Oops With C++ Programming 60 Hours

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OOPs with C++ Programming

60 Hours

Revision of C Programming, Pointers, Functions (Call by value and reference),

Recursion, Arrays using Pointers, Structures, Union, Enumeration and Typedef,
File handling, Discussion on Object oriented concepts: Classes and Objects,
Access Specifiers, Overloading, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Beginning with
C++,C++ Tokens, Initialization, C++ Operators, Static Members, Constant
Members, Expressions, Control Structure, Functions in C++,Constructors,
Encapsulating into an object, Destructors, Associations, Inner Classes, Memory
Management and pointers, Inheritance, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism,
Interfaces, Exception Handling, Managing Console I/O operations, Working
with files, Advance Topics in C++ :Object Design and Templates, Advanced
Typecasting, new data types, new operators, class implementation, namespace
scope, operator keywords ,new headers, C++ Containers
Algorithm & Data Structures
70 Hours

Define the problem, Identify the problem, Introduction to Problem Solving,

Problem solving basics, Defining creativity v/s innovation, Find Creative
Solutions using creativity tools
Effective problem solving approaches, Critical thinking and information
analysis, Brainstorming, Reverse Brainstorming, Imagineering, Mind Mapping,
Six Thinking Hats: A Tool to Strengthen Critical Thinking, Collaboration
Evaluate and Select solution :Pro’s and Con’s, Force field analysis,
Feasibility/Capability Analysis, Decision analysis, evaluating problems,
Choosing among alternatives, Qualitative analysis, discussing qualitative
analysis techniques, Establishing objectives,
Algorithm & Data Structures: Introductory Concepts, Algorithm Constructs, OO
design: Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
Basic Data Structures: Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked lists
Introduction to trees, Abstract trees, Tree traversals, Binary trees, Search trees
Searching & sorting algorithms: Objectives of Searching, The Sequential Search,
The Binary Search, Introduction to sorting, Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Heap
sort, Merge sort, Quick sort
Graph algorithms: Introduction to graph theory, Graph data structures, Graph
Algorithm design: Greedy algorithms, Divide-and-conquer algorithms, Dynamic
programming, Backtracking algorithms, Branch-and-bound algorithms,
Application of Data structures
Advanced Software Development Methodologies
90 Hours

Software Development Life Cycle ,Design and Architectural Engineering ,Object

Oriented Analysis and Design, Introduction to Agile development model,
Introduction to Atlassian Jira, Introduction to DevOps, Microservices,
Fragmentation of business requirement, Containerisation, docker, Container
life cycle, YAML, Docker Swarm and Docker Stack , Kubernetes, Istio Service
Mesh, delivery pipeline, Jenkins, Selenium integration with Jenkins, Developing
an application in a team, code versioning system, Introduction Git,
Introduction Git repository and git structure, Adding code to git, Introduction
to GitHub, Creating pull requests, Introduction to software testing, Verification
and validation, Principles of software testing, Introduction to STLC and V
Model, Tools used for automation testing, Introduction to testing methods,
Introduction to functional testing, Introduction to non-functional testing,
Introduction to Selenium, Introduction to TestNG, TestNG annotations, HTML
test result reporting ,Introduction to Cloud, Introduction to Virtualization,
Containerisation ,Cloud Computing, Cloud SPI Model, Cloud Computing Types,
Cloud Security, Virtualization, Hardware Virtualization, Para-Virtualization,
Cloning, Snapshot and Template, Containerization, Operating System
Virtualization, Cloud architecture, Deployment models, Services provided by
Cloud ,Cloud development best practices, Introduction to AWS
Operating Systems Concepts
60 Hours

Linux Commands, Vi editor, Shell Scripting, Overview of OS, Processes,

Scheduling & Synchronization, Memory management, File Systems, Case Study
with Linux System Programming: Process, Signals, Semaphores & Mutex, Inter
– Process Communication, POSIX Threads
Advanced Web Programming
50 Hours

HTML 5:Elements ,Objects ,Events ,Canvas, Audio & Video Support, Geo-
location Support
CSS: Styling HTML with CSS, Inline Styling (Inline CSS),External Styling (External
CSS),CSS Fonts, The CSS Box Model, The id Attribute, The class Attribute, HTML
Style Tags,
PHP: Introduction to PHP, Working with arrays, Functions, Forms, Handling
date and Times, Working with Files, Session and state management ,Database
operations from PHP.
XML & Web Security :XML: Introduction to XML,XML Validation, Reason for
XML,XML Tree Structure, XML DOM,XML DTD,XML Schema, XML style
language, XML and XSLT,XML Parsing, XML parsers (DOM & SAX),XML
WSDL,RSS Feed, Web Security: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS),
Security standards (OWASP),
AJAX: Introduction to Ajax, Web services and Ajax, Ajax using HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Ajax Framework and DOM, XML Http Request, Ajax Architecture,
JSON: Introduction, Need of JSON, JSON Syntax Rules, JSON Data - a Name and
a Value, JSON Objects, JSON Arrays ,JSON Uses JavaScript Syntax, JSON Files,
JSON & Security Concerns.
Responsive Web Design: Introduction, The Best Experience for All Users
:Desktop, Tablet,
Mobile Bootstrap :Overview of Bootstrap, Need to use Bootstrap, Bootstrap
Grid System, Grid Classes, Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid, Typography,
Tables, Images, Jumbotron, Wells, Alerts, Buttons.
MEAN Stack
60 Hours

Introduction to JavaScript Variable, statements, Operators, Comments,

constructs, Functions, expressions Javascript console Scope, Events, Strings,
String Methods, Numbers, Number Methods, Dates, Date Formats, Date
Methods Arrays, Array Methods
Object Oriented Programming: Method, Constructor, Inheritance,
Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism,
Javascript Validations, Document Object Model, Document and Events (DOM
Manipulation), Security in Java Script
Jquery: Basics of jQuery, jquery selection and events, jQuery Effects, jquery
traversal and manipulation, Data attributes and templates, jQuery Plugins,
Jquery / Google Web Toolkit.
Node.js: Introduction to Node.js, Node modules, Developing node.js web
application, Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript, Express: Introduction to
Express, First Express Application, Application, Request and Response Objects,
Implementing MVC Pattern ,Express application configuration, Rendering
AngularJS: Introduction to AngularJS, Structuring AngularJS application, MVC in
AngularJS, AngularJS routing, AngularJS services,
Testing Web Applications: Introduction to JavaScript Testing, Testing Express
Applications, Testing AngularJS Applications
Database Technologies
60 Hours

Database Concepts: Client/Server Computing, RDBMS Technologies, Codd’s

Rules, Data Models, Normalization Techniques, ER Diagrams,
SQL : Overview of OORD, Introduction SQL*Plus, DDL, DML and DCL, Tables,
Indexes and Views, Clusters, Sequences and Snapshots, Cursors, Stored
Procedures, Triggers, Packages, Introduction to No SQL, MongoDB (Virtual DB)
Java Technologies-I (Core Java)
70 Hours

Data Types, Operators and Language, Constructs, Inner Classes and

Inheritance, Interface and Package, Exceptions, Collections, Threads, Java.lang,
Java.util, Java.io, Java Persistent, Servlets, Java Virtual Machine
Java Technologies-II (Web Based Java)
90 Hours

Java Server Pages, JDBC, JavaBeans, Java Security, Naming Services, Java
Annotations, Java Mail, Java Messaging Services, Transactions, Apache maven,
Introduction to hibernate, HQL, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Hands on Web
services – JSON/XML/oData (data format conversation)
Microsoft.Net Technologies
70 Hours

Introduction to NET 4.5 Frameworks: Application Domain, Language

Interoperability, .NET Framework Class Library, Assemblies, Introduction of
Windows Presentation Foundation, Introduction of Windows Communication
C# .NET 4.5: Need of C#, Operators, Namespaces & Assemblies, Arrays,
Preprocessors, Delegates and Events, Boxing and Unboxing, Regular
Expression, Collections, Exceptions Handling, Introduction to win forms.
ASP .NET 4.5: Building .NET components, ADO.NET 4.5,Querying with LINQ,
Custom Control, Master Pages, Themes and skins, Introduction to Web
Services,MS.NET MVC Framework, Enterprise Services, Personalization and
Localization, Deployment

Effective Communication 50 Hours

Aptitude & General English 50 Hours
Project 120 Hours

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