10 Technical Bid
10 Technical Bid
10 Technical Bid
(Tender No.T6/T-1952/2021-C)
Items Page Nos.
No.T6/T-1952/2021-C Dated:03/11/2021
1. T E N D E R N O T I C E
accompanied by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
Company. Joint Venture is not allowed in the tender.
1.6 The tenders shall be submitted “on line” strictly in accordance with the
Instructions to Tenderers and General Description and Special Conditions
of Contract given in the Tender Document. The bidders shall submit scanned
copy of all the required documents such as DD / Bankers Cheque towards the
cost of tender form, EMD/ Bid Security Declaration, proof of experience,
financial details, etc. along with e-tenders.
1.7 EMD / Bid Security Declaration as per Annexure-I & Original DD /
Bankers Cheque towards the cost of tender shall be submitted in a sealed
cover to the Suptdg. Engineer(CM), Cochin Port Trust, W/Island, Cochin-
682009, KERALA, before opening date & time of the tender. Tenders
without submitting the original documents as above, shall be liable for
1.8 The intending bidder must have valid Class-II or III digital signature certificate
to submit the bid. For further details, please contact e-Tender Help Desk
No. 080-40482000/ 9746118529/9605557738.
1.10.1 The time schedule for various activities in connection with this tender will be
as follows.
1.11 The right of acceptance of tender will rest with Port Trust Board who does not
bind themselves to accept the lowest tender and reserves to themselves the
authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any
1.12 The Chief Engineer/ Dy. CE/ Suptdg. Engineer or his duly authorized assistant
will open the tenders in the presence of intending tenderers who may be present
at the time in person or through their authorized representative. In the event of
a tender being rejected, the Earnest Money paid with such unaccepted tender
shall be refunded to the tenderer by the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts
Officer direct.
1.13 i) The tenderer should keep open the validity of the tender normally for 60
days from the date fixed for its opening. However, it is also obligatory for the
tenderer to keep the validity open for another 60 days for which request in
writing/ telefax/e-mail by the Chief Engineer before the expiry of the original
validity would be sufficient intimation. The receipt of the intimation of the
Chief Engineer should be acknowledged.
ii) Should any tenderer withdraw his tender before these periods, or make any
modification in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable
to the department, the Earnest Money deposited by the tenderer shall be
1.14 The tenderer shall visit the site of work in order to acquaint himself with the
conditions of the site, the locality and its environment.
1.15 The tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all documents, site, etc.
whether he has inspected them or not. The submission of a tender by tenderer
implies that he has read this notice and General Conditions of Contract and has
made himself aware of the scope and specifications and other factors bearing
on the tender.
1.16 Securities:
1.16.1 Security Deposit (SD) shall be 3% of the Contract value or value of the work
done whichever is higher and it shall consist of the following:
a) Performance Security 3% of contract value payable on award of the
b) Retention Money: NIL
In case, where the value of work done exceeds Contract value,
Additional Security Deposit @ 3% of the excess amount will be
deducted from the RA Bills. While making payment, which will be
released along with the Performance Security only
The total amount thus deposited towards SD will be retained as security for the
due and proper fulfillment of the Contract and will not carry any interest. Such
deposit shall be forfeited on failure to perform or non-fulfillment by the
Contractor of the terms and conditions of the Contract.
1.16.2 Performance Security: The Performance Security retained till end of Defect
Liability period (1 year from the date of completion of work) shall be 3% of
Contract Value or Cost of Work Done, whichever is higher. So, initially 3% of
the Contract value shall be furnished as Performance Security.
In case, where the value of work done exceeds Contract value, Additional
Security Deposit @ 3% of the excess amount will be deducted from the RA
Bills, while making payment, which will be released along with the
Performance Security only.
1.16.3 The Security Deposit/ Performance Security @ 3% of the value of the contract
awarded or the value of the work done whichever is higher, shall be furnished
by the Contractor to the Employer, not later than 21 days from the date of letter
of acceptance or such extension of that period as may be permitted by the
Engineer in writing, and shall be furnished in one of the following forms:
i) Banker’s Cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order of a Scheduled Bank.
ii) An irrevocable Bank Guarantee(BG) enforceable and encashable at Cochin,
drawn from any Scheduled Bank operating in India as per the prescribed
1.16.4 The Security Deposit/ Performance Security retained till end of Defects
Liability Period (1year from the date of completion) shall be 3% of Contract
Value or Cost of Work Done, whichever is higher. So, initially 3% of the
Contract value shall be furnished as Performance Security. The BG furnished
towards the Performance Security shall be valid until a date 30 days from
the day of expiry of the Defect Liability Period stipulated as per the terms
of the Contract.
1.16.5 Unless Performance Security is furnished within the period as specified above
or such extension of that period as may be permitted by the Engineer in
writing, tenderer will be suspended and shall not be eligible to particiapate in
the tenders invited by Cochin Port Trust for a period of Two Years from the
date of such suspension order.
1.16.6 Retention Money: NIL. In case, where the value of work done exceeds
Contract value, Additional Security Deposit @ 3% of the excess amount will
be deducted from the RA Bills. While making payment, which will be released
along with the Performance Security only.
1.16.7 Deleted.
1.16.8 The Performance Security retained till end of Defect Liability Period (1
Year from the date of completion) shall be 3% of Contract Value or Cost
of Work Done, whichever is higher.
1.16.9 If the Cost of Work done exceeds the Contract Value, the total amount retained
as Security Deposit considering the Performance Security initially submitted
together with the Additional Security Deposit recovered from the running
account bills, shall amount to 3% of the Cost of Work done.
1.16.10 Deleted.
1.17 Deleted.
1.18 The Bidder shall furnish an EMD/ Bid Security Declaration as per the format at
Annexure-I, thereby accepting that the tenderer will be suspended and shall not
be eligible to particiapate in the tenders invited by Cochin Port Trust for a
period of Two Years from the date of such suspension order, under the
following circumstances.
a) If after opening tender, he withdraws or modifies his Tender during the
period of validity specified in the Bid Documents (including extended validity,
if any), or does not accept the correction of the Tender Price pursuant to
arithmetical errors.
b) If, after the award of work, he fails to furnish the required Performance
Security or sign the Contract, within the time limits specified in the
Departmental Tender Document.
(i) Experience:
The tenderer should have successfully completed at least:
one similar work of value not less than Rs.5.25 lakhs.
two similar works, each of value not less than Rs.3.28 lakhs.
three similar works, each of value not less than Rs.2.62 lakhs,
during the preceding seven years ending 31st October 2021.
Explanatory notes:
(a) Similar work(s) means “Civil Construction works.
(b) The experience certificate of works executed in private
sectors/organizations, shall be considered for qualification, only on
submission of TDS certificate along with work order and completion
(c) Copy of completion certificates of each work issued by the owner/
responsible officer of the owner under whom he has executed such
contract shall be attached. The certificate shall contain details of work
involved specifying the nature of work, the completion cost of the work,
date of commencement & date of completion of the work.
(d) The works reckoned for the above purpose are those executed by the
tenderers as prime Contractor or proportionately as member of joint
venture or sub Contractor. The subcontractor shall be an authorized and
approved sub-Contractor by the Employer of the work(s) against which
the tenderer has claimed his experience. The tenderer shall attach
attested copy(s) of approval issued by the Employer(s) authorizing as a
sub-Contractor; in proof of the claim of the tenderer as a sub-Contractor.
The tenderer is also obliged to produce the original of the certified
copy(s) on request by the department.
(e) Following enhancement factors will be used for the costs of works
executed for bringing the financial figures to a common base value in
respect of the works completed in the past years.
Year before Multiplying factor
One year 1.07
Two years 1.14
Three years 1.21
Four years 1.28
Five years 1.35
Six years 1.42
(ii) Financial Turnover:
Average Annual Turnover of the tenderer during the last three financial
years ending 31st March 2020 shall not be less than Rs.1.97 Lakhs.
In proof of this Audited Annual Accounts Statements or IT returns duly
acknowledged by the Income Tax department along with computation
statement signed by the Auditor/ Chartered Accountant, for the last three
years shall be produced by the tenderer.
1.23 Tenders which do not fulfill all or any of the above conditions or which contain
any other condition of any sort including conditional rebates or are incomplete
in any respect is liable for rejection. Such tenders shall be entered in the tender
opening register but their rates shall neither be read out nor entered in the
register. Only remark mentioning the reason of rejection in brief shall be
appended against such entry.
1.24 Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and tenders
submitted by the Contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to
1.25 The tenderer shall specify the PAN No. allotted to him so that Chief Engineer/
Executive Engineer can ascertain his liability to the Income Tax Department.
1.26 The tenderer shall furnish documentary evidence in support of Goods &
Service Tax (GST) Registration.
1.27 Tender Documents can be seen at Chief Engineer’s Office during working
hours on all days except on Sundays, second and fourth Saturdays and Public
1.28 Bidders who are registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC),
Govt. Of India Enterprises under “Single Point Registration Scheme” of
Ministry of MSME shall be eligible for issue of tender document free of cost.
They are required to submit documentary proof of such registration along with
the offer, as detailed in Instructions to Tenderers, for claiming the available
exemptions and also, a scanned copy of the Exemption Certificate duly
notarised shall be uploaded in the e-tendering Portal.
1.29 Taxes and Duties:
1.29.1 Deductions towards statutory taxes as per the rules, prevailing in force at the
time of payment of bills shall be made while releasing the bill amount.
1.29.2.GST for the work will be paid extra by the Port. The GST applicable as per law
can be billed on the Port Trust, which will be paid to the Contractor by the
Board along with the bills, for which the Contractor holds valid GST
Registration number and the GST is being collected. The following are also to
be considered while claiming payment towards GST:
i. Invoice in specific format should be provided by the Contractor for
every payment.
ii. GST Registration Number of Cochin Port Trust and the Contractor is to
be clearly mentioned with all the bills.
iii. Invoice should be attached along with the running bills.
iv. The Contractor shall comply all the GST regulations, viz.; timely
uploading of invoices and issue of debit/ credit notes.
1.29.3.Any stipulation by a tenderer that taxes and duties deductable from these bills
should be borne by the Port Trust will result in the summary rejection of his
/their tender.
1.30 Cess as per Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act (Act
28 of 1996) at the rate of one percent or at the rates prevailing in force at the
time of payment of bills, of the cost of construction should be borne by the
Contractor and the same will be deducted from Contractor’s bills while making
payment or when crediting amount to Contractor’s account.
1.31 The undersigned reserves the right to reject/cancel/postpone any one or all
tenders at any stage of the tender, which will be binding on all bidders.
1.32 This Tender Notice shall form part of the Contract.
Chief Engineer
Cochin Port Trust
For and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Cochin Port Trust
a) General description of work : PROVIDING CONCRETE PAVER
said conditions and to execute an agreement with the Board in the prescribed form or
in default thereof to forfeit the Earnest Money deposited by me/us. The sum of
Rs....................... has been deposited with Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts
Officer of the Port Trust as Earnest Money: (a) the full value of which is to be
absolutely forfeited to the Board in office without prejudice to any other rights or
remedies of the said Board in office should I/We fail to commence the work specified
in the Contract Data or should I/We not deposit the full amount of Performance
Security specified in the Contract Data in accordance with clause 52 of the said
conditions of Contract otherwise the said sum of Rs. ........... shall be retained by the
Board as on account of such security deposit as aforesaid; or (b) the full value of
which shall be retained by the Board on account of the security deposit to execute all
the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained
or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, upto
maximum of the percentage mentioned in Contract Data and those in excess of that
limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in
Clause 40.3 of the Conditions of Contract.
Dated the .........…………............ day of …………………… 2021
Witness :
Address :
Occupation :
The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of the Board.
Dated the ……………………………..day of …………….................……2021.
Chief Engineer
Cochin Port Trust
Items marked “N/A” do not apply in this Contract.
Sl. Description Reference
No. Cl.No. of
6 Tender Document and other data are available at : (7.2)
Chief Engineer’s Office,
Cochin Port Trust, W/Island,
Cochin – 682009, KERALA.
45Months 7 days
Sl. Description Reference
No. Cl.No. of
13 The site is located at W/ Island
14 The Defects Liability Period is : One year from the date of (35)
completion of work.
15 The minimum insurance cover for physical property, (13)
injury and death is Rs.10 lakhs (Rupees Ten lakhs) per
occurrence with the number of occurrences unlimited.
After each occurrence, Contractor will pay additional
premium necessary to make insurance valid always.
16 The following events shall also be Compensation Events: (44)
--------------------- N/A
17 The period between Programme updates shall be 30 days (27)
18 The amount to be with held for late submission of an (27)
updated Programme shall be Rs...…….. N/A
19 The language of the Contract documents is English. (3)
20 The law, which applies to the Contract, is the law of Union (3)
of India.
21 The currency of the Contract is Indian Rupees. (46)
22 The proportion of payments retained (Retention Money) (48)
shall be 5% from each bill subject to a maximum of 5%
of the Contract price or value of the work done whichever
is higher.
23 The maximum amount of Liquidated Damages for the [49]
whole of the works is 10% of the Contract Price.
24 The amounts of the advance payments : [51]
The advance payments as applicable to the Contract are: N/A
25 Repayment of advance payment for mobilization : -------- [51] N/A
26 Repayment of advance payment for Construction and [51]
Equipment: ---------- N/A
27 Repayment of Secured Advance: ----------- N/A
28 The date by which “As Built Drawings” are required is (58)
within -- days of issue of certificate of completion of N/A
whole or section of the work, as the case may be.
29 The amount to be withheld for failing to supply “As Built (58)
Drawings” and/or operating and maintenance manuals by N/A
the date required is Rs…… (Rupees ----------)
30 Schedule of Rates Applicable: CPWD DSR 2018 + 55%
Cost Index x 0.8768 for deducting GST.
31 Base Rate for materials to be considered for price variation (47)
Sl. Description Reference
No. Cl.No. of
(i) Cement consumed for various items of work : N/A
Rs........ …………per tonne
(ii) Reinforcement steel used under various items :
Rs........ ………….. per tonne
(iii) Structural Steel used under various items: Rs.…….. per
(iv) Bitumen under various items in: Rs………….. per tonne
4.1 Electronic Tenders (e-tenders) on percentage basis under “Two Cover system”
OF RO-RO JETTY AT BOLGHATTY.” The tenderer shall submit the tender
Cover-A (Hard Copy of EMD & Cost of Tender form). All the Technical Bid
documents & Price Bid shall be submitted “online”.
4.2 The Tender Document will be available as three separate files in the e-
tendering Portal:
i. A. Technical Bid Documents (as per Sl. No 1 to 7 of the Contents sheet)
ii. B. Price Bid: Schedule of quantities of Work- Schedule-A and
iii. C. General Conditions of Contract-2016
4.3 The tenderer shall upload the documents indicated in 4.2 (i) & (iii) above and
also the Schedule of Quantities(Percentage) [as per Cl.4.3(ii), duly filled in,
4.5.1 The Cover A shall contain – hard copy of EMD/ Bid Security Declaration as
described in Clause 1.9.1 of Tender Notice & Cost of Tender form as
mentioned in Clause 1.2 of Tender Notice shall be submitted before 15.00 Hrs
on 23/11/2021.
4.5.2 Technical Bid (Online mode)
Technical Bid shall contain all technical and commercial details except
Schedule of Quantities. It shall consist scanned/ soft copies of the following
a) A covering letter from the tenderer enlisting the enclosures/ attachments.
b) Original Tender Document (Technical Bid) except Schedule of
c) Copy of the documents in proof of fulfillment of the Minimum
Qualification Criteria.
d) Copy of PAN Card, ESI/ EPF & GST Registration documents.
e) Copy of Authorisation documents of Signatory of the bid in case of
Registered Partnership firm / Limited company
f) Partnership deed or Memorandum and Article of Association of the
company and registration certificate of the company as the case may be.
g) Any other relevant document.
15 Scanned copies of all documents as per Clause 4.5.2, EMD and Cost of
Tender Form shall be submitted as “Technical Bid”. Departmental Tender Document (except Schedule of Quantities), along with
scanned copies of Cost of Tender form, EMD and other documents as per
Clause 4.5.2 shall be submitted ‘online’ before 14.30 hrs of opening date of
the Tender. In no case shall filled in Price Bid - Schedule of Quantities be
submitted in hard copy, as it shall result in rejection of the tender.
4.5.3 Price Bid: Price Bid shall contain only the “Schedule of Quantities”, which shall be
submitted only in e-tendering mode. Tenderer should ensure that his tendered percentage as per ‘Price Bid’ is
not mentioned anywhere in any other documents, directly or indirectly.
If any such mention is made, the tender will become invalid and shall
become liable for rejection. Tenderer shall quote the percentage in figures with Above/ Below the
departmental rate in the last page of Price Bid, where space provided.
4.6.1. Selection criteria for qualifying the tenderers for opening the Price Bids in
Cover ‘B’ of the tender will be as below:
(i) Experience :
The tenderer should have successfully completed at least
one similar work of value not less than Rs.5.25 lakhs.
two similar works, each of value not less than Rs.3.28 lakhs.
three similar works, each of value not less than Rs.2062 lakhs,
during the preceding seven years ending 31st October 2021.
Explanatory notes:
a) Similar work(s) means “Civil construction works”.
TDS certificate along with work order and completion certificate.
d) The works reckoned for the above purpose are those executed by the
tenderers as prime Contractor or proportionately as member of joint
venture or sub Contractor. The sub-Contractor shall be an authorized and
approved sub-Contractor by the Employer of the work(s) against which
the tenderer has claimed his experience. The tenderer shall attach attested
copy(s) of approval issued by the Employer(s) authorizing as a sub-
Contractor; in proof of the claim of the tenderer as a sub-Contractor. The
tenderer is also obliged to produce the original of the certified copy(s) on
request by the department.
e) Following enhancement factors will be used for the costs of works
executed for bringing the financial figures to a common base value in
respect of the works completed in the past years.
Year before Multiplying factor
One year 1.07
Two years 1.14
Three years 1.21
Four years 1.28
Two years 1.35
Six years 1.42
(ii) Financial Turnover:
Average Annual Turnover of the tenderer during the last three financial
years ending 31st March 2020 shall not be less than Rs.1.97 Lakhs.
In proof of this Audited Annual Accounts Statements or IT returns duly
acknowledged by the Income Tax department along with computation
statement signed by the Auditor/ Chartered Accountant for the last three
years shall be produced by the tenderer.
4.7.1 Cover ‘A’ containing the EMD/ Bid Security Declaration and cost of tender
form shall be opened at 15.00 hrs. on 23/11/2021, the last date fixed for
receiving the bid, in the SE’s chamber in the presence of the tenderers or their
representatives as may be present. Scanned copy of EMD/ Bid Security
Declaration & Cost of Tender form submitted online also opened at 15.00 Hrs
on 23/11/2021. Technical Bid documents of only those tenderers shall be
opened whose documents furnished in Cover A is found in order.
4.7.2 After opening the Technical Bid documents, it shall be thoroughly checked for
completeness with respect to the details stipulated to be submitted as Technical
Bid by the tenderer. The Price Bid of those tenderers satisfying the tender
requirements shall only be opened. The Price Bid of those tenderers who are
found responsive and satisfactory on evaluation of Technical Bid documents,
will be opened after bringing all tenderers to the same footing and giving notice
to the short listed tenderers, on a date to be decided and intimated later.
4.8.1 The submission of a tender by the tenderer implies that he has read the whole
tender Documents including GCC-2016.
4.8.2 The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the site of work and its
Surroundings, discuss with connected agencies and collect all necessary
information on his own responsibility for preparing the tender.
4.8.3 The tenderer is expected to examine the Tender Documents including all
conditions, specifications, forms etc and also conditions in the G.C.C. Failure
to furnish the information required in the Tender Documents/ G.C.C. or
submission of a tender not conforming to the requirements in every respect, is
likely to result in the rejection of the tender.
4.8.4 The tenderer shall quote for the work on percentage basis. The departmental
rate for each item of work is given in the Schedule of Quantities. The tenderer
shall fill the percentage above or below the Departmental rate, in the column
provided for the purpose in the Schedule.
4.8.5 In case of discrepancy between the specifications and the drawings, the
following order of preference shall be observed:
a. Conditions & Specifications of tender
b. Drawings.
c. B.I.S Specifications.
d. Sound Engineering Practice.
4.8.6. If there are varying or conflicting provisions made in any document forming
part of the Contract, the Chief Engineer, Cochin Port Trust, Cochin-682009
shall be the deciding authority with regard to the intention of the document
which will be binding on the tenderer/ Contractor.
4.8.7 Any error in description, any omissions there shall not vitiate the Contract or
release the Contractor from the execution of whole or any part of the works
comprised therein according to specifications or from any of his obligation
under the Contract.
4.8.8 The Chief Engineer, Cochin Port Trust shall have the right to omit or Suspend
certain items of work or revise or amend the Tender. Documents at any time
prior to the due date of submission of the tender. Such revisions or
amendments or extensions if any, shall be communicated to all the bidders
who have downloaded the Tender Documents, in the form of an addendum by
telefax /e- mail / writing. In order to afford the Bidders with reasonable time
to take addendum into account, or for any other reason, the Port Trust may, at
its discretion, extend the due date for submission of tender.
4.8.9 All payments due to the Contractor under this Contract will be made in Indian
Rupees only.
4.8.10 Tenders received after the date specified for submission shall not be opened.
4.8.11 The Bank Guarantees (BGs) to be furnished by the Contractors in connection
with the tender shall be sent to by the Chief Engineer, Cochin Port Trust
directly by the issuing bank under registered post with AD. The Contractor
shall take the responsibility of sending BGs directly to the Port Trust by the
issuing bank.
3.1 The tenderer shall prepare and attach with the tender a detailed work schedule
indicating key activities and critical items for completing the work within the
stipulated Contract period of 45 Days. This time schedule will form the basis
for monitoring the progress of work.
Space will be made available to the Contractor free of rent for storing materials
and equipments etc., adjacent to the work site for the duration of the Contract.
After the work is over, Contractor shall at his cost, reinstate the area by
clearing the temporary works, debris etc. as decided by the Engineer’s
5.1 The tenderer shall visit the area before tendering. It will be deemed that the
tenderer has visited the site and studied the site conditions before submitting
the tender. The tenderer should get himself acquainted with the nature and
extent of the work. No claim whatsoever will be entertained on the plea of
ignorance of difficulties involved in execution of work or carriage of materials
5.2 All materials, plants and equipments, required for the work shall be provided
by the Contractor at his own cost, and shall conform to relevant I.S.
Specification unless otherwise specified.
5.3 Samples of all materials, to be incorporated in the work shall be got approved
by the Engineer’s Nominee before procurement.
5.4 The Contractor shall thoroughly study the specifications and errors /
omissions/modifications if any shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer –
in-Charge well in advance so that a final decision in the matter could be given
in time.
5.5 All labour, skilled or unskilled shall be provided by the Contractor. Settling any
dispute with the labour will be Contractor's responsibility. Insurance as per
Indian Workmen’s Compensation Act for the Contractors’ workmen and Public
Liability Policy shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost.
5.6 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage or injury to the
persons or things caused or suffered during the execution of the work and shall
be made good or compensated at his own cost.
5.7 The Contractor shall take all care and precautionary measures for avoiding any
kind of damage/accidents in the work site due to any of his reasons. The
Contractor shall indemnify the Port against any compensation whatsoever
payable to the workmen for accident or loss arising out of and in the course of
their employment under this Contract.
5.8 The work shall be arranged by the Contractor without causing any damage to
Port structures. Any damage or accident caused by the Contractor’s operation
shall be compensated / made good at Contractor’s risk and cost to the
satisfaction of the Engineer’s Nominee of the works, failing which department
will do the rectification work and the cost incurred will be recovered from his
bill or from security deposit.
5.9 The Contractor shall not construct any structure, even of temporary nature, for
any purpose at site, except with the written permission of the Engineer’s
Nominee of the work and any construction so put up shall be removed by the
Contractor whenever the Engineer’s Nominee calls upon the Contractor to do
5.10 The Contractor shall remove all temporary works, clear and make good the site,
at his cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer’s Nominee before the site is
returned to the Port Trust. All materials shall be disposed to any place as
pointed out by the Engineer’s Nominee of the work and site shall be cleared in
every respect at no extra cost after completion of work.
5.11 The Contractor shall remove all materials brought to work site / stacked at the
work site or anywhere else within the Port area and clear the site at his cost to
the full satisfaction of the Engineer’s Nominee before the site is returned to the
Port Trust. All such materials including debris, tools & plants etc. shall be
disposed off to any place as pointed out by the Engineer’s Nominee or be taken
away from the location and shall be cleared in every respect and to reinstate to
its original condition at no extra cost to the Port Trust immediately after
completion of the work. In case, any such material is found left in the work site
or anywhere in the Port area, rent for the storage space occupied by the
Contractor, either for stacking the materials /debris or for areas used for such
purpose but not cleared thereafter, will be recovered as per the prevailing Scale
of Rate of Cochin Port Trust, for the rent applicable for open storage space for
commercial purpose, for the period for which the area had been occupied by the
Contractor. In addition to the above, in case the Port requires the area
immediately for its use, Port will repossess the land after restoring it to its
original condition, material will be confiscated and disposed off at the risk and
cost of the Contractor, after issuing two notices giving 15 days’ time each for
removing the material. All expenses incurred in this shall be recovered by
disposing off the material if any confiscated. If any balance amount still
remains to be realized that will be recovered from the Contractor by appropriate
5.12 The Contractor shall observe all safety regulations during the execution of the
work. Safety measures, precautions, warning signals etc. shall be
taken/provided at the Contractor’s cost, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
of the work. The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel protection
equipments such as helmet, lifeguard, goggles, boots, safety belts etc. to the
workmen at his own cost and it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to
ensure that they use it while on the work site.
5.13 The Contractor shall ensure that no labourers with criminal background are
engaged for the work.
5.14 The contractor shall take all precautions for not to damage any cables, pipelines
etc. passing through the area of work.
5.15 The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Indian
Workmen’s Compensations Act, Public Liability Policy, Provident Fund
Regulations, Employees Provident Fund and ESI Act etc. amended from
time to time and rules framed there under and other laws affecting the
Contract labour that may be brought in to force from time to time.
5.16 The contractor shall be registered under EPF and ESI Act and the
employees employed under them shall be covered in the EPF and ESI
scheme, as applicable under the act.
If the number of employees proposed to be engaged in the work is less than
the threshold limit under ESI/ EPF act, an undertaking to this effect shall
be included in the tender submission.
5.17 The Contractor shall provide, at every work place, at which 20 or more women
workers are ordinarily employed, crèches of reasonable size and with adequate
facility for the use of their children under the age of six years at his risk and
5.18 The Contractor shall also be responsible for arranging and carrying out works
as mentioned in Clauses 1.1 & 1.2 above.
6.1 Electric power required for the work can be supplied by the department from
the nearest existing line of the Port Trust at prevailing rates. The cost of
drawing temporary lines/ cables/ providing switches and making connection
and metering arrangements etc, shall be borne by the Contractor. If there is any
disruption in the power supply due to supply failure/ restrictions imposed by
the Kerala State Electricity Board, the department shall not be held responsible
and the Contractor has to make suitable alternative arrangements at their cost.
6.2 Water required for the work shall be arranged by the Contractor at his own
7.1 All the works shall be done strictly according to relevant B.I.S. specifications
unless otherwise specified. Whenever special conditions and other
specifications deviate from the B.I.S. the former shall prevail.
7.2 The whole work shall be completed in a diligent manner within the Contract
period and defect or imperfection if any, observed during the Defect Liability
Period/ guarantee period the same shall be rectified at Contractor’s cost to the
full satisfaction of the Engineer’s Nominee within the time allowed.
7.3 Precautions shall be taken for not to damage cables/ pipe lines etc.
7.4 The work shall be arranged in the order of preference and as directed by the
Engineer’s Nominee of work.
8.1 All scaffolding, staging, bracing and other temporary works required for proper
execution of the works, shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost,
unless stated otherwise and that should be inclusive of all materials, labour,
supervision and other facilities. The layout and details of such temporary works
shall have prior approval of the Engineer’s Nominee, but the Contractor shall
be responsible for proper strength and safety of the same. All temporary works
shall be so constructed as not to interfere with any permanent work or with the
work of other agencies. If it is necessary to remove any of the temporary works
at any time to facilitate execution of works or work by other agencies, such
removal and re erection, if required, shall be carried out by the Contractor at
the direction of Engineer’s Nominee without any delay and any extra cost on
this account shall be borne by the Contractor.
9.2 The whole work shall be completed in accordance with the provisions under
Contract Data or such extended time as may be allowed as per clause 29 of
The quantities given in the bill of quantities (Schedule of items) are only
approximate and payment will be made as per actual quantity of work done and
rate specified.
The quantities shall, unless otherwise stated, be measured in accordance with
Except where any general or detailed description of the work expressly shows
to the contrary, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the procedure
set forth in the specifications notwithstanding any provision in the relevant
Standard Method of measurement or any general or local custom. In the case
of items which are not covered by specifications, measurements shall be taken
in accordance with the relevant standard method of measurement issued by the
Bureau of Indian Standards and if for any item no such standard is available
then a mutually agreed method shall be followed.
The Contractor shall give not less than seven days' notice to the Engineer’s
Nominee or his authorised representative in charge of the work before covering
up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any work in order
that the same may be measured and correct dimensions thereof be taken before
the same is covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall
not cover up and place beyond reach of measurement any work without consent
in writing of the Engineer’s Nominee or his authorised representative in charge
of the work who shall within the aforesaid period of seven days inspect the
work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of
measurements without such notice having been given or the Engineer’s
Nominee's consent being obtained in writing the same shall be uncovered at the
Contractor's expense, or in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be
made for such work or the materials with which the same was executed.
Engineer’s Nominee or his authorised representative may cause either
themselves or through another officer of the department to check the
measurements recorded jointly or otherwise as aforesaid and all provisions
stipulated herein above shall be applicable to such checking of measurements
or levels.
It is also a term of this Contract that recording of measurements of any item of
work in the measurement book and/or its payment in the interim, on account or
final bill shall not be considered as conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of
any work or material to which it relates nor shall it relieve the Contractor from
liabilities from any over measurement or defects noticed till completion of the
defects liability period.
17. Clause 45 and Clause 80 of GCC shall be modified as below;
Clause 45-Rates for items to be inclusive of Taxes The rate quoted by the
Contractor shall be inclusive of the cost of provision of plant and equipment,
materials, labour, execution, supervision, maintenance, overheads and profits
and every incidental and contingent cost and charges whatsoever excluding
Goods and Service Tax (GST). GST as may be applicable from time to time
shall be shown separately in the invoice. The Employer will perform such
duties in regard to the deduction of such taxes at sources as per applicable law.
Any new Taxes, levies, duties imposed after signing the Contract shall be
reimbursed by the Employer on production of documentary evidence. The
invoice to be submitted by the Contractor should include the GST Registration
Number of the Contractor as well as the Employer.
Clause 80-Taxes and Duties Income Tax The Contractor and his staff shall be
responsible for payment of all personal income taxes to the concerned
authorities as per the law in force from time to time. Deduction of Income Tax
shall be made by the Employer from each certificate of payment to the
Contractor at the rate of 2% plus surcharge or such other rates as may be
specified by the Central Government from time to time, on the gross amount of
the Contractor’s bill for payment. The Contractor shall comply all the GST
Regulations viz. timely uploading of bills, issue of debit/ credit notes etc.
18. Sub clause 43.2 under Clause 43:Payments,….. in GCC 2016 stands amended
as given below:
43.2 Payment of bills for Civil Works shall be regulated as detailed
43.2.5 Final bill shall be paid within 3 months of issue of Taking Over
Certificate by the Engineer / Nominee, as detailed below.
43.2.6 The Contractor shall submit the Final bill to the Engineer /
Nominee within 20 days of issue of Taking Over Certificate by
the Engineer / Nominee. The bill shall be checked and all
clarifications/corrections required on the bill submitted, shall be
sought from the Contractor within 15 days thereafter. The
Contractor shall submit the clarifications including carrying out
corrections in the bill, if required, within the next 10 days. The
clarified / corrected bill shall be verified and forwarded to
Finance Department within the next 15 days. Thereafter,
clarifications if any required by the Finance Department shall be
sought within 10 days and the Engineer/Nominee shall clear it on
top priority within the next 10 days and, finally, the bill shall be
paid to the Contractor within 10 days thereafter, i.e., within a
total 3 months of issue of Taking Over Certificate by the
Engineer / Nominee, as indicated above.
Except where otherwise specified or authorized by the Engineer-in-Charge,
materials supplied by the Contractor shall conform to the latest edition of code
of practices published by the Bureau of Indian Standard. Samples of materials
to be supplied by the Contractor shall be shown to the Engineer-in-Charge
sufficiently in advance for approval of its quality for use on the Work.
All the materials to be used on the Works shall have BIS certification mark if
so available, unless otherwise specified elsewhere or shall be of approved brand
with equivalent material as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever,
any brands are specified for the materials /products to be used on the Work, its
equivalent quality material shall also be used, with the approval of the Engineer
in Charge.
All materials supplied shall be stored appropriately to prevent deterioration/
damage from any cause what so ever and to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer-in Charge.
The materials required for the Work shall be brought to the site and stacked at
places shown by the Engineer-in-Charge and the same shall be got approved for
use in Work sufficiently in advance so that the progress of the Work is not
affected by the supply of materials.
1.1 Aggregates: Coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone.
The aggregates shall conform to the physical requirements set forth in Table
400.10 of MORT&H’s Specification for Road and Bridge works.
1.2 Grading requirements: The aggregates shall conform to the grading given in
Table 2 below:
( Table 400.13 of MORT&H ‘specification)
Grading Requirements of aggregates for Wet Mix Macadam
Percent by weight passing
IS Sieve Designation
the IS sieve
53.00mm 100
45.00mm 95-100
26.50mm -
22.40mm 60-80
11.20mm 40-60
4.75mm 25-40
2.36mm 15-30
0.600mm 8-22
0.750mm 0-5
Materials finer than 425 micron shall have Plasticity Index (PI) not exceeding
6. The final gradation approved within these limits shall be well graded from
coarse to fine and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high
limit on the adjacent sieve or vice versa.
6mm size graded aggregate conforming to IS 383 shall be used and which are
not perfectly clean shall be washed in clean water to the entire satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.1 The paver blocks shall be 100 mm high density cement concrete interlocking
paver blocks of M40 grade as per IS : 15658-2006. The paver blocks shall be
made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved
size, design, shape, colour and pattern. Mould shall be made up of PU for
attaining superior smooth finish.
1. Except where otherwise specified or authorised by the Engineer-in-Charge all
items of Works executed by the Contractor must conform to the latest edition
of the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) Specifications, I.RC., MORT&H’s
specifications and Code of practices published by BIS. Where no such
specifications or code of adoption. The Bidder while indicating such
specifications shall practice exists the latest BSS codes of practice shall also be
considered for enclose the full set of the publication so referred and not in
extracts. Photostat / Xerox copies in duplicate shall be forwarded which shall
not be returned to the Contractor. In absence of any specification the
department reserves the right to adopt trade specifications and /or sound
engineering practices for the specialised Work as may be decided by the
Engineer-in-Charge which shall be final, conclusive and binding on the
Detailed specifications of items of Works are described below:
(a) Wet Mix Macadam shall be prepared using appropriate methods which
shall ensure production of mix of proper and uniform quality as directed by
the Engineer in charge.
(b) Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with IS:
2720 (Part-8) after replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4mm sieve
with material of 4.75mm to 22.4mm size. While adding water, due allowance
should be made for evaporation losses. However, at the time of compaction,
water in the wet mix should not vary from the optimum value by more than
agreed limits. The mixed material should be uniformly wet and no segregation
should be permitted.
(a) Immediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread uniformly and
evenly upon the prepared sub grade in required quantities. In no case should
these be dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to be laid nor
shall their hauling over a partly completed stretch be permitted.
(b) The first layer of mix shall be spread by suitable means so as to get a
uniform and level surface as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The second
layer of mix shall be spread either by a paver finisher or motor grader. For
portions where mechanical means cannot be used, manual means as approved
by the Engineer –in-charge shall be used.
(c) The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully checked with templates
and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may
be required. The layer shall be tested by depth blocks during construction. No
segregation of larger and fine particles should be allowed. The aggregate as
spread should be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine materials.
(v) Compaction
(a) After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and camber,
the same shall be uniformly compacted, to the full depth with suitable roller.
If the thickness of single compacted layer does not exceed 100mm, a smooth
wheel roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a compacted single
layer upto 200 mm, the compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory
roller of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 kN or equivalent capacity roller.
The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km/hr.
(c) In portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller
running forward and backward until the edges have been firmly compacted.
The roller shall then progress gradually towards the center parallel to the
centre line of the road uniformly overlapping each of the preceding track by at
least one- third width until the entire surface has been rolled.
(e) Along forms, kerbs, walls or other places not accessible to the roller the
mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or a plate
compactor. Skin patching of an area without scarifying the surface to permit
proper bonding of the added materials shall not be permitted.
(f) Rolling should not be done when the sub grade is soft or yielding or when
it causes a wave-like motion in the sub grade. If irregularities develop during
rolling which exceed 12mm when tested with a 3 metre straight edge, the
surface be loosened and premixed material added or removed as required
before rolling again so as to achieve a uniform surface conforming to the
desired grade and camber. In no case should the use of unmixed material be
permitted to make up the depressions.
(g) Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent
of the maximum dry density for the material as determined by the method
outlined in IS: 2720 (Part-8)
(h) After completion, the surface of any finished layer shall be well closed,
free from movement under compaction equipment or any compaction planes,
ridges, cracks and loose material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective
areas be made good to the full thickness of the layer and re-compacted.
(vi) Setting and drying
After final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the surface shall be
allowed to dry for 24 hours.
2.3 Surface evenness
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause
902 of MORT&H’s Specification for Road and Bridge works or as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.4 Quality control
For control on the quality of materials and works carried out, relevant
provisions of Section 900 of MORT&H’s Specification for Road and Bridge
works shall apply or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
2.5 Measurement for payment
Wet Mix Macadam course shall be measured as finished work in cubic
2.6 Rate
The contract unit rate for WMM shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for making arrangements for
traffic, furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all
royalties, fees, rents wherever necessary and all leads and lifts, all labour,
tool, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to specifications,
carrying out the required tests for quality control etc.
3.1 The paver blocks shall be neatly stacked as per standard practice and as
directed by the Engineer - in – Charge
3.2 The Paver blocks shall be M40 Grade Cement Concrete of thickness not less
than 100mm. Colour and design of the paver blocks shall be as directed by the
3.3 Mould for casting the Paver Blocks shall be made up of PU or equivalent to
attain superior smooth finish.
3.4 The bed of 6mm metal shall be spread over the existing surface to an average
thickness not less than 50mm and it shall be rammed and compacted as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The blocks shall be set hand tight and the
surface shall be rammed and vibrated properly to bring out joints not more
than 2 to 3mmwide between blocks. After compacting, coarse sand shall be
brushed in to joints.
3.5 The top surface of the paved area shall be in uniform level and no protrusions
shall be seen at the top.
3.6 Measurement shall be made in square meters for the gross quantity of work
done including providing compact bed. The rate quoted shall include cost of
all materials, labour etc. required for completion of work.
(2) If, after the award of work, I/ We fail to furnish the required Performance
Security or sign the Contract, within the time limits specified in the
Departmental Tender Document.