Warrior 27

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1. 1. Glycolysis is the breakdown of one molecule of glucose (6 carbon) into two molecules of pyruvic acid
(3 carbon) 2.Glycolysis occurs in mitochondria matrix
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) 1, 2 true D) 1, 2 false
A  B C  D
2. Which is not matched one about the Internal Factors affecting Photosynthesis?
A) Pigments B) Mineral elements C) Leaf age D) Hormones
A  B C D
3. How was called as the segments of leech ?
A) Metameres B) Proglottids C) Strobila D) All the Above
A B C D
4. Match
Organs Membranous Covering a b c d\
a) Brain - 1. Capsule A) 2 4 1 3
b) Kidney - 2. Meninges B) 2 3 4 1
c) Heart - 3. Pleura C) 1 2 4 3
d) Lungs - 4. Pericardium D) 2 1 4 3
    a b c d  
a.     A    
b.   B    
c.      C    
d.    D    
5. Choose the correct statement in the following
1. Red Blood cells do not have cell organelles and nucleus
2. They are biconcave and disc-shaped
3. Their life span is about 120 days
4. RBC is involved in the transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues
A) 1, 2, 3 true B) 2, 3, 4 true
C) 1, 3, 4 true D) All are true



RBC 
A  B C D
6. ________number increases during conditions of allergy and parasitic infections
A) Neutrophils B) Eosinophils C) Basophils D) Lymphocytes
A B C D
7. who is regarded the Father of Modern Physiology
A) William Harvey B) Hiss C) Decastelo D) Darwin
A B C D
8. In an healthy adult during normal resting condition systolic and diastolic blood pressure is expressed as
A)  mm Hg / 120 mm Hg Bmm Hg /100 mm Hg
C mm Hg / 80 mm Hg D mm Hg /130 mm Hg
Amm Hg/120mm Hg Bmm Hg/100mm Hg
Cmm Hg/80mm Hg Dmm Hg/130mm Hg
9. Multipolar Neurons are found in the
A) Early Embryos B) Retina of Eye C) Nasal Chambers D) Cerebral Cortex
A  B
C  D
10. The part of the brain controlled the Respiratory and Sleep-Awake cycle was
A) Pons B) Cerebellum C) Thalamus D) Hypothalamus
A  B C  D
11. There are ________ pairs of cranial nerves and ______ pairs of spinal nerves were present
A)  B C D
A   B C  D
12. 1. A Nephron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system
2.Nerve cell is the longest cell of the human body .It has length of approximately 100 µm
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) 1, 2 true D) 1, 2 false
A  B C  D
13. Node of Ranvier is found in
A) Muscles B) Axons C) Dendrites Cell D) Cyton
A  B CD
14. Which is the delicate membrane richly supplied with blood
A) Duramater B) Arachnoid membrane C) Piamater D) A and B
A BC DAB



15. Match a b c d
a) Auxin - 1. Abscission A) 3 4 2 1
b) Ethylene - 2. Cell division B) 4 3 1 2
c) Abscisic acid - 3. Apical dominance C) 3 4 1 2
d) Cytokinin - 4. Ripening D) 4 3 2 1
      a b c d 
a.     A    
b.    B    
c.   C    
d.   D    
16. Excessive glucose excreted in urine is called
A) Polyuria B) Polydipsia C) Polyphagia D) Glycosuria
A  B C D
17. 1. Endocrine glands in vertebrate animals possess a diversified communication system to
co-ordinate physiological and metabolic functions by chemical integration
2. The endocrine system acts through chemical messengers known as hormones
3. Physiological processes such as digestion, metabolism, growth, development and reproduction are
controlled by hormones.
A) 1, 2 true B) 1, 3 true C) 2, 3 true D) All are true
A  B C  D
18. Which are essential for the formation of new organs from the callus in tissue culture
A) Gibberellins B) Cytokinin C) Abscisic Acid D) Ethylene
A  B CD
19. Personality hormone is known as
A) Prolactin B) Oxytocin C) Vasopressin D) Thyroid hormones
A  B C D
20. Which of the following hormone is not obtained from Natural Auxins
A)  D B GA3 CGibberellins DIAA
A D BGA3 C DIAA
21. The large elongated cells that provide nutrition to developing sperms are
A) Primary Germ Cells B) Sertoli Cells C) Leydig Cells D) Spermatogonia
A  B
C D
22. 1. Asexual reproduction is mostly occurred in fungi and bacteria
2. During spore formation a structure called sporangium develops from the fungal hypha
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) 1, 2 true D) 1, 2 false



A  B C  D
23. An example of Bulbils Vegetative Reproduction
A) Aloe Vera B) Asparagus C) Bryophyllum D) strawberry
A  B C D
24. The Asexual reproduction occurs in Planaria is
A) Fission B) Budding C) Regeneration D) Fragmentation
A  B C D
25. The generation is 9:3:3:1 is due to
A) Segregation B) Cross Pollination
C) independent assortment D) recessive
A B
C D
26. Choose the correct statement in the following
1. DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains
2. These chains form a double helix structure
3. These two strands which run parallel to one another.
4. Cytosine links Guanine with three hydrogen bonds
A) 1, 2, 3 true B) 2, 3, 4 true C) 1, 2, 4 true D) 1, 3, 4 true
A  B C D
27. ______act as the backbone of the DNA
A) Deoxyribose sugar B) phosphate C) Sugar Phosphate D) nitrogenous bases
A B
C  D
28. Which maintains and provides stability to the chromosomes
A) Centromere B) Nucleus C) Satellite D) Telomere
A B C D
29. Match a b c d
a) Autosomes - 1. 22 pair of chromosome A) 1 2 3 4
b) Diploid condition – 2. n B    
c) Allosome - 3. 23rd pair of chromosome C) 2 1 3 4
d) Dihybrid ratio – 4.  D) 4 3 2 1
        a b c d
a.   A    
b.   n    B    
c.   C    
d.     D    



30. The ‘use and disuse theory’ was proposed by

A) Charles Darwin B) Oparin C) Lamarck D) Louis Pasteur
A  B C  D
31. The term Ethnobotany was first coined by
A) Khorana B) J.W. Harsberger C) Ronald Ross D) Hugo de Vries
A  B J.W. 
C D
32. 1. Mutation and Variation are two events involved in the process of evolution
2. Mutation arises due to errors occurring in DNA during replication or exposure to UV rays or chemicals
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) 1, 2 true D) 1, 2 false
DNA UV
A  B C  D
33. The forelimbs of bat and human are examples of organ called
A) Vestigial organs B) Analogous organs
C) Homologous organ D) Atavism
A  B
C  D
34. Which is not correct regarding the photosynthesis
A) Plants inhales CO2 and releases O2 B) Sun light is important for photosynthesis
C) Chlorophyll is important for photosynthesis
D) During photosynthesis plant releases CO2
C 
DCO2 
35. 1. mitochondria is referred to as the “Power house of the cell
2. They produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) 1, 2 true D) 1, 2 false
A  B C  D
36. HImigri is a _______ Disease resistant crop variety
A) Sugarcane B) Paddy C) cow pea D) wheat
A B C D
37. DNA fingerprinting is based on the principle of identifying which sequences of DNA
A) Single Stranded B) Mutated C) Polymorphic D) Repetitive
A B
C    D



38. Cancer of the epithelial cells is called

A) Leukemia B) Sarcoma C) Carcinoma D) Lipoma
A B C D
39. Tobacco consumption is known to stimulate secretion of adrenaline. The component causing this could be
A) Nicotine B) Tannic Acid C) Curcumin D) Leptin
A  B C  D
40. By which year did Indian Rhino Vision is launched to conserve one-horned rhinos in Assam?
A)  B C D
A  B C  D
41. Which type of cancer affects lymph nodes and spleen?
A) Carcinoma B) Sarcoma C) Leukemia D) Lymphoma
A  B  C D
42. Which of the following is called as ‘Heart of heart’ ?
A) SA Node B) AV Node C) A or B type D) All types
ASA      BAV   
CAB    D
43. Statement 1: Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus condition also occurs in children and young adults.
Statement 2: Insulin production by the pancreas is normal but its action is impaired.
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) Both true D) Both false
A  B C D
44. ______is the e- Wastes accumulates in kidney and liver causes neural damage
A) Lead B) Cadmium C) Chromium D) Mercury
A   B  C D 
45. Match a b c d
a) Saccharum – 1. Bacillus thuringienesis A) 4 1 3 2
b) Bt toxin – 2. Phaseolus mungo B) 1 2 4 3
c) Sonalika – 3. Sugarcane C) 3 1 2 4
d) Mung No. 1 – 4. Semi-dwarf wheat D) 3 1 4 2
       a b c d
a.   A    
bBt    B    
c     C    
d   D    
46. Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition in which there is an extra copy of
A) 23rd chromosome B) 21st chromosome C) 20th chromosome D) 25th chromosome



A   B
C   D
47. Find the incorrect pair
A) Telocentric - rod shaped chromosomes
B) Acrocentric - round shaped chromosomes
C) Submetacentric - J shaped chromosomes
D) Metacentric – V shaped chromosomes
A 
B 
C J 
D V 
48. Which is partly an endocrine gland and partly a lymphoid gland.
A) Thymus Gland B) Adrenal gland C) Pancreas D) Thyroid gland
A B C  D
49. Which of the following is not matched among the Heart chambers in vertebrate animals
A) Two chambered – Fishes
B) Three chambered – Mammals
C) Incomplete four chambered – Reptiles
D) Four chambered – Crocodiles
A  
B   
C 
D   
50. Match a b c d
a) Pollination by wind – 1. Entomophily A) 2 1 3 4
b) Pollination by insects – 2. Anemophily B) 1 2 3 4
c) Pollination by water – 3. Hydrophily C) 2 1 4 3
d) Pollination by Animals – 4. Zoophily D) 4 2 1 3
        a b c d
a.    A    
b  B    
c   C    
d   D    
51. The permanent birth control method in males is called
A) Lippe’s Loop B) Copper-T C) vasectomy D) tubectomy
A  B C D
52. The Heart chambers are separated by partition called
A) coronary Muscles B) septum C) S A Node D) Endocardium
A B  CSA   D
53. The diseases which is caused due to Inflammation of lung alveoli, decrease surface area for gas exchange is
A) Leukaemia B) Emphysema C) Leukocytosis D) Ischemia



A     B
C    D
54. Which is also known as life-saving hormone
A) Epinephrine B) Melatonin C) secretin D) cortisol
A  B C  D
55. Which acts as a thermoregulatory (temperature control) center of the body
A) Thalamus B) Pons C) Hypothalamus D) medulla oblongata
A     B  
C    D 
56. Increase in appetite due to deficiency of insulin and high loss of glucose is called
A) Glycosuria B) Polydipsia C) Polyuria D) Polyphagia
A B C D
57. For Indians Desirable level for blood cholesterol should be less than
A) 200 mg/dl B) 140 mg/dl C) 160 mg/ dl D) 250 mg/dl
A BC D
58. Who is known as the Father of Indian Paleobotany
A) Von Sternberg B) Birbal Sahani C) Darwin D) W F Libby
 
A B C  DW.F.  
59. Statement 1: Each nucleotide of DNA consist of Deoxyribose sugar, nitrogenous bases, A phosphate group
Statement 2: Pairing is always occurred between purine and pyrimidine linked by hydrogen bonds
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) both true D) Both false
A  B C D
60. Which plant harmone is also called as stress hormone
A) Ethylene B) Abscisic Acid C) Cytokine D) auxin
A  B C D 
61. Match
a) Anemia – 1. Decrease in the number of thrombocytes
b) Leucocytosis - 2. Decrease in number of leukocytes
c) Leukopenia - 3. Increase in the number of leukocytes
d) Thrombocytopenia - 4. Decrease in number of erythrocytes
a b c d
A) 4 3 2 1
B) 3 4 1 2
C) 3 4 2 1
D) 4 2 3 1



a   
b 
c  
d 
a b c d
A       
B       
C       
D   
62. The diseases which is caused due to sudden deficient blood supply to heart muscle is
A) Arthrosclerosis B) Plague C) ischemia D) myocardial infarction
A   B
C     D 
63. Statement 1: Deficiency of ADH reduces reabsorption of water and causes an increase in urine output
Statement 2: This deficiency disorder is called Diabetes Mellitus
A) 1 true B) 2 true C) both true D) Both false
A  B C D
64. Which hormone regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body
A) Thyroid hormone B) Luteinizing harmone
C) oxytocin D) parathormone
A   B
C    D
65. Choose the incorrect one about the Hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of pituitary
A) Gonadotropic Hormone B) Antidiuretic hormone
C) Prolactin hormone D) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
A   B   
C   D
66. The joint special force exercise Cyclone was held between which two countries?
A) India and Saudi Arabia B) India and USA
C) India and Russia D) India and Egypt
A  BUSA
C D
67. Match
a) World anti-tobacco day – 1. June 26
b) World Cancer Day – 2. November 7
C) National Cancer Awareness Day – 3. February 4
d) International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – 4. May 31
a b c d
A) 4 3 2 1
B) 3 4 1 2
C) 1 2 3 4
D) 2 3 4 1



        a b c d
a.    A    
b   B    
c  C    
d    D    
   
68. Who was first introduced the term ‘chromosomes’ ?
A) Waldeyer B) T.H. Morgan C) R C Punnet D) Gregor Johann Mendel
A  BT.H.  CR.C.  D
69. Continuously due to chemical reaction the life
A) Halden B) Louis Pasteur C) Ernest Haeckel D) Lamarck
A  B CD 
70. Which are the enzymes which help in joining the broken DNA fragments
A) Plasmids B) Restriction C) ligases D) Helicose
A  B C  D
71. Which is the diagrammatic representation of karyotype of a species
A) Monogram B) scarfs C) Idiogram D) Chromosome structure
A B  C D
72. Which state ranks first in topping the medal at the 6 khelo India youth game
A) Tamilnadu B) Haryana C) Maharashtra D) Kerala
A  B C D
73. Who won the ACES Sportsman of the year Award 2024 ( Team Games)
A) Mohammed Shami B) Shubman Gill C) Harman Prith Singh D) Sunil Chetri
A  B CD
74. Recently who was appointed as the Chairman of Lokpal
A) Sampai Sowran B) Gita Badhra
C) Aravind Panakarya D) A M Khanwilkar
A B CD
75. Recently, the newly added Ramsar site “ Longwood Shola Reserve Forest“ is located in which State?
A) Kerala B) Tamil Nadu C) Karnataka D) Telangana
A  B C  D
76. World social justice day was celebrated on
A) February 20 B) February 21 C) February 22 D) February 23
A  B C D
77. Rohan Bopanna was related to which sports
A) Football B) Tennis C) Kho kho D) Basketball



A  B C  D
78. In which state did the first sainik school for girls in India was opened ?
A) Uttar Pradesh B) Rajasthan C) Odisha D) TamilNadu
A B C  D
79. The symbol of 2024 khelo India youth game
A) Jallikattu B) Veera Mangai C) Thambi D) Kuyili
A  B C  D
80. In which river side the floating solar power plant of India is located?
A) Narmada B) Tapti C) Sambal D) Ravi
A B C  D

 PSYCHOLOGY - MATHS
81. Find the least number that is divisible by the first ten natural numbers?
A) 3640 B) 2520 C) 3636 D) 2510
A   B  C  D
82. How many terms of the series 1+5+9+… must be taken. So that their sum is 190.
A) 19 B) 33 C) 10 D) 12
A   B   C   D
83. Variance of first 20 natural numbers is
A) 32.25 B) 44.25 C) 33.25 D) 30
A   B  C  D
84. If the mean and coefficient of variation of a data are 4 and 87.5% then the standard deviation is
A) 3.5 B) 3 C) 4.5 D) 2.5
A   B   C   D
85. If nine times ninth term is equal to fifteen times fifteenth in an AP. Then find the value of twenty fourth
A) 24 B) 15  C) 9  D) 0
A B C  D
86. Find the value of (13+23+33+……….+153)– (1+2+3+……….+15) is
A) 14400 B) 14200 C) 14280 D) 14520
1 +2 +3 +……….+15 )– (1+2+3+……….+15)
3 3 3 3

A B C D

87. In a theatre, there are 20 seats in the front row and 30 rows were allotted. Each successive row
contains two additional seats than its front row. How many seats are there in the last row.
A) 81 B) 78 C) 58 D) 20



A   B   C   D
88. If 1+2+3+…+n = 666 then find n.
A) 37 B) 36 C) 66 D) 99
n n
A   B   C   D
89. A purse contains 10 notes of ₹2000, 15 notes of ₹500, and 25 notes of ₹200. One note is drawn
at random. What is the probability that the note is either a ₹500 note or ₹200 note?
1 3 2 4
A) 5 B) 10 C) 3 D) 5

1 3 2 4
A5 B10 C3 D5
90. If n (A ×B) = 6 and A = {1,3 } then n(B) is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6
n(A ×B)  A = {1,3 } n(B) 
A  B C  D
91. If there are 1024 relations from a set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} to a set B, then the number of elements in B is
A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8
A = {1, 2, 3, 4,5}-BB
A  B C  D
92. A man has 532 flower pots. He wants to arrange them in rows such that each row contains 21 flower pots.
Find the number of completed rows and how many flower pots are left over.
A) 25,6 B) 24,7 C) 25,7 D) 26,7
A)25,6 B) 24,7 C) 25,7 D) 26,7
93. ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two positive integers such that a ×b = 800. Find ‘a’ and ‘b’.
b a

A) 5,2 B) 2,5 C) 3,4 D) 2,3

a ×b = 800 ‘a’ ‘b’ 
b a

A) 5,2 B) 2,5 C) 3,4 D) 2,3

94. Kala and Vani are friends. Kala says, “Today is my birthday” and she asks Vani, “When will you celebrate
your birthday?” Vani replies, “Today is Monday and I celebrated my birthday 75 days ago”. Find the day
when Vani celebrated her birth day
A) Monday B) Tues day C) Wednes day D) Thurs day
A B C D
95. Write an A.P. whose first term is 20 and common difference is 8.
A) 20, 28, 36, 44.. B) 28,36,44…. C) 12,20,28,36.. D) 4,12,20,28.

A) 20, 28, 36, 44.. B) 28,36,44….
C) 12,20,28,36.. D) 4,12,20,28.
96. Find the number of terms in the A.P. 3, 6, 9, 12,…, 111.
A) 37 B) 36 C) 34 D) 35
A) 37 B) 36 C) 34 D) 35
97. Find the 8th term of the G.P. 9, 3, 1,…
1 2
A) 243 B) 243 C) 1 D) 243
1 2
A) 243 B) 243 C) 1 D) 243
98. Find the 10th term of a G.P. whose 8th term is 768 and the common ratio is 2.
A) 3572 B) 5072 C) 3072 D) 4072
A) 3572 B) 5072 C) 3072 D) 4072
99. How many terms of the series 1+ 4 + 16 +…… make the sum 1365?
A) 9 B) 7 C) 5 D) 6
A  B C  D
100. A person saved money every year, half as much as he could in the previous year. If he had totally saved ₹
7875 in 6 years then how much did he save in the first year?
A) ₹ 3000 B) ₹4500 C) ₹ 4000
A) ₹ 3000 B) ₹4500 C) ₹ 4000 D)₹4500
101. If 1+2+ 3+….+k= 325, then find 13+23+33+……+k3.
A) 102625 B) 104625 C) 105625 D) 650
  
k   k 

A) 102625 B) 104625 C) 105625 D) 650

102. If1 +2 +3 +……+k = 44100, then find1+2+ 3+….+k
3 3 3 3

A   B C D

  
   k 1+2+ 3+….+k

A   B C D

103. How many terms of the series1 +2 +3 +…should be taken to get the sum 14400?
3 3 3

A) 15 B) 16 C) 14 D) 17
A) 15 B) 16 C) 14 D) 17
104. If A = 265 and B =264+263+262+…….+20which of the following is true?
A) B is 264 more than A B) A and B are equal
C) B is larger than A by 1 D) A is larger than B by 1
A = 2 B =2 +2 +2 +…….+2 
65 64 63 62 0

ABA264   BAB
CBA  D AB



105. The father’s age is six times his son’s age. Six years hence the age of father will be four times his
son’s age. Find the present ages (in years) of the son and father.
A) 9, 54 B) 10, 56 C) 12, 54 D) 8, 54
A) 9, 54 B) 10, 56 C) 12, 54
D) 8, 54
106. Pari needs 4 hours to complete a work. His friend Yuvan needs 6 hours to complete
the same work. How long will it take to complete if they work together?
A) 3.4 hours B) 1.4 hours C) 2.4 hours D) 4 hours
A3.4   B1.4  C2.4   D4 
107. The product of Kumaran’s age (in years) two years ago and his age four years from now is one
more than twice his present age. What is his present age?
A) 3 years B) 4 years C) 6 years D) 2 years
A  B C D
108. A flock of swans contained x2 members. As the clouds gathered, 10x went to a lake and one-eighth
of the members flew away to a garden. The remaining three pairs played about in the water. How
many swans were there in total?
A) 144 B) 146 C) 142 D) 147
 x 

A) 144 B) 146 C) 142 D) 147
109. If the difference between a number and its reciprocal is ,find the number.
A) 5 B) C) -5 D) A and B
 
A  B) C  D) A  B
110. A girl is twice as old as her sister. Five years hence, the product of their ages (in
years) will be 375. Find their present ages.
A) 10,20 B) 15,25 C) 5,10 D) 10,15
A) 10,20 B) 15,25 C) 5,10 D) 10,15
256 𝑥 8 𝑦 4 𝑧 10
111. The square root of is equal to
25 𝑥 6 𝑦 6 𝑧 6
16 𝑥 2 𝑍 4 𝑌2 16 𝑌 16 𝑋𝑍 2
A) | | B) 16|𝑥 2 𝑍 4| C) 5 |𝑋𝑍 2 | D) 5 | |
5 𝑌2 𝑌
256 𝑥 8 𝑦 4 𝑧 10
25 𝑥 6 𝑦 6 𝑧 6
16 𝑥 2 𝑍 4 𝑌2 16 𝑌 16 𝑋𝑍 2
A) | | B) 16|𝑥 2 𝑍 4| C) |𝑋𝑍 2 | D) | |
5 𝑌2 5 5 𝑌



112. Which of the following should be added to make x4+64 a perfect square
A) 4x2 B) 16x2 C) 8x2 D) -8x2
 x4+64 
Ax2   Bx2 Cx2  Dx2
113. How many tangents can be drawn to the circle from an exterior point?
A) one B) two C) infinite D) zero
A  B C D
114. The range of a set of data is 13.67 and the largest value is 70.08. Find the smallest value.
A) 56.39 B) 56.41 C) 56.31 D) 56.49
A) 56.39 B) 56.41 C) 56.31 D) 56.49
115. Find the standard deviation of first 21 natural numbers.
A) 6 B) 7 C) 5 D) 6.06
A) 6 B) 7 C) 5 D) 6.06
116. Two coins are tossed together. What is the probability of getting different faces on the coins?
1 1 1 2
A) B) 3 C) 2 D) 3
1 1 1 2
A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 3
117. What is the probability of drawing either a king or a queen in a single draw
from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards?
3 2 2 2
A) B) 14 C) 13 D) 14
3 2 2 2
A) 13 B) 14 C) 13 D) 14
118. If the standard deviation of x, y, z is p then the standard deviation of 3 x + 5, 3 y + 5, 3 z + 5 is
A) 35 p +5 B) 3p C) p + 5 D) 9 p + 15
x, y, z p3 x + 5, 3 y + 5, 3 z + 5
A35 p +5  B3p Cp + 5  D9 p + 15
119. The probability a red marble selected at random from a jar containing, p red, q blue and
r green marbles is
𝑞 𝑝 𝑝+𝑞 𝑝+𝑟
A) B) C) D) 
𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟
P qr
𝑞 𝑝 𝑝+𝑞 𝑝+𝑟
A  B C   D 
𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟 𝑝+𝑞+𝑟
𝑥 2
120. The probability of getting a job for a person is . If the probability of not getting the job is
3 3
then the value of x is
A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) 1.5
 x 
A  B C  D




121. 
A B CD
122. 
A  B C D
123. 
A  B
C  D
124. 
A  B C  D
125. 
A B C  D
126. 
A  B C  D
127. 
A  B
C  D
128. 
A   B
C  D
129. 
A  B C  D
130. THESIS
A  B C  D

ENGLISH: homophones

Fill in the blanks with correct HOMOPHONES:

131. We________ off old clothes and tought new ones for Diwali
A) Cost B) Coast C) Caste D) Cast
132. Even animals find it difficult to_______the loss of their loved ones 
A) bear B) wear C) where D) bare
133. The dog took a________ diving his walk and lifted his______ to indicate that he was tired.
A) Pause, Pours B) Paws, Pause C) Pours, Pores D) Pause, Paws
134. Find out the word that is not a homophone
A) watt B) bark C) bare D) herd
135. Shiva filled his_______ with candies. Madhu carried a ______ of erasers.
A) Packet, Pocket B) Packed, Pocket C) Pocket, Packet D) Packet, Packed
136. He always offers_______ to the poor 
A)alms B) arms C) harm D) aims
137. Prevention is______ than cure
A) bitter B) better C) batter D) butter
138. The police tried to_______ information from the bootlegger who sells_____ liquor.
A) illict, elicit B) illegible, legible C) elucidate, illicit D) elicit, illicit



139. The colour of your______ is the same as that of the______

A) Hair/Hare B) Hare/Hair C) Hear/Here D) Here/Hear
140. He want’s to_____ a flat_____ selling his house
A) by, bye B) buy, by C)by,buy D)bys, by


 
Wrong Question and Answer Correct Question and Answer
13. Which is the highest gravity dam in India. 13. Which is the highest gravity dam in India.
A) Hirakud Dam B) Bhakra Nangal Dam A) Hirakud Dam B) Bhakra Nangal Dam
C) Mettur Dam D) Nagarjuna Sagar Dam C) Mettur Dam D) Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
 
A B A B
CD CD
𝑝 𝑝
 Convert the 0.35 in the form of , where p and q 113.Convert the 0.35 in the form of , where
𝑞 𝑞
are integers ? pand q are integers ?
3 7 6 9 3 7 6 9
A)20 B) 20 C) 20 D) 20 A)20 B) 20 C) 20 D) 20
𝑝 𝑝
 pq  pq
𝑞 𝑞

q≠ q≠
3 7 6 9
A) 20 B) 20 C) 20 D) 20 
3 7 6 9
A) 20
B) 20
C) 20
D) 20



  
   
  R & D TEAM - 
   M. 
   [email protected]


09-07-2024 - / TUESDAY
   
 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE  Economics – 10th StdMarch 2024 
Current Affrairs
   
 English  Antonyms
  
 Psychology - Maths Information processing




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