Way of The Spirit Warrior

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Way of the Spirit Warrior

There is a greater spirit within all of us, the Way of the Spirit Warrior
specializes on manifesting and honing these abilities.

- Resilient Soul
Starting at 3rd level, each time you gain Spirit you gain a number of Temporary Hit
Points equal to your Monk level.
Additionally you gain proficiency in your choice of Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom

- Spiritual Breakthrough - 3rd Level Feature

When you use at least 1 Ki point during your turn or use the attack action on your
turn using only unarmed strikes, you gain Spirit unless otherwise stated.
When you gain Spirit it lasts until you spend it or 1 minute passes.
You can gain spirit only once per turn.
To use a spirit technique you must meet its pre-requisites.
While you have spirit, you gain the following benefits:

- Honed Valor: While you have spirit, your Martial Arts die increases by 1
category (From 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, and 1d8 to 1d10).

- Spiritual Retribution: When you receive damage from a melee attack while
you have Spirit, you can consume it as a reaction to deal force damage to the
attacker equal to one roll of your Martial Arts Die
This damage increases to two rolls of your Martial Arts Die at 11th-Level.

- Resonant Energy: You can consume spirit to unleash your spirit. When you do
so, each creature of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must make a
Dexterity saving throw.
On a fail, they take force damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts
On a success, they only receive half damage
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
While you have no uses available, you can spend 2 ki points to use this
feature again.
If you use this Technique with Ki points, you do not regain spirit as part of
using Ki.

- Edged Will:
6th-Level Technique
You can consume spirit as a bonus action to target a creature that you can
see within 30ft of you.
The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw agaisnt your Ki DC.
On a fail, they receive force damage equal to your Monk level and you move
30ft on a straight line towards the creature ignoring difficult terrain, even if
your speed is zero.
This movement doesnt provoke opportunity attacks and you can move in any
direction with this feature as long as there is a target.
You can spend 1 Ki point to use this spirit Technique as a Reaction to a
creature moving within 30ft of you. If you use this Technique as a reaction, you do
not regain spirit as part of using Ki.

- Spiritual Push
11th-Level Technique
When you successfully make an unarmed attack against a creature that is no
more than 1 size larger than you, you can spend 3 Ki points to deal additional
damage equal to three rolls of your Martial Arts Die in force damage and the
creature must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ki DC or be moved up to
15ft in a direction of your choice.
You can move the target an additional 5 feet per 5 points they fail their
Saving Throw by.
If there is an object or creature in its way, the object or creature must
make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ki DC, receiving bludgeoning damage
equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts Die on a fail.
If the creature is at at least one size smaller than your original target,
the creature stops on contact.
If you use this Technique, you do not regain spirit as part of using Ki.

- Mind, Will and Body

Starting at 6th-Level, you can use either Wisdom or Dexterity (Whichever is higher)
for Athletics and Acrobatics check you make.
When you use your Flurry of Blows feature or make an unarmed strike as a bonus
action, you can replace one of the attacks with a Grapple or Shove attempt against
a creature within reach.

Additionally, you do not suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with unarmed strikes
due to the prone condition.
If you start your turn prone, you may stand up from prone as a bonus action, making
a single unarmed attack simultaneously.

- Commune with Self - 11th-Level

You gain a number of additional Ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Additionally, you have gained the ability to contact the Ki of your previous lives
to gain information.
As an action, you can spend 5 Ki Points to enter a meditative state, which lasts
for 10 minutes, and consult your previous lives.
At the end of your meditation, you gain the same information as if you had cast the
commune spell.

- Spiritual Pinnacle - 17th-Level

As long as you have spirit, you gain the following benefits:

- All unarmed attacks you make deal additional force damage equal to your
Proficiency bonus or Wisdom modifier (Whichever is higher).
- Once per turn you can choose to reroll one ability check or saving throw you make
that uses Wisdom or Dexterity.
- Opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage.
- You can move through a creatures space without expending extra movement.
- You ignore difficult terrain.

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