Percentage 7237071359
Percentage 7237071359
Percentage 7237071359
1 1 1 1
a. 20% b. 12 % c. 25% d. 33 % a. 20% b. 12 % c. 25% d. 33 %
2 4 2 4
27. If the price of the ball is increased by 10% then sale of
27. xsan dh dher esa 10% dh o`f) gks tkus ls fcØh 10% de gks tkrh the ball decreases by 10%. Then what will be the effect
gSa] rks vkenuh ij D;k izHkko iMs+xk\ on sales?
a. 10% o`f) b. 1% deh a. 10% increment b. 1% decrement
c. 1% o`f) d. dksbZ izHkko ugha iMs+xk c. 1% increment d. No effect
28. fdlh O;fDr ds osru esa igys 20% dh o`f) dh xbZ] iqu% mlds osru 28. If the salary of a person is increased by 20% and again
it is reduced by 20%, then change in the salary of that
esa 20% dh deh dh xbZA mlds osru esa ifjorZu gSA
person is?
a. 4% deh b. 4%o`f) a. 4% decrement b. 4% increment
c. 8% o`f) d. 2% o`f) c. 8% increment d. 2% increment
29. fdlh la[;k ds eku dks fdruk izfr'kr c<+k;k tk, rkfd 10% deh 29. By what percent the value of a number should be
ds ckn Hkh 20% o`f) dk;e jgs\ increased so that after decreasing the resulting num-
ber by 10% it possess 20% increment on the original
a. 43.33% b. 33.33%
c. 37.5% d. 30% a. 43.33% b. 33.33%
30. fdlh O;fDr ds osru esa igys 40% dh deh dj nh xbZA fQj 40% c. 37.5% d. 30%
dh o`f) dj nh xbZ rks O;fDr dks izkIr osru esa fdrus izfr'kr dk ykHk 30. The salary of a person is decreased by 40% in the
;k gkfu gksxk\ begining then it is increased by 40% then find the
a. 16% ykHk b. 16% gkfu profit or loss percent on the salary of that person?
a. 16% profit b. 16% loss
c. 8% ykHk d. 8% gkfu
c. 8% profit d. 8% loss
31. ia[ks ds ewY; esa 25% dh deh gksus ls mldh fcØh 40% ls c<+ tkrh 31. On decreasing the price of a fan by 25% its sale
gSA nqdkunkj dh vk; ij D;k izHkko iM+sxk\ increases by 40%. What will be the effect on the
a. 5% deh b. 5% o`f) income of sales person?
c. 10% deh d. 10% o`f) a. 5% decrement b. 5% increment
Group-5 c. 10% decrement d. 10% increment
32. fdlh oLrq dk ewY; 10 izfr fdxzk- ls ?kVdj 8 izfr fdxzk- gks
32. The price of a commodity decreases from 10/kg to
tkrk gSA dksbZ O;fDr ml oLrq dh [kir esa fdrus izfr'kr dh o`f) djs
8/kg. By what percent the consumption of that
ftlls mldk [kpZ iwoZor jgs\
commodity should be increased that the expenditure
1 remains unchanged?
a. 25% b. 50% c. 12.5% d. 33 %
3 1
a. 25% b. 50% c. 12.5% d. 33 %
33. vke dh dher 20/fdyks dh nj ls ?kV dj 16/fdyks gks tkrh 3
gSA miHkksDrk [kpZ iwoZor~ j[kus ds fy, lkexzh Ø; esa fdruk izfr'kr 33. The price of mango decreases from 20/kg to 16/kg.
o`f) djsxk\ By what percent a consumer should increase the
a. 12.5% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75% purchase so that budget remains same?
a. 12.5% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%
34. ;fn fdlh la[;k dk 10% nwljh la[;k esa ?kVk nsus ij nwljh la[;k 34. If 10% of a number is subtracted from another number,
esa 5% dh deh gks tkrh gS] rks nwljh la[;k dk igyh la[;k ls izfr'kr then the second number decreases by 5%. What
gS % percent of first number is the second number?
1 1
a. 33 % b. 100% c. 200% d. 300% a. 33 % b. 100% c. 200% d. 300%
3 3
2A B 2 7 4
89. ;fn (A+B) dk 20% = B dk 50%, rks dk eku gS\ a. 64 b. 77 c. 90 d. 128
2A B 9 9 7
1 1 1 2A B
a. b. c. d. 1 89. If 20% of (A+B) = 50% of B, then value of is :
2 3 4 2A B
90. ,Ydksgy vkSj ikuh ds 1 yhVj feJ.k eas 30% ikuh gS] rks feJ.k esa 1 1 1
fdruh vkSj ,Ydksgy feyk nh tk;sa fd feJ.k esa ikuh dh ek=k 15% a. b. c. d. 1
2 3 4
gks tk;as\ 90. In one litre of a mixture of alcohol and water, water is
a. 1000 feyh0 b. 700 feyh0 c. 300 feyh0 d. 900 feyh0 30%. The amount of alcohol that must be added to the
91. 10,000 lhV {kerk okys LVsfM;e ds 100 fVdV NksM+dj 'ks"k lHkh fVdVksa mixture so that the part of water in the mixture becomes
dh fcØh dj nh x;hA csps x;s fVdVksa dk 20% vk/ks nkeksa ij vkSj 15% is :
'ks"k iwjs nkeksa tks fd 20 gS ij csps x;s gS] rks fcØh fd;s x;s dqy a. 1000 ml. b. 700 ml. c. 300 ml. d. 900 ml.
fVdVkas ls izkIr /ku D;k Fkk\ 91. Tickets for all but 100 seats in a 10,000 seat stadium
a. 158400 b. 178200 c. 180000 d. 198000 were sold. Of the tickets sold, 20% were sold at half
92. ,d v;Ld esa ,d feJ/kkrq dk 25% gS] ftlesa 90% yksgk gS] blds price and the remaining tickets were sold at the full
vykok 'ks"k 75% v;Ld esa] dksbZ yksgk ugha gS] rks 60 fdxzk- yksgk price of 20. The total revenue from the ticket sales, in
izkIr djus ds fy, vko';d v;Ld dh yxHkx ek=k D;k gksxh\ was :
a. 250.57 b. 266.67 c. 275.23 d. 300 a. 158400 b. 178200 c. 180000 d. 198000
92. An ore contains 25% of an alloy that has 90% iron.
ba Other than this, in the remaining 75% of the ore, there
93. ;fn a dk 120%, b ds 80% ds cjkcj gS] rks cjkcj gS\
ba is no iron. To obtain 60 kg of pure iron, the quantity of
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 the ore needed, in kgs. is approximately :
94. phuh ds 75 xzke feJ.k esa 30% phuh gS] rks feJ.k esa phuh dh ek=k a. 250.57 b. 266.67 c. 275.23 d. 300
70% djus ds fy, feJ.k eas feyk;h tkus okyh phuh dh ek=k gS\
a. 125 xzke b. 100 xzke c. 120 xzke d. 130 xzke 93. If 120% of a is equal to 80% of b, then is equal
95. ,d crZu esa vEy vkSj ikuh ds 60 yhVj feJ.k esa 80% vEy gS] to:
rks feJ.k esa fdruk ikuh vkSj feyk;k tk;as ftlls feJ.k esa vEy a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
60% gks tk;sA 94. 75 gm of sugar solution has 30% sugar in it. Then the
a. 48 yhVj b. 20 yhVj quantity of sugar that should be added to the solution
to make the quantity of the sugar 70% in the solution
c. 36 yhVj d. buesa ls dksbZ ugha
is :
96. vyekjh A esa fdrkcksa dh la[;k vyekjh B dh fdrkcksa dh la[;k a. 125 gm b. 100 gm c. 120 gm d. 130 gm
4 95. A vessel has 60 litres of solution of acid and water
dk gSA ;fn A dh 25% fdrkcsa B esa j[k nh tk;sa vkSj B dh 25% having 80% acid. How much water be added to make it
a solution in which acid forms 60%?
fdrkcsa A eas j[k nh tk;sa] rks A esa fdrkcksa dh la[;k dqy fdrkcksa dh a. 48 litres b. 20 litres
la[;k dk fdruk izfr'kr gksxk\ c. 36 litres d. None of these
100.d 99. a 98. d 97. d 96. b 95. b 94. b 93. a 92. b 91. b
90. a 89. a 88. b 87. b 86.a 85. a 84. c 83. c 82. a 81. b
80. d 79. d 78. b 77. a 76. c 75. d 74. b 73. c 72. b 71. d
70. c 69. a 68. c 67. c 66. d 65. a 64. b 63. c 62. c 61. c
60. a 59. a 58. a 57. a 56. c 55. a 54. a 53. a 52. a 51. a
50. a 49. a 48. a 47. a 46. a 45. b 44. a 43. c 42. c 41. d
40. b 39.d 38. c 37. c 36. c 35. c 34. c 33. b 32. a 31. b
30. b 29. b 28. a 27. b 26. a 25. c 24. a 23. a 22. b 21. c
20. b 19. b 18. c 17. d 16. a 15. a 14. d 13. a 12. a 11. a
10. a 9. c 8. b 7. c 6. d 5. b 4. b 3. a 2. a 1. b
Answer Key