmaster’s Phasing (Passive)
This creature, along and any creature it’s Grappled, can pass through
solid objects, walls, and floors, as if they were Difficult Terrain.
Limited Intelligence, Magic Sense, Omnidirectional,
Immune: Blindness
Combat 5 Willpower 0 Accuracy 5
Hearts 5 Magic 0 Stamina 5
Athletics 7 Arcana 6 Nature 2
Civilization 3 Perception 4 Agility 7
Fortitude 5 Influence 2 Command 3
Intimidate 4 Discipline 5 Insight 2
Mechanics 4 Perform 0 Guile 3
Smithing 4 Enchanting 4 Cooking 4
Drops: 3x Wallmaster Fingernail (Rank 3 Monster Part)
Wizzrobe Lore
Wizzrobe Journeyman (DC 10): Wizzrobes are skilled
Wizzrobe are among the most cunning and wizards, known for their most annoying trick:
magically-capable of evil creatures. With when they focus, they can slightly phase out
faces permanently shrouded in darkness, of existence, becoming hard to track or hit.
they disappear and reappear at a whim, Wait for the Wizzrobe to manifest itself fully,
casting dangerous magic as easily as Heroes then unleash a mighty blow while you can.
cast aspersions on their annoying tactics.
Adept (DC 13): No one has ever seen a
Wizzrobe’s face, only their glowing eyes.
Some people think they may not have a face
at all, being instead an embodiment of
magic, or the spirit of some long-lost wizard
who delved too deep into arcane mysteries.
Artist: Nintendo
The Yiga are a clan of evil ninjas, often
resorting to theft, deception, and cold-
blooded murder. They see Calamity Ganon
as the ultimate end of the battle of good
versus evil, and will stop at nothing to see
him restored and victorious.
Zirro are mushrooms with wings and stubby
little feet. When angered, they dart to and fro
over the heads of their foes, dropping lit
Bombs beneath them – and giddily darting
just out of reach of any Hero who would try
to engage them in melee combat.
The typical Zirro are most commonly found in
desolate outdoor areas, such as ravaged
fields, streams, and rocky hills.
Rank 2 Natural Hunter
HP: 20 MP: 8 SP: 24
Defense: 6 (Light) Concentration: 14
Initiative: +4 Evasion: 14
Size: Medium Vitality: 14
Movement: 4 (Flying)
Magic Salvo Damage: 12
To-Hit Check: +8 Range: Projectile 6
Lizalfos Leap
Damage: -
Range: Self
8 Stamina
Use Requirement: A foe moves into a square
adjacent to you
You immediately move 3 squares away from them, in a non-vertical
direction of your choice. This does not consume your Movement.
Zirro’s Bombardment Damage: -
1 Magic Range: Self
Drop a lit Bomb directly below you. (If you are in midair, the Bomb
lands safely on the ground beneath you.) This Bomb explodes at
the end of the user’s next turn. (Bombs explode in a Burst 1, and
deal 8 damage.)
Default Weapon: Zirro’s Bullets
(Rank 2 Natural Rod)
Accuracy: 4 Attack: 8 Durability: 9
Artful Dodger (Passive)
If this creature has no status ailments and hasn’t used a Reaction
since its previous turn, it is Hard to Hit by all Melee attacks.
Instinctive Intelligence
Vulnerability: Fire
Combat 3 Willpower 4 Accuracy 4
Hearts 5 Magic 2 Stamina 6
Athletics 3 Arcana 2 Nature 3
Civilization 0 Perception 2 Agility 4
Fortitude 4 Influence 2 Command 2
Intimidate 2 Discipline 4 Insight 2
Mechanics 0 Perform 0 Guile 2
Smithing 0 Enchanting 0 Cooking 0
Drops: 2x Bombs
2x Zirro Wing (Rank 2 Monster Part)
Rank 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
Swarm Blaster Blaster Blaster
Boe ............................. 19 Blastworm ................... 16 Babusu ....................... 76 Cucco ......................... 10
Bokoblin Peon .............. 20 Bokoblin Grenadier ....... 22 Deep Cheep ................ 28 Wizzrobe Waveshaper ... 92
Brigand Pledge ............. 24 Brigand Hedge-Wizard .. 26 Moblin Firebringer ......... 57 Boss Blaster
Gel ............................. 98 Rocktorok ................... 66 Mothulette ................... 62 Mothula ....................... 62
Gohma Larva ................ 38 Boss Blaster Shadow Puppet............ 70
Insects ........................ 11 Boss Warrior
Aquamentus ................ 13 Boss Protector Hinox .......................... 64
Keese .......................... 48 Moldorm...................... 60
Octorok, Young ............ 65 Boss Warrior Molduga ...................... 61
Stal ............................. 78 Queen Gohma ............. 39 Boss Rallier Heavy Blaster
Zombie ........................ 73 Heavy Blaster Stagnox ...................... 16 Bombnox ..................... 64
Zoro Beetle .................. 14 Derelict Guardian ......... 42 Boss Warrior Kanonnier .................... 33
Trap Hunter Huge Hikkun ................ 45 Yiga Blademaster .......... 96
Face Lamp ................... 81 Bokoblin Sniper ............ 22 Hunter Heavy Protector
Brigand Ambusher ........ 25 Aeralfos ....................... 51 Rebonak ...................... 34
Cat, Domestic ................ 9 Guardian Skywatcher .... 43 Heavy Rallier
Cheep Cheep, Common 28 Moa............................ 37 Mazura ........................ 34
Octorok ...................... 66 Moblin Harpooner ......... 58
Rat, Common .............. 11 Simulacrum .................. 70 Heavy Warrior
Stalfos ........................ 78 Treasure Octorok.......... 67 Iron Knuckle ................. 33
Tinsuit ........................ 12 Zirro ........................... 97 Snurgle ....................... 77
Protector Miniboss Warrior Hunter
Bokoblin Bodyguard ..... 21 Dodongo ..................... 36 Rupee Like .................. 50
Brigand Bully ............... 26 Talus .......................... 86 Wallmaster ................... 89
Deku Baba .................. 35 Wizzrobe Wilewright ...... 92
Magmanos .................. 54 Bunraku ...................... 68 Miniboss Blaster
Zol ............................. 98 Dinolfos ...................... 52 Guardian Stalker ........... 43
Rallier Hardhat Beetle ............. 15 Miniboss Protector
Bokoblin Warcaller ........ 23 Horse.......................... 11 Keaton ........................ 46
Brigand Apothecary ...... 25 Like Like ..................... 50 Miniboss Warrior
Scaefos ...................... 75 Moblin Guard ............... 58 Lynel........................... 53
Stalrobe ...................... 79 Moldorm...................... 60
Parutamu .................... 80 Protector
Swarm Phantom Knight ............ 76
Elemental Keese .......... 49 ReDead....................... 74
Three-of-a-Kind ........... 88 Wizzrobe Wand-Duelist.. 91
Moblin Rabble.............. 56 Yiga Earthweaver .......... 95
Trap Rallier
Cantastor .................... 69 Rallier
Blade Trap .................. 17 Pengator Snowslinger.... 71
Stone Statue ............... 81 Moblin Secret-Keeper ... 59
Wizzrobe Warison ......... 91
Warrior Trap
Beamos....................... 82 Trap
Armos Statue ............... 12 Yomo Medusa .............. 83
Bokoblin Berserker ....... 21 Chaser ........................ 17
Brigand Ruffian ............ 27 Medusa....................... 82 Warrior
Chuchu ....................... 29 Warrior Gibdo .......................... 74
Crow ............................ 9 Buzz Blob .................... 18 Pengator Courser ......... 71
Dog, Domestic ............. 10 Ghini ........................... 37 Pols Voice ................... 72
Magtail ....................... 55 Goriya ......................... 40 Yiga Footsoldier............ 95
Pebblit ........................ 85 Guardian Scout ............ 42 Special
Spiked Beetle .............. 14 Helmasaur ................... 44
Stalhound ................... 79 Hikkun ........................ 45
Dark Doppelganger . 30
Tektite ........................ 87 Lizalfos ....................... 52
Marionette ................... 69
Moblin Charger ............ 57
Snap Dragon ............... 77
Wolfos ........................ 93