Programming in Java: Unit 1

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Programming in Java

Unit 1:

Introduction to Java: History of Java, Features of Java, Java Development

Kit (JDK), Security in Java

Unit 2:

Java Basics: Keywords; Working of Java; Including Comments; Data

Types in Java; Primitive Data Types; Abstract / Derived Data Types;
Variables in Java; Using Classes in Java; Declaring Methods in Java,
Code to Display Test Value; The main() Method, Invoking a Method in
Java; Saving, Compiling and Executing Java Programs.

Unit 3:

Operators and Control Statements: Operators, Arithmetic Operators,

Increment and Decrement Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical
Operators, Operator Precedence; Control Flow Statements, If-else
Statement, Switch Statement, For Loop, While Loop, Do…While Loop,
Break Statement Continue Statement

Unit 4:

Arrays and Strings: Arrays; String Handling; Special String

Operations; Character Extraction; String Comparison; Searching
Strings; String Modification; String Buffer

Unit 5:

Inheritance, Package and Interface: Inheritance, Types of Relationships,

What is Inheritance?, Significance of Generalization, Inheritance in Java,
Access Specifiers, The Abstract Class; Packages, Defining a Package,
CLASSPATH; Interface, Defining an Interface, Some Uses of Interfaces,
Interfaces versus Abstract Classes

Unit 6:

Exception Handling: Definition of an Exception; Exception Classes;

Common Exceptions; Exception Handling Techniques

Unit 7:

Streams in Java: Streams Basics; The Abstract Streams; Stream Classes;

Readers and Writers; Random Access Files; Serialization
Unit 8:

Event Handling: Components of an Event; Event Classes; Event

Listener; Event-Handling; Adapter Classes; Inner Classes; Anonymous

Unit 9:

Java Data Base Connectivity: Java Data Base Connectivity; Database

Management; Mechanism for connecting to a back end database;
Loading the ODBC driver
Web Development Module-3


JavaScript Programming – I: Introduction to JavaScript: Utility of JavaScript, Evolution of the

JavaScript Language, JavaScript Versions and Browser Support, Differences Between Client - Side vs.
Server-Side JavaScript, Statements and Operators, Variable Declarations, Assignment Operators and
Statements, Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Comparison Operators, String Operators,
Conditional Operators, Operator Precedence; Implementing Control Constructs: Conditional and
Looping Constructs, if else Statements, do while Statements, for in Statement, switch Statement;
Implementing Functions: Defining Functions, Calling Functions, Passing Arguments, Local vs. Global
Variables, Using the Return Statement, Nested Functions; JavaScript Objects: The JavaScript Object
Model and Hierarchy, JavaScript Object Properties, Object Methods, New Keyword, This Keyword,
Creating New Object Instances Using Constructor Functions, String, Date and Array Objects,
Construction of Custom Objects with Individual Properties and Methods

JavaScript Programming – II: Fundamental JavaScript Directives: In-Line JavaScript, Linking Web
Pages to External JavaScript Files, JavaScript Using <script> Tags and Attributes,
Utilizing the <head> Tags <noscript> Tags; Implementing Arrays: Why array need in Scripting,
Creating Arrays, Reading and Writing to an Array, Array Me thods and Properties

XHTML – I: Understanding the World Wide Web: The relationship between browser and server, The
roles of HTML, HTML, CSS, and other technologies used in Web development; XHTML page
framework tags: <html> and </html>, The role of the <head>...</head> region, The role of the
<body>...</body> region, Adding a title, meta keywords, and meta description tags; Text formatting and
layout with HTML: Headings and subhe adings, Paragraph text (including how to bold, italicize, and
underline text), Bulleted and numbered lists, Using attributes to align text, Setting up text regions with
<div>...</div> and <span>...</span> tags,
Padding vs margin, Floats; Working with images : Understanding the GIF, JPEG, and
PNG image formats (and when to use them), Positioning images on the page, Flowing
text around images, Using a <div> or <span> region to position an image,


XHTML – II: Using tables to display grids of data: Positioning tables on the page,
Turning grid lines on and off, Customizing the table's appearance, Creating table heading
and table data cells, Configuring cells to span multiple rows or columns; Linking it all
together: Creating links to other pages on your site, Creating links to pages on other sites,
mail to: links (for sending email), Techniques for automatically filling in the subject, cc:,
and bcc: fields, Creating links to specific positions within the same page and other pages,
Handling link managem ent challenges; Fill-in Forms: The role of forms and how they
interact with server -side programs, Techniques for effective form design, Creating text
fields, text areas, password fields, and hidden fields, Designing radio button and
checkbox sets, Adding lists and menus to your forms, Finishing the form with submit,
reset, or image buttons, Discussion of how JavaScript can improve forms (by validating
user input, performing calculations on entered numbers, controlling cursor tabbing order,

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