2011 Engine Tech Review MWM

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ngine Tech Review

MTU Friedrichshafen GMBH Maybachplatz 1 88045 Friedrichshafen GERMANY Contact Tel: +49-7541-90-0 Fax: +49-7541-90-5000 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mtu-online.com Power Range Diesel: 20 to 9100 kW Gaseous Fuel: 200 to 2150 kW Corporate News Tognum and Russia's Transmash holding (TMH) signed an agreement this year to set up a joint venture in Russia for the development and pro duction of MTU's Series 4000 diesel engines for locomotives, mining vehi cles and distributed energy systems. The plant, which will begin produc tion in 2013, will be in Kolomna, south of Moscow. In the medium term, the partners also plan to manufacture a new engine designed specifically for the needs of Russia as well as of other Eastern Euro pean and Asian countries. The engine will be developed in a jOint engineering center and is also intended for use in marine applications. The medium-telm goal is to manufacture up to 1000 en gines a year in Kolomna with a work force of several hundred employees. Joachim Coers became Tognum's CEO effective Oct. 1. Tognum also reduced the size of its executive board from five to four members. Engine News MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH up grades its Series 1163 marine engines for the IMO 2 emission regulations, and will also meet IMO 3 regulations. All of the engine's features, such as its power-to-weight ratio and accelera lion characteristics, will remain un changed, the company said. MTU used in-engine technology without any exhaust aftertreatment
36 DeCL III be,. 2011

to meet the IMO 2 regulations. The company will meet the IMO 3 regu lations, set to take effect in 2016, by using a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system to reduce nitrogen ox ide emissions. From 2014, MTU will be introduc ing its new Series 1000, 1100, 1300 and 1500 engines with outputs rang ing from 100 to 460 kW. These units have been specially developed for off highway applications in the construc tion, industrial and agricultural sectors and are based on Daimler technology. They will use an SCR exhaust after treatment system to achieve compli ance with the limits set by EU Stage IV and EPA Tier 4 final for nitrogen ox ides and particulate emissions.

MWMGmbH Carl-Benz-Strasse 1 68167 Mannheim GERMANY Contact Tel: +49-621-384-0 Fax: +49-621-384-8800 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mwm.net Power Range Diesel: 548 to 2061 kW Gaseous Fuel: 400 to 4300 kW New Gen-Sets MWM released two new genera tor set models - the TCG 2020 K and the TCG 2020 V12K1. The TCG 2020 K's electrical power at ISO conditions are 1125 kW (V12) and 1500 kW (V16). The corre sponding electrical effiCiency with a 400 V alternator is 41 % for both cylinder versions. The TCG 2020 Vl2Kl's electri cal power at ISO conditions is 1000 kW, with a high electrical effiCiency at 40%. Both gen-sets are prepared to operate v.lith natural gas with a mini mum methane number of 70. In addition to the recent expan sion of the product range, MWM also wants to increase its pres ence in the field of complete turn key systems . In this context, the company has introduced the new MWM container, a highly efficient and economic system deSigned es peCially for natura l gas and biogas applications.

The new MTU Series 1600 engines will be available from 2014 for the power range 560 to 730 kW. For U.S. EPA emission stage Tier 4 final. the engines do not need selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems and diesel particulate filters (DPFs).

The program will also extend to 730 kW with the introduction of Se ries 1600 engines. They meet EPA Tier 4 final specifications using in engine technologies involving high pressure common-rail injection and exhaust recirculation . The new generation of Series 2000 C&I engines for Tier 4 interim covers a power range from 561 to 1163 kW and fulfills the emissions limits using only in-engine technology and no ex haust gas aftertreatment. From 2015, the new generation of the Series 4000 engines for Tier 4 cov ers the 800 to 3000 kW power range with 8-, 12-, 16- and 20-cylinder ver sions, mainly used in heavy mining vehicles, wheel loaders or excavators.

The TCG 2020 K is one of the two new gen erator sets released by MWM.

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Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

ngine Tech Review

New Ratings Several development efforts for the TCG 2016 C led to the optimization of the ge n-set and an increased effi ciency for the use of biogas. Increased electrical efficiency is up to 42.8% (65% CH./35% CO 2) and 41.7% ('50% CH./50% CO 2) for biogas. Parts, Service, Warranty Due to the successful field experi ence recorded worldwide, the 2000 hour maintenance interval is no lon ger required lor the TeG 2016 and TCG 2020 gen-sets using natural gas or cleaned biogas. From now on, gen sets only have to be serviced twice a year for sc heduled maintenance. Website: www.mhi.cojp/en/productsJ categOly/d iese Lpower_plant. ht m'l Stephen A. Burri s, PE , director, Gas Engines Power Range Diesel or Heavy Fuel: 3760 to 15 400 kW (60 Hz) Gaseous Fuel: )0'50 to '5'500 kW (60 Hz)

The compa ny's flM I Y.) engi nl which wiE be released in the thir quarter of 2012, is [MO Tier ready and is rated at 404 kW , 2100 r/min.

Niigata Power Systems Co. Ltd. lshiko Building 9-7 Yaesu 2-chume, Chuo-Ku Tokyo 104-0028 JAPAN Contact Tel +81- )-6214-2800 Fax: +81-)-0214-28J9 E-mail : webmastcr I @niigata-power com; inloLsales [email protected] Wehsite: www.niigata-power. co m Power Range Diesel or Heavy Fuel: 367 to 8880 kW Gaseous Fuel: 1107 to 60'32 I<W

SI Moreurs Baudouin Technoparc du Bregadan 13 711 Cassis Cedex FRANCE Contact Tel: +33 -488-688-500 Fax: +33-488-688- '501 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.moteurs-baudouin.com Power Range Diese l 60 LO 808 kW New Engines Alter introducting its M26.2 series engine in 201 l, which covers the IM O Tier 2, 338 to 808 kW range, Moteurs Baud ou in is revealin a con solidated range in 2012. The new 4WJ05S engi ne is the four-cylinder inUne configurati o n o f the WI 05 diese l se ries. After Lhe 6W I05 release in 20 I 0 (six-cylin der inline, 7'5 L displacement), the new 4.5 L version is spec ificall y ad dressed to e lec trical power genera tion and auxi Iiary applications. The 4W lO SS suppl eme nt s Moteurs Bau douin's marine generator set range with 60 to 11 5 kVA .

Maschinenbau Halberstadt GmbH Rud o lf-D iese l-Strasse 50 38820 Halberstadt GERMA NY Contact Tel: +49 -3941 -320 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mbh.de Sa les and Marketing: Dr. Zaki Slgini E-mail Z.Slginj@mbhdc Engineering: rrank Bruggemann E-mail: [email protected] Parts and Service: Thomas Wiesensee E-mail: Spare.Pans@mhhdc Marko Konig E-mail: Se rvice@mbh .de Power Range Diesel: 30 to )500 kW Gaseous fu e l: 4'50 to I 100 kW

The 17AHX is a small-sized, medium-spe! diesel engine rated 500 to 1125 kW. The e gine is a downsized version of the 28AHX.


Mitsubishi Power ySLems Americas Inc. 100 Colonial Cen ter Parkway Lake Mary, FL 32746

Moteurs Baudouin's 6M19.3 engine is IMO

Contact Tel: +1-407 -688-6100 Fax: +1-407-688"6481

38 Dcr.cm/Jn 2011

Tier 3 ready and is rated 404 W at 2100 r/min. The engine will be released in the third quarter of 2012.

Engine News Niigata Power Systems Co. LL< (NPS) recently c1evelopeclthe 17AI-I ; a new small-sized, mecl i um-spee diesel engine (500 to 112 51<\11 that achieved low fuel consllm pu c during a trial run. The engine is downs ized version oi th e 28!\I-IX, tt co mpany's environme ntally irie ndl medium-speed diese l engine (207 to 3330 kW) deve loped in 2008. NF plans to manuiactllre 50 units a yea The engine is deSigned to serve;
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Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide

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