Day in The Life Practice Exercises Part 1
Day in The Life Practice Exercises Part 1
Day in The Life Practice Exercises Part 1
Scenario Situation:
As the customer, you have some questions that you need a Service Center representative to answer. Remember that you
are an employee of the Premier Company. Your personal information, the reason for your call, and a list of your
questions are below.
Today is January 15. Mishi called after the Annual Enrollment dates. She has questions about the benefits and if any
changes can be made.
Caller Information:
Questions Answers
When did the Enrollment period end? Annual Enrollment ended on 27-Sep. The annual enrollment
Can I make any changes to my Enrollment elections for the period ended, and the only way to update coverage is by
year? processing a Qualified Status Change.
What is a Qualified Status Change? These are exceptions during the year can allow changes to the
benefits elections, like for example: Marriage, Divorce, Newborn,
loosing coverage, etc.
Keep in mind if any of these status changes occur, you will have
31 days (about 1 month) from the moment it was finalized to
make any changes by calling us or going online to Alight Worklife
to change your coverage.
Can I change my beneficiaries for the Life insurance? Yes, you can change beneficiaries at any moment during the year.
Would you like for me to change your beneficiaries over the
phone or guide you online to do it yourself?
I prefer to do it over the phone. I would like to add my I can help with that. Can I have your son’s full name, date of birth
son as the beneficiary for my life insurance. and Social Security number?
My son’s name is John M. Asha. His date of birth is July Thanks for providing those details. I will be adding him to your
6, 1988, and his Social is 034-56-7891. account now.
Scenario Situation:
As the customer, you have some questions that you need a Service Center representative to answer. Remember that you
are an employee of the Premier Company. Your personal information, the reason for your call, and a list of your
questions are below.
Today’s date is July 20, 2022. Sarah Hannigan recently began working at Premier and she wants help enrolling in her
Health and Welfare Plan and adding her husband to coverage. She does not have access to the website and would like
the CCR to complete her enrollment on the call.
Caller Information:
Questions Answers
I would like to enroll me and my spouse to my medical Assist Caller in completing enrollment by first processing the
coverage. Can you help me with completing my CMPOI event to add spouse. Then open the pending event
enrollment on the phone? from TBA Customer Account to complete the Newly Eligible
Enrollment Event
Spouse Name: John Hannigan
DOB: 01/01/1983
Enrollment elections:
• Medical: 90/10 Ind Plan (You + Spouse)
• Dental: Ind Dental (You + Spouse)
• Vision: VIS- Indm (You + Spouse) CCR must complete all the elections for the caller and use the
• Employee Life: 2 x Pay (Non-Smoker) EVERY Acronym to make an accurate transaction. During the
• Dependent Life: $10,000 Spouse interaction, the CCR should confirm the information below with
• Personal Accident Insurance: $25,000 the caller:
• Long Term Disability: 50% Pay Opt.
• Health Care FSA: $0 • Review any edits that populate
• Dependent Care FSA: $0 • Provide cost of the selected benefits
• ID Card Timing
• Effective date of coverage
• Notices that will be sent
• Any Attention Items in the account
Customer Experience #3: Jack Bradley
Scenario Situation:
As the customer, you have some questions that you need a Service Center representative to answer. Remember that you
are an employee of the Premier Company. Your personal information, the reason for your call, and a list of your
questions are below.
Today’s date is July 20, 2022. Jack is calling because he is getting married next month and wants to add his fiancée to his
health plan.
Caller Information:
Questions Answers
I’m getting married next month, and I need some help At this moment I’m unable to add your spouse to the coverage.
with enrolling my spouse in my medical coverage. Can According to our plan rules, we can only add a new spouse
you help me add her to my medical insurance? once the marriage has been finalized. You will have 31 days
(about 1 month) from the date of your marriage to add your
Wedding date: August 29, 2022
spouse to coverage.
Do I have to call again to add her? If you prefer to call us to help you with the enrollment, we can
do that, but it’s also an option for you to complete the
Qualified Status Change on your own using Alight Worklife.
Would you like for me to provide the address to the site and
guide you on the steps to complete the Qualified Status Change
on your own?
I don’t have much time to go over the steps, plus I’m The address is
not on my computer at this moment. If you can give
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us to assist with
me the address that would be helpful. I can access the
site later and review the information on my own.
Customer Experience #4: Carrie Quick
Scenario Situation:
As the customer, you have some questions that you need a Service Center representative to answer. Remember that you
are an employee of the Premier Company. Your personal information, the reason for your call, and a list of your
questions are below.
Today’s date is July 10, 2022. Carrie is calling because she had a newborn recently and would like to add her child to her
medical insurance.
Caller Information:
Questions Answers
Can you help me with adding my child to the Congratulations on your newborn child! I can help with adding
coverage? the child to coverage. Before I do, I will have to ask you a few
questions and details of your dependent to get the process
started. Can you provide the date of birth and the name of the
NOTE: Before processing the QSC (Qualified Status Change) the
CCR must read the QSC Script. CCR should first process CMPOI
event to add newborns information on file
Yes, my son is called John Quick, and he was born on Thanks for the information, let me add him to your account.
July 6, 2022. Did you want to add him just to medical?
NOTE: After CCR adds child information on file using CMPOI,
they will have to process the QSC event for adding a new child
to coverage. Both events should be completed using the EVERY
acronym to ensure an accurate transaction.
Yes, I wanted to add only to my medical and no other Since the current plan is as You + Family already, the cost will
changes. Will there be an increase in the cost of the not increase by adding the child to coverage.
NOTE: The CCR should review the estimates in the event being
processed to confirm the cost of the medical insurance.