Quality Management System in Drug Industry
Quality Management System in Drug Industry
Quality Management System in Drug Industry
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.02.000653
Priyambada Pandey. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
ISSN: 2574-1241
Quality of medicines means meeting the required specifications. Quality management in pharmaceutical industries, is an important subject
because the drugs / or pharmaceutical products are directly delivered to the customers body system, thus identity, purity safety and ultimately
appropriate quality of product are strongly essential. ICH Guidelines are established with a view to bring uniformity in the products worldwide.
It helps in export and import of drug products worldwide. Maintaining quality in the products is a complex process and needs to take into
account various guidelines like GMP, GLP and many more. There is a Quality assurance department in all the Pharma industries whose job is to
look if all the required guidelines are being followed in the industries or not. Quality auditing is the process through which they check internally
or externally and ensure everything is running right. The present paper focuses on the Quality management system in the Drug industry and
their elements.
Keywords: Quality Assurance; Quality Management system; GMP; GLP; Drug Industry
In the present scenario the context of Quality has emerged The basic elements of quality management are:
as an important factor. People are wise enough to choose things a) An appropriate infrastructure or “quality system”,
that assure to fulfill their demands. If we precisely define Quality encompassing the organizational structure, procedures,
it means meeting the specifications that are summarized keeping processes and resources
in mind the demand of today’s fast changing world. If we talk of
b) Systematic actions necessary to ensure that a product (or
Pharmaceutical Industry, quality becomes an unavoidable thing.
service) will satisfy given requirements for quality. The totality
Quality management in pharmaceutical industries, is an important
of these actions is termed “quality assurance [2,3] (Figure 1).
subject because the drugs / or pharmaceutical products are directly
delivered to the customers body system, thus identity, purity safety
and ultimately appropriate quality of product are strongly essential.
There are numerous guidelines worldwide that has made some
sort of rules and specifications which must be followed by every
pharmaceutical industry. To maintain quality in pharmaceutical
products, Quality Management System is followed. Internationally
harmonized guidance ICH Q10 governs the concept of current
pharmaceutical quality management system for Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use and USFDA and in final phases [1].
Cite this article: Priyambada P, Goyal A. Quality Management System in Drug Industry: A Review. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
2(1)- 2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.000653. DOI : 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.02.000653 1/3
Priyambada Pandey. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res Volume 2- Issue 1 : 2018
g) To ensure investigation of non conformance b) To ensure Safety, Efficacy and Quality of medicines that
must be developed and registered in the most efficient and cost
h) To keep management informed
effective manner.
i) To describe responsibilities in writing
c) To promote and protect public health from an international
j) To remain independent perspective.
Elements of Quality Management System [5] d) To prevent unnecessary duplication of clinical trials in
A quality management system typically consists of four
facets e) To minimize the use of animal testing without
compromising the safety and effectiveness.
a) Quality planning: Process of translating quality policy into
processes, procedures, and instructions to achieve measurable f) To improve the efficiency of Global Drug Development.
objectives and requirements
Need of ICH
b) Quality assurance: Planned and methodical activities The guideline helped in achieving harmonization in the quality
executed as part of a quality system to provide confidence that of products worldwide for the export of medicines without any
process, product, or service requirements for quality are being interruption on the world level.
Quality Management System in Testing Laboratories [8-
c) Quality control: Act of monitoring, appraising, and 10]
correcting a process, product, or service to ensure requirements
Professionals of testing laboratories have shown increasing
for quality are being satisfied
interest in understanding the QMS and attaining accreditation status
d) Quality improvement: Process of analyzing performance for their services since the introduction of international standards
and taking methodical, systemic actions to improve it for the quality management system (QMS). Thus Quality assurance
therefore is defined as the process or the end of the process which
International Conference on Harmonization [6,7]
confirms for the integrity of a product to meet the standard for
ICH is a joint initiative involving both Regulators and Research- the intended use. Quality assurance is an obligation automatically
based industry initiatives of the Europe, Japan and US for the imposed on the manufacturer of any product to ensure that it meets
scientific and technical discussions of the testing procedures; the needs of the end-user in the measures intended for use. For the
required to assess and ensure the Safety, Quality and Efficacy end-user, the benchmark of quality is perfection they cannot allow
of the medicines. ICH stands for “International Conference on less than 100%.
Harmonization” of Technical Requirements for Registration of
Pharmaceuticals for Human use. Elements of the Quality Management System
The laboratory is a complex system, involving many steps of
activity and many people. The complexity of the system requires
ICH Q10 describes one comprehensive model for an effective that many processes and procedures be performed properly.
pharmaceutical quality system that is based on International Therefore, the QMS model, which looks at the entire system, is
Organization for Standardization (ISO). Quality concepts, includes very important for achieving good laboratory performance. The
applicable good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations, and QMS is defined as a ‘management system to direct and control an
complements. Implementation of ICH Q10 throughout the product organization with regard to quality. The QMS covers the laboratory
lifecycle should facilitate innovation and continual improvement activities, including drug sampling, analysis and reporting. The QMS
and strengthen the link between pharmaceutical development and consists of documentation of the laboratory policy and objectives,
manufacturing activities. system procedures and instructions for assuring the quality of its
results to meet safety and regulatory requirements and to satisfy thing is common in all and that is satisfaction. Manufacturer is
the needs of the customers. satisfied if the product meets it specification and consumer is
happy when the particular product fulfils his need. But in anyways
Pharmaceutical Quality Management System [11] Quality is unavoidable thing today and one cannot ignore it. When
It is applicable to drug products, including biotechnology and it comes in context of Pharma then Quality is a legal issue and must
biological products, throughout the product lifecycle the systems be maintained in pharmaceutical products. The present paper
supporting the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical focuses on some aspects and need of maintaining Quality in Pharma
drug substances. It includes: through Quality Management System
Pharmaceutical Development References
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The term quality cannot be confined to one definition. It is
tensile in nature and people define it in their own ways but one