Oops With C++ Programming 60 Hours
Oops With C++ Programming 60 Hours
Oops With C++ Programming 60 Hours
60 Hours
HTML 5:Elements ,Objects ,Events ,Canvas, Audio & Video Support, Geo-
location Support
CSS: Styling HTML with CSS, Inline Styling (Inline CSS),External Styling (External
CSS),CSS Fonts, The CSS Box Model, The id Attribute, The class Attribute, HTML
Style Tags,
PHP: Introduction to PHP, Working with arrays, Functions, Forms, Handling
date and Times, Working with Files, Session and state management ,Database
operations from PHP.
XML & Web Security :XML: Introduction to XML,XML Validation, Reason for
XML,XML Tree Structure, XML DOM,XML DTD,XML Schema, XML style
language, XML and XSLT,XML Parsing, XML parsers (DOM & SAX),XML
WSDL,RSS Feed, Web Security: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS),
Security standards (OWASP),
AJAX: Introduction to Ajax, Web services and Ajax, Ajax using HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Ajax Framework and DOM, XML Http Request, Ajax Architecture,
JSON: Introduction, Need of JSON, JSON Syntax Rules, JSON Data - a Name and
a Value, JSON Objects, JSON Arrays ,JSON Uses JavaScript Syntax, JSON Files,
JSON & Security Concerns.
Responsive Web Design: Introduction, The Best Experience for All Users
:Desktop, Tablet,
Mobile Bootstrap :Overview of Bootstrap, Need to use Bootstrap, Bootstrap
Grid System, Grid Classes, Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid, Typography,
Tables, Images, Jumbotron, Wells, Alerts, Buttons.
MEAN Stack
60 Hours
Java Server Pages, JDBC, JavaBeans, Java Security, Naming Services, Java
Annotations, Java Mail, Java Messaging Services, Transactions, Apache maven,
Introduction to hibernate, HQL, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Hands on Web
services – JSON/XML/oData (data format conversation)
Microsoft.Net Technologies
70 Hours