ES (3rd) May19
ES (3rd) May19
ES (3rd) May19
Assignment 4
1. The science that deals with the relationship of 9. Thickness of the Ozone layer is measured in
various organisms with their environment is which units?
known as a) dB
a) Anthropology b) DU
b) Economics c) PPB
c) Ecology d) PPM
d) Geology 10. An atmosphere is divided into zones
2. Green House Effect means a) Four
a) Cultivation of crops in green house b) Two
to conserve heat c) Five
b) Trapping of solar energy due to d) Six
carbon dioxide gases 11. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by
c) Trapping of solar energy due by a) Nitrous oxide
earth upper surface b) Carbon dioxide
d) Increase of heat due to atmospheric c) Chlorofluoro carbons
pollution d) Methane
3. The two major components of ecosystem are 12. The first layer of atmosphere is called the -
a) Abiotic and biotic a) Atmosphere
b) Cyclic and biologic b) Troposphere
c) Adiabatic and isotropic c) Exosphere
d) Ecologic and climatologi d) Thermosphere
4. Global warming means: 13. The outer solid part of the earth is called –
a) Increase in Earth's Body Temperature a) Crust
b) Increase in solar radiation b) Lithosphere
c) Acid Rain c) Surface
d) All the above d) Water table
5. Environmental studies are very important for 14. Smog is combination of
a) Clean and fresh air a) Smoke and snow
b) Hygienic conditions b) Snow and fog
c) Getting clean drinking water c) Smoke and fog
d) All of the above d) All the above
6. Types of ecological pyramids are 15. A river with high BOD value is
a) Pyramid of biomass a) Highly polluted
b) Pyramid of numbers b) Highly clean
c) Pyramid of energy c) Highly productive
d) All of above d) none of these
7. EIA is related to 16. Concentration of which gas is highest in our
a) Environmental Impact Assessment environment?
b) Environmental and Industrial Activities a) Hydrogen
c) Environmental Internal Activities b) Oxygen
d) Environmental Impact Activities c) Nitrogen
8. Layer of atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet d) Carbon dioxide
rays from Sun is called 17. The best method for disposal of garbage is
a) troposphere a) Burning
b) ozone layer b) Land filling
c) thermosphere c) Incineration
d) mesosphere d) Vermiculture
18. The process of burning of municipal solid 27. Sewage water treatment that involves
waste at high temperature is called bacteria is called -
a) Incineration a) Tertiary Treatment
b) Composting b) Active sludge treatment
c) Land filing c) Primary treatment
d) Shredding d) Cyclic treatment
19. The basic element in fossil fuels is 28. Earth day is celebrated on -
a) Oxygen a) 16 September
b) Carbon b) 26 September
c) Sulphur c) 16 June
d) Phosphorus d) 6 August
20. Organisms which breakdown dead or waste 29. The remains of dead animals and plants
matter into simpler substances are termed as following their death are called -
a) producers a) Detritus
b) consumers b) Decomposers
c) decomposer c) Soil
d) scavengers d) Fragments
21. A network of interconnected food chains is a) All of the above
called 30. The steps can help to control soil pollution –
a) food web a) Reusing the materials
b) web cycle b) Reforesting
c) chain web c) Reducing chemicals fertilizers and
d) ecosystem pesticide use
22. Acid rain is due to d) All of the above
- 31. Biogas plants using cattle dung are called -
a) Formation of oxides of sulfur a) Hydro Plants
b) Formation of oxides of nitrogen b) Gobar Gas Plants
c) Formation of HNO & HNO c) Thermal Power Plant
d) All of these d) Gas Station
23. Quinine is obtained from – 32. The basic principles of noise control is –
a) Cinchona Tree a) Sound insulation
b) Protein b) Sound absorption
c) Carbohydrate c) Vibration damping/ isolation
d) Bacteria d) All of the above
24. Among the following, identify the coagulant - 33. The area reserved for the welfare of wildlife is
a) FeO called
b) CaO a) National Park
c) Alum b) Forest
d) Polyelectrolyte c) Botanical Garden
25. Low lying area covered with shallow water is d) Sanctuary
called 34. The Taj Mehal at Agra may be damaged by –
a) Springs a) Sulfur dioxide
b) Swamps b) Chlorine
c) Esquires c) Hydrogen
d) Wet lands d) Oxygen
26. During photosynthesis trees produce - 35. The study of interactions between living and
a) Oxygen nonliving organisms and environment is called
b) Carbon dioxide a) Ecosystem
c) Nitrogen b) Ecology
d) Carbon monoxide c) Photo-geography
d) Photo-sociology
36. Sewage water treatment that involves 46. The source of energy in an ecosystem -
bacteria is called - a) ATP
a) Tertiary Treatment b) Sunlight
b) Active sludge treatment c) DNA
c) Primary treatment d) RNA
d) Cyclic treatment 47. Which of the following is the indicator of
37. The portion of earth that supports life is microbial quality of water -
called the - a) E-coil
a) Biosphere b) Azotobacter
b) Biotic c) Rhizobium
c) Ecosystem d) Bacillus
d) None of the above 48. Energy generated from sea water is called -
38. Decomposers include - a) Solar Energy
a) Bacteria b) Water Energy
b) Fungi c) Tidal Energy
c) Both a & b d) Hydro energy
d) Animals 49. One of the best solutions to get rid of
39. Soap and detergents are the source of organic non- biodegradable wastes is –
pollutants, like - a) Burning
a) Glycerol b) Dumping
b) Polyphosphates c) Recycling
c) Sulphonated hydrocarbons d) Burying
d) All of these 50. Penicillin is used as -
40. White coal is - a) Food
a) Uranium b) Protein
b) Hydroelectricity c) Antibiotic
c) Ice d) Anti-allergic
d) Diamond
41. Co-enosis means –
a) Interaction
b) Struggle
c) Co-existence
d) Both a and b
42. Cultivation and management of fruit trees is
known as –
a) Fruit culture
b) Fruit organization
c) Tree culture
d) Pomology
43. Mouth of rivers is called –
a) Estuaries
b) River mouth
c) Entry point
d) River linking
44. Carbon-di-oxide is essential for –
a) Stabilization of waste
b) Plants
c) Burning waste
d) For Animals
45. which of the following is not a green house
gas -
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Chlorofuoro carbon
d) Methane