Freeminipack Singlepages 1
Freeminipack Singlepages 1
Freeminipack Singlepages 1
Lore 4
The Adventure
Joining forces for different reasons
but having the same final objective in
mind, the three heroes leave Loxwort
Academy grounds and venture towards
the Miasma Bog. The area has an awful
stench and the vegetation is dense, with
no sign of animal wildlife apart from
Aunty Gremeth’s minions. As soon as
the heroes enter the hag’s domain, they
are ambushed by two Goblin Scoun-
drels and two Goblin Warriors, who will
attack the trespassers on sight. Once
they are defeated, the heroes may tra-
ck them in the Bog to find their way to
the hag’s hut, right in the middle of the
The Festering Troll will attack hag will stay put and fight until the end,
relentlessly, charging in the direction even if their allies are defeated.
of the heroes with violence. If anyone
deals over 15 points of damage to
Aunty Gremmeth on a single turn, the
troll will focus on that character.
The Conclusion
The Toadfolk Sentinels will keep
themselves closer to Aunty Gremeth, Once all enemies are defeated or sca-
and the Toadfolk Marksmen will shoot red away, the heroes will be able to
their bows from afar. All the toadfolk enter the hag’s hut. The place is a mess
will focus on the character closer to and quite small for a powerful creature,
Aunty Gremeth, trying their best to the stench from the bog is even worse
protect her. However, if the Festering inside. There is plenty of broken stuff
Troll and the hag fall in battle, the around, however, the magical item the
toadfolk will run away, scared of heroes were searching for is waiting to
the heroes. The troll and the be retrieved from her desk, intact. It’s
a Potion of Enhancement, which the
hag would use to expand the Miasma
Bog, swallowing Loxwort Academy and
the villages nearby, possibly killing
many innocents in the process. The
heroes can also find 3.000 gp in a
vault on the wall.
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The Basics
Now you have a group to play with and
have chosen a game… How the heck do
you learn to play? Don’t worry, we can
guide you through it as well. We can’t
go over all the different systems here,
but what we can do is tell you about
Creating a Character
what most of them have in common.
In a Role-Playing game, you’ll create
and take control of your own original
character. Unlike other games, you are
not limited to a pre-defined personality
The Master of Rules and background but can do (almost)
anything you like. This freedom can
be a bit daunting at first, but you’ll get
Usually, you need someone to “run” used to it really quickly. The only limits
the game. This person receives a nifty here are set by the rules of the system,
title, like Game Master, Narrator, or in and those rules tend to teach you how
the case of D&D, Dungeon Master. The to create a character step by step. Dun-
Game Master, or GM, is responsible geons & Dragons, for instance, breaks
for adjudicating the game. This me- down a character into two main com-
ans making decisions about what rules ponents: ancestry and class. Ancestry
should be applied and when. The GM is describes the origin (magical or munda-
also responsible for running the narra- ne) of your character. Are you a human,
tive, the story that the players will ex- dwarf, elf, or something else altoge-
perience. No one needs to know every ther? If you are an elf, do your people
single rule of a system to play it, but the shelter in magical forests or majestic
GM needs to know more than the other cities? Your class basically describes
players do for a first game. your character’s job/field of expertise/
preferred method of killing monsters.
A Fighter bashes a goblin in the head
Some people like this role, even prefer with a mace, a Wizard blows it up with a
it, while others don’t like it at all. Talk spell, a Ranger shoots it from across the
to your playgroup about this and de- map with a bow.
cide who will be the GM for your first
game. Whoever is chosen doesn’t need
to keep this role forever. Even if you are When starting off, you may want to cre-
not confident at first, do try your hand ate something inspired by your favorite
at being the Game Master at some movie or book character. Let’s say you
point. It’s really fun! are playing a bit of D&D and want to
bring to life a character not unlike Bilbo in on this if you don’t find it fun.
Baggins from Lord of the Rings. Bilbo is Speaking of fun, you should keep in
a short fella, so you should pick halfling mind that the players and their cha-
as your ancestry. In D&D they are short racters are not the same people. This
folk who sometimes have hairy feet, are just means that what happens on the
unnaturally lucky, and have a penchant table should generally stay on it. If your
for food and comfort… Sound familiar? character has an in-game fight with
another character, the players shouldn’t
Since Bilbo is the Thief of the party, let’s stay angry with each other after the
pick the Rogue class, since it is the clo- game ends. Conflict is natural when
sest match. D&D has more steps than characters that have different inte-
this, but all RPGs tend to go through a rests and goals are working together.
variation of this decision process, and is This doesn’t mean you should bottle
way more simple than it seems from the up your feelings if something that ha-
outside. Just narrow down what type of ppens in the game hurts them. Talk
character you want to play and check it over with your GM and the rest of
your options. the players when that happens and try
to find a solution. Figuring out where
everyone’s limits and tolerances are and
avoiding that line is something essential
to a healthy game.
Playing a Role
Another thing you need to know is that
RPGs involve some degree of… Well,
role-playing or “acting”. During play,
Rolling Dice
you’ll have to make a lot of decisions
about how your character behaves, how Finally, let’s talk about playing an RPG.
they react to the world, and what kind Many RPGs have some version of their
of person they are. If you are having rules available online for free so that
trouble, just ask yourself first “What you can take a look at them and see
would this character do?” and do that. If if that is the game for you and your
you don’t have an answer for that ques- group. D&D 5e (5th Edition being the
tion then do what you’d do in that situ- most recent version of the game) has its
ation. Outside of decision-making, the Basic Rules available in PDF format. Re-
degree to which people embody their ading through these rules you learn the
characters varies. Some people treat it specifics of every game, but we’ll give
as just another game while others speak you a rundown of how things work.
in their character’s voice and wear the- Your character will have things they are
matic outfits to the game sessions. The good at and things they are bad at. You
level of crazy you are comfortable with decide what these are during character
is up to you, and you don’t have to join creation. Generally, you can be average
at everything or really good at some to lift a really heavy rock. Your inna-
things and bad at others. This is usually te Strength ability gives you a +4 and
represented by numeric values and is the GM determines the difficulty for
inherent to each character. Since you this task equals 16. You roll a d20 and
will be playing in a group, each charac- get 13 as a result. Adding it all toge-
ter can cover an area of knowledge or a ther your result for this test is 17 and
specific ability. If a character is trapped you successfully lift the rock. This is the
under a heavy weight a really strong basics of almost every RPG. Some use
character can free them, but maybe different dice, add different numbers, or
they don’t have the skill or knowledge allow you to spend some resources to
to heal them. complete a task, but the random factor
tends to be pretty important. Is not just
about succeeding or failing, it is about
During play, your Game Master will how you decide to move forward after
present situations where the outcome each result. It’s very hard to “win” an
is uncertain and, although the innate RPG because there’s always a new chal-
abilities of your character will help, they lenge looming beyond the horizon.
will not be the only factors that decide If you are interested in playing your first
what happens. Most games resolve this game, check out the Loot Studios’ Free
by rolling dice and adding a character’s Mini Pack. It contains everything you
appropriate ability number to the result need to start playing, including a short
of the roll. As an example, D&D uses Dungeons & Dragons Adventure.
d20s, that is a 20-sided dice, to resolve So, what are you waiting for? Time to
disputes. Let’s say your character needs start playing!
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