PathfinderLITE CORE - Cheat Sheet

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Pathfinder LITE: Cheat Sheet

v2 by Morgan Mains -- Based on the MicroLITE d20 core rules

Ability Scores: (Modifier = STAT – 10 / 2 (round down))

There are three core Ability Scores often called ‘Stats’.
 Strength (STR)
 Dexterity (DEX)
 Mind (MND)

Skills & Actions: (Skill Rank = Level + Race Modifier + Class Modifier)
Skill Check: (Roll = 1d20 + Skill Rank + Stat Bonus + Situational Modifier)
There are four general skills that all characters may use.
 Physical (Phys)
 Subterfuge (Sub)
 Knowledge (Know)
 Communication. (Com)

Standard Actions & Skill Checks: Suggested rolls for Standard Actions and typical Skill Checks. Any player
may suggest a different roll than listed that may represent what their character is attempting more accurately.

Appraise - com+MIND Hunt / Forage sub+DEX Ride - com+DEX

Balance - phys+DEX Intimidate - com+STR Search - (Perception)
Bluff - com+MIND Jump (long) - phys+STR Sense Motive - com+MIND
Climb - phys+STR Jump (high) phys+DEX Sleight of Hand - sub+DEX
Concentration - phys+MIND Knowledge - know+MIND Speak Language - (Linguistics)
Craft - know+DEX Linguistics - comm+MIND Sneak (hide & move silent) -sub+DEX
Decipher Script - (Linguistics) Listen - (Perception) Spellcraft - know+MIND
Decipher Language - (Linguistics) Move Silently - (Stealth) Spot - (Perception)
Diplomacy - com+MIND Open Lock - (Disable Device) Stealth - sub+DEX
Disable Device - sub+DEX Perception – Survival - phys+STR
Disguise - sub+MIND Spot - phys+MIND Swim - phys+STR
Escape Artist (slip free)- sub+DEX Search - know+DEX Tumble - phys+DEX
Escape Artist (break free) - sub+STR Listen - sub+MIND Use Magic Device - know+MIND
Forgery - (Linguistics) Smell - phys+MIND Use Rope - know+DEX
Gather Information - (Diplomacy) Taste - know+MIND
Handle Animal - com+MIND Perform (act, sing, etc) - com+MIND
Heal - know+MIND Perform (instrument) - com+DEX
Hide - (Stealth) Profession - com+MIND
 Reflex: (Save = Phys + DEX)
 Fortitude: (Save = Phys + STR)
 Will: (Save = MND + LVL)

Magic: To determine what spells are available to each class please refer to their detailed class documents.
 Spell Level: (Caster Level / 2 (round up))
The spell level a magic user can cast is equal or below 1/2 their class level, rounded up. The spell caster may only cast
spells of their current spell level or below.
 Casting Cost: (Cost = Spell Level * 2 + 1)
Casting a spell of any kind costs Hit Points. The cost is 1 + double the level of the spell being cast. This loss cannot be
healed normally but is recovered after 8+ hours rest.
 Signature Spells: (Cost = Spell Level * 2)
Choose spells that suit your character. Select one 'signature' spell, per spell level, from 1st Spell Level upward that they
prefer to use over any other. These spells are easier to cast due to familiarity, costing 1 less HP to use.
 Difficulty Class: (DC = 10 + Caster Level+MIND bonus)
Use this DC to check against for things like Reflex or Will saves vs. a spell’s effects. When casting a spell on an
unwilling target that target may get a Save which they will have to roll and check against your spell DC. Be sure to read
a spells description to see what save, if any, your targets may get and what happens if they fail a Save.
 Memorization:
There is no need to memorize spells in advance; casting is spontaneous for all casting classes. The trade off for this
benefit, and the superiority of magic in general, is the cost of Hit Points to cast spells.
Hit Points: (HP = STR Stat + 1d6 per Level.)  Usage: Executing a combat maneuver is a standard
action. The defending opponent makes an opposed
Initiative: (Roll = 1d20 + DEX bonus) roll against the attacker; both roll 1d20+CMB and the
Someone should write down every character’s name, including higher number wins. Some combat maneuvers can
opponents, and the Initiative number they rolled in the order of be maintained over several rounds (grapple or bull
highest to lowest number. This is the Initiative Order for an rush); a defender may attempt to break free on their
encounter which dictates the order in which turns are taken. turn or an attacker may attempt to maintain the
maneuver on their turn. Another opposed CMB check
All characters take a Turn in order of Initiative. After everyone is rolled on the attacker’s and defender’s turn; if the
has taken their Turn a new Round starts again at the top of the attacker wins the maneuver is maintained but if the
Initiative Order. Everyone can take one Move Action and one defender wins then the maneuver is broken.
Standard Action per turn.  Maneuvers:
o Grapple: You can attempt to grapple a foe,
Attack Bonus: When a player declares their character attacks hindering their combat options. Once
an opponent they make an Attack Roll using one of these grappled you can attempt to move together,
bonuses. damage your opponent, or pin them down.
 Melee ATK: (Bonus = STR modifier + Level) o Bull Rush: A bull rush attempts to push an
 Missile ATK: (Bonus = DEX modifier + Level) opponent straight back 5' without doing any
 Magic ATK: (Bonus = MND modifier + Level) harm.
o Trip: You may attempt to trip an opponent
Attacking: (ATK Roll = 1d20 + ATK bonus vs. opponent's AC) and knock them prone.
Which attack bonus to use depends on the type of weapon you o Disarm: Attempt to disarm opponent.
are using. Melee ATK for close combat weapons, Missile ATK Success and they drop their weapon; failure
for ranged / thrown weapons, and Magic ATK for spells that and you drop yours.
require a ‘ranged touch attack’ or other ATK roll (read a spells o Overrun: Attempt to overrun your target,
description to see if it requires an attack roll). A player will
moving through the space it occupies.
declare who their character is targeting for an attack, make an
o Sunder: You can attempt to sunder an item
ATK Roll, and tell the GM what the total result is. The GM will
held or worn by your opponent using a
check this number against the target’s AC and announce if it
was a ‘hit’ or ‘miss’. weapon you wield. Succeed and the item is
rendered useless until repaired.
Armor Class: (AC = 10 + DEX bonus + Armor bonus) o Charge: Run up to twice your normal
Each type of armor has its own bonus designated; refer to your distance and make a single attack. Path to
armor stats and description when calculating a player target must be straight and clear of
character’s AC. Other modifiers can effect your Armor bonus obstacles.
so be sure to include things like shields, magic items, spell o Aid Another: Spend your turn aiding a
effects, and include all applicable modifiers in order to nearby ally. The designated ally gains a +2
accurately total up a character’s AC. bonus on next roll.

Critical Hit / Miss: A “Natural Roll” is a number rolled on the Dual Wielding Weapons: Fighters, Rogues, and Rangers can
dice with no modifiers applied. Consult with your DM what wield 2 light weapons and attack with both in a round if they
happens when a critical hit or critical miss occurs. A typical take a -2 penalty on all ATK Rolls that round. To determine if a
result is double damage for a critical hit and a character weapon is a ‘light weapon’ please refer to the weapon’s stats
harming themselves for a critical fumble. These only apply to and description.
ATK Rolls.
 Critical Hit: Natural 20 Damage: (DMG Roll = damage dice + modifiers) subtract
 Critical Miss: Natural 1 result from opponents HP.
When an ATK Roll results in a hit then the player makes a
Multiple Attacks: If a character’s total ATK bonus is +6 or DMG Roll. Each weapon will have designated dice types to roll
more then a second ATK can be made that round at a -5 for damage so refer to your weapon stats when rolling for
penalty. If a character’s total ATK bonus is +11 or more then a damage. Spells indicate in their description what dice to roll.
third ATK can be made that round at a -10 penalty.  Damage Bonus: Add your character’s STR modifier
 Example: If the total bonus is +6; two attacks can be to Melee damage, multiply by 2 for 2-handed weapons.
made with ATK Bonuses of +6/+1 Other modifiers from spell effects, magic items, or
 Example: If the total bonus is +12, three attacks can other circumstances may apply so be sure to add
be made with ATK Bonuses of +12/+7/+2. everything.

Combat Maneuver System: Attacker roll = 1d20 + CMB vs. Death: If a character’s HP reaches 0; the character falls
Defender roll = 1d20 + CMB (higher number wins) unconscious and is near death. Further damage directly
 Combat Maneuver Bonus: CMB = Melee ATK bonus reduces STR. If STR reaches 0 the player’s character is dead.
+ Phys skill bonus Once revived and conscious; a characters STR is restored
while HP will have to be magically cured or healed with
extended rest and care.

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