You Are Never Too Old To Go Back To School - S Handout

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You are Never Too Old to Go Back to School

Manitoba Memo

Canada’s adult immigrant and refugee populations are trail blazers in the field of
lifelong learning. Most enrol in English language classes soon after they arrive. They
take training courses to upgrade their skills and they learn new skills. They go to
university to study what they need to know to work in their profession in Canada.
They take courses on such topics as resume writing, parenting, job searching and
workplace culture.

A world where family responsibilities, work and learning are juggled daily isn’t new to
Canada’s immigrant and refugee population. They understand first-hand the
importance of having adequate supports and resources for adults who go back to
school. They know what it’s like to find yourself in a new and unfamiliar environment.
And they know that adult students are great classmates who bring a variety of life
experiences to the classroom.

All Canadians should get used to a new reality where learning never stops. Or at
least that’s the view of the Canadian Council on Learning. They believe learning is
tied to the life cycle. It should begin in early childhood, continue through our youth,
our working years and on into our senior years.

Lifelong learning is increasingly important in today’s economy and today’s job

market. Technology keeps advancing. The skills we need in the workplace keep
evolving. Studies show that countries that support lifelong learning are more
productive, competitive and prosperous. Their citizens are healthier and happier.

Manitoba’s universities and colleges have programs specifically designed to support

the adult learner. There are grants, bursaries and loans available. There are
special supports and resources which help adult students deal with the many
challenges they face when they decide to return to school.

Canada’s immigrant and refugee population has proven that adult learners are
motivated learners who can set goals, and with some key supports, reach them.


1. Answer questions about lifelong learning

Have you ever noticed that when English language speakers answer a question,
they often begin their answer with a qualifying word or phrase. For example, they
may begin their answer by saying:

• In general…
• Generally…
• In my experience, …
• In most cases…
• Usually…

The questions below are about education and lifelong learning. Can you use one
of the above expressions in your answer?

} In your country, is it common for adults to go back to school later in life, for
example, in their thirties, forties or fifties? In what kinds of situations are
adults likely to decide to return to school?

} If someone goes back to school later in life, what kinds of programs,

resources and supports are available to help them?

} What are some of the unique challenges that adults students face?

} What do you personally think of the concept of lifelong learning? Do you

think someone should keep learning even after they’ve graduated from a
program? Why or why not?

Vocabulary definitions

Here are some words you need to know to understand the CBC interview.
to coordinate something If you coordinate a program or event or
process, it means you organize or administer
aboriginal students Aboriginal students are of Indian, Métis or Inuit
to be inspired by If you are inspired by someone, they make
you feel confident or eager to try something.
to turn your life around When someone overcomes barriers and
changes the direction of their life for the better,
we say they have turned their life around.
to be emotional When someone is emotional, they are
experiencing strong feelings about something.
For example, they may cry or express anger.
to be caught by surprise If someone experiences something completely
unexpected, we may say they are caught by
surprise. For example: The rain came out of
nowhere. It caught me completely by surprise.
Unfortunately, I had left my umbrella at home.
to wrestle with When you are trying to understand or solve a
difficult problem, you sometimes say you are
wrestling with the problem. For example:
Maria wrestled with the first question on the
exam. It was difficult. She read it twice to
make sure she understood what it was asking
before she tried to answer it.
to be intimidating If something is intimidating, it is scary or
frightening. Someone who feels intimidated
may also have self-doubts. For example:
Claudette had never been to university. She
was the oldest in her class. It was an
intimidating and frightening experience at first.
ACCESS programs ACCESS programs are funded by the
government of Manitoba. The programs are
offered through Manitoba colleges and
universities and are designed to help reduce
financial barriers for adult students who return
to school.
holistic If you are looking at something/someone
holistically, you are looking at the whole
person/entity. For example: Adult students
have so many things going on in their lives.
Any one of these things can affect their
success. That’s why it is important to take a
holistic approach and look at all their needs,
not just their academic needs.
potential students Students who fit the criteria for a program are
potential or possible students for that program.

racism Racism is unfair or violent treatment of

another person because they belong to a
different race.
to figure something out When you think about a problem or situation
until you find an answer, you are figuring out
the problem.
Vocabulary Practice
Learning new vocabulary before you listen makes it easier for you to understand the
story. Can you match these vocabulary words or phrases with their meaning? The first
one is completed for you as an example.

Vocabulary Word Meaning

1. _g to coordinate a) unfair treatment due to race
2. __ a potential student b) to help
3. __ to be inspired by c) a student who might become part of a
4. __ to be emotional d) to overcome barriers; to set out in a new
direction in life
5. __ to wrestle with a e) to have/show strong feelings about
problem someone or something
6. __ to be intimidating f) to think long and hard about a problem and
try to find a solution
7. __ to support g) to organize/administer a program, event etc.
8. __ a holistic approach h) to be frightening or scary
9. __ racism i) to have to deal with something completely
10. __ to be aboriginal j) an approach that looks at the whole picture
or person
11. __ to turn your life k) to be encouraged or motivated to do
around something by someone/something
12. __ to be caught by l) to try to solve a problem; to do a calculation
13. __ to figure m) to be a descendant of Canada’s original
(something) out peoples

Get ready to listen

In this podcast, you will hear three speakers. You will hear:

Marcy Markusa – host

Terry MacLeod – interviewer
Claudette Michell – guest

Main Idea:
Listen for detail:

Listen to the interview and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
The first one is completed for you as an example.

1. Claudette Michel coordinates a program at the University of True False

2. Claudette went back to university in her thirties. True False
3. Claudette understands that university can be intimidating. True False
4. Claudette only helps students with academic problems. True False
5. Claudette’s students have very few good things to say about her. True False
6. Claudette is a single parent. True False
7. Claudette is aboriginal. True False
8. Claudette is pleased with what she has accomplished. True False
9. Claudette thinks the university is doing a good job. True False
10. Claudette is good at her job because she can relate to her True False

Select adjectives to describe feelings:

Sometimes we use the verb “to feel or to be” and a participial adjective to describe how
we feel. Read the following sentences with your partner. Select an adjective from the
box below to complete the sentence. The first is completed as an example.

1. When Sara started her course at Red River College, everyone else was fluent in
English. It was very intimidating and Sara felt intimidated.

2. Sara wanted to get a mentor, but they were all booked. It was disappointing news.
Sara was _____________ .

3. Working a part-time job and going to school is exhausting. Sara is ____________

when she gets home at night.

4. Sara wants to change her work schedule so she can have more time to study for
exams. Her employer keeps cancelling their meeting. It’s frustrating. Sara is
_____________ .

5. Dealing with a whole new world at school was overwhelming. Sara felt completely
_____________ .
6. Sara got one of the highest marks in the class. She had worked hard and it was
exciting to see the results. Sara felt _____________ .

exhausted, intimidated, frustrated, overwhelmed, disappointed, excited

ACCESS Programs in Manitoba

What is an ACCESS program?

ACCESS Programs provide a support network designed to increase student success.

The major focus is on academic and personal support, and, for those who qualify,
financial support in the form of ACCESS bursaries, grants and student loans.
Manitoba Student Aid works with representatives from the ACCESS programs to
administer assistance to students who qualify for funding. There are several
academic programs of study supported by the ACCESS programs in Manitoba.

Who qualifies?

Typically qualifying students are from under-represented groups, specifically

people of Aboriginal ancestry, northerners, residents of the inner city, people with
disabilities, women, single parents, immigrants and refugees. The target group is
low-income residents of Manitoba who have not had the opportunity to participate
or succeed in a college education because of social, economic, or cultural factors,
formal education, or geographical location (inaccessibility to post-secondary

How is eligibility determined?

Students can apply directly to any ACCESS Program office at participating public
Colleges and Universities in Manitoba. Students complete an ACCESS program
application form and submit by the due date in spring. Applications are paper
screened for eligibility by the ACCESS Program. Students that meet basic criteria
are invited to an interview and selection process. Students are notified by the
ACCESS program if they have been successfully chosen in their area of study.

Who do I contact for more information?

For details about the ACCESS Programs as well as application forms, contact the
program office of choice at any participating college or university you wish to
attend in Manitoba.

The students Claudette works with are part of the University of Winnipeg’s ACCESS
program. Read a text about the ACCESS program and answer questions:

1. Access programs are designed to help students succeed. True False

2. Everyone who applies is accepted. True False
3. All academic programs in Manitoba universities have ACCESS True False
4. Financial support can be in the form of bursaries, grants and True False
5. Students accepted into an ACCESS program are currently under- True False
represented in Manitoba’s colleges and universities.
6. You apply to the ACCESS program through a college or university True False
that participates in the program.
7. Application forms are submitted in the fall. True False
8. Even if you qualify for the ACCESS program, there are numerous True False
criteria you must meet before you will be accepted.
9. Applications are available at ACCESS offices in participating True False
colleges and universities.

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