Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems
Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems
Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing Systems
Course structure MSc: Full-time - one year, Part-time - up to three years,
The Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems PgDip: Full-time - up to one year, Part-time - two years,
programme is made up of three components: a formal taught PgCert: Full-time - up to one year, Part-time - two years.
component comprising eight modules (40%), Group Project
(20%) and Individual Thesis Project (40%). Start date:
Full-time: October, part-time: throughout the year.
Individual project Location:
The individual research project can be carried out within Cranfield Campus.
industry or academia. Part-time candidates may undertake this
element of the course in their place of work. This part of the Entry requirements:
course allows you to apply the research skills acquired during A first or second class UK Honours degree in a relevant
the taught phase to a practical problem with competitive subject or an equivalent international qualification or
manufacturing operations, and acts as an opportunity to meet relevant work experience.
future employers. Please visit for
more information. Applicants who do not fulfil the standard
Group project entry requirements can apply for the Pre-master’s in
Students work in teams to take responsibility for an industrially Engineering programme, successful completion of which
orientated consulting type project, delivering results to a high will qualify you for entry to this course for a second year
professional standard. Projects have the support of external of study.
organisations. Experience gained is highly valued by both
ATAS Certificate:
students and prospective employers. For part-time students a
Students requiring a visa to study in the UK may need to
dissertation usually replaces the group project.
apply for an ATAS certificate to study this course.
Future career
The course takes you on to a wide range of manufacturing and
associated roles such as management, operations, logistics, IT
and consultancy.
Contact details
T: +44 (0)1234 758083
E: [email protected]
Every effort is made to ensure the information on this sheet is correct at the time it was produced in October 2019. Please check the web pages for the latest information.