DobiDemo Description v3
DobiDemo Description v3
DobiDemo Description v3
DobiDemo is a test sites developed for software testing practice, whether manual testing or
automated testing. DobiDemo is develop as a Dobby/Laundry Service Management System where
Dobby owner can manage their basic business transactions including sales, expenses, product list,
customers, suppliers and cashflow.
To log in as a user, please contact CikguFadzli for credentials. You will be given access to log in as
the owner, who have full access of the system. You can use all the functionalities provided. However
your test data will not be permanent. The database will be reset to original condition from time to time
to avoid testing data overflow.
There is only ONE (1) type of user for DobiDemo system, which is the Owner. The Owner can access
all the functionalities provided by the system without any limitation.
The system requirements for DobiDemo system are divided into 7 main functions:
[email protected] 1
DobiDemo by CikguFadzli
[email protected] 2
DobiDemo by CikguFadzli
7.6. System must be able to show profit amount by month or all time total. Profit is defined by
sales – expenses.
7.7. System must be able to show cash flow amount by month or all time total. Cash flow
amount is defined by actual cash received – actual cash spent.
7.8. System must be able to show number of new customer by month or all time total.
7.9. User must be able to select month to view dashboard content.
7.10. System must be able to list all expenses by month or all time total according to category.
7.11. System must be able to list all Sales by month or all time total according to item.
DobiDemo Disclaimer
DobiDemo system is fully developed by Cikgu Fadzli using bootstrap template by
Colorlib. You are allowed to use the system for software testing purposes only. Any attempt to breach
the security of the system or the serber is totally prohibited. For any query, please contact me at
[email protected].