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REG NO:24BEE1166


The Coulomb Counting Method (CCM) is a widely used algorithm for estimating the State of
Charge (SOC) of a battery. SoC Estimation by Coulomb Counting is based on the
measurement of the current and integration of that current over time. The State of
Charge (SoC) of a battery cell is required to maintain it’s safe operation and lifetime during
charge, discharge and storage. However, SoC cannot be measured directly and is estimated
from other measurements and known parameters. Here's an outline of the algorithm:

1. Basics of the Method

The SOC is calculated using the relationship:

 SOC(t0): Initial SOC at time t0 (as a percentage or fraction).
 Cnom: Nominal battery capacity (in ampere-hours, Ah).
 I(τ): Instantaneous current at time τ\tauτ (positive for discharge, negative for charge).
 t0: Initial time.
 t: Current time.

2. Steps of the Algorithm

Step 1: Initialization
 Set the initial SOC, SOC(t0), based on known conditions (e.g., 100% for a fully
charged battery).
 Store the nominal capacity, Cnom, as a reference.
Step 2: Measure Current
 Continuously measure the battery current I(t) using a current sensor.
Step 3: Integrate the Current
 Use discrete-time integration to compute the SOC. If the sampling interval is Δt, the
SOC at time t can be approximated as:

Step 4: Update SOC

 Update the SOC at each time step based on the measured current and the elapsed time.
Step 5: Handle Error Sources
 Account for self-discharge: Subtract a small percentage of SOC periodically based on
the self-discharge rate of the battery.
 Temperature compensation: Adjust Cnom based on temperature changes.
 Reset SOC periodically using an external reference (e.g., voltage-based SOC
estimation or known full-charge events).
Step 6: Output SOC
 Output the updated SOC for monitoring or control purposes.

3. Key Considerations
 Accuracy of Current Measurement: Small errors in current measurement
accumulate over time, affecting SOC accuracy.
 Initial SOC: The accuracy of the initial SOC value impacts the overall reliability of
the method.
 Integration Errors: Numerical integration can introduce errors due to discretization.
 Capacity Variation: Cnom may degrade over time, so it should be periodically
MATLAB code implementation of coulomb counting method:
% Coulomb Counting Method for SOC Estimation

% Initialization
SOC_initial = 100; % Initial SOC in percentage (assume battery is fully charged)
C_nom = 50; % Nominal battery capacity in Ah (replace with actual value)
time_interval = 1; % Time step in seconds
SOC = SOC_initial; % Current SOC
total_time = 3600; % Total simulation time in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_interval; % Number of simulation steps

% Placeholder for measured current values (example: sinusoidal current)

% Replace this with actual current measurement data
t = 0:time_interval:total_time - time_interval;
I_measured = 5 * sin(2 * pi * t / 3600); % Example current in Amperes

% SOC array to store SOC over time

SOC_values = zeros(1, num_steps);
SOC_values(1) = SOC;

% Coulomb Counting Loop

for i = 2:num_steps
% Measure current (replace with actual current measurement in practice)
I = I_measured(i);

% Update SOC
SOC = SOC - (I * time_interval) / (C_nom * 3600); % 3600 converts seconds to hours

% Clamp SOC between 0% and 100%

SOC = max(0, min(100, SOC));
% Store SOC for plotting or analysis
SOC_values(i) = SOC;

% Plotting the SOC over time

plot(t, SOC_values, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title('State of Charge (SOC) Over Time');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('SOC (%)');
grid on;
 The SOC is stored in SOC_values and plotted over time for visualization.
5. Advantages
 Simple and computationally efficient.
 Directly relates to current flow, providing real-time SOC updates.
6. Limitations
 Cumulative error due to sensor inaccuracies or current drift.
 Does not account for changes in battery characteristics over time (e.g., capacity fade).
 Requires an accurate initial SOC estimate and periodic recalibration.
 This method is often combined with other techniques, like voltage-based methods or
machine learning, to improve SOC estimation accuracy.

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