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Subject: - Environmental Studies


Prepared By: Ruchira Warekar (Computer Dept.) Page 1 of 23

Chapter Marks Without
Name of chapter
No. Options

1 Environment 10

2 Energy Resources 16

3 Ecosystem and Biodiversity 12

4 Environmental Pollution 20

5 Social Issues and Environmental Education 12

Total Marks :- 70

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CO.NO Course Outcome

CO-447.1 Develop Public awareness about Environment.
CO-447.2 Select alternative Energy Resources for Engineering Practices.
CO-447.3 Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity.
CO-447.4 Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution
CO-447.5 Manage Social Issues and Environmental Ethics as lifelong learning.

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1. Environment
Total Marks:10
MCQ Question
(Total number of Question=Marks*3=10*3=30)

1 Which of them can be recycled?

A) paper C) metal
B) plastic D) All of these
2 Recycle of plastic can also minimize air pollution.
A) yes C) Neither yes or No
B) No D) None
3 Recycling is best process to control pollution.
A) TRUE C) Neither true or false
B) FALSE D) None
4 O3is known as .
A) Atmosphere C) Oxygen
B) Ozone D) All of these
5 Ozone get rupture by reaction of NOx with a
A) Sunlight C) Volatile Organic components
B) Water D) None
6 Third world war have impact .
A) Lithosphere C) Bio-sphere
B) Hydrosphere D) All of these
7 Environment consist of
A) Lithosphere C) Bio-sphere
B) Hydrosphere D) All of these
8 Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Bio-sphere and Atmosphere from .
A) Environment C) Pollutant
B) Pollution D) Non of the above
9 Atomic oxygen reacts with to give acyl radical.
A) Hydrocarbon C) so2
B) CFS D) None of the above
10 The environment consists of various segments such as atmosphere,
hydrosphere,lithosphere and ………..
A) Hemisphere C) Soil sphere
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B) o2 Sphere D) Bio sphere
11 The ………is the protective blanket of gases which is
A) Hemisphere C) lithosphere
B) atmosphere D) Bio sphere
12 ……….of the total water supply is available as fresh water in the form of
rivers,lakes.,streams and ground water for human consumption and other uses.
A) 1% C) 3%
B) 2% D) 4%
13 The lithosphere consists of upper mantle and the ……….
A) Atmosphere C) thrust
B) crust D) None of the above
14 Atmosphere allows transmission of significant amount of radiation only in the
regions of……….
A) 100-200 nm C) 300-2500 nm
B) 200-500 nm D) None of the above
15 Atmosphere acts as a source for ......... for plant photosynthesis
A) O2 and Co2 C) No2 and Co2
B) Co2 and N2 D) Co2 and O2
16 ………acts as a source for nitrogen for nitrogen fixing bacteria and ammonia
producing plants.
A) Atmosphere C) Hydrosphere
B) Lithosphere D) Nano sphere
17 The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units
A) Organisms C) Modules
B) Ecosystems D) None of these
18 ……….is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface.
A) Global warming C) Deforestation
B) Greenhouse effect D) None of these
19 How is the greenhouse effect experienced on earth?
A) Global warming C) Both a and b
B) Pollution D) None of these
20 Which of the following gases is/are responsible for global warming?
A) Carbon dioxide (co2) C) Both a and b
B) water vapour (H2O) D) None of these
21 In desert areas, there is large difference between day and night temperature
mainly because of
A) Presence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared
radiation from the earth surface.
B) Presence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation
from the earth surface.
C) Absence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared
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radiation from the earth surface.
D) Absence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared
radiation from the earth surface.
22 The radiation energy from the sun is produced by ………..
A) Fission Reaction C) Both a. and b.
B) Fusion reaction D) None of the above
23 Which of the following mentioned GHGs has the highest atmosphere lifetime?
A) Carbon tetrafluoride C) Methane
B) Nitrogen oxide D) CFC
24 Volcanic eruption contribute to the global greenhouse phenomenon.
25 Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation and are present in large
quantity to change climate system are known as…….
A) Alpha radiations C) Ozone gases
B) Beta radiations D) Greenhouse gases
26 Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is……..
A) Propane C) Carbon dioxide
B) Ethane D) methane
27 Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep earth warm is known
A) Greenhouse effect C) Infrared effect
B) Radiation effect D) Ozone layer depletion
28 Wavelength of infrared radiations is……..
A) Greenhouse effect C) Infrared effect
B) Radiation effect D) ozone layer depletion
29 Greenhouse gases effect on earth’s atmosphere is increased by………
A) CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons) C) Perfumes
B) Air conditioners D) Burning fossil fuels
30 If atmosphere doesn’t act like greenhouse, temperature of earth would
A) too pleasant to enjoy C) too hot to survive
B) too cold to survive D) too terrible to survive
31 Waves that pass through glass walls of greenhouse are in form of………..
A) gamma rays C) infrared waves
B) X-rays D) Radio waves
32 Global warming effects……
A) forests around the globe C) wind and moisture of the globe
B) temperature of the globe D) water around the globe

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2. Energy Resources
Total Marks:16
MCQ Question
(Total number of Question=Marks*3=16*3=48)

1 This area has no permanent roads or settlements and is maintained primarily for
its primitive character and non-motorized recreation. It is a…….
A) wilderness area C) national park
B) primitive recreation area D) national forest
2 Where will the water sit the longest (longest renewal time)?
A) atmosphere C) glacier
B) freshwater lake D) ocean
3 Which one is not a disadvantage of a big dam?
A) extremely expensive C) electric energy generated from
B) flooding of prime arable land D) blocking upstream migration of salmon
4 Which of the following sources provides the least energy for industrialized
A) Pertroleum C) Coal
B) Nuclear fuels D) Gas
5 Which of the following energy sources provides a substantial amount of the
energy needs for developed countries?
A) hydropower C) solar
B) wood D) charcoal
6 Which of the following is a highly exploited natural resource?
A) water C) soil
B) air D) none of these
7 What are called “Pastures ofthe sea”?
A) Estuaries C) Coastal water
B) Antartic divergence D) All of the above
8 Which inhibits the native plant life on Antartica from flourishing?
A) temperature C) drought
B) volcanoes D) ice
9 Soil containing many single soil called
A) pedon C) regolith
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B) poly pedon D) profile
10 Ground water is depleting at the rate of
A) 10cm/year C) <10cm/year
B) >10cm/year D) <5cm/year
11 Only …….% of total water resources is available for human use
A) 0.20% C) 6.12%
B) 2.50% D) 6.50%
12 Resources which are not reproducible are called
A) non reproducible resources C) renewable resources
B) nonrenewable resources D) cyclic resources
13 Soil fertility is an example for …….resource
A) non reproducible resources C) renewable resources
B) nonrenewable resources D) cyclic resources
14 Which one of the following is a passive factor affecting soil formation
A) topography C) parent material
B) time D) all of the above
15 Drought is caused due to …….
A) variability in rainfall C) duration of the break in monsoon
B) delay in onset of monsoon D) all of the above
16 The main driving force of ecological system is
A) wind energy C) solar energy
B) water energy D) earth energy
17 Coal, petroleum and natural gas are called as
A) non-fossil fuels C) semi-fossil fuels
B) fossil fuels D) transparent fuels
18 Minerals rocks, salts and chemical are termed as
A) abiotic resources C) semi-transparent resources
B) biotic resources D) falling resources
19 As per the ecological uses, a typical tree produces commercial goods worth
about Rs.
A) 100 C) 3000
B) 1000 D) 30,000
20 Mineral resources are the natural resources.
A) Yes B) No
21 The tree is called as, Earth’s
A) heart C) lungs
B) brain D) Beli lungs
22 The main greenhouse gas is absorbed by the forests as a raw material for
A) O2 C) SO2
B) CO2 D) O3

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23 About ….. million species are found in the tropical forest alone.
A) 5 C) 7
B) 10 D) 100
24 As per MOEF Annual Report(2005-06) in India total forest area is about
A) 68,000,000 ha C) 10,686,800 ha
B) 10,000,000 ha D) 20 ha
25 Chhota Nagpur is famous for
A) sugar C) rose gardens
B) tea gardens D) rice mills
26 About ........... % of the earths surface is covered by water.
A) 10 C) 90
B) 100 D) 75
27 A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water is called
A) aquifer C) glasier
B) spring D) seepage
28 Diamond is the non-metallic minerals.
A) True B) False
29 Graphite is the non-metallic minerals.
A) True B) False
30 FAO stands for
A) Food And Agriculture C) Frequent Agriculture Organization
B) Food And Agro Organization D) Flood And Agriculture Organization
31 CNG stand for
A) cooling natural gas C) compound natural gas
B) compressed natural gas D) critical natural gas
32 During photosynthesis trees produce
A) oxygen C) CO
B) CO2 D) nitrogen
33 Forests prevents soil erosion by binding soil particles by their
A) steams C) roots
B) leaves D) buds
34 Wood pulp is used for making
A) lumber C) chipboard
B) roots D) gum
35 Pre capita use of water is the highest in
A) USA C) Indonesia
B) India D) Kuwait
36 Blue baby syndrome (MethaeMoglobinemia)
A) Sulphur C) phosphates
B) arsenic D) nitrates
37 As per environmentalists we should ideally have ….. cover of forest
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A) 33% C) 53%
B) 43% D) 63%
38 …….% of water on the earth is salt water
A) 97 C) 77
B) 87 D) 67
39 Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?
A) Wind C) coal and minerals
B) vegetation D) Water
40 Which of the following id renewable resource?
A) Wind C) flora and fauna
B) Water D) All of the above
41 Floods can be prevented by
A) afforestation C) cutting the forest
B) removing the top soil D) tilling the land
42 Biogas generation mainly based on the principle of……………..
A) anaerobic degradation C) putrefaction
B) aerobic decomposition D) none of the above
43 Which one of the following is not fossil fuel?
A) Petroleum C) Natural gas
B) Coal D) Uranium
44 The death of the last individual of a species is called……………
A) extinction C) neither nor
B) endanger D) diversity
45 Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of ………………….
A) copper C) lead
B) uranium D) crude oil
46 ……… the major new material for biogas.
A) Tree leaves C) cow dung
B) Grass D) Waste from kitchen
47 In the atmosphere the layer above the troposphere is……………
A) exosphere C) stratosphere
B) mesosphere D) thermosphere
48 Both power and manner provide by……………..
A) exosphere C) stratosphere
B) mesosphere D) thermosphere
49 Which of the following is not considered to the natural resource
A) soil C) scenery
B) river D) all of the above are example natural
50 Total earth’s surface coveredby water is……………
A) 75% C) 60%
B) 80% D) 65%
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3. Ecosystem and Biodiversity
Total Marks:12
MCQ Question
(Total number of Question=Marks*3=12*3=36)

1 The study of ecosystems is called as

A) Environment C) E-study
B) Ecology D) cosnos
2 The term Ecology was given by… ..... n 1869
A) Earnest Haeckel C) S. W. Flemig
B) Newtons D) S. D. Lal
3 Photosynthesis is also known as
A) photo citosis C) photo autotrophs
B) photo-crysis D) photo-geology
4 The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is known as
A) Food supply C) Food habit
B) Food constant D) Food chain
Grass Rabbit Fox is an example
A) parallel food chain C) animal food chain
B) grazing food chain D) detritus food chain
6 There are mainly two types of food chain, one is grazing food chain and other is
A) animal food chain C) grazing-auto food chain
B) auto food chain D) detritus food chain
7 The grazing food chain derives energy from .......... energy.
A) plant C) animals
B) fish D) sun
To maintain ecological balance and regulate the population size of different
animals, this is useful
A) sun chain C) food chain
B) wind chain D) grass chain
9 Food web is a network of
A) food resort C) food chains
B) food balance D) food supply and demand

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10 Number of options of eating and being eaten at each trophic level is available in
A) food chain C) solar chain
B) food web D) cosmos web
Ecological pyramids are of three types. One is pyramid of numbers, second is
pyramid of biomass and third is pyramid of
A) sun C) wind
B) water D) energy
12 The most important feature of energy flow in ecosystem is thatit is
A) one way flow C) Three way flow
B) Two way flow D) no way flow
13 The flow of energy follows the two laws of
A) kinetics C) statistics
B) kinematics D) thermodynamics
14 Energy flow through an ecosystem was explained by
A) E. P. Odum C) E. P. Zen
B) E.P. Rax D) E. P. Watson
15 Double channel energy flow model is also called as…….
A) X-shaped energy flow model C) Z-shaped energy flow model
B) Y-shaped energy flow model D) A-shaped energy flow model
16 About 1/3rd of our land area is covered by
A) deserts C) water
B) Glassland D) forest
17 Dal lake is in
A) Srinagar C) Yawatmal
B) Delhi D) Nainital
18 Fishes are the example of ............ organisms.
A) Neustons C) Benthos
B) Nektons D) Periphyatons
19 Herbivores means
A) plant eaters C) both plant and meat eaters
B) meet eaters D) none of these
20 Herbivores are also called as
A) primary consumers C) tertiary consumers
B) secondary Consumers D) none of these
21 The organisms who feed directly on producers are called
A) carnivores C) omnivores
B) herbivores D) none of these
22 Carnivores means
A) plant eaters C) fish eaters
B) meat eaters D) none of these
23 Carnivores are also called as
A) primary consumers C) tertiary consumers
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B) secondary consumers D) omnivores
24 Pyramid of……. is always upright.
A) energy C) forest
B) biomass D) mass
25 Movement of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic, while flow of energy is
A) zero directional C) Two directional
B) uni directional D) y and Z directional
26 The organisms which fed on dead organic matter is called as0
A) saprotrophs C) zooplanktons
B) fungi D) algae
The organisms which feed on dead organisms, wastes of living organisms
A) Chemotrophs C) Detritivores
B) Carnivores D) Decomposers
28 The progressive accumulation of some non-biodegradable chemicals through the
food chain is known as
A) Ecological balance C) Biological magnification
B) Biological infection D) Bio-degradation
29 The totality of genes, species and ecosystem of a region is called as
A) Bio-society C) Bio-living
B) Biodiversity D) Bio-physics
30 Approximately ….% of the known species are insects.
A) 31 C) 11
B) 21 D) 61
31 Thar in India is a
A) desert C) river
B) sea D) muddy land
32 Chilka lake is in
A) Maharashtra C) orisa
B) Bihar D) U P
The biological diversity include three hierarchical levels (1) genetic diversity, (2)
species diversity and third is
community and ecosystem
diversity C) local diversity
B) animal and plant diversity D) mollusks diversity
34 The genetic variation existing within a species is called
A) genetic diversity p C) species diversity
B) ocal animal diversity D) ecosystem diversity
………… plays a key role in the maintenance of diversity at species and
community level.
A) speciation C) roll of species in land
B) Species richness D) Evenness of species
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36 The evolution of new species is called as
A) citation C) mitigation
B) mutation D) speciation
37 The diversity within the community is involves in
A) sigma diversity C) gamma diversity
B) Beta diversity D) alpha Diversity
38 Diversity between the communities is refers in
A) sigma diversity C) gamma diversity
B) Beta diversity D) alpha diversity
……….. refers to the diversity of the habitats over the total landscape or
geographical area.
A) Beta diversity C) Sigma diversity
B) Alpha diversity D) Gamma diversity
Species determining the ability of large number of other species to persist in the
community is called as
A) keystone species C) grass species
B) alpha species D) variant species
41 About ….% of the Indian landmass is occupied by Deccan peninsula
A) 25 C) 42
B) 35 D) 61

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4. Environmental Pollution
Total Marks:20
MCQ Question
(Total number of Question=Marks*3=20*3=60)

1 The pollutants that can be broken down rapidly by the natural process is called
A) Organic pollutants C) Non-degradable pollutants
B) Inorganic pollutants D) Degradable pollutants
2 Mercury, lead,tin are example of.
A) Natural pollutants C) Persistence pollutants
B) Artificial pollutants D) Non-degradable pollutants
3 Pesticides, fertilizers are called as.
A) Degradable pollutants C) Persistant pollutants
B) Non-persistant pollutants D) Non-degradable pollutants
4 Salinization means: .
A) Increase of salt in soil C) All above
B) Increase of Na+, k+,Ca2+,Mg2 D) None of these.
5 The suspended particulate matter is released into air by .
A) Stone crushing C) Automobile exhaust
B) Thermal power plant D) All the above
The metal such as lead, nickel, tin are present in the form of solid particle
6 produce by .
A) Metallurgical process C) Salinization process
B) Metabolism process D) Degradation process
7 Biological particulate mainly consist of : .
A) Bacterial cells and fungal spares C) Organic and inorganic material.
B) Zinc, titanium and mercury. D) None of these.
8 Which of these is a radioactive waste?
A) Gold C) Mercury
B) Silver D) Uranium
9 Smog causes : .
A) Water pollution C) Soil pollution
B) Air pollution D) None of these
10 Weedicides is which type of pollutant : .

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A) Agro-pesticides C) Gases
B) Domestic waste D) None of these
11 Nuclear ash from atomic reactor consist of.
A) Domestic waste C) Metal waste
B) Radioactive waste D) Agricultural waste
12 Soot, Smoke, tar, dust get release from: .
A) Automobile C) Industries
B) Agriculture D) Automobile reactors.
13 Which of these causes the sea level change over flooding due to melting of
A) Global warming C) Both
B) Ozone layer damaging D) None of these
14 Necrosis means : .
A) Damaging the ozone layer C) Premature fall of leaves
B) Damaging the leaves D) Disturbing photosynthesis.
15 The rise in ozone causes.
A) Necrosis C) Destroying chlorophyll
B) Abscission D) Disturbing photosynthesis.
16 The rise in NO2 causes .
A) Crop production C) Premature fall of leaves
B) Increase in soil corrosion D) Disturbing photosynthesis.
17 Radioactive dust causes : .
A) Physical disorder C) Genetic effect
B) Mental disorders D) All the above
18 The rise in SO2causes: .
A) Greening of leaves C) decrease in plant growth
B) increase in rate of photosynthesis D) yellowing of leaves
19 The nature has its own mechanism to remove the pollutant which is called as.
A) Photosynthesis C) Dispersion
B) Scavenging D) Chlorosis
20 Radioactive dust causes genetic effect on the next generation .
A) True B) False
21 Global warming causes over flooding: .
A) True B) False
22 Cigarette smoking causes cardio vascular diseases due to.
A) Cadmium Particulates C) Titanium Particulates
B) lead Particulates D) Mercury Particulates
23 The ............ from combustion of fossil fuel affects the nerves, brain and kidney
A) Lead C) Tungsten
B) Uranium D) Mercury
24 Convulsion, delirium, coma causes due to .
A) Lead Poisoning C) Intake of Poisoning
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B) Food Poisoning D) None of these
25 Percentage of pollutant from fuel combustion is ………..
A) 30% C) 50%
B) 90% D) 27%
26 Smog is formed due to chemical reaction of …………..
A) Sunlight + dust C) Sunlight + CO
B) Sunlight + NOx D) Sunlight + water
27 Acid rain is formed due to chemical reaction of ………….
A) Water+ SOx C) Water + Lead
B) Water + Sunlight D) Water + Salt
28 Ozone is formed by chemical reaction of ……………
A) Non- volatile organic compounds C) Volatile inorganic Compound
B) Volatile organic Compounds D) Non-Volatile inorganic compound
30 A harmful mixture formed by gases of nitrogen particulate matter due to
photochemical reactions under the influence of strong sunlight is called as …
A) Photosynthesis C) photochemical smog
B) Chlorosis D) Smoke
31 Moisture/Water + SO2 / SO3 --( Atmospheric H2SO4 which causes .
A) rain C) Water rain
B) Harmful rain D) Acid rain
32 Presence or addition of any contaminant to the air which causes harm to the
health of living organisms is called as
A) Water pollution C) air pollutants
B) acid rain D) air pollution
33 Ozone layer in atmosphere gets mostly affected due to ………
A) Chloro-floro-carbon C) hydrogen Sulphate
B) Hydrochloric acid D) Hydrogen Nitrate
34 The quality of paper and leather get affected by ………..
A) SO2 and H2O C) SO2 and acid gases
B) H2S and water D) SO2 and O2
35 The paints get decolourised by
A) SO2 and HCI C) SO2 and O3
B) SO2 and H2S D) SO2 and NO2
36 The building material gets affected by ………..
A) SO2 and acid rains C) SO2 and H2S
B) SO2 and O3 D) SO2 and water
37 Acidic gases like O3, SO2,NO2 affect the strength of…………
A) building C) Textile
B) Bridge D) iron bars
38 Balanced atmospheric percentage of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is …….
A) 33% C) 31%
B) 39% D) 35%
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39 To reduce air pollution due to industrial activities, what step should be taken?
A) Use electrostatic precipitator C) Construction of tall chimneys
B) Use gravitational settling chamber D) all of these
40 In case of automobile pollution use of better quality …… and use of ……….
Converters will help to reduce the air pollution
A) Fuel, catalytic C) Fuel, water
B) Fuel, isotopes D) Fuel, air
41 …………. Can help to reduce the air pollution in the mining area
A) construction of tall chimneys C) Better quality fuel
B) Sprinkling water D) development of tall buildings
42 In Bhopal gas tragedy which toxic gas got released?
A) Methane Gas C) Methyl isocyanategas
B) Butane gas D) propane gas
43 Natural mechanism of self-clearing the atmospheric air are………………
A) Dispersion C) Absorption
B) Settling D) All of these
44 Natural mechanism of self-clearing the atmospheric air are………………
A) Dispersion, Settling, absorption C) none of these
B) suspending, hanging, exhausting D) photosynthesis, Chlorosis, volcano
45 The self-clearing system of nature to remove pollutants is called as Scavenging
A) True
B) false
46 Man-made mechanism to control air pollution includes ………….
A) Dispersion C) centrifugal separators
B) Settling D) Absorption
47 Natural mechanism to control air pollution includes ……………
A) Centrifugal separators C) Wet scrubbers bag filter
B) Absorption D) Gravitational settling chambers
48 Bhopal gas tragedy occurred at ………….
A) Thermal power plant C) Geothermal plant
B) Biogas plant D) Pesticide plant
49 The clean air act of 1970 which mandates the setting of standards for four
primary pollutants and one secondary pollutant. Which is that second pollutant?
A) Smog C) Smoke
B) Ozone D) Fog
50 Which of the natural sources of primary pollutant created by nature is not in
human control?
A) Volcanoes eruption C) pollens
B) Breaking seas D) All of these
51 Which of the primary pollutant created by nature is emphasized by human?
A) Volcanoes C) Fire
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B) Bacteria and Viruses D) b and c
52 Primary pollutants created by nature and not emphasized by human are………
A) Bacteria and fire C) Volcanoes and blowing dust
B) pollen and breaking seas D) Bacteria and viruses.
53 human activities creating primary pollutants are ………….
chemical processes and atomic
A) processes C) Farming / Mining
Combustion process / heating
B) process D) all of these
54 56. The dissolved material in water must not be more than……p.p.m.
A) 150 C) 152
B) 140 D) 151
55 The dissolved material in water not be less than 150 p.p.m. is deisirable
A) True B) False
56 The pH of water should be between 7 to 8.5.
A) True B) False
57 The pH of water should be between
A) 7-8 C) 7-8.5
B) 8-10 D) 0-7
58 The presence of impurities and foreign substance in water in such a quantity
that lowers its quality and makes it unfit for consumption and causes health
hazard is called as …………..
A) . pH of water C) water pollution
B) pollutant in soil D) None of these
59 Direct source of water pollution includes …………
A) Discharge from factories C) oill wells
B) Discharge from power plant D) All of these
60 Indirect source of water pollution is ……….
A) Discharge from factories C) Agricultural fields
B) Discharges from power plants D) Oill wells
61 indirect source of water pollution includes ………
A) agricultural fields C) Domestication
B) Feed lots D) All of these
The high biological demand (BOD) makes water useless for other domestic
62 uses.

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5. Social Issues and Environmental Education
Total Marks:12
MCQ Question
(Total number of Question=Marks*3=12*3=36)

1 Which of the following are terms used in describe types of development?

A) Financial , educational C) Static, Dynamic
B) General , specific D) None Of These
The Development of current condition, but not capable of helping further is
named by one of following term?
A) Overall development C) Human Development
B) Un-sustainable development D) None of the above
3 In sustainable development, the rate at which natural resources destroyed to its
replenishment should be?
A) same C) Lower
B) Higher D) None Of the Above
4 If the rate of destruction of natural resources is higher than its replenishment,
the outcome is describe by one of the following term :
A) Tolerable condition C) Pleasant condition
B) unsustainable situation D) None of these
5 Economic sustainability of any country is very important. In these respect
which of following statement is correct.
A) Economic sustainability means establishing economy models that
areeconomically viable
B) Economic Development means reserve of country
C) Economic sustainability means
D) None of the above
6 Human Rights come under in which of the following types of development?
Social aspect of sustainable
A) Cultural Development
development C)
B) Economic Development D) None Of The Above
7 3R stands for one of following:
C) Redevelop , Reproduce ,
A) Re-use , Reduce , Recycle
B) Reproduce , Reduce, Recycle D) None Of The Above
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8 Which of the following gases cause greenhouse effect?
A) CO2 ,NOx,CH4 C) H2, CL2, N2
B) CO2,CH4,H2 D) None of the above
9 Which of the following get released out of combustion of fossil fuels?
A) CO2,NOx C) H2, SO2
B) H2,N2 D) None of the above
………..Released from mobile phones also contribute to photochemical
A) Hydrocarbon C) Sound
B) Radiation D) None of the above
11 Runoff water from surface is conserved by ............... method.
A) Rainwater water conservation C) Water storage and conservation
B) Rainwater harvesting D) None of the above
12 The Open water reservoirs face ............... of water
A) Evaporation C) Waste waters
B) Reduction D) None of the Above
13 The suspended impurities can be trapped by using ………..
A) Membrane C) Filter paper
B) Mesh D) None of the above
Environmental economic and social developments are constituents of a
A) Sustainable development C) Human Development
B) Un-Sustainable development D) None of the above
15 The suspended impurities can be trapped by using .
A) Membrane C) Filter paper
B) Mesh D) None of the above
16 Shortage of waterfaced can be solved by__ .
A) Waterstorage C) Rain water harvesting
B) Well D) None of the above
17 The main advantage of watershed approach is .
A) High cost C) Environment friendly
B) Time consuming D) None of the above
18 The prime objective of watershed management is focus on water .
A) Utilization C) Analysis
B) Conservation D) None of the above
19 Rain water harvestingis done by .
Local catchments, capturing rain
A) Capturing nun off water only
water and water shed management C)
B) Local catchment only D) None of the above
20 of rivers help to redistribute water logging.
A) Interlinking C) Diverting water
B) DAM D) None of the above
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21 Article (48-A) of IndianConstitute deals with .
Conservation and improvement of
A) Water Conservation
Environment C)
B) Sustainable Development D) Deforestation
22 Article _ of Indian Constitution deals with fundamental duties.
A) 51-A (g) C) 21
B) 48-A D) 19
23 Along with Government, also put efforts to educate people.
A) Companies C) NGOs
B) Schools D) None of the above
24 An organization that works outside government .
A) NGO C) Activists
B) Nature lower D) Antisocial
25 NGO has freedom to take issue in .
A) Society C) Municipality
B) Parliament D) None of the above
26 technology is highly useful for Environment and health.
A) Digital C) Information
B) Chemical D) Computational
27 is stage 1 of Environmental Clearance.
A) Screening C) Collecting
B) Filtering D) Arranging
28 Education on human rights is important activity of NGO.
A) True C) Not sure
B) FALSE D) None
29 NGO is a .
A) National Growth organization C) Natural Growth Organization
B) Non-Government organization D) None
30 Indoor Pollutants affect human health causes .
A) Gastric Diseases C) Reproductive Disorders
B) Respiratory Disorders D) None
31 The world as World environmental day is celebrated on
A) December 1 C) November 14
B) June 5 D) August 15
32 The forest (Conservation) act was enacted in the year
A) 1986 C) 1980
B) 1974 D) 1972
33 Penalty for conservation of the provisions of the forest Act is under:
A) Section 3A C) Section 12A
B) Section 4A D) Section 8A
34 The wildlife (Protection) Act was enacted in the year
A) 1986 C) 1994
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B) 1974 D) 1972
35 The wildlife (Protection) Act contains
A) 7 chapters C) 5 chapters
B) 6 chapters D) 8 chapters
36 The functions of central board are given under
A) Section 16 C) Section 25
B) Section 19 D) Section 24
37 NGOs stands for _
A) Non-governmental organization C) Non-gained organization
B) Nine-governmental organization D) National-gained organization
38 How many nuclear power stations are there in India?
A) 5 C) 7
B) 6 D) 8
39 Correct examples of non-renewable resources are
A) petrol, coal and gas C) water, petrol and gas
B) sun fossil fuel and wind D) water, wind and sunlight
Agricultural activity such as tilling, harvesting, heating and ventilation are
direct consumes of
A) energy C) sun
B) air D) heat
41 Which of the following is not the effect of modern agriculture?
A) Nitrate pollution C) Bio-magnification
B) Eutrophication D) Ozone depletion

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