Assessment Task No. 13 and 14

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Assessm 68

ent Task 1. According to Bruner,

/Quiz: “Learners are encouraged to discover facts
and relationships for themselves”. What is
the implications of this quote to the teaching and learning process?
Explain. (5 points)
_____________________Jerome Bruner’s quote, “Learners are
encouraged to discover facts and relationships for themselves”,
emphasizes the importance of discovery learning in the teaching
and learning process. This approach encourages active
participation, promotes the development of higher-order thinking
skills, allows for personalized learning experiences, motivates
learners, and promotes collaboration. Overall, discovery learning
provides engaging and effective learning experiences that support
the development of
2. Explain how the spiral curriculum works. (5 points)
__The spiral curriculum, developed by Jerome Bruner, is an
educational approach that revisits key concepts and themes over
time to help learners build on their existing knowledge and
understanding of a subject. The curriculum is organized into related
topics or themes that are revisited in a cyclical manner, starting
with foundational concepts and progressing to deeper levels of
complexity. The spiral curriculum is based on principles of
continuity, relevance, and coherence, which aim to provide learners
with meaningful, engaging, and comprehensive learning
experiences. The approach emphasizes the importance of ongoing
learning and development by supporting learners to build on their
existing knowledge and

3. What are the importance of using spiral curriculum in teaching

especially in sciences and math subjects? (5 points)
____________________________________________________The use of the
spiral curriculum in teaching science and math subjects
offers several benefits. It helps build on prior knowledge,
promotes deeper learning, supports long-term retention of
information, encourages active learning, and fosters
connections between topics. These subjects require a strong
foundation of knowledge and skills and involve complex
concepts and problem-solving. The spiral curriculum
approach addresses these requirements by emphasizing the
importance of building on prior knowledge, encouraging
active learning, and reinforcing key concepts and themes
over time. This approach is particularly well-suited to
science and math subjects and can help learners develop a
deeper understanding of the subject

4. What are the ways in applying constructivism in facilitating learning?

(10 points)
_____Constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the
importance of learners actively constructing their own
understanding of the world around them. To facilitate
learning using constructivist principles, educators can
encourage active learning, provide opportunities for
reflection, promote collaboration, use authentic
assessments, and provide multiple perspectives. By using
these strategies, learners can construct their own
understanding of the material and develop a deeper, more
meaningful understanding of the world around

From the lesson on Bruner’s Constructivist Theory &

Knowledge Construction/Concept Learning, I
comprehended that…

Take this
Taxonomies Are “rules” that specify four thingQuiz:
I. Identify the following:
__________________1. about
__________________2. Reinforcement Rewards and punishment that should be
selected and paced appropriately.
__________________3. Sequencing Presentation of lessons in increasing difficulty.
Sequencing, or lack of it, can make learning easier or more
__________________4. Spiral curriculum to the idea of revisiting basic ideas over
and over, building upon them and elaborating to the level of
full understanding and mastery.
__________________5. Content Organization The ways in which a body of
knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily
gasped by the learner.
__________________6. Formal operational thinking The learner has developed the
ability to think abstract terms. This uses symbol system to
encode knowledge.
__________________7. Classification Include objects based on their attributes or
__________________8. Epistemology Is an epistemological belief about what
"knowing" is and how one "come to know."
__________________9. Cognitive Structure Refers to relationships among factual
elements and techniques.
__________________10. Development appropriate practice Subject should be taught
at any stage of development in a way that fits the child’s
cognitive abilities.

II. Put a check ( / ) if it is one of the ways in Making Concept-

Learning Effective. Write X if not.
_____1. Ask learners to think of their own example of the subject
_____2. Cite a “best example” or a prototype
_____3. Give a variety of positive instances
_____4. Give negative instances
_____5. Make the defining features very limited and prominent
_____6. Point out how concepts can be related to each other
_____7. Provide a clear syntax of the concept
_____8. Provide opportunity for learners to identify positive and negative

III. Enumeration
A. Characteristics of constructivism (4)

Learning is an active process.

Knowledge is constructed based on prior knowledge and experience.
Learning is context-dependent and socially situated.
The role of the teacher is to facilitate and guide the learning process.

B. Views of constructivism (2)

Cognitive constructivism
Social constructivism

C. Kinds of categories (3)

Superordinate categories
Basic-level categories
Subordinate categories
D. Stages in presenting Knowledge (3)

Enactive stage
Iconic stage
Symbolic stage

E. Principles of instruction in Spiral Curriculum (3)



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