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WINTER PEP for 2026 Passing Out Batch

Software Testing
Software Development Methodologies:

High Level Overview, Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Extreme programming, Test-Driven
Development, Behavior-Driven Development, Summary & Extras

Version Control with GIT:

Version control concept, Download, install and configure git, GitHub, Git graphical tools, Git
internals, Undoing changes, Branching and merge, Tags, Stash, Remotes, Branching strategies,

Software Testing Introduction:

Introduction to Software Functional Testing, Test Planning, Requirements Testing, Test Cases
and Test Scenarios, Defect Reporting, Test Results Reporting, Test Automation Basics

Data & Analytics (Introduction to SQL):

DataBase Basics, SQL Foundation, SQL for Analysis

Clean Code:

Introduction to Clean Code

Automated Testing Basics + Java:

OO Design Principles & Patterns: Patterns in general (Stuctural, behavioural, creatable), Factory,
Strategy, Builder, Singleton

Introduction to Test Automation and xUnit Test Framework:

Introduction to Test Automation (UI/API/Performance/Security/Mobile), Build tools (Maven),


API Automation Indtroduction:

Client server architecture, HTTP, HTTP request/response (get/post/delete/patch), JSon, XML,
Postman, Rest Assured

Syllabus Link:

Template Literals,
Parameter Handling,
Functions and Enhanced Object Properties,"
Map / Set
Introduction to node,environment setup,modules, npm
Webpack and Babel
Introduction to React, Virtual DOM, JSX
React Components, (Functional and Class), rendering arrays, map, Lists, Keys,
Component Identification
React Props & State, Introduction to Prop types
Event Handling in React, Style handling (different modes)
Life Cycle Methods & Conditional Rendering
Forms, Validation, Refs
React Routing
React Context API
Introduction to Redux
Recap of Promises, Fetch API, Axios
HOC, render props, Authentication, Cookies, JWT
Local Storage, Session Storage, ESLint, i18n, Lazy Loading, Error Boundaries
Introduction to Hooks, React Charts library
Introduction to Testing, JEST
REST APIs in React
How to Deploy React App on Heroku?

Network Fundamentals:

The OSI Model, TCP vs UDP, IP addressing & Subnetting, Protocols & Ports, Network
Topology, Switching, Routing & Firewall

Storage Fundamentals:

Block Storage, Object Storage, File storage, SAN, NAS, Local storage


Linux Introduction, Essential Commands, Operation of Running Systems, User and Group
Management, Networking, Service Configuration, Storage Management Shell Scripting:
Basics, Filtering, String Operation, Input and Output, Arithmetic & Logical Operations,
Cron, Loops, SED


Installation of Git, Installing Git, Git workflow, The Basics of Using Git, Understanding the
Git File System, Creating a Local Repository (Empty)

Web Servers (NGINX):

Use of web servers and popular web servers - Apache, Nginx, IIS NGINX, Installation and
hosting a website, Load balancing, Logging - Access/Error logs


Cloud Fundamentals, AWS Accounts, AWS Fundamentals, IAM, ACCOUNTS AND AWS
ORGANISATIONS, Simple Storage Service (S3), Security, VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD
Auditing, CONTAINERS, ECS & ECR, Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation), Global
Service Discovery and Content Delivery (R53 and CloudFront), Scaling, Load Balancing &
Docker and Kubernetes:

Virtualization Fundamentals, Docker Introduction, Docker Image Management, Docker

Engine – Security, Docker Engine – Networking, Docker Engine – Storage, Docker
Compose, Docker Swarm


Architecture, Scheduling, Logging & Monitoring, Application Lifecycle Management,

Security, Storage, Networking, Design and Install a Kubernetes Cluster

Core Java
Version Control with GIT, GITLAB
Version control concept, Download, install and configure git, GitHub, Git graphical tools,
Git internals, Undoing changes, Branching and merge, Tags, Stash, Remotes, Branching

Java Basics
Introduction to the Java Basics Course, Data Types, Conditions and Loops, Arrays,
Classes, Introduction to OOP, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Nested Classes, Strings,
Collections, Maps, Exceptions, Annotations, Generics, Enum, Wrapper Classes, Optional

Professional Java SE Development

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java - Analysisof Algorithms and Big O Notation, Basic
Sorting Algorithms, Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues, Recursion, Advanced Sorting
Algorithms, Binary Search Trees, Heaps and Hashtables, Collection Framework,
Functional Programming, Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions, Working with
Streams in Java, Java Concurrency Essentials, JVM Memory Management and Web App
Project Design, Garbage Collection

Dive into Tools Java Development

Introduction to Maven and Junit, Creating a Project with Maven, XML and JSON in Java

Object Oriented Design

Object-Oriented Thinking, SOLID Design Essentials, Design Pattern Principles

Introduction to DataBase and Web Development

RDBS and SQL Essentials- Database Foundations, Relationships, SQL Overview, SQL
Fundamental Concepts

Competitive Programming
Pointers & Dynamic Memory Allocation Asymptotic Analysis Searching Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms Stacks Recursion and Backtracking Queries Linked Lists Hashing &
Chaining Hierarchical Data Structures Binary Search Tree Trie Data Structures Heaps &
Priority Queues Graphs Shortest Path Algorithms Dynamic Programming Math Segment
Tree & Binary Indexed Tree RMQ Sparse Table, AVL Querying in Tree Persistent Data
Structures Strings: KMP, Z, Robin Karp, Trie, Suffix Array

Data Structures and Algorithms

Analysis of Algorithms: ○ Growth of functions ○ Asymptotic Notations Omega, Theta, ○
Recursion Tree Method ○ Space Complexity ● Arrays: ○ Insertion, Deletion, Updation,
Shifting ○ Reversal, Sort Check, Maximum, Minimum ● Recursion ○ Introduction to
Recursion ○ Tail Recursion ○ Natural Number Check Using Recursion ○ Palindrome
Check Using Recursion ○ Sum of Digits, Rod Cutting and Subsets ○ Tower of Hanoi ●
Hashing: ○ Introduction to Hashing ○ Direct Address Table ○ Collision Handling ○
Chaining ○ Open Addressing ○ Double Hashing ○ Chaining Vs Open Addressing ● String:
○ Introduction to Strings ● Searching: ○ Linear Search ○ Binary Search (Iterative and
Recursive) ● Sorting: ○ Stability in Sorting Algorithm ○ Bubble Sort ○ Selection Sort ○
Insertion Sort ○ Quick Sort ○ Different Partition Schemes in QuickSort ○ Merge Sort
○ Lomuto Partition ○ Hoare Partition ○ Heap Sort ○ Counting Sort ○ Radix Sort ○ Bucket
Sort ● Linked List: ○ Drawback of Arrays ○ Introduction to Linked List and
Implementation ○ Traversal, Insertion and Deletion ○ Sorted Insertion in Linked List ○
Reversal of Linked List (Iterative and Recursive) ○ Finding Middle ○ Remove Duplicate
from Sorted Linked List ● Circular Linked List: ○ Traversal ○ Insertion (Head, End) ○
Deletion (Head, Kth Node) ● Doubly Linked List: ○ Traversal ○ Insertion (Head, End) ○
Deletion (Head, End) ○ Reversal ○ Circular Doubly Linked List ● Stack: ○ Introduction to
Stack Data Structure ○ Implement using array ○ Implementation using Linked List ○ Stack
Applications ● Queue: ○ Introduction to Queue Data Structure ○ Implementation using
array ○ Implementation using Linked List. ● Dequeue: ○ Introduction to Deque Data
Structure. ○ Implementations using Array ○ Implementation using Linked List ● Tree: ○
Implementation ○ Traversals: preorder, postorder, inorder, level order(Iterative &
Recursive) ○ Binary Tree: Height, Size, Maximum ○ Print Nodes at K Distance● BST: ○
Implementation ○ Search ○ Insertion ○ Deletion ○ Floor and Ceil in BST in CPP and Java
○ Self Balancing BST ○ AVL Tree (Introduction and applications) ○ Red-Black Tree
(Introduction and applications) ○ Applications of BST ● Heap: ○ Implementation ○ Insert
○ Heapify and Extract in Heap ○ Decrease Key, Delete and Build Heap
1 Basics of C++ Basics of C++ Data Types, Variable Types, Variable Scope,
CONSTANTS/LITERALS, Basic Input and Output with Streams, Type Qualifiers in C++,
STORAGE CLASSES, ARRAYS, STRINGS, Operators, LOOP TYPES and Decision making,
POINTERS, REFERENCES, Structures, Pointers to Structures, typedef, Dynamic Memory
Functions 2 C++ Object Oriented Class and Object Creation of class and objects Access
specifiers, Data Members, Member Functions, this Pointer Constructor and destructor
Static class member, Friend class and functions Inheritance Base and Derived Classes
"Members, Access Control and Inheritance, Constructing and Destroying Derived
Classes Objects of Derived Classes, Protected Members" Type of Inheritance, Multiple
Inheritance, Implementation of inheritance Overloading (Operator and Function)
Operators Overloading Function Overloading Polymorphism Friend function and friend
class Virtual Function and Pure Virtual Functions Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation,
Abstract Classes(Interfaces) Compile time Polymorphism, Runtime Polymorphism3
Memory Management in C++ Memory Management in C++ Pointers, Function Pointers
Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory Allocation for Arrays and Objects 'new' and 'delete'
Operators 4 Files and Streams Files and Streams ofstream, ifstream, fstream Creating a
file, Reading data, Writing new data, Closing a file 5 Exception Handling Exception
Handling Intro to Exception, Benefits of Exception handling, Try and catch block, Throw
statement, Pre-defined exceptions in C++, User-defined Exception Class Stack
Unwinding 6 Casting Operators Casting Operators static_cast const_cast
reinterpret_cast Dynamic_cast 7 Namespaces Namespaces Defining Namespaces, The
using directive, Discontiguous Namespaces, Nested Namespaces 8 Templates Templates
Generic programming Class Template Function Template 9 STL Standard Template
Library (STL) Building blocks of STL Working with STL Containers, Iterators, Algorithms
10 Preprocessor Preprocessor The #define Preprocessor, Macros, Conditional
Compilation, The # and ## Operators, Predefined C++ Macros 11 Time and space
Complexity Analysis Time and space Complexity Analysis - Rate of Growth - Asymptotic
Notations & other algorithm Analysis 12 Data Structures Sorting All standard Algorithms
will be discussed Searching & Selection All Standard searching and selection techniques
will be discussed Backtracking, Recursion - Concept building - Memory Representation
of data and function calls will be discussed LinkedList, Stack and queue Standard
apporaches to create, traverse, modify these data structures and their applicationsinreal
world software programming Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree Standard apporaches to
create, traverse, modify these data structures and their applicationsinreal world software
programming Heaps, Hashing Concept discussion, standard operations and real world
applications Dynamic Programming, Graphs Concept discussion and various
approaches for problem solving

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