Mutual Fund Insight Feb 2022
Mutual Fund Insight Feb 2022
Mutual Fund Insight Feb 2022
~Investors should consult their financial advisers, if in doubt INVESTORS UNDERSTAND THAT THEIR
about whether the product is suitable for them. PRINCIPAL WILL BE AT VERY HIGH RISK
#For latest riskometer, investors may refer to the Monthly Portfolios disclosed on the website of the Fund
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Silver ETF
To invest, contact your Mutual Fund Distributor
ICICI ETF is part of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund and is used for exchange traded funds managed by ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited.
ICICI Prudential Silver ETF# (An open-ended scheme replicating/tracking Domestic Price of Silver) is suitable for Mode
investors who are seeking:* rate ra
High tely
de to
Mo Low
• Investment returns that closely track domestic prices of Silver, subject to tracking error. RISKOMETER#
It may be noted that the scheme risk-o-meter specified above is based on the scheme characteristics. The same shall be updated in accordance with provisions of SEBI circular dated
October 5, 2020 on Product labelling in mutual fund schemes on ongoing basis.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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Volume XIX, Number 5
With interest
reposed in us by our readers. We are
independent, fair and honest. We are
committed to achieving the highest
level of accuracy and impartiality in
rates poised to
everything that we publish.
We recognise that the nature of
rise, here are
our work is such that it influences debt funds you
should invest in
decisions that affect our readers’
future. We strive to bear this
responsibility with humility. We
recognise that while it is not possible and those you
to be 100 per cent accurate, it is
possible to always strive to achieve
should avoid
that standard to the best of our
Dhirendra Kumar
Aakar Rastogi, Ashutosh Gupta,
Debjani Chattopadhyay, Deepika 12 VALUE RESEARCH 24 SPOTLIGHT
Saxena, Omkar Vasudev Bhat, PREMIUM
Sandeep P, Shruti Agarwal, Sneha Suri, ‘We want to ensure a healthy
and Vibhu Vats The route to your balance of science and art in
Mukul Ojha and Sneha Verma financial goals the process of investment’
Different investors are heading VINAY PAHARIA
Hira Lal
for different goals and each CIO, Union Asset Management Company
needs a different route P
iva e Limited
Venkat K Naidu: 09664048666
Biswa Ranjan Palo: 09664075875
Hiralal: 09958058407
© 2021 Value Research India Pvt. Ltd. Mutual Fund Insight is owned by Value Research India Pvt. Ltd., 5, Commercial Complex, Chitra Vihar, Delhi 110092.
Editor: Dhirendra Kumar. Printed and published by Dhirendra Kumar on behalf of Value Research India Pvt. Ltd. Published at 5, Commercial Complex, Chitra Vihar, Delhi 110 092. Printed at Option Printofast, 46, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi -92.
Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India, Registration Number DELENG/2003/11417
years cut
10 FUND REPORTER short? Here’s
Fund-related news and announcements what to do.
Silver ETFs are here!
Should you invest in them? All your savings and
investment queries answered
A missed opportunity
Money magnets of 2021
20 BIG 50 FUNDS The most comprehensive fund
scorecard with key performance
The state of big funds
Performance data of the 50 largest equity-oriented funds that
numbers and investment details
together constitute about 58 per cent assets of all such funds
27 SIP SAHI HAI Worth of the monthly SIP of
Advantages of tax-saving funds `10,000 in various equity
funds over 5 and 10 years
The world is your oyster
Funds investing in overseas 87 TOP-RATED FUNDS
equity are mushrooming.
It’s necessary not just to pick Funds that stand on the
the right ones but also to highest rung of the Value
have the right expectations from
your international allocation. Research fund-rating ladder
The contents of Mutual Fund Insight published by Value Research India Private Limited (the “Magazine”) are not intended to serve as professional advice or guidance and the Magazine takes no
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Reproduction of this publication in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission of the publishers of this Magazine is strictly prohibited. All disputes shall be subject to the
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the basic deal that a mutual fund The mid- and small-cap
hy do you invest is supposed to offer you: pay a fee percentages specified were much
through mutual and hire a fund-management team. higher than what multi caps were
funds? Why not in If you take this idea logically, then actually running at. Moreover, once
stocks? Of course, many of you you should not have to make any a fund gets large, say larger than
would also be investing in stocks of your decisions yourself. It’s not about `15,000–20,000 crore AUM,
but since you are reading this page, your job to figure out whether, at then it’s impossible to have a high
I assume that you invest primarily this point of time, large caps are proportion of small caps or even
in mutual funds. better or mid caps are better or you the smaller mid caps. Small caps
For most people, the answer should be invested in this sector or typically have low floating stock
would be that stock research and that. This is exactly what you are and low volumes. They can’t be
investing is just too consuming and paying for. bought or sold in any substantial
too complex to learn and execute. This is what multi-cap funds quantities. This is not a problem
However, investing in equity were supposed to do. And for a that actually has a solution,
mutual funds also suffers from a long time, they did. However, then regardless of what the rules say.
surfeit of funds and choices. Even the story got complicated. SEBI So, now we have a situation
ignoring different plans of took a dislike to the way some where there are multi-cap funds,
individual funds, there are 1,574 multi-cap funds were being run which must have at least 25 per
equity funds that are available to and changed some rules, and now cent in each cap range and at least
the Indian investor. These come in there are almost no multi-cap funds 75 per cent overall in equity. Flexi
a bewildering array of 37 categories. but what used to be multi-cap caps must have at least 65 per cent
As I’ve pointed out often, these funds are now called flexi-cap in equity and as far as SEBI is
numbers are entirely the result of funds and the net result is that it’s concerned, that’s the end of it – the
the marketing imperatives of a lot more complicated for most funds are genuinely ‘flexi’ apart
mutual fund companies. If the goal investors to figure out which of the from that. Investors can choose one
were to serve investors well, then two (if any) are suitable for the or the other based on their
no AMC would cross about eight to original idea of multi caps, which understanding of what these
12 funds and we would have about was that you, the investor, did not specifications mean, which is
400 mutual funds in all. It goes have to bother about all this. somewhat more work than it used
without saying that if this were the The rule change was that from to be, but still doable for most.
case, then a much greater January 2021 onwards, such funds
proportion of funds would be well- should have at least 25 per cent of
managed and it would be much their assets in large-, mid- and Dhirendra Kumar
easier to pick a good one. small-cap stocks and this is to be Editor
Dhirendra Kumar
here are people who are
good at finding places and
there are those who aren’t.
It’s very noticeable. You
tell someone to reach a cer-
tain place and give detailed instruc-
tions. Most people can follow the
directions and reach the destination.
Sometimes, the exact route that you talking about route finding in what will eventually become confident
have described may not be feasible. should be an article on investing and enough to find their own route.
Some roads are blocked or something how this has a strong parallel to what 2. During the intermediate stage,
like that. When that happens, a sharp different people need as guidance they will figure out their own route
difference emerges. Some people can from an investment-advice service or but will call back and check if it’s
easily find an alternate route; others website. There are people who need correct.
get lost. Why does this happen? precise instructions and there are However, this is the most import-
Based on my observations, I think those who just need some general ant thing: People will need to decide
the difference lies in the way differ- idea of what to do. where they want to go. They will
ent people process the original direc- However, it’s not quite that sim- realise that there are different routes
tions. Some memorise them and fol- ple. To illustrate what I mean, let me to the same destination, depending
low them by rote; others figure out add some more factors that are on your starting point and how you
the general direction of the destina- important. want to travel.
tion. The second group is able to fig- 1. People can graduate from one cat- Obviously, I’m actually talking
ure out an alternative route, while egory to the other. Some people may about our Value Research Premium
the first group fails if the original not be familiar with the city and the service. Premium does not start with
route is not available. terrain. They might need precise the route, nor does it straightaway
I’m sure you can see why I’m instructions in the beginning but give you the exact directions. There
That’s why it is perfect for investors who prefer to To know more, contact your financial advisor.
be smart about managing their investments
dynamically, without worrying about the market.
pgim india mutual fund 1800 2667 446 Connect with us on:
This product is suitable for investors who are seeking* Modera
te ra
High tely
• Capital appreciation over a long period of time. Hig
de to
Mo Low
• Investment in equity and equity-related securities including the use of equity derivatives
strategies and arbitrage opportunities with balance exposure in debt and money market instruments.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
Subscription copy of [[email protected]]. Redistribution prohibited.
A missed opportunity
AMCs have disclosed the Potential Risk Class matrices for their debt schemes.
Only two AMCs have made good use of this mandatory risk disclosure.
n June 2021, SEBI introduced the Potential Risk 7V[LU[PHS9PZR*SHZZTH[YP_
Class (PRC) Matrix for debt funds. In December Max Credit Risk
2021, AMCs rolled it out for each of their debt of scheme
funds. The PRC matrix tells the maximum credit and Max Interest Class A Class B Class C
interest-rate risk a fund can undertake. Rate Risk of the
On this 3 × 3 matrix, every fund house has placed
Class I: Int. Rate Risk: Low Int. Rate Risk: Low Int. Rate Risk: Low
each of its debt funds in one of the nine cells. For (MD<=1 year) Credit Risk: Low Credit Risk: Credit Risk: High
instance, cell A-III means that a fund placed in it will Moderate
largely stick to high-rated bonds but will have the Class II: Int. Rate Risk: Int. Rate Risk: Int. Rate Risk:
flexibility to invest in bonds maturing in more than (MD<=3 years) Moderate Moderate Moderate
seven years. Therefore, you can expect an A-III fund to Credit Risk: Low Credit Risk: Credit Risk: High
be always low on credit risk but potentially high on
interest-rate risk. Do note that the risk-class matrix sets Class III: Any Int. Rate Risk: High Int. Rate Risk: High Int. Rate Risk: High
Macaulay Credit Risk: Low Credit Risk: Credit Risk: High
the maximum level of credit risk and interest-rate risk a duration Moderate
fund will ever take. On an ongoing basis, the fund
MD: Macaulay duration
manager can choose to run the portfolio at a lower level
of risk. For example, a fund that sets its PRC at B-II can But two AMCs, IDFC Mutual Fund and Invesco
well run a portfolio at A-I, A-II or B-I levels as well. Mutual Fund, deserve praise for setting much more
In case of debt funds, where risk considerations well-defined boundaries. This serves investors in two
supersede returns, it’s extremely useful for an investor ways: (1) provides more precise information about
to know where the boundaries are and what the fund what the fund will and will not do; and (2) creates
will never do. And that is precisely what a thoughtfully finer distinction between the different funds in their
done PRC matrix placement can tell. line-up to aid fund selection. These two AMCs also
But unfortunately, a look at the PRC disclosures of stand out for taking a much conservative stance on
the top AMCs across select fund categories (see the credit risk across product categories, including credit-
infographic ‘PRC matrices of nine select debt risk funds. Overall, their PRC disclosures set them
categories’) reveals that most of them have chosen the apart and speak well about their investment discipline.
easier route of keeping fairly loose boundaries, thus The other noteworthy observation is in the case of
retaining a high degree of flexibility to assume greater medium-duration funds, where fund houses differ in
risks. This diminishes the utility of the PRC. For their investment-management approach. While several
example, when a wide range of funds from low of them view it as a quasi-credit strategy, thereby
duration to dynamic bond find a place in the same cell investing in lower-rated bonds to generate higher
(B-III), PRC doesn’t help an investor in narrowing returns, others refrain from doing that. The PRC clearly
down to the suitable ones. brings out that distinction. So, if these funds fit into
your investment objective but you are wary of credit
risk, the PRC tells you the select few which will never
go overboard on it.
While PRC doesn’t guarantee that accidents won’t
happen, it could go a long way in ensuring that the
investment-management teams don’t get distracted into
assuming unwarranted risks even during times when
temptations are high. Two AMCs have made good use of it
but for many others, it looks like a missed opportunity.
Here’s how funds of top 15 debt AMCs stack up across selected categories
ABSL (AB) Axis (Ax) DSP (DS) HDFC (HD) ICICI (IC) IDFC (ID) Invesco (In) Kotak (Ko)
LIC (LI) Mirae (Mi) Nippon (Ni) SBI (SB) Sundaram (Su) Tata (Ta) UTI (UT)
Ko LI Mi Ni SB Ko Mi Ni SB Ta
Class II Mi Ta UT SB
Su Ta UT UT (Moderate)
Class II Class II
Class III AB Ax HD Su
(Moderate) (Moderate)
Class III Class III IC Ko Ni
(High) (High)
At the time of writing this article, L&T Mutual Fund’s acquisition by HSBC Mutual Fund was still in process. So, we have excluded both the AMCs from the above analysis.
oodbye 2021 and welcome funds launched in 2021, which
2022. In 2021, we saw the have been covered as a separate
Sensex return more than 23 set). Also, there were about 28
per cent; dozens of companies got funds for which the daily AUM
listed on the Indian exchanges; a data was not available.
few new AMCs jumped on the So, here we present to you the
mutual fund bandwagon and a few list of money magnets of 2021.
got merged with/acquired by others.
This was also the year when about Top winners and losers
88 open-end equity funds were If we look at the top 10 money
launched, attracting close to `50,000 magnets in the entire open-end
crore, the highest-ever till date over equity category, three ETFs have
the last two decades. found a place in this list. All of portion of the inflows in these three
We wanted to find out which these are the beneficiaries of the ETFs comes from the EPFO alone.
funds attracted the highest sums in massive investments by the Next, we see that PPFAS Mutual
2021. There is no simple way to Employees’ Provident Fund Fund, which barely makes it to the
identify inflows/outflows from any Organisation (EPFO). We do not top 20 list of AMCs in terms of
fund as there are no direct have the official figures of the open-end equity-fund AUM, has
disclosures available. So, we EPFO’s investments for 2021 yet, punched above its weight by
estimated them based on the daily but if we see its buy transactions in grossing the highest net flow in its
AUM and NAV disclosures. In our these ETFs in FY21, that number Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund in
study, we considered only open- was about `32,000 crore. This 2021. This has come after the
end equity funds (excluding the suggests that an overwhelming fund’s outlier performance in
recent years. But it is also a
;VWM\UKZI`UL[MSV^Z testament to the diverse investment
12,400 In ` cr mandate that the fund offers, the
10,400 AMC’s focused list of offerings, and
6,600 its competent management.
4,900 4,800 4,500 4,500 4,200 Next on this list is Axis
Bluechip Fund in the large-cap
space. Its presence is quite notable
SBI ETF SBI ETF Parag Axis UTI Flexi SBI UTI ICICI Pru Axis Kotak
Sensex Nifty 50 Parikh Bluechip Cap Fund Focused Sensex Technology Midcap Emerging as many of its peers are finding it
Flexi Cap Fund Equity ETF Fund Fund Equity difficult to keep up with their
Fund Fund
passive counterparts. Another
)V[[VTM\UKZI`UL[MSV^Z important observation from this
In ` cr
Motilal Nippon Franklin list is the presence of one sectoral
Kotak ABSL ICICI Pru Oswal HDFC Mid- India India Nippon HDFC
Flexicap Frontline Bluechip Flexi Cap HDFC Flexi Cap Opp Large Cap Focused India Tax Top 100 fund investing in the technology
Fund Equity Fund Fund Cap Fund Fund Fund Equity Saver Fund sector, which delivered the highest
returns among its sectoral/
thematic peers last year.
-2,400 -2,300 -2,200 -2,200 In the bottom 10 list, we have
2,900 -2,900 -2,800 -2,700 -2,700 four funds each of actively
-4,000 managed flexi-cap and large-cap
Both charts rounded to the nearest multiple of `100 cr categories. Active large-cap funds
SBI ETF Nifty 50 Not rated 0.07 -1.31 10.87 25.48 18.08 17.51 –
`1,18,703 Crore | Large Cap The AUM of the fund has increased 1.5 times over the past one year (as of November 2021).
SBI ETF Sensex Not rated 0.07 -1.34 11.36 23.10 18.51 18.20 –
`59,492 Crore | Large Cap Following the investments made by EPFO in the fund, its assets have grown rapidly.
UTI Nifty Exchange Traded Fund Not rated 0.06 -1.30 10.88 25.49 18.08 17.52 –
`31,396 Crore | Large Cap Low expenses, low tracking error and high trading volume make it a worthy investment option in the large-cap ETF space.
UTI Sensex Exchange Traded Fund Not rated 0.06 -1.33 11.38 21.44 17.99 17.91 –
`18,531 Crore | Large Cap The fund’s performance faced the brunt of a substantial increase in tracking error in 2021.
CPSE Exchange Traded Fund Not rated 0.01 -2.68 13.60 46.00 6.67 3.25 –
`15,820 Crore | Thematic-PSU After delivering negative returns for three consecutive years, the fund made a strong comeback in 2021.
Nippon India ETF Bank BeES Not rated 0.18 -5.24 2.04 13.65 8.90 14.19 16.38
9,720 Crore | Sectoral-Banking It is one of the longest-running ETFs but its returns lagged behind most of its banking peers in 2021.
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund 1.55 -0.16 9.80 23.60 16.54 15.09 17.12
`47,738 Crore 0.86 0.02 10.19 24.49 17.34 16.02 –
Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid The assets managed by the fund have witnessed a big surge in the past one year (as of November 2021).
HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund 1.64 -1.76 6.32 26.36 13.25 12.48 14.80
`41,319 Crore 1.03 -1.61 6.64 27.11 13.95 13.44 –
Hybrid: Dynamic Asset Allocation After struggling to perform for a few years, the fund was among the top performers in 2021.
Kotak Flexicap Fund 1.62 -0.94 7.95 25.37 16.30 15.92 18.08
`36,661 Core 0.64 -0.71 8.46 26.59 17.43 17.11 –
Equity: Flexi Cap This biggest actively managed flexi-cap fund seems to be witnessing net outflows after its recent relatively muted performance.
Axis Long Term Equity Fund 1.58 -2.15 11.03 24.54 19.88 19.43 20.87
`33,529 Crore 0.74 -1.94 11.48 25.60 20.90 20.56 –
Equity: ELSS The fund underperformed both the category average and the benchmark in the 2021 rally, fuelled by mid and small caps.
Axis Bluechip Fund 1.67 -1.17 10.45 20.64 19.62 20.27 17.55
33,519 Crore 0.47 -0.87 11.12 22.11 21.07 21.79 –
Equity: Large Cap Following a massive jump in its AUM in 2021, the fund has emerged as the largest actively managed large-cap fund.
SBI Bluechip Fund 1.72 -1.01 10.82 26.08 17.85 15.36 17.65
`31,106 Crore 0.96 -0.82 11.23 27.04 18.74 16.39 –
Equity: Large Cap This fund is a firm believer in the buy-and-hold strategy, as reflected in its low turnover ratio.
HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund È 1.66 0.34 10.52 39.91 19.49 16.49 21.18
`30,782 Crore 0.98 0.51 10.91 40.88 20.32 17.47 –
Equity: Mid Cap The fund continues to be the largest mid-cap fund and is almost twice the size of its next biggest peer.
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund È 1.73 0.57 12.68 29.17 17.17 16.19 16.19
`30,122 Crore 1.09 0.73 13.02 29.96 17.91 17.07 –
Equity: Large Cap After underperforming during 2018–2020, the fund outperformed the category and the underlying benchmark in 2021.
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 1.59 -0.70 10.62 27.74 17.84 17.63 18.86
`29,961 Crore 0.53 -0.43 11.22 29.13 19.14 18.78 –
Equity: Large Cap The fund usually remains almost entirely invested in equity and maintains a diversified portfolio with over 50 stocks.
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund 1.73 -0.72 9.94 36.17 15.67 15.36 16.10
`26,106 Crore 1.13 -0.57 10.27 37.00 16.34 16.17 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The fund convincingly outperformed its peers in 2021 after a relatively mediocre show in recent years.
UTI Flexi Cap Fund 1.94 1.55 15.69 33.98 25.31 21.51 18.88
`24,521 Crore 1.00 1.77 16.17 35.00 26.13 22.23 –
Equity: Flexi Cap This oldest flexi-cap fund has been delivering outstanding returns over the last four years.
SBI Focused Equity Fund 1.78 5.67 19.54 42.98 23.85 21.46 20.41
`23,093 Crore 0.69 5.96 20.18 44.53 25.13 22.68 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The fund has delivered the best returns in the flexi-cap space over the last 10 years.
ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund 1.77 -1.25 12.75 38.52 19.61 15.20 19.90
`21,801 Crore 1.15 -1.10 13.08 39.27 20.29 16.05 –
Equity: Value Oriented Over the last two years, the fund’s performance has been above average, owing to the popularity of the value theme.
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund 1.77 -0.83 11.62 27.90 16.27 14.78 16.62
`21,542 Crore 1.07 -0.66 12.01 28.76 17.07 15.73 –
Equity: Large Cap After underperforming during 2017–2020, the fund outperformed the category and the underlying benchmark in 2021.
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 1.66 0.62 11.93 39.13 24.98 22.43 26.21
`21,231 Crore 0.68 0.88 12.51 40.57 26.27 23.55 –
Equity: Large & MidCap The fund continues to attract reasonably decent inflows from investors despite the restriction on fresh investment by the AMC.
HDFC Top 100 Fund È 1.77 -1.63 8.99 28.54 13.59 14.12 14.81
`20,607 Crore 1.17 -1.48 9.32 29.28 14.24 14.86 –
Equity: Large Cap After underperforming during 2018–2020, the fund managed to stay ahead of the category peers and the benchmark in 2021.
Axis Focused 25 Fund 1.74 -2.47 12.07 24.00 19.80 20.21 –
`20,069 Crore 0.59 -2.21 12.69 25.35 21.27 21.66 –
Equity: Flexi Cap With the value theme performing well in 2021, this growth-focused fund couldn’t deliver outstanding returns like yesteryears
HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund 1.78 0.34 7.59 25.71 15.28 13.68 16.15
`18,354 Crore 1.14 0.50 7.93 26.50 16.01 14.64 –
Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid The fund has been underperforming the category since 2018 following its recategorisation.
ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund 1.79 0.70 16.00 41.70 19.05 15.60 17.49
`18,303 Crore 1.25 0.83 16.30 42.40 19.70 16.59 –
Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid After underperforming in 2020, the fund delivered exorbitant returns in 2021, making a place for itself in the top quartile.
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund 1.82 3.76 19.53 45.51 30.09 23.17 –
`18,299 Crore 0.82 4.01 20.12 46.97 31.27 24.13 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The fund continued to deliver very high returns for the fourth consecutive year, resulting in huge inflows from investors.
Nippon India Small Cap Fund 1.98 7.63 21.51 74.34 29.96 24.39 27.48
`17,555 Crore 1.03 7.87 22.04 75.87 31.11 25.66 –
Equity: Small Cap The fund delivered outstanding returns in 2021, thereby becoming the largest small-cap fund by a significant margin.
Kotak Emerging Equity Fund 1.81 2.76 11.73 47.31 25.00 19.77 22.73
`16,705 Crore 0.53 3.08 12.43 49.17 26.60 21.29 –
Equity: Mid Cap After giving an above-average performance in 2021, it remains the second-biggest mid-cap fund by AUM.
Axis Midcap Fund 1.82 1.82 15.05 39.93 25.18 23.57 22.94
`16,101 Crore 0.46 2.15 15.83 41.78 26.87 25.12 –
Equity: Mid Cap After delivering above-average performance for three consecutive years, the fund lagged behind its peers in 2021.
Aditya Birla Sun Life Flexi Cap Fund 1.83 -1.01 9.98 30.28 17.94 15.99 18.94
`15,514 Crore 0.99 -0.79 10.49 31.38 18.98 17.14 –
Equity: Flexi Cap It could not perform well in 2021 and therefore, it is currently underperforming an average peer on five-year time frames.
SBI Flexicap Fund 1.76 -0.04 10.31 30.77 18.11 16.35 18.84
`15,172 Crore 0.86 0.20 10.83 32.05 19.22 17.54 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The CIO-Equity of SBI Mutual Fund recently took charge of the fund following the exit of its previous fund manager.
Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 1.76 -2.09 4.76 12.68 10.65 13.10 17.00
`14,344 Crore 0.97 -1.90 5.21 13.64 11.67 14.22 –
Equity: ELSS Despite recent underperformance, the fund has stuck to its style of investing in companies with inherent business strengths.
DSP Midcap Fund 1.79 -1.75 6.03 28.32 20.09 16.82 20.63
`13,785 Crore È 0.78 -1.50 6.55 29.58 21.23 17.88 –
Equity: Mid Cap Given its illustrious track record over the last decade, it is currently undergoing its leanest phase ever.
HDFC Small Cap Fund 1.78 3.81 15.54 64.88 21.47 21.49 20.32
`12,990 Crore 0.83 4.07 16.11 66.49 22.73 22.90 –
Equity: Small Cap After its poor performance in a couple of years, the fund made a comeback with an above-average performance in 2021.
Nippon India Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund 1.89 -0.81 12.09 37.59 11.59 9.99 16.23
`11,885 Crore 1.11 -0.62 12.49 38.58 12.39 10.88 –
Equity: ELSS The fund outperformed the category average and the benchmark in 2021 after a long period of three years.
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund 1.85 1.75 14.20 36.99 22.83 20.64 24.44
`11,734 Crore 0.63 2.05 14.90 38.66 24.28 22.11 –
Equity: Large & MidCap Despite an ordinary performance in 2021, the fund continues to deliver outstanding returns over five-year time frames.
Nippon India Growth Fund 1.92 -0.18 16.00 46.46 24.02 19.63 18.82
`11,573 Crore 1.04 0.02 16.45 47.56 24.87 20.48 -
Equity: Mid Cap The oldest mid-cap fund on this list delivered above-average returns in 2021, after an ordinary performance in 2020.
SBI Small Cap Fund 1.74 5.51 14.82 47.56 27.87 24.58 27.06
`10,878 Crore 0.79 5.76 15.39 49.11 29.33 25.99 -
Equity: Small Cap This fund’s growing size may make it difficult for it to continue its extraordinary performance over the last decade.
Axis Flexi Cap Fund 1.91 1.40 15.09 28.34 21.49 – –
`10,823 Crore 0.55 1.72 15.79 29.93 23.24 – –
Equity: Flexi Cap With a strong comeback of the value theme, this growth-focused fund’s performance took a beating in 2021.
Nippon India Multi Cap Fund Not rated 2.02 0.22 16.66 48.91 15.02 15.95 17.06
`10,818 Crore Not rated 1.27 0.39 17.04 49.87 15.79 16.77 –
Equity: Multi Cap Despite having a long history, the fund is unrated, as it adopted the new regulations brought in the multi-cap category.
Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund 1.81 -3.53 3.46 15.30 11.12 12.58 –
`10,814 Crore 0.96 -3.31 3.93 16.33 12.13 13.62 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The fund has been steadily losing assets, as its performance has seen a sharp dip in recent years.
Nippon India Large Cap Fund 1.94 -1.34 12.09 32.37 14.19 15.50 17.03
`10,800 Crore 1.07 -1.14 12.54 33.42 15.15 16.58 –
Equity: Large Cap After underperforming during 2019-2020, the fund made a spectacular comeback in 2021.
SBI Long Term Equity Fund 1.86 1.14 10.20 31.04 17.43 14.56 16.11
`10,731 Crore 1.22 1.29 10.54 31.86 18.14 15.31 –
Equity: ELSS The fund outperformed the category average in 2020 after four consecutive years but it underperformed again in 2021.
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund 1.69 0.55 11.36 35.29 23.30 22.05 –
`10,087 Crore 0.43 0.88 12.08 37.15 25.20 23.77 –
Equity: ELSS It prefers investing in quality companies backed by strong cash flows, competitive advantages and a decent ROCE.
Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund 1.88 1.33 13.90 40.31 18.90 15.99 17.42
`10,021 Crore 1.13 1.51 14.31 41.32 19.83 17.01 –
Equity: Flexi Cap The fund has delivered outperforming returns in 2021 after underperforming for a prolonged period of four years.
ICICI Pru Long Term Eq Fund (Tax Saving) 1.96 -0.11 13.99 33.73 18.22 15.91 17.88
`9,744 Crore 1.18 0.08 14.42 34.65 19.06 16.94 –
Equity: ELSS It has been an average performer and has beaten the category average twice in the last five calendar years.
DSP Tax Saver Fund 1.78 -1.47 8.82 35.12 21.29 17.57 19.45
`9,420 Crore 0.84 -1.23 9.34 36.41 22.47 18.78 –
Equity: ELSS With a reasonably good long-term performance record, it has been beating the category average for the last three years.
UTI Mastershare Fund 2.09 1.19 13.24 29.56 19.37 17.02 15.68
`9,356 Crore 1.05 1.43 13.77 30.76 20.43 18.03 –
Equity: Large Cap The fund has about 50 stocks, with the top 10 holdings making up about half of the portfolio.
HDFC Taxsaver Fund 1.90 2.16 14.76 35.28 14.05 12.86 14.40
`9,257 Crore 1.25 2.33 15.11 36.05 14.72 13.59 –
Equity: ELSS The fund outperformed the category average in 2021 with a comfortable margin after a rough patch of three years.
No change in the primary fund manager over the last 3 months. Ç Ratings upgrade in the last 3 months. ÈRatings downgrade in the last 3 months.
Returns as on December 31, 2021. Expenses and assets as on November 30, 2021.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme
related documents carefully.
Together we thrive
-<5+ @,(9)662
What to do
if interest
rates rise
you a far predictable return, while a target-ma- & PSU and corporate bond funds also main-
turity product scores in terms of liquidity.” tain a similar maturity profile, although they
Target-maturity structures are meant for inves- are not constrained to do so.
tors who want to avoid the uncertainty of mar- The difference, however, shows up in their
ket-linked returns. But investors should be pre- portfolios. While short-duration funds invest
pared for modest returns because the predictabil- across debt instruments, banking & PSU funds
ity sacrifices the possibility of earning better primarily invest in bonds issued by banks,
returns. These funds make sense at the top of the and PSUs and
high-rate cycle when you can lock in at higher corporate bond
yields and benefit from holding till maturity. funds stick to
corporate bonds.
3. Go for the versatility of short- The short
duration funds maturity profile
Short-duration funds (including corporate of these funds
bond and banking and PSU debt funds) are limits the nega-
truly all-weather debt funds. They are stable tive impact of
and versatile, and given their long-term record rising rates. As
should be the core of your fixed-income most bonds they
investments. hold mature
Short-duration, corporate bond, and bank- within one to three years, the proceeds can
ing & PSU funds fall in the short-term bucket, be redeployed sooner. If rates have gone up,
given their similar maturity profiles. While they benefit from re-investing the money at
short-duration funds are mandated to main- higher interest rates, thereby earning better
tain an average portfolio duration within a yields. So, while short-term funds also get
tight band of one to three years, both banking impacted by rising rates, they don’t give
investors sleepless nights.
:OVY[K\YH[PVUM\UKZ!9PZPUN`PLSK[VTH[\YP[` In the past five months, the yield-to-maturi-
The average net yield to maturity (after factoring in expenses) of short-duration ty (YTM) of short-duration funds has risen,
funds is seeing an uptick, suggesting a revival in category returns. suggesting an improvement in their returns
4.7 % (see chart ‘Short-duration funds: Rising yield
to maturity’). The YTM of a fund denotes the
4.6 yield the bonds in its portfolio will deliver if
they are held till maturity.
While short-duration funds don’t offer
returns predictability like target maturity
funds, given their ability to optimise returns
4.3 through active management within their nar-
rowly defined scope, they can potentially
4.2 deliver better returns over an entire inter-
Dec 31, 2020 Nov 30, 2021
est-rate cycle. From a historic perspective,
whenever interest rates have risen, while they est rates in the economy. Floating-rate bonds
have been impacted in a limited way over are available in the market but a fund manager
short-time frames, over a five-year horizon, can also create them synthetically. Here’s how
that impact has not really made any differ- it works. A fund manager buys a fixed-rate
ence. See the graph titled ‘Performance of bond. If interest rates go up, there is a risk of
short-duration funds’. drop in the price of the fixed-rate bond (and
That’s why we believe, even this time the fund’s NAV). So, the fund manager of a
around, if you have that kind of horizon, these floater fund enters into an interest-rate swap
funds should be fine. with a counterparty to exchange the fixed rate
Experts say short-duration funds should be for a floating rate. This helps the fund manag-
the heart of your debt portfolio. If you are a er to hedge the portfolio and capture the
fixed-income investor who wants to keep it uptick in yields.
simple, this is your go-to bucket. Amit As chances of a rate hike get stronger, these
Tripathi says, “If you are happy with reason- floating-rate funds are gaining traction.
able returns in line with market conditions Barring Q4 of 2021, the category has seen
and your investment horizon is anything from heavy net flows over the last two years (see
18–24 months and beyond, then short-dura- graph ‘Floater funds: Gaining traction’).
tion fund (including short-term, corporate Can floating-rate funds really protect your
bond and banking & PSU funds) is quite an portfolio from interest-rate volatility? The his-
evergreen category.” If planning to invest for
more than one year, just invest in these funds -SVH[LYM\UKZ!.HPUPUN[YHJ[PVU
and ignore all the noise. Despite some ups and Floater funds have witnessed rising net flows over the last eight quarters, though the
downs in the interim, short-duration funds recent quarter has been so far tepid.
In ` cr
will emerge as investments you won’t regret 23,286
over an entire rate cycle.
V[OLYZ 12 9
Repo (%)
the downside better.
And among other funds,
6 6
longer-maturity funds
have suffered more.
4 5
2 4
0 3
Dec 31, 2011 Dec 31, 2021
Category-median returns for regular plans
torical data suggests so. In the past 10 years, 5. Use quasi liquid funds as a
whenever interest rates have gone up, float- tactical pivot
ing-rate funds have protected the downside There are several debt-fund categories that
better. Of course, longer-duration funds have invest predominantly in bonds of less than
been the worst hit (see chart ‘Floating-rate one year. These include ultra-short-term,
funds vs others’). low-duration and money-market funds.
Unfortunately, in India, the market for float- Though a rate hike appears imminent, there is
ing-rate bonds is not very deep. The lack of still an element of doubt. To safeguard them-
liquidity for float- selves from this uncertainty, some people are
ing-rate bonds in taking cover in funds like ultra-short and
the secondary low-duration funds. These funds protect an
market leads to investor from rising rates. These investors
price volatility. might switch to long-duration products after
This is why most rates have been hiked.
funds syntheti- But this ‘safety first’ approach has a down-
cally create such side. Given the steepness of the yield curve,
exposures by one tends to lose more in interest income if
using interest-rate one remains in a lower-maturity fund. Further,
swaps (derivative since there is an expectation of a gradual rise
instrument). in rates and not in big leaps, the interest
However, swaps are also not immune from income one foregoes by staying at the shorter
risk. Therefore, these funds are not meant to end could more
be your mainstream debt allocation. than offset the
Radhakrishnan agrees, “Theoretically, these potential losses
funds should be able to protect you from ris- from rising rates.
ing interest rates, but the reality is that the illi- So, staying in
quidity in the market creates a lot of volatility. these funds may
So, this category can only be a niche product not be a profit-
in the portfolio.” If you want to invest in these able proposition.
funds, do so with a medium-term horizon. Rajeev
These are clearly not suitable for very short- Radhakrishnan
term needs. highlights this
hanks to a bull run in the markets worldwide, tonnes about their growing popularity. The category
international investing has become the talk of the AUM had grown more than four times in 2020 year on
town and as a result, there has been a flurry of year and with a further rise of 177 per cent, it increased
international-fund launches over the last one year. Out of to `44,132 crore as of November 2021 from `15,914 crore
the 63 funds that this category hosts as of December in December 2020.
2021, around one-third were launched in 2021 alone. At Value Research, we view international equity as a
There is also a growing realisation among Indian inves- supplementary allocation (20–30 per cent) to an investor’s
tors that investing part of their corpus in international core equity investments. Being a developing country, India
funds can help in better diversification. is likely to deliver better equity returns vis-à-vis developed
The rise in assets of international funds also speaks nations. So, the main objective of diversifying overseas
4,000 40,000
3,000 30,000
2,000 20,000
1,000 10,000 85
-DQ Dec 2021
0 0
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4*
CY19 CY20 CY21
BSE Sensex and S&P Global 1200 index have trumped each other from
*Till November 30, 2021 time to time over the last 10 years, with the latter underperforming over
should be to protect your portfolio from going completely the last nine months.
6 3*OREDO75, 6HQVH[75,
haywire from a sharp correction in the Indian markets. 80
The international category is now flooded with a lot of 40
diverse options, making it hard for investors to make a 20
choice. But things become simple when one goes by
principles. Many of the recent fund launches and nearly
half of the total international funds as of now are themat- -20
ic, either because of being region-specific (for example, -40
China-, Taiwan-based funds) or having investment man- -DQ 1RY
date relating to a particular theme/trend (such as climate
change, water, agriculture and so on). Investors can con- >OH[[VL_WLJ[UV^
veniently avoid such funds as they defeat the main pur- First of all, don’t read too much into the post-COVID out-
pose of investing overseas, which is better diversifica- performance of foreign markets over their Indian coun-
tion. You may think that you are still diversifying across terparts. If one compares one-year returns of the Sensex
geographies, but given the tight mandates of these funds, with S&P Global 1200 index (which captures approxi-
the benefits of that are nullified. mately 70 per cent of global market capitalisation) on a
We suggest focusing only on US-based and global month-on-month basis over the last 10 years, each index
funds in the category. While global funds also typically has trumped the other from time to time, with the latter
have the majority of their investments in US-domiciled underperforming over the last nine months.
companies, this should not be a cause for concern. This The global markets, including the US ones, might not
is because the US is home to world’s leading innovative be able to sustain their current outperformance in the
companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc., which near future as they have already had a good run-up and
are fundamentally strong, have diversified revenue sourc- many of the companies are trading at historically high
es and customer base across the globe. This makes them valuations. But this does not change anything for you as
global with their presence. an investor. You should treat international investing as a
Many of these companies are technology giants and such steady-state allocation in your equity portfolio, regardless
opportunities are often not available in the domestic mar- of the returns that it will generate in the near future. See
ket to take advantage of. Moreover, the Indian rupee has it as an option for better diversification, investing in
historically depreciated against the US dollar and will like- world’s most reputed names and profiting from rupee
ly continue to do so for the foreseeable future as well. depreciation. With that mindset, you can best profit from it.
Hence, Indian investors also gain from a depreciating rupee In the next section, we discuss our recommended
over the long term, thereby earning some extra returns. international funds.
approach to identify companies MSCI 2.1
across industries and market capi-
Regular-plan The current portfolio consists of
35 per cent. The technology sector
has the highest share (45 per cent) Industrials 6.2 IT 45.4
in the portfolio followed by the
Direct-plan healthcare and consumer-discre-
expense ratio Consumer
tionary sectors (15 per cent each).
Performance: Against the backdrop 15.0
where active funds are increasing-
Data as on October 31, 2021 as per the scheme’s factsheet of November 2021
expense ratio performance. The Indian feeder
fund has beaten the INR- -\UK]Z:
denominated S&P 500 TRI Index 63 per cent of the
30 Franklin India Feeder Franklin US Opportunities S&P 500 TRI (INR)
times in the last three years in terms of daily rolling five-
year returns. Also, in terms of calendar-year perfor- 25
mance, this fund has outperformed the S&P 500 in four
out of the last five years. 20
The rupee depreciation over the past years has further
added to the returns of the fund, thereby enabling it to
deliver superior returns as compared to its underlying 10
US fund. The fund’s direct plan has an expense ratio of
0.56 per cent. This is on top of the 0.85 per cent expense 5
ratio of the underlying US fund, which an Indian inves- Nov-18 Nov-19 Nov-20 Nov-21
tor bears indirectly. 5Y rolling returns (%) on a daily basis
underlying fund tracks the US’ Nasdaq 100 Index, which Apple 11.2
comprises the 100 largest non-financial companies listed Microsoft 10.7
on the Nasdaq stock exchange. This is our most pre- Amazon 7.6
ferred fund for international diversification. It is a gate-
Tesla 7.6
way to most innovative behemoths, such as Amazon,
Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (Google) and the like.
Strategy and portfolio: Although the Nasdaq 100 index is Alphabet 5.4
dominated by tech companies, it has a decent allocation Facebook 3.4
to other sectors as well. About 40 per cent of its assets Adobe 2.1
are allocated to the technology sec- 1HWÁL[ 1.9
tor currently, followed by consum- Costco Wholesale 1.6
er durables (21 per cent) and ser-
vices (11 per cent). The top 10
Regular-plan holdings of the index make up
outstandingly beaten even the
broader US index S&P 500. Indian 6.2 Technology
investors have earned even better 40.2
Direct-plan on account of rupee depreciation.
expense ratio 6.2
The fund has an expense ratio
of 0.10 per cent for the direct plan, Services 11.2
which is in addition to the expense
Data of Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 ETF (underlying fund) as on November 30, 2021
expense ratio directly and therefore have a
demat account may also consider 5HZKHX]Z:
the ETF variant and save on the expense ratio of the FoF.
35 Nasdaq 100 TRI (INR) S&P 500 TRI (INR)
However, the buying and selling of the units in the ETF
are subject to trading volumes on the exchanges and the 28
price might differ from NAV.
This year many other fund houses have launched 21
their Nasdaq 100 offerings. Most of these have a lower
expense ratio than this fund. However, it would be too
soon to jump to them in the absence of any visibility 7
about their ability to track the index. We are watching
this space closely and would update you if we find a 0
better alternative to take exposure to the Nasdaq 100 Nov-11 Nov-13 Nov-15 Nov-17 Nov-19 Nov-21
Index. 5Y rolling returns (%) on a daily basis
1 year for `1,050
State 3 year for `2,475
Pin Code
1 year for `1,395
Cheque Number
3 year for `3,600
Bank & Branch 6DYH
Delivery by courier
Payable to Value Research India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
*Digital is complimentary. Savings
calculated with respect to the
single-issue price of `125.
1 year for `1,026
3 year for `2,754
Pin Code
Phone PRINT*
E-mail 1 year for `1,494
Cheque Number 6DYH
Date 3 year for `3,780
The individual is assumed to earn a taxable income of more than Rs. 5 Crore. The effective tax rate is 30% marginal tax + 37% surcharge on the tax rate + 4% Health and Education cess = 42.74% i.e. highest marginal
tax bracket. The individual is assumed to utilise the complete tax deduction limit of Rs.`150,000 per financial year under Section 80C. This deduction is allowed to an Individual or an HUF. This is only to illustrate the
tax saving potential of ELSS and is not a tax advice. Please consult your tax consultant for tax purpose. *This is applicable assuming the person is in the old tax regime. The Finance Bill, 2020 has proposed a New
Personal Tax Regime where most of the deductions/exemptions such as section 80C, 80D, etc. are to be foregone. This is however optional.
Of all the number of investment options that can give you tax-saving benefits, ELSS could play a role of an efficient tax
saving instrument from the view point of a working professional. It is considered to be an ideal tax saving instrument
offering potential capital appreciation along with tax benefits with the shortest lock-in period of
3 years. Investors can also avail SIP facility to spread out the period of investment over a long
period of time and utilize it to average the cost, which can reduce the tax incidence and may
garner competitive returns.
Gateway to Equity
New to equity? ELSS can be an apt option to get Mr. Harsha Upadhyaya heads the equity desk at
yourself exposed to equity & the power of compounding. Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company.
Harsha has over two decades of experience, spread
Lowest Lock-in across equity research and fund management.
There is a mandatory lock-in period for all major tax saving He completed his Bachelor of Engineering
investment schemes and plan. However, ELSS has the (Mechanical) from National Institute of Technology,
lowest lock-in period of just 3 years that is enough time to Surathkal, and holds a Post Graduate
instill discipline. Diploma in Management (Finance) from Indian
Institute of Management, Lucknow. He also holds
Comprehensive Investment Strategy Chartered Financial Analyst charter from the CFA
Emphasis on bottom-up stock selection with top-down Institute, US.
thematic overlay helps identify stock opportunities.
Large & mid cap At least 35% each in large and mid 29 Balanced hybrid 40–60% in equity and the rest in debt 5
Conservative hybrid 10–25% in equity and the rest in debt 55
Flexi cap Dynamically invest in large, mid and 66
small caps Equity savings At least 65% in equity and at least
10% in debt 24
Mid cap At least 65% in mid caps 36
Arbitrage Investments in arbitrage opportunities 25
Multi cap At least 25% each in large, mid and 21
small caps Dynamic asset Dynamic asset allocation 29
allocation between equity and debt
Small cap At least 65% in small caps 39
Multi asset Investments in 3 different asset classes, 24
Value-oriented Following the value strategy 22 allocation with a minimum 10% in all three
No. of funds
Long duration Instruments with Macaulay duration greater than 7 years 8
Medium to long duration Instruments with Macaulay duration between 4 and 7 years; under anticipated adverse situation, 1 year to 7 years** 25
Medium duration Instruments with Macaulay duration between 3 and 4 years; under anticipated adverse situation, 1 year to 4 years** 30
Short duration Instruments with Macaulay duration between 1 year and 3 years 30
Money market Money-market instruments having maturity up to 1 year 20
Low duration Instruments with Macaulay duration between 6 and 12 months 27
Ultra short duration Instruments with Macaulay duration between 3 and 6 months 29
Liquid Debt and money-market securities with maturity of up to 91 days 42
Overnight Securities having maturity of 1 day 30
Dynamic bond Investments across durations 33
Corporate bond At least 80% in AA+ and above-rated corporate bonds 23
Credit risk At least 65% in AA and below-rated corporate bonds 27
Banking and PSU At least 80% in the debt instruments of banks, PSUs, public financial institutions and municipal bonds 22
Floater At least 65% in floating-rate instruments (including fixed-rate ones converted to floating rate) 12
Gilt At least 80% in government securities 28
Gilt with 10-year At least 80% in government bonds such
constant duration that the average maturity of the portfolio is 10 years 5
FMP Investment for a pre-defined term 311
*Include dividend-yield funds. **Anticipated adverse situation is if the fund manager expects the interest rates to move adversely
The Value Research Scoreboard is designed to help you make the best possible investment deci-
sions. The Scoreboard captures essential data on every mutual fund scheme in an easy-to-use for-
mat. The data are updated each month and undergo rigorous validation. In the following pages,
you will find the details of both regular and direct plans.
Return (%) Rank Return (%) Rank Assets
No Fund Name Rating 1Y 3Y 5Y 10 Y 3 Y 5 Y Expense NAV Rating 1Y 3Y 5Y 3 Y 5 Y Expense NAV (` cr)
A serial number is generated Return
for every fund scheme and is Return calculations are based on month-end net asset values
the first column of the (NAVs), assuming reinvestment of dividends, readjusted for
Scoreboard. To locate a spe- any bonus or rights. The return is computed by adjusting for
cific fund, look for this num- the dividend tax paid by the fund in the past. All trailing
ber in the Index against the returns for one-year period and above are annualised, while
name of the fund. returns for less than one year are absolute.
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance as on December 31, 2021 AUM and Expense Ratio as on November 30, 2021
Performance snapshot
Here are the performance data of the Indian mutual fund industry as of December 2021
Category/benchmark 1 mth 3 mths 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs 20 yrs 1 mth 3 mths 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs
Equity: Large Cap 2.22 -0.81 26.54 17.15 16.53 15.16 17.24 2.21 -0.62 27.12 17.60 16.68
Equity: Large & MidCap 2.61 1.46 37.32 19.62 16.85 18.00 19.94 2.83 1.85 39.14 21.06 18.12
Equity: Flexi Cap 2.30 1.09 32.08 18.67 16.76 16.57 19.79 2.41 1.42 33.64 19.92 17.92
Equity: Mid Cap 2.67 1.80 44.94 22.44 18.10 20.95 21.79 2.76 2.15 46.39 23.92 19.44
Equity: Multi Cap 2.25 1.16 — — — — — 2.38 1.52 — — —
Equity: Small Cap 4.20 5.10 63.04 27.67 20.03 22.19 — 4.32 5.45 65.25 29.23 21.30
Equity: Value Oriented 2.77 0.56 36.12 17.45 15.46 17.58 21.27 2.86 0.82 37.38 18.56 16.61
Equity: ELSS 2.45 0.56 31.92 18.37 16.52 17.10 18.94 2.55 0.84 33.45 19.63 17.74
Equity: Thematic-ESG 2.51 1.56 30.86 19.28 16.81 16.36 19.04 2.67 2.16 33.38 20.18 17.79
Equity: International 0.60 4.36 13.98 19.33 12.53 8.73 — 0.82 4.39 15.17 20.03 12.96
S&P BSE Sensex TRI 2.11 -1.32 23.23 18.62 18.31 15.74 17.23 2.11 -1.32 23.23 18.62 18.31
S&P BSE Sensex Next 50 TRI -0.20 -0.89 31.01 14.62 13.93 16.75 — -0.20 -0.89 31.01 14.62 13.93
S&P BSE 500 TRI 2.36 -0.31 31.63 19.30 18.05 16.75 18.33 2.36 -0.31 31.63 19.30 18.05
S&P BSE Large Cap TRI 2.20 -0.87 26.41 18.14 17.59 15.64 — 2.20 -0.87 26.41 18.14 17.59
S&P BSE Mid Cap TRI 1.15 -0.94 40.65 18.65 16.97 18.59 — 1.15 -0.94 40.65 18.65 16.97
S&P BSE Small Cap TRI 5.44 5.00 64.06 27.26 20.62 19.40 — 5.44 5.00 64.06 27.26 20.62
Equity: Sectoral-Banking -0.96 -5.11 15.48 8.30 11.61 12.37 — -1.04 -5.24 16.11 11.77 14.69
S&P BSE Bankex TRI -0.91 -5.43 12.97 10.22 14.63 16.90 — -0.91 -5.43 12.97 10.22 14.63
Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure 2.22 1.91 51.37 18.77 15.01 14.41 — 2.42 2.33 53.47 19.92 16.13
S&P BSE India Infrastructure TRI 2.74 0.08 51.72 14.38 10.59 12.75 — 2.74 0.08 51.72 14.38 10.59
Equity: Sectoral-Pharma 3.26 0.35 20.24 28.76 15.48 18.06 18.07 3.64 0.94 21.69 30.41 16.81
S&P BSE Healthcare TRI 2.76 0.46 21.54 24.28 12.93 16.87 17.08 2.76 0.46 21.54 24.28 12.93
Equity: Sectoral-Technology 8.49 10.11 63.96 41.30 31.55 23.07 19.69 6.30 9.61 67.26 42.83 32.95
S&P BSE IT TRI 10.07 10.49 58.45 41.50 32.49 23.05 18.72 10.07 10.49 58.45 41.50 32.49
Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid 1.77 0.74 26.08 15.53 13.64 14.71 15.79 1.87 1.03 27.53 16.81 14.82
Hybrid: Balanced Hybrid 0.82 0.52 18.28 9.91 8.98 10.84 11.30 0.86 0.66 18.96 10.55 9.60
Hybrid: Conservative Hybrid 0.45 0.76 10.21 8.21 7.39 9.14 8.99 0.53 1.00 11.30 9.19 8.39
VR Balanced TRI 1.93 -1.06 22.23 16.43 15.72 14.08 — 1.93 -1.06 22.23 16.43 15.72
VR MIP TRI 0.83 -0.16 10.78 10.25 9.69 9.82 — 0.83 -0.16 10.78 10.25 9.69
Debt: Long Duration -0.27 0.59 3.57 8.27 6.80 8.18 7.96 -0.39 0.47 3.04 8.73 7.48
Debt: Medium Duration 0.06 0.62 4.87 5.14 5.83 7.43 6.56 0.10 0.76 5.66 5.88 6.60
Debt: Short Duration 0.12 0.59 4.08 6.12 5.99 7.54 7.73 0.18 0.77 4.80 6.84 6.73
Debt: Ultra Short Duration 0.26 0.77 3.48 5.33 5.50 7.37 6.49 0.31 0.90 4.00 5.81 6.00
Debt: Liquid 0.29 0.84 3.20 4.51 5.44 7.05 6.78 0.30 0.87 3.35 4.70 5.58
Debt: Dynamic Bond -0.09 0.44 3.49 6.94 5.96 8.12 7.23 -0.04 0.61 4.16 7.65 6.68
Debt: Corporate Bond 0.11 0.59 3.45 7.64 6.93 7.90 6.88 0.15 0.70 3.92 8.07 7.38
Debt: Credit Risk 0.20 0.90 8.72 2.47 3.54 7.45 — 0.27 1.10 9.57 3.29 4.41
CCIL All Sovereign Bond - TRI -0.52 0.45 2.20 8.89 7.43 9.16 — -0.52 0.45 2.20 8.89 7.43
CCIL T Bill Liquidity Weight 0.20 0.52 2.05 3.17 3.52 4.45 — 0.20 0.52 2.05 3.17 3.52
VR Bond -0.09 0.63 2.55 5.87 5.74 7.22 — -0.09 0.63 2.55 5.87 5.74
Returns (%) as on December 31, 2021
SIP returns
Worth of the monthly SIP of `10,000 across various time periods
3-year 5-year 10-year 3-year 5-year
Return Value Return Value Return Value Return Value Return Value
Rating (%) (` lakh) (%) (` lakh) (%) (` lakh) Rating (%) (` lakh) (%) (` lakh)
Quant Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 67.07 8.75 37.79 15.05 20.73 35.84 69.06 8.95 38.94 15.45
Quant Tax Plan Equity: ELSS 50.08 7.15 32.22 13.22 24.23 43.30 52.91 7.40 34.12 13.82
PGIM Ind Midcap Opp Equity: Mid Cap 52.60 7.38 31.72 13.06 - - 55.27 7.62 33.79 13.71
Quant Active Equity: Multi Cap Not rated 47.06 6.89 31.32 12.94 23.59 41.84 Not rated 49.09 7.07 32.62 13.34
Kotak Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 51.94 7.32 30.94 12.83 23.56 41.75 54.03 7.51 32.58 13.33
Nippon Ind Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 50.36 7.18 29.73 12.46 26.53 49.05 51.58 7.29 30.81 12.79
Axis Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 43.52 6.59 29.30 12.34 - - 45.74 6.78 31.06 12.86
Quant Mid Cap Equity: Mid Cap 43.35 6.58 27.75 11.89 18.32 31.45 46.01 6.80 29.56 12.41
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Equity: Flexi Cap 38.72 6.20 27.47 11.81 - - 40.01 6.31 28.51 12.11
Union Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 45.37 6.75 26.56 11.56 - - 46.37 6.83 27.36 11.78
SBI Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 40.75 6.37 26.52 11.55 26.18 48.11 42.24 6.49 27.85 11.92
Quant Absolute Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid 38.52 6.19 26.18 11.46 19.39 33.33 39.25 6.25 26.94 11.67
PGIM Ind Flexi Cap Equity: Flexi Cap 39.70 6.28 26.14 11.44 - - 42.39 6.50 28.43 12.09
ICICI Pru Smallcap Equity: Small Cap 44.53 6.68 26.11 11.44 18.71 32.12 46.51 6.85 27.57 11.84
L&T Emrgng Businesses Equity: Small Cap 46.46 6.84 26.08 11.43 - - 47.93 6.97 27.27 11.76
Baroda Midcap Equity: Mid Cap 43.02 6.55 25.95 11.39 15.21 26.60 44.20 6.65 26.96 11.67
DSP Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 44.99 6.72 25.51 11.27 23.18 40.91 46.20 6.82 26.41 11.52
Axis Midcap Equity: Mid Cap 34.33 5.86 25.22 11.19 21.43 37.21 36.09 6.00 26.77 11.62
BOI AXA Tax Advtg Equity: ELSS 37.83 6.13 25.05 11.15 19.30 33.16 39.25 6.25 26.34 11.50
IIFL Focused Eqt Equity: Flexi Cap 34.52 5.88 24.78 11.08 - - 36.14 6.00 26.34 11.50
HDFC Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 41.56 6.43 24.67 11.05 20.39 35.17 42.86 6.54 25.88 11.37
UTI Flexi Cap Equity: Flexi Cap 34.92 5.91 24.60 11.03 18.89 32.45 35.83 5.98 25.34 11.23
Edelweiss Mid Cap Equity: Mid Cap 38.58 6.19 24.16 10.91 21.55 37.45 40.60 6.35 25.84 11.36
HSBC Small Cap Eqt Equity: Small Cap 44.79 6.70 24.13 10.91 19.70 33.89 46.71 6.86 25.51 11.27
Nippon Ind ETF NV20 Equity: Large Cap Not rated 32.03 5.69 24.06 10.89 - - Not rated - - - -
BOI AXA Mid & Small Cap Eqt & Debt Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid 40.04 6.31 24.06 10.89 - - 41.17 6.40 25.02 11.14
SBI Contra Equity: Value Oriented 40.19 6.32 23.90 10.85 16.87 29.10 41.06 6.39 24.63 11.04
Mirae Asset Emrgng Bluechip Equity: Large & MidCap 33.67 5.81 23.85 10.83 24.31 43.50 35.01 5.91 24.99 11.13
Kotak NV 20 ETF Equity: Large Cap Not rated 31.83 5.67 23.83 10.83 - - Not rated - - - -
ICICI Pru NV20 ETF Equity: Large Cap Not rated 31.91 5.68 23.80 10.82 - - Not rated - - - -
SBI Magnum Midcap Equity: Mid Cap 40.41 6.34 23.76 10.81 20.29 34.99 41.60 6.44 24.79 11.08
Kotak Emrgng Eqt Equity: Mid Cap 36.54 6.03 23.42 10.72 21.56 37.48 38.20 6.16 24.85 11.10
IDFC Sterling Value Equity: Value Oriented 41.30 6.41 23.39 10.71 18.66 32.05 42.73 6.53 24.60 11.03
SBI Focused Eqt Equity: Flexi Cap 32.63 5.73 23.30 10.69 19.52 33.56 33.97 5.83 24.50 11.00
Canara Robeco Eqt Tax Saver Equity: ELSS 32.20 5.70 23.28 10.68 18.06 31.03 33.65 5.81 24.49 11.00
Nippon Ind Growth Equity: Mid Cap 35.89 5.98 23.09 10.64 18.66 32.04 36.82 6.05 23.88 10.84
Invesco Ind Mid Cap Equity: Mid Cap 34.53 5.88 23.01 10.62 20.49 35.37 36.42 6.02 24.75 11.07
UTI Mid Cap Equity: Mid Cap 37.71 6.12 22.87 10.58 20.29 34.99 38.93 6.22 23.90 10.84
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Equity: ELSS 31.72 5.66 22.84 10.57 - - 33.59 5.80 24.53 11.01
Sundaram Small Cap Equity: Small Cap 42.77 6.53 22.62 10.52 19.07 32.76 44.09 6.64 23.63 10.78
Baroda Multi Cap Equity: Multi Cap Not rated 35.98 5.99 22.54 10.50 16.57 28.62 Not rated 37.04 6.07 23.50 10.74
Motilal Oswal Midcap 30 Equity: Mid Cap 37.17 6.08 22.40 10.46 - - 38.76 6.21 23.76 10.81
IDFC Tax Advtg (ELSS) Equity: ELSS 35.59 5.96 22.21 10.41 18.60 31.94 37.02 6.07 23.50 10.74
Nippon Ind ETF Shariah BeES Equity: Large Cap Not rated 32.31 5.71 22.14 10.40 16.58 28.64 Not rated - - - -
Tata Midcap Growth Equity: Mid Cap 32.92 5.75 21.76 10.30 19.76 34.00 34.56 5.88 23.14 10.65
Canara Robeco Emrgng Equities Equity: Large & MidCap 32.30 5.71 21.60 10.26 22.15 38.69 33.82 5.82 22.96 10.60
Franklin Ind Smaller Companies Equity: Small Cap 38.94 6.22 21.53 10.24 20.25 34.91 40.05 6.31 22.54 10.50
Union Flexi Cap Equity: Flexi Cap 31.73 5.66 21.47 10.23 15.35 26.81 32.74 5.74 22.30 10.43
Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Equity: Flexi Cap 29.21 5.48 21.30 10.19 16.86 29.07 30.86 5.60 22.63 10.52
Principal Emrgng Bluechip Equity: Large & MidCap 32.78 5.74 21.10 10.14 20.90 36.16 34.22 5.85 22.37 10.45
Data as of December 2021
82 Mutual Fund Insight February 2022
into account the return as well as risk undertaken to achieve that return.
Risk-adjusted return from a fund is the sole basis of Value Research fund
rating (detailed methodology on page 51). Below are the schemes in various
categories that have been rated five and four star.
Baroda Cons Hybrid Reg ABSL ST Reg HDFC Dyn Debt Reg
Canara Robeco Cons Hybrid Reg Axis ST Reg ICICI Pru All Seasons Bond Reg
Franklin Ind Life Stage FoF 50s Plus FR Reg HDFC ST Debt Reg IDBI Dyn Bond Reg
HDFC Retrmnt Svngs Hybrid Debt Reg ICICI Pru ST Reg IDFC Dyn Bond Reg
ICICI Pru Incm Optimizer (FOF) Reg IDBI ST Bond Reg IIFL Dyn Bond Reg
ICICI Pru Regular Svngs Reg IDFC All Seasons Bond Reg Kotak Dyn Bond Reg
Kotak Debt Hybrid Reg IDFC Bond ST Reg UTI Dyn Bond Reg
SBI Cons Hybrid Reg Kotak Bond ST Reg DEBT: CORPORATE BOND
SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Svngs Reg Nippon Ind ST Reg ABSL Corp Bond Reg
Tata Retrmnt Svngs Cons Reg Sundaram ST Debt Reg DSP Corp Bond Reg
Principal Eqt Svngs Reg Invesco Ind Treasury Advtg Reg DEBT: CREDIT RISK
DEBT: MEDIUM TO LONG DURATION JM Low Duration Reg Axis Credit Risk Reg
ABSL Incm Reg Kotak Low Duration Reg Baroda Credit Risk Reg
ICICI Pru Bond Reg Nippon Ind Low Duration Reg HDFC Credit Risk Debt Reg
ICICI Pru Debt Management (FOF) Reg Sundaram Low Duration(Ex) Reg ICICI Pru Credit Risk Reg
Kotak Bond Reg SBI Credit Risk Reg
SBI Magnum Income Reg
UTI Bond Reg
HDFC Ultra ST Reg ABSL Banking & PSU Debt Reg
DEBT: MEDIUM DURATION HSBC Ultra SD Fund Reg Axis Banking & PSU Debt Reg
Axis Strategic Bond Reg ICICI Pru Ultra ST HDFC Banking and PSU Debt Reg
Bhrt Bond FOF-April 2023 Reg IDFC Ultra ST Reg ICICI Pru Banking & PSU Debt Reg
HDFC Medium Term Debt Reg Kotak Svngs Reg IDFC Banking & PSU Debt Reg
ICICI Pru Medium Term Bond Reg PGIM India Ultra ST Reg Kotak Banking & PSU Debt Reg
IDFC Bond Medium Term Reg SBI Magnum Ultra SD Reg Nippon Ind Banking & PSU Debt Reg
L&T Resurgent Ind Bond Reg
SBI Magnum Medium Duration Reg
Axis All Seasons Debt FOF Reg
RATING DOWNGRADE List of funds that moved out of the five- and four-star grades in December 2021
ABSL Credit Risk Reg Mahindra Mnulife Ultra ST Reg Sundaram Banking & PSU Debt Reg
ABSL Dyn Bond Reg Quantum Dyn Bond Reg Union Eqt Svngs Reg
SBI Magnum Income Dir SBI Magnum Ultra SD Dir
HDFC Medium Term Debt Dir HDFC Dyn Debt Dir
ICICI Pru Medium Term Bond Dir ICICI Pru All Seasons Bond Dir
IDFC Bond Medium Term Dir IDBI Dyn Bond Dir
L&T Resurgent Ind Bond Dir IDFC Dyn Bond Dir
SBI Magnum Medium Duration Dir IIFL Dyn Bond Dir
RATING DOWNGRADE List of funds that moved out of the five- and four-star grades in December 2021
Axis Dyn Bond Dir Mahindra Mnulife Ultra ST Dir
ICICI Pru Retrmnt Pure Debt Dir Union Eqt Svngs Dir
history for debt funds. In the case of equity funds, a fund’s overall rating
stems from a weighted average of two time periods – three and five years –
where available. Equity funds less than three-year old are not rated and debt
funds with less than 18-month history are also not rated.
HYBRID: AGGRESSIVE HYBRID Union Largecap Reg Kotak Emrgng Eqt Reg
Axis Children’s Gift Reg UTI Mastershare Reg Nippon Ind Growth Reg
Axis Eqt Hybrid Reg UTI Nifty Index Reg PGIM Ind Midcap Opp Reg
RATING DOWNGRADE List of funds that moved out of the five- and four-star grades in December 2021
ICICI Pru Bluechip Reg Mahindra Mnulife Mid Cap Unnati Yjn Reg Sundaram Select Focus Reg
Axis Children’s Gift Dir Union Largecap Dir Mahindra Mnulife Mid Cap Unnati Yjn Dir
Axis Eqt Hybrid Dir UTI Mastershare Dir Nippon Ind Growth Dir
BNP Paribas Substantial Eqt Hybrid Dir PGIM Ind Midcap Opp Dir
BOI AXA Mid & Small Cap Eqt & Debt Dir
Axis Growth Opp Dir EQUITY: SMALL CAP
Canara Robeco Eqt Hybrid Dir
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Dir Axis Small Cap Dir
DSP Eqt & Bond Dir
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap Dir BOI AXA Small Cap Dir
HDFC Children’s Gift Dir
Invesco Ind Growth Opp Dir Invesco Ind Smallcap Dir
HDFC Retrmnt Svngs Hybrid Eqt Dir
Kotak Eqt Opp Dir Kotak Small Cap Dir
HSBC Eqt Hybrid Dir
LIC MF Large & Mid Cap Dir Nippon Ind Small Cap Dir
ICICI Pru Eqt & Debt Dir
Mirae Asset Emrgng Bluechip Dir SBI Small Cap Dir
Kotak Eqt Hybrid Dir
Navi Large & Midcap Dir Tata Small Cap Dir
Mirae Asset Hybrid Eqt Dir
Principal Emerging Bluechip Dir
Motilal Oswal Eqt Hybrid Dir
Quant Large & Mid Cap Dir ICICI Pru Value Discovery Dir
Quant Absolute Dir
Sundaram Large & Midcap Dir Invesco India Contra Dir
SBI Eqt Hybrid Dir
EQUITY: FLEXI CAP Kotak Ind EQ Contra Dir
Sundaram Eqt Hybrid Dir
Axis Flexi Cap Dir Nippon Ind Value Dir
EQUITY: LARGE CAP Axis Focused 25 Dir SBI Contra Dir
Axis Bluechip Dir Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Dir UTI Value Opp Dir
BNP Paribas Large Cap Dir DSP Flexi Cap Dir
Canara Robeco Bluechip Eqt Dir HDFC Retrmnt Svngs Eqt Dir Axis Long Term Equity Dir
Edelweiss Large Cap Dir IIFL Focused Eqt Dir BOI AXA Tax Advantage Dir
HDFC Index Sensex Dir Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Dir Canara Robeco Eqt Tax Saver Dir
ICICI Pru Bluechip Dir PGIM Ind Flexi Cap Dir DSP Tax Saver Dir
IDBI Ind Top 100 Eqt Dir Principal Focused Multicap Dir IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Dir
IDFC Large Cap Dir SBI Focused Eqt Dir Invesco Ind Tax Plan Dir
Invesco Ind Largecap Dir Union Flexi Cap Dir JM Tax Gain Dir
JM Large Cap Dir UTI Flexi Cap Dir Kotak Tax Saver Dir
Kotak Bluechip Dir
EQUITY: MID CAP Mirae Asset Tax Saver Dir
LIC MF Large Cap Dir
Axis Midcap Dir PGIM Ind LT Eqt Dir
Mirae Asset Large Cap Dir
Baroda Midcap Dir Quant Tax Plan Dir
Nippon Ind Index Sensex Dir
Edelweiss Mid Cap Dir UTI LT Eqt Dir
Quant Focused Dir
Invesco Ind Midcap Dir
RATING DOWNGRADE List of funds that moved out of the five- and four-star grades in December 2021
Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Dir
mutual fund ratings are revised every month. The above ratings are as on December 31, 2021.