Static GK. Importatn Dates (FPSC BOOK)
Static GK. Importatn Dates (FPSC BOOK)
Static GK. Importatn Dates (FPSC BOOK)
الرحمن الرحیم بسم ہللا
1st Women Bank Dec 1, 1989.
Right of vote to women in subcontinent
Static GK Important Sawat,,Chitral, Dir joined Pak July 28,
Dates (FPSC BOOK) 1969.
Royal Geographical Society 1830. Gilgit Agency 1873.
Treaty of Westphalia Oct 24, 1648. Hunza joined Pak 1974.
Bogral Formula (Constitutional formula) 1953. Sir Syed visited England with his son
Plessy Battle 1757. Mehmood in 1969.
Buxer Battle 1764. Nelson Mandela Peace Prize 1993.
China joined UNO 1971. Iqbal member of Punjab legislative
Assembly 1926.
US became federation 1789.
PTV transmission Dec 20, 1964.
Vietnam War 1955- 1975
PTV colour Transmission Dec 20, 1976.
FATA merge May 31, 2018.
Roshan Khan (Squish player)’s death Jan 6,
Gazwa Khandaq 5 AH (627 AD).
Battle of Muta 8 AH.
Shalimar Bagh built by Shah Jahan
Baltic States independence Sep 6, 1991.
Minar e Pak built 1969-1968
Baghdad City (Al-Mansoor) formed 762 AD.
National disaster day 8 October,
Emirate of Granada(Spain) founded
Zafar Ali khan’s Zamindar, Lahore
1238(dissolved 1492).
Pak joined SEATO 1954.
CENTO (Baghdad Pact) 1955.
PM Vajpayee and Musharaf met in July
(Dissolved 1979).
14, 2001.
Tibet invaded by China 1950.
Srinagar-Muzafarabad bus service 2005.
UN human rights council (UNHRC)
Pak NATO non ally 2014.
Pak as front line state against terrorism
Commonwealth nations 1931.
war 2001.
RCD 1964.
Pak nuclear state by USA May 20, 2004.
Treaty of Washington 1871.
Ushar started in (198201983) Rabi crop.
Treaty of London 1915.
GMT 1884.
Vesicles Treaty (1919-1920)
N. Korea tested 1st ICBM July, 2017.
National Anthem Committee Dec, 1948.
Tested thermo nuclear weapon Sep,
Tune composed by A.G Chagla 1950.
Finally approved June, 1954.
CNIC issued in Pak 1973.
Govt. of Pak approved Aug, 1954.
British returned Hongkong to China
Magna Carta 1215 AD. 1997.
French Revolution 1789-1799 New Zealand right of vote to woman
Bolshevik Revolution 1917. 1893.
Kofi Anan tenure (1997-2006) Cabinet Mission Plan announced
UN institute for training and research May16, 1946.
(UNITAR) 1963.
(EBDO) for east Pak 1959. Interpol founded Sep, 7 1923, Vienna,
HQ (Lyon, France)
EBDO was promulgated by Ayub Founder Johanner Schober.
Khan in 1959. What does EBDO President Kim Jong Yang.
Right to information (Article 19A).
stand for? Elective Bodies
Younas Khan Retirement Nov10, 2015.
Disqualification Order UN Human rights declaration Dec 10,
Pellagra disease (skin) due to 1948.
Bashar ul Asad Party (Arab Socialist
deficiency of B3 vitamin. Baath Party).
Last Governor General of Hong Abubakr al Baghdadi Desh)(دعش.
Kong Chris Paten. Wing Commander Mervyn Leslie
Middlecoat was a Pakistani fighter pilot
First Governor General of Hong in the Pakistan Air Force who was
Kong Henry Pottinge. involved in a number of aerial battles
during the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pakistani
British gave Hong Kong to China wars, before being shot down on 12
1997. December 1971.
The Trade Development Authority
The Treaty of Seringapatam was
of Pakistan (TDAP), which was
signed in 1792 between the Ruler of established on November 8, 2006.
Mysore, Tipu Sultan and Lord Volkswagen (Car manufacturer) was
established in 1937 by the German in
6th Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. The Ford Motor Company, commonly
Maldives in which ocean (Indian known as Ford, is an American
multinational automaker that has its
Ocean). main headquarters in Dearborn,
The Organization for the Prohibition Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. It was
founded by Henry Ford and incorporated
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
on June 16, 1903.
Founded: April 29, G-77 Formation: 15 June 1964;HQ New
1997,Headquarters: The Hague,
1ST IG Punjab Qurban Ali Khan.
Netherlands (The Nobel Peace Prize Most runs in test cricket from Pak side
2013). Younas Khan.
Abdul Qayyum Khan (NWFP) 1981.
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Islamia College Peshawar 1913.
(BMW)founded March 7, 1916, UN MOGIP (United Nations Military
Observer Group In India & Pakistan.)
HQ Munich, Germany. 1949.
Chubarji was built by Auranzeb for his Goh Chok Tong PM of Singapore
daughter Princess Zebunissa in 1646. (1990-2004).
Gall Bladder Digestive system. Lahore Hight Court old name Chief court of
Lemon vitamin C. Punjab.
عندلیب شادانی کا اصل نام وجاہت حسین Nasir ud Din Qabacha governor of Multan.
میں کس کے ہاتھ پہ اپنا لہو تالش کروں Nuclear supplier group 1974.
تمام شہر نے پہنے ہوئے ہیں دستانے Pak-Afghan Transit Agreement 1965.
)(مصطفی زیدی
ٰ Nipal abolished monarchy 2008.
Usuri river dispute bw china&Russia Mauritania capital Nauakchott.
Adria airline Solvenia Benazir as PM Dec2, 1988.
UN ESCAP HQ Bangkok 1947 Father of nuclear physics Rutherford.
Battle of jamal 656A.D Colombo Plan (HQ Colombo) 1950.
Police,crime & politics written by Hafiz Pak situated North of Tropic of cancer.
S.D Jamy Wall Street (New York) stock exchange.
Jameel ul Din Aali death Nov 23, 2015. Hockey ground side board length 1.22 cm.
ابن خلدون
ِ مقدمہ Mount Kinabalu Malaysia.
Undefeated boxer player Rocy Marciano Not function of bones Secretion of
(USA). hormones.
Sohni Mahiwal River Chanab. Compressibility ∞ 1/bulk modulus.
Mungo Peer (Karachi) is famous for Battle of Badar is mentioned in Quran (Al-
Sulpher. Imran).
Nur-ud-din Muhammad Salim known by Battle of Uhud is mentioned in Al-Baqra.(?)
his imperial name, Jahangir (31 August Pak military court 2015.
1569 – 28 October 1627), was the fourth Broad peak12th Karakorum 8051 m (1st
Mughal Emperor, who ruled from 1605 until accession 195).
his death in 1627. Porcelain Tower China.
Sachal Sarmast tomb Daraza Sharif (Sindh). Clay Court French Open Tennis.
AIML founded 20th session of AIMEC. Libya independence from Italy
All India Mumammadan Educational 1951(President King Idrees ).
Conference was the origin of the All-India Highest goal scorer in hockey Sohail Abbas
Muslim League. The Muslim League was (348).
born in the 20th session of All India Immanual Kant German philosopher.
Muhammadan Educational Conference, Pak Bait ul Maal 1992.
which was established by Syed Ahmed
Pangea Supercontinent.
Khan in Aligarh in 1886.
)مدارج النبوہ(حضرت شیخ عبدالحق دہلوی
M.K Ghandi 43rd congress president 1924.
OPEC 40% crude oil of the world.
Gynecology medicine (women).
OPEC founded at Baghdad (Iraq).
Noor Jahaan death Dec23, 2000.
Surah Rehman No 55th.
Asma Jahngir death Feb11, 2018.
Mantapsan Mountain (N.Korea).
Abasi Khlafat shiftedcapital Dimishq to
Size of Earth Eratosthenes.
“Qaid-e-Azam As I Knew Him” written by
Width of Badminton court (single) 5.18m.
M.A.H Ispahani.
Width of Badminton court (double) 6.10 m.
The crow eater Bapsi Sidhwa.
Einstein (scientist) death 1955.
Pak ECO, SG 2.
Revival of constitutional March, 1985.
Voluilis City Morocco.
PNS Ghazi destroyed in 1971 war (leased The Godray Pass is close to Afghanistan.
from USA) Tench Class. Praia do Cassino is the longest sea beach in the
Played from both Pak-India cricket Gull world and is located in the southernmost of the
Muhammad, Abdul Kardar, Amir Elahi. Brazilian coast.
Press F8, 3 times to select sentence. Pak-Russia joint military exercises
Naryab Dam in Hangu, KPK. Druzhba (friendship) are held every year.
Mermaid of churna island ….Rosheen Khan The exercises started in 2016.
Kishan ganga dam …Neelum river Shale Gas largest producer USA.
Likud ,Kadima ….Israel Bhutto 4th President, 9th PM, 7th Speaker of
National Assembly.
Kot diji.....forerunner of Indus valley
civilization Sugarloaf Mountain is a peak situated in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, is known as the 'Tourist
Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk…Raja Syed Ahmed
Jewel' of Rio de Janeiro because of its
popularity among the tourists.
Police shuhdah day…Aug4
Falklands was recaptured by British in 1982.
Al –shabab terrorist group (2006) Somalia.
A.R Cornelius 4th Chief Justice of Pakistan.
Pak.Steel Mill Russian help 1973.
Kufa city is in Iraq.
Punjab Elite force 1998.
1 President of Croatia Franjo
Highest electric conductivity…silver Tuđman.
Highest thermal conductivityDiamond. Injectors term in Hockey game.
Clip art ….insert tab Tuba Kakar(highest peak Kush)range
Aung san suukyi Nobel Peace Prize 1991 Balochistan.
36 distt.Punjab… Chiniot Feb,2009 “Witness to Surrender” written by Saddique
Waris shah wrote Heer in Malka Hans. Salik.
Kofi Annan belong to Ghana 76th Sec.G. UN Largest Cantonment of Pak Khariaan.
1997-2006(Nobel Prize 2001). Federal Ombudsman 1983.
National Public Safety Commission 2006. وفاقی ٹیکس محتسب2000.
Abbreviation ICC Imperial Cricket Council UR HRC 2006.
(1909-1965) International Cricket Council وقار الملک کا اصل نام مشتاق حسین
(1965-1989) Formation 15June, 1909; HQrs Faisal Majid started 1966, completed
(Dubai 2005- present) (London 1909-2005) 1986.
Chairman Greg Barclay. CEO Manu Faisal Masjid painted by Ismail Gulgee (Pak
Sawhney. painter).
Pak gold medals in Asian Games Falun Gong Movement China.
(Hockey) 8. Oldest city Damascus.
ترقی پسند تحریک 1936. Yasir Arfaat Presidency duration (15 years,
Lake Hillier is in Australia. 223 days) (Nobel Prize 1994).
Moseley Road Baths (Swimming pool) Gordon Brown, prime minister of the
opened in 1907 Birmingham (England). United Kingdom (Labour Party).
Hazrat Amna’s (R.A) grave Abwa. National Security Council (Pak) Members 11.
The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is a Saudi Arab vote Right Feb, 2005.
Chinese satellite navigation system Sharm el Sheikh (Egypt) Seaport Red Sea.
Amir Khusrow/Full name Middle East and North Africa (MEAN)
Ab'ul Hasan Yamīn ud-Dīn K͟husrau. Egypt.
He was a mystic and a spiritual disciple Money makes the mare go.)(دام بنائے کام.
of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi, India.
Liechtenstein,(Europe) (Capital Vaduz, Bhutto land reforms 1972. The land reforms
Currency Swiss franc)western European of 1972 have restricted the individual holdings to
principality located between Switzerland and 150 acres of irrigated and 300 acres of un-
Austria. irrigated land.
Mehrgarh Bolan Proletariat term coined by Karl Marx.
River.Mehrgarh is considered to be one of Rubeola virus Measles.
the most important Neolithic sites in Baba Farid Chishti Silsala.
archaeology. It is now considered to be a Highest typhoons and Hurricanes
precursor to the Indus Valley Civilization. Bangladesh.
Its discovery shed new light on the Khaja Mueen ud Din Chishti Silsala.
development of agricultural technologies International council of nursing (1899)
and agrarian lifestyles of the ancient Stone Geneva.
Age people of South Asia. Zia ur Rehman(Death 1981) (Bangladesh) Hilal e
IBM, in full International Business Jurat.
Machines Corporation, leading American Red lake USA.
computer manufacturer.Founder: Charles NAB Nov16, 1999.
Flint. Founded in June 16, 1911. HQ New Rad ul Fasad operation Feb22, 2017.
Fiji capital Suva.
Tennis Court length 23.77m.
Gazwa Uhad Surah Al.Imran.
Handball origin DenmarkInvented st
1 Gulf state to recognize Israel UAE.
in Denmark in 1898.
Window 8 no start option.
Din-e-Elahi abolished by Aurangzeb.
Provincial constitutional order (PCO) 1981.
Yaya Khan 3rd President.
SGOT/AST test Hepatitis.
Indian longest serving president Rajenra
القرآن فی علوم القرآن جالل الدین عبدالرحمن السیوطی
سیف علی جنجوعہ ہالل کشمیر
Sarfraz Hussain Naeemi (ShaheedJune12,
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
2009).)(ہالل شجاعت.
ِ (PAEC) March 1956.
Abu Ghareeb Prison Iraq.
Panama country is situated in (N.
2nd smallest continent Europe.
Last governor General of Bengal Sir
The Akosombo Dam, also known as the Vota
Frederick Burrows. Dam Ghanga.
18thspeaker of N.A Fehmida Mirza (2008- Saudi Arab lifted ban on women to drive car
2013). 2019, vote right 2011.
Microsoft April 4, 1975. CEO: Satya 19thNAM summit Azerbaijan.
Nadella (Feb 4, 2014–).
MS Word zoom % (10-500) %.
Jinnah residency attack June15, 2013.
Study of spider Arachnology.
First Pak Police woman to receive Quaid-e- Lala Rajpat Rai Arya Smaj.
Azam policemedal Stella Sadiq.
Battle of Saffain) (خوراج657 AD.
Length of spinal card (16-18) inch.
The world intellectual Property
Aurangzeb (1658-1707). Organization (WIPO) (HQ Geneva) 1967.
“The Prince” written by Niccolo Edhi foundation 1951.
Machiavelli. (Italian). Zakat Gold ) → (سونا87.48g.
Zoroastrianism Iran. Chandi )→ (چاندی612.36g.
OGRA 2002. 2nd most element in Earth crust Silicon.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated 1963. “Survival of the fittest” Charles Darwin.
(35th). 2nd largest gulf Gulf of Guinea.
Smallest gulf California Gulf. Hadith according to Holy Quran and reason
Shorted sightedness Concave lens. Hadith-e-Sahih.
Long sightedness convex lens. Cleveland Dam (Capilano River) Canada.
Not related to disarmament NATO. Distance of Penalty stroke away from back
Army division chairman line 6.40m.
ClaudeAuchinleck. Java is a set of computer software and
1st country to left CENTO (Baghdad pact) specifications developed by James Gosling.
Iraq (1959). Pak Olympics champion 3 times (1960, 68, 84).
Alexander Fleming (penicillin)Scottish. Iranian Revolution(Date: 7 January 1978 – 11 February
Akbar poet Shaikh Abu al-Faiz ibn Mubarak, 1979)
Shia cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah
popularly known by his pen-name, Faizi was a Khomeini۔
poet and scholar of late medieval India whose وضو کے فرائض چار۔
ancestors Malik-ush-Shu'ara of Akbar's Court. غسل کے فرائض تین۔
He was the elder brother of Akbar's historian Sleep apnea is a potentially
Abul Fazl. serious sleep disorder in which breathing
Akbar’s revenue minister Todar Mal. repeatedly stops and starts.
Kashmir accession day Oct26, 1947. Banjosa Lake is an artificial lake and a tourist
Karachi capital shifted to Islamabad Aug1, resort 18 kilometers from the city of
1960. Rawalakot in Poonch District of Azad
Tango Tower (Mt.peak- Pak) Karakoram Range Kashmir, Pakistan.
کشف المحجوب← داتا گنج بخش ۔ Lock Jaw Tetanus.Tetanus, commonly
)وارث شاہ کا مقبرہ ← جنڈیالہ شیر خان(شیخوپورہ called lockjaw, is a serious bacterial disease
Study of insects Entomology. that affects muscles and nerves.
President of impeachment Article 47. سید احمد دہلوی فرہنگِ آصفیہ
Jaundice affects Liver. The Syrian civil (March 15, 2011) war is an ongoing
Glock pistol brand (Australian). multi-sided civil war, fought in Syria, between
the Syrian Arab Republic led by Syrian
Who opposed Deen-e-Elahi first Khawja
president Bashar al-Assad and various
Baqi Billah.
domestic and foreign forces that oppose both
Pak coastline 650 ml. the Syrian government and each other.
Hu Jintao Chines President. House of representative tenure 2 year.
Quick Time (1991) media player. OPEC signed →2015.
“Attan” dance Pashtun. Francis Mudie tenure (1947-1949).
North of Arabian Sea Pak/Iran. Zakraf means Gold.
To select previous cell contents shift+tab. Kitab al-Qanun fit-Tibb”- The Canon of
Shuttlecock feathers 16. Medicine, written by Abdullah ibn Sina.
Holy See observer status Palestine, Operation Rah-e-Raast(2nd operation of Swat) May,
the Holy See became a Permanent Observer 2009.
State at the UN on 6 April 1964. ... Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was an
The State of Palestine became a agreement signed in 1968 by several of the
Permanent Observer States on 29 November major nuclear and non-nuclear powers that
2012 with the adoption of pledged their cooperation in stemming the
A/RES/67/19, Status of Palestine in the spread of nuclear technology signed 1968.
United Nations. Mother name of Hazrat Yousaf (R.A)
I-beam helps to highlight text. Raheel.
Hitler period (German) (1933-45). Darling Harbour Sydney (Australia).
Sindh regiment Nishan-e-Haider 1.
Boxer M.Ali disease Parkinson. Ali died at The Caucasus Mountains is a mountain
the age of 74, death: June 3, 2016. range at the intersection of Europe and Asia.
London-based British Pakistani “Cutting Edge” Javed Miandad.
soprano Saira Peter is the world's first and The world's first full face transplant was
only Sufi-opera singer. completed in Spain in 2010.
Trout Lake Canada. City of 1000 minarets Cairo.
Clark glacier Alaska (USA). Pablo Picasso (painter) Spain.
Copyright symbol ctrl+alt+C. Right to fair trail 18th amendment.
Morocco joined AUMorocco is the newest The International Narcotics Control Board
member state, having joined in January 2017. (INCB) (HQ Vienna Austria) 1968.
Withdrew 1984. Al Ghazzali born1058.
Jordon Hashemite Kingdom (Abdullah 1) of Shock and awe war USA against Iraq 2003.
Jordon 1946. Rule of law article 25.
The post of Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Islamic way of life article 31.
Committee CJCSC was created by former
Foreign policy article 40.
Prime minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto in March1, 1976. Social Justice article 38.
Daleep Singh last ruler of Sikh empire. Mount Semeru is an active volcano in East
Java, Indonesia.
For new line press enter.
European Jerusalem Sarajavo. Due to its
Poona Pact 1931.
long history of religious and cultural
Siwa Oasis Egypt.
diversity, Sarajevo is sometimes called the
Cabinet Mission Plan accepted by Jinnah in
"Jerusalem of Europe" or "Jerusalem of the
Balkans". It is one of only a few
Concept Master Plan for Islamabad was major European cities to have a mosque,
prepared in. 1960 by Greek Doxiadis Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and
Associates. synagogue within the same neighborhood.
The Donbas or Donbass dispute Ukraine/Russia.
The Pashupatinath Temple is a famous and
Donbas War 2014.
sacred Hindu temple complex that is located
Katpana desert Sakardu. on the banks of the Bagmati River,
Total interim constitution (Pak) 2. Kathmandu Valley, and the capital of Nepal.
SIA airline Singapore. National Finance Commission Award
The Great Buddha of Kamakura (2nd largest or NFC article 160.
in Japan) Japan. Singapore old name Temasek.
Neon city Red Sea. International Space station the first module
Florida Strait Cuba/Bahamas. of the ISS, Zarya, was launched on 20
Country of copper Zambia. November 1998 on an autonomous Russian
Penalty cards in football 1970. Proton rocket. It provided propulsion,
Fastest sinking city Jakarta. attitude control, communications, electrical
Tulip capital of the world Netherland. power, but lacked long-term life support
Who assisted Liaqat Ali in objection functions.
resolution Molana Shabbir Ahmad Dracula ruler of Romania.
Usmani. 1st atheist state Albania.
The loudest bird white bellbird. Devil tower USA.
Imported PM. of Pak (M.Ali Bogra) Valley of Kings Egypt.
Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi. Muazatain Surah Al.Falak & Surah Annas.
First elected PM of Pak Bhutto. FIA 1975.
8th DGISPR Saddique Salik (died with Zia Imam Malik died 179 AH, 795 AD,
ul Haq). (born711 AD).
USB 2nd generation. Sir Thomas Roy visited Jahanghir period.
Walton airport Lahore. ؑ حضرت
لوط ۔ حضرت ابراہیم ہم عصر
Shukria Khanam May 13, 2017. Extend selection one line Up/Down
Miss world started (1951) in UK. Shift +up/Down arrow.
( اردن)۔ 7 ب کہف ِ آصحا Extend selection one word left/ right arrow
پہلی پاکستانی فلم تیری یاد ctrl+shift+left/right arrow.
Not on Pacific Ocean New York. Extend selection one character left/right
Hazrat Umar’s (R.A) tribe Banu Addi. shift left/right arrow.
Tajikstan parliament Majlis Oli. Joseph Dunford USA Army
47 صدر کا مواخذہ آرٹیکل PRODA Jan, 1949.
Mudras Deband 1867 Abid Hussain Sharan Poonch River (AJK) → Jehlum River.
Pur (UP). Black Hand group 1914 Serbia.
SCO languages Chines, Russia. Shukov Tower Russia.
Pope Benedict (2013) xv Germany. Hijrat Movement 1920.
“Da Vinci Code” Dan Brown. 17th MENA, WEF Jordon.
Malta capital Valletta. Lord Ripon father of local self govt.
Israel joined UNO 1949. Imam Abu Hanifa born 699 Iraq, Death 767
Abdussatar Edhi death July8, 2016. Iraq.
Zulqarnain mentioned in Sura Al-Kahaf. “Backspace key” deletes characters to left of
Louis Braille French (1964 Nobel cursor.
Peace Prize). “Delete key” deletes letters to right of
Football origin China. cursor.
Tennis dropped from Olympics 1924. First amendment May4, 1974.
(Rejoined 1988). Al-Falah Building→ Lahore.
Blood Circulation William Harvey (UK). Dara Shikho→ Father of Shah Jahan
Velocity of light Roomer. disciple of Hazrat Mian Mir.
Vitamin A store in Liver. Ibrahim (A.S) Makka.
Salt range on bank of Jehlum. Hazrat Ibrahim 2nd son Hazrat Ishaq اسحاق
Chaghi Ross-Koh (Khran Desert). (A.S).
Koh-e-Sulman divides Punjab. PEMRA 2002.
Shisham Tomber forests چھانگا مانگا POF 1951. HQ wah.
First oil field in Pak (1960) Toot oil field. Bandlung Conference (Indonesia) 1955.
Pak surface to air missile Anza عنزہ. Stainless Steel Nickel Chromium.
Pak joined NAM 1979 (6th summit) at Invalid data entry yellow triangle.
Havana, (Cuba) Ahmad Mujtaba MMA Quetta.
COAS tenure 3 years. Exiled King Hamyon ہمایوں
Pak institute of nuclear science and Luxor city Egypt.
technology 1965 Nilore, Islamabad. Christchurch city New Zealand.
Havana Declaration (Fidel Castro) 1979. Working boundary Pak/Indian Kashmir
IDB) (جدہ1975. Louis Pasture French.
پنجاب غازی بروتھا ڈیم Detroit (USA) Michigan →Automobile, art
APHC 1993. and music.
D8 1997. Linux (1991) Open Source.